GTFS validation report - 2135 INFO - 75687 WARNING - 11277 ERROR

Statistics - 1 INFO

INFO Loaded 0 feed-info, 119 agencies, 3147 routes, 61791 stops, 4093 calendars, 168674 calendar dates, 208857 trips, 4570974 stop times, 101789 transfers, 13575 pathways, 0 fare attributes, 0 fare rules

Too fast travel - 24811 WARNING - 9669 ERROR

ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090010817002 seq 20 @7:18:00 and stop 090010817201 seq 21 @7:18:00 (distance 709.83m), in trip 412422592 of route 14291_3 830: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090010817002 seq 20 @9:18:00 and stop 090010817201 seq 21 @9:18:00 (distance 709.83m), in trip 412422591 of route 14291_3 830: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090010817002 seq 20 @11:18:00 and stop 090010817201 seq 21 @11:18:00 (distance 709.83m), in trip 412422590 of route 14291_3 830: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090010817002 seq 26 @13:28:00 and stop 090010817201 seq 27 @13:28:00 (distance 709.83m), in trip 412422601 of route 14291_3 830: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @8:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @8:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @9:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @9:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @10:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @10:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @11:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @11:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @12:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @12:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @2:22:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @2:22:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @13:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @13:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @14:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @14:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @15:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @15:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @16:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @16:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @17:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @17:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @18:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @18:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @19:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @19:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @20:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @20:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @21:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @21:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @22:25:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @22:25:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @5:35:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @5:35:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @23:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @23:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @24:08:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @24:08:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @25:23:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @25:23:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @6:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @6:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437006 seq 44 @7:15:00 and stop 130000043711 seq 45 @7:15:00 (distance 782.62m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744282 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744280 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @5:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @5:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744279 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744278 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744277 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744276 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744275 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744274 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744272 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744270 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744269 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744268 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744266 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744313 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744262 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744261 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744307 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744259 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @5:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @5:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744258 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744256 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:35:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:35:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744254 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744253 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744252 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744251 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744246 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410744245 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803909 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803907 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @5:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @5:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803906 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803905 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803904 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803903 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803902 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803901 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803899 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803897 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803896 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803895 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803893 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803947 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803889 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803888 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803942 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803941 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803886 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @5:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @5:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803885 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803883 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803882 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803881 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803930 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803880 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803879 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @6:39:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @6:39:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803878 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803873 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:09:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:09:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803872 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:58:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:58:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803869 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803870 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803871 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @23:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @23:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803874 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803875 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @23:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @23:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803876 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803877 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803884 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @23:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @23:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803887 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @22:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @22:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803890 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803891 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803892 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803894 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @21:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @21:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803898 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @20:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @20:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803900 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @19:28:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @19:28:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803908 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803910 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803911 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @10:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @10:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803912 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803913 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803914 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803915 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803916 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803917 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803918 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803919 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803920 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @10:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @10:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803921 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803922 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803923 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803924 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803925 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803926 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803927 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803928 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803929 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803931 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803932 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803933 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803934 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803935 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803936 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803937 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803938 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803939 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803940 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @14:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @14:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803943 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @12:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @12:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803944 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @7:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @7:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803945 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803946 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803948 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803949 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803950 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803951 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @10:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @10:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803952 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @18:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @18:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803953 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @10:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @10:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803954 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803955 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @10:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @10:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803956 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803957 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @17:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @17:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803958 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @16:02:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @16:02:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803959 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803960 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803961 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803962 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @15:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @15:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803963 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:42:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:42:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803964 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @11:37:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @11:37:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803965 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @8:22:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @8:22:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803966 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @13:07:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @13:07:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 400803967 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000672386 seq 26 @9:58:00 and stop 000000612386 seq 27 @9:58:00 (distance 36.70m), in trip 410739684 of route 63503_3 321: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @7:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @7:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @8:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @8:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @9:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @9:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @10:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @10:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @11:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @11:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @1:27:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @1:27:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @12:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @12:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @13:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @13:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @14:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @14:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @15:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @15:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @16:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @16:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @17:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @17:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @18:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @18:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @19:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @19:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @20:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @20:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @21:30:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @21:30:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @4:40:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @4:40:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @22:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @22:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @23:13:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @23:13:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @24:28:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @24:28:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @5:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @5:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459006 seq 18 @6:20:08 and stop 130000498106 seq 19 @6:20:12 (distance 5574.03m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 1393.51 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @7:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @7:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @8:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @8:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @9:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @9:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @10:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @10:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @11:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @11:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @1:27:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @1:27:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @12:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @12:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @13:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @13:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @14:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @14:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @15:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @15:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @16:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @16:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @17:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @17:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @18:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @18:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @19:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @19:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @20:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @20:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @21:30:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @21:30:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @4:40:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @4:40:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @22:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @22:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @23:13:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @23:13:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @24:28:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @24:28:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @5:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @5:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474301 seq 25 @6:20:36 and stop 130000435201 seq 26 @6:20:40 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 1207.06 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @7:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @7:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @8:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @8:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @9:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @9:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @10:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @10:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @11:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @11:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @1:27:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @1:27:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @12:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @12:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @13:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @13:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @14:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @14:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @15:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @15:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @16:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @16:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @17:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @17:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @18:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @18:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @19:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @19:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @20:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @20:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @21:30:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @21:30:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @4:40:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @4:40:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @22:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @22:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @23:13:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @23:13:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @24:28:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @24:28:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @5:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @5:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498106 seq 19 @6:20:12 and stop 130000498001 seq 20 @6:20:16 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 877.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @7:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @7:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @8:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @8:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @9:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @9:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @10:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @10:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @11:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @11:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @1:27:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @1:27:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @12:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @12:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @13:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @13:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @14:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @14:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @15:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @15:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @16:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @16:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @17:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @17:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @18:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @18:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @19:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @19:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @20:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @20:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @21:30:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @21:30:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @4:40:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @4:40:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @22:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @22:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @23:13:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @23:13:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @24:28:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @24:28:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @5:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @5:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435106 seq 29 @6:20:52 and stop 130000428506 seq 30 @6:20:56 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 692.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @8:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @8:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @9:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @9:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @10:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @10:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @11:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @11:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @12:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @12:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @2:12:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @2:12:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @13:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @13:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @14:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @14:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @15:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @15:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @16:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @16:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @17:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @17:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @18:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @18:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @19:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @19:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @20:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @20:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @21:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @21:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @22:15:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @22:15:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @5:25:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @5:25:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @23:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @23:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @23:58:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @23:58:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @25:13:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @25:13:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @6:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @6:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437501 seq 39 @7:05:36 and stop 130000428301 seq 40 @7:05:42 (distance 4135.16m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 689.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @8:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @8:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @9:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @9:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @10:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @10:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @11:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @11:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @12:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @12:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @2:12:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @2:12:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @13:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @13:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @14:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @14:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @15:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @15:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @16:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @16:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @17:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @17:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @18:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @18:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @19:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @19:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @20:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @20:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @21:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @21:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @22:15:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @22:15:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @5:25:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @5:25:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @23:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @23:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @23:58:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @23:58:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @25:13:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @25:13:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @6:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @6:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000420006 seq 36 @7:05:18 and stop 130000437301 seq 37 @7:05:24 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 662.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @7:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @7:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @8:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @8:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @9:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @9:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @10:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @10:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @11:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @11:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @1:07:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @1:07:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @12:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @12:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @13:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @13:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @14:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @14:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @15:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @15:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @16:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @16:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @17:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @17:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @18:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @18:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @19:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @19:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @20:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @20:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @21:10:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @21:10:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @4:20:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @4:20:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @22:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @22:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @22:53:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @22:53:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @24:08:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @24:08:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @5:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @5:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424106 seq 2 @6:00:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 3 @6:00:07 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 576.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @7:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @7:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @8:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @8:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @9:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @9:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @10:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @10:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @11:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @11:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @1:27:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @1:27:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @12:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @12:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @13:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @13:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @14:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @14:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @15:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @15:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @16:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @16:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @17:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @17:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @18:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @18:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @19:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @19:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @20:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @20:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @21:30:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @21:30:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @4:40:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @4:40:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @22:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @22:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @23:13:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @23:13:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @24:28:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @24:28:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @5:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @5:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000459100 seq 17 @6:20:04 and stop 130000459006 seq 18 @6:20:08 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 555.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @7:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @7:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @8:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @8:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @9:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @9:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @10:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @10:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @11:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @11:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @1:07:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @1:07:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @12:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @12:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @13:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @13:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @14:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @14:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @15:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @15:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @16:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @16:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @17:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @17:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @18:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @18:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @19:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @19:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @20:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @20:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @21:10:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @21:10:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @4:20:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @4:20:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @22:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @22:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @22:53:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @22:53:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @24:08:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @24:08:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @5:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @5:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 4 @6:00:14 and stop 130004790501 seq 5 @6:00:21 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 539.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @7:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @7:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @8:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @8:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @9:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @9:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @10:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @10:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @11:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @11:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @1:27:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @1:27:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @12:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @12:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @13:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @13:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @14:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @14:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @15:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @15:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @16:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @16:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @17:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @17:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @18:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @18:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @19:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @19:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @20:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @20:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @21:30:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @21:30:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @4:40:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @4:40:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @22:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @22:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @23:13:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @23:13:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @24:28:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @24:28:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @5:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @5:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 20 @6:20:16 and stop 130000474406 seq 21 @6:20:20 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 534.77 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @7:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @7:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @8:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @8:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @9:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @9:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @10:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @10:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @11:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @11:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @1:27:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @1:27:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @12:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @12:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @13:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @13:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @14:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @14:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @15:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @15:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @16:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @16:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @17:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @17:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @18:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @18:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @19:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @19:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @20:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @20:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @21:30:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @21:30:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @4:40:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @4:40:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @22:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @22:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @23:13:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @23:13:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @24:28:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @24:28:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @5:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @5:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004352101 seq 27 @6:20:44 and stop 130000435001 seq 28 @6:20:48 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 507.22 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @7:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @7:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @8:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @8:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @9:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @9:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @10:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @10:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @11:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @11:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @1:07:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @1:07:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @12:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @12:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @13:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @13:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @14:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @14:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @15:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @15:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @16:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @16:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @17:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @17:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @18:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @18:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @19:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @19:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @20:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @20:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @21:10:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @21:10:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @4:20:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @4:20:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @22:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @22:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @22:53:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @22:53:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @24:08:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @24:08:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @5:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @5:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 3 @6:00:07 and stop 130000424201 seq 4 @6:00:14 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 429.71 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @7:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @7:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @8:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @8:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @9:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @9:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @10:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @10:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @11:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @11:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @1:27:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @1:27:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @12:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @12:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @13:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @13:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @14:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @14:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @15:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @15:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @16:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @16:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @17:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @17:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @18:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @18:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @19:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @19:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @20:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @20:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @21:30:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @21:30:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @4:40:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @4:40:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @22:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @22:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @23:13:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @23:13:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @24:28:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @24:28:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @5:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @5:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474406 seq 21 @6:20:20 and stop 130000474006 seq 22 @6:20:24 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 377.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @7:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @7:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @8:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @8:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @9:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @9:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @10:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @10:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @11:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @11:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @1:27:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @1:27:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @12:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @12:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @13:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @13:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @14:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @14:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @15:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @15:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @16:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @16:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @17:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @17:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @18:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @18:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @19:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @19:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @20:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @20:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @21:30:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @21:30:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @4:40:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @4:40:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @22:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @22:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @23:13:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @23:13:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @24:28:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @24:28:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @5:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @5:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474106 seq 23 @6:20:28 and stop 130000474201 seq 24 @6:20:32 (distance 1419.55m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 354.89 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @8:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @8:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @9:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @9:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @10:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @10:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @11:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @11:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @12:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @12:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @2:12:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @2:12:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @13:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @13:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @14:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @14:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @15:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @15:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @16:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @16:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @17:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @17:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @18:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @18:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @19:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @19:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @20:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @20:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @21:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @21:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @22:15:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @22:15:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @5:25:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @5:25:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @23:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @23:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @23:58:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @23:58:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @25:13:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @25:13:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @6:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @6:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437401 seq 34 @7:05:06 and stop 130004200106 seq 35 @7:05:12 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 339.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @7:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @7:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @8:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @8:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @9:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @9:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @10:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @10:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @11:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @11:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @1:27:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @1:27:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @12:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @12:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @13:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @13:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @14:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @14:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @15:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @15:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @16:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @16:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @17:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @17:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @18:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @18:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @19:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @19:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @20:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @20:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @21:30:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @21:30:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @4:40:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @4:40:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @22:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @22:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @23:13:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @23:13:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @24:28:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @24:28:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @5:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @5:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474006 seq 22 @6:20:24 and stop 130000474106 seq 23 @6:20:28 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 338.80 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @8:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @8:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @9:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @9:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @10:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @10:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @11:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @11:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @12:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @12:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @2:12:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @2:12:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @13:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @13:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @14:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @14:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @15:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @15:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @16:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @16:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @17:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @17:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @18:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @18:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @19:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @19:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @20:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @20:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @21:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @21:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @22:15:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @22:15:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @5:25:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @5:25:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @23:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @23:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @23:58:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @23:58:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @25:13:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @25:13:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @6:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @6:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 37 @7:05:24 and stop 130000437206 seq 38 @7:05:30 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 336.25 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @7:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @7:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @8:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @8:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @9:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @9:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @10:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @10:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @11:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @11:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @1:27:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @1:27:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @12:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @12:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @13:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @13:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @14:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @14:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @15:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @15:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @16:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @16:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @17:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @17:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @18:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @18:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @19:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @19:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @20:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @20:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @21:30:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @21:30:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @4:40:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @4:40:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @22:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @22:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @23:13:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @23:13:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @24:28:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @24:28:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @5:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @5:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 16 @6:20:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 17 @6:20:04 (distance 1290.81m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 322.70 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @7:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @7:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @8:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @8:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @9:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @9:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @10:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @10:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @11:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @11:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @1:07:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @1:07:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @12:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @12:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @13:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @13:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @14:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @14:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @15:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @15:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @16:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @16:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @17:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @17:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @18:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @18:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @19:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @19:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @20:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @20:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @21:10:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @21:10:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @4:20:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @4:20:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @22:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @22:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @22:53:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @22:53:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @24:08:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @24:08:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @5:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @5:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000479106 seq 7 @6:00:35 and stop 130004790206 seq 8 @6:00:42 (distance 2143.96m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 306.28 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @7:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @7:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @8:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @8:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @9:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @9:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @10:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @10:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @11:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @11:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @1:27:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @1:27:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @12:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @12:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @13:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @13:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @14:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @14:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @15:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @15:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @16:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @16:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @17:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @17:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @18:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @18:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @19:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @19:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @20:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @20:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @21:30:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @21:30:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @4:40:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @4:40:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @22:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @22:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @23:13:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @23:13:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @24:28:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @24:28:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @5:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @5:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 28 @6:20:48 and stop 130000435106 seq 29 @6:20:52 (distance 1128.35m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 282.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @8:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @8:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @9:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @9:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @10:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @10:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @11:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @11:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @12:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @12:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @2:12:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @2:12:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @13:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @13:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @14:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @14:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @15:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @15:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @16:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @16:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @17:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @17:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @18:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @18:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @19:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @19:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @20:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @20:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @21:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @21:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @22:15:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @22:15:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @5:25:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @5:25:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @23:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @23:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @23:58:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @23:58:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @25:13:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @25:13:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @6:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @6:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428401 seq 33 @7:05:00 and stop 130000437401 seq 34 @7:05:06 (distance 1644.52m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 274.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @7:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @7:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @8:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @8:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @9:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @9:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @10:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @10:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @11:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @11:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @1:07:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @1:07:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @12:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @12:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @13:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @13:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @14:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @14:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @15:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @15:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @16:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @16:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @17:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @17:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @18:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @18:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @19:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @19:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @20:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @20:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @21:10:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @21:10:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @4:20:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @4:20:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @22:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @22:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @22:53:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @22:53:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @24:08:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @24:08:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @5:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @5:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 5 @6:00:21 and stop 130004791106 seq 6 @6:00:28 (distance 1787.50m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 255.36 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @4:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @4:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @9:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @9:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @10:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @10:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @11:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @11:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @12:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @12:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @13:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @13:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @14:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @14:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @15:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @15:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @16:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @16:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @17:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @17:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @18:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @18:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @5:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @5:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @19:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @19:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @20:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @20:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @21:35:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @21:36:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @22:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @22:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @23:35:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @23:36:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @6:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @6:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @7:40:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @7:41:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 5 @8:55:40 and stop 130000437501 seq 6 @8:56:00 (distance 5048.32m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 252.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @7:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @7:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @8:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @8:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @9:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @9:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @10:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @10:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @11:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @11:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @1:12:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @1:12:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @12:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @12:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @13:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @13:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @14:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @14:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @15:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @15:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @16:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @16:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @17:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @17:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @18:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @18:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @19:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @19:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @20:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @20:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @21:15:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @21:15:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @4:25:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @4:25:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @22:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @22:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @22:58:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @22:58:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @24:13:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @24:13:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @5:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @5:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 13 @6:05:30 and stop 130000471106 seq 14 @6:05:40 (distance 2401.86m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 240.19 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @7:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @7:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @8:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @8:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @9:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @9:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @10:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @10:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @11:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @11:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @1:12:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @1:12:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @12:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @12:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @13:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @13:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @14:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @14:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @15:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @15:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @16:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @16:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @17:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @17:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @18:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @18:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @19:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @19:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @20:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @20:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @21:15:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @21:15:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @4:25:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @4:25:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @22:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @22:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @22:58:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @22:58:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @24:13:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @24:13:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @5:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @5:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000471106 seq 14 @6:05:40 and stop 130000471201 seq 15 @6:05:50 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 230.60 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000009914968 seq 23 @15:56:00 and stop 000009907899 seq 24 @15:56:30 (distance 5991.55m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 199.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @7:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @7:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @8:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @8:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @9:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @9:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @10:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @10:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @11:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @11:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @1:12:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @1:12:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @12:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @12:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @13:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @13:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @14:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @14:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @15:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @15:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @16:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @16:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @17:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @17:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @18:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @18:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @19:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @19:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @20:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @20:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @21:15:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @21:15:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @4:25:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @4:25:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @22:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @22:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @22:58:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @22:58:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @24:13:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @24:13:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @5:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @5:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 11 @6:05:10 and stop 130004710206 seq 12 @6:05:20 (distance 1960.26m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 196.03 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @7:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @7:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @8:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @8:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @9:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @9:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @10:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @10:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @11:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @11:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @1:27:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @1:27:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @12:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @12:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @13:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @13:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @14:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @14:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @15:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @15:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @16:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @16:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @17:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @17:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @18:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @18:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @19:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @19:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @20:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @20:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @21:30:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @21:30:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @4:40:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @4:40:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @22:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @22:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @23:13:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @23:13:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @24:28:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @24:28:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @5:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @5:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000474201 seq 24 @6:20:32 and stop 130000474301 seq 25 @6:20:36 (distance 763.12m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 190.78 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @5:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @5:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @11:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @11:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @11:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @11:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @13:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @13:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @13:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @13:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @14:42:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @14:43:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @15:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @15:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @17:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @17:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @17:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @17:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @19:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @19:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @19:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @19:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @6:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @6:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @21:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @21:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @22:17:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @22:18:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @22:37:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @22:38:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @23:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @23:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @24:37:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @24:38:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @8:17:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @8:18:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @9:02:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @9:03:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790501 seq 40 @9:57:40 and stop 130000424201 seq 41 @9:58:00 (distance 3774.55m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 188.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @5:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @5:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @10:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @10:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @11:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @11:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @12:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @12:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @13:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @13:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @14:23:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @14:24:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @15:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @15:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @16:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @16:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @17:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @17:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @18:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @18:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @19:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @19:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @6:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @6:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @20:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @20:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @21:53:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @21:54:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @22:18:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @22:19:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @23:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @23:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @24:18:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @24:19:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @7:53:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @7:54:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @8:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @8:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000435206 seq 19 @9:38:30 and stop 130000474301 seq 20 @9:39:00 (distance 4828.24m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 160.94 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @8:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @8:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @9:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @9:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @10:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @10:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @11:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @11:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @12:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @12:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @2:12:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @2:12:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @13:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @13:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @14:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @14:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @15:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @15:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @16:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @16:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @17:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @17:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @18:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @18:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @19:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @19:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @20:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @20:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @21:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @21:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @22:15:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @22:15:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @5:25:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @5:25:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @23:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @23:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @23:58:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @23:58:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @25:13:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @25:13:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @6:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @6:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004200106 seq 35 @7:05:12 and stop 130000420006 seq 36 @7:05:18 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 153.72 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000104883 seq 17 @15:51:40 and stop 000009913812 seq 18 @15:52:00 (distance 2882.74m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 144.14 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @8:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @8:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @9:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @9:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @10:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @10:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @11:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @11:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @12:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @12:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @2:12:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @2:12:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @13:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @13:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @14:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @14:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @15:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @15:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @16:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @16:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @17:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @17:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @18:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @18:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @19:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @19:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @20:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @20:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @21:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @21:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @22:15:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @22:15:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @5:25:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @5:25:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @23:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @23:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @23:58:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @23:58:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @25:13:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @25:13:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @6:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @6:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 41 @7:05:48 and stop 130000428201 seq 42 @7:05:54 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 139.10 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000186267 seq 16 @15:51:20 and stop 000000104883 seq 17 @15:51:40 (distance 2745.20m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 137.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @5:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @5:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @11:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @11:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @13:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @13:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @14:40:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @14:41:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @15:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @15:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @17:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @17:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @19:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @19:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @6:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @6:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @22:35:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @22:36:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @23:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @23:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @24:35:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @24:36:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @9:55:30 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @9:56:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 130.35 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000009913812 seq 18 @15:52:00 and stop 000009907894 seq 19 @15:52:30 (distance 3332.30m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 111.08 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @8:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @8:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @9:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @9:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @10:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @10:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @11:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @11:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @12:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @12:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @2:12:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @2:12:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @13:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @13:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @14:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @14:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @15:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @15:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @16:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @16:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @17:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @17:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @18:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @18:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @19:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @19:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @20:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @20:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @21:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @21:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @22:15:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @22:15:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @5:25:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @5:25:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @23:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @23:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @23:58:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @23:58:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @25:13:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @25:13:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @6:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @6:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000437206 seq 38 @7:05:30 and stop 130000437501 seq 39 @7:05:36 (distance 658.50m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 109.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @7:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @7:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @8:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @8:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @9:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @9:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @10:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @10:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @11:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @11:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @1:12:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @1:12:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @12:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @12:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @13:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @13:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @14:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @14:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @15:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @15:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @16:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @16:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @17:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @17:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @18:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @18:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @19:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @19:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @20:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @20:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @21:15:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @21:15:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @4:25:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @4:25:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @22:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @22:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @22:58:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @22:58:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @24:13:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @24:13:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @5:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @5:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 10 @6:05:00 and stop 130004711106 seq 11 @6:05:10 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 107.75 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @8:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @8:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @9:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @9:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @10:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @10:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @11:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @11:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @12:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @12:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @2:12:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @2:12:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @13:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @13:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @14:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @14:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @15:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @15:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @16:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @16:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @17:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @17:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @18:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @18:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @19:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @19:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @20:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @20:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @21:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @21:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @22:15:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @22:15:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @5:25:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @5:25:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @23:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @23:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @23:58:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @23:58:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @25:13:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @25:13:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @6:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @6:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 40 @7:05:42 and stop 130000428210 seq 41 @7:05:48 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 104.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @7:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @7:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @8:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @8:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @9:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @9:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @10:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @10:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @11:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @11:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @1:07:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @1:07:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @12:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @12:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @13:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @13:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @14:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @14:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @15:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @15:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @16:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @16:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @17:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @17:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @18:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @18:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @19:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @19:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @20:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @20:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @21:10:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @21:10:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @4:20:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @4:20:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @22:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @22:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @22:53:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @22:53:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @24:08:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @24:08:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @5:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @5:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 6 @6:00:28 and stop 130000479106 seq 7 @6:00:35 (distance 667.91m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 95.42 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @7:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @7:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @8:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @8:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @9:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @9:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @10:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @10:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @11:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @11:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @1:07:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @1:07:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @12:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @12:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @13:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @13:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @14:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @14:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @15:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @15:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @16:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @16:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @17:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @17:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @18:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @18:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @19:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @19:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @20:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @20:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @21:10:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @21:10:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @4:20:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @4:20:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @22:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @22:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @22:53:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @22:53:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @24:08:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @24:08:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @5:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @5:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 8 @6:00:42 and stop 130004790306 seq 9 @6:00:49 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 94.69 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @5:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @5:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @10:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @10:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @11:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @11:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @12:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @12:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @13:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @13:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @14:39:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @14:40:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @15:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @15:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @16:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @16:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @17:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @17:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @18:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @18:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @19:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @19:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @6:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @6:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @20:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @20:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @22:09:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @22:10:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @22:34:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @22:35:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @23:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @23:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @24:34:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @24:35:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @8:09:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @8:10:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @8:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @8:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710106 seq 33 @9:54:30 and stop 130004711106 seq 34 @9:55:00 (distance 2829.81m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 94.33 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000104832 seq 22 @15:55:00 and stop 000009914968 seq 23 @15:56:00 (distance 5401.33m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 90.02 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @7:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @7:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @8:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @8:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @9:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @9:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @10:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @10:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @11:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @11:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @1:12:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @1:12:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @12:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @12:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @13:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @13:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @14:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @14:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @15:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @15:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @16:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @16:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @17:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @17:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @18:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @18:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @19:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @19:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @20:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @20:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @21:15:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @21:15:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @4:25:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @4:25:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @22:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @22:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @22:58:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @22:58:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @24:13:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @24:13:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @5:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @5:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 12 @6:05:20 and stop 130004710106 seq 13 @6:05:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 87.68 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090012152003 seq 19 @25:46:30 and stop 090012152103 seq 20 @25:47:00 (distance 2518.83m), in trip 411023221 of route 47107_3 N2: 83.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090012152003 seq 19 @27:21:30 and stop 090012152103 seq 20 @27:22:00 (distance 2518.83m), in trip 411023220 of route 47107_3 N2: 83.96 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 090012152003 seq 19 @28:46:30 and stop 090012152103 seq 20 @28:47:00 (distance 2518.83m), in trip 411023219 of route 47107_3 N2: 83.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000456001 seq 21 @17:41:00 and stop 130000456206 seq 22 @17:41:30 (distance 2453.70m), in trip 400127044 of route 75751_3 540: 81.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000456001 seq 21 @17:41:00 and stop 130000456206 seq 22 @17:41:30 (distance 2453.70m), in trip 400127038 of route 75751_3 540: 81.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000115599 seq 6 @15:29:30 and stop 000000115600 seq 7 @15:29:36 (distance 480.37m), in trip 407706530 of route 79142_3 617: 80.06 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000115599 seq 6 @15:55:36 and stop 000000115600 seq 7 @15:55:42 (distance 480.37m), in trip 407706526 of route 79142_3 617: 80.06 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900110 seq 0 @15:55:00 and stop 000000115286 seq 1 @15:55:06 (distance 476.87m), in trip 407706526 of route 79142_3 617: 79.48 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449231 seq 2 @13:53:00 and stop 080000449401 seq 3 @13:53:30 (distance 2350.21m), in trip 404623914 of route 82937_3 659: 78.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449231 seq 2 @13:53:00 and stop 080000449401 seq 3 @13:53:30 (distance 2350.21m), in trip 411352481 of route 82937_3 659: 78.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449231 seq 2 @15:38:00 and stop 080000449401 seq 3 @15:38:30 (distance 2350.21m), in trip 404623913 of route 82937_3 659: 78.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449231 seq 2 @15:38:00 and stop 080000449401 seq 3 @15:38:30 (distance 2350.21m), in trip 411352480 of route 82937_3 659: 78.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190822 seq 3 @11:57:00 and stop 000009904980 seq 4 @11:58:00 (distance 4662.31m), in trip 399737012 of route 60548_3 945: 77.71 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000012102806 seq 4 @25:11:00 and stop 090012146002 seq 5 @25:11:30 (distance 2209.06m), in trip 411023221 of route 47107_3 N2: 73.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000012102806 seq 4 @26:46:00 and stop 090012146002 seq 5 @26:46:30 (distance 2209.06m), in trip 411023220 of route 47107_3 N2: 73.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000012102806 seq 4 @28:11:00 and stop 090012146002 seq 5 @28:11:30 (distance 2209.06m), in trip 411023219 of route 47107_3 N2: 73.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @7:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @7:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @8:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @8:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @9:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @9:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @10:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @10:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @11:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @11:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @1:27:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @1:27:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @12:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @12:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @13:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @13:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @14:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @14:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @15:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @15:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @16:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @16:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @17:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @17:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @18:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @18:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @19:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @19:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @20:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @20:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @21:30:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @21:30:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @4:40:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @4:40:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @22:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @22:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @23:13:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @23:13:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @24:28:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @24:28:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @5:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @5:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435201 seq 26 @6:20:40 and stop 130004352101 seq 27 @6:20:44 (distance 278.41m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 69.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449401 seq 6 @16:27:00 and stop 080000449812 seq 7 @16:28:00 (distance 4162.75m), in trip 411352479 of route 82937_3 659: 69.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @14:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @14:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156813 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @16:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @16:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156811 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @18:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @18:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156809 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @20:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @20:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156807 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @6:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @6:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156821 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @5:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @5:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156822 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @7:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @7:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156820 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @9:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @9:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156818 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @11:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @11:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156816 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @13:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @13:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156814 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @15:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @15:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156812 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @17:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @17:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156810 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @19:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @19:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156808 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @21:52:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @21:52:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156806 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @8:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @8:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156819 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @0:57:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @0:57:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156825 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @22:29:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @22:29:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156824 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @23:59:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @23:59:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156823 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @10:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @10:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156817 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 6 @12:28:20 and stop 130000007206 seq 7 @12:28:40 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156815 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @5:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @5:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156846 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @15:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @15:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156836 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @17:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @17:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156834 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @19:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @19:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156832 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @5:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @5:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156848 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @7:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @7:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156845 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @9:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @9:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156843 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @11:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @11:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156841 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @13:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @13:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156839 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @7:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @7:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156844 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @15:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @15:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156837 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @17:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @17:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156835 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @19:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @19:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156833 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @21:22:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:22:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156831 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @24:27:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @24:27:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156847 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @21:59:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:59:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156830 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @23:32:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @23:32:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156828 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @20:32:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @20:32:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156827 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @21:32:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:32:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156826 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @22:32:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @22:32:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156829 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @9:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @9:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156842 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @11:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @11:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156840 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007201 seq 8 @13:58:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 9 @13:58:20 (distance 1372.61m), in trip 400156838 of route 75866_3 849: 68.63 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904978 seq 15 @14:02:30 and stop 000000160334 seq 16 @14:03:00 (distance 2040.99m), in trip 399737009 of route 60548_3 945: 68.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @4:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @4:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @9:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @9:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @10:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @10:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @11:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @11:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @12:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @12:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @13:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @13:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @14:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @14:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @15:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @15:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @16:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @16:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @17:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @17:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @18:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @18:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @5:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @5:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @19:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @19:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @20:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @20:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @21:38:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @21:39:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @22:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @22:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @23:38:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @23:39:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @6:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @6:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @7:43:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @7:44:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004200101 seq 10 @8:58:30 and stop 130000437401 seq 11 @8:59:00 (distance 2038.67m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 67.96 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @4:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @4:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @9:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @9:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @10:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @10:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @11:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @11:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @12:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @12:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @13:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @13:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @14:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @14:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @15:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @15:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @16:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @16:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @17:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @17:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @18:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @18:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @5:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @5:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @19:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @19:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @20:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @20:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @21:36:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @21:37:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @22:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @22:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @23:36:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @23:37:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @6:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @6:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @7:41:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @7:42:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437201 seq 7 @8:56:30 and stop 130000437301 seq 8 @8:57:00 (distance 2017.51m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 67.25 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @5:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @6:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @11:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @11:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @11:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @12:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @13:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @13:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @13:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @14:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @14:44:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @14:45:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @15:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @16:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @17:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @17:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @17:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @18:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @19:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @19:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @19:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @20:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @6:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @7:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @21:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @21:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @22:19:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @22:20:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @22:39:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @22:40:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @23:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @24:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @24:39:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @24:40:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @8:19:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @8:20:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @9:04:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @9:05:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000488001 seq 42 @9:59:00 and stop 130000424101 seq 43 @10:00:00 (distance 4034.45m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 67.24 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @4:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @4:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @9:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @9:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @10:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @10:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @11:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @11:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @12:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @12:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @13:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @13:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @14:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @14:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @15:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @15:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @16:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @16:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @17:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @17:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @18:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @18:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @5:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @5:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @19:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @19:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @20:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @20:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @21:37:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @21:38:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @22:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @22:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @23:37:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @23:38:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @6:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @6:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @7:42:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @7:43:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000437301 seq 8 @8:57:00 and stop 130000420001 seq 9 @8:58:00 (distance 3973.51m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 66.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @11:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @11:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @13:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @13:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @17:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @17:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @19:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @19:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @21:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @21:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @22:15:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @22:16:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @8:15:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @8:16:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711206 seq 35 @9:00:00 and stop 130000479106 seq 36 @9:01:00 (distance 3910.48m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 65.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010384546 seq 17 @25:45:30 and stop 090012151903 seq 18 @25:46:00 (distance 1911.86m), in trip 411023221 of route 47107_3 N2: 63.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010384546 seq 17 @27:20:30 and stop 090012151903 seq 18 @27:21:00 (distance 1911.86m), in trip 411023220 of route 47107_3 N2: 63.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010384546 seq 17 @28:45:30 and stop 090012151903 seq 18 @28:46:00 (distance 1911.86m), in trip 411023219 of route 47107_3 N2: 63.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000191251 seq 20 @19:08:00 and stop 000009907504 seq 21 @19:08:30 (distance 1851.48m), in trip 402173070 of route 78002_3 131: 61.72 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000191251 seq 17 @13:05:00 and stop 000009907504 seq 18 @13:05:30 (distance 1851.48m), in trip 402173074 of route 78002_3 131: 61.72 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904981 seq 13 @14:01:30 and stop 000009904979 seq 14 @14:02:00 (distance 1790.92m), in trip 399737009 of route 60548_3 945: 59.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904981 seq 5 @11:59:00 and stop 000009904979 seq 6 @11:59:30 (distance 1790.92m), in trip 399737012 of route 60548_3 945: 59.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @5:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @5:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @10:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @10:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @11:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @11:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @12:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @12:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @13:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @13:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @14:28:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @14:29:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @15:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @15:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @16:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @16:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @17:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @17:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @18:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @18:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @19:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @19:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @6:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @6:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @20:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @20:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @21:58:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @21:59:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @22:23:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @22:24:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @23:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @23:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @24:23:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @24:24:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @7:58:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @7:59:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @8:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @8:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000498001 seq 25 @9:43:00 and stop 130000498101 seq 26 @9:44:00 (distance 3509.40m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 58.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @5:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @5:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @10:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @10:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @11:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @11:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @12:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @12:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @13:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @13:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @14:36:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @14:37:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @15:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @15:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @16:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @16:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @17:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @17:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @18:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @18:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @19:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @19:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @6:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @6:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @20:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @20:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @22:06:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @22:07:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @22:31:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @22:32:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @23:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @23:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @24:31:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @24:32:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @8:06:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @8:07:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @8:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @8:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435301 seq 29 @9:51:00 and stop 130000471201 seq 30 @9:52:00 (distance 3486.90m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 58.12 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176326 seq 4 @6:05:30 and stop 000000171251 seq 5 @6:06:00 (distance 1689.20m), in trip 402173082 of route 78002_3 131: 56.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176326 seq 4 @6:43:30 and stop 000000171251 seq 5 @6:44:00 (distance 1689.20m), in trip 402173080 of route 78002_3 131: 56.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176326 seq 4 @8:17:30 and stop 000000171251 seq 5 @8:18:00 (distance 1689.20m), in trip 402173081 of route 78002_3 131: 56.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176326 seq 5 @14:11:30 and stop 000000171251 seq 6 @14:12:00 (distance 1689.20m), in trip 402173077 of route 78002_3 131: 56.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000730701 seq 2 @6:14:00 and stop 130000700701 seq 3 @6:14:30 (distance 1670.95m), in trip 400134950 of route 75822_3 734: 55.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009905923 seq 14 @15:50:00 and stop 000009915259 seq 15 @15:51:00 (distance 3333.86m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 55.56 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176611 seq 16 @11:59:00 and stop 000000176605 seq 17 @12:00:00 (distance 6252.35m), in trip 401778101 of route 12514_3 663: 52.10 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @5:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @5:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @11:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @11:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @11:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @11:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @13:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @13:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @13:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @13:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @14:41:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @14:42:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @15:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @15:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @17:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @17:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @17:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @17:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @19:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @19:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @19:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @19:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @6:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @6:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @21:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @21:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @22:16:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @22:17:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @22:36:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @22:37:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @23:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @23:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @24:36:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @24:37:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @8:16:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @8:17:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @9:01:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @9:02:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004791106 seq 37 @9:56:30 and stop 130004790206 seq 38 @9:57:00 (distance 1561.00m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 52.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 160010229002 seq 8 @18:51:15 and stop 160010230003 seq 9 @18:51:30 (distance 766.49m), in trip 402956739 of route 53686_3 R27: 51.10 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 160010230003 seq 9 @18:51:30 and stop 160010229003 seq 10 @18:51:45 (distance 766.49m), in trip 402956739 of route 53686_3 R27: 51.10 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @5:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @5:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @10:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @10:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @11:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @11:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @12:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @12:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @13:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @13:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @14:26:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @14:27:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @15:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @15:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @16:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @16:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @17:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @17:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @18:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @18:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @19:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @19:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @6:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @6:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @20:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @20:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @21:56:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @21:57:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @22:21:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @22:22:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @23:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @23:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @24:21:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @24:22:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @7:56:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @7:57:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @8:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @8:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474001 seq 23 @9:41:30 and stop 130000474401 seq 24 @9:42:00 (distance 1511.37m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 50.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @5:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @5:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @11:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @11:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @11:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @11:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @13:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @13:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @13:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @13:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @14:43:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @14:44:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @15:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @15:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @17:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @17:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @17:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @17:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @19:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @19:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @19:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @19:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @6:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @6:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @21:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @21:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @22:18:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @22:19:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @22:38:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @22:39:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @23:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @23:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @24:38:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @24:39:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @8:18:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @8:19:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @9:03:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @9:04:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000424201 seq 41 @9:58:00 and stop 130000488001 seq 42 @9:59:00 (distance 3007.96m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 50.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 160010232002 seq 7 @18:51:00 and stop 160010229002 seq 8 @18:51:15 (distance 750.87m), in trip 402956739 of route 53686_3 R27: 50.06 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009912435 seq 7 @16:03:00 and stop 000009907475 seq 8 @16:05:00 (distance 5967.49m), in trip 402174606 of route 78464_3 612: 49.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 150010756101 seq 15 @12:00:30 and stop 150010757101 seq 16 @12:01:00 (distance 1480.97m), in trip 410088786 of route 50328_3 961: 49.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 150010756101 seq 16 @12:52:30 and stop 150010757101 seq 17 @12:53:00 (distance 1480.97m), in trip 410088785 of route 50328_3 961: 49.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 150010756101 seq 14 @15:17:30 and stop 150010757101 seq 15 @15:18:00 (distance 1480.97m), in trip 410088782 of route 50328_3 961: 49.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 150010756101 seq 13 @14:22:30 and stop 150010757101 seq 14 @14:23:00 (distance 1480.97m), in trip 410088781 of route 50328_3 961: 49.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @14:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @14:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156813 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @16:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @16:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156811 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @18:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @18:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156809 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @20:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @20:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156807 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @6:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @6:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156821 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @6:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @6:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156822 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @8:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @8:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156820 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @10:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @10:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156818 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @12:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @12:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156816 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @14:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @14:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156814 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @16:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @16:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156812 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @18:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @18:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156810 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @20:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @20:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156808 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @22:06:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @22:07:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156806 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @8:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @8:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156819 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @1:11:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @1:12:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156825 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @22:43:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @22:44:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156824 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @24:13:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @24:14:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156823 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @10:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @10:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156817 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031001 seq 12 @12:42:00 and stop 130000031206 seq 13 @12:43:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156815 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @5:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @5:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156846 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @15:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @15:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156836 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @17:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @17:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156834 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @19:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @19:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156832 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @5:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @5:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156848 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @7:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @7:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156845 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @9:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @9:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156843 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @11:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @11:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156841 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @13:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @13:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156839 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @7:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @7:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156844 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @15:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @15:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156837 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @17:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @17:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156835 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @19:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @19:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156833 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @21:02:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @21:03:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156831 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @24:07:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @24:08:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156847 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @21:39:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @21:40:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156830 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @23:12:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @23:13:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156828 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @20:12:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @20:13:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156827 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @21:12:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @21:13:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156826 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @22:12:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @22:13:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156829 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @9:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @9:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156842 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @11:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @11:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156840 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000031201 seq 2 @13:38:00 and stop 130000031001 seq 3 @13:39:00 (distance 2878.33m), in trip 400156838 of route 75866_3 849: 47.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 010010410501 seq 11 @13:59:00 and stop 010010404801 seq 12 @14:00:00 (distance 2792.46m), in trip 399737019 of route 60548_3 945: 46.54 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @5:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @5:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @10:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @10:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @11:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @11:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @12:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @12:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @13:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @13:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @14:20:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @14:21:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @15:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @15:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @16:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @16:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @17:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @17:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @18:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @18:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @19:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @19:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @6:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @6:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @20:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @20:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @21:50:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @21:51:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @22:15:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @22:16:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @23:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @23:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @24:15:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @24:16:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @7:50:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @7:51:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @8:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @8:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428501 seq 15 @9:35:00 and stop 130000435101 seq 16 @9:36:00 (distance 2768.08m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 46.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190844 seq 9 @12:04:00 and stop 000000190819 seq 10 @12:06:00 (distance 5513.95m), in trip 399737012 of route 60548_3 945: 45.95 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @5:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @5:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @10:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @10:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @11:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @11:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @12:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @12:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @13:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @13:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @14:26:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @14:26:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @15:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @15:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @16:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @16:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @17:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @17:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @18:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @18:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @19:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @19:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @6:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @6:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @20:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @20:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @21:56:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @21:56:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @22:21:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @22:21:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @23:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @23:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @24:21:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @24:21:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @7:56:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @7:56:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @8:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @8:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474101 seq 22 @9:41:00 and stop 130000474001 seq 23 @9:41:30 (distance 1355.20m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 45.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009915259 seq 15 @15:51:00 and stop 000000186267 seq 16 @15:51:20 (distance 887.30m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 44.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000121273002 seq 21 @16:00:00 and stop 000121272002 seq 22 @16:01:00 (distance 2628.42m), in trip 408519468 of route 44629_3 153: 43.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000121273002 seq 21 @16:50:00 and stop 000121272002 seq 22 @16:51:00 (distance 2628.42m), in trip 408519467 of route 44629_3 153: 43.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @8:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @8:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420032 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @10:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @10:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420031 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @12:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @12:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420030 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @14:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @14:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420029 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @16:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @16:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420028 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @18:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @18:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420027 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @20:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @20:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420026 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @22:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @22:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420025 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @21:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @21:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420024 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @19:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @19:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420023 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @17:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @17:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420022 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @15:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @15:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420021 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @13:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @13:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420020 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @11:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @11:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420019 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @9:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @9:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420018 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @8:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @8:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420017 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @10:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @10:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420016 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @12:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @12:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420015 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @14:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @14:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420014 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @16:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @16:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420013 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @18:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @18:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420012 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @20:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @20:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420011 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @22:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @22:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420010 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @21:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @21:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420009 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @19:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @19:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420008 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @17:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @17:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420007 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @15:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @15:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420006 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @13:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @13:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420005 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @11:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @11:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420004 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @9:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @9:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420003 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @20:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @20:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420002 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @22:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @22:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420001 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 5 @21:31:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 6 @21:32:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420000 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @8:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @8:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420065 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @10:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @10:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420064 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @12:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @12:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420063 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @14:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @14:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420062 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @16:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @16:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420061 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @18:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @18:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420060 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @20:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @20:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420059 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @22:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @22:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420058 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @21:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @21:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420057 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @19:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @19:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420056 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @17:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @17:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420055 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @15:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @15:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420054 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @13:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @13:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420053 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @11:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @11:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420052 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @9:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @9:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420051 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @20:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @20:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420050 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @22:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @22:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420049 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @21:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @21:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420048 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @8:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @8:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420047 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @10:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @10:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420046 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @12:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @12:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420045 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @14:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @14:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420044 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @16:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @16:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420043 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @18:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @18:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420042 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @20:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @20:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420041 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @22:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @22:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420040 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @21:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @21:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420039 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @19:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @19:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420038 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @17:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @17:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420037 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @15:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @15:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420036 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @13:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @13:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420035 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @11:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @11:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420034 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010672402 seq 6 @9:32:00 and stop 090010638101 seq 7 @9:33:00 (distance 2555.06m), in trip 412420033 of route 29173_3 RT: 42.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @9:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @9:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519094 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @10:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @10:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519093 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @19:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @19:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519092 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @20:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @20:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519091 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @21:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @21:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519090 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @22:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @22:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519089 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @23:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @23:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519088 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009902940 seq 2 @0:21:20 and stop 000009903287 seq 3 @0:21:40 (distance 839.97m), in trip 407519087 of route 35864_3 218: 42.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @4:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @4:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @9:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @9:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @10:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @10:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @11:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @11:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @12:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @12:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @13:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @13:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @14:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @14:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @15:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @15:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @16:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @16:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @17:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @17:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @18:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @18:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @5:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @5:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @19:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @19:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @20:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @20:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @21:35:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @21:35:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @22:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @22:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @23:35:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @23:35:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @6:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @6:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @7:40:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @7:40:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428210 seq 4 @8:55:20 and stop 130000428201 seq 5 @8:55:40 (distance 834.57m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 41.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000113106 seq 6 @14:48:00 and stop 130000073206 seq 7 @14:49:00 (distance 4963.70m), in trip 400123850 of route 75733_3 186: 41.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000113106 seq 4 @14:58:00 and stop 130000073206 seq 5 @14:59:00 (distance 4963.70m), in trip 400123864 of route 75733_3 186: 41.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000113106 seq 8 @7:30:00 and stop 130000073206 seq 9 @7:31:00 (distance 4963.70m), in trip 400123863 of route 75733_3 186: 41.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904979 seq 6 @11:59:30 and stop 000009904978 seq 7 @12:00:00 (distance 1218.18m), in trip 399737012 of route 60548_3 945: 40.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904979 seq 14 @14:02:00 and stop 000009904978 seq 15 @14:02:30 (distance 1218.18m), in trip 399737009 of route 60548_3 945: 40.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171430 seq 15 @14:54:30 and stop 000000171429 seq 16 @14:55:00 (distance 1214.21m), in trip 410450482 of route 66737_3 143: 40.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009904978 seq 4 @13:37:00 and stop 000000160341 seq 5 @13:37:30 (distance 1211.37m), in trip 399737019 of route 60548_3 945: 40.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @5:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @5:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @11:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @11:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @11:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @11:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @13:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @13:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @13:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @13:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @14:42:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @14:42:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @15:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @15:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @17:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @17:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @17:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @17:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @19:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @19:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @19:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @19:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @6:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @6:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @21:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @21:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @22:17:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @22:17:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @22:37:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @22:37:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @23:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @23:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @24:37:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @24:37:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @8:17:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @8:17:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @9:02:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @9:02:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790306 seq 39 @9:57:20 and stop 130004790501 seq 40 @9:57:40 (distance 806.57m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 40.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000108888 seq 11 @14:00:00 and stop 000009904980 seq 12 @14:01:00 (distance 2388.85m), in trip 399737009 of route 60548_3 945: 39.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000104886 seq 20 @15:57:30 and stop 000009905925 seq 21 @15:58:00 (distance 1181.33m), in trip 400796852 of route 52947_3 431: 39.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009908714 seq 21 @15:28:30 and stop 000000193776 seq 22 @15:29:00 (distance 1165.94m), in trip 412429293 of route 59635_3 624: 38.86 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009908714 seq 21 @15:28:30 and stop 000000193776 seq 22 @15:29:00 (distance 1165.94m), in trip 412429294 of route 59635_3 624: 38.86 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @5:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @5:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @10:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @10:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @11:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @11:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @12:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @12:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @13:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @13:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @14:37:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @14:38:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @15:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @15:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @16:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @16:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @17:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @17:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @18:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @18:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @19:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @19:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @6:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @6:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @20:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @20:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @22:07:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @22:08:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @22:32:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @22:33:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @23:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @23:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @24:32:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @24:33:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @8:07:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @8:08:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @8:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @8:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000471201 seq 30 @9:52:00 and stop 130000471106 seq 31 @9:53:00 (distance 2306.03m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 38.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @5:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @5:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778570 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @6:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @6:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778569 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @8:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @8:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778574 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @10:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @10:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778576 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @12:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @12:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778578 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @14:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @14:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778573 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 21 @15:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 22 @15:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778556 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @16:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @16:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778577 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @18:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @18:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778571 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @20:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @20:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778572 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 28 @22:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 29 @22:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778575 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @7:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @7:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778554 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @9:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @9:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778553 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @11:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @11:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778552 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @13:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @13:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778551 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @15:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @15:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778550 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @17:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @17:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778549 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @19:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @19:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778548 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 31 @21:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 32 @21:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778547 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @4:51:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @4:52:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778567 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @7:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @7:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778563 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @9:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @9:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778562 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @11:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @11:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778559 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @13:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @13:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778557 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @17:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @17:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778558 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @19:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @19:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778561 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 17 @21:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 18 @21:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778560 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 7 @5:02:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 8 @5:03:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778555 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 7 @17:08:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 8 @17:09:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778566 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 7 @12:45:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 8 @12:46:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778564 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006111 seq 7 @20:45:00 and stop 080000006201 seq 8 @20:46:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778565 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @6:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @6:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778537 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @7:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @7:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778538 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @8:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @8:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778533 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @9:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @9:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778545 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @10:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @10:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778530 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @11:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @11:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778544 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @12:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @12:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778534 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @13:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @13:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778546 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @14:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @14:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778535 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @15:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @15:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778540 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @16:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @16:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778532 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @17:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @17:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778539 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @18:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @18:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778531 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @19:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @19:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778542 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @20:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @20:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778528 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @21:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @21:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778541 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @22:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @22:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778529 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @23:48:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @23:49:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778543 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @6:55:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @6:56:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778523 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @8:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @8:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778521 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @10:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @10:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778520 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @12:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @12:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778519 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @14:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @14:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778518 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @16:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @16:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778517 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @18:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @18:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778516 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @20:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @20:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778515 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @22:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @22:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778522 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @22:52:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @22:53:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778525 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @7:01:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @7:02:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778536 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @15:11:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @15:12:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778526 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000006202 seq 13 @23:11:00 and stop 080000006112 seq 14 @23:12:00 (distance 2278.75m), in trip 409778527 of route 54823_3 300: 37.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171424 seq 11 @13:26:00 and stop 000000171442 seq 12 @13:27:00 (distance 2270.83m), in trip 410450481 of route 66737_3 143: 37.85 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @5:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @5:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @10:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @10:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @11:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @11:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @12:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @12:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @13:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @13:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @14:34:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @14:35:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @15:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @15:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @16:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @16:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @17:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @17:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @18:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @18:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @19:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @19:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @6:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @6:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @20:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @20:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @22:04:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @22:05:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @22:29:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @22:30:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @23:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @23:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @24:29:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @24:30:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @8:04:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @8:05:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @8:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @8:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000459001 seq 27 @9:49:00 and stop 130000459100 seq 28 @9:50:00 (distance 2220.28m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 37.00 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @9:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @9:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519094 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @10:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @10:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519093 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @19:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @19:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519092 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @20:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @20:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519091 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @21:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @21:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519090 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @22:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @22:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519089 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @23:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @23:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519088 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009903287 seq 3 @0:21:40 and stop 000009903634 seq 4 @0:22:00 (distance 726.27m), in trip 407519087 of route 35864_3 218: 36.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @5:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @5:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @11:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @11:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @13:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @13:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @14:40:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @14:40:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @15:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @15:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @17:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @17:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @19:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @19:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @6:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @6:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @22:35:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @22:35:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @23:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @23:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @24:35:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @24:35:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004711106 seq 34 @9:55:00 and stop 130004711206 seq 35 @9:55:30 (distance 1077.48m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 35.92 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009906604 seq 25 @6:43:30 and stop 000000104882 seq 26 @6:44:00 (distance 1071.07m), in trip 400796858 of route 52947_3 431: 35.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009906604 seq 25 @7:28:30 and stop 000000104882 seq 26 @7:29:00 (distance 1071.07m), in trip 400796857 of route 52947_3 431: 35.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009906604 seq 25 @8:43:30 and stop 000000104882 seq 26 @8:44:00 (distance 1071.07m), in trip 400796856 of route 52947_3 431: 35.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913488 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000009913651 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4283.04m), in trip 410745460 of route 54747_3 N25: 35.69 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913488 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000009913651 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4283.04m), in trip 410745459 of route 54747_3 N25: 35.69 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913488 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000009913651 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4283.04m), in trip 400805213 of route 54747_3 N25: 35.69 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913488 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000009913651 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4283.04m), in trip 400805212 of route 54747_3 N25: 35.69 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @5:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @5:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @10:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @10:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @11:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @11:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @12:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @12:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @13:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @13:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @14:27:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @14:28:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @15:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @15:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @16:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @16:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @17:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @17:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @18:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @18:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @19:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @19:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @6:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @6:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @20:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @20:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @21:57:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @21:58:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @22:22:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @22:23:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @23:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @23:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @24:22:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @24:23:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @7:57:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @7:58:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @8:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @8:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000474401 seq 24 @9:42:00 and stop 130000498001 seq 25 @9:43:00 (distance 2139.08m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 35.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @5:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @5:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156846 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @15:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @15:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156836 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @17:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @17:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156834 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @19:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @19:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156832 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @5:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @5:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156848 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @7:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @7:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156845 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @9:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @9:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156843 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @11:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @11:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156841 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @13:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @13:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156839 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @7:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @7:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156844 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @15:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @15:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156837 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @17:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @17:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156835 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @19:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @19:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156833 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:22:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @21:22:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156831 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @24:27:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @24:27:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156847 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:59:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @21:59:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156830 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @23:32:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @23:32:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156828 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @20:32:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @20:32:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156827 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @21:32:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @21:32:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156826 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @22:32:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @22:32:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156829 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @9:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @9:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156842 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @11:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @11:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156840 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007101 seq 9 @13:58:20 and stop 130000007001 seq 10 @13:58:40 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156838 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @14:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @14:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156813 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @16:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @16:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156811 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @18:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @18:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156809 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @20:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @20:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156807 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @6:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @6:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156821 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @5:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @5:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156822 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @7:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @7:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156820 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @9:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @9:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156818 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @11:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @11:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156816 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @13:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @13:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156814 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @15:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @15:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156812 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @17:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @17:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156810 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @19:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @19:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156808 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @21:52:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @21:52:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156806 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @8:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @8:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156819 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @0:57:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @0:57:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156825 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @22:29:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @22:29:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156824 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @23:59:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @23:59:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156823 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @10:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @10:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156817 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000007006 seq 5 @12:28:00 and stop 130000007101 seq 6 @12:28:20 (distance 712.88m), in trip 400156815 of route 75866_3 849: 35.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000002074101 seq 19 @7:14:00 and stop 000209405300 seq 20 @7:15:00 (distance 2130.12m), in trip 401799031 of route 22071_3 4405: 35.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000739091 seq 6 @6:24:30 and stop 000000739031 seq 7 @6:25:00 (distance 1056.37m), in trip 402173152 of route 78015_3 306: 35.21 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000739091 seq 6 @6:24:30 and stop 000000739031 seq 7 @6:25:00 (distance 1056.37m), in trip 402173153 of route 78015_3 306: 35.21 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009915062 seq 12 @6:56:30 and stop 000009906610 seq 13 @6:57:00 (distance 1052.27m), in trip 400796845 of route 52947_3 431: 35.08 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009907899 seq 24 @15:56:30 and stop 000000104850 seq 25 @15:57:00 (distance 1050.71m), in trip 400796851 of route 52947_3 431: 35.02 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171442 seq 12 @13:27:00 and stop 000000171742 seq 13 @13:28:00 (distance 2078.81m), in trip 410450481 of route 66737_3 143: 34.65 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171229 seq 4 @13:13:00 and stop 000000171231 seq 5 @13:14:00 (distance 2072.64m), in trip 399942800 of route 18703_3 902: 34.54 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000058301 seq 11 @13:13:00 and stop 130000058401 seq 12 @13:13:00 (distance 2058.65m), in trip 400123869 of route 75733_3 186: 34.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000058301 seq 11 @13:13:00 and stop 130000058401 seq 12 @13:13:00 (distance 2058.65m), in trip 400123871 of route 75733_3 186: 34.31 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 140010801101 seq 0 @12:03:00 and stop 140010798901 seq 1 @12:04:00 (distance 4063.82m), in trip 399943394 of route 13342_3 931: 33.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @5:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @5:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @10:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @10:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @11:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @11:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @12:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @12:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @13:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @13:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @14:22:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @14:23:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @15:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @15:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @16:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @16:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @17:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @17:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @18:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @18:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @19:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @19:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @6:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @6:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @20:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @20:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @21:52:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @21:53:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @22:17:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @22:18:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @23:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @23:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @24:17:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @24:18:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @7:52:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @7:53:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @8:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @8:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000435001 seq 17 @9:37:00 and stop 130004352106 seq 18 @9:38:00 (distance 2028.86m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 33.81 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000161160 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.70m), in trip 410745468 of route 54747_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000161160 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.70m), in trip 410745467 of route 54747_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000161160 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.70m), in trip 400805219 of route 54747_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000161160 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.70m), in trip 400805218 of route 54747_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913650 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.17m), in trip 409688235 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913650 seq 30 @26:00:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @26:02:00 (distance 4053.17m), in trip 409688234 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913650 seq 30 @24:56:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @24:58:00 (distance 4053.17m), in trip 409688233 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009913650 seq 30 @26:00:00 and stop 000009913487 seq 31 @26:02:00 (distance 4053.17m), in trip 409688232 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000105613 seq 7 @24:56:00 and stop 000000161160 seq 8 @24:58:00 (distance 4043.93m), in trip 409688231 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000105613 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000000161160 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4043.93m), in trip 409688230 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000105613 seq 7 @24:56:00 and stop 000000161160 seq 8 @24:58:00 (distance 4043.93m), in trip 409688229 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000105613 seq 7 @25:56:00 and stop 000000161160 seq 8 @25:58:00 (distance 4043.93m), in trip 409688228 of route 81129_3 N25: 33.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000152002 seq 3 @12:49:00 and stop 000001401804 seq 4 @12:50:00 (distance 4020.36m), in trip 405743905 of route 46140_3 704: 33.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009905366 seq 7 @11:52:00 and stop 000009901457 seq 8 @11:53:00 (distance 4015.44m), in trip 405743906 of route 46140_3 704: 33.46 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @5:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @5:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @11:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @11:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @11:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @11:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @13:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @13:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @13:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @13:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @14:42:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @14:42:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @15:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @15:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @17:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @17:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @17:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @17:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @19:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @19:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @19:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @19:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @6:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @6:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @21:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @21:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @22:17:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @22:17:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @22:37:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @22:37:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @23:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @23:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @24:37:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @24:37:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @8:17:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @8:17:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @9:02:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @9:02:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004790206 seq 38 @9:57:00 and stop 130004790306 seq 39 @9:57:20 (distance 662.80m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 7 @11:56:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 8 @11:57:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423025 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 7 @11:56:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 8 @11:57:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423048 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @6:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @6:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423062 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @7:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @7:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423066 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @7:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @7:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423039 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @8:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @8:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423065 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @8:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @8:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423042 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @9:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @9:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423064 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @9:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @9:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423041 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @10:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @10:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423063 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @10:53:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @10:54:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423040 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090010804401 seq 5 @11:56:00 and stop 090010839702 seq 6 @11:57:00 (distance 1988.12m), in trip 412423038 of route 31828_3 860: 33.14 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009910179 seq 4 @13:27:00 and stop 000000104898 seq 5 @13:28:00 (distance 1983.56m), in trip 400796855 of route 52947_3 431: 33.06 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000160823 seq 8 @13:54:00 and stop 000000160826 seq 9 @13:55:00 (distance 1939.54m), in trip 399737009 of route 60548_3 945: 32.33 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 140010875901 seq 14 @13:26:00 and stop 140010876001 seq 15 @13:26:30 (distance 966.38m), in trip 399942800 of route 18703_3 902: 32.21 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000449632 seq 4 @6:30:00 and stop 080000449552 seq 5 @6:31:00 (distance 1926.19m), in trip 411352489 of route 82937_3 659: 32.10 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012150502 seq 15 @25:44:00 and stop 090012150402 seq 16 @25:45:00 (distance 1921.89m), in trip 411023221 of route 47107_3 N2: 32.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012150502 seq 15 @27:19:00 and stop 090012150402 seq 16 @27:20:00 (distance 1921.89m), in trip 411023220 of route 47107_3 N2: 32.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012150502 seq 15 @28:44:00 and stop 090012150402 seq 16 @28:45:00 (distance 1921.89m), in trip 411023219 of route 47107_3 N2: 32.03 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000194992 seq 18 @13:42:40 and stop 000000104893 seq 19 @13:43:00 (distance 639.70m), in trip 400796855 of route 52947_3 431: 31.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000194992 seq 20 @15:55:40 and stop 000000104893 seq 21 @15:56:00 (distance 639.70m), in trip 400796853 of route 52947_3 431: 31.98 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004010101 seq 5 @14:16:00 and stop 130000040101 seq 6 @14:16:30 (distance 958.23m), in trip 400123892 of route 75733_3 186: 31.94 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @4:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @4:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778570 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @5:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @5:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778569 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @7:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @7:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778574 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @9:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @9:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778576 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @11:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @11:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778578 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @13:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @13:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778573 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @15:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @15:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778577 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @17:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @17:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778571 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @19:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @19:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778572 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @21:24:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @21:25:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778575 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @6:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @6:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778554 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @8:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @8:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778553 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @10:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @10:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778552 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @12:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @12:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778551 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @14:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @14:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778550 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @16:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @16:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778549 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @18:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @18:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778548 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002191 seq 11 @20:07:00 and stop 080000002211 seq 12 @20:08:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778547 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @7:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @7:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778537 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @8:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @8:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778538 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @10:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @10:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778545 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @12:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @12:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778544 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @14:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @14:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778546 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @16:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @16:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778540 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @18:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @18:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778539 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @20:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @20:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778542 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @22:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @22:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778541 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 30 @24:34:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 31 @24:35:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778543 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @7:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @7:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778523 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @9:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @9:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778521 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @11:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @11:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778520 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @13:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @13:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778519 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @15:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @15:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778518 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @17:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @17:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778517 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @19:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @19:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778516 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @21:50:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @21:51:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778515 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 080000002212 seq 33 @23:45:00 and stop 080000002192 seq 34 @23:46:00 (distance 1912.37m), in trip 409778522 of route 54823_3 300: 31.87 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @13:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @13:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 410910134 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @14:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @14:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957171 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @15:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @15:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957174 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @16:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @16:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957172 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @17:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @17:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957170 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @18:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @18:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957173 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001081221 seq 9 @19:24:30 and stop 000009916662 seq 10 @19:25:00 (distance 951.84m), in trip 402957169 of route 56387_3 X274: 31.73 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000173904 seq 14 @13:58:30 and stop 000000173451 seq 15 @13:59:00 (distance 951.48m), in trip 402173136 of route 78015_3 306: 31.72 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000103785 seq 3 @7:09:30 and stop 000000103784 seq 4 @7:10:00 (distance 949.21m), in trip 412429307 of route 59635_3 624: 31.64 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @4:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @4:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @9:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @9:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @10:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @10:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @11:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @11:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @12:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @12:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @13:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @13:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @14:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @14:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @15:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @15:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @16:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @16:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @17:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @17:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @18:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @18:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @5:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @5:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @19:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @19:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @20:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @20:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @21:35:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @21:35:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @22:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @22:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @23:35:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @23:35:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @6:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @6:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @7:40:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @7:40:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428301 seq 3 @8:55:00 and stop 130000428210 seq 4 @8:55:20 (distance 629.74m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 31.49 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000179623 seq 27 @13:05:00 and stop 000009911910 seq 28 @13:05:30 (distance 934.95m), in trip 399336178 of route 71998_3 50: 31.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000179623 seq 27 @7:56:00 and stop 000009911910 seq 28 @7:56:30 (distance 934.95m), in trip 399336181 of route 71998_3 50: 31.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000179623 seq 27 @14:07:00 and stop 000009911910 seq 28 @14:07:30 (distance 934.95m), in trip 399336176 of route 71998_3 50: 31.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171191 seq 20 @8:43:00 and stop 000000171195 seq 21 @8:44:00 (distance 1855.95m), in trip 402173081 of route 78002_3 131: 30.93 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @4:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @4:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @9:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @9:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @10:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @10:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @11:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @11:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @12:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @12:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @13:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @13:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @14:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @14:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @15:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @15:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @16:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @16:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @17:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @17:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @18:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @18:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @5:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @5:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @19:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @19:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @20:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @20:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @21:38:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @21:38:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @22:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @22:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @23:38:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @23:38:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @6:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @6:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @7:43:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @7:43:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000420001 seq 9 @8:58:00 and stop 130004200101 seq 10 @8:58:30 (distance 922.30m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 30.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900207 seq 4 @6:28:00 and stop 000000189640 seq 5 @6:29:00 (distance 1825.50m), in trip 399336206 of route 71998_3 50: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @8:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @8:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142196 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @9:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @9:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142195 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @10:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @10:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142194 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @11:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @11:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142193 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @12:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @12:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142192 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @2:12:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @2:16:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142200 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @13:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @13:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142191 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @14:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @14:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142190 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @15:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @15:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142189 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @16:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @16:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142188 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @17:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @17:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142187 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @18:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @18:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142186 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @19:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @19:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142185 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @20:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @20:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142184 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @21:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @21:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142183 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @22:15:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @22:19:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142182 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @5:25:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @5:29:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142199 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @23:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @23:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142181 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @23:58:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @24:02:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142180 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @25:13:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @25:17:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142179 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @6:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @6:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142198 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000428201 seq 42 @7:05:54 and stop 130000046923 seq 43 @7:09:00 (distance 5658.19m), in trip 400142197 of route 75840_3 811: 30.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 120010302801 seq 16 @15:34:00 and stop 120010307702 seq 17 @15:35:00 (distance 3635.79m), in trip 404223476 of route 52043_3 746: 30.30 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @5:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @5:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156846 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @15:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @15:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156836 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @17:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @17:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156834 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @19:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @19:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156832 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @5:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @5:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156848 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @7:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @7:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156845 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @9:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @9:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156843 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @11:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @11:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156841 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @13:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @13:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156839 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @7:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @7:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156844 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @15:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @15:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156837 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @17:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @17:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156835 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @19:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @19:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156833 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @21:06:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @21:07:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156831 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @24:11:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @24:12:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156847 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @21:43:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @21:44:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156830 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @23:16:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @23:17:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156828 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @20:16:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @20:17:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156827 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @21:16:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @21:17:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156826 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @22:16:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @22:17:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156829 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @9:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @9:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156842 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @11:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @11:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156840 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073501 seq 4 @13:42:00 and stop 130000073401 seq 5 @13:43:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156838 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @14:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @14:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156813 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @16:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @16:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156811 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @18:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @18:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156809 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @20:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @20:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156807 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @6:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @6:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156821 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @6:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @6:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156822 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @8:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @8:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156820 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @10:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @10:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156818 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @12:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @12:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156816 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @14:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @14:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156814 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @16:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @16:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156812 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @18:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @18:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156810 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @20:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @20:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156808 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @22:03:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @22:04:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156806 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @8:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @8:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156819 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @1:08:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @1:09:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156825 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @22:40:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @22:41:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156824 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @24:10:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @24:11:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156823 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @10:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @10:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156817 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000073406 seq 10 @12:39:00 and stop 130000073501 seq 11 @12:40:00 (distance 1799.25m), in trip 400156815 of route 75866_3 849: 29.99 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000851556 seq 7 @7:20:30 and stop 000009911811 seq 8 @7:21:00 (distance 894.87m), in trip 353412221 of route 35196_3 154: 29.83 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000851556 seq 7 @9:20:30 and stop 000009911811 seq 8 @9:21:00 (distance 894.87m), in trip 353412220 of route 35196_3 154: 29.83 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000851556 seq 7 @13:20:30 and stop 000009911811 seq 8 @13:21:00 (distance 894.87m), in trip 353412219 of route 35196_3 154: 29.83 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009915259 seq 14 @13:53:00 and stop 000000186267 seq 15 @13:53:30 (distance 887.30m), in trip 400796854 of route 52947_3 431: 29.58 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000001123422 seq 0 @27:38:00 and stop 000009900556 seq 1 @27:38:30 (distance 885.36m), in trip 396905366 of route 71776_3 N74: 29.51 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @4:12:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @4:13:00 (distance 885.10m), in trip 410854558 of route 49864_3 N3: 29.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @4:12:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @4:13:00 (distance 885.10m), in trip 406915123 of route 49864_3 N3: 29.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000203670300 seq 10 @11:01:00 and stop 000203660200 seq 11 @11:02:00 (distance 1768.32m), in trip 402778712 of route 22227_3 2028: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000196267 seq 29 @7:17:30 and stop 000000106113 seq 30 @7:18:00 (distance 880.45m), in trip 400796845 of route 52947_3 431: 29.35 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @5:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @5:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142220 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @10:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @10:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142206 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @11:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @11:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142217 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @12:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @12:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142205 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @13:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @13:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142216 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @14:39:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @14:39:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142215 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @15:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @15:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142214 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @16:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @16:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142204 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @17:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @17:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142213 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @18:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @18:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142203 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @19:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @19:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142212 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @6:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @6:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142219 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @20:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @20:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142202 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @22:09:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @22:09:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142201 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @22:34:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @22:34:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142211 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @23:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @23:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142210 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @24:34:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @24:34:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142209 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @8:09:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @8:09:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142208 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @8:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @8:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142207 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130004710206 seq 32 @9:54:00 and stop 130004710106 seq 33 @9:54:30 (distance 876.85m), in trip 400142218 of route 75840_3 811: 29.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000112106 seq 10 @13:13:00 and stop 130000058301 seq 11 @13:13:00 (distance 1738.48m), in trip 400123869 of route 75733_3 186: 28.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 130000112106 seq 10 @13:13:00 and stop 130000058301 seq 11 @13:13:00 (distance 1738.48m), in trip 400123871 of route 75733_3 186: 28.97 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000180285000 seq 2 @7:34:00 and stop 000203212800 seq 3 @7:34:30 (distance 866.33m), in trip 363008002 of route 31641_3 700: 28.88 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000180285000 seq 2 @7:34:00 and stop 000203212800 seq 3 @7:34:30 (distance 866.33m), in trip 412458053 of route 31641_3 700: 28.88 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @0:42:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @0:43:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 410854561 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @1:52:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @1:53:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 410854560 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @3:02:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @3:03:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 410854559 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @0:42:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @0:43:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 406915126 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @1:52:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @1:53:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 406915125 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174402 seq 4 @3:02:30 and stop 000000174159 seq 5 @3:03:00 (distance 863.49m), in trip 406915124 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.78 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000611992 seq 10 @7:47:00 and stop 000000611993 seq 11 @7:48:00 (distance 1721.90m), in trip 399371062 of route 54734_3 409: 28.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000611992 seq 10 @12:47:00 and stop 000000611993 seq 11 @12:48:00 (distance 1721.90m), in trip 399371061 of route 54734_3 409: 28.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000611992 seq 10 @13:40:00 and stop 000000611993 seq 11 @13:41:00 (distance 1721.90m), in trip 399371060 of route 54734_3 409: 28.70 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174162 seq 6 @4:14:00 and stop 000000197179 seq 7 @4:14:30 (distance 852.56m), in trip 410854558 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000174162 seq 6 @4:14:00 and stop 000000197179 seq 7 @4:14:30 (distance 852.56m), in trip 406915123 of route 49864_3 N3: 28.42 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900305 seq 5 @13:39:30 and stop 000000103845 seq 6 @13:40:00 (distance 851.38m), in trip 412429296 of route 59635_3 624: 28.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900305 seq 5 @16:39:30 and stop 000000103845 seq 6 @16:40:00 (distance 851.38m), in trip 412429295 of route 59635_3 624: 28.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900305 seq 5 @13:39:30 and stop 000000103845 seq 6 @13:40:00 (distance 851.38m), in trip 412429298 of route 59635_3 624: 28.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009900305 seq 5 @16:39:30 and stop 000000103845 seq 6 @16:40:00 (distance 851.38m), in trip 412429297 of route 59635_3 624: 28.38 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012151903 seq 18 @25:46:00 and stop 090012152003 seq 19 @25:46:30 (distance 851.18m), in trip 411023221 of route 47107_3 N2: 28.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012151903 seq 18 @27:21:00 and stop 090012152003 seq 19 @27:21:30 (distance 851.18m), in trip 411023220 of route 47107_3 N2: 28.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 090012151903 seq 18 @28:46:00 and stop 090012152003 seq 19 @28:46:30 (distance 851.18m), in trip 411023219 of route 47107_3 N2: 28.37 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171249 seq 7 @6:09:00 and stop 000000171242 seq 8 @6:10:00 (distance 1701.89m), in trip 402173082 of route 78002_3 131: 28.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171249 seq 7 @8:21:00 and stop 000000171242 seq 8 @8:22:00 (distance 1701.89m), in trip 402173081 of route 78002_3 131: 28.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000171249 seq 8 @14:16:00 and stop 000000171242 seq 9 @14:17:00 (distance 1701.89m), in trip 402173077 of route 78002_3 131: 28.36 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000176267 seq 10 @16:06:30 and stop 000009907478 seq 11 @16:07:00 (distance 847.01m), in trip 402174606 of route 78464_3 612: 28.23 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000195409 seq 7 @24:36:30 and stop 000000693021 seq 8 @24:37:00 (distance 843.91m), in trip 409688235 of route 81129_3 N25: 28.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000195409 seq 7 @25:40:30 and stop 000000693021 seq 8 @25:41:00 (distance 843.91m), in trip 409688234 of route 81129_3 N25: 28.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000195409 seq 7 @24:36:30 and stop 000000693021 seq 8 @24:37:00 (distance 843.91m), in trip 409688233 of route 81129_3 N25: 28.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000195409 seq 7 @25:40:30 and stop 000000693021 seq 8 @25:41:00 (distance 843.91m), in trip 409688232 of route 81129_3 N25: 28.13 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 150010315101 seq 20 @14:33:00 and stop 150010872201 seq 21 @14:34:00 (distance 1673.16m), in trip 410088661 of route 50315_3 917: 27.89 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000009914971 seq 31 @7:18:30 and stop 000000104805 seq 32 @7:19:00 (distance 835.18m), in trip 400796845 of route 52947_3 431: 27.84 > 27.78 m/s

Too many stops with identical time - 49 WARNING

WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 15:39:00, in trip 407706530 of route 79142_3 617.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 16:05:00, in trip 407706526 of route 79142_3 617.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 17 × 16:05:00, in trip 407706308 of route 79138_3 613.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 24:00:00, in trip 358791441 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 1:30:00, in trip 358791440 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 2:30:00, in trip 358791439 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 12 × 17:00:00, in trip 358791436 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 24:00:00, in trip 358791449 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 1:30:00, in trip 358791452 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 2:30:00, in trip 358791445 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 12 × 17:30:00, in trip 358791434 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 24:00:00, in trip 358791446 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 12 × 21:00:00, in trip 358791437 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 22:00:00, in trip 358791443 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 23:00:00, in trip 358791442 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 12 × 21:00:00, in trip 358791435 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 22:00:00, in trip 358791451 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 23:00:00, in trip 358791450 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 12 × 21:00:00, in trip 358791433 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 22:00:00, in trip 358791448 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 23:00:00, in trip 358791447 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 3:30:00, in trip 358791438 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 16 × 3:30:00, in trip 358791444 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:36:00, in trip 358791432 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:36:00, in trip 358791431 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:44:00, in trip 358791428 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:36:00, in trip 358791430 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:44:00, in trip 358791427 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 6 × 19:40:00, in trip 358791429 of route 79437_3 9120.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 15:50:00, in trip 407706590 of route 79143_3 618.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 21 × 16:00:00, in trip 407706353 of route 79139_3 614.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 15:50:00, in trip 407706667 of route 79144_3 619.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 7:00:00, in trip 408401729 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 9:00:00, in trip 408401728 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 11:00:00, in trip 408401727 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 13:00:00, in trip 408401726 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 15:00:00, in trip 408401725 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 17:00:00, in trip 408401724 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 19:00:00, in trip 408401723 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 8 × 21:00:00, in trip 408401722 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 8:00:00, in trip 408401721 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 10:00:00, in trip 408401720 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 12:00:00, in trip 408401719 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 14:00:00, in trip 408401718 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 16:00:00, in trip 408401717 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 18:00:00, in trip 408401716 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 7 × 20:00:00, in trip 408401715 of route 83015_3 M02.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 25 × 15:45:00, in trip 407705937 of route 79135_3 610.
WARNING Too many stops with identical time: 13 × 15:50:00, in trip 407706400 of route 79140_3 615.

Unknown file - 1 INFO

INFO Unknown file service_alerts.txt

agency.txt - 4 WARNING

agency_id agency_name agency_url agency_timezone agency_lang agency_phone
L32 266 Weserfähre GmbH Europe/Berlin de +49 471 3003600
WARNING agency_id Unused agency ID 266
agency_id agency_name agency_url agency_timezone agency_lang agency_phone
L64 1130 FBS - Fähren Bremen-Stedingen GmbH Europe/Berlin de
WARNING agency_id Unused agency ID 1130
agency_id agency_name agency_url agency_timezone agency_lang agency_phone
L86 2117 Omnibusbetrieb Nienaber Europe/Berlin de +49 4492 666
WARNING agency_id Unused agency ID 2117
agency_id agency_name agency_url agency_timezone agency_lang agency_phone
L102 2445 Hal över Europe/Berlin de +49 421 33 89 89
WARNING agency_id Unused agency ID 2445

frequencies.txt - 5 INFO

L1 trip_id start_time end_time headway_secs exact_times
INFO trip_id Unrecognized column
INFO start_time Unrecognized column
INFO end_time Unrecognized column
INFO headway_secs Unrecognized column
INFO exact_times Unrecognized column

pathways.txt - 24 WARNING - 898 ERROR

pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2 14357554 000090011001 000090011003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L12 14357549 000090011002 000090011003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L24 14357544 000090011003 000090011001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L25 14357543 000090011003 000090011002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L29 14357540 000090011003 000090011020 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L35 14366950 D_000090011004 D_000090011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L36 14366949 D_000090011004 D_000090011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L48 14366948 D_000090011005 D_000090011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L49 14366947 D_000090011005 D_000090011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L61 14366946 D_000090011006 D_000090011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L62 14366945 D_000090011006 D_000090011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L160 14357510 000090011020 000090011003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L214 14366864 000090031004 000090031005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L222 14366863 000090031005 000090031004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L230 14366862 000090031006 000090031007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L236 14366861 000090031007 000090031006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L647 14366623 000090042007 000090042008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L650 14366622 000090042008 000090042007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1126 14366182 000090101001 000090101002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1133 14357376 000090101001 000090101024 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1134 14355170 000090101001 000090101024 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1136 14355168 000090101001 000090101025 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1138 14366181 000090101002 000090101001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1145 14357375 000090101002 000090101024 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1146 14355169 000090101002 000090101024 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1148 14355167 000090101002 000090101025 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1156 14366180 000090101003 000090101004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1160 14355160 000090101003 000090101025 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1168 14366179 000090101004 000090101003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1172 14355159 000090101004 000090101025 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1174 14354448 000090101005 000090101015 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1175 14354446 000090101005 000090101018 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1176 14354447 000090101006 000090101015 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1177 14354445 000090101006 000090101018 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1222 14354444 000090101014 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1223 14354443 000090101015 000090101005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1224 14354442 000090101015 000090101006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1233 14355157 000090101015 000090101024 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1234 14354441 000090101015 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1241 14354440 000090101016 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1248 14354439 000090101017 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1249 14354438 000090101018 000090101005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1250 14354437 000090101018 000090101006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1256 14355154 000090101018 000090101024 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1257 14354436 000090101018 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1260 14354435 000090101019 000090101024 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1268 14357359 000090101024 000090101001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1269 14355148 000090101024 000090101001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1271 14357358 000090101024 000090101002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1272 14355147 000090101024 000090101002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1282 14354430 000090101024 000090101014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1284 14355143 000090101024 000090101015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1285 14354429 000090101024 000090101015 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1288 14354428 000090101024 000090101016 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1291 14354427 000090101024 000090101017 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1293 14355140 000090101024 000090101018 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1294 14354426 000090101024 000090101018 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1297 14354425 000090101024 000090101019 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1301 14357346 000090101024 000090101025 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1302 14355134 000090101024 000090101025 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1304 14355133 000090101025 000090101001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1306 14355132 000090101025 000090101002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1308 14355131 000090101025 000090101003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1310 14355130 000090101025 000090101004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1319 14357345 000090101025 000090101024 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1320 14355129 000090101025 000090101024 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1465 14365962 D_000090161002 D_000090161003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1470 14365961 D_000090161003 D_000090161002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1567 14365882 D_000090201002 D_000090201003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1570 14365881 D_000090201003 D_000090201002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1589 14357274 000090211001 000090211008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1596 14357273 000090211002 000090211008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1600 14365869 D_000090211003 D_000090211004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1605 14365868 D_000090211004 D_000090211003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1624 14357266 000090211008 000090211001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1626 14357265 000090211008 000090211002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1687 14353268 000090241001 000090241009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1688 14353267 000090241001 000090241010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1692 14353266 000090241002 000090241009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1693 14353265 000090241002 000090241010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1738 14353260 000090241009 000090241001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1739 14353259 000090241009 000090241002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1746 14353258 000090241010 000090241001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1747 14353257 000090241010 000090241002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1754 14365697 000090261001 000090261002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L1771 14365696 000090261002 000090261001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2256 14365301 000090421008 000090421009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2259 14365300 000090421009 000090421008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2374 14365151 000090451001 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2376 14365149 000090451001 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2377 14357158 000090451001 000090451005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2378 14355070 000090451001 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2379 14354252 000090451001 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2380 14353112 000090451001 000090451005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2381 14357157 000090451001 000090451006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2382 14355069 000090451001 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2383 14354251 000090451001 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2384 14353111 000090451001 000090451006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2385 14357156 000090451001 000090451007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2386 14355068 000090451001 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2387 14354250 000090451001 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2388 14353110 000090451001 000090451007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2389 14357155 000090451001 000090451008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2390 14355067 000090451001 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2391 14354249 000090451001 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2392 14353109 000090451001 000090451008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2393 14357154 000090451001 000090451009 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2394 14355066 000090451001 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2395 14354248 000090451001 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2396 14353108 000090451001 000090451009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2399 14354247 000090451001 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2400 14353107 000090451001 000090451013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2403 14354246 000090451001 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2404 14353106 000090451001 000090451014 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2405 14357151 000090451001 000090451015 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2406 14355063 000090451001 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2408 14353105 000090451001 000090451015 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2409 14365148 000090451002 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2410 14365147 000090451002 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2412 14357145 000090451002 000090451005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2413 14355057 000090451002 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2414 14354239 000090451002 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2415 14353100 000090451002 000090451005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2416 14357144 000090451002 000090451006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2417 14355056 000090451002 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2418 14354238 000090451002 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2419 14353099 000090451002 000090451006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2420 14357143 000090451002 000090451007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2421 14355055 000090451002 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2422 14354237 000090451002 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2423 14353098 000090451002 000090451007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2424 14357142 000090451002 000090451008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2425 14355054 000090451002 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2426 14354236 000090451002 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2427 14353097 000090451002 000090451008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2428 14357141 000090451002 000090451009 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2429 14355053 000090451002 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2430 14354235 000090451002 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2431 14353096 000090451002 000090451009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2434 14354234 000090451002 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2435 14353095 000090451002 000090451013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2438 14354233 000090451002 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2439 14353094 000090451002 000090451014 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2440 14357138 000090451002 000090451015 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2441 14355050 000090451002 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2443 14353093 000090451002 000090451015 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2445 14365144 000090451003 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2446 14365143 000090451003 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2447 14357132 000090451003 000090451005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2448 14355044 000090451003 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2449 14354226 000090451003 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2450 14353088 000090451003 000090451005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2451 14357131 000090451003 000090451006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2452 14355043 000090451003 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2453 14354225 000090451003 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2454 14353087 000090451003 000090451006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2455 14357130 000090451003 000090451007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2456 14355042 000090451003 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2457 14354224 000090451003 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2458 14353086 000090451003 000090451007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2459 14357129 000090451003 000090451008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2460 14355041 000090451003 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2461 14354223 000090451003 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2462 14353085 000090451003 000090451008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2463 14357128 000090451003 000090451009 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2464 14355040 000090451003 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2465 14354222 000090451003 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2466 14353084 000090451003 000090451009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2469 14354221 000090451003 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2470 14353083 000090451003 000090451013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2473 14354220 000090451003 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2474 14353082 000090451003 000090451014 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2475 14357125 000090451003 000090451015 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2476 14355037 000090451003 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2478 14353081 000090451003 000090451015 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2479 14365142 000090451004 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2481 14365140 000090451004 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2482 14357119 000090451004 000090451005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2483 14355031 000090451004 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2484 14354213 000090451004 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2485 14353076 000090451004 000090451005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2486 14357118 000090451004 000090451006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2487 14355030 000090451004 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2488 14354212 000090451004 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2489 14353075 000090451004 000090451006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2490 14357117 000090451004 000090451007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2491 14355029 000090451004 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2492 14354211 000090451004 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2493 14353074 000090451004 000090451007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2494 14357116 000090451004 000090451008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2495 14355028 000090451004 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2496 14354210 000090451004 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2497 14353073 000090451004 000090451008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2498 14357115 000090451004 000090451009 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2499 14355027 000090451004 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2500 14354209 000090451004 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2501 14353072 000090451004 000090451009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2504 14354208 000090451004 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2505 14353071 000090451004 000090451013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2508 14354207 000090451004 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2509 14353070 000090451004 000090451014 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2510 14357112 000090451004 000090451015 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2511 14355024 000090451004 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2513 14353069 000090451004 000090451015 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2514 14357110 000090451005 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2515 14355022 000090451005 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2516 14354204 000090451005 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2517 14353068 000090451005 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2518 14357109 000090451005 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2519 14355021 000090451005 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2520 14354203 000090451005 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2521 14353067 000090451005 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2522 14357108 000090451005 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2523 14355020 000090451005 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2524 14354202 000090451005 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2525 14353066 000090451005 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2526 14357107 000090451005 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2527 14355019 000090451005 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2528 14354201 000090451005 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2529 14353065 000090451005 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2531 14355018 000090451005 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2532 14354200 000090451005 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2533 14355017 000090451005 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2534 14354199 000090451005 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2536 14357105 000090451006 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2537 14355016 000090451006 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2538 14354198 000090451006 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2539 14353064 000090451006 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2540 14357104 000090451006 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2541 14355015 000090451006 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2542 14354197 000090451006 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2543 14353063 000090451006 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2544 14357103 000090451006 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2545 14355014 000090451006 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2546 14354196 000090451006 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2547 14353062 000090451006 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2548 14357102 000090451006 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2549 14355013 000090451006 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2550 14354195 000090451006 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2551 14353061 000090451006 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2552 14355012 000090451006 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2553 14354194 000090451006 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2555 14355011 000090451006 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2556 14354193 000090451006 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2558 14357101 000090451007 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2559 14355010 000090451007 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2560 14354192 000090451007 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2561 14353059 000090451007 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2562 14357100 000090451007 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2563 14355009 000090451007 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2564 14354191 000090451007 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2565 14353058 000090451007 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2566 14357099 000090451007 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2567 14355008 000090451007 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2568 14354190 000090451007 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2569 14353057 000090451007 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2570 14357098 000090451007 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2571 14355007 000090451007 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2572 14354189 000090451007 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2573 14353056 000090451007 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2574 14355006 000090451007 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2575 14354188 000090451007 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2577 14355005 000090451007 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2578 14354187 000090451007 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2580 14357097 000090451008 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2581 14355004 000090451008 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2582 14354186 000090451008 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2583 14353054 000090451008 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2584 14357096 000090451008 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2585 14355003 000090451008 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2586 14354185 000090451008 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2587 14353053 000090451008 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2588 14357095 000090451008 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2589 14355002 000090451008 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2590 14354184 000090451008 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2591 14353052 000090451008 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2592 14357094 000090451008 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2593 14355001 000090451008 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2594 14354183 000090451008 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2595 14353051 000090451008 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2596 14355000 000090451008 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2597 14354182 000090451008 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2598 14354999 000090451008 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2599 14354181 000090451008 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2601 14357093 000090451009 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2602 14354998 000090451009 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2603 14354180 000090451009 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2604 14353049 000090451009 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2605 14357092 000090451009 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2606 14354997 000090451009 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2607 14354179 000090451009 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2608 14353048 000090451009 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2609 14357091 000090451009 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2610 14354996 000090451009 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2611 14354178 000090451009 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2612 14353047 000090451009 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2613 14357090 000090451009 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2614 14354995 000090451009 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2615 14354177 000090451009 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2616 14353046 000090451009 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2617 14354994 000090451009 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2618 14354176 000090451009 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2619 14354993 000090451009 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2620 14354175 000090451009 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2629 14354170 000090451013 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2630 14353039 000090451013 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2633 14354169 000090451013 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2634 14353038 000090451013 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2637 14354168 000090451013 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2638 14353037 000090451013 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2641 14354167 000090451013 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2642 14353036 000090451013 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2644 14354984 000090451013 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2645 14354166 000090451013 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2646 14354983 000090451013 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2647 14354165 000090451013 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2649 14354982 000090451013 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2650 14354164 000090451013 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2652 14354981 000090451013 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2653 14354163 000090451013 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2654 14354980 000090451013 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2655 14354162 000090451013 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2658 14365081 000090451013 000090451014 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2659 14354979 000090451013 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2660 14354161 000090451013 000090451015 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2663 14354155 000090451014 000090451001 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2664 14353028 000090451014 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2667 14354154 000090451014 000090451002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2668 14353027 000090451014 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2671 14354153 000090451014 000090451003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2672 14353026 000090451014 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2675 14354152 000090451014 000090451004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2676 14353025 000090451014 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2677 14354969 000090451014 000090451005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2678 14354151 000090451014 000090451005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2679 14354968 000090451014 000090451006 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2680 14354150 000090451014 000090451006 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2681 14354967 000090451014 000090451007 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2682 14354149 000090451014 000090451007 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2683 14354966 000090451014 000090451008 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2684 14354148 000090451014 000090451008 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2686 14354965 000090451014 000090451009 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2687 14354147 000090451014 000090451009 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2690 14365080 000090451014 000090451013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2691 14354964 000090451014 000090451015 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2692 14354146 000090451014 000090451015 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2693 14357064 000090451015 000090451001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2694 14354962 000090451015 000090451001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2696 14353022 000090451015 000090451001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2697 14357063 000090451015 000090451002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2698 14354961 000090451015 000090451002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2700 14353021 000090451015 000090451002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2701 14357062 000090451015 000090451003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2702 14354960 000090451015 000090451003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2704 14353020 000090451015 000090451003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2705 14357061 000090451015 000090451004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2706 14354959 000090451015 000090451004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2708 14353019 000090451015 000090451004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2709 14354958 000090451015 000090451013 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2710 14354140 000090451015 000090451013 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2711 14354957 000090451015 000090451014 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L2712 14354139 000090451015 000090451014 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3331 14364430 D_000090571002 D_000090571003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3332 14364429 D_000090571002 D_000090571004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3337 14364428 D_000090571003 D_000090571002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3338 14364427 D_000090571003 D_000090571004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3343 14364426 D_000090571004 D_000090571002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3344 14364425 D_000090571004 D_000090571003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3378 14364291 D_000090631001 D_000090631002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3383 14364290 D_000090631002 D_000090631001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3482 14364180 D_000090671002 000090671008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3491 14364179 D_000090671003 000090671008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3500 14364178 D_000090671004 000090671008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3509 14364177 D_000090671005 000090671008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3518 14364176 D_000090671006 000090671008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3526 14364154 000090671008 D_000090671002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3527 14364153 000090671008 D_000090671003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3528 14364152 000090671008 D_000090671004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3529 14364151 000090671008 D_000090671005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3530 14364150 000090671008 D_000090671006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3604 14364089 000090701004 000090701006 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701004 and stop 000090701006 (distance 424.21m): 2.36 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3605 14364088 000090701004 000090701007 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701004 and stop 000090701007 (distance 444.71m): 2.47 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3608 14364087 000090701005 000090701006 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701005 and stop 000090701006 (distance 454.09m): 2.52 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3609 14364086 000090701005 000090701007 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701005 and stop 000090701007 (distance 471.65m): 2.62 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3610 14364085 000090701006 000090701004 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701006 and stop 000090701004 (distance 424.21m): 2.36 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3611 14364083 000090701006 000090701005 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701006 and stop 000090701005 (distance 454.09m): 2.52 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3613 14364084 000090701007 000090701004 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701007 and stop 000090701004 (distance 444.71m): 2.47 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3614 14364082 000090701007 000090701005 1 0 60 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000090701007 and stop 000090701005 (distance 471.65m): 2.62 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3672 14364057 D_000090841005 D_000090841006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3678 14364056 D_000090841006 D_000090841005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3686 14364041 D_000090841007 D_000090841008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3692 14364040 D_000090841008 D_000090841007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3778 14363886 D_000090881003 D_000090881004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3779 14363885 D_000090881003 D_000090881005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3780 14363884 D_000090881003 D_000090881006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3785 14363883 D_000090881004 D_000090881003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3786 14363882 D_000090881004 D_000090881005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3787 14363881 D_000090881004 D_000090881006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3792 14363880 D_000090881005 D_000090881003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3793 14363879 D_000090881005 D_000090881004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3794 14363878 D_000090881005 D_000090881006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3799 14363877 D_000090881006 D_000090881003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3800 14363876 D_000090881006 D_000090881004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3801 14363875 D_000090881006 D_000090881005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3810 14363837 D_000090881007 D_000090881008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3811 14363836 D_000090881007 D_000090881009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3817 14363835 D_000090881008 D_000090881007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3818 14363834 D_000090881008 D_000090881009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3824 14363833 D_000090881009 D_000090881007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3825 14363832 D_000090881009 D_000090881008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3837 14352820 000090951001 D_000090951003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3841 14352819 000090951002 D_000090951003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3844 14352814 D_000090951003 000090951001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3845 14352813 D_000090951003 000090951002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3858 14352808 000090961001 000090961003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3859 14356986 000090961001 000090961004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3863 14352807 000090961002 000090961003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3864 14356985 000090961002 000090961004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3867 14352804 000090961003 000090961001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3869 14352803 000090961003 000090961002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3870 14356982 000090961004 000090961001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L3872 14356981 000090961004 000090961002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4247 14363494 000091078002 000091078008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4248 14363493 000091078002 000091078009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4268 14363478 000091078008 000091078002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4272 14363477 000091078009 000091078002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4280 14363469 D_000091091002 D_000091091003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4283 14363468 D_000091091003 D_000091091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4293 14352751 000091091005 000091091008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4301 14352743 000091091008 000091091005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4456 14363356 D_000091331005 D_000091331006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4471 14363355 D_000091331006 D_000091331005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4517 14363315 D_000091331010 D_000091331011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4531 14363314 D_000091331011 D_000091331010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4623 14363288 000091351001 000091351002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4628 14363287 000091351002 000091351001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4700 14363235 000091381001 000091381002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4701 14363234 000091381001 000091381003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4704 14363233 000091381002 000091381001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4705 14363232 000091381002 000091381003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4708 14363231 000091381003 000091381001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4709 14363230 000091381003 000091381002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4929 14363047 D_000091421003 D_000091421004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4930 14363046 D_000091421003 D_000091421005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4932 14363045 D_000091421004 D_000091421003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4933 14363044 D_000091421004 D_000091421005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4935 14363043 D_000091421005 D_000091421003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L4936 14363042 D_000091421005 D_000091421004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5236 14356414 000091531001 000091531007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5239 14352518 000091531001 000091531008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5241 14356413 000091531002 000091531007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5244 14352517 000091531002 000091531008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5265 14356410 000091531007 000091531001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5267 14356409 000091531007 000091531002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5274 14352514 000091531008 000091531001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5276 14352513 000091531008 000091531002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5553 14362606 000091611001 000091611002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5557 14362605 000091611002 000091611001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5826 14350440 D_000091661002 D_000091661003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5827 14350439 D_000091661002 D_000091661004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5828 14350438 D_000091661002 D_000091661005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5832 14350437 D_000091661003 D_000091661002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5833 14350436 D_000091661003 D_000091661004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5834 14350435 D_000091661003 D_000091661005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5838 14350434 D_000091661004 D_000091661002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5839 14350433 D_000091661004 D_000091661003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5840 14350432 D_000091661004 D_000091661005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5844 14350431 D_000091661005 D_000091661002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5845 14350430 D_000091661005 D_000091661003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5846 14350429 D_000091661005 D_000091661004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5884 14362386 000091665008 000091665009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5886 14362385 000091665009 000091665008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5887 14362384 000091671001 000091671002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L5889 14362383 000091671002 000091671001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6125 14354674 000091811001 000091811002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6130 14362066 000091811001 000091811007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6133 14354673 000091811002 000091811001 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6134 14356281 000091811002 D_000091811003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6135 14354672 000091811002 D_000091811003 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6136 14353739 000091811002 D_000091811003 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6137 14356280 000091811002 D_000091811004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6138 14354671 000091811002 D_000091811004 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6139 14353738 000091811002 D_000091811004 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6140 14356279 000091811002 D_000091811005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6141 14354670 000091811002 D_000091811005 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6142 14353737 000091811002 D_000091811005 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6143 14362061 000091811002 000091811007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6148 14356277 D_000091811003 000091811002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6149 14354668 D_000091811003 000091811002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6150 14353735 D_000091811003 000091811002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6155 14356276 D_000091811004 000091811002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6156 14354667 D_000091811004 000091811002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6157 14353734 D_000091811004 000091811002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6162 14356275 D_000091811005 000091811002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6163 14354666 D_000091811005 000091811002 4 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6164 14353733 D_000091811005 000091811002 5 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6175 14362037 000091811007 000091811001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6176 14362036 000091811007 000091811002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6225 14362016 D_000092021003 000092021011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6231 14362015 D_000092021004 000092021011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6236 14356251 000092021005 000092021013 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6246 14362000 000092021011 D_000092021003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6247 14361999 000092021011 D_000092021004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6260 14361998 000092021012 000092021013 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6266 14356237 000092021013 000092021005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6269 14361997 000092021013 000092021012 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6281 14361965 000092121003 000092121007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6282 14361964 000092121003 000092121008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6291 14361962 000092121007 000092121003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6292 14361961 000092121008 000092121003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6311 14361959 D_000092131002 D_000092131003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6312 14361958 D_000092131002 D_000092131004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6313 14361957 D_000092131002 D_000092131005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6321 14361956 D_000092131003 D_000092131002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6322 14361955 D_000092131003 D_000092131004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6323 14361954 D_000092131003 D_000092131005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6331 14361953 D_000092131004 D_000092131002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6332 14361952 D_000092131004 D_000092131003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6333 14361951 D_000092131004 D_000092131005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6341 14361950 D_000092131005 D_000092131002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6342 14361949 D_000092131005 D_000092131003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6343 14361948 D_000092131005 D_000092131004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6508 14361799 D_000092161002 D_000092161003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6512 14361798 D_000092161003 D_000092161002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6652 14361629 D_000092181002 D_000092181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6657 14361628 D_000092181003 D_000092181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6805 14361489 D_000092221002 D_000092221003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6806 14361488 D_000092221002 D_000092221004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6807 14361487 D_000092221002 D_000092221005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6808 14361477 D_000092221002 000092221006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6811 14361486 D_000092221003 D_000092221002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6812 14361485 D_000092221003 D_000092221004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6813 14361484 D_000092221003 D_000092221005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6814 14361476 D_000092221003 000092221006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6817 14361483 D_000092221004 D_000092221002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6818 14361482 D_000092221004 D_000092221003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6819 14361481 D_000092221004 D_000092221005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6820 14361475 D_000092221004 000092221006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6823 14361480 D_000092221005 D_000092221002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6824 14361479 D_000092221005 D_000092221003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6825 14361478 D_000092221005 D_000092221004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6826 14361474 D_000092221005 000092221006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6828 14361469 000092221006 D_000092221002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6829 14361468 000092221006 D_000092221003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6830 14361467 000092221006 D_000092221004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6831 14361466 000092221006 D_000092221005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6855 14361456 D_000092231003 D_000092231004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6856 14361455 D_000092231003 D_000092231005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6857 14361454 D_000092231003 D_000092231006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6864 14361453 D_000092231004 D_000092231003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6865 14361452 D_000092231004 D_000092231005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6866 14361451 D_000092231004 D_000092231006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6873 14361450 D_000092231005 D_000092231003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6874 14361449 D_000092231005 D_000092231004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6875 14361448 D_000092231005 D_000092231006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6882 14361447 D_000092231006 D_000092231003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6883 14361446 D_000092231006 D_000092231004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L6884 14361445 D_000092231006 D_000092231005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7085 14361222 000092301015 000092301016 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7096 14361221 000092301016 000092301015 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7355 14361046 000092511001 000092511002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7360 14361045 000092511002 000092511001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7455 14360962 000092531006 000092531011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7460 14360957 000092531007 000092531008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7461 14360956 000092531007 000092531009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7462 14360955 000092531007 000092531010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7463 14360954 000092531008 000092531007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7464 14360953 000092531009 000092531007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7465 14360952 000092531010 000092531007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7466 14360951 000092531011 000092531006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7747 14360747 000092601002 000092601008 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601002 and stop 000092601008 (distance 753.06m): 2.51 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7748 14360746 000092601002 000092601009 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601002 and stop 000092601009 (distance 760.85m): 2.54 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7755 14360744 000092601004 000092601008 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601004 and stop 000092601008 (distance 743.80m): 2.48 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7756 14360743 000092601004 000092601009 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601004 and stop 000092601009 (distance 751.49m): 2.50 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7758 14360742 000092601005 000092601008 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601005 and stop 000092601008 (distance 773.00m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7759 14360741 000092601005 000092601009 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601005 and stop 000092601009 (distance 779.09m): 2.16 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7761 14360740 000092601006 000092601008 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601006 and stop 000092601008 (distance 754.61m): 2.10 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7762 14360739 000092601006 000092601009 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601006 and stop 000092601009 (distance 760.56m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7765 14360736 000092601008 000092601002 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601008 and stop 000092601002 (distance 753.06m): 2.51 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7766 14360734 000092601008 000092601004 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601008 and stop 000092601004 (distance 743.80m): 2.48 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7767 14360732 000092601008 000092601005 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601008 and stop 000092601005 (distance 773.00m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7768 14360730 000092601008 000092601006 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601008 and stop 000092601006 (distance 754.61m): 2.10 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7769 14360735 000092601009 000092601002 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601009 and stop 000092601002 (distance 760.85m): 2.54 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7770 14360733 000092601009 000092601004 1 0 180 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601009 and stop 000092601004 (distance 751.49m): 2.50 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7771 14360731 000092601009 000092601005 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601009 and stop 000092601005 (distance 779.09m): 2.16 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7772 14360729 000092601009 000092601006 1 0 240 0.000000000000
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000092601009 and stop 000092601006 (distance 760.56m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7797 14360719 D_000092621002 D_000092621003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7798 14360718 D_000092621002 D_000092621004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7799 14360717 D_000092621002 D_000092621005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7801 14360703 D_000092621002 000092621007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7802 14360716 D_000092621003 D_000092621002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7803 14360715 D_000092621003 D_000092621004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7804 14360714 D_000092621003 D_000092621005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7806 14360702 D_000092621003 000092621007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7807 14360713 D_000092621004 D_000092621002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7808 14360712 D_000092621004 D_000092621003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7809 14360711 D_000092621004 D_000092621005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7811 14360701 D_000092621004 000092621007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7812 14360710 D_000092621005 D_000092621002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7813 14360709 D_000092621005 D_000092621003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7814 14360708 D_000092621005 D_000092621004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7816 14360700 D_000092621005 000092621007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7823 14360695 000092621007 D_000092621002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7824 14360694 000092621007 D_000092621003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7825 14360693 000092621007 D_000092621004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7826 14360692 000092621007 D_000092621005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7895 14360646 000092641001 000092641002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7914 14360645 000092641002 000092641001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7961 14360622 D_000092641005 D_000092641006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7962 14360621 D_000092641005 D_000092641007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7963 14360620 D_000092641005 D_000092641008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7973 14360619 D_000092641006 D_000092641005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7974 14360618 D_000092641006 D_000092641007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7975 14360617 D_000092641006 D_000092641008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7985 14360616 D_000092641007 D_000092641005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7986 14360615 D_000092641007 D_000092641006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7987 14360614 D_000092641007 D_000092641008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7997 14360613 D_000092641008 D_000092641005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7998 14360612 D_000092641008 D_000092641006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L7999 14360611 D_000092641008 D_000092641007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8007 14360598 000092641009 D_000092641003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8008 14360597 000092641009 D_000092641004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8013 14360592 000092641009 000092641010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8025 14360584 000092641010 000092641009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8039 14360574 000092821001 000092821002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8042 14360573 000092821002 000092821001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8155 14360496 D_000092841007 D_000092841008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8164 14360495 D_000092841008 D_000092841007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8233 14360446 000092881001 000092881002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8234 14351866 000092881001 D_000092881003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8235 14351865 000092881001 D_000092881004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8238 14351858 000092881001 000092881007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8239 14351856 000092881001 000092881008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8240 14360445 000092881002 000092881001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8241 14351864 000092881002 D_000092881003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8242 14351863 000092881002 D_000092881004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8245 14351857 000092881002 000092881007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8246 14351855 000092881002 000092881008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8247 14351854 D_000092881003 000092881001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8248 14351853 D_000092881003 000092881002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8256 14351852 D_000092881004 000092881001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8257 14351851 D_000092881004 000092881002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8279 14351846 000092881007 000092881001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8280 14351845 000092881007 000092881002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8286 14351844 000092881008 000092881001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8287 14351843 000092881008 000092881002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8307 14360396 D_000092901002 D_000092901003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8309 14360395 D_000092901003 D_000092901002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8779 14360000 000093011001 000093011002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8780 14355976 000093011001 D_000093011003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8781 14351754 000093011001 D_000093011003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8782 14355975 000093011001 D_000093011004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8783 14351753 000093011001 D_000093011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8785 14351750 000093011001 000093011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8787 14351748 000093011001 000093011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8788 14355968 000093011001 000093011007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8790 14355966 000093011001 000093011008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8792 14359999 000093011002 000093011001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8793 14355974 000093011002 D_000093011003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8794 14351752 000093011002 D_000093011003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8795 14355973 000093011002 D_000093011004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8796 14351751 000093011002 D_000093011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8798 14351749 000093011002 000093011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8800 14351747 000093011002 000093011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8801 14355967 000093011002 000093011007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8803 14355965 000093011002 000093011008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8805 14355964 D_000093011003 000093011001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8806 14351742 D_000093011003 000093011001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8807 14355963 D_000093011003 000093011002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8808 14351741 D_000093011003 000093011002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8810 14359996 D_000093011003 000093011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8811 14359994 D_000093011003 000093011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8814 14355962 D_000093011004 000093011001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8815 14351740 D_000093011004 000093011001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8816 14355961 D_000093011004 000093011002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8817 14351739 D_000093011004 000093011002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8819 14359995 D_000093011004 000093011005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8820 14359993 D_000093011004 000093011006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8824 14351738 000093011005 000093011001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8826 14351737 000093011005 000093011002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8827 14359988 000093011005 D_000093011003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8828 14359987 000093011005 D_000093011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8832 14351736 000093011006 000093011001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8834 14351735 000093011006 000093011002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8835 14359984 000093011006 D_000093011003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8836 14359983 000093011006 D_000093011004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8839 14355956 000093011007 000093011001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8841 14355955 000093011007 000093011002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8847 14355954 000093011008 000093011001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L8849 14355953 000093011008 000093011002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9089 14359886 000093023001 000093023002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9090 14351612 000093023001 D_000093023003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9091 14351611 000093023001 D_000093023004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9092 14351610 000093023001 D_000093023005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9093 14351609 000093023001 D_000093023006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9096 14359885 000093023002 000093023001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9097 14351608 000093023002 D_000093023003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9098 14351607 000093023002 D_000093023004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9099 14351606 000093023002 D_000093023005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9100 14351605 000093023002 D_000093023006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9103 14351600 D_000093023003 000093023001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9104 14351599 D_000093023003 000093023002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9110 14351598 D_000093023004 000093023001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9111 14351597 D_000093023004 000093023002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9117 14351596 D_000093023005 000093023001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9118 14351595 D_000093023005 000093023002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9124 14351594 D_000093023006 000093023001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9125 14351593 D_000093023006 000093023002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9144 14351588 000093033001 D_000093033003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9145 14351587 000093033001 D_000093033004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9146 14351586 000093033001 D_000093033005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9147 14351585 000093033001 D_000093033006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9151 14351584 000093033002 D_000093033003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9152 14351583 000093033002 D_000093033004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9153 14351582 000093033002 D_000093033005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9154 14351581 000093033002 D_000093033006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9157 14351576 D_000093033003 000093033001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9158 14351575 D_000093033003 000093033002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9164 14351574 D_000093033004 000093033001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9165 14351573 D_000093033004 000093033002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9171 14351572 D_000093033005 000093033001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9172 14351571 D_000093033005 000093033002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9178 14351570 D_000093033006 000093033001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9179 14351569 D_000093033006 000093033002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9302 14351548 000093081001 D_000093081003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9303 14351547 000093081001 D_000093081004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9304 14351546 000093081001 D_000093081005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9305 14351545 000093081001 D_000093081006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9306 14351544 000093081001 D_000093081007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9307 14351543 000093081001 D_000093081008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9311 14351542 000093081002 D_000093081003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9312 14351541 000093081002 D_000093081004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9313 14351540 000093081002 D_000093081005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9314 14351539 000093081002 D_000093081006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9315 14351538 000093081002 D_000093081007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9316 14351537 000093081002 D_000093081008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9319 14351532 D_000093081003 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9320 14351531 D_000093081003 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9328 14351530 D_000093081004 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9329 14351529 D_000093081004 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9337 14351528 D_000093081005 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9338 14351527 D_000093081005 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9346 14351526 D_000093081006 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9347 14351525 D_000093081006 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9355 14351524 D_000093081007 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9356 14351523 D_000093081007 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9364 14351522 D_000093081008 000093081001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9365 14351521 D_000093081008 000093081002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9390 14355830 000093091001 D_000093091003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9391 14351516 000093091001 D_000093091003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9392 14355829 000093091001 D_000093091004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9393 14351515 000093091001 D_000093091004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9394 14355828 000093091001 D_000093091005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9395 14351514 000093091001 D_000093091005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9396 14355827 000093091001 D_000093091006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9397 14351513 000093091001 D_000093091006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9398 14355826 000093091001 D_000093091007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9399 14351512 000093091001 D_000093091007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9400 14355825 000093091001 D_000093091008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9401 14351511 000093091001 D_000093091008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9405 14351502 000093091001 000093091010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9406 14355814 000093091001 000093091011 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9407 14351500 000093091001 000093091011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9408 14355812 000093091001 000093091012 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9409 14351498 000093091001 000093091012 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9411 14355824 000093091002 D_000093091003 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9412 14351510 000093091002 D_000093091003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9413 14355823 000093091002 D_000093091004 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9414 14351509 000093091002 D_000093091004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9415 14355822 000093091002 D_000093091005 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9416 14351508 000093091002 D_000093091005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9417 14355821 000093091002 D_000093091006 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9418 14351507 000093091002 D_000093091006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9419 14355820 000093091002 D_000093091007 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9420 14351506 000093091002 D_000093091007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9421 14355819 000093091002 D_000093091008 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9422 14351505 000093091002 D_000093091008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9426 14351501 000093091002 000093091010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9427 14355813 000093091002 000093091011 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9428 14351499 000093091002 000093091011 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9429 14355811 000093091002 000093091012 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9430 14351497 000093091002 000093091012 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9431 14355810 D_000093091003 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9432 14351496 D_000093091003 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9433 14355809 D_000093091003 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9434 14351495 D_000093091003 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9444 14355808 D_000093091004 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9445 14351494 D_000093091004 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9446 14355807 D_000093091004 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9447 14351493 D_000093091004 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9457 14355806 D_000093091005 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9458 14351492 D_000093091005 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9459 14355805 D_000093091005 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9460 14351491 D_000093091005 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9470 14355804 D_000093091006 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9471 14351490 D_000093091006 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9472 14355803 D_000093091006 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9473 14351489 D_000093091006 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9483 14355802 D_000093091007 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9484 14351488 D_000093091007 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9485 14355801 D_000093091007 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9486 14351487 D_000093091007 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9496 14355800 D_000093091008 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9497 14351486 D_000093091008 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9498 14355799 D_000093091008 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9499 14351485 D_000093091008 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9522 14351482 000093091010 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9524 14351481 000093091010 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9533 14355794 000093091011 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9534 14351480 000093091011 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9535 14355793 000093091011 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9536 14351479 000093091011 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9546 14355792 000093091012 000093091001 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9547 14351478 000093091012 000093091001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9548 14355791 000093091012 000093091002 2 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9549 14351477 000093091012 000093091002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9757 14359307 D_000093471003 D_000093471004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9759 14359306 D_000093471004 D_000093471003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9770 14359297 D_000093471007 D_000093471008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9772 14359296 D_000093471008 D_000093471007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9821 14351358 000093818001 D_000093818002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9822 14351357 000093818001 D_000093818003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9823 14351356 000093818001 D_000093818004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9824 14351355 000093818001 D_000093818005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9825 14351354 000093818001 D_000093818006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9826 14351353 000093818001 D_000093818007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9827 14351352 000093818001 D_000093818008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9830 14351349 D_000093818002 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9837 14359172 D_000093818002 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9839 14351348 D_000093818003 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9846 14359171 D_000093818003 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9848 14351347 D_000093818004 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9855 14359170 D_000093818004 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9857 14351343 D_000093818005 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9864 14359142 D_000093818005 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9866 14351342 D_000093818006 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9873 14359141 D_000093818006 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9875 14351341 D_000093818007 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9882 14359140 D_000093818007 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9884 14351340 D_000093818008 000093818001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9891 14359139 D_000093818008 000093818009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9894 14359134 000093818009 D_000093818002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9895 14359133 000093818009 D_000093818003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9896 14359132 000093818009 D_000093818004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9897 14359131 000093818009 D_000093818005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9898 14359130 000093818009 D_000093818006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9899 14359129 000093818009 D_000093818007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9900 14359128 000093818009 D_000093818008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9946 14359064 D_000094021002 D_000094021003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9947 14359063 D_000094021002 D_000094021004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9948 14359062 D_000094021002 D_000094021005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9957 14359061 D_000094021003 D_000094021002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9958 14359060 D_000094021003 D_000094021004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9959 14359059 D_000094021003 D_000094021005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9968 14359058 D_000094021004 D_000094021002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9969 14359057 D_000094021004 D_000094021003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9970 14359056 D_000094021004 D_000094021005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9979 14359055 D_000094021005 D_000094021002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9980 14359054 D_000094021005 D_000094021003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L9981 14359053 D_000094021005 D_000094021004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11475 14358053 000095181001 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11476 14350748 000095181001 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11477 14350747 000095181001 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11478 14350746 000095181001 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11479 14350745 000095181001 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11480 14350740 000095181001 D_000095181007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11481 14350739 000095181001 D_000095181008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11484 14358052 000095181002 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11485 14350744 000095181002 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11486 14350743 000095181002 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11487 14350742 000095181002 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11488 14350741 000095181002 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11489 14350738 000095181002 D_000095181007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11490 14350737 000095181002 D_000095181008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11493 14350732 D_000095181003 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11494 14350731 D_000095181003 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11495 14358051 D_000095181003 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11496 14358050 D_000095181003 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11497 14358049 D_000095181003 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11500 14358031 D_000095181003 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11502 14350730 D_000095181004 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11503 14350729 D_000095181004 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11504 14358048 D_000095181004 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11505 14358047 D_000095181004 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11506 14358046 D_000095181004 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11509 14358030 D_000095181004 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11511 14350728 D_000095181005 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11512 14350727 D_000095181005 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11513 14358045 D_000095181005 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11514 14358044 D_000095181005 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11515 14358043 D_000095181005 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11518 14358029 D_000095181005 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11520 14350726 D_000095181006 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11521 14350725 D_000095181006 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11522 14358042 D_000095181006 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11523 14358041 D_000095181006 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11524 14358040 D_000095181006 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11527 14358028 D_000095181006 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11529 14350724 D_000095181007 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11530 14350723 D_000095181007 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11535 14358015 D_000095181007 D_000095181008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11536 14358013 D_000095181007 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11538 14350722 D_000095181008 000095181001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11539 14350721 D_000095181008 000095181002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11544 14358014 D_000095181008 D_000095181007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11545 14358012 D_000095181008 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11549 14358009 D_000095181009 D_000095181003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11550 14358008 D_000095181009 D_000095181004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11551 14358007 D_000095181009 D_000095181005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11552 14358006 D_000095181009 D_000095181006 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11553 14358005 D_000095181009 D_000095181007 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11554 14358004 D_000095181009 D_000095181008 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11555 14358003 D_000095181009 D_000095181010 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11564 14357996 D_000095181010 D_000095181009 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11761 14350030 000096000001 000096000002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11762 14350029 000096000001 000096000003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11766 14350028 000096000002 000096000001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11767 14350027 000096000002 000096000003 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11771 14350026 000096000003 000096000001 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11772 14350025 000096000003 000096000002 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11779 14350009 D_000096000004 D_000096000005 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer
pathway_id from_stop_id to_stop_id pathway_mode is_bidirectional traversal_time length stair_count max_slope min_width signposted_as
L11784 14350008 D_000096000005 D_000096000004 1 0 0 0.000000000000
ERROR traversal_time Invalid format for value 0, expected: positive integer

routes.txt - 751 WARNING

route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L3 82766_3 1855 X492 3
L1816 78048_3 2402 X492 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X492 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L4 82765_3 1855 X491 3
L1817 78047_3 2402 X491 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X491 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L5 82764_3 1855 440 3
L411 52949_3 2115 440 3
L638 69997_3 2740 440 3
L741 65763_3 2616 440 3
L2431 52895_3 221 440 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 440 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L6 82763_3 1855 431 3
L413 52947_3 2115 431 3
L1095 31090_3 231 431 3
L1828 78036_3 2402 431 3
L1949 59626_3 2400 431 3
L3042 14225_3 135 431 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 431 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L7 82762_3 1855 430 3
L999 52128_3 231 430 3
L1829 78035_3 2402 430 3
L2254 54745_3 219 430 3
L3043 14224_3 135 430 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 430 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L8 81005_3 2240 582 3
L14 78773_3 1185 582 3
L34 76324_3 1855 582 3
L42 74350_3 2150 582 3
L51 72654_3 2305 582 3
L150 49829_3 81 582 3
L943 70375_3 126 582 3
L2098 75776_3 253 582 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 582 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L9 81004_3 2240 581 3
L15 78772_3 1185 581 3
L35 76323_3 1855 581 3
L43 74349_3 2150 581 3
L52 72653_3 2305 581 3
L151 49828_3 81 581 3
L944 70374_3 126 581 3
L3059 14196_3 554 581 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 581 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L10 81003_3 2240 18 3
L36 76322_3 1855 18 3
L49 74343_3 2150 18 3
L59 72646_3 2305 18 3
L64 71672_3 1185 18 3
L127 53592_3 81 18 3
L2236 71925_3 148 18 3
L2792 46214_3 271 18 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 18 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L11 81002_3 2240 162 3
L111 53742_3 81 162 3
L809 81110_3 1195 162 3
L1073 44632_3 1750 162 3
L1740 35201_3 134 162 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 162 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L12 80657_3 2305 492 3
L2938 63623_3 135 492 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 492 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L13 79584_3 1185 300 3
L337 54823_3 2205 300 3
L2469 46754_3 1850 300 3
L2536 31634_3 286 300 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 300 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L16 77494_3 2240 14 3
L28 76452_3 2305 14 3
L120 53723_3 1855 14 3
L123 53596_3 81 14 3
L514 47128_3 553 14 3
L2548 31621_3 286 14 3
L2805 80443_0 326 14 0
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 14 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L17 77493_3 2240 10 3
L77 62012_3 2305 10 3
L121 53722_3 1855 10 3
L122 53597_3 81 10 3
L516 47124_3 553 10 3
L619 80462_3 150 10 3
L997 52131_0 231 10 0
L1351 66721_3 146 10 3
L1403 50287_3 259 10 3
L1777 79829_3 2402 10 3
L2235 71992_3 148 10 3
L2795 46211_3 271 10 3
L2830 35755_0 326 10 0 312783 FFFFFF
L3091 14155_1 554 10 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 10 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L21 76633_3 2305 640 3
L879 78237_3 2190 640 3
L1173 14744_3 546 640 3
L1303 79150_3 124 640 3
L1795 78472_3 2402 640 3
L2008 12506_3 615 640 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 640 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L22 76461_3 2305 R15 3
L71 62372_3 81 R15 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value R15 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L23 76460_3 2305 586 3
L2094 75780_3 253 586 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 586 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L24 76459_3 2305 585 3
L2095 75779_3 253 585 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 585 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L25 76458_3 2305 584 3
L941 70377_3 126 584 3
L2096 75778_3 253 584 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 584 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L26 76457_3 2305 583 3
L942 70376_3 126 583 3
L2097 75777_3 253 583 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 583 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L27 76455_3 2305 274 3
L281 76871_3 2345 274 3
L486 32434_3 780 274 3
L775 81144_3 1195 274 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 274 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L30 76439_3 2150 515 3
L696 83263_3 2607 515 3
L717 67322_3 2607 515 3
L1113 24386_3 547 515 3
L2171 49930_3 253 515 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 515 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L31 76438_3 2150 260 3
L32 76435_3 2240 260 3
L288 76864_3 2345 260 3
L702 79578_3 2615 260 3
L789 81130_3 1195 260 3
L1438 57646_3 140 260 3
L2538 31632_3 286 260 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 260 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L33 76325_3 1855 S40 3
L1807 78061_3 2402 S40 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S40 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L37 76315_3 81 167 3
L807 81112_3 1195 167 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 167 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L38 76313_3 81 21 3
L572 47068_3 552 21 3
L1349 66723_3 146 21 3
L2281 50377_3 148 21 3
L2790 46216_3 271 21 3
L2845 35734_3 326 21 3 009fe3 ffffff
L3124 33953_3 226 21 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 21 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L40 74354_3 2150 X584 3
L70 62577_3 81 X584 3
L72 62113_3 1855 X584 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X584 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L41 74353_3 2150 N18 3
L1813 78051_3 2402 N18 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N18 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L44 74348_3 2150 580 3
L53 72652_3 2305 580 3
L945 70373_3 126 580 3
L2099 75775_3 253 580 3
L2941 62345_3 135 580 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 580 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L45 74347_3 2150 514 3
L54 72651_3 2305 514 3
L573 55659_3 218 514 3
L1114 24385_3 547 514 3
L2172 49929_3 253 514 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 514 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L46 74346_3 2150 513 3
L55 72650_3 2305 513 3
L1115 24384_3 547 513 3
L2173 49928_3 253 513 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 513 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L47 74345_3 2150 512 3
L56 72649_3 2305 512 3
L592 32883_3 218 512 3 A979B3 FFFFFF
L2174 49927_3 253 512 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 512 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L48 74344_3 2150 511 3
L57 72648_3 2305 511 3
L1116 24382_3 547 511 3
L1622 72468_3 2630 511 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 511 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L50 72658_3 2305 R16 3
L73 62077_3 81 R16 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value R16 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L58 72647_3 2305 20 3
L74 62037_3 2240 20 3
L118 53726_3 1855 20 3
L128 53591_3 81 20 3
L618 80524_3 150 20 3
L1402 50288_3 259 20 3
L2298 37242_3 148 20 3
L2791 46215_3 271 20 3
L2844 35735_3 326 20 3 95c11f
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 20 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L60 72645_3 2305 17 3
L68 64681_3 2240 17 3
L119 53725_3 1855 17 3
L126 53593_3 81 17 3
L513 47129_3 553 17 3
L2237 71924_3 148 17 3
L2793 46213_3 271 17 3
L3089 14158_1 554 17 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 17 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L61 72644_3 2305 16 3
L75 62036_3 2240 16 3
L125 53594_3 81 16 3
L2233 71994_3 148 16 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 16 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L62 72643_3 2305 15 3
L124 53595_3 81 15 3
L2234 71993_3 148 15 3
L2794 46212_3 271 15 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 15 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L63 72458_3 81 178 3
L2147 75727_3 253 178 3
L2289 46328_3 148 178 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 178 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L65 67572_3 2305 172 3
L115 53736_3 81 172 3
L802 81117_3 1195 172 3
L1221 14660_3 549 172 3
L1736 35205_3 134 172 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 172 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L66 67198_3 1185 393 3
L1196 14717_3 546 393 3
L1416 66890_3 620 393 3
L1834 78030_3 2402 393 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 393 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L67 67197_3 1185 383 3
L1204 14707_3 546 383 3
L1836 78028_3 2402 383 3
L3046 14216_3 135 383 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 383 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L76 62035_3 2240 152 3
L130 53589_3 81 152 3
L1231 14645_3 549 152 3
L1333 66739_3 146 152 3
L2321 25451_3 148 152 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 152 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L78 58273_3 2305 533 3
L79 57763_3 2240 533 3
L152 49827_3 81 533 3
L158 47047_3 1855 533 3
L1623 67777_3 134 533 3
L2127 75747_3 253 533 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 533 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L80 56802_3 2240 X276 3
L92 54305_3 2150 X276 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X276 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L81 56801_3 2240 X275 3
L93 54304_3 2150 X275 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X275 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L82 56800_3 2240 221 3
L98 54295_3 2150 221 3
L396 52964_3 2116 221 3
L989 55818_3 550 221 3
L1445 57637_3 140 221 3
L1727 35219_3 134 221 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 221 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L83 56799_3 2240 216 3
L99 54294_3 2150 216 3
L1055 44890_3 550 216 3
L1922 59654_3 2400 216 3
L2813 35863_3 216 216 3 005ca9 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 216 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L84 56798_3 2240 213 3
L102 54291_3 2150 213 3
L313 76838_3 2345 213 3
L545 47095_3 552 213 3
L723 65914_3 2607 213 3
L1057 44888_3 550 213 3
L2816 35860_3 216 213 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 213 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L85 56797_3 2240 212 3
L103 54290_3 2150 212 3
L314 76837_3 2345 212 3
L546 47094_3 552 212 3
L724 65913_3 2607 212 3
L1058 44887_3 550 212 3
L1925 59651_3 2400 212 3
L2817 35859_3 216 212 3 ef7d00 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 212 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L86 56387_3 2240 X274 3
L94 54303_3 2150 X274 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X274 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L87 56386_3 2240 X273 3
L95 54302_3 2150 X273 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X273 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L88 56385_3 2240 214 3
L101 54292_3 2150 214 3
L312 76839_3 2345 214 3
L722 65915_3 2607 214 3
L1924 59652_3 2400 214 3
L2815 35861_3 216 214 3 951b81 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 214 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L89 56082_3 81 19 3
L139 53413_3 1185 19 3
L1808 78060_3 2402 19 3
L2232 71995_3 148 19 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 19 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L91 55787_3 2240 224 3
L986 55821_3 550 224 3
L1915 59661_3 2400 224 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 224 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L96 54297_3 2150 223 3
L394 52966_3 2116 223 3
L987 55820_3 550 223 3
L1725 35221_3 134 223 3
L1916 59660_3 2400 223 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 223 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L97 54296_3 2150 222 3
L310 76841_3 2345 222 3
L395 52965_3 2116 222 3
L988 55819_3 550 222 3
L1726 35220_3 134 222 3
L1917 59659_3 2400 222 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 222 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L100 54293_3 2150 215 3
L1056 44889_3 550 215 3
L1923 59653_3 2400 215 3
L2814 35862_3 216 215 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 215 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L104 54289_3 2150 202 3
L319 76831_3 2345 202 3
L491 76180_3 552 202 3
L492 70058_3 552 202 3
L751 65693_3 2610 202 3
L1062 44883_3 550 202 3
L2822 35853_3 216 202 3 ef7d00 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 202 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L106 53914_3 1855 454 3 e30613
L713 79427_3 2616 454 3
L1093 31092_3 231 454 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 454 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L107 53913_3 1855 452 3 68c0b5
L405 52955_3 2115 452 3
L710 79430_3 2616 452 3
L1827 78037_3 2402 452 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 452 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L108 53745_3 81 158 3
L812 81107_3 1195 158 3
L1226 14651_3 549 158 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 158 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L109 53744_3 81 160 3
L351 61390_3 2480 160 3
L703 79577_3 2550 160 3
L1075 44630_3 1750 160 3
L1330 66742_3 146 160 3
L2543 31627_3 286 160 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 160 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L110 53743_3 81 161 3
L810 81109_3 1195 161 3
L1074 44631_3 1750 161 3
L1741 35200_3 134 161 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 161 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L112 53740_3 81 168 3
L806 81113_3 1195 168 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 168 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L113 53739_3 81 169 3
L805 81114_3 1195 169 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 169 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L114 53737_3 81 171 3
L803 81116_3 1195 171 3
L1222 14659_3 549 171 3
L1329 66743_3 146 171 3
L1737 35204_3 134 171 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 171 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L116 53735_3 81 173 3
L801 81118_3 1195 173 3
L1220 14661_3 549 173 3
L1735 35206_3 134 173 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 173 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L117 53734_3 81 174 3
L350 61391_3 2480 174 3
L1136 17992_3 549 174 3
L1328 66744_3 146 174 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 174 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L129 53590_3 81 151 3
L1077 44628_3 1750 151 3
L1334 66738_3 146 151 3
L1857 78007_3 2402 151 3
L2322 25450_3 148 151 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 151 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L135 53584_3 81 N2 3
L533 47107_3 552 N2 3
L3142 33935_3 226 N2 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N2 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L137 53415_3 1185 382 3
L1205 14706_3 546 382 3
L1422 66883_3 620 382 3
L1837 78027_3 2402 382 3
L2977 31810_3 135 382 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 382 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L138 53414_3 1185 316 3
L1844 78020_3 2402 316 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 316 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L140 51848_3 1855 436 3
L1091 31393_3 231 436 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 436 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L141 50000_3 1855 X493 3
L1815 78049_3 2402 X493 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X493 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L143 49998_3 1855 451 3
L272 79897_3 2085 451 3
L406 52954_3 2115 451 3
L711 79429_3 2616 451 3
L1782 79318_3 2400 451 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 451 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L144 49997_3 1855 410 3
L1833 78031_3 2402 410 3
L1964 59608_3 2400 410 3
L2264 54735_3 219 410 3
L3045 14222_3 135 410 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 410 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L145 49866_3 81 N5 3
L530 47110_3 552 N5 3
L2884 35687_3 326 N5 3 ef7d00
L3145 33932_3 226 N5 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N5 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L146 49865_3 81 N4 3
L531 47109_3 552 N4 3
L1769 82747_3 2402 N4 3
L2838 35746_0 326 N4 0 e30613 ffffff
L3144 33933_3 226 N4 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N4 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L147 49864_3 81 N3 3
L532 47108_3 552 N3 3
L2883 35688_3 326 N3 3 e6007e ffffff
L3143 33934_3 226 N3 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N3 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L148 49863_3 81 N1 3
L534 47106_3 552 N1 3
L2837 35747_0 326 N1 0 009640 ffffff
L3141 33936_3 226 N1 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N1 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L154 48722_3 1855 435 3
L1040 47852_3 231 435 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 435 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L155 48721_3 1855 434 3
L1094 31091_3 231 434 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 434 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L156 47148_3 1185 13 3 009fe3
L503 47470_3 553 13 3
L1809 78059_3 2402 13 3
L2549 31620_3 286 13 3
L2931 75363_1 554 13 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 13 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L156 47148_3 1185 13 3 009fe3
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L157 47051_3 1855 N6 3
L529 47111_3 552 N6 3
L1814 78050_3 2402 N6 3
L2885 35686_3 326 N6 3 009fe3 ffffff
L3146 33931_3 226 N6 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N6 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L159 47043_3 1855 309 3 e30613
L197 37252_3 1185 309 3 e30613
L244 52537_3 106 309 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 309 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L160 46830_3 1855 475 3 84ba6d
L1818 78046_3 2402 475 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 475 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L161 46828_3 1855 469 3 f193bd
L629 70128_3 150 469 3
L1819 78045_3 2402 469 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 469 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L162 46827_3 1855 468 3 f193bd
L630 70127_3 150 468 3
L1820 78044_3 2402 468 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 468 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L163 46826_3 1855 467 3 004f9f
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 25.3%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L163 46826_3 1855 467 3 004f9f
L631 70126_3 150 467 3
L1821 78043_3 2402 467 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 467 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L164 46825_3 1855 466 3 e88300
L632 70125_3 150 466 3
L998 52129_3 231 466 3
L1822 78042_3 2402 466 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 466 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L165 46824_3 1855 465 3 e88300
L737 65767_3 2616 465 3
L1143 17743_3 231 465 3
L1823 78041_3 2402 465 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 465 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L166 46823_3 1855 464 3 00913e
L636 70007_3 150 464 3
L1150 14806_3 231 464 3
L1824 78040_3 2402 464 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 464 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L167 46822_3 1855 463 3 00913e
L398 52962_3 2115 463 3
L633 70124_3 150 463 3
L738 65766_3 2616 463 3
L1825 78039_3 2402 463 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 463 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L168 46821_3 1855 461 3 007337
L400 52960_3 2115 461 3
L2927 81459_3 135 461 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 461 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L170 46817_3 1855 428 3 006885
L1950 59625_3 2400 428 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 428 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L171 46816_3 1855 427 3 164194
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 24.2%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L171 46816_3 1855 427 3 164194
L1087 31730_3 231 427 3
L1951 59624_3 2400 427 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 427 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L172 46815_3 1855 426 3 e30613
L1079 33597_3 231 426 3
L1952 59623_3 2400 426 3
L2255 54744_3 219 426 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 426 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L173 46814_3 1855 425 3 115055
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 24.2%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L173 46814_3 1855 425 3 115055
L2256 54743_3 219 425 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 425 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L174 46813_3 1855 424 3 009640
L1096 31089_3 231 424 3
L1953 59622_3 2400 424 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 424 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L175 46812_3 1855 423 3 009bd9
L1000 52127_3 231 423 3
L1954 59621_3 2400 423 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 423 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L176 46811_3 1855 422 3 fbba00
L1155 14785_3 231 422 3
L1955 59620_3 2400 422 3
L2257 54742_3 219 422 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 422 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L177 46810_3 1855 421 3 0069b4
L978 59207_3 231 421 3
L1956 59619_3 2400 421 3
L2258 54741_3 219 421 3
L3044 14223_3 135 421 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 421 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L178 46809_3 1855 420 3 951b81
L1156 14783_3 231 420 3
L3063 14192_3 554 420 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 420 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L179 46808_3 1855 419 3 640c00
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 14.5%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L179 46808_3 1855 419 3 640c00
L1083 32727_3 231 419 3
L1957 59617_3 2400 419 3
L2259 54740_3 219 419 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 419 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L180 46807_3 1855 418 3 a03903
L1157 14781_3 231 418 3
L1958 59616_3 2400 418 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 418 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L181 46806_3 1855 417 3 e50069
L1158 14780_3 231 417 3
L1959 59615_3 2400 417 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 417 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L182 46805_3 1855 416 3 a71c6c
L1089 31728_3 231 416 3
L1960 59614_3 2400 416 3
L2260 54739_3 219 416 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 416 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L183 46804_3 1855 415 3 e30613
L1961 59613_3 2400 415 3
L2261 54738_3 219 415 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 415 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L184 46803_3 1855 414 3 00918e
L1097 31087_3 231 414 3
L1447 61624_3 143 414 3
L1830 78034_3 2402 414 3
L2262 54737_3 219 414 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 414 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L185 46802_3 1855 413 3 d4a01c
L1090 31727_3 231 413 3
L1448 61623_3 143 413 3
L1831 78033_3 2402 413 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 413 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L186 46800_3 1855 400 3
L2253 54872_3 219 400 3
L2522 31648_3 286 400 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 400 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L187 37267_3 1185 392 3
L1197 14716_3 546 392 3
L1835 78029_3 2402 392 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 392 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L188 37265_3 1185 381 3
L1206 14705_3 546 381 3
L1838 78026_3 2402 381 3
L2978 31809_3 135 381 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 381 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L189 37263_3 1185 322 3 009640
L256 35914_3 106 322 3
L1840 78024_3 2402 322 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 322 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L190 37262_3 1185 321 3 9c1006
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 22.2%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L190 37262_3 1185 321 3 9c1006
L231 63503_3 106 321 3
L1841 78023_3 2402 321 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 321 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L192 37260_3 1185 318 3 a37a70
L257 35912_3 106 318 3
L1842 78022_3 2402 318 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 318 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L193 37259_3 1185 317 3 817d39
L229 78577_3 106 317 3
L1843 78021_3 2402 317 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 317 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L194 37255_3 1185 312 3 b07f00
L1847 78017_3 2402 312 3
L1913 59664_3 2400 312 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 312 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L195 37254_3 1185 311 3 83085c
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 21.3%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L195 37254_3 1185 311 3 83085c
L232 63502_3 106 311 3
L1465 54414_3 143 311 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 311 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L196 37253_3 1185 310 3 6b6b6a
L263 35903_3 106 310 3
L2535 31635_3 286 310 3
L3052 14207_3 135 310 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 310 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L198 37251_3 1185 308 3 0075bf
L265 35901_3 106 308 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 308 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L199 37250_3 1185 307 3 00663a
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 26.1%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L199 37250_3 1185 307 3 00663a
L1848 78016_3 2402 307 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 307 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L200 37249_3 1185 305 3 ef7d00
L1850 78014_3 2402 305 3
L2466 46757_3 1850 305 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 305 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L201 37239_3 1185 306 3 004f9f
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 25.3%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L201 37239_3 1185 306 3 004f9f
L267 35898_3 106 306 3
L1849 78015_3 2402 306 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 306 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L202 37238_3 1185 304 3 afc538
L269 35896_3 106 304 3
L1851 78013_3 2402 304 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 304 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L203 46151_3 401 715 3
L2067 75807_3 253 715 3
L2308 25804_3 154 715 3
L2985 20376_3 135 715 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 715 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L204 46150_3 401 714 3
L2068 75806_3 253 714 3
L2309 25803_3 154 714 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 714 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L205 46149_3 401 713 3
L2069 75805_3 253 713 3
L2310 25802_3 154 713 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 713 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L206 46148_3 401 712 3
L2070 75804_3 253 712 3
L2311 25801_3 154 712 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 712 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L207 46147_3 401 711 3
L2071 75803_3 253 711 3
L2312 25800_3 154 711 3
L2969 31818_3 135 711 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 711 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L208 46146_3 401 710 3
L1172 14745_3 546 710 3
L2072 75802_3 253 710 3
L2984 20381_3 135 710 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 710 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L210 46143_3 401 707 3
L2074 75800_3 253 707 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 707 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L211 46142_3 401 706 3
L2075 75799_3 253 706 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 706 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L212 46141_3 401 705 3
L464 71773_3 133 705 3
L2076 75798_3 253 705 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 705 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L213 46140_3 401 704 3
L1872 77531_3 2403 704 3
L2077 75797_3 253 704 3
L2239 71790_3 154 704 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 704 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L214 46139_3 401 703 3
L465 71772_3 133 703 3
L2078 75796_3 253 703 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 703 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L215 46138_3 401 702 3
L473 46317_3 133 702 3
L2079 75795_3 253 702 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 702 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L216 46137_3 401 701 3
L1404 35944_3 259 701 3
L2080 75794_3 253 701 3
L2313 25796_3 154 701 3
L3015 14277_3 135 701 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 701 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L217 46136_3 401 700 3
L1405 35943_3 259 700 3
L2081 75793_3 253 700 3
L2529 31641_3 286 700 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 700 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L219 46134_3 401 698 3
L2970 31817_3 135 698 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 698 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L220 46133_3 401 697 3
L2971 31816_3 135 697 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 697 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L221 46132_3 401 696 3
L901 78207_3 2190 696 3
L2972 31815_3 135 696 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 696 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L223 46130_3 401 695 3
L902 78206_3 2190 695 3
L2973 31814_3 135 695 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 695 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L224 46129_3 401 694 3
L873 78244_3 2190 694 3
L3017 14271_3 135 694 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 694 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L225 46128_3 401 691 3
L875 78242_3 2190 691 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 691 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L226 46127_3 401 690 3
L876 78241_3 2190 690 3
L1786 78481_3 2402 690 3
L1992 12527_3 615 690 3
L2975 31812_3 135 690 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 690 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L227 83350_3 106 E 3
L228 80582_3 106 E 3
L246 51985_3 106 E 3
L247 51329_3 106 E 3
L965 72747_0 231 E 0
L992 54402_3 231 E 3
L2806 57907_0 326 E 0
L2835 35750_0 326 E 0
L3110 34744_3 226 E 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value E / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L240 54747_3 106 N25 3
L790 81129_3 1195 N25 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N25 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L241 52541_3 106 350 3
L415 37315_3 381 350 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 350 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L242 52539_3 106 330 3
L2184 80323_3 3035 330 3
L2206 79278_3 3035 330 3
L3071 14182_3 554 330 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 330 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L245 52536_3 106 302 3
L2467 46756_3 1850 302 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 302 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L248 47984_3 106 280 3
L769 81150_3 1195 280 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 280 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L250 47982_3 106 320 3
L2181 83333_3 3035 320 3
L3051 14208_3 135 320 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 320 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L259 35908_3 106 315 3
L1845 78019_3 2402 315 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 315 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L260 35907_3 106 314 3
L1474 24392_3 143 314 3
L1846 78018_3 2402 314 3
L2182 83332_3 3035 314 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 314 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L261 35906_3 106 313 3
L1912 59665_3 2400 313 3
L2180 83482_3 3035 313 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 313 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L270 35893_3 106 301 3
L2468 46755_3 1850 301 3
L3053 14206_3 135 301 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 301 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L271 79898_3 2085 457 3
L708 79432_3 2616 457 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 457 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L273 77544_3 2970 8 3
L518 47122_3 553 8 3
L731 65773_3 2606 8 3
L1368 33797_3 66 8 3
L2829 35756_0 326 8 0 ffffff 95c11f
L3093 14153_1 554 8 1
L3094 14153_3 554 8 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 8 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L274 77543_3 2970 7 3
L519 47121_3 553 7 3
L732 65772_3 2606 7 3
L2082 75792_3 253 7 3
L2553 31616_3 286 7 3
L3095 14152_1 554 7 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L275 77542_3 2970 4 3
L522 47118_3 553 4 3
L733 65771_3 2606 4 3
L1120 24158_0 231 4 0
L1369 14111_3 66 4 3 ff6600 ffffff
L1407 46905_3 176 4 3
L1632 53671_3 134 4 3
L2210 75882_3 148 4 3
L2346 27771_3 257 4 3
L2555 31614_3 286 4 3
L2798 16769_3 271 4 3
L2827 35758_0 326 4 0 e30613 ffffff
L3098 14149_1 554 4 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 4 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L276 64820_3 2085 662 3
L908 78196_3 2190 662 3
L1779 79794_3 2401 662 3
L1792 78475_3 2402 662 3
L2003 12513_3 615 662 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 662 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L277 64819_3 2085 661 3
L535 47105_3 552 661 3
L909 78195_3 2190 661 3
L1780 79793_3 2401 661 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 661 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L279 64817_3 2085 481 3
L1148 14809_3 231 481 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 481 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L280 76872_3 2345 275 3
L698 79582_3 2615 275 3
L774 81145_3 1195 275 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 275 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L282 76870_3 2345 273 3
L487 32433_3 780 273 3
L776 81143_3 1195 273 3
L1431 57657_3 140 273 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 273 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L283 76869_3 2345 272 3
L488 32432_3 780 272 3
L777 81142_3 1195 272 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 272 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L284 76868_3 2345 271 3
L489 32431_3 780 271 3
L778 81141_3 1195 271 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 271 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L285 76867_3 2345 265 3
L784 81135_3 1195 265 3
L1047 44898_3 550 265 3
L1433 57651_3 140 265 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 265 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L286 76866_3 2345 263 3
L699 79581_3 2615 263 3
L786 81133_3 1195 263 3
L1049 44896_3 550 263 3
L1435 57649_3 140 263 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 263 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L287 76865_3 2345 261 3
L701 79579_3 2615 261 3
L788 81131_3 1195 261 3
L1051 44894_3 550 261 3
L1437 57647_3 140 261 3
L2537 31633_3 286 261 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 261 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L289 76862_3 2345 256 3
L376 52984_3 2116 256 3
L742 65702_3 2610 256 3
L1441 57642_3 140 256 3
L2470 46753_3 1850 256 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 256 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L290 76861_3 2345 255 3
L372 57492_3 2116 255 3
L1442 57641_3 140 255 3
L2471 46752_3 1850 255 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 255 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L291 76860_3 2345 254 3
L377 52983_3 2116 254 3
L743 65701_3 2610 254 3
L2939 63622_3 554 254 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 254 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L292 76859_3 2345 253 3
L378 52982_3 2116 253 3
L744 65700_3 2610 253 3
L1443 57640_3 140 253 3
L3072 14178_3 554 253 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 253 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L293 76858_3 2345 252 3
L379 52981_3 2116 252 3
L745 65699_3 2610 252 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 252 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L294 76857_3 2345 251 3
L380 52980_3 2116 251 3
L1444 57638_3 140 251 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 251 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L295 76856_3 2345 250 3
L381 52979_3 2116 250 3
L746 65698_3 2610 250 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 250 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L296 76855_3 2345 247 3
L384 52976_3 2116 247 3
L2670 22352_3 221 247 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 247 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L297 76854_3 2345 245 3
L386 52974_3 2116 245 3
L1806 78382_3 2400 245 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 245 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L298 76853_3 2345 244 3
L387 52973_3 2116 244 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 244 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L299 76852_3 2345 243 3
L388 52972_3 2116 243 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 243 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L300 76851_3 2345 242 3
L389 52971_3 2116 242 3
L714 69851_3 2606 242 3
L1909 61873_3 2400 242 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 242 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L301 76850_3 2345 241 3
L390 52970_3 2116 241 3
L715 69850_3 2606 241 3
L1910 61872_3 2400 241 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 241 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L302 76849_3 2345 240 3
L391 52969_3 2116 240 3
L716 69849_3 2606 240 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 240 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L304 76847_3 2345 235 3
L747 65697_3 2610 235 3
L2244 55807_3 121 235 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 235 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L305 76846_3 2345 234 3
L748 65696_3 2610 234 3
L2245 55806_3 121 234 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 234 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L306 76845_3 2345 233 3
L2246 55805_3 121 233 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 233 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L307 76844_3 2345 232 3
L2247 55804_3 121 232 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 232 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L308 76843_3 2345 231 3
L1052 44893_3 550 231 3
L2248 55803_3 121 231 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 231 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L309 76842_3 2345 230 3
L749 65695_3 2610 230 3
L1053 44892_3 550 230 3
L2249 55802_3 121 230 3
L2539 31631_3 286 230 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 230 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L311 76840_3 2345 220 3
L397 52963_3 2116 220 3
L1728 35218_3 134 220 3
L1918 59658_3 2400 220 3
L2540 31630_3 286 220 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 220 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L315 76836_3 2345 211 3
L547 47093_3 552 211 3
L725 65912_3 2607 211 3
L1059 44886_3 550 211 3
L1926 59650_3 2400 211 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 211 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L316 76834_3 2345 205 3
L2472 46751_3 1850 205 3
L2819 35856_3 216 205 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 205 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L317 76833_3 2345 204 3
L1060 44885_3 550 204 3
L2820 35855_3 216 204 3 951b81 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 204 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L318 76832_3 2345 203 3
L750 65694_3 2610 203 3
L1061 44884_3 550 203 3
L2821 35854_3 216 203 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 203 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L320 76830_3 2345 201 3
L493 70057_3 552 201 3
L548 47092_3 552 201 3
L752 65692_3 2610 201 3
L1063 44882_3 550 201 3
L2823 35852_3 216 201 3 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 201 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L321 73577_3 2345 210 3
L726 65911_3 2607 210 3
L2541 31629_3 286 210 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 210 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L322 58819_3 2345 270 3
L779 81140_3 1195 270 3
L831 81087_3 1195 270 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 270 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L323 58818_3 2345 264 3
L785 81134_3 1195 264 3
L1048 44897_3 550 264 3
L1434 57650_3 140 264 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 264 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L324 58817_3 2345 262 3
L700 79580_3 2615 262 3
L787 81132_3 1195 262 3
L1050 44895_3 550 262 3
L1436 57648_3 140 262 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 262 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L325 82672_3 2575 933 3
L333 64893_3 2575 933 3
L754 83020_3 2190 933 3
L2375 7229_3 257 933 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 933 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L326 64900_3 2575 942 3
L1377 50324_3 259 942 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 942 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L327 64899_3 2575 941 3
L1378 50323_3 259 941 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 941 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L328 64898_3 2575 939 3
L864 78260_3 2190 939 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 939 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L329 64897_3 2575 937 3
L753 83021_3 2190 937 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 937 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L330 64896_3 2575 936 3
L869 78255_3 2190 936 3
L1380 50321_3 259 936 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 936 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L331 64895_3 2575 935 3
L870 78254_3 2190 935 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 935 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L334 64892_3 2575 932 3
L871 78253_3 2190 932 3
L1381 50320_3 259 932 3
L2365 13341_3 257 932 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 932 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L336 60547_3 1950 928 3
L2354 18707_3 257 928 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 928 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L338 54822_3 2205 100 3
L1251 14613_3 549 100 3
L2167 75707_3 253 100 3
L2482 46741_3 1850 100 3
L2547 31623_3 286 100 3
L2989 16736_3 554 100 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 100 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L339 81197_3 402 1 3
L344 76187_3 403 1 3
L525 47115_3 553 1 3
L736 65768_3 2606 1 3
L1082 32728_0 231 1 0
L1367 35659_3 66 1 3 ff0000
L1635 53668_3 134 1 3
L2213 75879_3 148 1 3
L2344 35807_3 257 1 3
L2801 16766_3 271 1 3
L2824 35761_0 326 1 0 27A34B ffffff
L3101 14146_1 554 1 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 1 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L340 76191_3 403 6 3
L520 47120_3 553 6 3
L1364 35662_3 66 6 3 00ccff
L1406 46907_3 176 6 3
L1630 53673_3 134 6 3
L2208 75884_3 148 6 3
L2796 46209_3 271 6 3
L2828 35757_0 326 6 0 ffcc00 000000
L3096 14151_1 554 6 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 6 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L341 76190_3 403 5 3
L521 47119_3 553 5 3
L1080 32730_0 231 5 0
L1363 43767_3 66 5 3
L1631 53672_3 134 5 3
L2209 75883_3 148 5 3
L2345 32429_3 257 5 3
L2554 31615_3 286 5 3
L2797 16770_3 271 5 3
L2810 49429_0 326 5 0 009db1
L3097 14150_1 554 5 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 5 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L342 76189_3 403 3 3
L523 47117_3 553 3 3
L734 65770_3 2606 3 3
L1081 32729_0 231 3 0
L1365 35661_3 66 3 3 00cc00 ffffff
L1408 46904_3 176 3 3
L1633 53670_3 134 3 3
L2211 75881_3 148 3 3
L2348 23986_3 257 3 3
L2556 31613_3 286 3 3
L2799 16768_3 271 3 3
L2826 35759_0 326 3 0 ffffff 009fe3
L3099 14148_1 554 3 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 3 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L343 76188_3 403 2 3
L524 47116_3 553 2 3
L735 65769_3 2606 2 3
L1118 24289_0 231 2 0
L1366 35660_3 66 2 3 ffcc00
L1409 46902_3 176 2 3
L1634 53669_3 134 2 3
L2212 75880_3 148 2 3
L2343 35808_3 257 2 3
L2557 31612_3 286 2 3
L2800 16767_3 271 2 3
L2825 35760_0 326 2 0 005ca9 ffffff
L3100 14147_1 554 2 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L348 61395_3 2480 195 3
L1214 14669_3 549 195 3
L1324 66748_3 146 195 3
L1355 63541_3 690 195 3
L1853 78011_3 2402 195 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 195 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L349 61393_3 2480 193 3
L1216 14667_3 549 193 3
L1326 66746_3 146 193 3
L1357 63539_3 690 193 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 193 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L352 61389_3 2480 141 3
L819 81099_3 1195 141 3
L1127 23549_3 549 141 3
L1336 66736_3 146 141 3
L1745 35194_3 134 141 3
L1859 78005_3 2402 141 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 141 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L353 61387_3 2480 133 3
L826 81092_3 1195 133 3
L1237 14634_3 549 133 3
L1338 66734_3 146 133 3
L1860 78004_3 2402 133 3
L3077 14172_3 554 133 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 133 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L354 61386_3 2480 131 3
L828 81090_3 1195 131 3
L1239 14632_3 549 131 3
L1340 66732_3 146 131 3
L1748 35191_3 134 131 3
L1862 78002_3 2402 131 3
L2152 75722_3 253 131 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 131 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L355 61385_3 2480 122 3
L718 65969_3 2607 122 3
L836 81082_3 1195 122 3
L1242 14624_3 549 122 3
L1341 66731_3 146 122 3
L3086 14161_3 554 122 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 122 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L356 61384_3 2480 121 3
L719 65968_3 2607 121 3
L837 81081_3 1195 121 3
L1132 23507_3 549 121 3
L1342 66730_3 146 121 3
L1927 59649_3 2400 121 3
L2157 75717_3 253 121 3
L3087 14160_3 554 121 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 121 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L357 61382_3 2480 101 3
L512 47130_3 553 101 3
L856 81062_3 1195 101 3
L1250 14614_3 549 101 3
L1345 66727_3 146 101 3
L1768 12112_3 134 101 3
L1864 78000_3 2402 101 3
L2166 75708_3 253 101 3
L2481 46742_3 1850 101 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 101 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L358 79722_3 381 370 3
L1142 17846_3 546 370 3
L2187 79297_3 3035 370 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 370 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L359 79721_3 381 349 3
L2188 79296_3 3035 349 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 349 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L360 79720_3 381 348 3
L2189 79295_3 3035 348 3
L2667 22355_3 221 348 3
L2940 63128_3 554 348 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 348 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L361 79719_3 381 345 3
L1454 54425_3 143 345 3
L2192 79292_3 3035 345 3
L2949 52838_3 554 345 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 345 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L362 79717_3 381 343 3
L1456 54423_3 143 343 3
L2194 79290_3 3035 343 3
L2432 52894_3 221 343 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 343 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L363 79716_3 381 342 3
L1457 54422_3 143 342 3
L2195 79289_3 3035 342 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 342 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L364 79715_3 381 341 3
L501 51695_3 552 341 3
L1458 54421_3 143 341 3
L2196 79288_3 3035 341 3
L3069 14184_3 554 341 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 341 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L365 79714_3 381 340 3
L2183 80324_3 3035 340 3
L2197 79287_3 3035 340 3
L3070 14183_3 554 340 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 340 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L366 79713_3 381 338 3
L2198 79286_3 3035 338 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 338 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L367 79712_3 381 336 3
L1460 54419_3 143 336 3
L2200 79284_3 3035 336 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 336 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L368 79711_3 381 334 3
L1462 54417_3 143 334 3
L2202 79282_3 3035 334 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 334 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L369 79710_3 381 331 3
L1464 54415_3 143 331 3
L2205 79279_3 3035 331 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 331 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L370 61616_3 381 368 3
L1469 24397_3 143 368 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 368 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L371 61615_3 381 352 3
L2464 46759_3 1850 352 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 352 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L373 52987_3 2116 259 3
L1439 57645_3 140 259 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 259 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L375 52985_3 2116 257 3
L1440 57643_3 140 257 3
L2446 52880_3 221 257 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 257 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L383 52977_3 2116 248 3
L2669 22353_3 221 248 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 248 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L399 52961_3 2115 462 3
L634 70123_3 150 462 3
L739 65765_3 2616 462 3
L1826 78038_3 2402 462 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 462 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L401 52959_3 2115 460 3
L635 70122_3 150 460 3
L740 65764_3 2616 460 3
L2521 33812_3 286 460 3
L2928 81458_3 135 460 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 460 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L404 52956_3 2115 455 3
L1092 31093_3 231 455 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 455 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L407 52953_3 2115 450 3
L712 79428_3 2616 450 3
L1151 14800_3 231 450 3
L1763 35166_3 2630 450 3
L1783 79317_3 2400 450 3
L3062 14193_3 554 450 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 450 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L408 52952_3 2115 448 3
L1450 60037_3 143 448 3
L2660 22362_3 221 448 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 448 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L409 52951_3 2115 447 3
L1989 13052_3 152 447 3
L2661 22361_3 221 447 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 447 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L410 52950_3 2115 446 3
L1990 13051_3 152 446 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 446 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L412 52948_3 2115 432 3
L1948 59627_3 2400 432 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 432 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L414 51734_3 381 380 3
L1207 14704_3 546 380 3
L1423 66882_3 620 380 3
L3047 14213_3 135 380 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 380 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L416 37314_3 381 692 3
L874 78243_3 2190 692 3
L2974 31813_3 135 692 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 692 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L419 31481_3 381 371 3
L1141 17848_3 546 371 3
L3066 14188_3 554 371 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 371 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L421 31479_3 381 367 3
L2950 48285_3 135 367 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 367 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L423 31477_3 381 363 3
L1471 24395_3 143 363 3
L3067 14186_3 554 363 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 363 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L424 31476_3 381 362 3
L1472 24394_3 143 362 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 362 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L425 31475_3 381 361 3
L1473 24393_3 143 361 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 361 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L428 31472_3 381 355 3
L2463 46760_3 1850 355 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 355 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L430 31470_3 381 351 3
L2465 46758_3 1850 351 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 351 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L435 31245_3 381 366 3
L3048 14212_3 135 366 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 366 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L436 31244_3 381 365 3
L1470 24396_3 143 365 3
L3049 14211_3 135 365 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 365 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L437 31243_3 381 360 3
L1084 32628_3 546 360 3
L3050 14210_3 135 360 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 360 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L439 81181_3 133 651 3
L1756 35175_3 2630 651 3
L1774 80318_3 2402 651 3
L1905 72594_3 152 651 3
L2004 12511_3 615 651 3
L3018 14268_3 135 651 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 651 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L441 81179_3 133 534 3
L3034 14244_3 135 534 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 534 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L442 80326_3 133 525 3
L926 78588_3 3030 525 3
L1110 24389_3 547 525 3
L1717 35266_3 134 525 3
L2134 75740_3 253 525 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 525 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L443 79817_3 133 555 3
L917 78597_3 3030 555 3
L2113 75761_3 253 555 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 555 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L444 79816_3 133 553 3
L919 78595_3 3030 553 3
L1761 35169_3 2630 553 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 553 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L445 79815_3 133 545 3
L920 78594_3 3030 545 3
L2118 75756_3 253 545 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 545 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L446 79814_3 133 542 3
L922 78592_3 3030 542 3
L1714 35269_3 134 542 3
L2121 75753_3 253 542 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 542 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L447 79813_3 133 529 3
L925 78589_3 3030 529 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 529 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L449 73687_3 133 650 3
L910 78193_3 2190 650 3
L1013 51897_3 1990 650 3
L1028 49757_3 1990 650 3
L1757 35174_3 2630 650 3
L1775 80317_3 2402 650 3
L2005 12510_3 615 650 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 650 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L453 73683_3 133 642 3
L536 47104_3 552 642 3
L1793 78474_3 2402 642 3
L2006 12508_3 615 642 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 642 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L454 73682_3 133 641 3
L537 47103_3 552 641 3
L878 78238_3 2190 641 3
L1794 78473_3 2402 641 3
L1907 69852_3 2400 641 3
L2007 12507_3 615 641 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 641 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L455 71782_3 133 794 3
L1167 14750_3 546 794 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 794 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L456 71781_3 133 793 3
L1168 14749_3 546 793 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 793 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L457 71780_3 133 792 3
L1169 14748_3 546 792 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 792 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L458 71779_3 133 791 3
L1170 14747_3 546 791 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 791 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L459 71778_3 133 748 3
L994 52937_3 3025 748 3
L1866 77540_3 2403 748 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 748 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L460 71777_3 133 740 3
L1029 49158_3 3025 740 3
L1868 77538_3 2403 740 3
L2968 31819_3 135 740 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 740 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L461 71776_3 133 N74 3
L1873 77530_3 2403 N74 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N74 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L462 71775_3 133 739 3
L1256 14598_3 3025 739 3
L1869 77537_3 2403 739 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 739 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L463 71774_3 133 733 3
L1257 14597_3 3025 733 3
L2053 75821_3 253 733 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 733 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L467 46323_3 133 785 3
L3013 14286_3 135 785 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 785 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L469 46321_3 133 750 3
L1042 47223_3 1750 750 3
L2049 75825_3 253 750 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 750 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L471 46319_3 133 721 3
L2062 75812_3 253 721 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 721 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L477 32694_3 780 285 3
L766 81153_3 1195 285 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 285 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L478 32442_3 780 291 3
L761 81158_3 1195 291 3
L2241 59094_3 121 291 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 291 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L480 32440_3 780 287 3
L764 81155_3 1195 287 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 287 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L481 32439_3 780 286 3
L765 81154_3 1195 286 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 286 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L482 32438_3 780 284 3
L767 81152_3 1195 284 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 284 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L483 32437_3 780 283 3
L2250 55337_3 121 283 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 283 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L484 32436_3 780 282 3
L768 81151_3 1195 282 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 282 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L485 32435_3 780 281 3
L2251 55332_3 121 281 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 281 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L494 65571_3 2600 SALZE-BUS 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value SALZE-BUS, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L500 56002_3 552 2024 3
L2450 51057_3 221 2024 3
L2926 12301_3 136 2024 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2024 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L502 51694_3 552 35 3
L2243 57067_3 148 35 3
L2781 46225_3 271 35 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 35 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L504 47142_3 553 108 3
L972 67182_3 549 108 3
L2285 46917_3 148 108 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 108 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L505 47141_3 553 107 3
L506 47140_3 553 107 3
L850 81068_3 1195 107 3
L1137 17991_3 549 107 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 107 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L507 47139_3 553 106 3
L851 81067_3 1195 106 3
L1245 14619_3 549 106 3
L2477 46746_3 1850 106 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 106 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L508 47138_3 553 105 3
L852 81066_3 1195 105 3
L1246 14618_3 549 105 3
L1764 13586_3 134 105 3
L2478 46745_3 1850 105 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 105 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L509 47136_3 553 104 3
L853 81065_3 1195 104 3
L1247 14617_3 549 104 3
L1765 12115_3 134 104 3
L2163 75711_3 253 104 3
L2479 46744_3 1850 104 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 104 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L510 47134_3 553 103 3
L854 81064_3 1195 103 3
L1248 14616_3 549 103 3
L1766 12114_3 134 103 3
L2164 75710_3 253 103 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 103 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L511 47132_3 553 102 3
L855 81063_3 1195 102 3
L1249 14615_3 549 102 3
L1344 66728_3 146 102 3
L1767 12113_3 134 102 3
L2165 75709_3 253 102 3
L2287 46574_3 148 102 3
L2480 46743_3 1850 102 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 102 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L515 47126_3 553 11 3
L1350 66722_3 146 11 3
L1863 78001_3 2402 11 3
L2551 31618_3 286 11 3
L3090 14157_1 554 11 1
L3122 33955_3 226 11 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 11 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L517 47123_3 553 9 3
L730 65774_3 2606 9 3
L2552 31617_3 286 9 3
L3092 14154_1 554 9 1
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 9 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L526 47114_3 552 N9 3
L2887 35684_3 326 N9 3 ffcc00
L3105 62237_3 226 N9 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N9 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L527 47113_3 552 N8 3
L3148 33929_3 226 N8 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N8 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L528 47112_3 552 N7 3
L2886 35685_3 326 N7 3 95c11f
L3147 33930_3 226 N7 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N7 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L538 47102_3 552 602 3
L888 78227_3 2190 602 3
L1099 28672_3 546 602 3
L1758 35173_3 2630 602 3
L2085 75789_3 253 602 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 602 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L539 47101_3 552 601 3
L889 78226_3 2190 601 3
L1191 14724_3 546 601 3
L2086 75788_3 253 601 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 601 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L540 47100_3 552 522 3
L1102 24793_3 547 522 3
L1624 66903_3 134 522 3
L2137 75737_3 253 522 3
L2933 70382_3 135 522 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 522 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L541 47099_3 552 521 3
L1103 24792_3 547 521 3
L1719 35264_3 134 521 3
L2138 75736_3 253 521 3
L3038 14237_3 135 521 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 521 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L542 47098_3 552 502 3
L601 32873_3 218 502 3 F7D417
L1038 48689_3 1935 502 3
L1722 35259_3 134 502 3
L1754 35177_3 2630 502 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 502 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L543 47097_3 552 501 3
L1039 48688_3 1935 501 3
L1723 35258_3 134 501 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 501 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L544 47096_3 552 411 3
L1119 24286_3 231 411 3
L1832 78032_3 2402 411 3
L1963 59609_3 2400 411 3
L2263 54736_3 219 411 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 411 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L552 47088_3 552 65 3
L2219 72008_3 148 65 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 65 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L553 47087_3 552 64 3
L2220 72007_3 148 64 3
L2754 82682_3 271 64 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 64 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L554 47086_3 552 63 3
L2221 72006_3 148 63 3
L2769 46238_3 271 63 3
L2869 35708_3 326 63 3 312783 ffffff
L3102 70677_3 226 63 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 63 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L555 47085_3 552 62 3
L1370 61857_3 259 62 3
L2222 72005_3 148 62 3
L2770 46237_3 271 62 3
L2868 35709_3 326 62 3 009640 ffffff
L3134 33943_3 226 62 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 62 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L556 47084_3 552 61 3
L1393 50297_3 259 61 3
L2771 46236_3 271 61 3
L2867 35710_3 326 61 3 009fe3 ffffff
L3133 33944_3 226 61 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 61 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L557 47083_3 552 53 3
L2226 72001_3 148 53 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 53 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L558 47082_3 552 52 3
L2227 72000_3 148 52 3
L2863 35715_3 326 52 3 95c11f ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 52 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L559 47081_3 552 51 3
L2228 71999_3 148 51 3
L2773 46233_3 271 51 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 51 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L560 47080_3 552 44 3
L2776 46230_3 271 44 3
L2862 35717_3 326 44 3 ef7d00 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 44 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L562 47078_3 552 42 3
L1352 68637_3 690 42 3
L2230 71997_3 148 42 3
L2861 35718_3 326 42 3 ffcc00
L3131 33946_3 226 42 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 42 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L563 47077_3 552 41 3
L1348 66724_3 146 41 3
L2860 35719_3 326 41 3 e30613 ffffff
L3130 33947_3 226 41 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 41 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L564 47076_3 552 34 3
L1360 58944_3 2372 34 3
L2275 50383_3 148 34 3
L2782 46224_3 271 34 3
L2855 35724_3 326 34 3 ffcc00
L3107 61858_3 226 34 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 34 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L565 47075_3 552 33 3
L1361 58943_3 2372 33 3
L1398 50292_3 259 33 3
L2314 25606_3 148 33 3
L2854 35725_3 326 33 3 ffcc00
L3129 33948_3 226 33 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 33 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L566 47074_3 552 32 3
L2315 25605_3 148 32 3
L3128 33949_3 226 32 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 32 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L567 47073_3 552 31 3
L1400 50290_3 259 31 3
L2276 50382_3 148 31 3
L2853 35726_3 326 31 3 95c11f ffffff
L3127 33950_3 226 31 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 31 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L568 47072_3 552 25 3
L2786 46220_3 271 25 3
L2848 35731_3 326 25 3 009640 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 25 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L569 47071_3 552 24 3
L2278 50380_3 148 24 3
L2787 46219_3 271 24 3
L2847 35732_3 326 24 3 951b81 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 24 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L570 47070_3 552 23 3
L2279 50379_3 148 23 3
L2788 46218_3 271 23 3
L3126 33951_3 226 23 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 23 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L571 47069_3 552 22 3
L2280 50378_3 148 22 3
L2789 46217_3 271 22 3
L2846 35733_3 326 22 3 a69dcd ffffff
L3125 33952_3 226 22 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 22 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L576 33329_3 218 E21 3
L3119 34734_3 226 E21 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value E21 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L582 33320_3 218 E12 3
L3121 34732_3 226 E12 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value E12 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L583 33319_3 218 E11 3
L3120 34733_3 226 E11 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value E11 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L591 32887_3 218 517 3 D52D78 FFFFFF
L1104 24791_3 547 517 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 517 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L593 32881_3 218 510 3 A2D9F7
L721 65916_3 2607 510 3
L971 67653_3 547 510 3
L2175 49926_3 253 510 3
L2300 36510_3 154 510 3
L2532 31638_3 286 510 3
L3040 14235_3 135 510 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 510 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L594 32880_3 218 509 3 B4CD28
L1117 24381_3 547 509 3
L1721 35260_3 134 509 3
L2176 49925_3 253 509 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 509 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L595 32879_3 218 508 3 E5DE15
L1032 48695_3 1935 508 3
L2177 49924_3 253 508 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 508 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L596 32878_3 218 507 3 7E3532 FFFFFF
L1033 48694_3 1935 507 3
L2178 49923_3 253 507 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 507 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L597 32877_3 218 506 3 0096D7 FFFFFF
L1034 48693_3 1935 506 3
L1753 35178_3 2630 506 3
L2179 49922_3 253 506 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 506 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L598 32876_3 218 505 3 006CB5 FFFFFF
L1035 48692_3 1935 505 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 505 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L1036 48691_3 1935 504 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 504 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2814 35862_3 216 215 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2819 35856_3 216 205 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2839 35745_0 326 N10 0 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2845 35734_3 326 21 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2867 35710_3 326 61 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2874 35700_3 326 91 3 009fe3
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2875 35699_3 326 92 3 009fe3
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2885 35686_3 326 N6 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L599 32875_3 218 504 3 00A0E3 FFFFFF
L2889 35680_3 326 21E 3 009fe3 ffffff
WARNING route_color Route background colors are very similar but not identical: TEXT vs TEXT, distance is 0.261%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L600 32874_3 218 503 3 A35230 FFFFFF
L1037 48690_3 1935 503 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 503 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L602 76024_3 123 563 3
L2106 75768_3 253 563 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 563 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L603 76023_3 123 562 3
L2107 75767_3 253 562 3
L3030 14248_3 135 562 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 562 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L604 76022_3 123 561 3
L2108 75766_3 253 561 3
L3031 14247_3 135 561 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 561 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L605 54837_3 123 565 3
L2169 49934_3 253 565 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 565 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L607 80047_3 760 80 3
L2870 35705_3 326 80 3 95c11f
L3138 33939_3 226 80 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 80 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L608 54306_3 760 822 3
L1011 51901_3 1990 822 3
L1025 49763_3 1990 822 3
L1290 79163_3 124 822 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 822 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L610 59935_3 1180 930 3
L2374 11421_3 257 930 3
L2957 31832_3 135 930 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 930 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L613 50142_3 1180 910 3
L2340 37785_3 257 910 3
L2524 31646_3 286 910 3
L2959 31830_3 135 910 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 910 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L615 37186_3 1180 902 3
L2358 18703_3 257 902 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 902 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L616 37185_3 1180 901 3
L2359 18702_3 257 901 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 901 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L617 37184_3 1180 900 3
L1322 67600_3 720 900 3
L2525 31645_3 286 900 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 900 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L621 70136_3 150 480 3
L1149 14808_3 231 480 3
L3060 14195_3 554 480 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 480 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L627 70130_3 150 472 3
L705 79435_3 2616 472 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 472 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L628 70129_3 150 470 3
L707 79433_3 2616 470 3
L2534 31636_3 286 470 3
L3061 14194_3 554 470 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 470 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L692 78987_3 685 7000 3
L1628 55322_3 134 7000 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7000 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L693 81807_3 3086 666 3
L1892 77511_3 2401 666 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 666 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L695 81805_3 3086 633 3
L1305 79148_3 124 633 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 633 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L697 79583_3 2615 276 3
L773 81146_3 1195 276 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 276 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L720 65967_3 2607 120 3
L838 81080_3 1195 120 3
L1133 23506_3 549 120 3
L2545 31625_3 286 120 3
L3088 14159_3 554 120 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 120 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L727 65910_3 2607 115 3
L844 81074_3 1195 115 3
L2160 75714_3 253 115 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 115 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L728 65909_3 2607 112 3
L1243 14621_3 549 112 3
L2162 75712_3 253 112 3
L2396 67119_3 1850 112 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 112 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L729 65908_3 2607 110 3
L2398 67117_3 1850 110 3
L2546 31624_3 286 110 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 110 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L756 83018_3 2190 915 3
L1388 50313_3 259 915 3
L2363 15612_3 257 915 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 915 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L760 81352_3 1195 63S 3
L2807 56327_3 326 63S 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 63S / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L780 81139_3 1195 269 3
L1043 44902_3 550 269 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 269 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L781 81138_3 1195 268 3
L1044 44901_3 550 268 3
L1432 57652_3 140 268 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 268 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L782 81137_3 1195 267 3
L1045 44900_3 550 267 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 267 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L783 81136_3 1195 266 3
L1046 44899_3 550 266 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 266 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L792 81127_3 1195 227 3
L983 55824_3 550 227 3
L2283 47190_3 121 227 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 227 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L793 81126_3 1195 226 3
L984 55823_3 550 226 3
L2284 47189_3 121 226 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 226 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L794 81125_3 1195 194 3
L1215 14668_3 549 194 3
L1325 66747_3 146 194 3
L1356 63540_3 690 194 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 194 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L795 81124_3 1195 186 3
L1105 24425_3 549 186 3
L1729 35212_3 134 186 3
L2141 75733_3 253 186 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 186 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L796 81123_3 1195 185 3
L1138 17969_3 549 185 3
L1730 35211_3 134 185 3
L2142 75732_3 253 185 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 185 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L797 81122_3 1195 184 3
L1139 17968_3 549 184 3
L1731 35210_3 134 184 3
L2143 75731_3 253 184 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 184 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L798 81121_3 1195 183 3
L1219 14664_3 549 183 3
L2144 75730_3 253 183 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 183 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L799 81120_3 1195 182 3
L1732 35209_3 134 182 3
L2145 75729_3 253 182 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 182 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L800 81119_3 1195 181 3
L1733 35208_3 134 181 3
L2146 75728_3 253 181 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 181 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L804 81115_3 1195 170 3
L1223 14658_3 549 170 3
L1738 35203_3 134 170 3
L2151 75723_3 253 170 3
L2934 68892_3 135 170 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 170 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L808 81111_3 1195 163 3
L1072 44634_3 1750 163 3
L1739 35202_3 134 163 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 163 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L811 81108_3 1195 159 3
L1225 14652_3 549 159 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 159 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L813 81106_3 1195 157 3
L1227 14650_3 549 157 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 157 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L814 81104_3 1195 150 3
L1100 27796_3 549 150 3
L1744 35195_3 134 150 3
L2323 25449_3 148 150 3
L2476 46747_3 1850 150 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 150 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L815 81103_3 1195 146 3
L1123 23553_3 549 146 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 146 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L816 81102_3 1195 145 3
L1232 14643_3 549 145 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 145 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L817 81101_3 1195 144 3
L1124 23552_3 549 144 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 144 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L818 81100_3 1195 142 3
L1126 23550_3 549 142 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 142 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L820 81098_3 1195 140 3
L1128 23548_3 549 140 3
L1746 35193_3 134 140 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 140 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L821 81097_3 1195 138 3
L1109 24421_3 549 138 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 138 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L822 81096_3 1195 137 3
L1233 14638_3 549 137 3
L3073 14176_3 554 137 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 137 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L823 81095_3 1195 136 3
L1234 14637_3 549 136 3
L3074 14175_3 554 136 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 136 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L824 81094_3 1195 135 3
L1235 14636_3 549 135 3
L3075 14174_3 554 135 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 135 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L825 81093_3 1195 134 3
L1236 14635_3 549 134 3
L1337 66735_3 146 134 3
L1747 35192_3 134 134 3
L3076 14173_3 554 134 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 134 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L827 81091_3 1195 132 3
L1238 14633_3 549 132 3
L1339 66733_3 146 132 3
L1861 78003_3 2402 132 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 132 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L829 81089_3 1195 129 3
L2153 75721_3 253 129 3
L3079 14168_3 554 129 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 129 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L830 81088_3 1195 128 3
L1240 14630_3 549 128 3
L3080 14167_3 554 128 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 128 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L832 81086_3 1195 127 3
L1241 14629_3 549 127 3
L3081 14166_3 554 127 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 127 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L833 81085_3 1195 126 3
L2154 75720_3 253 126 3
L3082 14165_3 554 126 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 126 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L834 81084_3 1195 125 3
L1129 23510_3 549 125 3
L2155 75719_3 253 125 3
L3083 14164_3 554 125 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 125 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L835 81083_3 1195 123 3
L1131 23508_3 549 123 3
L2019 81372_3 253 123 3
L3085 14162_3 554 123 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 123 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L840 81078_3 1195 119 3
L2158 75716_3 253 119 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 119 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L842 81076_3 1195 117 3
L2159 75715_3 253 117 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 117 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L845 81073_3 1195 114 3
L1146 15949_3 549 114 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 114 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L846 81072_3 1195 113 3
L1147 15852_3 549 113 3
L2161 75713_3 253 113 3
L2379 79522_3 1850 113 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 113 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L861 78263_3 2190 970 3
L2353 21456_3 257 970 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 970 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L862 78262_3 2190 953 3
L2362 18286_3 257 953 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 953 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L863 78261_3 2190 952 3
L2366 11881_3 257 952 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 952 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L865 78259_3 2190 938 3
L2992 14908_3 135 938 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 938 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L866 78258_3 2190 931 3
L1382 50319_3 259 931 3
L2364 13342_3 257 931 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 931 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L867 78257_3 2190 929 3
L2373 11423_3 257 929 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 929 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L868 78256_3 2190 955 3
L2360 18288_3 257 955 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 955 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L872 78252_3 2190 926 3
L2372 11424_3 257 926 3
L2958 31831_3 135 926 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 926 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L880 78235_3 2190 613 3
L1121 24151_3 546 613 3
L1315 79138_3 124 613 3
L1802 78465_3 2402 613 3
L2015 12498_3 615 613 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 613 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L881 78234_3 2190 612 3
L1183 14733_3 546 612 3
L1316 79137_3 124 612 3
L1803 78464_3 2402 612 3
L2016 12497_3 615 612 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 612 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L882 78233_3 2190 611 3
L1101 27515_3 546 611 3
L1184 14732_3 546 611 3
L1317 79136_3 124 611 3
L1804 78463_3 2402 611 3
L2017 12496_3 615 611 3
L3057 14198_3 554 611 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 611 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L883 78232_3 2190 610 3
L1185 14731_3 546 610 3
L1318 79135_3 124 610 3
L2530 31640_3 286 610 3
L3058 14197_3 554 610 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 610 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L884 78231_3 2190 609 3
L1186 14730_3 546 609 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 609 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L885 78230_3 2190 608 3
L1187 14729_3 546 608 3
L1319 79134_3 124 608 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 608 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L886 78229_3 2190 604 3
L1190 14726_3 546 604 3
L1770 80605_3 2400 604 3
L2083 75791_3 253 604 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 604 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L887 78228_3 2190 603 3
L1086 32595_3 546 603 3
L2084 75790_3 253 603 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 603 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L890 78224_3 2190 951 3
L1371 58831_3 259 951 3
L2367 11778_3 257 951 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 951 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L891 78223_3 2190 940 3
L1379 50322_3 259 940 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 940 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L892 78222_3 2190 927 3
L2334 58712_3 257 927 3
L2993 14907_3 135 927 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 927 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L893 78221_3 2190 916 3
L1387 50314_3 259 916 3
L3006 14302_3 135 916 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 916 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L894 78220_3 2190 913 3
L1390 50311_3 259 913 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 913 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L895 78219_3 2190 911 3
L1392 50309_3 259 911 3
L2370 11426_3 257 911 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 911 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L896 78216_3 2190 632 3
L1306 79147_3 124 632 3
L1796 78471_3 2402 632 3
L1933 59643_3 2400 632 3
L2009 12505_3 615 632 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 632 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L897 78215_3 2190 631 3
L1934 59642_3 2400 631 3
L3055 14201_3 554 631 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 631 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L898 78210_3 2190 965 3
L2332 61097_3 257 965 3
L2955 32427_3 135 965 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 965 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L899 78209_3 2190 954 3
L2361 18287_3 257 954 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 954 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L900 78208_3 2190 950 3
L1376 50325_3 259 950 3
L2342 36972_3 257 950 3
L3004 14311_3 135 950 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 950 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L903 78205_3 2190 672 3
L1988 18082_3 615 672 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 672 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L904 78204_3 2190 671 3
L1773 80319_3 2402 671 3
L1784 79272_3 615 671 3
L1906 70550_3 2402 671 3
L2000 12516_3 615 671 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 671 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L905 78203_3 2190 670 3
L1301 79152_3 124 670 3
L1621 82832_715 2630 670 715
L1785 79271_3 615 670 3
L1986 18719_3 396 670 3
L2001 12515_3 615 670 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 670 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L907 78197_3 2190 663 3
L1791 78476_3 2402 663 3
L1893 77510_3 2401 663 3
L2002 12514_3 615 663 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 663 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L911 78192_3 2190 623 3
L1942 59634_3 2400 623 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 623 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L912 78191_3 2190 622 3
L1799 78468_3 2402 622 3
L1943 59633_3 2400 622 3
L2012 12501_3 615 622 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 622 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L913 78190_3 2190 621 3
L1178 14738_3 546 621 3
L1800 78467_3 2402 621 3
L1944 59632_3 2400 621 3
L2013 12500_3 615 621 3
L3023 14257_3 135 621 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 621 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L914 78189_3 2190 620 3
L1179 14737_3 546 620 3
L1308 79145_3 124 620 3
L1801 78466_3 2402 620 3
L1945 59631_3 2400 620 3
L2014 12499_3 615 620 3
L3024 14256_3 135 620 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 620 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L915 78187_3 2190 606 3
L1189 14727_3 546 606 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 606 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L916 78186_3 2190 600 3
L1759 35172_3 2630 600 3
L2531 31639_3 286 600 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 600 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L918 78596_3 3030 554 3
L1760 35170_3 2630 554 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 554 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L921 78593_3 3030 544 3
L2119 75755_3 253 544 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 544 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L923 78591_3 3030 541 3
L2122 75752_3 253 541 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 541 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L924 78590_3 3030 540 3
L1715 35268_3 134 540 3
L2123 75751_3 253 540 3
L2430 52896_3 221 540 3
L3033 14245_3 135 540 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 540 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L927 75267_3 153 760 3
L1865 77541_3 2403 760 3
L2238 71792_3 154 760 3
L2929 75984_3 135 760 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 760 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L928 75266_3 153 726 3
L2059 75815_3 253 726 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 726 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L930 71728_3 153 797 3
L1164 14753_3 546 797 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 797 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L931 71727_3 153 796 3
L1165 14752_3 546 796 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 796 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L934 71724_3 153 745 3
L996 52202_3 3025 745 3
L1867 77539_3 2403 745 3
L3014 14283_3 135 745 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 745 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L935 71723_3 153 730 3
L1134 22086_3 3025 730 3
L1778 79811_3 2403 730 3
L2056 75818_3 253 730 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 730 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L936 71722_3 153 N73 3
L1874 77529_3 2403 N73 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N73 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L937 71721_3 153 723 3
L1870 77533_3 2403 723 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 723 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L938 71720_3 153 722 3
L1871 77532_3 2403 722 3
L2061 75813_3 253 722 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 722 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L940 70567_3 137 558 3
L2110 75764_3 253 558 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 558 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L950 70368_3 126 575 3
L2101 75773_3 253 575 3
L3025 14253_3 135 575 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 575 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L951 70367_3 126 574 3
L3026 14252_3 135 574 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 574 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L952 70366_3 126 573 3
L3027 14251_3 135 573 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 573 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L953 70365_3 126 572 3
L2983 23911_3 135 572 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 572 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L954 70364_3 126 571 3
L3028 14250_3 135 571 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 571 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L955 70363_3 126 570 3
L2102 75772_3 253 570 3
L3029 14249_3 135 570 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 570 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L957 70361_3 126 568 3
L2103 75771_3 253 568 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 568 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L958 70360_3 126 567 3
L2104 75770_3 253 567 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 567 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L959 70359_3 126 566 3
L1085 32617_3 231 566 3
L2105 75769_3 253 566 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 566 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L960 70358_3 126 531 3
L1030 48697_3 1935 531 3
L1750 35183_3 134 531 3
L2129 75745_3 253 531 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 531 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L961 70357_3 126 530 3
L1031 48696_3 1935 530 3
L1716 35267_3 134 530 3
L2130 75744_3 253 530 3
L3036 14240_3 135 530 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 530 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L962 80577_3 1935 500 3
L2140 75734_3 253 500 3
L2301 36508_3 154 500 3
L2533 31637_3 286 500 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 500 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L963 79517_3 546 614 3
L1314 79139_3 124 614 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 614 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L968 70513_0 231 1E 0
L2831 35754_0 326 1E 0 009640 ffffff
L2834 35751_0 326 1E 0 009640 ffffff
L2840 35744_0 326 1E 0 009640 ffffff
L2881 35690_3 326 1E 3 009640 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 1E / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L970 67654_3 547 518 3
L976 61557_3 547 518 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 518 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L973 66699_3 1990 836 3
L1007 51906_3 1990 836 3
L1280 79173_3 124 836 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 836 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L974 66697_3 1990 655 3
L991 55357_3 1990 655 3
L1903 72596_3 152 655 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 655 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L977 60988_3 3025 734 3
L2052 75822_3 253 734 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 734 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L979 58452_3 549 175 3
L2150 75724_3 253 175 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 175 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L980 57203_3 546 395 3
L1195 14719_3 546 395 3
L1414 66892_3 620 395 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 395 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L981 57202_3 546 394 3
L1415 66891_3 620 394 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 394 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L982 55825_3 546 399 3
L1410 66896_3 620 399 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 399 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L985 55822_3 550 225 3
L1724 35222_3 134 225 3
L1914 59662_3 2400 225 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 225 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L990 55361_3 1990 850 3
L2020 77308_3 253 850 3
L2962 31827_3 135 850 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 850 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L993 53288_3 1990 831 3
L1023 49766_3 1990 831 3
L1284 79169_3 124 831 3
L2964 31825_3 135 831 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 831 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L995 52934_3 3025 731 3
L2055 75819_3 253 731 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 731 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1003 52042_3 3025 732 3
L2054 75820_3 253 732 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 732 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1004 51912_3 1990 851 3
L1017 49777_3 1990 851 3
L1982 59578_3 2401 851 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 851 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1005 51911_3 1990 841 3
L1018 49775_3 1990 841 3
L1277 79176_3 124 841 3
L2029 75858_3 253 841 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 841 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1006 51910_3 1990 840 3
L1019 49773_3 1990 840 3
L1258 82332_3 124 840 3
L2030 75857_3 253 840 3
L2963 31826_3 135 840 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 840 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1008 51905_3 1990 834 3
L1020 49771_3 1990 834 3
L1282 79171_3 124 834 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 834 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1009 51904_3 1990 833 3
L1021 49769_3 1990 833 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 833 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1010 51903_3 1990 832 3
L1022 49768_3 1990 832 3
L1283 79170_3 124 832 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 832 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1012 51900_3 1990 821 3
L1026 49761_3 1990 821 3
L1291 79162_3 124 821 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 821 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1014 49783_3 1990 861 3
L1269 79184_3 124 861 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 861 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1015 49781_3 1990 860 3
L2961 31828_3 135 860 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 860 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1016 49779_3 1990 852 3
L1902 77038_3 2401 852 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 852 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1024 49765_3 1990 830 3
L3011 14291_3 135 830 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 830 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1027 49759_3 1990 810 3
L1299 79154_3 124 810 3
L2038 75839_3 253 810 3
L2527 31643_3 286 810 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 810 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1054 44891_3 550 218 3
L1920 59656_3 2400 218 3
L2812 35864_3 216 218 3 009640
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 218 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1068 44640_3 1750 752 3
L2047 75827_3 253 752 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 752 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1069 44638_3 1750 751 3
L2048 75826_3 253 751 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 751 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1070 44636_3 1750 335 3
L1461 54418_3 143 335 3
L2201 79283_3 3035 335 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 335 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1071 44635_3 1750 165 3
L2291 46326_3 148 165 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 165 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1076 44629_3 1750 153 3
L1332 66740_3 146 153 3
L2320 25452_3 148 153 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 153 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1088 31729_3 231 412 3
L1962 59610_3 2400 412 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 412 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1098 29609_3 231 560 3
L2109 75765_3 253 560 3
L3032 14246_3 135 560 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 560 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1106 24424_3 549 180 3
L1734 35207_3 134 180 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 180 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1111 24388_3 547 524 3
L1718 35265_3 134 524 3
L2135 75739_3 253 524 3
L2718 22197_3 221 524 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 524 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1112 24387_3 547 516 3
L2170 49931_3 253 516 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 516 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1125 23551_3 549 143 3
L1335 66737_3 146 143 3
L1858 78006_3 2402 143 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 143 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1130 23509_3 549 124 3
L2156 75718_3 253 124 3
L3084 14163_3 554 124 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 124 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1135 18693_3 546 615 3
L1313 79140_3 124 615 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 615 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1140 17850_3 546 372 3
L1429 66875_3 620 372 3
L3065 14189_3 554 372 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 372 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1145 16756_3 548 805 3
L1884 77519_3 2401 805 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 805 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1152 14799_3 231 445 3
L1991 13050_3 152 445 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 445 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1154 14790_3 231 433 3
L1947 59628_3 2400 433 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 433 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1159 14764_3 546 875 3
L1974 59592_3 2401 875 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 875 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1160 14763_3 546 874 3
L1975 59591_3 2401 874 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 874 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1161 14762_3 546 873 3
L1976 59590_3 2401 873 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 873 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1162 14761_3 546 871 3
L1978 59588_3 2401 871 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 871 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1163 14757_3 546 820 3
L2035 75846_3 253 820 3
L2526 31644_3 286 820 3
L2965 31824_3 135 820 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 820 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1174 14742_3 546 630 3
L1307 79146_3 124 630 3
L1797 78470_3 2402 630 3
L1935 59641_3 2400 630 3
L2010 12503_3 615 630 3
L3022 14259_3 135 630 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 630 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1175 14741_3 546 628 3
L1937 59639_3 2400 628 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 628 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1176 14740_3 546 627 3
L1938 59638_3 2400 627 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 627 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1177 14739_3 546 626 3
L1939 59637_3 2400 626 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 626 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1180 14736_3 546 619 3
L1309 79144_3 124 619 3
L1946 59630_3 2400 619 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 619 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1181 14735_3 546 618 3
L1310 79143_3 124 618 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 618 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1182 14734_3 546 616 3
L1312 79141_3 124 616 3
L3056 14200_3 554 616 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 616 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1192 14722_3 546 398 3
L1411 66895_3 620 398 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 398 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1193 14721_3 546 397 3
L1412 66894_3 620 397 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 397 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1194 14720_3 546 396 3
L1413 66893_3 620 396 3
L1965 59607_3 2400 396 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 396 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1199 14714_3 546 390 3
L3064 14191_3 554 390 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 390 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1200 14711_3 546 387 3
L1418 66887_3 620 387 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 387 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1201 14710_3 546 386 3
L1419 66886_3 620 386 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 386 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1202 14709_3 546 385 3
L1420 66885_3 620 385 3
L2976 31811_3 135 385 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 385 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1203 14708_3 546 384 3
L1421 66884_3 620 384 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 384 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1208 14675_3 548 806 3
L1883 77520_3 2401 806 3
L2040 75835_3 253 806 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 806 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1209 14674_3 548 804 3
L2041 75833_3 253 804 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 804 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1210 14673_3 548 803 3
L1983 59575_3 2401 803 3
L2042 75832_3 253 803 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 803 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1211 14672_3 548 802 3
L1984 59574_3 2401 802 3
L2043 75831_3 253 802 3
L2990 16292_3 135 802 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 802 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1212 14671_3 548 801 3
L1885 77518_3 2401 801 3
L2044 75830_3 253 801 3
L3012 14288_3 135 801 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 801 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1217 14666_3 549 192 3
L1327 66745_3 146 192 3
L1358 63538_3 690 192 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 192 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1224 14657_3 549 164 3
L2292 46325_3 148 164 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 164 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1228 14649_3 549 156 3
L2474 46749_3 1850 156 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 156 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1229 14648_3 549 155 3
L1742 35197_3 134 155 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 155 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1230 14647_3 549 154 3
L1331 66741_3 146 154 3
L1743 35196_3 134 154 3
L1856 78008_3 2402 154 3
L2319 25596_3 148 154 3
L2475 46748_3 1850 154 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 154 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1244 14620_3 549 111 3
L1343 66729_3 146 111 3
L2397 67118_3 1850 111 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 111 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1255 14599_3 3025 741 3
L2967 31820_3 135 741 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 741 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1259 79767_3 124 844 3
L2026 75861_3 253 844 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 844 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1265 79188_3 124 865 3
L3010 14296_3 135 865 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 865 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1270 79183_3 124 849 3
L2021 75866_3 253 849 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 849 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1271 79182_3 124 848 3
L2022 75865_3 253 848 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 848 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1272 79181_3 124 847 3
L2023 75864_3 253 847 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 847 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1273 79180_3 124 846 3
L2024 75863_3 253 846 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 846 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1274 79179_3 124 845 3
L2025 75862_3 253 845 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 845 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1275 79178_3 124 843 3
L2027 75860_3 253 843 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 843 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1276 79177_3 124 842 3
L2028 75859_3 253 842 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 842 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1281 79172_3 124 835 3
L2935 68080_3 135 835 3
L2953 43993_3 135 835 3
L2954 43992_3 135 835 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 835 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1287 79166_3 124 826 3
L2032 75852_3 253 826 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 826 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1288 79165_3 124 825 3
L2033 75851_3 253 825 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 825 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1289 79164_3 124 824 3
L2034 75850_3 253 824 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 824 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1294 79159_3 124 816 3
L2036 75845_3 253 816 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 816 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1298 79155_3 124 811 3
L2037 75840_3 253 811 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 811 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1300 79153_3 124 800 3
L2045 75829_3 253 800 3
L2528 31642_3 286 800 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 800 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1304 79149_3 124 636 3
L1931 59645_3 2400 636 3
L3020 14262_3 135 636 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 636 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1346 66726_3 146 74 3
L1854 78010_3 2402 74 3
L2215 72012_3 148 74 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 74 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1347 66725_3 146 60 3
L1394 50296_3 259 60 3
L1855 78009_3 2402 60 3
L2223 72004_3 148 60 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 60 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1362 58942_3 2372 30 3
L1401 50289_3 259 30 3
L2277 50381_3 148 30 3
L2783 46223_3 271 30 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 30 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1372 50332_3 259 969 3
L2330 61099_3 257 969 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 969 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1373 50329_3 259 962 3
L2979 31483_3 135 962 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 962 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1374 50328_3 259 961 3
L2338 37787_3 257 961 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 961 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1375 50327_3 259 960 3
L2339 37786_3 257 960 3
L2523 31647_3 286 960 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 960 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1384 50317_3 259 921 3
L2369 11427_3 257 921 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 921 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1385 50316_3 259 920 3
L2368 11429_3 257 920 3
L2994 14905_3 135 920 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 920 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1386 50315_3 259 917 3
L2293 37548_3 1542 917 3
L2951 48093_3 135 917 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 917 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1395 50295_3 259 50 3
L2229 71998_3 148 50 3
L2774 46232_3 271 50 3
L3132 33945_3 226 50 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 50 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1396 50294_3 259 40 3
L2231 71996_3 148 40 3
L2778 46228_3 271 40 3
L2859 35720_3 326 40 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 40 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1397 50293_3 259 38 3
L2779 46227_3 271 38 3
L2857 35722_3 326 38 3 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 38 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1399 50291_3 259 32 32 druck Kunde 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 32: Long name should not start or be equals with short name
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1428 66876_3 620 373 3
L2947 52840_3 554 373 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 373 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1455 54424_3 143 344 3
L2193 79291_3 3035 344 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 344 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1459 54420_3 143 337 3
L2199 79285_3 3035 337 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 337 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1463 54416_3 143 332 3
L2204 79280_3 3035 332 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 332 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1475 80978_2 1689 RB86 2
L1572 47758_2 1689 RB86 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB86 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1480 77787_3 969 RB71 3
L1523 66126_2 2155 RB71 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB71 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1481 77742_3 969 RB67 3
L1525 66124_2 2155 RB67 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB67 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1482 77619_3 969 RB65 3
L1527 66122_2 2155 RB65 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB65 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1483 77412_3 969 RE82 3
L1517 66134_2 2156 RE82 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE82 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1484 77411_3 969 RE78 3
L1518 66133_2 2156 RE78 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE78 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1486 77408_3 969 RE3 3
L1519 66130_2 2156 RE3 2
L1604 34509_2 606 RE3 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE3 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1487 77407_3 969 RB89 3
L1520 66129_2 2155 RB89 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB89 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1488 77406_3 969 RB73 3
L1521 66128_2 2155 RB73 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB73 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1489 77405_3 969 RB72 3
L1522 66127_2 2155 RB72 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB72 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1490 77404_3 969 RB69 3
L1524 66125_2 2155 RB69 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB69 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1491 77403_3 969 RB66 3
L1526 66123_2 2155 RB66 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB66 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1492 77402_3 969 RB61 3
L1530 65205_2 2155 RB61 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB61 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1493 77401_3 969 RB59 3
L1528 66121_2 2155 RB59 2
L1568 50110_3 1203 RB59 3
L1595 34523_2 605 RB59 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB59 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1494 77400_3 969 RB50 3
L1529 66120_2 2155 RB50 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB50 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1497 73438_2 1322 RE15 2
L1592 34533_2 810 RE15 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE15 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1498 71351_3 607 EV 3
L1499 71350_3 810 EV 3
L1500 71342_3 1917 EV 3
L1501 71338_3 795 EV 3
L1502 71333_3 606 EV 3
L1503 71322_3 608 EV 3
L1504 71302_3 1655 EV 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value EV / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1507 68579_2 607 RB84 2
L1593 34530_2 605 RB84 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB84 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1510 68278_2 605 RS6 2
L1511 68278_109 605 RS6 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RS6 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1513 68261_2 1689 RE8 2
L1557 56395_3 1203 RE8 3
L1566 52337_2 1201 RE8 2
L1584 43234_2 1689 RE8 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE8 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1514 68246_2 1689 RB85 2
L1596 34522_2 605 RB85 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB85 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1515 68245_2 1689 RB81 2
L1576 43242_2 1689 RB81 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB81 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1531 64545_3 1203 RB57 3
L1553 62817_2 815 RB57 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB57 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1532 63837_3 1203 S7 3
L1539 62974_3 2506 S7 3
L1540 62974_109 2506 S7 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S7 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1542 62972_3 2506 S5 3
L1543 62972_109 2506 S5 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S5 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1544 62971_3 2506 S4 3
L1545 62971_109 2506 S4 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S4 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1546 62970_3 2506 S3 3
L1547 62970_109 2506 S3 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S3 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1548 62969_3 2506 S2 3
L1549 62969_109 2506 S2 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S2 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1550 62968_3 2506 S1 3
L1551 62968_109 2506 S1 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S1 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1570 49657_3 1203 RE9 3
L1583 43235_2 1689 RE9 2
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE9 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1586 43055_1200 1456 SCH 1200
L1588 43052_1200 1456 SCH 1200
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value SCH / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1587 43054_4 1456 KAT 4
L1589 43051_4 1456 KAT 4
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value KAT / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1609 34503_2 607 RB47 2
L1610 34503_3 607 RB47 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RB47 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1612 34501_2 607 RE10 2
L1613 34501_3 607 RE10 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RE10 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1616 26771_2 605 RS3 2
L1617 26771_109 605 RS3 109
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value RS3 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1620 82937_3 134 659 3
L1895 77508_3 2401 659 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 659 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1625 55324_3 134 7085 3
L1626 55324_715 134 7085 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7085 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1629 53674_3 134 71 3
L2768 46239_3 271 71 3
L3135 33942_3 226 71 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 71 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1636 53654_3 134 7089 3
L1637 53654_715 134 7089 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7089 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1638 53653_3 134 7088 3
L1639 53653_715 134 7088 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7088 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1640 53652_3 134 7087 3
L1641 53652_715 134 7087 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7087 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1642 53651_3 134 7086 3
L1643 53651_715 134 7086 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7086 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1645 53649_3 134 7082 3
L1646 53649_715 134 7082 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7082 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1647 53648_3 134 7081 3
L1648 53648_715 134 7081 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7081 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1649 53647_3 134 7080 3
L1650 53647_715 134 7080 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7080 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1652 53645_3 134 7077 3
L1653 53645_715 134 7077 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7077 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1654 53644_3 134 7076 3
L1655 53644_715 134 7076 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7076 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1656 53643_3 134 7075 3
L1657 53643_715 134 7075 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7075 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1659 53641_3 134 7070 3
L1660 53641_715 134 7070 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7070 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1661 53640_3 134 7065 3
L1662 53640_715 134 7065 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7065 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1663 53639_3 134 7064 3
L1664 53639_715 134 7064 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7064 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1665 53638_3 134 7062 3
L1666 53638_715 134 7062 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7062 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1667 53637_3 134 7061 3
L1668 53637_715 134 7061 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7061 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1669 53636_3 134 7060 3
L1670 53636_715 134 7060 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7060 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1671 53635_3 134 7059 3
L1672 53635_715 134 7059 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7059 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1673 53634_3 134 7056 3
L1674 53634_715 134 7056 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7056 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1675 53633_3 134 7055 3
L1676 53633_715 134 7055 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7055 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1677 53632_3 134 7050 3
L1678 53632_715 134 7050 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7050 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1679 53631_3 134 7046 3
L1680 53631_715 134 7046 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7046 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1681 53630_3 134 7045 3
L1682 53630_715 134 7045 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7045 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1683 53629_3 134 7041 3
L1684 53629_715 134 7041 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7041 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1685 53628_3 134 7040 3
L1686 53628_715 134 7040 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7040 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1688 53626_3 134 7036 3
L1689 53626_715 134 7036 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7036 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1690 53625_3 134 7030 3
L1691 53625_715 134 7030 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7030 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1692 53624_3 134 7027 3
L1693 53624_715 134 7027 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7027 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1694 53623_3 134 7026 3
L1695 53623_715 134 7026 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7026 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1696 53622_3 134 7020 3
L1697 53622_715 134 7020 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7020 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1699 53620_3 134 7017 3
L1700 53620_715 134 7017 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7017 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1701 53619_3 134 7016 3
L1702 53619_715 134 7016 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7016 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1703 53618_3 134 7010 3
L1704 53618_715 134 7010 715
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 7010 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1705 51001_3 134 526 3
L2133 75741_3 253 526 3
L2717 22199_3 221 526 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 526 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1706 51000_3 134 660 3
L1894 77509_3 2401 660 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 660 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1707 50999_3 134 658 3
L1896 77507_3 2401 658 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 658 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1708 50998_3 134 656 3
L1898 77505_3 2401 656 3
L1911 59666_3 2400 656 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 656 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1709 46539_3 2630 401 3
L2272 54727_3 219 401 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 401 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1713 35270_3 134 543 3
L2120 75754_3 253 543 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 543 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1720 35263_3 134 520 3
L1762 35168_3 2630 520 3
L2139 75735_3 253 520 3
L3039 14236_3 135 520 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 520 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1749 35190_3 134 130 3
L2544 31626_3 286 130 3
L3078 14169_3 554 130 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 130 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1751 35182_3 134 528 3
L2131 75743_3 253 528 3
L2716 22200_3 221 528 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 528 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1752 35181_3 134 523 3
L2136 75738_3 253 523 3
L2511 34364_3 221 523 3
L3037 14239_3 135 523 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 523 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1755 35176_3 2630 652 3
L1904 72595_3 152 652 3
L2937 63624_3 135 652 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 652 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1772 80320_3 2402 680 3
L1891 77512_3 2401 680 3
L1996 12523_3 615 680 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 680 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1776 79952_3 2400 N61 3
L1812 78056_3 2402 N61 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N61 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1787 78480_3 2402 688 3
L1993 12526_3 615 688 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 688 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1788 78479_3 2402 686 3
L1886 77517_3 2401 686 3
L1994 12525_3 615 686 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 686 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1789 78478_3 2402 685 3
L1887 77516_3 2401 685 3
L1995 12524_3 615 685 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 685 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1790 78477_3 2402 673 3
L1999 12518_3 615 673 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 673 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1798 78469_3 2402 624 3
L1941 59635_3 2400 624 3
L2011 12502_3 615 624 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 624 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1805 78462_3 2402 X610 3
L2018 12495_3 615 X610 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value X610 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1810 78058_3 2402 12 3
L2550 31619_3 286 12 3
L2932 75362_1 554 12 1
L3123 33954_3 226 12 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 12 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1852 78012_3 2402 200 3
L2473 46750_3 1850 200 3
L2542 31628_3 286 200 3
L2988 16737_3 554 200 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 200 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1928 59648_3 2400 639 3
L2930 75983_3 135 639 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 639 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1929 59647_3 2400 638 3
L3019 14263_3 135 638 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 638 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1932 59644_3 2400 635 3
L3021 14261_3 135 635 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 635 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L1971 59597_3 2401 880 3
L2376 83519_3 286 880 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 880 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2060 75814_3 253 725 3
L2286 46792_3 154 725 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 725 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2064 75810_3 253 718 3
L2306 25806_3 154 718 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 718 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2065 75809_3 253 717 3
L2307 25805_3 154 717 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 717 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2100 75774_3 253 58 3
L2866 35711_3 326 58 3 ef7d00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 58 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2112 75762_3 253 556 3
L2273 53984_3 154 556 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 556 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2114 75760_3 253 550 3
L2299 36511_3 154 550 3
L2393 68447_3 221 550 3
L2506 34369_3 221 550 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 550 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2115 75759_3 253 548 3
L2508 34367_3 221 548 3
L2659 22363_3 221 548 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 548 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2116 75758_3 253 547 3
L2509 34366_3 221 547 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 547 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2117 75757_3 253 546 3
L2510 34365_3 221 546 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 546 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2124 75750_3 253 54 3
L2772 46235_3 271 54 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 54 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2128 75746_3 253 532 3
L3035 14242_3 135 532 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 532 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2132 75742_3 253 527 3
L2752 22044_3 221 527 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 527 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2148 75726_3 253 177 3
L2290 46327_3 148 177 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 177 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2190 79294_3 3035 347 3
L2668 22354_3 221 347 3
L2948 52839_3 554 347 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 347 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2191 79293_3 3035 346 3
L3068 14185_3 554 346 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 346 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2216 72011_3 148 73 3
L3137 33940_3 226 73 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 73 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2217 72010_3 148 72 3
L2767 46240_3 271 72 3
L3136 33941_3 226 72 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 72 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2225 72002_3 148 55 3
L2864 35713_3 326 55 3 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 55 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2269 54730_3 219 404 3
L2982 27688_3 135 404 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 404 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2282 50224_3 1542 905 3
L3009 14298_3 135 905 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 905 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2294 37547_3 1542 907 3
L2341 37784_3 257 907 3
L3007 14300_3 135 907 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 907 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2295 37546_3 1542 906 3
L2355 18706_3 257 906 3
L3008 14299_3 135 906 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 906 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2296 37545_3 1542 904 3
L2356 18705_3 257 904 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 904 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2297 37544_3 1542 903 3
L2357 18704_3 257 903 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 903 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2316 25603_3 148 28 3
L2784 46222_3 271 28 3
L2851 35728_3 326 28 3 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 28 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2317 25602_3 148 27 3
L2785 46221_3 271 27 3
L2850 35729_3 326 27 3 ef7d00 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 27 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2318 25601_3 148 26 3
L2849 35730_3 326 26 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 26 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2331 61098_3 257 968 3
L2936 63625_3 135 968 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 968 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2333 61072_3 257 966 3
L2991 14910_3 135 966 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 966 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2395 67120_3 1850 207 3
L2808 53917_3 216 207 3 009640
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 207 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2504 35136_3 221 2026 3
L2913 35991_3 136 2026 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2026 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2707 22225_3 221 2021 3
L2923 33644_3 136 2021 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2021 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2710 22220_3 221 2008 3
L2922 35982_3 136 2008 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2008 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2712 22217_3 221 2004 3
L2925 33642_3 136 2004 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2004 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2713 22215_3 221 2002 3
L2909 59078_3 136 2002 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2002 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2714 22214_3 221 2001 3
L2910 59077_3 136 2001 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2001 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2736 22116_3 221 2025 3
L2914 35990_3 136 2025 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 2025 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2759 51799_3 271 96 3
L2879 35695_3 326 96 3 951b81 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 96 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2762 46245_3 271 95 3
L2878 35696_3 326 95 3 ef7d00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 95 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2763 46244_3 271 94 3
L2877 35697_3 326 94 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 94 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2764 46243_3 271 93 3
L2876 35698_3 326 93 3 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 93 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2765 46242_3 271 92 3
L2875 35699_3 326 92 3 009fe3
L3140 33937_3 226 92 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 92 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2766 46241_3 271 91 3
L2874 35700_3 326 91 3 009fe3
L3139 33938_3 226 91 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 91 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2775 46231_3 271 45 3
L2804 80444_3 326 45 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 45 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2780 46226_3 271 37 3
L2856 35723_3 326 37 3 951b81 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 37 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2833 35752_0 326 6E 0 ffcc00
L2836 35748_0 326 6E 0 ffcc00
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 6E / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2839 35745_0 326 N10 0 009fe3 ffffff
L3104 62238_3 226 N10 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value N10 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2841 35741_0 326 4E 0 e30613 ffffff
L2882 35689_3 326 4E 3 e30613 ffffff
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 4E / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2897 82467_3 136 2121 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2121 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2898 69967_3 136 2002 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2002 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2899 68076_3 136 2022 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2022 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2900 68075_3 136 2010 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2010 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2901 68073_3 136 2006 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2006 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2902 68072_3 136 2004 ALF 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 2004 ALF, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L2952 43994_3 135 948 3
L2986 18070_3 135 948 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value 948 / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once

stops.txt - 2128 INFO - 49687 WARNING - 710 ERROR

stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2 000000184233 Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof 53.518372000000 8.118064000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3 000009914876 Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz 53.525735000000 8.126717000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4 000000300104 Wilhelmshaven Ulmenstraße Wilhelmshaven Ulmenstraße 53.528770000000 8.125982000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Ulmenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5 000000300404 Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg 53.532843000000 8.126441000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6 000000390405 Wilhelmshaven Hegelstraße Wilhelmshaven Hegelstraße 53.536738000000 8.124521000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hegelstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7 000000300107 Wilhelmshaven Friedenstraße Wilhelmshaven Friedenstraße 53.540304000000 8.121883000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Friedenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8 000000300108 Wilhelmshaven Nordseestation Wilhelmshaven Nordseestation 53.544581000000 8.119426000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Nordseestation: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9 000000300109 Wilhelmshaven Hauffstraße Wilhelmshaven Hauffstraße 53.547637000000 8.114731000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hauffstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10 000000300110 Wilhelmshaven Ackerstraße Wilhelmshaven Ackerstraße 53.550149000000 8.110619000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Ackerstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11 000000300618 Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 53.552910000000 8.106095000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12 000000300112 Wilhelmshaven Betriebshof Maadebrücke Wilhelmshaven Betriebshof Maadebrücke 53.561537000000 8.103876000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Betriebshof Maadebrücke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13 000000300113 Wilhelmshaven Klinkerstraße Wilhelmshaven Klinkerstraße 53.566629000000 8.099890000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Klinkerstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14 000000300114 Wilhelmshaven Plauenstraße / Freibad Nord Wilhelmshaven Plauenstraße / Freibad Nord 53.569232000000 8.095985000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Plauenstraße / Freibad Nord: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15 000000300503 Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße 53.573995000000 8.092457000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16 000000305041 Wilhelmshaven Nogatstraße Wilhelmshaven Nogatstraße 53.577503000000 8.091732000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Nogatstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17 000000300117 Wilhelmshaven Kniprodestraße Wilhelmshaven Kniprodestraße 53.580256000000 8.091039000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Kniprodestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18 000000300118 Wilhelmshaven Hunrichsstraße Wilhelmshaven Hunrichsstraße 53.584599000000 8.099750000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hunrichsstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19 000000300119 Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Markt Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Markt 53.586002000000 8.102347000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Markt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20 000000104250 Wilhelmshaven Tengestraße Wilhelmshaven Tengestraße 53.588002000000 8.101852000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Tengestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21 000000390509 Wilhelmshaven Bakenstraße Wilhelmshaven Bakenstraße 53.590499000000 8.099352000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bakenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22 000000104249 Wilhelmshaven Leuchtturmstraße Wilhelmshaven Leuchtturmstraße 53.592898000000 8.096960000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Leuchtturmstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23 000000104405 Wilhelmshaven Alt-Voslapp Wilhelmshaven Alt-Voslapp 53.595301000000 8.093949000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Alt-Voslapp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24 000000104251 Wilhelmshaven Tiarksstraße Wilhelmshaven Tiarksstraße 53.584378000000 8.105130000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Tiarksstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25 000000104252 Wilhelmshaven Ebbestraße Wilhelmshaven Ebbestraße 53.581087000000 8.108416000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Ebbestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26 000000104384 Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Süd Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Süd 53.578036000000 8.110110000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Voslapp Süd: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27 000000300127 Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße 53.575287000000 8.092233000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Posener Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28 000000104255 Wilhelmshaven Albrechtstraße Wilhelmshaven Albrechtstraße 53.574895000000 8.097359000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Albrechtstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29 000000104253 Wilhelmshaven Möwenstraße Wilhelmshaven Möwenstraße 53.575902000000 8.102259000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Möwenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30 000000300202 Wilhelmshaven Deichstraße Wilhelmshaven Deichstraße 53.516299000000 8.113861000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Deichstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31 000000300203 Wilhelmshaven Luisenstraße Wilhelmshaven Luisenstraße 53.516798000000 8.106147000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Luisenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32 000000300205 Wilhelmshaven Banter Markt Wilhelmshaven Banter Markt 53.518544000000 8.099220000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Banter Markt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33 000000300206 Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche 53.522770000000 8.099643000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34 000000300207 Wilhelmshaven Bremer Straße Wilhelmshaven Bremer Straße 53.524352000000 8.098478000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bremer Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35 000000300208 Wilhelmshaven Bismarckstraße Wilhelmshaven Bismarckstraße 53.527605000000 8.098575000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bismarckstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36 000000390215 Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße 53.528727000000 8.104403000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37 000000194368 Wilhelmshaven Rathaus Wilhelmshaven Rathaus 53.528471000000 8.109792000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Rathaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38 000000145157 Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße 53.527837000000 8.116440000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39 000000390217 Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße 53.527099000000 8.121191000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40 000000300214 Wilhelmshaven Margaretenstraße Wilhelmshaven Margaretenstraße 53.526158000000 8.131404000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Margaretenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41 000000300215 Wilhelmshaven Heppenser Straße Wilhelmshaven Heppenser Straße 53.528121000000 8.134410000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Heppenser Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42 000000300216 Wilhelmshaven Siedlerweg Wilhelmshaven Siedlerweg 53.526897000000 8.136651000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Siedlerweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43 000000300217 Wilhelmshaven Saarbrücker Straße Wilhelmshaven Saarbrücker Straße 53.526447000000 8.138968000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Saarbrücker Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44 000000300218 Wilhelmshaven Borkumstraße Wilhelmshaven Borkumstraße 53.528458000000 8.139998000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Borkumstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45 000000300219 Wilhelmshaven Norderneystraße Wilhelmshaven Norderneystraße 53.531379000000 8.140074000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Norderneystraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46 000000149009 Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg 53.531818000000 8.126341000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Mühlenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47 000000300301 Wilhelmshaven Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke Wilhelmshaven Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke 53.515111000000 8.134494000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48 000000300302 Wilhelmshaven Nahestraße Wilhelmshaven Nahestraße 53.515267000000 8.130043000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Nahestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49 000000300303 Wilhelmshaven Küstenmuseum Allerstraße Wilhelmshaven Küstenmuseum Allerstraße 53.515502000000 8.126541000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Küstenmuseum Allerstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50 000000300304 Wilhelmshaven Pauline-Ahlsdorff-Haus Wilhelmshaven Pauline-Ahlsdorff-Haus 53.515880000000 8.120488000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Pauline-Ahlsdorff-Haus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51 000000300102 Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz 53.520471000000 8.115553000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52 000000104355 Wilhelmshaven Stadthalle Wilhelmshaven Stadthalle 53.522179000000 8.109562000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Stadthalle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53 000000300311 Wilhelmshaven Mitscherlichstraße Wilhelmshaven Mitscherlichstraße 53.522337000000 8.106588000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Mitscherlichstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54 000000104230 Wilhelmshaven Oldeoogestraße Wilhelmshaven Oldeoogestraße 53.522610000000 8.102225000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Oldeoogestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55 000000300314 Wilhelmshaven Kolberger Straße Wilhelmshaven Kolberger Straße 53.522981000000 8.096683000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Kolberger Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56 000000104229 Wilhelmshaven Banter Weg/Peterstraße Wilhelmshaven Banter Weg/Peterstraße 53.523198000000 8.093286000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Banter Weg/Peterstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57 000000104228 Wilhelmshaven Genossenschaftsstraße Wilhelmshaven Genossenschaftsstraße 53.523353000000 8.088910000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Genossenschaftsstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58 000000300319 Wilhelmshaven Jadeviertel Wilhelmshaven Jadeviertel 53.526158000000 8.092604000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Jadeviertel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59 000000303201 Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße 53.527814000000 8.092916000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60 000000301112 Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel 53.529053000000 8.086872000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61 000000300322 Wilhelmshaven Gartenweg Wilhelmshaven Gartenweg 53.531803000000 8.084657000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Gartenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L62 000000300323 Wilhelmshaven Schaarreihe Wilhelmshaven Schaarreihe 53.533154000000 8.081551000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Schaarreihe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L63 000000300324 Wilhelmshaven Schaardreieck Wilhelmshaven Schaardreieck 53.536354000000 8.078133000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Schaardreieck: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L64 000000300325 Wilhelmshaven Maadestraße Wilhelmshaven Maadestraße 53.539581000000 8.080657000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Maadestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L65 000000390303 Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße 53.539643000000 8.086479000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L66 000000300312 Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 53.544241000000 8.075593000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L67 000000300329 Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 53.544385000000 8.075635000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Kurt-Schumacher-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L68 000000300330 Wilhelmshaven Beringallee Wilhelmshaven Beringallee 53.547590000000 8.075204000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Beringallee: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L69 000000300331 Wilhelmshaven Knud-Rasmussen-Straße Wilhelmshaven Knud-Rasmussen-Straße 53.549196000000 8.077205000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Knud-Rasmussen-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L70 000000303171 Wilhelmshaven Sven-Hedin-Straße Wilhelmshaven Sven-Hedin-Straße 53.549696000000 8.079201000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Sven-Hedin-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L71 000000300603 Wilhelmshaven SPAR & BAU/Grenzstraße Wilhelmshaven SPAR & BAU/Grenzstraße 53.523526000000 8.111795000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven SPAR & BAU/Grenzstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L72 000000300605 Wilhelmshaven Edo-Wiemken-Straße Wilhelmshaven Edo-Wiemken-Straße 53.531387000000 8.105644000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Edo-Wiemken-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L73 000000390208 Wilhelmshaven Robodesweg Wilhelmshaven Robodesweg 53.532233000000 8.098688000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Robodesweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L74 000000300608 Wilhelmshaven Tom-Brok-Straße Wilhelmshaven Tom-Brok-Straße 53.531266000000 8.093204000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Tom-Brok-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L75 000000104369 Wilhelmshaven IGS/Am Wiesenhof Wilhelmshaven IGS/Am Wiesenhof 53.535847000000 8.089381000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven IGS/Am Wiesenhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L76 000000300610 Wilhelmshaven Feldmark Wilhelmshaven Feldmark 53.537867000000 8.087965000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Feldmark: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L77 000000300611 Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße 53.540047000000 8.086364000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Weidenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L78 000000300613 Wilhelmshaven Harlinger Weg Wilhelmshaven Harlinger Weg 53.552241000000 8.087686000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Harlinger Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L79 000000300614 Wilhelmshaven Benlepstraße Wilhelmshaven Benlepstraße 53.555059000000 8.089587000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Benlepstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L80 000000300615 Wilhelmshaven Werdumer Platz Wilhelmshaven Werdumer Platz 53.555889000000 8.093598000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Werdumer Platz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L81 000000300616 Wilhelmshaven Beethovenstraße Wilhelmshaven Beethovenstraße 53.553508000000 8.095913000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Beethovenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L82 000000300617 Wilhelmshaven Richard-Strauß-Weg Wilhelmshaven Richard-Strauß-Weg 53.550921000000 8.099664000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Richard-Strauß-Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L83 000000184348 Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße) Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße) 53.516648000000 8.101642000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L84 000000104397 Wilhelmshaven Klinikum/Jadehochschule Wilhelmshaven Klinikum/Jadehochschule 53.546347000000 8.085906000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Klinikum/Jadehochschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L85 000000104386 Wilhelmshaven Salzastraße Wilhelmshaven Salzastraße 53.573499000000 8.086278000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Salzastraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L86 000000174348 Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße) Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße) 53.516679000000 8.100948000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Werftstraße (Weserstraße): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L87 000000300032 Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße 53.528641000000 8.091843000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Friedrich-Paffrath-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L88 000000300313 Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche 53.521639000000 8.098581000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Banter Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L89 000000104233 Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof 53.518515000000 8.118239000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L90 000000300602 Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz 53.520541000000 8.115235000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Börsenplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L91 000000174233 Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof 53.518922000000 8.118172000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven ZOB/Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L92 000000300401 Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße 53.552589000000 8.106449000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L93 000000300321 Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel 53.529760000000 8.086556000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Europaviertel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L94 000000145158 Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße 53.528520000000 8.104377000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Stettiner Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L95 000000390216 Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße 53.527847000000 8.115339000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Mozartstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L96 000000145156 Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße 53.526956000000 8.121269000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bülowstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L97 000000301102 Wilhelmshaven Rehazentrum Wilhelmshaven Rehazentrum 53.523602000000 8.124550000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Rehazentrum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L98 000000104227 Wilhelmshaven Peterstraße Wilhelmshaven Peterstraße 53.520220000000 8.124077000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Peterstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L99 000000194367 Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz 53.525990000000 8.126823000000 0 0 110-110|VEJ-VEJ|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Bismarckplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L100 000008001176 Brettorf Brettorf 52.967141000000 8.447080000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brettorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L101 000008001170 Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf 53.508766000000 8.611898000000 0 000009014517 0 1 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L102 000004901170 Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf 53.508852000000 8.611562000000 0 000009014517 0 2 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582462 is too far from computed projection point (53.508483,8.612083) on shape 4743 (at arc-length 16.31m): 53.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582525 is too far from computed projection point (53.508483,8.612083) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 16.31m): 53.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582516 is too far from computed projection point (53.508494,8.612329) on shape 4753 (at arc-length 0.00m): 64.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582509 is too far from computed projection point (53.508483,8.612083) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 16.31m): 53.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582507 is too far from computed projection point (53.508483,8.612083) on shape 4751 (at arc-length 16.31m): 53.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582458 is too far from computed projection point (53.508483,8.612083) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 16.31m): 53.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L105 000008005390 Schneverdingen Schneverdingen 53.111451000000 9.798623000000 0 0 1 11-11|HVV-HVV|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schneverdingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L106 000004905390 Schneverdingen Schneverdingen 53.111390000000 9.798781000000 0 0 2 11-11|HVV-HVV|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schneverdingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L107 000008001489 Dörverden Dörverden 52.846486000000 9.246202000000 0 0 1 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dörverden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L108 000004901489 Dörverden Dörverden 52.846266000000 9.246401000000 0 0 4 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dörverden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L109 000008004750 Pansdorf Pansdorf 53.981034000000 10.703056000000 0 0 5795-5797 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pansdorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L113 000008001949 Eystrup Eystrup 52.783348000000 9.231262000000 0 0 1 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eystrup: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L114 000004901949 Eystrup Eystrup 52.783494000000 9.231488000000 0 0 3 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eystrup: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L121 000080023720 Greven Greven 52.089829000000 7.599341000000 0 0 NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Greven: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L123 000008005665 Stadtoldendorf Stadtoldendorf 51.881002000000 9.620519000000 0 0 Stadtoldendorf-550|Stadtoldendorf-3550|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stadtoldendorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L126 000008000286 Oberhausen(Rheinl) Hauptbahnhof Oberhausen(Rheinl) Hauptbahnhof 51.474878000000 6.851588000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oberhausen(Rheinl) Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L129 000008000283 Northeim Northeim 51.703257000000 9.986306000000 0 0 1 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Northeim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L130 000004911283 Northeim Northeim 51.703285000000 9.986902000000 0 0 11 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Northeim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L131 000004912283 Northeim Northeim 51.703234000000 9.987011000000 0 0 12 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Northeim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L132 000004913283 Northeim Northeim 51.703148000000 9.987074000000 0 0 13 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Northeim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L133 000004920283 Northeim Northeim 51.703317000000 9.986229000000 0 0 2 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Northeim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L134 000008005703 Steinfeld(Oldb) Steinfeld(Oldb) 52.592579000000 8.197948000000 0 0 Steinfeld(Oldb)-STE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Steinfeld(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L135 000008005708 Steinheim(Westf) Bahnhof Steinheim(Westf) Bahnhof 51.868177000000 9.088447000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Steinheim(Westf) Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L137 000008071352 Cuxhaven Fährhafen Cuxhaven Fährhafen 53.875895000000 8.701567000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cuxhaven Fährhafen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L138 000008071353 Cuxhaven Alte Liebe (Fähre) Cuxhaven Alte Liebe (Fähre) 53.871767000000 8.709630000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cuxhaven Alte Liebe (Fähre): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L142 000008079115 Borkum Reede Borkum Reede 53.563598000000 6.756451000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Borkum Reede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L143 000008001166 Bremen-Vegesack Bremen-Vegesack 53.169838000000 8.629954000000 0 000009014331 0 1 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Vegesack: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L144 000004901166 Bremen-Vegesack Bremen-Vegesack 53.169796000000 8.630008000000 0 000009014331 0 21 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Vegesack: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L145 000008001167 Bremen-Walle Bremen-Walle 53.103884000000 8.786104000000 0 000009014333 0 5 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Walle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L146 000004901167 Bremen-Walle Bremen-Walle 53.103923000000 8.786238000000 0 000009014333 0 6 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Walle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L147 000008001164 Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) 53.061202000000 8.887584000000 0 000009014326 0 1 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L148 000004901164 Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) 53.061252000000 8.887667000000 0 000009014326 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L149 000008001165 Bremen-St. Magnus Bremen-St. Magnus 53.171611000000 8.669690000000 0 000009014329 0 1 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-St. Magnus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L150 000004901165 Bremen-St. Magnus Bremen-St. Magnus 53.171536000000 8.669679000000 0 000009014329 0 2 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-St. Magnus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L151 000008001162 Bremen-Oslebshausen Bremen-Oslebshausen 53.135342000000 8.741039000000 0 000009014324 0 1 100-100|101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Oslebshausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L152 000004901162 Bremen-Oslebshausen Bremen-Oslebshausen 53.135273000000 8.741011000000 0 000009014324 0 2 100-100|101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Oslebshausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L153 000008001163 Bremen-Schönebeck Bremen-Schönebeck 53.172741000000 8.650575000000 0 000009014325 0 1 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 6
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Schönebeck: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L154 000004901163 Bremen-Schönebeck Bremen-Schönebeck 53.172823000000 8.647693000000 0 000009014325 0 2 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 6
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Schönebeck: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L155 000008001160 Bremen Mahndorf Bremen Mahndorf 53.039705000000 8.944599000000 0 000009014053 0 1 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Mahndorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L156 000004901160 Bremen Mahndorf Bremen Mahndorf 53.039803000000 8.944543000000 0 000009014053 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Mahndorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L157 000008001161 Bremen-Oberneuland Bremen-Oberneuland 53.086696000000 8.939980000000 0 000009014323 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Oberneuland: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L157 000008001161 Bremen-Oberneuland Bremen-Oberneuland 53.086696000000 8.939980000000 0 000009014323 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
L43528 000009014323 Bremen-Oberneuland 53.087166000000 8.937923000000 1 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 146.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L158 000004901161 Bremen-Oberneuland Bremen-Oberneuland 53.087635000000 8.935866000000 0 000009014323 0 3 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Oberneuland: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L158 000004901161 Bremen-Oberneuland Bremen-Oberneuland 53.087635000000 8.935866000000 0 000009014323 0 3 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
L43528 000009014323 Bremen-Oberneuland 53.087166000000 8.937923000000 1 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 146.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L159 000008003036 Ibbenbüren Ibbenbüren 52.276867000000 7.721486000000 0 0 NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ibbenbüren: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L160 000008012666 Potsdam Hauptbahnhof Potsdam Hauptbahnhof 52.391509000000 13.066703000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Potsdam Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L162 000008001168 Bremerhaven-Lehe Bremerhaven-Lehe 53.566524000000 8.600685000000 0 000009014515 0 3 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven-Lehe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L163 000004901168 Bremerhaven-Lehe Bremerhaven-Lehe 53.566524000000 8.600853000000 0 000009014515 0 4 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven-Lehe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L164 000008003030 Huntlosen Huntlosen 52.990982000000 8.266568000000 0 0 1 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Huntlosen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L165 000004903030 Huntlosen Huntlosen 52.990935000000 8.266391000000 0 0 2 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Huntlosen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L166 000008004744 Paderborn Bf Kasseler Tor Paderborn Bf Kasseler Tor 51.716161000000 8.761260000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Paderborn Bf Kasseler Tor: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L168 000008004460 Nordholz(b Bremerhaven) Nordholz(b Bremerhaven) 53.778706000000 8.621399000000 0 0 280-280|7-7|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nordholz(b Bremerhaven): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L175 000008002785 Herrenberg Herrenberg 48.593991000000 8.862662000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herrenberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L178 000008004183 Munster(Örtze) Munster(Örtze) 52.993363000000 10.095992000000 0 0 1 14-14|9-9|HVV-HVV|Munster-MUN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Munster(Örtze): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L184 000036028930 Bad Salzuflen-Schötmar Bahnhof Bad Salzuflen-Schötmar Bahnhof 52.069935000000 8.754951000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Salzuflen-Schötmar Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L185 000008000392 Holzwickede Bahnhof Holzwickede Bahnhof 51.504767000000 7.619647000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holzwickede Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L186 000008002962 Holdorf(Oldb) Holdorf(Oldb) 52.574816000000 8.138050000000 0 0 Holdorf(Oldb)-HOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holdorf(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L187 000000844300 Schöppenstedt Bahnhof Schöppenstedt Bahnhof 52.140633000000 10.772768000000 0 0 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schöppenstedt Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L188 000008000391 Holzminden Holzminden 51.820092000000 9.453805000000 0 0 1 Holzminden-500|Holzminden-3500|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holzminden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L189 000004900391 Holzminden Holzminden 51.820059000000 9.453670000000 0 0 2 Holzminden-500|Holzminden-3500|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holzminden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L190 000004930391 Holzminden Holzminden 51.819863000000 9.453393000000 0 0 3 Holzminden-500|Holzminden-3500|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holzminden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L200 000008001156 Bremen-Burg(Bahn) Bremen-Burg 53.160707000000 8.704723000000 0 000009013794 0 1 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000008001156
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L204 000008001157 Bremen-Hemelingen Bremen-Hemelingen 53.054436000000 8.886803000000 0 000009014318 0 1 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Hemelingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L204 000008001157 Bremen-Hemelingen Bremen-Hemelingen 53.054436000000 8.886803000000 0 000009014318 0 1 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
L205 000004901157 Bremen-Hemelingen Bremen-Hemelingen 53.054453000000 8.886872000000 0 000009014318 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L205 000004901157 Bremen-Hemelingen Bremen-Hemelingen 53.054453000000 8.886872000000 0 000009014318 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Hemelingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L206 000008001155 Bremen Neustadt Bremen Neustadt 53.075968000000 8.786023000000 0 000009014095 0 3 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Neustadt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L207 000004901155 Bremen Neustadt Bremen Neustadt 53.076004000000 8.785888000000 0 000009014095 0 4 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Neustadt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L208 000008003020 Siegen-Weidenau Bahnhof Siegen-Weidenau Bahnhof 50.895966000000 8.029842000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Siegen-Weidenau Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L209 000008001159 Bremen-Lesum Bremen-Lesum 53.170680000000 8.686992000000 0 000009014321 0 1 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 4
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Lesum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L210 000004901159 Bremen-Lesum Bremen-Lesum 53.170752000000 8.685145000000 0 000009014321 0 2 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 4
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen-Lesum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L213 000008005096 Rieste Rieste 52.484937000000 8.010753000000 0 0 Rieste-7693 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rieste: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L214 000008001585 Düsseldorf-Bilk Düsseldorf-Bilk 51.207994000000 6.775578000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Düsseldorf-Bilk: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L215 000008004452 Nordenham Nordenham 53.483841000000 8.487495000000 0 0 850-850|Nordenham-1850|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nordenham: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L217 000008076720 Neuharlingersiel Anleger (Fähre) Neuharlingersiel Anleger (Fähre) 53.701819000000 7.703348000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neuharlingersiel Anleger (Fähre): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L218 000008000664 Augustfehn Augustfehn 53.220844000000 7.759630000000 0 0 1 165-165|770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Augustfehn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L219 000004900664 Augustfehn Augustfehn 53.220943000000 7.759614000000 0 0 2 165-165|770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Augustfehn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L222 000008002102 Friedland(Kr Göttingen) Friedland(Kr Göttingen) 51.421455000000 9.914796000000 0 0 1 Friedland-3230|Friedland-230|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Friedland(Kr Göttingen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L223 000004922102 Friedland(Kr Göttingen) Friedland(Kr Göttingen) 51.421502000000 9.914941000000 0 0 2 Friedland-3230|Friedland-230|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Friedland(Kr Göttingen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L227 000008005763 Stubben(b Bremerhaven) Stubben(b Bremerhaven) 53.405815000000 8.780617000000 0 0 1 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stubben(b Bremerhaven): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L228 000004935763 Stubben(b Bremerhaven) Stubben(b Bremerhaven) 53.405938000000 8.780434000000 0 0 3 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stubben(b Bremerhaven): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L233 000008004441 Nörten-Hardenberg Nörten-Hardenberg 51.628267000000 9.933232000000 0 0 1 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nörten-Hardenberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L234 000004904441 Nörten-Hardenberg Nörten-Hardenberg 51.628170000000 9.933120000000 0 0 2 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nörten-Hardenberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L235 000008003866 Marienhafe Bahnhof Marienhafe Bahnhof 53.519329000000 7.274294000000 0 0 1 518-518|Marienhafe-2518 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Marienhafe Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L236 000004923866 Marienhafe Bahnhof Marienhafe Bahnhof 53.519217000000 7.274220000000 0 0 2 518-518|Marienhafe-2518 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Marienhafe Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L238 000008004449 Norddeich(Norden) Norddeich(Norden) 53.621465000000 7.160943000000 0 0 1 500-500|Norden-2500 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norddeich(Norden): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L239 000004904449 Norddeich(Norden) Norddeich(Norden) 53.621579000000 7.160824000000 0 0 2 500-500|Norden-2500 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norddeich(Norden): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L241 000008010255 Berlin Ostbahnhof Berlin Ostbahnhof 52.510488000000 13.434681000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Berlin Ostbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L244 000008006436 Wildeshausen Wildeshausen 52.897434000000 8.431125000000 0 0 1 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wildeshausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L245 000004906436 Wildeshausen Wildeshausen 52.898186000000 8.431671000000 0 0 2 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wildeshausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L248 000008000773 Baden(Achim) Baden(Achim) 53.007807000000 9.081113000000 0 0 1 110-110|Achim-1110|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Baden(Achim): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L249 000004900773 Baden(Achim) Baden(Achim) 53.007893000000 9.081280000000 0 0 2 110-110|Achim-1110|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Baden(Achim): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L250 000008000770 Bad Zwischenahn Bad Zwischenahn 53.182714000000 8.002593000000 0 0 1 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Zwischenahn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L251 000004900770 Bad Zwischenahn Bad Zwischenahn 53.182417000000 8.003398000000 0 0 3 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Zwischenahn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L252 000008004208 Natrup-Hagen Natrup-Hagen 52.209434000000 7.910542000000 0 0 1 Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Natrup-Hagen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L253 000004904208 Natrup-Hagen Natrup-Hagen 52.209559000000 7.910497000000 0 0 2 Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Natrup-Hagen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L254 000008004327 Neustadt in Holstein Neustadt in Holstein 54.104002000000 10.808490000000 0 0 5745-5746 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neustadt in Holstein: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L255 000008000414 Achmer Achmer 52.390692000000 7.942010000000 0 0 1 Achmer-7644 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Achmer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L256 000004900414 Achmer Achmer 52.390581000000 7.941991000000 0 0 2 Achmer-7644 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Achmer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L258 000008000413 Achim(b Bremen) (Zug) Achim(b Bremen) (Zug) 53.015946000000 9.030380000000 0 0 1 110-110|Achim-1110|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Achim(b Bremen) (Zug): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L259 000004900413 Achim(b Bremen) (Zug) Achim(b Bremen) (Zug) 53.015999000000 9.030332000000 0 0 2 110-110|Achim-1110|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Achim(b Bremen) (Zug): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L261 000008000418 Adelebsen Adelebsen 51.577690000000 9.760044000000 0 0 1 Adelebsen-290|Adelebsen-3290|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Adelebsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L262 000004900418 Adelebsen Adelebsen 51.577658000000 9.759859000000 0 0 2 Adelebsen-290|Adelebsen-3290|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Adelebsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L265 000008000532 Lennestadt-Altenhundem Lennestadt-Altenhundem 51.104132000000 8.071517000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lennestadt-Altenhundem: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L267 000008002179 Ganderkesee Ganderkesee 53.035181000000 8.542787000000 0 0 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ganderkesee: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L270 000008000096 Stuttgart Hbf Stuttgart Hbf 48.784084000000 9.181635000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stuttgart Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L272 000008000090 Eichenberg Eichenberg 51.374823000000 9.921482000000 0 0 Eichenberg-640|Eichenberg-EIC|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eichenberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L274 000008000098 Essen(Ruhr) Hbf Essen(Ruhr) Hbf 51.451737000000 7.013944000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Essen(Ruhr) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L276 000008003008 Hoykenkamp Hoykenkamp 53.070281000000 8.598195000000 0 0 1 710-710|720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|Delmenhorst-1710|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hoykenkamp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L277 000004903008 Hoykenkamp Hoykenkamp 53.069799000000 8.598683000000 0 0 2 710-710|720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|Delmenhorst-1710|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hoykenkamp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L278 000008003124 Jever Jever 53.568778000000 7.893122000000 0 0 200-200|Jever-2200 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Jever: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L279 000008003799 Lunestedt Lunestedt 53.439195000000 8.734575000000 0 0 1 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lunestedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L280 000004903799 Lunestedt Lunestedt 53.439109000000 8.734478000000 0 0 2 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lunestedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L281 000008006707 Hann. Münden Hann. Münden 51.412494000000 9.657947000000 0 0 1 Hann. Münden-300|Hann. Münden-3300|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hann. Münden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L282 000004906707 Hann. Münden Hann. Münden 51.412582000000 9.658272000000 0 0 2 Hann. Münden-300|Hann. Münden-3300|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hann. Münden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L283 000008006704 Lübeck-Travemünde Skandinavienkai Lübeck-Travemünde Skandinavienkai 53.950787000000 10.854029000000 0 0 6007-6024 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck-Travemünde Skandinavienkai: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L291 000008010368 Weißenfels Weißenfels 51.204615000000 11.970926000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Weißenfels: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L292 000008004271 Neuenkirchen(Oldb) Neuenkirchen(Oldb) 52.508609000000 8.059925000000 0 0 1 Neuenkirchen(Oldb)-NEU|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neuenkirchen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L293 000004904271 Neuenkirchen(Oldb) Neuenkirchen(Oldb) 52.508322000000 8.059586000000 0 0 2 Neuenkirchen(Oldb)-NEU|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neuenkirchen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L297 000008002041 Frankfurt(Main) Süd Frankfurt(Main) Süd 50.099365000000 8.686457000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Frankfurt(Main) Süd: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L301 000008000522 Hude(Oldb) Hude(Oldb) 53.109371000000 8.461016000000 0 0 1 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hude(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L302 000004900522 Hude(Oldb) Hude(Oldb) 53.109582000000 8.460993000000 0 0 10 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hude(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L303 000004920522 Hude(Oldb) Hude(Oldb) 53.109292000000 8.460912000000 0 0 2 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hude(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L304 000004930522 Hude(Oldb) Hude(Oldb) 53.109241000000 8.460892000000 0 0 3 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hude(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L307 000008001890 Esens Esens 53.636242000000 7.616100000000 0 0 301-301|Esens-2350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Esens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L309 000008001899 Essen(Oldb) Essen(Oldb) 52.723468000000 7.945381000000 0 0 1 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Essen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L310 000004901899 Essen(Oldb) Essen(Oldb) 52.723412000000 7.945462000000 0 0 2 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Essen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L311 000008002594 Hardegsen Hardegsen 51.659022000000 9.825892000000 0 0 1 Hardegsen-420|Hardegsen-3420|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hardegsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L312 000004902594 Hardegsen Hardegsen 51.659020000000 9.826032000000 0 0 2 Hardegsen-420|Hardegsen-3420|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hardegsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L316 000008000086 Duisburg Hbf Duisburg Hbf 51.429785000000 6.775903000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Duisburg Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L318 000008000085 Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof 51.219962000000 6.794319000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L322 000008000088 Soltau Soltau 52.983063000000 9.831661000000 0 0 1 20-20|HVV-HVV|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soltau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L323 000004920088 Soltau Soltau 52.982996000000 9.831577000000 0 0 2 20-20|HVV-HVV|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soltau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L324 000004950088 Soltau Soltau 52.982915000000 9.831565000000 0 0 5 20-20|HVV-HVV|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soltau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L325 000004970088 Soltau Soltau 52.982883000000 9.831207000000 0 0 7 20-20|HVV-HVV|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soltau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L326 000008000089 Stade(Niederelbe) Stade(Niederelbe) Gleis 3 53.595792000000 9.478805000000 0 0 3 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 809-HVV-809 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412692124 is too far from computed projection point (53.595982,9.478010) on shape 5534 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412692129 is too far from computed projection point (53.595982,9.478010) on shape 5535 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412692041 is too far from computed projection point (53.595982,9.478010) on shape 5545 (at arc-length 49849.63m): 56.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412692039 is too far from computed projection point (53.595982,9.478010) on shape 5546 (at arc-length 78543.90m): 56.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L340 000008000753 Bad Sooden-Allendorf Bad Sooden-Allendorf 51.267974000000 9.968696000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Sooden-Allendorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L341 000008087020 Vechta-Stoppelmarkt Vechta-Stoppelmarkt 52.748366000000 8.292049000000 0 0 Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechta-Stoppelmarkt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L342 000008010073 Cottbus Hauptbahnhof Cottbus Hauptbahnhof 51.750957000000 14.324162000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cottbus Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L343 000008002628 Hamburg Hasselbrook Hamburg Hasselbrook 53.564717000000 10.055958000000 0 0 105-24|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone AB-HVV-AB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hamburg Hasselbrook: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L344 000008010079 Doberlug-Kirchhain Doberlug-Kirchhain 51.620576000000 13.564241000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Doberlug-Kirchhain: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L348 000008000237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.866822000000 10.668915000000 0 0 1 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L349 000004920237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.866917000000 10.668915000000 0 0 2 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L350 000004940237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867079000000 10.668907000000 0 0 4 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L351 000004950237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867172000000 10.668899000000 0 0 5 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L352 000004960237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867260000000 10.668868000000 0 0 6 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L353 000004970237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867366000000 10.668852000000 0 0 7 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724740 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5455 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724773 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724780 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724739 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5454 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724718 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724708 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724752 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724673 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724670 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5454 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724722 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5456 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724750 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724609 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724674 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724619 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5454 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724682 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5453 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724747 is too far from computed projection point (53.866944,10.669319) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20206.75m): 55.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724883 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5451 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724872 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5450 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724890 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5450 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724861 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5450 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724860 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5467 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724827 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5462 (at arc-length 66464.48m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724791 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5464 (at arc-length 45137.09m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724829 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5462 (at arc-length 66464.48m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724806 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5462 (at arc-length 66464.48m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412724804 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5463 (at arc-length 26609.18m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724795 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5464 (at arc-length 45137.09m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724796 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5462 (at arc-length 66464.48m): 60.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412724325 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5440 (at arc-length 77070.20m): 60.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L354 000004980237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867505000000 10.668844000000 0 0 8 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724665 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5455 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724760 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 76.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724761 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724729 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5454 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724754 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 0.00m): 76.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724651 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724664 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5454 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724329 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5439 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724328 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5439 (at arc-length 20198.73m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412724327 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5440 (at arc-length 77070.20m): 76.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412724326 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5440 (at arc-length 77070.20m): 76.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581333 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5480 (at arc-length 0.00m): 76.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581132 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5482 (at arc-length 40.88m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581133 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5483 (at arc-length 40.88m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581220 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5484 (at arc-length 40.88m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581221 is too far from computed projection point (53.866984,10.669421) on shape 5485 (at arc-length 40.88m): 69.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412581212 is too far from computed projection point (53.866822,10.668915) on shape 5489 (at arc-length 30730.15m): 76.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L355 000004990237 Lübeck Hbf Lübeck Hbf 53.867598000000 10.668868000000 0 0 9 6000-6099 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724562 is too far from computed projection point (53.867018,10.669510) on shape 5460 (at arc-length 45184.94m): 77.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412724524 is too far from computed projection point (53.867018,10.669510) on shape 5461 (at arc-length 66512.33m): 77.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412581286 is too far from computed projection point (53.867018,10.669510) on shape 5475 (at arc-length 50594.41m): 77.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412581287 is too far from computed projection point (53.867018,10.669510) on shape 5476 (at arc-length 83660.71m): 77.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L359 490008002585 Hannover-Leinhausen 52.396843000000 9.676113000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L48318 000094331001 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB 52.396874000000 9.676104000000 0 000000904331 0 1 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L359 490008002585 Hannover-Leinhausen 52.396843000000 9.676113000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L48319 000094331002 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB 52.396809000000 9.676131000000 0 000000904331 0 2 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L363 000008006090 Visselhövede Visselhövede 52.980122000000 9.566639000000 0 0 1 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visselhövede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L364 000004906090 Visselhövede Visselhövede 52.980059000000 9.566642000000 0 0 2 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visselhövede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L367 000036049630 Vlotho Bahnhof Vlotho Bahnhof 52.171800000000 8.864190000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vlotho Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L368 000008005457 Schwarmstedt Schwarmstedt 52.678539000000 9.624347000000 0 0 1 4-4|47-47|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schwarmstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L369 000004935457 Schwarmstedt Schwarmstedt 52.678880000000 9.624754000000 0 0 3 4-4|47-47|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schwarmstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L370 000008004879 Preetz Preetz 54.233797000000 10.275913000000 0 0 1 5320-5323 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Preetz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L371 000004904879 Preetz Preetz 54.233941000000 10.275752000000 0 0 2 5320-5323 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Preetz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L373 000008004919 Rahden(Westf) Bahnhof Rahden(Westf) Bahnhof 52.432902000000 8.623836000000 0 0 14-14|64-64|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rahden(Westf) Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L374 000008000196 Warburg Bahnhof Warburg Bahnhof 51.492953000000 9.163845000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Warburg Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L375 000008000192 Wanne-Eickel Hbf Wanne-Eickel Hbf 51.531447000000 7.166113000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wanne-Eickel Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L377 000008000190 Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen Bahnhof Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen Bahnhof 51.327184000000 6.203225000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nettetal-Kaldenkirchen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L381 000008000199 Kiel Hbf Kiel Hbf 54.314327000000 10.131855000000 0 0 1 4000-4001 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kiel Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L382 000004900199 Kiel Hbf Kiel Hbf 54.314373000000 10.131763000000 0 0 2a 4000-4001 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kiel Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L383 000004920199 Kiel Hbf Kiel Hbf 54.313428000000 10.131283000000 0 0 2b 4000-4001 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kiel Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L385 000008001420 Detmold Bahnhof Detmold Bahnhof 51.940745000000 8.872859000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Detmold Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L386 000008005330 Scheeßel Scheeßel 53.165431000000 9.496289000000 0 0 1 350-350|HVV-HVV|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L387 000004925330 Scheeßel Scheeßel 53.166006000000 9.497321000000 0 0 2 350-350|HVV-HVV|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L388 000004935330 Scheeßel Scheeßel 53.166054000000 9.497290000000 0 0 3 350-350|HVV-HVV|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L389 000008001429 Dettum Bahnhof Dettum Bahnhof 52.156874000000 10.660129000000 0 0 72-72|Dettum-4072|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dettum Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L390 000008003491 Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck 52.264860000000 7.780962000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L392 000008003956 Melle Melle 52.209476000000 8.341623000000 0 0 1 Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Melle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L393 000004903956 Melle Melle 52.209386000000 8.341774000000 0 0 2 Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Melle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L395 000008006402 Wieren Wieren 52.892509000000 10.655614000000 0 0 1 2008-2008|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wieren: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L396 000036023000 Bad Salzuflen Bahnhof Bad Salzuflen Bahnhof 52.081628000000 8.740428000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Salzuflen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L401 000008002615 Hasbergen Hasbergen 52.241762000000 7.953428000000 0 0 1 Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hasbergen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L402 000004922615 Hasbergen Hasbergen 52.241697000000 7.953967000000 0 0 2 Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hasbergen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L403 000008006520 Wittmund Wittmund 53.579868000000 7.788826000000 0 0 300-300|Wittmund-2300 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wittmund: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L404 000008000749 Bad Schwartau Bad Schwartau 53.916343000000 10.702732000000 0 0 1 5515-5516 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Schwartau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L405 000004900749 Bad Schwartau Bad Schwartau 53.916246000000 10.702775000000 0 0 2 5515-5516 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Schwartau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L407 000036039390 Oerlinghausen-Helpup Bahnhof Oerlinghausen-Helpup Bahnhof 51.977380000000 8.714725000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oerlinghausen-Helpup Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L410 000008004689 Osnabrück Altstadt Osnabrück Altstadt 52.281188000000 8.045244000000 0 000009071500 0 1 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osnabrück Altstadt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L411 000004900689 Osnabrück Altstadt Osnabrück Altstadt 52.281270000000 8.045343000000 0 000009071500 0 2 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osnabrück Altstadt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L412 000008010109 Berlin-Schönefeld Flughafen Berlin-Schönefeld Flughafen 52.391062000000 13.512710000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Berlin-Schönefeld Flughafen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L415 000008000225 Leer(Ostfriesl) Leer(Ostfriesl) 53.231379000000 7.465076000000 0 0 1 600-600|Leer-2600 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leer(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L416 000004920225 Leer(Ostfriesl) Leer(Ostfriesl) 53.231411000000 7.465242000000 0 0 2 600-600|Leer-2600 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leer(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L417 000004940225 Leer(Ostfriesl) Leer(Ostfriesl) 53.231439000000 7.465370000000 0 0 4 600-600|Leer-2600 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leer(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L422 000008005561 Sierksdorf Sierksdorf 54.068523000000 10.769108000000 0 0 5755-5756 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sierksdorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L423 000036051170 Bielefeld-Quelle Bahnhof Bielefeld-Quelle Bahnhof 52.000487000000 8.460768000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bielefeld-Quelle Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L429 000008005324 Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis 51.619376000000 10.414087000000 0 0 1 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L430 000004905324 Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis 51.618423000000 10.415483000000 0 0 2 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Lauterberg im Harz Barbis: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L431 000008005322 Salzkotten-Scharmede Bahnhof Salzkotten-Scharmede Bahnhof 51.711790000000 8.645240000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Salzkotten-Scharmede Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L433 000008005321 Scharbeutz Scharbeutz 54.018889000000 10.745736000000 0 0 1 5815-5816 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scharbeutz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L434 000004905321 Scharbeutz Scharbeutz 54.018694000000 10.745738000000 0 0 2 5815-5816 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scharbeutz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L444 490008003947 Meine Bahnhof 52.380847000000 10.535534000000 0 0 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412579230 is too far from computed projection point (52.381353,10.535812) on shape 4843 (at arc-length 81110.18m): 59.34m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412579148 is too far from computed projection point (52.381353,10.535812) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L445 000008006475 Wingst Wingst 53.745331000000 9.098090000000 0 0 1 CUX-CUX|Wingst-WIN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wingst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L446 000036022630 Bad Salzuflen-Sylbach Bahnhof Bad Salzuflen-Sylbach Bahnhof 52.026884000000 8.765529000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Salzuflen-Sylbach Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L451 000008001093 Welver-Borgeln Bahnhof Welver-Borgeln Bahnhof 51.598265000000 8.032033000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Welver-Borgeln Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L455 000008010050 Bitterfeld Bitterfeld 51.622861000000 12.316850000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bitterfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L462 000008000214 Kreuztal Kreuztal 50.956029000000 7.991696000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreuztal: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L463 000036022360 Lage(Lippe) Bahnhof Lage(Lippe) Bahnhof 51.991742000000 8.801199000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lage(Lippe) Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L464 000008000213 Kreiensen Kreiensen 51.851822000000 9.965966000000 0 0 1 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreiensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L465 000004920213 Kreiensen Kreiensen 51.851717000000 9.965954000000 0 0 2 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreiensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L466 000004930213 Kreiensen Kreiensen 51.851662000000 9.965951000000 0 0 3 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreiensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L467 000004902213 Kreiensen Kreiensen 51.852118000000 9.967361000000 0 0 52 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreiensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L468 000004972213 Kreiensen Kreiensen 51.852248000000 9.967035000000 0 0 72 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kreiensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L470 000008000335 Leese-Stolzenau Leese-Stolzenau 52.509545000000 9.110095000000 0 0 2 11-11|Leese-8011 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leese-Stolzenau: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L475 000008006193 Walsrode Walsrode 52.865321000000 9.601109000000 0 0 2 33-33|6-6|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Walsrode: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L476 000004936193 Walsrode Walsrode 52.865349000000 9.601261000000 0 0 3 33-33|6-6|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Walsrode: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L477 000008002281 Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz) Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz) 51.787142000000 10.203008000000 0 0 1 Bad Grund-3109|Gittelde-109|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L478 000004902281 Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz) Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz) 51.787337000000 10.203025000000 0 0 2 Bad Grund-3109|Gittelde-109|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gittelde/Bad Grund (Harz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L482 000008001645 Ebstorf Ebstorf 53.017217000000 10.416863000000 0 0 1 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ebstorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L483 000004901645 Ebstorf Ebstorf 53.017192000000 10.416950000000 0 0 2 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ebstorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L485 000008004970 Rechterfeld Rechterfeld 52.838775000000 8.391223000000 0 0 Rechterfeld-REC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rechterfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L486 000008005276 Salzkotten Bahnhof Salzkotten Bahnhof 51.672875000000 8.600489000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Salzkotten Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L487 000008001767 Emden(Ostfriesl) Außenhafen Emden(Ostfriesl) Außenhafen 53.344499000000 7.186394000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Außenhafen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L488 490008005274 Salzgitter-Thiede Bahnhof 52.180561000000 10.492407000000 0 0 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412716609 is too far from computed projection point (52.180179,10.493395) on shape 5182 (at arc-length 13080.25m): 79.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412716579 is too far from computed projection point (52.180179,10.493395) on shape 5183 (at arc-length 9303.11m): 79.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412716739 is too far from computed projection point (52.180179,10.493395) on shape 5188 (at arc-length 13077.14m): 79.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412716719 is too far from computed projection point (52.180179,10.493395) on shape 5189 (at arc-length 9303.11m): 79.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L490 000008001760 Elsfleth Elsfleth 53.233841000000 8.463865000000 0 0 1 830-830|Brake-1830|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Elsfleth: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L491 000001283137 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Bahnhof Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Bahnhof 52.151251000000 10.332952000000 0 0 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L493 490008003635 Lemmie 52.285104000000 9.608572000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L56275 490000635050 Lemmie 52.285104000000 9.608572000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L494 000008003632 Lemförde Lemförde 52.460149000000 8.361817000000 0 0 1 570-570|Lemförde-1570|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lemförde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L495 000004903632 Lemförde Lemförde 52.460212000000 8.361471000000 0 0 2 570-570|Lemförde-1570|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lemförde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L496 000008003633 Lemgo Bahnhof Lemgo Bahnhof 52.022400000000 8.894696000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lemgo Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L497 000008001768 Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf 53.369293000000 7.195566000000 0 0 2 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L498 000004931768 Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf 53.369330000000 7.195423000000 0 0 3 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L499 000004941768 Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf 53.369363000000 7.195267000000 0 0 4 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L500 000004951768 Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf 53.369397000000 7.195112000000 0 0 5 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L501 000004961768 Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf 53.369442000000 7.194968000000 0 0 6 150-150|Emden-2150 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L502 000008000827 Bavendorf Bavendorf 53.187474000000 10.629537000000 0 0 47-47|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 827-HVV-827 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bavendorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L511 000008005809 Syke Syke 52.916443000000 8.809895000000 0 0 1 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Syke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L512 000004935809 Syke Syke 52.916739000000 8.809935000000 0 0 3 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Syke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L513 000004945809 Syke Syke 52.916396000000 8.809608000000 0 0 4 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Syke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L514 000008002677 Hedemünden Hedemünden 51.392071000000 9.761994000000 0 0 1 Hedemünden-3303|Hedemünden-303|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hedemünden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L515 000004902677 Hedemünden Hedemünden 51.392275000000 9.761277000000 0 0 2 Hedemünden-3303|Hedemünden-303|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hedemünden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L516 000008002674 Hechthausen Hechthausen 53.638716000000 9.228071000000 0 0 CUX-CUX|HVV-HVV|Hechthausen-HEC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hechthausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L517 000008001083 Bonn-Beuel Bahnhof Bonn-Beuel Bahnhof 50.738476000000 7.127657000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bonn-Beuel Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L519 000004900649 Wissingen Wissingen Gleis 2 52.258271000000 8.204988000000 0 000009100649 0 2 NRW-NRW|Wissingen-7352 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000004900649
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L523 000008001089 Bookholzberg Bookholzberg 53.099112000000 8.532556000000 0 0 1 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bookholzberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L523 000008001089 Bookholzberg Bookholzberg 53.099112000000 8.532556000000 0 0 1 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
L524 000004901089 Bookholzberg Bookholzberg 53.099112000000 8.532556000000 0 0 2 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L524 000004901089 Bookholzberg Bookholzberg 53.099112000000 8.532556000000 0 0 2 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bookholzberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L526 000008000442 Ahlhorn Ahlhorn 52.899316000000 8.209366000000 0 0 1 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ahlhorn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L527 000004900442 Ahlhorn Ahlhorn 52.899198000000 8.209481000000 0 0 2 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ahlhorn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L529 000008000441 Ahlen Bahnhof Ahlen Bahnhof 51.761062000000 7.895488000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ahlen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L530 000008005929 Twistringen Twistringen 52.791827000000 8.644597000000 0 0 1 540-540|Twistringen-1540|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Twistringen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L531 000004925929 Twistringen Twistringen 52.791721000000 8.644618000000 0 0 2 540-540|Twistringen-1540|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Twistringen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L532 000004935929 Twistringen Twistringen 52.791640000000 8.644655000000 0 0 3 540-540|Twistringen-1540|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Twistringen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L539 000008000207 Köln Hauptbahnhof Köln Hauptbahnhof 50.943030000000 6.958729000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Köln Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L540 000008000325 Ringelheim(Salzgitter) Bahnhof Ringelheim(Salzgitter) Bahnhof 52.038158000000 10.314830000000 0 0 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ringelheim(Salzgitter) Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L543 000008000321 Rotenburg(Wümme) Rotenburg(Wümme) 53.112405000000 9.391142000000 0 0 6 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L544 000004940321 Rotenburg(Wümme) Rotenburg(Wümme) 53.112514000000 9.390459000000 0 0 4 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L545 000004950321 Rotenburg(Wümme) Rotenburg(Wümme) 53.112599000000 9.390440000000 0 0 5 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L546 000008004841 Plön Plön 54.159528000000 10.422584000000 0 0 1 5000-5001 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Plön: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L547 000004904841 Plön Plön 54.159460000000 10.422635000000 0 0 2 5000-5001 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Plön: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L548 000008004848 Pönitz(Holst) Pönitz(Holst) 54.045832000000 10.671072000000 0 0 1 5830-5831 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pönitz(Holst): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L549 000004904848 Pönitz(Holst) Pönitz(Holst) 54.045791000000 10.671198000000 0 0 2 5830-5831 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pönitz(Holst): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L550 000008007778 Baltrum Baltrum 53.721641000000 7.364208000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Baltrum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L552 000008005264 Einbeck Salzderhelden Einbeck Salzderhelden 51.798366000000 9.922560000000 0 0 1 Einbeck-Salzderhelden-450|Einbeck-Salzderhelden-3450|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Einbeck Salzderhelden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L553 000004925264 Einbeck Salzderhelden Einbeck Salzderhelden 51.798234000000 9.922848000000 0 0 2 Einbeck-Salzderhelden-450|Einbeck-Salzderhelden-3450|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Einbeck Salzderhelden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L554 000004935264 Einbeck Salzderhelden Einbeck Salzderhelden 51.798113000000 9.923028000000 0 0 3 Einbeck-Salzderhelden-450|Einbeck-Salzderhelden-3450|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Einbeck Salzderhelden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L555 000004945264 Einbeck Salzderhelden Einbeck Salzderhelden 51.798271000000 9.922511000000 0 0 4 Einbeck-Salzderhelden-450|Einbeck-Salzderhelden-3450|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Einbeck Salzderhelden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L556 000008005265 Salzgitter-Bad Bahnhof Salzgitter-Bad Bahnhof 52.049824000000 10.372335000000 0 0 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Salzgitter-Bad Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L559 000008003628 Leitstade Leitstade 53.169143000000 10.912783000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leitstade: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L561 000008001471 Dissen-Bad Rothenfelde Dissen-Bad Rothenfelde 52.112226000000 8.184577000000 0 0 419-7419|Bad Rothenfelde-7419|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dissen-Bad Rothenfelde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L562 000008000815 Hemmoor Hemmoor 53.684383000000 9.165548000000 0 0 1 Hemmoor-HEM|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hemmoor: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L564 000008000810 Barrien(Syke) Barrien(Syke) 52.947013000000 8.818654000000 0 0 1 510-510|520-520|Kirchweyhe-1510|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barrien(Syke): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L565 000004900810 Barrien(Syke) Barrien(Syke) 52.947071000000 8.818550000000 0 0 2 510-510|520-520|Kirchweyhe-1510|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barrien(Syke): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L567 000008011113 Berlin Bahnhof Südkreuz Berlin Bahnhof Südkreuz 52.475047000000 13.365319000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Berlin Bahnhof Südkreuz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L569 000008000935 Bad Bevensen Bad Bevensen 53.078272000000 10.574201000000 0 0 1 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Bevensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L570 000004900935 Bad Bevensen Bad Bevensen 53.078222000000 10.574081000000 0 0 2 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Bevensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L571 000008002884 Hodenhagen Hodenhagen 52.766138000000 9.595212000000 0 0 1 39-39|5-5|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hodenhagen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L572 000004902884 Hodenhagen Hodenhagen 52.765827000000 9.595534000000 0 0 2 39-39|5-5|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hodenhagen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L574 000008005874 Timmendorfer Strand Timmendorfer Strand 53.994272000000 10.762386000000 0 0 1 5810-5812 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Timmendorfer Strand: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L575 000008006570 Wremen Wremen 53.646987000000 8.521275000000 0 0 255-255|270-270|Dorum-1270|Langen-1255|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wremen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L577 000008010159 Halle(Saale) Hbf Halle(Saale) Hbf 51.477509000000 11.987085000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Halle(Saale) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L582 000008004105 Mühlen(Oldb) Mühlen(Oldb) 52.619224000000 8.208439000000 0 0 Mühlen(Oldb)-MUE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Mühlen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L583 000008000279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645464000000 9.218102000000 0 0 1 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L584 000004920279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645408000000 9.218015000000 0 0 2 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L585 000004930279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645362000000 9.217900000000 0 0 3 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L586 000004940279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645327000000 9.217812000000 0 0 4 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L587 000004950279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645265000000 9.217713000000 0 0 5 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L588 000004960279 Nienburg(Weser) Nienburg(Weser) 52.645223000000 9.217629000000 0 0 6 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nienburg(Weser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L591 000008007767 Spiekeroog Spiekeroog 53.763422000000 7.693891000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Spiekeroog: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L592 000008007764 Borkum(Nordseebad) Borkum(Nordseebad) 53.587439000000 6.662751000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Borkum(Nordseebad): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L593 000008007765 Langeoog Langeoog 53.724177000000 7.494457000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Langeoog: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L594 000008007762 Norderney Fähranleger Norderney Fähranleger 53.697776000000 7.164203000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norderney Fähranleger: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L595 000008007763 Juist Juist 53.672131000000 6.995762000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Juist: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L596 000008007768 Norddeich(Norden) Mole Norddeich(Norden) Mole 53.624320000000 7.158739000000 0 0 500-500|Norden-2500 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norddeich(Norden) Mole: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L597 000036055350 Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof 52.029261000000 8.532722000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L599 000008005256 Sagehorn Sagehorn 53.082613000000 9.010508000000 0 0 1 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sagehorn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L600 000004905256 Sagehorn Sagehorn 53.082474000000 9.009849000000 0 0 2 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sagehorn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L606 000008000807 Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) 52.707587000000 8.510462000000 0 0 1 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L607 000004900807 Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) 52.706257000000 8.508714000000 0 0 2 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L608 000004990807 Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz) 52.706442000000 8.509043000000 0 0 3 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barnstorf(Kr Diepholz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L610 000008000800 Norden(Ostfriesl) Norden(Ostfriesl) 53.587918000000 7.219290000000 0 0 1 500-500|Norden-2500 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L611 000004930800 Norden(Ostfriesl) Norden(Ostfriesl) 53.588103000000 7.219352000000 0 0 3 500-500|Norden-2500 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L613 000008005682 Stederdorf(Wrestedt) Stederdorf(Wrestedt) 52.907428000000 10.592702000000 0 0 2007-2007|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stederdorf(Wrestedt): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L615 000008003738 Lohne(Oldb) Lohne(Oldb) 52.665275000000 8.229164000000 0 0 1 Lohne(Oldb)-LOH 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lohne(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L616 000004903738 Lohne(Oldb) Lohne(Oldb) 52.665379000000 8.229344000000 0 0 2 Lohne(Oldb)-LOH 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lohne(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L617 000008001502 Dorfmark Dorfmark 52.898685000000 9.770712000000 0 0 2 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dorfmark: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L618 000004901502 Dorfmark Dorfmark 52.898618000000 9.770811000000 0 0 3 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dorfmark: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L624 000008006445 Wilhelmshaven Hbf Wilhelmshaven Hbf 53.518721000000 8.114528000000 0 0 1 110-110|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L625 000004926445 Wilhelmshaven Hbf Wilhelmshaven Hbf 53.518786000000 8.114543000000 0 0 2 110-110|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L626 000004936445 Wilhelmshaven Hbf Wilhelmshaven Hbf 53.518868000000 8.114565000000 0 0 3 110-110|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L627 000004946445 Wilhelmshaven Hbf Wilhelmshaven Hbf 53.518926000000 8.114580000000 0 0 4 110-110|Wilhelmshaven-2110 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L628 000008003292 Kirchweyhe(Weyhe) Kirchweyhe(Weyhe) 52.983765000000 8.847236000000 0 0 1 510-510|Kirchweyhe-1510|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kirchweyhe(Weyhe): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L629 000004903292 Kirchweyhe(Weyhe) Kirchweyhe(Weyhe) 52.983807000000 8.847169000000 0 0 2 510-510|Kirchweyhe-1510|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kirchweyhe(Weyhe): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L631 000008006449 Willebadessen Bahnhof Willebadessen Bahnhof 51.621757000000 9.011652000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Willebadessen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L635 490008005901 Triangel Bahnhof 52.509509000000 10.579523000000 0 0 15-15|Neudorf-Platendorf-4015|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579194 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412579270 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 61305.75m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579219 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4839 (at arc-length 39892.96m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412579260 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 61305.75m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412579232 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4841 (at arc-length 47500.74m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412579224 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 61305.75m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412579230 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4843 (at arc-length 61305.75m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412579226 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4842 (at arc-length 61305.75m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579172 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579181 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4851 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579161 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4850 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579160 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412579151 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 36887.10m): 79.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412579148 is too far from computed projection point (52.509761,10.578418) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 19804.23m): 79.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L636 000008006206 Warendorf Bahnhof Warendorf Bahnhof 51.950091000000 7.984464000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Warendorf Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L637 000008001185 Brockhöfe Brockhöfe 53.002138000000 10.258539000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brockhöfe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L638 000008001183 Ostbevern Bahnhof Ostbevern Bahnhof 52.070117000000 7.809287000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ostbevern Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L643 000008004057 Mölln(Lauenb) Mölln(Lauenb) 53.624414000000 10.683209000000 0 0 816-424 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Mölln(Lauenb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L644 000008002412 Großenkneten Großenkneten 52.945089000000 8.241288000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Großenkneten: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L645 000008006323 Welver Bahnhof Welver Bahnhof 51.616253000000 7.956653000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Welver Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L647 000008000262 München Ost München Ost 48.127440000000 11.604971000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value München Ost: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L653 000036060420 Halle(Westf) Bahnhof/ZOB Halle(Westf) Bahnhof/ZOB 52.057295000000 8.357729000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Halle(Westf) Bahnhof/ZOB: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L654 000008000304 Quakenbrück Quakenbrück 52.672240000000 7.947920000000 0 0 1 695-7695|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Quakenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L655 000004900304 Quakenbrück Quakenbrück 52.673943000000 7.947819000000 0 0 2 695-7695|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Quakenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L658 000008000697 Bad Driburg Bahnhof Bad Driburg Bahnhof 51.730323000000 9.030810000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Driburg Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L663 000008000020 Bad Hersfeld Bad Hersfeld 50.869632000000 9.716182000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Hersfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L664 000008002549 Hamburg Hbf Hamburg Hbf Gleis 1 53.553158000000 10.007919000000 0 0 1 100-1|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone AB-HVV-AB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724773 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 66444.08m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724760 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 66444.08m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412724786 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 66444.08m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724606 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5459 (at arc-length 16.88m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724582 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5459 (at arc-length 16.88m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724476 is too far from computed projection point (53.552662,10.006890) on shape 5459 (at arc-length 16.88m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412724329 is too far from computed projection point (53.552935,10.006742) on shape 5439 (at arc-length 97260.29m): 81.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L665 000008004945 Rastede Rastede 53.244486000000 8.191210000000 0 0 1 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rastede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L666 000004924945 Rastede Rastede 53.244431000000 8.191117000000 0 0 2 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rastede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L677 000008003722 Lödingsen Lödingsen 51.589196000000 9.791027000000 0 0 Erbsen/Lödingsen-291|Lödingsen-3291|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lödingsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L679 000036066780 Schloss Holte Bahnhof Schloss Holte Bahnhof 51.907968000000 8.611189000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schloss Holte Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L682 000008005003 Wehretal-Reichensachsen Wehretal-Reichensachsen 51.154096000000 9.985977000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wehretal-Reichensachsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L685 000008000913 Berne Berne 53.183779000000 8.475368000000 0 0 820-820|Berne-1820|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Berne: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L687 000008000919 Bersenbrück Bersenbrück 52.551179000000 7.942662000000 0 0 1 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L688 000004900919 Bersenbrück Bersenbrück 52.551052000000 7.942498000000 0 0 3 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L691 000008001337 Cloppenburg Cloppenburg 52.844835000000 8.058208000000 0 0 1 800-800|Cloppenburg-CLP|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cloppenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L692 000004901337 Cloppenburg Cloppenburg 52.843802000000 8.055206000000 0 0 2 800-800|Cloppenburg-CLP|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cloppenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L693 000008001335 Clarholz Clarholz 51.898513000000 8.198737000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Clarholz: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412768911 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5396 (at arc-length 8362.73m): 83.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412768944 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5397 (at arc-length 34986.90m): 83.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412768903 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5398 (at arc-length 16137.35m): 83.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412768904 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5399 (at arc-length 16137.35m): 83.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412768881 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5400 (at arc-length 41788.10m): 83.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412768892 is too far from computed projection point (51.899102,8.199481) on shape 5401 (at arc-length 41788.10m): 83.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L695 000008003288 Kirchlengern Bahnhof Kirchlengern Bahnhof 52.196755000000 8.643778000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kirchlengern Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L696 490008006552 Wolfsburg Hauptbahnhof 52.428641000000 10.788193000000 0 0 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412585443 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 4908 (at arc-length 32357.27m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412585366 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 4910 (at arc-length 90214.16m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585322 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 4915 (at arc-length 0.00m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585300 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 4916 (at arc-length 0.00m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585086 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 4907 (at arc-length 0.00m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412585058 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 5523 (at arc-length 4832.29m): 99.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412584893 is too far from computed projection point (52.429498,10.787784) on shape 5525 (at arc-length 0.00m): 99.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L697 000008002641 Hattorf am Harz Hattorf am Harz 51.646191000000 10.236356000000 0 0 1 Hattorf-3120|Hattorf am Harz-120|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hattorf am Harz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L698 000004902641 Hattorf am Harz Hattorf am Harz 51.646112000000 10.236158000000 0 0 2 Hattorf-3120|Hattorf am Harz-120|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hattorf am Harz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L699 000008006559 Wolterdingen(Soltau) Wolterdingen(Soltau) 53.026181000000 9.845728000000 0 0 16-16|HVV-HVV|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wolterdingen(Soltau): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L700 000036038910 Oerlinghausen Bahnhof Oerlinghausen Bahnhof 51.978774000000 8.666016000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oerlinghausen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L704 000008000255 Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof 52.159126000000 10.532306000000 0 0 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wolfenbüttel Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L706 000008000253 Mönchengladbach Hauptbahnhof Mönchengladbach Hauptbahnhof 51.196583000000 6.446111000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Mönchengladbach Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L707 000008000251 Witten Hbf Witten Hbf 51.435544000000 7.329442000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Witten Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L709 000008000011 Ascheberg(Holst) Ascheberg(Holst) 54.148495000000 10.340002000000 0 0 2 5420-5421 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ascheberg(Holst): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L710 000004930011 Ascheberg(Holst) Ascheberg(Holst) 54.148462000000 10.339481000000 0 0 3 5420-5421 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ascheberg(Holst): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L712 490008000130 Goslar Bahnhof 51.910695000000 10.423215000000 0 0 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412579361 is too far from computed projection point (51.911562,10.421427) on shape 4829 (at arc-length 1.37m): 156.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412579444 is too far from computed projection point (51.911562,10.421427) on shape 4826 (at arc-length 1.37m): 156.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412579439 is too far from computed projection point (51.911562,10.421427) on shape 4831 (at arc-length 1.37m): 156.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412579317 is too far from computed projection point (51.911562,10.421427) on shape 4836 (at arc-length 1.37m): 156.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L717 000008001443 Diepholz Diepholz 52.604637000000 8.380130000000 0 0 1 560-560|Diepholz-1560|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Diepholz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L718 000004901443 Diepholz Diepholz 52.604600000000 8.380267000000 0 0 2 560-560|Diepholz-1560|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Diepholz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L721 000008001561 Dreye Dreye 53.018365000000 8.871124000000 0 0 1 509-509|Dreye-1509|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dreye: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L722 000004901561 Dreye Dreye 53.018425000000 8.871103000000 0 0 2 509-509|Dreye-1509|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dreye: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L723 000008005780 Suderburg Suderburg 52.904869000000 10.432826000000 0 0 1 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Suderburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L723 000008005780 Suderburg Suderburg 52.904869000000 10.432826000000 0 0 1 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB 1
L724 000004935780 Suderburg Suderburg 52.904892000000 10.432790000000 0 0 3 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L724 000004935780 Suderburg Suderburg 52.904892000000 10.432790000000 0 0 3 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Suderburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L726 000008001201 Bruchmühlen Bruchmühlen 52.204359000000 8.449046000000 0 0 1 NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bruchmühlen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L727 000004901201 Bruchmühlen Bruchmühlen 52.204473000000 8.449148000000 0 0 3 NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bruchmühlen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L728 000008005119 Rodenkirchen(Oldb) Rodenkirchen(Oldb) 53.401396000000 8.455275000000 0 0 1 840-840|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rodenkirchen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L729 000004905119 Rodenkirchen(Oldb) Rodenkirchen(Oldb) 53.401183000000 8.455419000000 0 0 2 840-840|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rodenkirchen(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L730 000008001327 Castrop-Rauxel Hbf Castrop-Rauxel Hbf 51.573526000000 7.303980000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Castrop-Rauxel Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L734 000008004626 Oelde Oelde 51.829112000000 8.142599000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oelde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L735 000008000244 Mannheim Hauptbahnhof Mannheim Hauptbahnhof 49.479354000000 8.468921000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Mannheim Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L737 000008000240 Mainz Hauptbahnhof Mainz Hauptbahnhof 50.001117000000 8.258720000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Mainz Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L739 000008070035 List(Sylt) Fähre List(Sylt) Fähre 55.015779000000 8.439799000000 0 0 1010-1011 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value List(Sylt) Fähre: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L741 000008000004 Altenbeken Bahnhof Altenbeken Bahnhof 51.766433000000 8.943319000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Altenbeken Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L747 000008000128 Göttingen Göttingen 51.536683000000 9.926424000000 0 0 4 Göttingen-200|Göttingen-3200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Göttingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L748 000004950128 Göttingen Göttingen 51.536711000000 9.926303000000 0 0 5 Göttingen-200|Göttingen-3200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Göttingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L749 000004960128 Göttingen Göttingen 51.536539000000 9.925908000000 0 0 6 Göttingen-200|Göttingen-3200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Göttingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L750 000004970128 Göttingen Göttingen 51.536588000000 9.925826000000 0 0 7 Göttingen-200|Göttingen-3200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Göttingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L751 000004980128 Göttingen Göttingen 51.536669000000 9.925681000000 0 0 8 Göttingen-200|Göttingen-3200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Göttingen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L753 000008005343 Schierbrok Schierbrok 53.084072000000 8.579905000000 0 0 1 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schierbrok: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L754 000004905343 Schierbrok Schierbrok 53.085135000000 8.578331000000 0 0 2 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schierbrok: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L756 000008003705 Linsburg Bahnhof Linsburg Bahnhof 52.601501000000 9.325042000000 0 0 1 1-1|7-7|Linsburg-8007|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Linsburg Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L757 000008003700 Lindwedel Lindwedel 52.610943000000 9.689022000000 0 0 4-4|43-43|Lindwedel-LIW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lindwedel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L762 000008005107 Ritterhude Ritterhude 53.183557000000 8.753968000000 0 0 1 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L763 000004905107 Ritterhude Ritterhude 53.183633000000 8.753889000000 0 0 2 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L767 000008001316 Cadenberge Cadenberge 53.768094000000 9.058161000000 0 0 1 CUX-CUX|Cadenberge-CAD 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cadenberge: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L768 000008001315 Buxtehude Buxtehude 53.470456000000 9.688368000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 709-HVV-709 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Buxtehude: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L773 000008004610 Westerstede-Ocholt Westerstede-Ocholt 53.202327000000 7.886542000000 0 0 2 166-166|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerstede-Ocholt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L774 000004934610 Westerstede-Ocholt Westerstede-Ocholt 53.202248000000 7.886519000000 0 0 3 166-166|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerstede-Ocholt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L778 000008002504 Haffkrug Haffkrug 54.054451000000 10.743063000000 0 0 1 5815-5817 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Haffkrug: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L779 000008001924 Etelsen Etelsen 52.999175000000 9.123712000000 0 0 1 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Etelsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L779 000008001924 Etelsen Etelsen 52.999175000000 9.123712000000 0 0 1 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
L780 000004921924 Etelsen Etelsen 52.999203000000 9.123745000000 0 0 2 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L780 000004921924 Etelsen Etelsen 52.999203000000 9.123745000000 0 0 2 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Etelsen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L783 000008000354 Bassum Bassum 52.847583000000 8.739991000000 0 0 1 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bassum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L784 000004900354 Bassum Bassum 52.847356000000 8.739826000000 0 0 2 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bassum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L785 000008000352 Bad Gandersheim Bad Gandersheim 51.867502000000 10.020463000000 0 0 2 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-3490|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Gandersheim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L786 000004900352 Bad Gandersheim Bad Gandersheim 51.867398000000 10.020347000000 0 0 3 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-3490|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Gandersheim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L787 000008000076 Soest Bahnhof Soest Bahnhof 51.578419000000 8.104589000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soest Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L790 000008000070 Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 53.052762000000 8.630122000000 0 0 1 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Delmenhorst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L791 000004900070 Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 53.052792000000 8.629758000000 0 0 2 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Delmenhorst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L792 000004930070 Delmenhorst Delmenhorst 53.052792000000 8.629758000000 0 0 3 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Delmenhorst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L795 000008004297 Haunetal-Neukirchen Haunetal-Neukirchen 50.770838000000 9.692546000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Haunetal-Neukirchen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L799 000008000118 Gelsenkirchen Hbf Gelsenkirchen Hbf 51.504903000000 7.102455000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gelsenkirchen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L802 000008003777 Lübeck-Travemünde Hafen Lübeck-Travemünde Hafen 53.958759000000 10.865587000000 0 0 6007-6022 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck-Travemünde Hafen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L803 000008003772 Lübbecke Bahnhof Lübbecke Bahnhof 52.306341000000 8.605732000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübbecke Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L804 000008003773 Lübberstedt Lübberstedt 53.343238000000 8.785300000000 0 0 1 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübberstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L805 000008003778 Lübeck-Travemünde Strand Lübeck-Travemünde Strand 53.964795000000 10.875604000000 0 0 6007-6023 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübeck-Travemünde Strand: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L806 000008001547 Dorum Dorum 53.688938000000 8.575838000000 0 0 1 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dorum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L807 000004901547 Dorum Dorum 53.688743000000 8.575801000000 0 0 2 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dorum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L809 000008001543 Dortmund-Mengede Dortmund-Mengede 51.570345000000 7.374374000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dortmund-Mengede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L812 000008001301 Burhafe(Ostfriesl) Burhafe(Ostfriesl) 53.606557000000 7.711074000000 0 0 300-300|Burhafe-2321 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Burhafe(Ostfriesl): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L813 000008001692 Geseke-Ehringhausen Bahnhof Geseke-Ehringhausen Bahnhof 51.662813000000 8.449260000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Geseke-Ehringhausen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L814 000008007812 Wehdel(Schiffdorf) Wehdel(Schiffdorf) 53.512313000000 8.806712000000 0 0 265-265|VBN-VBN|Wehdel-1265 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wehdel(Schiffdorf): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L815 000008007810 Oerel Oerel 53.494156000000 9.032470000000 0 0 370-370|Geestequelle-0370|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oerel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L816 000008007811 Sellstedt Sellstedt 53.515529000000 8.723057000000 0 0 260-260|265-265|Schiffdorf-1260|VBN-VBN|Wehdel-1265 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sellstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L819 000008006367 Westerhausen(Melle) Westerhausen(Melle) 52.236270000000 8.278615000000 0 0 1 Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerhausen(Melle): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L820 000004906367 Westerhausen(Melle) Westerhausen(Melle) 52.236344000000 8.278656000000 0 0 2 Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerhausen(Melle): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L822 000008006361 Telgte-Westbevern Bahnhof Telgte-Westbevern Bahnhof 52.030984000000 7.743702000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Telgte-Westbevern Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L823 000008004727 Otterndorf(Niederelbe) Otterndorf(Niederelbe) 53.806019000000 8.894171000000 0 0 1 CUX-CUX|Ottendorf-OTT 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Otterndorf(Niederelbe): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L824 000008001872 Eschede Bahnhof Eschede Bahnhof 52.740784000000 10.230135000000 0 0 53-53|CE-CE|Eschede-ESC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eschede Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L826 000008004728 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Ottersberg(b Bremen) 53.096892000000 9.132480000000 0 0 1 320-320|Ottersberg-1320|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ottersberg(b Bremen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L827 000004924728 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Ottersberg(b Bremen) 53.096853000000 9.133150000000 0 0 2 320-320|Ottersberg-1320|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ottersberg(b Bremen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L829 000008006001 Unterlüß Bahnhof Unterlüß Bahnhof 52.834869000000 10.300262000000 0 0 67-67|CE-CE|Unterlüß-UNT 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Unterlüß Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L833 000008000064 Celle Bahnhof Celle Bahnhof 52.620455000000 10.062468000000 0 0 1-1|1001-1001|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Celle Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L839 000008010097 Eisenach Eisenach 50.976922000000 10.331986000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eisenach: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L841 000008010093 Eberswalde Hauptbahnhof Eberswalde Hauptbahnhof 52.834021000000 13.797062000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eberswalde Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L845 000008003760 Loxstedt Loxstedt 53.474808000000 8.654077000000 0 0 1 240-240|Loxstedt-1240|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Loxstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L846 000004903760 Loxstedt Loxstedt 53.474750000000 8.654332000000 0 0 2 240-240|Loxstedt-1240|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Loxstedt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L852 000008000955 Bienenbüttel Bienenbüttel 53.142053000000 10.484793000000 0 0 1 2001-2001|7-7|Bienenbüttel-BIB|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bienenbüttel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L853 000004900955 Bienenbüttel Bienenbüttel 53.142127000000 10.484714000000 0 0 3 2001-2001|7-7|Bienenbüttel-BIB|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bienenbüttel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L854 000036054130 Bielefeld Ostbahnhof Bielefeld Ostbahnhof 52.024013000000 8.559416000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bielefeld Ostbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L856 000036016940 Hiddenhausen-Schweicheln Bahnhof Hiddenhausen-Schweicheln Bahnhof 52.158440000000 8.668239000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hiddenhausen-Schweicheln Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L861 000008001372 Dannenberg(Elbe) Ost Dannenberg(Elbe) Ost 53.104932000000 11.117713000000 0 0 3-3|Dannenberg-DBG|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dannenberg(Elbe) Ost: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L862 000036036080 Lage-Ehlenbruch Bahnhof Lage-Ehlenbruch Bahnhof 51.981270000000 8.741243000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lage-Ehlenbruch Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L864 000008005594 Soltau Nord Soltau Nord 53.001359000000 9.861088000000 0 0 20-20|HVV-HVV|Soltau-SOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Soltau Nord: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L865 000008007807 Heinschenwalde Heinschenwalde 53.498699000000 8.972924000000 0 0 370-370|Geestequelle-0370|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heinschenwalde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L866 000008007804 Frelsdorf Frelsdorf 53.501305000000 8.901283000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Frelsdorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L867 000008007805 Geestenseth Geestenseth 53.506646000000 8.858889000000 0 0 1 230-230|265-265|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN|Wehdel-1265 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Geestenseth: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L868 000004907805 Geestenseth Geestenseth 53.506588000000 8.858862000000 0 0 2 230-230|265-265|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN|Wehdel-1265 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Geestenseth: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L869 000008007800 Bremervörde Bremervörde 53.483244000000 9.139801000000 0 0 1 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremervörde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L870 000004927800 Bremervörde Bremervörde 53.483172000000 9.139747000000 0 0 2 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremervörde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L871 490008001134 Braunschweig Bahnhof Gliesmarode 52.277102000000 10.548836000000 0 0 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579272 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4845 (at arc-length 12605.63m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412579271 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4846 (at arc-length 24653.73m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579197 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4848 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579194 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412579270 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 93715.81m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412579219 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4839 (at arc-length 72303.02m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412579260 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 93715.81m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 412579232 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4841 (at arc-length 79910.81m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412579224 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4840 (at arc-length 93715.81m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579172 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579181 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4851 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579161 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4850 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579160 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579151 is too far from computed projection point (52.277433,10.550654) on shape 4849 (at arc-length 4477.24m): 129.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L872 000004937808 Hesedorf(Bremervörde) Hesedorf(Bremervörde) 53.472757000000 9.194984000000 0 0 3 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hesedorf(Bremervörde): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L873 000008010406 Berlin Zoologischer Garten S+U Zoologischer Garten Berlin Zoologischer Garten S+U Zoologischer Garten 52.507341000000 13.332445000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Berlin Zoologischer Garten S+U Zoologischer Garten: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L877 000008006076 Verden(Aller) Verden(Aller) 52.920875000000 9.237633000000 0 0 1 130-130|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verden(Aller): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L878 000004926076 Verden(Aller) Verden(Aller) 52.920854000000 9.237766000000 0 0 2 130-130|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verden(Aller): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L879 000004936076 Verden(Aller) Verden(Aller) 52.920830000000 9.237933000000 0 0 3 130-130|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verden(Aller): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L880 000004946076 Verden(Aller) Verden(Aller) 52.920856000000 9.238044000000 0 0 4 130-130|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verden(Aller): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L881 000004956076 Verden(Aller) Verden(Aller) 52.920899000000 9.238156000000 0 0 5 130-130|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verden(Aller): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L883 000008001900 Essen-Altenessen Bahnhof Essen-Altenessen Bahnhof 51.484370000000 7.007252000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Essen-Altenessen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L886 000008006112 Volpriehausen Volpriehausen 51.660967000000 9.737822000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Volpriehausen-3434|Volpriehausen/Gierswalde-434 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Volpriehausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L890 000008000050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.082947000000 8.813447000000 0 000009013927 0 1 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L891 000004910050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083564000000 8.814260000000 0 000009013927 0 10 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582484 is too far from computed projection point (53.083726,8.813189) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65802.33m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582483 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 4749 (at arc-length 65933.22m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582363 is too far from computed projection point (53.083726,8.813189) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 63.75m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582285 is too far from computed projection point (53.083726,8.813189) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 63.75m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412582353 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 4763 (at arc-length 41913.46m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412582286 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 4766 (at arc-length 41913.46m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578419 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 97.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578415 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 97.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578422 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 97.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704230 is too far from computed projection point (53.083726,8.813189) on shape 5172 (at arc-length 63.75m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412704231 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5177 (at arc-length 97563.96m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412704232 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5173 (at arc-length 121877.70m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412704233 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5175 (at arc-length 121877.70m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412704245 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5181 (at arc-length 69419.10m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412704246 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5174 (at arc-length 97563.96m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412704247 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5175 (at arc-length 121877.70m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748305 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5287 (at arc-length 67.13m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748316 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5287 (at arc-length 67.13m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412748249 is too far from computed projection point (53.082966,8.813902) on shape 5291 (at arc-length 73701.58m): 70.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578936 is too far from computed projection point (53.083726,8.813189) on shape 4881 (at arc-length 63.75m): 73.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L892 000004900050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.082992000000 8.813512000000 0 000009013927 0 2 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L893 000004930050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083074000000 8.813611000000 0 000009013927 0 3 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L894 000004950050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083190000000 8.813774000000 0 000009013927 0 5 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412582186 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4723 (at arc-length 17670.34m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412582197 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4723 (at arc-length 17670.34m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412582065 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4725 (at arc-length 28056.53m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412582055 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4725 (at arc-length 28056.53m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582010 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582001 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581885 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4735 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581976 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4735 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581880 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4735 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581875 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4735 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581827 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582465 is too far from computed projection point (53.083305,8.813013) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65850.59m): 52.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582448 is too far from computed projection point (53.083305,8.813013) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65850.59m): 52.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582447 is too far from computed projection point (53.083305,8.813013) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65850.59m): 52.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582306 is too far from computed projection point (53.083305,8.813013) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 15.50m): 52.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L895 000004960050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083273000000 8.813879000000 0 000009013927 0 6 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582005 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.70m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412582450 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4745 (at arc-length 62282.91m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582460 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65839.93m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412582458 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 58981.31m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582307 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4759 (at arc-length 26.16m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582362 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 26.16m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582350 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 26.16m): 56.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582275 is too far from computed projection point (53.083398,8.813052) on shape 4762 (at arc-length 26.16m): 56.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L896 000004970050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083354000000 8.813982000000 0 000009013927 0 7 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412582079 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4725 (at arc-length 28056.53m): 71.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581890 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4735 (at arc-length 0.00m): 71.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581833 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 71.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582482 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65829.51m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412582509 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 58970.90m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412582470 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4745 (at arc-length 62272.50m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582471 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65829.51m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582300 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4759 (at arc-length 36.58m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582302 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 4762 (at arc-length 36.58m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412704322 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 5161 (at arc-length 76399.48m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704214 is too far from computed projection point (53.083489,8.813090) on shape 5172 (at arc-length 36.58m): 61.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L897 000004980050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083420000000 8.814067000000 0 000009013927 0 8 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412582165 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4723 (at arc-length 17670.34m): 79.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582000 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4734 (at arc-length 0.00m): 79.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412581819 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4731 (at arc-length 35844.50m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582529 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65821.01m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412582525 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4744 (at arc-length 58962.39m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412582526 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4745 (at arc-length 62263.99m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582527 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65821.01m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582524 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4749 (at arc-length 65926.51m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412582522 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4751 (at arc-length 59067.89m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412582517 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4752 (at arc-length 65758.32m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412582516 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4753 (at arc-length 54224.37m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582437 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4755 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582293 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4759 (at arc-length 45.08m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582291 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 45.08m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582295 is too far from computed projection point (53.083563,8.813121) on shape 4762 (at arc-length 45.08m): 65.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412582263 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 4766 (at arc-length 41920.17m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578549 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 79.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578465 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 79.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578538 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 79.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704356 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5159 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704336 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5169 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704337 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5170 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704342 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5163 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704343 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5167 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704347 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5157 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704349 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5160 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704357 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5157 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 412704285 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5178 (at arc-length 97688.69m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412704286 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5179 (at arc-length 122002.43m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412704269 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5174 (at arc-length 97570.67m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412704278 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5175 (at arc-length 121884.41m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412704255 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5175 (at arc-length 121884.41m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748298 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5287 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748299 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5288 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748287 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5289 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748280 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5287 (at arc-length 60.42m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412748274 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5292 (at arc-length 125812.59m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412748254 is too far from computed projection point (53.082986,8.813807) on shape 5292 (at arc-length 125812.59m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412579019 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4878 (at arc-length 103704.68m): 79.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L898 000004990050 Bremen Hbf Bremen Hbf 53.083501000000 8.814180000000 0 000009013927 0 9 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 7
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582499 is too far from computed projection point (53.083655,8.813160) on shape 4746 (at arc-length 65810.43m): 70.29m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412582498 is too far from computed projection point (53.082974,8.813864) on shape 4749 (at arc-length 65930.57m): 62.29m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578510 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578481 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578473 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412578462 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4902 (at arc-length 42895.31m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412578461 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4902 (at arc-length 42895.31m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412578528 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4900 (at arc-length 103716.54m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578446 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578381 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4905 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578385 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4905 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412578391 is too far from computed projection point (53.083170,8.812956) on shape 4904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412704061 is too far from computed projection point (53.082974,8.813864) on shape 5149 (at arc-length 122782.17m): 62.29m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748288 is too far from computed projection point (53.082974,8.813864) on shape 5289 (at arc-length 64.48m): 62.29m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412748275 is too far from computed projection point (53.082974,8.813864) on shape 5292 (at arc-length 125808.53m): 62.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L899 000008000051 Bremerhaven Hbf Bremerhaven Hbf 53.534922000000 8.599357000000 0 000009014418 0 2 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L900 000004930051 Bremerhaven Hbf Bremerhaven Hbf 53.534938000000 8.599521000000 0 000009014418 0 3 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L901 000004940051 Bremerhaven Hbf Bremerhaven Hbf 53.534949000000 8.599634000000 0 000009014418 0 4 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L902 000004950051 Bremerhaven Hbf Bremerhaven Hbf 53.534963000000 8.599796000000 0 000009014418 0 5 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 3
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bremerhaven Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L904 000008002320 Goldenstedt(Oldb) Goldenstedt(Oldb) 52.800579000000 8.394434000000 0 0 Goldenstedt(Oldb)-GOL 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Goldenstedt(Oldb): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L907 000008000174 Viersen Bahnhof Viersen Bahnhof 51.254947000000 6.403896000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Viersen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L908 000008000171 Unna Bahnhof Unna Bahnhof 51.538982000000 7.692858000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Unna Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L909 000008010085 Dresden Hbf Dresden Hbf 51.040563000000 13.732035000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dresden Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L914 000008005623 Speele Speele 51.377378000000 9.563621000000 0 0 2 Staufenberg-Speele-311|Staufenberg-Speele-3311|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Speele: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L915 000004935623 Speele Speele 51.377414000000 9.563714000000 0 0 3 Staufenberg-Speele-311|Staufenberg-Speele-3311|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Speele: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L923 000008003518 Hamburg Landungsbrücken Hamburg Landungsbrücken 53.546240000000 9.971493000000 0 0 100-6|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone AB-HVV-AB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hamburg Landungsbrücken: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L927 000008001790 Engen Bahnhof Engen Bahnhof 47.856347000000 8.772786000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Engen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L928 000008001122 Bramsche(Hase) Bramsche(Hase) 52.410852000000 7.975054000000 0 000009012827 0 1 640-7640|Bramsche-7640 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bramsche(Hase): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L929 000004901122 Bramsche(Hase) Bramsche(Hase) 52.410842000000 7.974894000000 0 000009012827 0 2 640-7640|Bramsche-7640 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bramsche(Hase): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L930 000004931122 Bramsche(Hase) Bramsche(Hase) 52.410841000000 7.974734000000 0 000009012827 0 3 640-7640|Bramsche-7640 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bramsche(Hase): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L931 000008001123 Bramstedt(b Syke) Bramstedt(b Syke) 52.871451000000 8.785439000000 0 0 1 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bramstedt(b Syke): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L932 000004901123 Bramstedt(b Syke) Bramstedt(b Syke) 52.871504000000 8.785918000000 0 0 2 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bramstedt(b Syke): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L933 000008001120 Brake(Unterweser) Brake(Unterweser) 53.328798000000 8.481111000000 0 0 1 830-830|Brake-1830|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brake(Unterweser): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L935 490008004665 Goslar Bahnhof Oker 51.905184000000 10.478915000000 0 0 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412579132 is too far from computed projection point (51.904841,10.478193) on shape 4837 (at arc-length 48413.42m): 62.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412579110 is too far from computed projection point (51.904841,10.478193) on shape 4838 (at arc-length 4264.33m): 62.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L936 000008004668 Oldenbüttel Oldenbüttel 53.284018000000 8.810607000000 0 0 1 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oldenbüttel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L937 000004904668 Oldenbüttel Oldenbüttel 53.284813000000 8.810379000000 0 0 3 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oldenbüttel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L938 000008006342 Werl Bahnhof Werl Bahnhof 51.558073000000 7.914136000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Werl Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L939 000008004704 Osterode am Harz Mitte Osterode am Harz Mitte 51.726038000000 10.245443000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterode am Harz Mitte: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L940 000008004705 Osterode am Harz Leege Osterode am Harz Leege 51.717059000000 10.273027000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterode am Harz Leege: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L948 000008006061 Vechta Vechta 52.728962000000 8.280436000000 0 0 1 Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechta: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L949 000004906061 Vechta Vechta 52.729096000000 8.280546000000 0 0 2 Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechta: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L955 000008000046 Siegen Hbf Siegen Hbf 50.875939000000 8.016508000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Siegen Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L957 000008000043 Seesen Bahnhof Seesen Bahnhof 51.887074000000 10.173571000000 0 0 5530-5530|84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Seesen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L958 000036050810 Bielefeld-Brackwede Bahnhof Bielefeld-Brackwede Bahnhof 51.997378000000 8.498426000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bielefeld-Brackwede Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L959 000008000049 Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof 52.252218000000 10.540295000000 0 0 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L960 000008000166 Herzberg am Harz Herzberg am Harz 51.643951000000 10.329940000000 0 0 1 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herzberg am Harz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L961 000004920166 Herzberg am Harz Herzberg am Harz 51.643886000000 10.329828000000 0 0 2 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herzberg am Harz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L962 000004940166 Herzberg am Harz Herzberg am Harz 51.643822000000 10.329742000000 0 0 4 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herzberg am Harz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L963 000008000167 Hesepe Hesepe 52.439544000000 7.967460000000 0 0 Bramsche-7640 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hesepe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L964 000008000164 Herne Bahnhof Herne Bahnhof 51.543623000000 7.216888000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herne Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L965 000008000162 Herford Bahnhof Herford Bahnhof 52.119609000000 8.663643000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herford Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L967 000008000168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969657000000 10.553415000000 0 0 101 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L968 000004912168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969613000000 10.553516000000 0 0 102 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L969 000004913168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969570000000 10.553604000000 0 0 103 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L970 000004931168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969837000000 10.552790000000 0 0 301 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L971 000004932168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969896000000 10.552681000000 0 0 302 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L972 000004933168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969963000000 10.552600000000 0 0 303 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L973 000004934168 Uelzen Uelzen 52.969999000000 10.552511000000 0 0 304 2005-2005|207-207|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uelzen: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412748314 is too far from computed projection point (52.970099,10.553251) on shape 5286 (at arc-length 52053.97m): 50.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412748277 is too far from computed projection point (52.970099,10.553251) on shape 5292 (at arc-length 50.33m): 50.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L977 000008005613 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) 53.101337000000 9.249372000000 0 0 1 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L978 000004925613 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) 53.101274000000 9.250584000000 0 0 2 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L979 000004935613 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) 53.101226000000 9.250588000000 0 0 3 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L982 000008002800 Herzberg am Harz Schloss Herzberg am Harz Schloss 51.654474000000 10.332832000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herzberg am Harz Schloss: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L983 000008002801 Herzebrock Bahnhof Herzebrock Bahnhof 51.880225000000 8.236268000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herzebrock Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L989 000008001352 Cuxhaven Cuxhaven 53.860749000000 8.703967000000 0 0 1 1-1|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cuxhaven: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L990 000004901352 Cuxhaven Cuxhaven 53.860685000000 8.703897000000 0 0 2 1-1|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cuxhaven: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L991 000008001072 Viersen-Boisheim Bahnhof Viersen-Boisheim Bahnhof 51.274323000000 6.274591000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Viersen-Boisheim Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L992 000008001071 Bohmte Bohmte 52.361572000000 8.307527000000 0 000009011213 0 2 228-7228|Bohmte-7228 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bohmte: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L993 000004901071 Bohmte Bohmte 52.361580000000 8.307454000000 0 000009011213 0 3 228-7228|Bohmte-7228 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bohmte: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L994 000008001782 Emsdetten Bahnhof Emsdetten Bahnhof 52.176750000000 7.531528000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emsdetten Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L996 490008001781 Empelde Bahnhof 52.338997000000 9.669769000000 0 0 1-1|2-2|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000|Umland-5002
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412746544 is too far from computed projection point (52.339505,9.668355) on shape 5281 (at arc-length 12783.78m): 111.48m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412746540 is too far from computed projection point (52.339505,9.668355) on shape 5282 (at arc-length 18753.26m): 111.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L997 000008004652 Uslar-Offensen Uslar-Offensen 51.588886000000 9.679817000000 0 0 Offensen-436|Uslar-Offensen-3436|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uslar-Offensen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1000 000008006056 Varel Varel 53.399092000000 8.149941000000 0 0 1 211-211|Varel-2250 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Varel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1001 000004926056 Varel Varel 53.399071000000 8.150143000000 0 0 2 211-211|Varel-2250 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Varel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1002 000004936056 Varel Varel 53.399040000000 8.150361000000 0 0 3 211-211|Varel-2250 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Varel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1004 000008002548 Hamburg Dammtor Hamburg Dammtor 53.560751000000 9.989566000000 0 0 100-3|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone AB-HVV-AB 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hamburg Dammtor: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1021 000004362950 Hamburg Hbf Hamburg Hbf Gleis 6A-C 53.551193000000 10.008067000000 0 0 6A-C 100-1|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone AB-HVV-AB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412724328 is too far from computed projection point (53.551063,10.006640) on shape 5439 (at arc-length 96265.22m): 95.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412724327 is too far from computed projection point (53.551063,10.006640) on shape 5440 (at arc-length 1043.78m): 95.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1025 000008002262 Geseke Bahnhof Geseke Bahnhof 51.645230000000 8.510292000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Geseke Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1026 000008006172 Walkenried Walkenried 51.584860000000 10.608959000000 0 0 1 VSN-VSN|Walkenried-160|Walkenried-3160 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Walkenried: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1035 000008006489 Wintermoor (Zug) Wintermoor (Zug) 53.186138000000 9.828536000000 0 0 2-2|HVV-HVV|Heidekreis 2u4-WIM1|Heidekreis 2u5-WIM2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wintermoor (Zug): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1036 000008000156 Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof 49.403567000000 8.675442000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heidelberg Hauptbahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1037 000008002694 Heidkrug Heidkrug 53.056998000000 8.679603000000 0 0 1 709-709|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heidkrug: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1038 000004902694 Heidkrug Heidkrug 53.057123000000 8.680074000000 0 0 2 709-709|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heidkrug: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1039 000008002695 Schortens-Heidmühle Schortens-Heidmühle 53.542278000000 7.946213000000 0 0 1 202-202|Schortens-2220 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schortens-Heidmühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1040 000004902695 Schortens-Heidmühle Schortens-Heidmühle 53.542144000000 7.946369000000 0 0 2 202-202|Schortens-2220 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schortens-Heidmühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1047 000008000586 Langwedel(Kr Verden) Langwedel(Kr Verden) 52.977788000000 9.195129000000 0 0 1 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Langwedel(Kr Verden): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1048 000004920586 Langwedel(Kr Verden) Langwedel(Kr Verden) 52.977849000000 9.195247000000 0 0 2 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Langwedel(Kr Verden): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1049 000004940586 Langwedel(Kr Verden) Langwedel(Kr Verden) 52.977923000000 9.195316000000 0 0 4 120-120|Langwedel-1120|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Langwedel(Kr Verden): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1050 000008071259 Büsum (Hafen) Büsum (Hafen) 54.125850000000 8.860000000000 0 0 2570-2571 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Büsum (Hafen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1051 000008003576 Lauenbrück Lauenbrück 53.197095000000 9.563730000000 0 0 1 360-360|Fintel-0360|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1052 000004933576 Lauenbrück Lauenbrück 53.196994000000 9.563752000000 0 0 3 360-360|Fintel-0360|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1053 000004943576 Lauenbrück Lauenbrück 53.196942000000 9.563784000000 0 0 4 360-360|Fintel-0360|HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenbrück: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1057 000008003578 Lauenförde-Beverungen Lauenförde-Beverungen 51.658580000000 9.392707000000 0 0 1 Lauenförde-3573|Lauenförde-573|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenförde-Beverungen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1058 000004903578 Lauenförde-Beverungen Lauenförde-Beverungen 51.658556000000 9.392776000000 0 0 2 Lauenförde-3573|Lauenförde-573|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenförde-Beverungen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1062 000008005287 Sandkrug Sandkrug 53.055034000000 8.254976000000 0 0 1 920-920|Sandkrug-1920|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sandkrug: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1063 000008005282 Sande(Kr Friesland) Sande(Kr Friesland) 53.490325000000 8.031431000000 0 0 2 203-203|Sande-2230 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sande(Kr Friesland): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1066 490008001492 Dollbergen Bahnhof 52.416822000000 10.181664000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|VRB-VRB
L23699 000099254003 Dollbergen Bahnhof Bus 52.416795000000 10.181622000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1068 000008006041 Uslar Uslar 51.654414000000 9.655045000000 0 0 1 Uslar-430|Uslar-3430|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uslar: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1069 000004926041 Uslar Uslar 51.654481000000 9.655240000000 0 0 2 Uslar-430|Uslar-3430|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uslar: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1070 490008001957 Fallersleben Bahnhof 52.424214000000 10.716966000000 0 0 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412585443 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4908 (at arc-length 27524.98m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412585366 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4910 (at arc-length 85381.87m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412585436 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4909 (at arc-length 27524.98m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412585386 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4911 (at arc-length 85381.87m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412585322 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4915 (at arc-length 4832.29m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412585300 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4916 (at arc-length 4832.29m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585298 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4914 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585295 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 4917 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412585058 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 5523 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412584893 is too far from computed projection point (52.423496,10.717325) on shape 5525 (at arc-length 4832.29m): 83.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1071 000004901958 Bad Fallingbostel Bad Fallingbostel 52.862788000000 9.700049000000 0 0 2 28-28|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Fallingbostel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1073 000008003829 Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof 54.166953000000 10.551787000000 0 0 1 5665-5666 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1074 000004903829 Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof 54.166870000000 10.551712000000 0 0 2 5665-5666 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Malente-Gremsmühlen Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1077 000008000735 Bad Pyrmont Bahnhof Bad Pyrmont Bahnhof 51.974233000000 9.272719000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Pyrmont Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1078 000008000732 Bad Oeynhausen ZOB Bad Oeynhausen ZOB 52.205398000000 8.796523000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Oeynhausen ZOB: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1079 000008000147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1083 000004940147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 4 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 4 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1079 000008000147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1084 000004950147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 5 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 5 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1079 000008000147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1085 000004960147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 6 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 6 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1083 000004940147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 4 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 4 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1084 000004950147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 5 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 5 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1083 000004940147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 4 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 4 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1085 000004960147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 6 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 6 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1084 000004950147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 5 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 5 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L1085 000004960147 Hamburg-Harburg (DB) Hamburg-Harburg Gleis 6 53.455908000000 9.991701000000 0 0 6 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1086 000008006592 Wulften(Harz) Wulften(Harz) 51.659328000000 10.175457000000 0 0 2 VSN-VSN|Wulften-121|Wulften-3121 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wulften(Harz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1087 000004936592 Wulften(Harz) Wulften(Harz) 51.659513000000 10.176135000000 0 0 3 VSN-VSN|Wulften-121|Wulften-3121 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wulften(Harz): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1090 000008000739 Bad Sachsa Bad Sachsa 51.581879000000 10.573028000000 0 0 1 Bad Sachsa-3150|Bad Sachsa-150|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Sachsa: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1091 000004900739 Bad Sachsa Bad Sachsa 51.581944000000 10.573211000000 0 0 2 Bad Sachsa-3150|Bad Sachsa-150|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Sachsa: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1098 000004960294 Osnabrück Hbf Osnabrück Hbf Gleis 11 52.273509000000 8.059799000000 0 000009071612 0 11 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 2
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587783 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5021 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587864 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5027 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587977 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5028 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587973 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5029 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587969 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5031 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587971 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5030 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412587822 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5047 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412768516 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5345 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412768570 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5355 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412768584 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5355 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412768534 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5345 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412768579 is too far from computed projection point (52.272980,8.061441) on shape 5355 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1099 000004950294 Osnabrück Hbf Osnabrück Hbf Gleis 12 52.273596000000 8.059918000000 0 000009071612 0 12 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 2
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412587642 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5020 (at arc-length 47786.56m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 412587644 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5057 (at arc-length 195038.05m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 412587654 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5068 (at arc-length 195042.60m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 412587640 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5069 (at arc-length 195038.76m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412587643 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5070 (at arc-length 149765.01m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412587662 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5072 (at arc-length 90101.32m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 412587652 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5073 (at arc-length 194977.99m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412768228 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5380 (at arc-length 66333.13m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412768213 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5380 (at arc-length 66333.13m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412768401 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5382 (at arc-length 29248.40m): 123.02m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412768212 is too far from computed projection point (52.273129,8.061557) on shape 5383 (at arc-length 38039.48m): 123.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1100 000004940294 Osnabrück Hbf Osnabrück Hbf Gleis 13 52.273650000000 8.059972000000 0 000009071612 0 13 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 2
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412768201 is too far from computed projection point (52.273186,8.061601) on shape 5380 (at arc-length 66326.14m): 122.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1102 000004900294 Osnabrück Hbf Osnabrück Hbf Gleis 2 52.272748000000 8.061333000000 0 000009071612 0 2 100-7100|NRW-NRW|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000004900294
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1107 000008002865 Hitzacker(Elbe) Hitzacker(Elbe) 53.139204000000 11.038413000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|Hitzacker-HIT 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hitzacker(Elbe): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1108 000008000290 Offenburg Offenburg 48.476475000000 7.946723000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Offenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1109 000008000291 Oldenburg(Oldb) Hbf Oldenburg(Oldb) Hbf 53.143813000000 8.222958000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oldenburg(Oldb) Hbf: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582646 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4768 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412582619 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4773 (at arc-length 15289.34m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412582650 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4775 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581564 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4964 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581771 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4768 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412581790 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4768 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412581625 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4942 (at arc-length 53428.02m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412581623 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4943 (at arc-length 56384.82m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412581621 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4942 (at arc-length 53428.02m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412581611 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 4945 (at arc-length 46043.85m): 58.01m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412704062 is too far from computed projection point (53.144313,8.222709) on shape 5148 (at arc-length 1.15m): 58.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1116 000008079004 Pellworm Pellworm 54.501691000000 8.700497000000 0 0 1390-1391 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pellworm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1117 000008003209 Katlenburg Katlenburg 51.685984000000 10.099869000000 0 0 1 Katlenburg-380|Katlenburg-3380|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Katlenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1118 000004903209 Katlenburg Katlenburg 51.686063000000 10.100037000000 0 0 2 Katlenburg-380|Katlenburg-3380|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Katlenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1120 000008001052 Bad Bodenteich Bad Bodenteich 52.835153000000 10.672824000000 0 0 1 2010-2010|237-237|Bad Bodenteich-BBT|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Bodenteich: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1121 000004901052 Bad Bodenteich Bad Bodenteich 52.835255000000 10.672690000000 0 0 2 2010-2010|237-237|Bad Bodenteich-BBT|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bad Bodenteich: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1122 000008001050 Bodenfelde Bodenfelde 51.637239000000 9.561501000000 0 0 1 Bodenfelde-3440|Bodenfelde-440|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bodenfelde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1123 000004901050 Bodenfelde Bodenfelde 51.637348000000 9.561613000000 0 0 2 Bodenfelde-3440|Bodenfelde-440|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bodenfelde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1124 000004991050 Bodenfelde Bodenfelde 51.637302000000 9.561721000000 0 0 3 Bodenfelde-3440|Bodenfelde-440|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bodenfelde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1125 000008003323 Kleinensiel Kleinensiel 53.444318000000 8.476187000000 0 0 840-840|850-850|Nordenham-1850|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kleinensiel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1131 000000105973 Edewecht Polizei Edewecht Polizei 53.133805000000 7.986776000000 0 0 755-755|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Edewecht Polizei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1132 000000103380 Pewsum Gewerbegebiet Pewsum Gewerbegebiet 53.427709000000 7.107547000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pewsum Gewerbegebiet: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1133 000000105970 Apen Streichenstraße Apen Streichenstraße 53.223176000000 7.810184000000 0 0 770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Apen Streichenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1134 000000103381 Groß-Heikeland Groß-Heikeland 53.449613000000 7.269577000000 0 0 587-587|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß-Heikeland: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1135 000000176206 Bersenbrück Bahner Straße Bersenbrück Bahner Straße 52.546909000000 7.942360000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück Bahner Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1136 000000176200 Bersenbrück-Ahausen Ort Bersenbrück-Ahausen Ort 52.556154000000 7.915229000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück-Ahausen Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1137 000000176201 Ankum Abzw. Realschule Ankum Abzw. Realschule 52.543573000000 7.884362000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ankum Abzw. Realschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1138 000000176209 Bersenbrück Lear Corporation Bersenbrück Lear Corporation 52.556489000000 7.932310000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück Lear Corporation: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1139 000000176324 Groß Mimmelage Riedemann Groß Mimmelage Riedemann 52.649138000000 7.902144000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Mimmelage Riedemann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1140 000000176325 Groß Mimmelage Siedlung Groß Mimmelage Siedlung 52.656230000000 7.900355000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Mimmelage Siedlung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1141 000000176322 Groß Mimmelage Grother Kanal Groß Mimmelage Grother Kanal 52.662957000000 7.910622000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Mimmelage Grother Kanal: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1142 000000176323 Groß Mimmelage Kreuzung Groß Mimmelage Kreuzung 52.655843000000 7.906099000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Mimmelage Kreuzung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1143 000000176321 Groß Mimmelage Fehrlage Groß Mimmelage Fehrlage 52.652078000000 7.890736000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Mimmelage Fehrlage: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1144 000000176329 Kettenkamp Dettmer Kettenkamp Dettmer 52.593362000000 7.846013000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kettenkamp Dettmer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1145 000000104146 Holtgast Schanz Holtgast Schanz 53.631756000000 7.557951000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holtgast Schanz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1146 000000104144 Fulkum Fulkum 53.632893000000 7.525832000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Fulkum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1147 000000104145 Hartsgast Hartsgast 53.630674000000 7.544277000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hartsgast: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1147 000000104145 Hartsgast Hartsgast 53.630674000000 7.544277000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
L36095 000009903086 Hartsgast Hartsgast 53.630671000000 7.544240000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1148 000000104143 Uppum Uppum 53.642682000000 7.506527000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uppum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1149 000000174118 Dröper Heuer Dröper Heuer 52.196708000000 8.085798000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Dröper Heuer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1150 000000106034 Visbek Abzw. Varnhorn Visbek Abzw. Varnhorn 52.851788000000 8.323496000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visbek Abzw. Varnhorn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1151 000000106030 Kleinenkneten Goldenstedter Straße Kleinenkneten Goldenstedter Straße 52.864551000000 8.426614000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kleinenkneten Goldenstedter Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1152 000000103892 Wymeer Grundschule Wymeer Grundschule 53.135214000000 7.224777000000 0 0 735-735|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wymeer Grundschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1153 000000103899 Halsbek Halsbeker Straße 173 Halsbek Halsbeker Straße 173 53.328426000000 7.908386000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Halsbek Halsbeker Straße 173: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1154 000000115407 Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Sparkasse Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Sparkasse 52.839986000000 8.840376000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Sparkasse: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1155 000000115404 Wisloh Thoms Wisloh Thoms 52.860247000000 8.848417000000 0 0 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wisloh Thoms: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1156 000000115403 Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Hache Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Hache 52.839377000000 8.844889000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Hache: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1157 000000115408 Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Karnebogen Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Karnebogen 52.839837000000 8.830202000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neubruchhausen(Bassum) Karnebogen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1158 000000100844 Feldhausen(Sulingen) B 61 Feldhausen(Sulingen) B 61 52.656851000000 8.810256000000 0 0 555-555|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Feldhausen(Sulingen) B 61: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1159 000000115080 Groß Ippener Mühlenweg Groß Ippener Mühlenweg 52.966784000000 8.625120000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Ippener Mühlenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1160 000000115081 Groß Ippener Post Groß Ippener Post 52.959436000000 8.619169000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groß Ippener Post: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1161 000000176455 Wohld(Quakenbrück) Trentlage Wohld(Quakenbrück) Trentlage 52.674751000000 8.007257000000 0 0 695-7695|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wohld(Quakenbrück) Trentlage: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1162 000000176452 Wohld(Quakenbrück) Kramersweg Wohld(Quakenbrück) Kramersweg 52.676038000000 7.995739000000 0 0 695-7695|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wohld(Quakenbrück) Kramersweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1163 000000176451 Menslage Wasserhausen Menslage Wasserhausen 52.677384000000 7.909967000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Menslage Wasserhausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1164 000000176458 Herbergen(Menslage) Im Kamp Herbergen(Menslage) Im Kamp 52.689350000000 7.864516000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Herbergen(Menslage) Im Kamp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1165 000000103390 Greetsiel Ankerstraße Greetsiel Ankerstraße 53.501057000000 7.091147000000 0 0 577-577|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Greetsiel Ankerstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1166 000000176217 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Berling Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Berling 52.398888000000 7.822896000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Berling: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 1098.29m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 1098.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1167 000000176214 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Abing Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Abing 52.404999000000 7.839324000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Abing: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1168 000000176215 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Alte Schule Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Alte Schule 52.405624000000 7.822467000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Alte Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1169 000000176213 Westerholte Hamberg/Hühnerfarm Westerholte Hamberg/Hühnerfarm 52.508371000000 7.866356000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerholte Hamberg/Hühnerfarm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1170 000000176210 Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wasserwerk Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wasserwerk 52.547553000000 7.930020000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wasserwerk: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1171 000000176211 Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wissmann Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wissmann 52.539801000000 7.920437000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bokel(Bersenbrück) Wissmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1172 000000176218 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Peters Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Peters 52.390051000000 7.829962000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Peters: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 401777926 is too far from computed projection point (52.391181,7.836286) on shape 7468 (at arc-length 9687.56m): 447.17m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 445.79m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 445.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1173 000000176219 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Teich Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Teich 52.401656000000 7.813037000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Teich: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 1817.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 1817.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1174 000000176336 Klein Mimmelage Brüggemann Klein Mimmelage Brüggemann 52.648525000000 7.843395000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Klein Mimmelage Brüggemann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1175 000000176334 Klein Bokern Österich Klein Bokern Österich 52.532702000000 7.768554000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Klein Bokern Österich: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1176 000000176335 Klein Mimmelage Abzw. Renslage Klein Mimmelage Abzw. Renslage 52.638776000000 7.850935000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Klein Mimmelage Abzw. Renslage: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1177 000000176332 Klein Bokern Maiburg Klein Bokern Maiburg 52.533086000000 7.767452000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Klein Bokern Maiburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1178 000000176333 Klein Bokern Nordemann Klein Bokern Nordemann 52.539522000000 7.768466000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Klein Bokern Nordemann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1179 000000176330 Kettenkamp Kirche Kettenkamp Kirche 52.585886000000 7.829610000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kettenkamp Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777953 is too far from computed projection point (52.585431,7.829612) on shape 7500 (at arc-length 1.02m): 50.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777954 is too far from computed projection point (52.585431,7.829612) on shape 7499 (at arc-length 1.02m): 50.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1180 000000176338 Loxten(Nortrup) Schloss Loxten(Nortrup) Schloss 52.584682000000 7.868476000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Loxten(Nortrup) Schloss: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1181 000000104150 Esens Bahnhofstraße Esens Bahnhofstraße 53.637163000000 7.613012000000 0 0 301-301|Esens-2350|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Esens Bahnhofstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1182 000000104151 Esens Siebet-Attena-Straße Esens Siebet-Attena-Straße 53.643110000000 7.611517000000 0 0 301-301|Esens-2350|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Esens Siebet-Attena-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1183 000000106127 Wapeldorf Kruse Wapeldorf Kruse 53.329311000000 8.141191000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wapeldorf Kruse: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1184 000000103986 Tange Feuerwehr Tange Feuerwehr 53.180922000000 7.745886000000 0 0 770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tange Feuerwehr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1185 000000108067 Vollersode Abzw. Giehlermoor Vollersode Abzw. Giehlermoor 53.334607000000 8.916355000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Abzw. Giehlermoor: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1186 000000103987 Tange Mühle Tange Mühle 53.177160000000 7.757982000000 0 0 770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tange Mühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1187 000000108066 Ahrensdorf(Vollersode) Ahrensdorfer Straße Ahrensdorf(Vollersode) Ahrensdorfer Straße 53.335613000000 8.930223000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ahrensdorf(Vollersode) Ahrensdorfer Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1188 000000108065 Giehlermoor Porstheide Giehlermoor Porstheide 53.332050000000 8.937959000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Giehlermoor Porstheide: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1189 000000103985 Tange Scheidung Tange Scheidung 53.187867000000 7.731077000000 0 0 770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tange Scheidung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1190 000000108064 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 53.328046000000 8.944419000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1190 000000108064 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 53.328046000000 8.944419000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L23995 000009904860 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 Giehlermoor Giehlermoorer Straße 15 53.328051000000 8.944475000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1191 000000103983 Hollriede Halsbeker/Hollrieder Straße Hollriede Halsbeker/Hollrieder Straße 53.302410000000 7.868708000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollriede Halsbeker/Hollrieder Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1192 000000108062 Vollersode Am Schwabel Vollersode Am Schwabel 53.337976000000 8.916033000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Am Schwabel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1193 000000115414 Schorlingborstel(Bassum) Schorlingborstel(Bassum) 52.830105000000 8.763834000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schorlingborstel(Bassum): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1194 000000115413 Albringhausen(Bassum) Heide Albringhausen(Bassum) Heide 52.830242000000 8.771084000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Albringhausen(Bassum) Heide: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1195 000000108069 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 53.326833000000 8.913878000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1195 000000108069 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 53.326833000000 8.913878000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L23992 000009911758 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 Vollersode Vollersoder Straße 15 53.326811000000 8.913937000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1196 000000108068 Vollersode Klüster Vollersode Klüster 53.331147000000 8.915416000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Klüster: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1197 000000115411 Hallstedt(Bassum) Knief Hallstedt(Bassum) Knief 52.828840000000 8.805801000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hallstedt(Bassum) Knief: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1198 000000104286 Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Jelliestede/Spielstadt Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Jelliestede/Spielstadt 53.667022000000 7.911596000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Jelliestede/Spielstadt: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1199 000000104282 Stull Stull 53.697080000000 7.909852000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stull: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1200 000000104280 Tengshausen Tengshausen 53.704812000000 7.933322000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tengshausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1200 000000104280 Tengshausen Tengshausen 53.704812000000 7.933322000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15258 000009914709 Tengshausen Tengshausen 53.704839000000 7.933303000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1201 000000104281 Funnens Funnens 53.701183000000 7.921360000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Funnens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1201 000000104281 Funnens Funnens 53.701183000000 7.921360000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15259 000009904115 Funnens Funnens 53.701190000000 7.921322000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1202 000000108107 Ritterhude Bahnübergang Ritterhude Bahnübergang 53.186922000000 8.757919000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude Bahnübergang: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1203 000000108106 Ritterhude Neue Landstraße/B 74 Ritterhude Neue Landstraße/B 74 53.193906000000 8.752616000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude Neue Landstraße/B 74: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1204 000000108105 Scharmbeckstotel(OHZ) Schule Scharmbeckstotel(OHZ) Schule 53.204225000000 8.756445000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scharmbeckstotel(OHZ) Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1205 000000108104 Settenbeck(OHZ) Settenbeck(OHZ) 53.210819000000 8.769235000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Settenbeck(OHZ): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1206 000000108102 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Loger Straße Osterholz-Scharmbeck Loger Straße 53.226564000000 8.785127000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterholz-Scharmbeck Loger Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1207 000000104288 Jever Brauerei Jever Brauerei 53.576034000000 7.900572000000 0 0 200-200|Jever-2200|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Jever Brauerei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1208 000000107577 Visselhövede-Nindorf Zur Reith Visselhövede-Nindorf Zur Reith 52.975897000000 9.549548000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visselhövede-Nindorf Zur Reith: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1209 000000103645 Leer(Ostfriesl) Logabirumer Straße/Feldstraße Leer(Ostfriesl) Logabirumer Straße/Feldstraße 53.249370000000 7.521590000000 0 0 622-622|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Leer(Ostfriesl) Logabirumer Straße/Feldstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1210 000000108109 Ritterhude Rathaus Ritterhude Rathaus 53.179172000000 8.751469000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude Rathaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1211 000000108108 Ritterhude Bahnhofstraße Ritterhude Bahnhofstraße 53.182949000000 8.756714000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ritterhude Bahnhofstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1212 000000107578 Visselhövede-Nindorf Nindorfer Eichende Visselhövede-Nindorf Nindorfer Eichende 52.985952000000 9.543630000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visselhövede-Nindorf Nindorfer Eichende: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1213 000000193767 Hollen(Uplengen) Kirche Hollen(Uplengen) Kirche 53.254166000000 7.707844000000 0 0 643-643|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollen(Uplengen) Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1214 000000100855 Apelstedt Lindhoff Apelstedt Lindhoff 52.807599000000 8.747484000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Apelstedt Lindhoff: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1215 000000103769 Südgeorgsfehn Friedhof Südgeorgsfehn Friedhof 53.243972000000 7.732539000000 0 0 645-645|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Südgeorgsfehn Friedhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1216 000000103526 Meerhausen Nückestraße/Neue Straße Meerhausen Nückestraße/Neue Straße 53.272503000000 7.554776000000 0 0 621-621|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Meerhausen Nückestraße/Neue Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1217 000000115096 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Gasth. Walde Stendorf(Ritterhude) Gasth. Walde 53.195000000000 8.701070000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stendorf(Ritterhude) Gasth. Walde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1218 000000103524 Nücke Nückestraße/Königstraße Nücke Nückestraße/Königstraße 53.286100000000 7.561276000000 0 0 620-620|621-621|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nücke Nückestraße/Königstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1219 000000105169 Ostrittrum Abel Ostrittrum Abel 52.975545000000 8.342661000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ostrittrum Abel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1220 000000105491 Neusüdende Achtern grode Feldhus Neusüdende Achtern grode Feldhus 53.213943000000 8.206411000000 0 0 740-740|910-910|Oldenburg-1740|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neusüdende Achtern grode Feldhus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1221 000000176546 Ohrtermersch Siedlung Ohrtermersch Siedlung 52.602226000000 7.668876000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ohrtermersch Siedlung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1222 000000176547 Restrup Naber Restrup Naber 52.583466000000 7.775158000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Restrup Naber: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1223 000000176544 Ohrtermersch Bauernstube Ohrtermersch Bauernstube 52.594382000000 7.667387000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ohrtermersch Bauernstube: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1224 000000176545 Ohrtermersch Hülsedamm Ohrtermersch Hülsedamm 52.591662000000 7.658128000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ohrtermersch Hülsedamm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1225 000000176540 Neubockraden Neubockraden 52.578247000000 7.806210000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neubockraden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1226 000000103086 Pewsum Schatthausstraße Pewsum Schatthausstraße 53.444643000000 7.098666000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pewsum Schatthausstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1227 000000103084 Pewsum Schulzentrum Pewsum Schulzentrum 53.439570000000 7.092752000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pewsum Schulzentrum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1228 000000103085 Pewsum Sportplatz Pewsum Sportplatz 53.439840000000 7.095569000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pewsum Sportplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1229 000000176307 Badbergen Schule Badbergen Schule 52.637218000000 7.979256000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Badbergen Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1230 000000176304 Aslage Ziegelei Aslage Ziegelei 52.540037000000 7.838052000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Aslage Ziegelei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1231 000000176305 Badbergen Artland Badbergen Artland 52.633596000000 7.961586000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Badbergen Artland: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1232 000000176303 Ankum Forstweg Ankum Forstweg 52.555612000000 7.864992000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ankum Forstweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1233 000000103088 Visquard Dykhusen Visquard Dykhusen 53.460732000000 7.115339000000 0 0 588-588|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visquard Dykhusen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1234 000000103089 Visquard Lärchenweg Visquard Lärchenweg 53.464005000000 7.107499000000 0 0 588-588|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visquard Lärchenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1235 000000176308 Bersenbrück Lindenstraße Bersenbrück Lindenstraße 52.554202000000 7.942863000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bersenbrück Lindenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1236 000000106133 Neerstedt Lüschen Neerstedt Lüschen 52.967964000000 8.437300000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neerstedt Lüschen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1237 000000108075 Wallhöfen Bergstraße Wallhöfen Bergstraße 53.321018000000 8.901134000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wallhöfen Bergstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1238 000000108074 Wallhöfen Am Mühlenberg Wallhöfen Am Mühlenberg 53.313945000000 8.899140000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wallhöfen Am Mühlenberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1239 000000108073 Bornreihe Bornreiher Straße 33 Bornreihe Bornreiher Straße 33 53.307821000000 8.893244000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bornreihe Bornreiher Straße 33: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1240 000000108072 Bornreihe Schuldamm Bornreihe Schuldamm 53.303777000000 8.903634000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bornreihe Schuldamm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1240 000000108072 Bornreihe Schuldamm Bornreihe Schuldamm 53.303777000000 8.903634000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L23990 000009903905 Bornreihe Schuldamm Bornreihe Schuldamm 53.303773000000 8.903659000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1241 000000108071 Vollersode Friedensheim Vollersode Friedensheim 53.307907000000 8.910556000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Friedensheim: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1242 000000108070 Vollersode Feuerwehr Vollersode Feuerwehr 53.322661000000 8.910225000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vollersode Feuerwehr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1243 000000115465 Ristedt(Syke) Hauptstraße Ristedt(Syke) Hauptstraße 52.945410000000 8.762560000000 0 0 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ristedt(Syke) Hauptstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1244 000000104296 Bottens Bottens 53.630688000000 7.995190000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bottens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1245 000000104295 Haddien Haddien 53.617862000000 7.982981000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Haddien: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1246 000000104293 Waddewarden Gänseweg Waddewarden Gänseweg 53.610521000000 7.943525000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Waddewarden Gänseweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1247 000000104290 Westrum(Wangerland) Abzw. Westrum(Wangerland) Abzw. 53.601605000000 7.924139000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westrum(Wangerland) Abzw.: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1248 000000108116 Verlüßmoor Verlüßmoorer Straße 13 Verlüßmoor Verlüßmoorer Straße 13 53.297029000000 8.893270000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Verlüßmoor Verlüßmoorer Straße 13: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1249 000000108114 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Hohenfelder Straße Osterholz-Scharmbeck Hohenfelder Straße 53.229177000000 8.810615000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterholz-Scharmbeck Hohenfelder Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1250 000000104298 Hooksiel Nordstraße Hooksiel Nordstraße 53.631860000000 8.020559000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hooksiel Nordstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1251 000000108486 Oldendorf(Holste) Forsthaus Oldendorf(Holste) Forsthaus 53.353414000000 8.825220000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oldendorf(Holste) Forsthaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1252 000000108488 Hellingst(Holste) Schule Hellingst(Holste) Schule 53.380653000000 8.863895000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hellingst(Holste) Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1253 000000103770 Augustfehn Schützenhof Augustfehn Schützenhof 53.227370000000 7.747405000000 0 0 165-165|770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Augustfehn Schützenhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1254 000000176552 Vechtel Haneberg Vechtel Haneberg 52.581059000000 7.628458000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechtel Haneberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1255 000000103096 Jennelt Abzw. Uttumer Straße Jennelt Abzw. Uttumer Straße 53.464557000000 7.131720000000 0 0 572-572|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Jennelt Abzw. Uttumer Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1256 000000103097 Eilsum Ort Eilsum Ort 53.471348000000 7.140412000000 0 0 579-579|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eilsum Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1257 000000103095 Cirkwehrum Ort Cirkwehrum Ort 53.436943000000 7.170691000000 0 0 573-573|581-581|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Cirkwehrum Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1258 000000103092 Jennelt Ort Jennelt Ort 53.463666000000 7.133325000000 0 0 572-572|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Jennelt Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1259 000000103090 Visquard Ort Visquard Ort 53.466987000000 7.100574000000 0 0 588-588|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Visquard Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1260 000000176316 Döthen Backsteinstraße Döthen Backsteinstraße 52.575307000000 7.770045000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Döthen Backsteinstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1261 000000176317 Döthen Gärke Döthen Gärke 52.570076000000 7.786534000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Döthen Gärke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1262 000000176315 Sundern(Eggermühlen) Dirksen B 214 Sundern(Eggermühlen) Dirksen B 214 52.527398000000 7.779709000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sundern(Eggermühlen) Dirksen B 214: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1263 000000176313 Börslage Bahnübergang Börslage Bahnübergang 52.639776000000 7.896661000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Börslage Bahnübergang: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1264 000000176310 Bippen Abzw. Dalum Bippen Abzw. Dalum 52.578921000000 7.740203000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bippen Abzw. Dalum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1265 000000176311 Bippen Grundschule Bippen Grundschule 52.577972000000 7.737191000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bippen Grundschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1266 000000104422 Horumersiel Andelweg Horumersiel Andelweg 53.686470000000 8.007214000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Horumersiel Andelweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1267 000000104421 Horumersiel Rudolf-Garlichs-Straße Horumersiel Rudolf-Garlichs-Straße 53.684525000000 8.009999000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Horumersiel Rudolf-Garlichs-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1268 000000125297 Hage Kirche Hage Kirche 53.602575000000 7.284407000000 0 0 508-508|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hage Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1269 000000125291 Halbemond Langer Weg Halbemond Langer Weg 53.568782000000 7.278424000000 0 0 507-507|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Halbemond Langer Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1269 000000125291 Halbemond Langer Weg Halbemond Langer Weg 53.568782000000 7.278424000000 0 0 507-507|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15022 000009902682 Halbemond Langer Weg Halbemond Langer Weg 53.568781000000 7.278401000000 0 0 507-507|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1270 000000106105 Hengstlage Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Hengstlage Dorfgemeinschaftshaus 52.987705000000 8.199337000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hengstlage Dorfgemeinschaftshaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1271 000000106102 Charlottendorf Beyerstraße Charlottendorf Beyerstraße 53.020399000000 8.141619000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Charlottendorf Beyerstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1272 000000106103 Charlottendorf Münsterscher Damm Charlottendorf Münsterscher Damm 53.018722000000 8.133352000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Charlottendorf Münsterscher Damm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1273 000000115470 Gessel Am Spreeken Gessel Am Spreeken 52.938772000000 8.805267000000 0 0 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gessel Am Spreeken: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1274 000000117153 Taaken Dodenhof Taaken Dodenhof 53.157253000000 9.206504000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Taaken Dodenhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1275 000000104387 Breddewarden Abzweig Breddewarden Abzweig 53.577615000000 8.065415000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Breddewarden Abzweig: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1276 000000108496 Lübberstedt Zum hohen Moor Lübberstedt Zum hohen Moor 53.343747000000 8.820425000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübberstedt Zum hohen Moor: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1277 000000108495 Hellingst(Holste) Gasthaus Meyer Hellingst(Holste) Gasthaus Meyer 53.374070000000 8.858537000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hellingst(Holste) Gasthaus Meyer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1278 000000108494 Hellingst(Holste) Dorf-/Kreisstraße Hellingst(Holste) Dorf-/Kreisstraße 53.384712000000 8.854173000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hellingst(Holste) Dorf-/Kreisstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1279 000000104388 Schortens Königsberger Straße Schortens Königsberger Straße 53.529580000000 7.950667000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schortens Königsberger Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1279 000000104388 Schortens Königsberger Straße Schortens Königsberger Straße 53.529580000000 7.950667000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23507 000009914665 Schortens Königsberger Straße Schortens Königsberger Straße 53.529591000000 7.950656000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1280 000000104389 Ostiem Schule Ostiem Schule 53.531197000000 7.958862000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ostiem Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1281 000000108498 Lübberstedt Poststraße Lübberstedt Poststraße 53.336620000000 8.791346000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lübberstedt Poststraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1281 000000108498 Lübberstedt Poststraße Lübberstedt Poststraße 53.336620000000 8.791346000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L24185 000009910901 Lübberstedt Poststraße Lübberstedt Poststraße 53.336610000000 8.791326000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1282 000000105145 Brettorf Feuerwehr Brettorf Feuerwehr 52.965956000000 8.453817000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brettorf Feuerwehr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1283 000000105142 Barel Kreuzung Barel Kreuzung 52.988330000000 8.433154000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Barel Kreuzung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1284 000000105140 Nuttel(Dötlingen) Wendeplatz Nuttel(Dötlingen) Wendeplatz 53.012934000000 8.433293000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nuttel(Dötlingen) Wendeplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1285 000000105141 Rhade(Dötlingen) Wartehalle Rhade(Dötlingen) Wartehalle 52.996913000000 8.431626000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rhade(Dötlingen) Wartehalle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1286 000000103503 Hasselt(Ostfriesl) H. Duin Hasselt(Ostfriesl) H. Duin 53.283052000000 7.634026000000 0 0 627-627|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hasselt(Ostfriesl) H. Duin: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1287 000000105148 Brettorf Martens Brettorf Martens 52.967286000000 8.444815000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brettorf Martens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1288 000000105149 Neerstedt Platter Neerstedt Platter 52.969405000000 8.421850000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neerstedt Platter: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1289 000000176246 Thedieck Wehlage-Teich Thedieck Wehlage-Teich 52.470863000000 7.811795000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Thedieck Wehlage-Teich: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1290 000000176247 Tütingen Eilfort Tütingen Eilfort 52.526289000000 7.868032000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tütingen Eilfort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1291 000000107864 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Kindergarten Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Kindergarten 53.113730000000 9.267868000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Kindergarten: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1292 000000176244 Thedieck Mertens Thedieck Mertens 52.464134000000 7.784593000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Thedieck Mertens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1293 000000107865 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) B 75 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) B 75 53.118705000000 9.272903000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) B 75: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 3016.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1294 000000176245 Thedieck Striegelmeyer Thedieck Striegelmeyer 52.455748000000 7.781881000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Thedieck Striegelmeyer: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1295 000000107862 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Akazienweg Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Akazienweg 53.103411000000 9.252858000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Akazienweg: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 2228.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1296 000000107863 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Wümmeweg Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Wümmeweg 53.105945000000 9.264998000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Wümmeweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1297 000000107860 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Bahnhofstraße Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Bahnhofstraße 53.105306000000 9.240372000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Bahnhofstraße: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 1515.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1298 000000176240 Südmerzen Schützenhalle Südmerzen Schützenhalle 52.445678000000 7.824062000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Südmerzen Schützenhalle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1299 000000107861 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) An der Bahn Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) An der Bahn 53.102330000000 9.245775000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) An der Bahn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1300 000000176241 Südmerzen Kreuz Südmerzen Kreuz 52.453665000000 7.816597000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Südmerzen Kreuz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1301 000000176248 Vinte Gabelung Hütten Vinte Gabelung Hütten 52.383867000000 7.824412000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vinte Gabelung Hütten: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1302 000000176249 Vinte Sönnkenort Vinte Sönnkenort 52.385446000000 7.840498000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vinte Sönnkenort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1303 000000176366 Vehs Siedlung Vehs Siedlung 52.635819000000 7.942670000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vehs Siedlung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1304 000000176367 Vehs Teichstraße Vehs Teichstraße 52.643337000000 7.936225000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vehs Teichstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1305 000000176364 Suttrup(Nortrup) Haller Straße Suttrup(Nortrup) Haller Straße 52.609196000000 7.892070000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Suttrup(Nortrup) Haller Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1306 000000176365 Vehs Schützenhalle Vehs Schützenhalle 52.648464000000 7.926674000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vehs Schützenhalle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1307 000000176362 Sundern(Eggermühlen) Sundern(Eggermühlen) 52.534961000000 7.805704000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sundern(Eggermühlen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1308 000000176363 Suttrup(Nortrup) Blome Suttrup(Nortrup) Blome 52.601041000000 7.895449000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Suttrup(Nortrup) Blome: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1309 000000176361 Schwagstorf(Fürstenau) Stönneberg Schwagstorf(Fürstenau) Stönneberg 52.525480000000 7.755995000000 0 0 681-7681|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schwagstorf(Fürstenau) Stönneberg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1310 000000176368 Wierup Nortruper Straße/Parkplatz Wierup Nortruper Straße/Parkplatz 52.657658000000 7.834464000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wierup Nortruper Straße/Parkplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1311 000000176369 Wierup Wartehäuschen Wierup Wartehäuschen 52.665147000000 7.850406000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wierup Wartehäuschen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1312 000000103186 Wirdumer Grashaus Wirdumer Grashaus 53.493723000000 7.221579000000 0 0 521-521|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wirdumer Grashaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1313 000000103185 Degenfeld Degenfeld 53.505519000000 7.227386000000 0 0 521-521|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Degenfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1314 000000103182 Osteeler Neuland Osteeler Neuland 53.549675000000 7.221754000000 0 0 505-505|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osteeler Neuland: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1315 000000103183 Osteel Woltlandsweg Osteel Woltlandsweg 53.547940000000 7.247266000000 0 0 506-506|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osteel Woltlandsweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1316 000000176005 Vechtel Bundesstraße Vechtel Bundesstraße 52.562321000000 7.628526000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechtel Bundesstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1317 000000176002 Merzen Raiffeisenbank Merzen Raiffeisenbank 52.475510000000 7.829008000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Merzen Raiffeisenbank: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1318 000000176000 Grafeld Feuerwehr Grafeld Feuerwehr 52.624285000000 7.674926000000 0 0 684-7684|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Grafeld Feuerwehr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1319 000000176126 Hollenstede Brüggemann-Ecke Hollenstede Brüggemann-Ecke 52.488264000000 7.698408000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Brüggemann-Ecke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1320 000000176127 Hollenstede Hartwig Hollenstede Hartwig 52.481504000000 7.697398000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Hartwig: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1321 000000176124 Hollenstede Achelbrock Hollenstede Achelbrock 52.502675000000 7.676876000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Achelbrock: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1322 000000176125 Hollenstede Becktepe Hollenstede Becktepe 52.497246000000 7.682414000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Becktepe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1323 000000176128 Hollenstede Hellmann Hollenstede Hellmann 52.489013000000 7.678332000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Hellmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1324 000000176129 Hollenstede Hopster Hollenstede Hopster 52.498504000000 7.706011000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Hopster: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1325 000000104394 Sande(Kr Friesland) Gießerei Sande(Kr Friesland) Gießerei 53.498535000000 8.036110000000 0 0 203-203|Sande-2230|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sande(Kr Friesland) Gießerei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1326 000000104398 Holtgast Ziegelhof Holtgast Ziegelhof 53.633270000000 7.587490000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holtgast Ziegelhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1327 000000105606 Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies 53.032783000000 8.231442000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1327 000000105606 Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies 53.032783000000 8.231442000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
L42466 000009907825 Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies Höven(Wardenburg) Paradies 53.032793000000 8.231507000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1328 000000103236 Rysum Ort Rysum Ort 53.380626000000 7.037296000000 0 0 583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rysum Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1329 000000103235 Rysum Rysumer Landstraße/Ostl. Rysum Rysumer Landstraße/Ostl. 53.364348000000 7.075207000000 0 0 584-584|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rysum Rysumer Landstraße/Ostl.: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1330 000000103233 Emden-Wybelsum Abzw. Knock Emden-Wybelsum Abzw. Knock 53.353401000000 7.094693000000 0 0 151-151|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden-Wybelsum Abzw. Knock: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1331 000000103239 Loquard Ort Loquard Ort 53.388481000000 7.045998000000 0 0 583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Loquard Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1332 000000104987 Seggern Berg Seggern Berg 53.244915000000 7.891531000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Seggern Berg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1333 000000104988 Westerloy Denkmal Westerloy Denkmal 53.238360000000 7.874268000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerloy Denkmal: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1334 000000176255 Westerholte Abzw. Grovern Westerholte Abzw. Grovern 52.515614000000 7.869116000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerholte Abzw. Grovern: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1335 000000176252 Voltlage Abzw. Wehsande Voltlage Abzw. Wehsande 52.419317000000 7.734289000000 0 0 677-7677|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Voltlage Abzw. Wehsande: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1336 000000176250 Voltlage Schule Voltlage Schule 52.432419000000 7.750235000000 0 0 677-7677|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Voltlage Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1337 000000104642 Ipwege Wiemkenstraße Ipwege Wiemkenstraße 53.215427000000 8.250635000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ipwege Wiemkenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1338 000000150000 Kleinburgforde Kleinburgforde 53.269716000000 7.954492000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kleinburgforde: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1339 000000103199 Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Parkstraße Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Parkstraße 53.400118000000 7.202779000000 0 0 581-581|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Parkstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1340 000000104406 Wilhelmshaven Inhausen Wilhelmshaven Inhausen 53.575918000000 8.050808000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Inhausen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1341 000000176136 Hollenstede zur Dasslage Hollenstede zur Dasslage 52.477843000000 7.673588000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede zur Dasslage: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1342 000000176137 Höckel(Voltlage) Alte Schule Höckel(Voltlage) Alte Schule 52.452011000000 7.745959000000 0 0 677-7677|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Höckel(Voltlage) Alte Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1343 000000176134 Hollenstede Schuhmacher Hollenstede Schuhmacher 52.471196000000 7.689285000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Schuhmacher: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1344 000000176135 Hollenstede V. d. Haar Hollenstede V. d. Haar 52.466116000000 7.679356000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede V. d. Haar: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1345 000000103822 Boen(Ostfriesl) Dreipoort Boen(Ostfriesl) Dreipoort 53.147746000000 7.265890000000 0 0 734-734|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Boen(Ostfriesl) Dreipoort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1346 000000176133 Hollenstede Große Haar Hollenstede Große Haar 52.473281000000 7.669928000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Große Haar: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1347 000000103820 Boen(Ostfriesl) Boenster Hauptstr./Organistenlohne Boen(Ostfriesl) Boenster Hauptstr./Organistenlohne 53.165318000000 7.272330000000 0 0 703-703|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Boen(Ostfriesl) Boenster Hauptstr./Organistenlohne: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1348 000000176130 Hollenstede Kirche Hollenstede Kirche 52.492200000000 7.682830000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777732 is too far from computed projection point (52.493132,7.681614) on shape 7375 (at arc-length 0.00m): 132.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401777729 is too far from computed projection point (52.492104,7.681852) on shape 7370 (at arc-length 9489.95m): 67.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1349 000000104409 Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden 53.560748000000 8.047088000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1349 000000104409 Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden 53.560748000000 8.047088000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23518 000009915162 Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden Wilhelmshaven Schule Fedderwarden 53.560709000000 8.047071000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1350 000000176131 Hollenstede Losekamp Hollenstede Losekamp 52.494190000000 7.712617000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollenstede Losekamp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1351 000000176138 Höckel(Voltlage) Behre Höckel(Voltlage) Behre 52.456241000000 7.701454000000 0 0 677-7677|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Höckel(Voltlage) Behre: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1352 000000176139 Höckel(Voltlage) Dingmann Höckel(Voltlage) Dingmann 52.463089000000 7.709684000000 0 0 677-7677|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Höckel(Voltlage) Dingmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1353 000000194529 Brettorf Abzw. Bahnhof Brettorf Abzw. Bahnhof 52.966892000000 8.447150000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Brettorf Abzw. Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1354 000000103201 Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Drosselweg Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Drosselweg 53.407176000000 7.195278000000 0 0 581-581|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hinte-Haskamp Abzw. Drosselweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1355 000000104994 Westerloyerfeld Westerloyerfeld 53.237319000000 7.856709000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerloyerfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1356 000000103327 Uthwerdum Grundschule Uthwerdum Grundschule 53.478707000000 7.328062000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uthwerdum Grundschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1357 000000176346 Nortrup Kassandra Nortrup Kassandra 52.599123000000 7.869285000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nortrup Kassandra: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1358 000000107964 Wohlsdorf(Scheeßel) Wohlsdorf(Scheeßel) 53.128015000000 9.464094000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wohlsdorf(Scheeßel): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1359 000000176344 Nortrup Brömstraße Nortrup Brömstraße 52.624153000000 7.854522000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nortrup Brömstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1360 000000176342 Nortrup Assmann Nortrup Assmann 52.598644000000 7.870035000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nortrup Assmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1361 000000107963 Rotenburg(Wümme) Krankenhaus Rotenburg(Wümme) Krankenhaus 53.105995000000 9.411374000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Krankenhaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1362 000000176343 Nortrup Bahnhof Nortrup Bahnhof 52.620204000000 7.858804000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nortrup Bahnhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1363 000000176340 Menslage Schule Menslage Schule 52.677790000000 7.814633000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Menslage Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1364 000000115921 Bötersen-Jeerhof Ortsmitte Bötersen-Jeerhof Ortsmitte 53.125281000000 9.292499000000 0 0 330-330|340-340|Rotenburg-1340|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bötersen-Jeerhof Ortsmitte: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1365 000000176341 Menslage Sparkasse Menslage Sparkasse 52.674444000000 7.818833000000 0 0 698-7698|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Menslage Sparkasse: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1366 000000176348 Nortrup Siedlung Nortrup Siedlung 52.602615000000 7.867025000000 0 0 697-7697|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nortrup Siedlung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1367 000000104414 Sillenstede Sögestraße Sillenstede Sögestraße 53.574072000000 7.984651000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sillenstede Sögestraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1367 000000104414 Sillenstede Sögestraße Sillenstede Sögestraße 53.574072000000 7.984651000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23519 000009916512 Sillenstede Sögestraße Sillenstede Sögestraße 53.574074000000 7.984593000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1368 000000104415 Sillenstede Nadorster Straße Sillenstede Nadorster Straße 53.569592000000 7.982917000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sillenstede Nadorster Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1369 000000104412 Sillenstede Warfreihe Sillenstede Warfreihe 53.584075000000 8.008420000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sillenstede Warfreihe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1369 000000104412 Sillenstede Warfreihe Sillenstede Warfreihe 53.584075000000 8.008420000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23510 000009916513 Sillenstede Warfreihe Sillenstede Warfreihe 53.584099000000 8.008477000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1370 000000104413 Sillenstede Mühle Sillenstede Mühle 53.575980000000 7.990221000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sillenstede Mühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1370 000000104413 Sillenstede Mühle Sillenstede Mühle 53.575980000000 7.990221000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
L26777 000009916508 Sillenstede Mühle Sillenstede Mühle 53.576018000000 7.990225000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1371 000000104411 Sillenstede Alte Hausstelle Sillenstede Alte Hausstelle 53.584767000000 8.013901000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sillenstede Alte Hausstelle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1372 000000103836 Bunde Schule Bunde Schule 53.187065000000 7.272219000000 0 0 705-705|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bunde Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1373 000000176106 Engelern Gut Schlichthorst Engelern Gut Schlichthorst 52.491898000000 7.752084000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Engelern Gut Schlichthorst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1374 000000176107 Engelern Ecke Kirchweg Engelern Ecke Kirchweg 52.479929000000 7.785895000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Engelern Ecke Kirchweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1375 000000176104 Döllinghausen Herdemann Döllinghausen Herdemann 52.494771000000 7.773294000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Döllinghausen Herdemann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1376 000000103835 Bunde Mühlenstraße/Kirchring Bunde Mühlenstraße/Kirchring 53.186589000000 7.269784000000 0 0 704-704|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bunde Mühlenstraße/Kirchring: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1377 000000176105 Engelern Alte Schule Engelern Alte Schule 52.481924000000 7.757297000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Engelern Alte Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1378 000000176102 Benkenbokern von dem Brinke Benkenbokern von dem Brinke 52.504929000000 7.771745000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Benkenbokern von dem Brinke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1379 000000104418 Schortens Klosterweg/Amselweg Schortens Klosterweg/Amselweg 53.530745000000 7.938045000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schortens Klosterweg/Amselweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1380 000000103831 Tichelwarf Raiffeisen Tichelwarf Raiffeisen 53.173287000000 7.296509000000 0 0 703-703|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Tichelwarf Raiffeisen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1381 000000176101 Benkenbokern Auf dem Benken Benkenbokern Auf dem Benken 52.511986000000 7.763314000000 0 0 681-7681|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Benkenbokern Auf dem Benken: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1382 000000176108 Engelern Prinz Engelern Prinz 52.479393000000 7.769674000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Engelern Prinz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1383 000000104530 Osterbroksand(Dötlingen) Osterbroksand(Dötlingen) 52.964317000000 8.473666000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterbroksand(Dötlingen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1384 000000105888 Thölstedt Abzweigung Thölstedt Abzweigung 52.864461000000 8.357955000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Thölstedt Abzweigung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1385 000000105889 Holzhausen(Wildeshausen) Zum Deutschen Haus Holzhausen(Wildeshausen) Zum Deutschen Haus 52.871821000000 8.378998000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Holzhausen(Wildeshausen) Zum Deutschen Haus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1386 000000105669 Bissel Seeger Bissel Seeger 52.961914000000 8.155010000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bissel Seeger: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1387 000000115302 Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Rieffers Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Rieffers 52.969648000000 8.708718000000 0 0 505-505|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Rieffers: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1388 000000115300 Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Gärtnerei Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Gärtnerei 52.987428000000 8.718137000000 0 0 505-505|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heiligenrode(Stuhr) Gärtnerei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1389 000000103570 Emden(Ostfriesl) Petkumer Münte Emden(Ostfriesl) Petkumer Münte 53.330319000000 7.293338000000 0 0 150-150|152-152|609-609|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Emden(Ostfriesl) Petkumer Münte: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1390 000000103216 Kringwehrum Kringwehrum 53.426186000000 7.180196000000 0 0 581-581|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kringwehrum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1391 000000103214 Eisinghusen Eisinghusen 53.435733000000 7.229347000000 0 0 587-587|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Eisinghusen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1392 000000107858 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) B 75/Große Straße Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) B 75/Große Straße 53.113039000000 9.228438000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) B 75/Große Straße: Description should not be the same as name
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 405.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1393 000000107859 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Schützenhof Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Schützenhof 53.114093000000 9.236195000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Schützenhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1394 000000105384 Harbern Gerken Harbern Gerken 53.093618000000 8.082395000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Harbern Gerken: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1395 000000105385 Harbern Mügge Harbern Mügge 53.096896000000 8.090602000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Harbern Mügge: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1396 000000105382 Harbern Reil Harbern Reil 53.078724000000 8.072786000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Harbern Reil: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1397 000000107972 Rotenburg(Wümme) Soltauer Straße/Friedhof Rotenburg(Wümme) Soltauer Straße/Friedhof 53.106293000000 9.421573000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Soltauer Straße/Friedhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1398 000000105383 Harbern Jung Harbern Jung 53.091243000000 8.076473000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Harbern Jung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1399 000000176353 Quakenbrück St.Petrus Kirche Quakenbrück St.Petrus Kirche 52.670364000000 7.938614000000 0 0 695-7695|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Quakenbrück St.Petrus Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1400 000000107970 Rotenburg(Wümme) Abzw. Krankenhaus Rotenburg(Wümme) Abzw. Krankenhaus 53.109241000000 9.413732000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Abzw. Krankenhaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1401 000000105381 Harbern Eckweg Harbern Eckweg 53.067946000000 8.076287000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Harbern Eckweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1402 000000103806 Böhmerwold Kirche Böhmerwold Kirche 53.231282000000 7.332354000000 0 0 706-706|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Böhmerwold Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1403 000000176116 Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Ostlandstraße Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Ostlandstraße 52.515472000000 7.684874000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Ostlandstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1404 000000176114 Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Kranenpohl Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Kranenpohl 52.529717000000 7.665601000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Kranenpohl: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1405 000000176111 Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Berger Damm Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Berger Damm 52.532835000000 7.671137000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Berger Damm: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1406 000000106149 Espern(Apen) Espern(Apen) 53.225970000000 7.832525000000 0 0 173-173|770-770|Apen-1770|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Espern(Apen): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1407 000000103926 Hollwege Luks Hollwege Luks 53.275125000000 7.904290000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollwege Luks: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1408 000000103927 Hollwege Dorfplatz Hollwege Dorfplatz 53.273450000000 7.900538000000 0 0 161-161|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollwege Dorfplatz: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1409 000000103920 Hollriede Weerts Hollriede Weerts 53.310436000000 7.873561000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollriede Weerts: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1410 000000103921 Hollriede Alte Schule Hollriede Alte Schule 53.293971000000 7.863388000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollriede Alte Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1411 000000105893 Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. 52.898870000000 8.354758000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw.: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1411 000000105893 Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. 52.898870000000 8.354758000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L42512 000009914824 Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. Wildeshausen Aumühle/Abzw. 52.898895000000 8.354806000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1412 000000103928 Hollwegerfeld Hollwegerfeld 53.278304000000 7.887339000000 0 0 161-161|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollwegerfeld: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1413 000000125090 Ochtersum(Ostfriesl) Esenser Straße Ochtersum(Ostfriesl) Esenser Straße 53.610427000000 7.529946000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ochtersum(Ostfriesl) Esenser Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1414 000000195670 Bissel Lehmann Bissel Lehmann 52.953928000000 8.169405000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bissel Lehmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1415 000000104186 Wegshörne Wegshörne 53.615693000000 7.866509000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wegshörne: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1416 000000104187 Quanens Abzw. Quanens Abzw. 53.607477000000 7.869025000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Quanens Abzw.: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1417 000000104184 Wichtens Wichtens 53.624356000000 7.862830000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wichtens: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1418 000000104180 Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg 53.653244000000 7.917124000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1418 000000104180 Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg 53.653244000000 7.917124000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15246 000009911418 Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg Hohenkirchen(Wangerland) Auhuserweg 53.653269000000 7.917159000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1419 000000115036 Bassum Alte Ziegelei Bassum Alte Ziegelei 52.829574000000 8.737685000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bassum Alte Ziegelei: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1420 000000105435 Achternmeer Denkmal Achternmeer Denkmal 53.089270000000 8.110788000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Achternmeer Denkmal: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1421 000000103267 Forlitz-Blaukirchen Kirche Forlitz-Blaukirchen Kirche 53.424995000000 7.322166000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Forlitz-Blaukirchen Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1422 000000103264 Neu-Hauen Neu-Hauen 53.496964000000 7.077940000000 0 0 577-577|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neu-Hauen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1423 000000103268 Forlitz-Blaukirchen Blaukirchener Straße Forlitz-Blaukirchen Blaukirchener Straße 53.431531000000 7.319847000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Forlitz-Blaukirchen Blaukirchener Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1424 000000103269 Bedekaspel Langer Weg Bedekaspel Langer Weg 53.440142000000 7.323812000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Bedekaspel Langer Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1425 000000115865 Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg 53.176543000000 9.227415000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1425 000000115865 Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg 53.176543000000 9.227415000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
L14695 000009906725 Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg Horstedt(Kr Rotenburg) Bahrenburg 53.176535000000 9.227407000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1426 000000115862 Taaken Brillkamp Taaken Brillkamp 53.159688000000 9.211793000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Taaken Brillkamp: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1427 000000115860 Reeßum Kindergarten Reeßum Kindergarten 53.131635000000 9.206201000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Reeßum Kindergarten: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1428 000000103027 Westerloog(Norden) Westerlooger Strohweg Westerloog(Norden) Westerlooger Strohweg 53.625963000000 7.195587000000 0 0 501-501|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Westerloog(Norden) Westerlooger Strohweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1429 000000116574 Loxstedt Dünenfähr Loxstedt Dünenfähr 53.476750000000 8.666481000000 0 0 240-240|Loxstedt-1240|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Loxstedt Dünenfähr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1430 000000103025 Norden(Ostfriesl) Nordbrooksweg Norden(Ostfriesl) Nordbrooksweg 53.620088000000 7.190970000000 0 0 501-501|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl) Nordbrooksweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1431 000000107946 Scheeßel Mühlenstraße Scheeßel Mühlenstraße 53.166716000000 9.479958000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel Mühlenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1432 000000107947 Scheeßel Speckfeldweg Scheeßel Speckfeldweg 53.173338000000 9.491099000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel Speckfeldweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1433 000000107944 Veersebrück B 75 Veersebrück B 75 53.152306000000 9.463955000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Veersebrück B 75: Description should not be the same as name
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405787197 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7757 (at arc-length 10652.79m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 405787218 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7761 (at arc-length 14467.79m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405787209 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7765 (at arc-length 13261.62m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 405787206 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7768 (at arc-length 14901.81m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405787204 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7769 (at arc-length 12292.99m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405787203 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7770 (at arc-length 17914.15m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405787221 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7760 (at arc-length 10652.79m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 405787385 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 8891 (at arc-length 22691.62m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405787305 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7820 (at arc-length 11563.95m): 54.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1434 000000107942 Rotenburg(Wümme) Harburger Straße/Siedenmarsch Rotenburg(Wümme) Harburger Straße/Siedenmarsch 53.116841000000 9.419095000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Harburger Straße/Siedenmarsch: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1435 000000107943 Rotenburg(Wümme) Wümmepark Rotenburg(Wümme) Wümmepark 53.121284000000 9.426233000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Wümmepark: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1436 000000107941 Rotenburg(Wümme) Nagelschmiedsweg Rotenburg(Wümme) Nagelschmiedsweg 53.115789000000 9.416947000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Nagelschmiedsweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1437 000000107948 Scheeßel Ostlandsiedlung Scheeßel Ostlandsiedlung 53.181376000000 9.500629000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Scheeßel Ostlandsiedlung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1438 000000176166 Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) ehem. Telefonzelle Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) ehem. Telefonzelle 52.426643000000 7.791990000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) ehem. Telefonzelle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1439 000000176167 Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Wernke Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Wernke 52.420318000000 7.791266000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Wernke: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1440 000000176164 Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Soppe Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Soppe 52.424034000000 7.804983000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Steinfeld(Neuenkirchen) Soppe: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1441 000000176162 Schlichthorst Richter Schlichthorst Richter 52.492087000000 7.739343000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schlichthorst Richter: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1442 000000103813 Weenermoor Feuerwehr Weenermoor Feuerwehr 53.194691000000 7.321683000000 0 0 706-706|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Weenermoor Feuerwehr: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1443 000000176161 Schlichthorst Handweiser Schlichthorst Handweiser 52.483727000000 7.729086000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schlichthorst Handweiser: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1444 000000103818 Möhlenwarf Schule Möhlenwarf Schule 53.173451000000 7.306105000000 0 0 700-700|VEJ-VEJ|Weener-2700 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Möhlenwarf Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1445 000000103936 Gießelhorst Langer Weg Gießelhorst Langer Weg 53.241107000000 7.963402000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gießelhorst Langer Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1446 000000103937 Gießelhorst Wilken Gießelhorst Wilken 53.250647000000 7.966599000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Gießelhorst Wilken: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1447 000000103934 Stellhorn(Westerstede) Raschen Stellhorn(Westerstede) Raschen 53.253539000000 8.002030000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stellhorn(Westerstede) Raschen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1448 000000103932 Garnholt Harms Garnholt Harms 53.264736000000 8.025202000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Garnholt Harms: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1449 000000103933 Garnholt Alte Schule Garnholt Alte Schule 53.259305000000 8.021054000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Garnholt Alte Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1450 000000103931 Garnholterdamm Heidtmann Garnholterdamm Heidtmann 53.269680000000 8.034919000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Garnholterdamm Heidtmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1451 000000104236 Großengarms Großengarms 53.665437000000 7.865629000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Großengarms: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1451 000000104236 Großengarms Großengarms 53.665437000000 7.865629000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15299 000009901210 Großengarms Großengarms 53.665421000000 7.865659000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1452 000000108429 Oldendorf(Holste) Wolfshörenweg Oldendorf(Holste) Wolfshörenweg 53.385948000000 8.833150000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Oldendorf(Holste) Wolfshörenweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1453 000000105646 Hespenbusch Hesselmann Hespenbusch Hesselmann 52.936745000000 8.300487000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hespenbusch Hesselmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1454 000000105644 Hespenbusch Melle Hespenbusch Melle 52.932986000000 8.317044000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hespenbusch Melle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1455 000000105645 Hespenbusch Wartehalle Hespenbusch Wartehalle 52.935638000000 8.307941000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hespenbusch Wartehalle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1456 000000105643 Pallast Fockenriede Pallast Fockenriede 52.926363000000 8.313844000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Pallast Fockenriede: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1457 000000105641 Großenkneten Moorbeker Straße Großenkneten Moorbeker Straße 52.945896000000 8.295674000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Großenkneten Moorbeker Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1458 000000104192 Esens Erholung Esens Erholung 53.621464000000 7.614678000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Esens Erholung: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1459 000000115690 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Freißenbütteler Weg Osterholz-Scharmbeck Freißenbütteler Weg 53.237307000000 8.785517000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterholz-Scharmbeck Freißenbütteler Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1460 000000103551 Warsingsfehn Rinderhagenstraße Warsingsfehn Rinderhagenstraße 53.309008000000 7.499628000000 0 0 606-606|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Warsingsfehn Rinderhagenstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1461 000000115009 Kastendiek(Bassum) Mühle Kastendiek(Bassum) Mühle 52.938210000000 8.708467000000 0 0 520-520|530-530|Bassum-1530|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Kastendiek(Bassum) Mühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1462 000000103276 Neu-Ekels Herrenhüttener Straße Neu-Ekels Herrenhüttener Straße 53.465923000000 7.373170000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Neu-Ekels Herrenhüttener Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1463 000000103277 Theene Siebels Theene Siebels 53.470256000000 7.352341000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Theene Siebels: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1464 000000103275 Hinter Theene Hintertheener Weg Hinter Theene Hintertheener Weg 53.460854000000 7.372490000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hinter Theene Hintertheener Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1465 000000103272 Wiegboldsbur Grundschule Wiegboldsbur Grundschule 53.452498000000 7.351598000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wiegboldsbur Grundschule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1466 000000103270 Wiegboldsbur Kirche Wiegboldsbur Kirche 53.449705000000 7.337480000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wiegboldsbur Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1467 000000103271 Wiegboldsbur Mühle Wiegboldsbur Mühle 53.456261000000 7.344903000000 0 0 551-551|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Wiegboldsbur Mühle: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1468 000000103278 Theene Köhnemann Theene Köhnemann 53.473774000000 7.357913000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Theene Köhnemann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1469 000000103316 Südvictorbur Gronewold Südvictorbur Gronewold 53.477521000000 7.372952000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Südvictorbur Gronewold: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1470 000000103317 Uthwerdum Uffen Uthwerdum Uffen 53.482432000000 7.336111000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uthwerdum Uffen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1471 000000103314 Südvictorbur Röpkes Südvictorbur Röpkes 53.478598000000 7.368256000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Südvictorbur Röpkes: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1472 000000103684 Moorburg(Westerstede) Moorburg(Westerstede) 53.286310000000 7.895092000000 0 0 161-161|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Moorburg(Westerstede): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1473 000000103683 Hollriede Abzw. Tarbarg Hollriede Abzw. Tarbarg 53.293368000000 7.861816000000 0 0 161-161|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hollriede Abzw. Tarbarg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1474 000000103034 Junkersrott(Hagermarsch) Domänenhof Junkersrott(Hagermarsch) Domänenhof 53.649552000000 7.257500000000 0 0 510-510|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Junkersrott(Hagermarsch) Domänenhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1475 000000103032 Ostermarsch(Norden) Ort Ostermarsch(Norden) Ort 53.646840000000 7.239206000000 0 0 509-509|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ostermarsch(Norden) Ort: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1476 000000103033 Ostermarsch(Norden) Lütje Hörn Ostermarsch(Norden) Lütje Hörn 53.648347000000 7.245132000000 0 0 509-509|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Ostermarsch(Norden) Lütje Hörn: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1477 000000103030 Osterloog(Norden) Dieksweg Osterloog(Norden) Dieksweg 53.639131000000 7.215015000000 0 0 501-501|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Osterloog(Norden) Dieksweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1478 000000115912 Fährhof(Sottrum) Kleiner Fährhof Fährhof(Sottrum) Kleiner Fährhof 53.087897000000 9.237484000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Fährhof(Sottrum) Kleiner Fährhof: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1479 000000107950 Lauenbrück Wümmetal Lauenbrück Wümmetal 53.201853000000 9.534150000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenbrück Wümmetal: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1480 000000103039 Norden(Ostfriesl) Sielstraße Norden(Ostfriesl) Sielstraße 53.591597000000 7.207957000000 0 0 500-500|Norden-2500|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl) Sielstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1481 000000107958 Lauenbrück Am Dorfteich Lauenbrück Am Dorfteich 53.202606000000 9.549244000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Lauenbrück Am Dorfteich: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1482 000000176626 Hastrup Heideweg Hastrup Heideweg 52.556818000000 7.960170000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hastrup Heideweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1483 000000176624 Grönloh Schlottmann Grönloh Schlottmann 52.625390000000 8.044894000000 0 0 696-7696|Quakenbrück-7695|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Grönloh Schlottmann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1484 000000104440 Helle(Wangerland) Helle(Wangerland) 53.622359000000 7.988753000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Helle(Wangerland): Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1485 000000176177 Vinte Determann Vinte Determann 52.392040000000 7.854104000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vinte Determann: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1486 000000103864 Stapelmoor Schule Stapelmoor Schule 53.127618000000 7.318067000000 0 0 731-731|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stapelmoor Schule: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1487 000000176174 Vechtel Dorf Vechtel Dorf 52.566365000000 7.632397000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechtel Dorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1488 000000176175 Vechtel Stöckel Vechtel Stöckel 52.558181000000 7.650671000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vechtel Stöckel: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1489 000000103863 Stapelmoor Kirche Stapelmoor Kirche 53.134554000000 7.321128000000 0 0 730-730|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Stapelmoor Kirche: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1490 000000176178 Vinte Grüter Vinte Grüter 52.392099000000 7.863034000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vinte Grüter: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1491 000000176179 Vinte Langelage Vinte Langelage 52.396905000000 7.870286000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Vinte Langelage: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1492 000000104205 Hattersum Hattersum 53.588327000000 7.758160000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ|Wittmund-2300 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Hattersum: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1493 000000104322 Schoost Schoost 53.521173000000 7.915834000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schoost: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1494 000000104320 Schortens Hohehorst Schortens Hohehorst 53.525272000000 7.934970000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schortens Hohehorst: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1495 000000104321 Schoost Schoostergeest Schoost Schoostergeest 53.524250000000 7.927245000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Schoost Schoostergeest: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1495 000000104321 Schoost Schoostergeest Schoost Schoostergeest 53.524250000000 7.927245000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23471 000009914659 Schoost Schoostergeest Schoost Schoostergeest 53.524232000000 7.927196000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1496 000000104329 Heidmühle(Schortens) Klosterpark Heidmühle(Schortens) Klosterpark 53.537357000000 7.927835000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heidmühle(Schortens) Klosterpark: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1497 000000105656 Haschenbrok Deye Haschenbrok Deye 52.980815000000 8.187321000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Haschenbrok Deye: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1498 000000105655 Haschenbrok Haschenbroker Weg Haschenbrok Haschenbroker Weg 52.977528000000 8.202554000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Haschenbrok Haschenbroker Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1499 000000107629 Rotenburg(Wümme) Bischofstraße Rotenburg(Wümme) Bischofstraße 53.101281000000 9.389201000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Rotenburg(Wümme) Bischofstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1500 000000103244 Uplewarder Grashaus Uplewarder Grashaus 53.410155000000 7.052015000000 0 0 575-575|583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Uplewarder Grashaus: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1501 000000103245 Upleward Tilkeweg Upleward Tilkeweg 53.421112000000 7.048265000000 0 0 575-575|583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Upleward Tilkeweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1502 000000103243 Heiselhusen Heiselhusen 53.404717000000 7.030773000000 0 0 583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Heiselhusen: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1503 000000103240 Campen(Krummhörn) Jan-Edzards-Straße Campen(Krummhörn) Jan-Edzards-Straße 53.400064000000 7.049890000000 0 0 583-583|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Campen(Krummhörn) Jan-Edzards-Straße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1504 000000105536 Nethen Mollberger Weg Nethen Mollberger Weg 53.276357000000 8.139193000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Nethen Mollberger Weg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1505 000000103248 Groothusen Swartweg Groothusen Swartweg 53.434097000000 7.066576000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Groothusen Swartweg: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1506 000000103249 Woquard Laugstroat Woquard Laugstroat 53.433049000000 7.085113000000 0 0 570-570|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Woquard Laugstroat: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1507 000000103006 Norden(Ostfriesl) Zuckerpolderstraße Norden(Ostfriesl) Zuckerpolderstraße 53.586104000000 7.202465000000 0 0 500-500|Norden-2500|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl) Zuckerpolderstraße: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1508 000000103004 Norden(Ostfriesl) Martensdorf Norden(Ostfriesl) Martensdorf 53.593293000000 7.191103000000 0 0 500-500|Norden-2500|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_desc, stop_name Invalid value Norden(Ostfriesl) Martensdorf: Description should not be the same as name
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1553 000000108083 Lübberstedt Denkmal Lübberstedt Denkmal 53.335215000000 8.810898000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L23977 000009910900 Lübberstedt Denkmal Lübberstedt Denkmal 53.335223000000 8.810856000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1558 000000115859 Taaken Kindergarten Taaken Kindergarten 53.157689000000 9.203860000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
L14743 000009914334 Taaken Kindergarten Taaken Kindergarten 53.157691000000 9.203842000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1574 000000108536 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Im Pesch Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Im Pesch 53.307236000000 8.761846000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L24180 000009907399 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Im Pesch Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Im Pesch 53.307233000000 8.761815000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1577 000000108533 Hülseberg(OHZ) Spielkreis Hülseberg(OHZ) Spielkreis 53.277332000000 8.756795000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L24161 000009907846 Hülseberg(OHZ) Spielkreis Hülseberg(OHZ) Spielkreis 53.277325000000 8.756807000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1583 000000108096 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Laubenweg Osterholz-Scharmbeck Laubenweg 53.232310000000 8.808924000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L24014 000009908862 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Laubenweg Osterholz-Scharmbeck Laubenweg 53.232277000000 8.808958000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1605 000000104273 Schillig Abzw. Schillig Abzw. 53.694180000000 8.010530000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15250 000009914235 Schillig Abzw. Schillig Abzw. 53.694140000000 8.010543000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1609 000000104317 Wiarden Wiarden 53.667837000000 7.952608000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15287 000009914431 Wiarden Wiarden 53.667876000000 7.952627000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1610 000000104314 Wangerland Kaiserei Wangerland Kaiserei 53.666428000000 7.985172000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15281 000009912737 Wangerland Kaiserei Wangerland Kaiserei 53.666403000000 7.985144000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1615 000000104318 Groß Rhaude Groß Rhaude 53.667616000000 7.944776000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15279 000009901178 Groß Rhaude Groß Rhaude 53.667619000000 7.944793000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1625 000000108223 Drakenburg Mühle Drakenburg Mühle 52.687765000000 9.219325000000 0 0 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37812 000009904397 Drakenburg Mühle Drakenburg Mühle 52.687759000000 9.219387000000 0 0 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1631 000000104868 Achtermeer Abzw. Mühlenstraße Achtermeer Abzw. Mühlenstraße 53.373074000000 8.293831000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
L43549 000009903448 Achtermeer Abzw. Mühlenstraße Achtermeer Abzw. Mühlenstraße 53.373105000000 8.293852000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1640 000000125279 Südarle Beemoorer Weg Südarle Beemoorer Weg 53.592446000000 7.403099000000 0 0 529-529|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15050 000009913787 Südarle Beemoorer Weg Südarle Beemoorer Weg 53.592445000000 7.403067000000 0 0 529-529|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1643 000000125317 Südcoldinne Türkentrift Südcoldinne Türkentrift 53.562588000000 7.387938000000 0 0 527-527|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15051 000009913801 Südcoldinne Türkentrift Südcoldinne Türkentrift 53.562612000000 7.387913000000 0 0 527-527|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1661 000000108475 Hülseberg(OHZ) Altenheim Hülseberg(OHZ) Altenheim 53.281715000000 8.755975000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L24162 000009907844 Hülseberg(OHZ) Altenheim Hülseberg(OHZ) Altenheim 53.281728000000 8.756032000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1662 000000108474 Hülseberg(OHZ) Fuchstal Hülseberg(OHZ) Fuchstal 53.274462000000 8.759509000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L24160 000009907845 Hülseberg(OHZ) Fuchstal Hülseberg(OHZ) Fuchstal 53.274445000000 8.759492000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1668 000000108479 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Biloher Straße 35 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Biloher Straße 35 53.325076000000 8.758081000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399928300 is too far from computed projection point (53.324360,8.759062) on shape 8821 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.88m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399928241 is too far from computed projection point (53.324360,8.759062) on shape 8808 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1674 000000104123 Jever Rahrdum Kreisel Jever Rahrdum Kreisel 53.549022000000 7.885777000000 0 0 200-200|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23457 000009908962 Jever Rahrdum Kreisel Jever Rahrdum Kreisel 53.549040000000 7.885725000000 0 0 200-200|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1676 000000104128 Jever Kleine Bahnhofstraße Jever Kleine Bahnhofstraße 53.570801000000 7.892405000000 0 0 200-200|Jever-2200|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23497 000009908961 Jever Kleine Bahnhofstraße Jever Kleine Bahnhofstraße 53.570793000000 7.892447000000 0 0 200-200|Jever-2200|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1685 000000125246 Tannenhausen Grenze Tannenhausen Grenze 53.498290000000 7.451595000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
L14977 000009914354 Tannenhausen Grenze Tannenhausen Grenze 53.498323000000 7.451550000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1687 000000125245 Georgsfeld Alte Schule Georgsfeld Alte Schule 53.494144000000 7.443051000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15081 000009904536 Georgsfeld Alte Schule Georgsfeld Alte Schule 53.494141000000 7.443124000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1699 000000104377 Wilhelmshaven ICI Abzweigung Wilhelmshaven ICI Abzweigung 53.614205000000 8.039614000000 0 0 112-112|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23543 000009914881 Wilhelmshaven ICI Abzweigung Wilhelmshaven ICI Abzweigung 53.614223000000 8.039593000000 0 0 112-112|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1702 000000104378 Wilhelmshaven Bohnenburg Wilhelmshaven Bohnenburg 53.618974000000 8.035939000000 0 0 112-112|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23544 000009914879 Wilhelmshaven Bohnenburg Wilhelmshaven Bohnenburg 53.619003000000 8.035931000000 0 0 112-112|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1703 000000108566 Steden(Holste) Russenpad Steden(Holste) Russenpad 53.369445000000 8.852918000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L24172 000009912361 Steden(Holste) Russenpad Steden(Holste) Russenpad 53.369458000000 8.852877000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1712 000000104139 Addernhausen Waldschlößchen Addernhausen Waldschlößchen 53.546417000000 7.895516000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
L23458 000009903484 Addernhausen Waldschlößchen Addernhausen Waldschlößchen 53.546389000000 7.895499000000 0 0 202-202|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1727 000000125253 Südarle Südarler Landstraße/Katzhörner Weg Südarle Südarler Landstraße/Katzhörner Weg 53.582506000000 7.405029000000 0 0 529-529|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15010 000009913788 Südarle Südarler Landstraße/Katzhörner Weg Südarle Südarler Landstraße/Katzhörner Weg 53.582502000000 7.405043000000 0 0 529-529|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1754 000000108215 Nienburg Fichtestraße Nienburg Fichtestraße 52.657742000000 9.219785000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37836 000009910997 Nienburg Fichtestraße Nienburg Fichtestraße 52.657733000000 9.219761000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1766 000000105554 Delfshausen Abzweigung Delfshausen Abzweigung 53.277016000000 8.254967000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
L24757 000009902923 Delfshausen Abzweigung Delfshausen Abzweigung 53.277026000000 8.255003000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1806 000000115736 Werschenrege Denkmal Werschenrege Denkmal 53.208730000000 8.717400000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L14741 000009913363 Werschenrege Denkmal Werschenrege Denkmal 53.208760000000 8.717396000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1855 000000105370 Charlottendorf Holgenmoor Charlottendorf Holgenmoor 53.005332000000 8.178937000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
L42460 000009901400 Charlottendorf Holgenmoor Charlottendorf Holgenmoor 53.005355000000 8.178922000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1889 000000104177 Pievens Pievens 53.634369000000 7.897787000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 1692.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1892 000000104178 Wangerland Pulterei Wangerland Pulterei 53.636066000000 7.910397000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 861.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1928 000000115693 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Moorblick Osterholz-Scharmbeck Moorblick 53.235419000000 8.797783000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L14733 000009908865 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Moorblick Osterholz-Scharmbeck Moorblick 53.235414000000 8.797797000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1941 000000816104 Hitzacker(Elbe) Bernhard-Varenius-Schule Hitzacker(Elbe) Bernhard-Varenius-Schule 53.144259000000 11.039686000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 532.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1951 000000817312 Ebstorf Sprengelstraße Ebstorf Sprengelstraße 53.025119000000 10.410041000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L26819 000009905183 Ebstorf Sprengelstraße Ebstorf Sprengelstraße 53.025105000000 10.410073000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1961 000000854561 Wolbrechtshausen Ortsmitte Wolbrechtshausen Ortsmitte 51.632679000000 9.884964000000 0 0 Hevensen/Wolbrechtshausen-422|VSN-VSN 1
L16192 000009915958 Wolbrechtshausen Ortsmitte Wolbrechtshausen Ortsmitte 51.632671000000 9.884954000000 0 0 Hevensen/Wolbrechtshausen-422|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1963 000000817861 Könau Ortsmitte Könau Ortsmitte 52.891382000000 10.708820000000 0 0 2008-2008|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159208 is too far from computed projection point (52.890351,10.707895) on shape 6773 (at arc-length 0.00m): 130.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1967 000000850431 Wulften(Harz) Feldstraße Wulften(Harz) Feldstraße 51.655639000000 10.173485000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wulften-121|Wulften-3121 1
L15931 000009916725 Wulften(Harz) Feldstraße Wulften(Harz) Feldstraße 51.655661000000 10.173460000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wulften-121|Wulften-3121 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1976 000000850391 Schwiegershausen Molkereistraße Schwiegershausen Molkereistraße 51.683246000000 10.214657000000 0 0 Schwiegershausen-103|VSN-VSN 1
L15925 000009915385 Schwiegershausen Molkereistraße Schwiegershausen Molkereistraße 51.683225000000 10.214676000000 0 0 Schwiegershausen-103|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1984 000000817242 Walmstorf Abzw. Walmstorf Abzw. 53.028382000000 10.571207000000 0 0 107-107|207-207|UE-UE 1
L27678 000009912488 Walmstorf Abzw. Walmstorf Abzw. 53.028344000000 10.571184000000 0 0 107-107|207-207|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1990 000000817360 Teendorf Landesstraße Teendorf Landesstraße 53.038369000000 10.385261000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L16558 000009914701 Teendorf Landesstraße Teendorf Landesstraße 53.038360000000 10.385269000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L1997 000000850641 Osterhagen Am Pfingstlager Osterhagen Am Pfingstlager 51.590334000000 10.487722000000 0 0 Osterhagen-142|VSN-VSN 1
L16767 000009908827 Osterhagen Am Pfingstlager Osterhagen Am Pfingstlager 51.590351000000 10.487723000000 0 0 Osterhagen-142|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2003 000000851735 Klein Wiershausen Dorfstraße Klein Wiershausen Dorfstraße 51.507104000000 9.812973000000 0 0 Klein Wiershausen-217|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353411289 is too far from computed projection point (51.507165,9.813875) on shape 5904 (at arc-length 5139.45m): 62.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2015 000000817370 Hanstedt 1(Kr Uelzen) Am Berge Hanstedt 1(Kr Uelzen) Am Berge 53.042315000000 10.378932000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L16561 000009901964 Hanstedt 1(Kr Uelzen) Am Berge Hanstedt 1(Kr Uelzen) Am Berge 53.042317000000 10.378907000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2018 000000850655 Barbis Mühlengraben Barbis Mühlengraben 51.611970000000 10.426162000000 0 0 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
L16769 000009900617 Barbis Mühlengraben Barbis Mühlengraben 51.611977000000 10.426181000000 0 0 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2019 000000854540 Bishausen Ortsmitte Bishausen Ortsmitte 51.631795000000 9.962997000000 0 0 Bishausen-393|VSN-VSN 1
L16190 000009902440 Bishausen Ortsmitte Bishausen Ortsmitte 51.631778000000 9.962988000000 0 0 Bishausen-393|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2030 000000854937 Nienhagen(Moringen) Zum Königsberg Nienhagen(Moringen) Zum Königsberg 51.707325000000 9.807634000000 0 0 Nienhagen/Fredelsloh-411|VSN-VSN 1
L16427 000009911354 Nienhagen(Moringen) Zum Königsberg Nienhagen(Moringen) Zum Königsberg 51.707320000000 9.807606000000 0 0 Nienhagen/Fredelsloh-411|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2037 000000817343 Wriedel-Wulfsode Wriedel-Wulfsode 53.061544000000 10.234402000000 0 0 127-127|UE-UE 1
L41399 000009916704 Wriedel-Wulfsode Wriedel-Wulfsode 53.061579000000 10.234395000000 0 0 127-127|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2051 000000850740 Steina Grundweg Steina Grundweg 51.587998000000 10.521946000000 0 0 Steina-151|VSN-VSN 1
L16778 000009912390 Steina Grundweg Steina Grundweg 51.587988000000 10.521916000000 0 0 Steina-151|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2062 000000816142 Neu Darchau Süd Neu Darchau Süd 53.224645000000 10.883143000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14051.38m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14051.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14051.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2063 000000818736 Hodenhagen Schulstraße Hodenhagen Schulstraße 52.764093000000 9.580423000000 0 0 39-39|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
L15464 000009911103 Hodenhagen Schulstraße Hodenhagen Schulstraße 52.764108000000 9.580450000000 0 0 39-39|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2070 000000851430 Tiftlingerode Ortsmitte Tiftlingerode Ortsmitte 51.499209000000 10.241569000000 0 0 Immingerode/Tiftlingerode-257|VSN-VSN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353412440 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6036 (at arc-length 2897.50m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353412384 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6037 (at arc-length 2897.50m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353412374 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6039 (at arc-length 2897.50m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 353412463 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6041 (at arc-length 6740.17m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 353412456 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6044 (at arc-length 6740.17m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407525032 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6052 (at arc-length 5141.43m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 353412446 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6046 (at arc-length 6740.17m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 353412403 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6047 (at arc-length 6740.17m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353412393 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6049 (at arc-length 5141.43m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353412451 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6045 (at arc-length 5134.91m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407525043 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6051 (at arc-length 6748.84m): 100.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353412385 is too far from computed projection point (51.500107,10.241670) on shape 6050 (at arc-length 2897.50m): 100.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2073 000000817352 Brockhöfe Siedlung Ellerndorfer Straße Brockhöfe Siedlung Ellerndorfer Straße 53.007716000000 10.289360000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
L16555 000009905098 Brockhöfe Siedlung Ellerndorfer Straße Brockhöfe Siedlung Ellerndorfer Straße 53.007685000000 10.289389000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2074 000000817353 Brockhöfe Abzw. Bahnhof Brockhöfe Abzw. Bahnhof 53.002205000000 10.261964000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
L16556 000009905095 Brockhöfe Abzw. Bahnhof Brockhöfe Abzw. Bahnhof 53.002190000000 10.261968000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2075 000000817358 Lintzel Eichwald Lintzel Eichwald 52.993028000000 10.257080000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
L16557 000009910145 Lintzel Eichwald Lintzel Eichwald 52.993044000000 10.257098000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2076 000000817359 Lintzel Forsthaus Lintzel Forsthaus 52.986703000000 10.252637000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
L15358 000009910146 Lintzel Forsthaus Lintzel Forsthaus 52.986690000000 10.252653000000 0 0 127-127|2002-2002|Brockhöfe-BRO|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2079 000000817480 Borg(Rosche) Ort Borg(Rosche) Ort 53.009181000000 10.750335000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16606 000009903574 Borg(Rosche) Ort Borg(Rosche) Ort 53.009147000000 10.750323000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2088 000000816155 Schutschur Feuerwehr Schutschur Feuerwehr 53.210879000000 10.935718000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 9544.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2098 000000851767 Dramfeld Schule Dramfeld Schule 51.452719000000 9.875982000000 0 0 Dramfeld/Mariengarten-225|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 353411164 is too far from computed projection point (51.452392,9.875171) on shape 5860 (at arc-length 15903.69m): 66.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411368 is too far from computed projection point (51.452439,9.875124) on shape 5922 (at arc-length 1.19m): 67.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411357 is too far from computed projection point (51.452439,9.875124) on shape 5920 (at arc-length 1.19m): 67.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411336 is too far from computed projection point (51.452439,9.875124) on shape 5919 (at arc-length 1.19m): 67.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2130 000000851417 Desingerode Ortsmitte Desingerode Ortsmitte 51.525921000000 10.182999000000 0 0 Esplingerode-253|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412006 is too far from computed projection point (51.526034,10.182234) on shape 5969 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2164 000000818409 Trauen Siedlung Trauen Siedlung 52.933387000000 10.134619000000 0 0 18-18|HK-HK 1
L33855 000009915141 Trauen Siedlung Trauen Siedlung 52.933405000000 10.134653000000 0 0 18-18|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2212 000000817286 Almstorf Ortsmitte Almstorf Ortsmitte 53.091379000000 10.699899000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 3441.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 3441.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 3441.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 3441.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 3441.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162452 is too far from computed projection point (53.093521,10.725857) on shape 7293 (at arc-length 3523.74m): 1749.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2215 000000817282 Rohrstorf Rohrstorf 53.104394000000 10.717943000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 4736.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 4736.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4736.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4736.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 4736.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2215 000000817282 Rohrstorf Rohrstorf 53.104394000000 10.717943000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
L16526 000009912917 Rohrstorf Rohrstorf 53.104387000000 10.718007000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2216 000000817283 Kollendorf Kollendorf 53.074803000000 10.714645000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
L16527 000009906848 Kollendorf Kollendorf 53.074794000000 10.714649000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2218 000000817280 Himbergen(Göhrde) Wiebeckstraße Himbergen(Göhrde) Wiebeckstraße 53.094182000000 10.728010000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 5294.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 5294.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 5294.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 5294.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 5294.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2222 000000817288 Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte 53.105147000000 10.682223000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 2501.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 2501.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 2501.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 2501.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 2501.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2222 000000817288 Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte 53.105147000000 10.682223000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
L16530 000009913221 Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte Strothe(Himbergen) Ortsmitte 53.105159000000 10.682229000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2223 000000817289 Kettelstorf Ortsmitte Kettelstorf Ortsmitte 53.109390000000 10.712377000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 4538.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 4538.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4538.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4538.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 4538.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2232 000000818743 Hademstorf Campingplatz Hademstorf Campingplatz 52.706559000000 9.657856000000 0 0 42-42|46-46|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1|Lindwedel-LIW|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502213 is too far from computed projection point (52.706748,9.657112) on shape 5703 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2236 000000850866 Zorge Kurpark Zorge Kurpark 51.635767000000 10.633356000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Zorge-162 1
L15946 000009911885 Zorge Kurpark Zorge Kurpark 51.635768000000 10.633327000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Zorge-162 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2240 000000850863 Zorge Staufenbergstraße Zorge Staufenbergstraße 51.626346000000 10.628252000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Zorge-162 1
L16791 000009911886 Zorge Staufenbergstraße Zorge Staufenbergstraße 51.626352000000 10.628221000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Zorge-162 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2255 000000817296 Havekost(Römstedt) Ort Havekost(Römstedt) Ort 53.083074000000 10.679109000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 2427.56m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 2427.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2255 000000817296 Havekost(Römstedt) Ort Havekost(Römstedt) Ort 53.083074000000 10.679109000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|47-47|UE-UE 1
L16535 000009909186 Havekost(Römstedt) Ort Havekost(Römstedt) Ort 53.083077000000 10.679173000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2256 000000817295 Masbrock Feuerwehr Masbrock Feuerwehr 53.077375000000 10.668992000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 2387.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 2387.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2256 000000817295 Masbrock Feuerwehr Masbrock Feuerwehr 53.077375000000 10.668992000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|UE-UE 1
L16534 000009906555 Masbrock Feuerwehr Masbrock Feuerwehr 53.077377000000 10.668963000000 0 0 137-137|37-37|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2258 000000817292 Römstedt Ortsmitte Römstedt Ortsmitte 53.095029000000 10.648745000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 406162481 is too far from computed projection point (53.077376,10.668978) on shape 7290 (at arc-length 25845.76m): 2383.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 406162452 is too far from computed projection point (53.095366,10.650258) on shape 7293 (at arc-length 25118.05m): 107.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162871 is too far from computed projection point (53.095366,10.650258) on shape 7221 (at arc-length 18466.73m): 107.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2258 000000817292 Römstedt Ortsmitte Römstedt Ortsmitte 53.095029000000 10.648745000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
L16533 000009913201 Römstedt Ortsmitte Römstedt Ortsmitte 53.095063000000 10.648768000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2260 000000817290 Groß Thondorf Kapelle Groß Thondorf Kapelle 53.127088000000 10.699605000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 406162481 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7290 (at arc-length 15669.79m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 406162476 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7289 (at arc-length 15669.79m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 411369163 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7295 (at arc-length 15444.14m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162452 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7293 (at arc-length 7819.60m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406162464 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7291 (at arc-length 15444.13m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406162881 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7219 (at arc-length 2025.17m): 174.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162423 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7296 (at arc-length 8151.97m): 174.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2286 000000851210 Holzerode Hünstollenstraße Holzerode Hünstollenstraße 51.595063000000 10.063725000000 0 0 Holzerode-271|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 353415054 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6264 (at arc-length 23454.46m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 353415031 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6267 (at arc-length 23712.92m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 353414982 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6274 (at arc-length 20544.90m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 353414979 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6261 (at arc-length 20286.45m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 353414993 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6273 (at arc-length 27633.09m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 353415004 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6270 (at arc-length 27164.70m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 353414998 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6272 (at arc-length 24187.86m): 62.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 353414922 is too far from computed projection point (51.595140,10.064616) on shape 6292 (at arc-length 6726.92m): 62.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2287 000000817708 Suderburg Oberschule Suderburg Oberschule 52.897691000000 10.449352000000 0 0 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 411366561 is too far from computed projection point (52.897965,10.450202) on shape 6871 (at arc-length 42.66m): 64.67m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 411366603 is too far from computed projection point (52.897965,10.450202) on shape 6876 (at arc-length 42.66m): 64.67m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159853 is too far from computed projection point (52.897965,10.450202) on shape 6868 (at arc-length 42.66m): 64.67m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159816 is too far from computed projection point (52.897965,10.450202) on shape 6872 (at arc-length 42.66m): 64.67m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159868 is too far from computed projection point (52.897965,10.450202) on shape 6866 (at arc-length 42.66m): 64.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2296 000000817383 Golste Gut Golste Gut 53.080567000000 10.485921000000 0 0 107-107|117-117|UE-UE 1
L17271 000009905594 Golste Gut Golste Gut 53.080567000000 10.485938000000 0 0 107-107|117-117|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2327 000000817437 Wellendorf(Suhlendorf) Wellendorf(Suhlendorf) 52.948612000000 10.724304000000 0 0 147-147|157-157|UE-UE 1
L16581 000009913303 Wellendorf(Suhlendorf) Wellendorf(Suhlendorf) 52.948625000000 10.724316000000 0 0 147-147|157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2336 000000817397 Luttmissen Luttmissen 53.072020000000 10.428792000000 0 0 117-117|UE-UE 1
L16565 000009910870 Luttmissen Luttmissen 53.072007000000 10.428816000000 0 0 117-117|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2337 000000817394 Hohenbünstorf Hohenbünstorf 53.055164000000 10.485061000000 0 0 107-107|117-117|UE-UE 1
L17272 000009911125 Hohenbünstorf Hohenbünstorf 53.055154000000 10.485078000000 0 0 107-107|117-117|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2338 000000854722 Sudheim Unteres Tor Sudheim Unteres Tor 51.671538000000 9.972036000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Sudheim-399|VSN-VSN 1
L16923 000009913492 Sudheim Unteres Tor Sudheim Unteres Tor 51.671573000000 9.972075000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Sudheim-399|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2356 000000817640 Borne(Uelzen) Ortsmitte Borne(Uelzen) Ortsmitte 52.912961000000 10.538481000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 406159742 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6834 (at arc-length 22556.39m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 411366482 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6844 (at arc-length 6837.08m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 406159748 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6833 (at arc-length 9119.73m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 411366488 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6843 (at arc-length 7138.12m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 406159758 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6831 (at arc-length 22857.43m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 411366493 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6832 (at arc-length 9119.73m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406158782 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6713 (at arc-length 15578.88m): 67.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406158774 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6711 (at arc-length 7808.63m): 67.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2366 000000817403 Nateln(Rosche) Nateln(Rosche) 52.970844000000 10.761825000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16568 000009908380 Nateln(Rosche) Nateln(Rosche) 52.970830000000 10.761806000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2368 000000818803 Ahlden(Aller) Schule Ahlden(Aller) Schule 52.759181000000 9.546813000000 0 0 39-39|42-42|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
L15484 000009903508 Ahlden(Aller) Schule Ahlden(Aller) Schule 52.759171000000 9.546805000000 0 0 39-39|42-42|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2403 000000850499 Hörden(Harz) Aschenhütte Hörden(Harz) Aschenhütte 51.675823000000 10.304152000000 0 0 Hörden/Elbingerode-122|VSN-VSN 1
L16750 000009907797 Hörden(Harz) Aschenhütte Hörden(Harz) Aschenhütte 51.675828000000 10.304134000000 0 0 Hörden/Elbingerode-122|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2408 000000818311 Soltau Aueweg Soltau Aueweg 52.987080000000 9.873850000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
L33770 000009916567 Soltau Aueweg Soltau Aueweg 52.987095000000 9.873868000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2421 000000817227 Klein Bünstorf Klein Bünstorf 53.061015000000 10.584597000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L27669 000009906417 Klein Bünstorf Klein Bünstorf 53.061036000000 10.584536000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2425 000000854676 Northeim Sturmbäume Northeim Sturmbäume 51.699870000000 10.001819000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16915 000009906988 Northeim Sturmbäume Northeim Sturmbäume 51.699863000000 10.001781000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2426 000000817229 Bad Bevensen Römstedter Straße Bad Bevensen Römstedter Straße 53.080801000000 10.590846000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L16507 000009905680 Bad Bevensen Römstedter Straße Bad Bevensen Römstedter Straße 53.080802000000 10.590831000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2427 000000854712 Hillerse(Northm) Berwartshäuser Straße Hillerse(Northm) Berwartshäuser Straße 51.686155000000 9.946509000000 0 0 Hillerse-409|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
L16919 000009910740 Hillerse(Northm) Berwartshäuser Straße Hillerse(Northm) Berwartshäuser Straße 51.686142000000 9.946507000000 0 0 Hillerse-409|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2436 000000817757 Dreilingen Schulweg Dreilingen Schulweg 52.918157000000 10.343611000000 0 0 217-217|277-277|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 406159912 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6847 (at arc-length 20239.79m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406159901 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6851 (at arc-length 15793.60m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 411366657 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6848 (at arc-length 36861.82m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 411366637 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6849 (at arc-length 28630.09m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 406159958 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6855 (at arc-length 30340.22m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 406159928 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6858 (at arc-length 36922.42m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 406159970 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6853 (at arc-length 23517.81m): 80.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 406159966 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6854 (at arc-length 34124.21m): 80.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2443 000000817471 Stoetze Bahnhof Stoetze Bahnhof 53.064247000000 10.781615000000 0 0 157-157|47-47|UE-UE 1
L16601 000009912950 Stoetze Bahnhof Stoetze Bahnhof 53.064254000000 10.781571000000 0 0 157-157|47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2448 000000854981 Fredelsloh Deichstraße Fredelsloh Deichstraße 51.734219000000 9.786198000000 0 0 Nienhagen/Fredelsloh-411|VSN-VSN 1
L16429 000009903742 Fredelsloh Deichstraße Fredelsloh Deichstraße 51.734233000000 9.786219000000 0 0 Nienhagen/Fredelsloh-411|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2451 000000817232 Jelmstorf Bundesstraße Jelmstorf Bundesstraße 53.101460000000 10.522237000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
L27673 000009908920 Jelmstorf Bundesstraße Jelmstorf Bundesstraße 53.101442000000 10.522238000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2453 000000817230 Jelmstorf Bruchtorfer Straße Jelmstorf Bruchtorfer Straße 53.100649000000 10.528062000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
L27671 000009908919 Jelmstorf Bruchtorfer Straße Jelmstorf Bruchtorfer Straße 53.100630000000 10.528049000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2454 000000817231 Jelmstorf Schule Jelmstorf Schule 53.099439000000 10.523584000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
L27672 000009908921 Jelmstorf Schule Jelmstorf Schule 53.099438000000 10.523601000000 0 0 107-107|7-7|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2455 000000817238 Jelmstorf-Bruchtorf Ilmenaustraße Jelmstorf-Bruchtorf Ilmenaustraße 53.101305000000 10.550945000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|7-7|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L27674 000009908923 Jelmstorf-Bruchtorf Ilmenaustraße Jelmstorf-Bruchtorf Ilmenaustraße 53.101270000000 10.550911000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|7-7|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2459 000000854648 Northeim Spitzwegstraße Northeim Spitzwegstraße 51.695425000000 9.992855000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16908 000009906979 Northeim Spitzwegstraße Northeim Spitzwegstraße 51.695416000000 9.992857000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2464 000000854529 Sudershausen Leisenröder Straße Sudershausen Leisenröder Straße 51.629871000000 10.024611000000 0 0 Sudershausen-394|VSN-VSN 1
L16188 000009913297 Sudershausen Leisenröder Straße Sudershausen Leisenröder Straße 51.629863000000 10.024598000000 0 0 Sudershausen-394|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2469 000000817443 Dalldorf(Suhlendorf) Dalldorf(Suhlendorf) 52.951296000000 10.826146000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16584 000009902511 Dalldorf(Suhlendorf) Dalldorf(Suhlendorf) 52.951312000000 10.826124000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2470 000000817206 Bad Bevensen Schweizerhof Bad Bevensen Schweizerhof 53.079353000000 10.545245000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L17269 000009905681 Bad Bevensen Schweizerhof Bad Bevensen Schweizerhof 53.079362000000 10.545242000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2476 000000817201 Bad Bevensen Medinger Straße Bad Bevensen Medinger Straße 53.081482000000 10.573440000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L27664 000009905678 Bad Bevensen Medinger Straße Bad Bevensen Medinger Straße 53.081474000000 10.573431000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2477 000000817208 Bad Bevensen Dahlenburger Str Bad Bevensen Dahlenburger Str 53.084388000000 10.588740000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L16501 000009905670 Bad Bevensen Dahlenburger Str Bad Bevensen Dahlenburger Str 53.084391000000 10.588678000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2485 000000850607 Bad Lauterberg Molkereistraße Bad Lauterberg Molkereistraße 51.623601000000 10.459062000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
L15940 000009900180 Bad Lauterberg Molkereistraße Bad Lauterberg Molkereistraße 51.623604000000 10.459079000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2489 000000854530 Sudershausen Auf dem Placke Sudershausen Auf dem Placke 51.631742000000 10.021331000000 0 0 Sudershausen-394|VSN-VSN 1
L16189 000009913296 Sudershausen Auf dem Placke Sudershausen Auf dem Placke 51.631753000000 10.021318000000 0 0 Sudershausen-394|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2504 000000817450 Oetzen(Kr Uelzen) Oetzen(Kr Uelzen) 53.021826000000 10.672972000000 0 0 137-137|147-147|UE-UE 1
L16589 000009907376 Oetzen(Kr Uelzen) Oetzen(Kr Uelzen) 53.021814000000 10.672960000000 0 0 137-137|147-147|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2505 000000817458 Süttorf(Uelzen) Süttorf(Uelzen) 53.014292000000 10.701619000000 0 0 147-147|157-157|UE-UE 1
L16595 000009914331 Süttorf(Uelzen) Süttorf(Uelzen) 53.014278000000 10.701604000000 0 0 147-147|157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2522 000000854507 Nörten-Hardenberg Im Kampe Nörten-Hardenberg Im Kampe 51.624244000000 9.935299000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L16186 000009907033 Nörten-Hardenberg Im Kampe Nörten-Hardenberg Im Kampe 51.624242000000 9.935280000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2524 000000850612 Bad Lauterberg Meilerplatz Bad Lauterberg Meilerplatz 51.636539000000 10.489567000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
L16763 000009900179 Bad Lauterberg Meilerplatz Bad Lauterberg Meilerplatz 51.636565000000 10.489596000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2525 000000850613 Bad Lauterberg Detastraße Bad Lauterberg Detastraße 51.641247000000 10.484058000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
L16764 000009905740 Bad Lauterberg Detastraße Bad Lauterberg Detastraße 51.641266000000 10.484042000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2526 000000854503 Nörten-Hardenberg Hinterhaus Nörten-Hardenberg Hinterhaus 51.628691000000 9.950150000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L16183 000009907032 Nörten-Hardenberg Hinterhaus Nörten-Hardenberg Hinterhaus 51.628691000000 9.950166000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2528 000000854500 Nörten-Hardenberg Göttinger Straße Nörten-Hardenberg Göttinger Straße 51.628642000000 9.936025000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L16181 000009907031 Nörten-Hardenberg Göttinger Straße Nörten-Hardenberg Göttinger Straße 51.628633000000 9.936020000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2529 000000850611 Bad Lauterberg Vitamar Bad Lauterberg Vitamar 51.634078000000 10.487970000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
L16762 000009900185 Bad Lauterberg Vitamar Bad Lauterberg Vitamar 51.634068000000 10.487969000000 0 0 Bad Lauterberg-140|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2534 000000817800 Wrestedt West Wrestedt West 52.904850000000 10.574535000000 0 0 2007-2007|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406159237 is too far from computed projection point (52.904695,10.573575) on shape 6783 (at arc-length 9485.73m): 66.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2535 000000850730 Neuhof(Bad Sachsa) Sachsenstein Neuhof(Bad Sachsa) Sachsenstein 51.578700000000 10.578679000000 0 0 Bad Sachsa-3150|Neuhof-152|VSN-VSN 1
L16776 000009909502 Neuhof(Bad Sachsa) Sachsenstein Neuhof(Bad Sachsa) Sachsenstein 51.578687000000 10.578643000000 0 0 Bad Sachsa-3150|Neuhof-152|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2541 000000816130 Meudelfitz Abzw. Meudelfitz Abzw. 53.161703000000 10.991804000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 3246.51m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 3997.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 3997.84m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 3997.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2542 000000816131 Meudelfitz Gut Meudelfitz Gut 53.157660000000 11.004706000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 2278.32m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 3048.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 3048.84m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 3048.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2550 000000817262 Eddelstorf Ort Eddelstorf Ort 53.145218000000 10.617426000000 0 0 37-37|47-47|UE-UE 1
L16512 000009905539 Eddelstorf Ort Eddelstorf Ort 53.145182000000 10.617462000000 0 0 37-37|47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2551 000000817263 Altenmedingen-Haaßel Altenmedingen-Haaßel 53.133268000000 10.619935000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
L16513 000009904240 Altenmedingen-Haaßel Altenmedingen-Haaßel 53.133245000000 10.619944000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2557 000000817300 Ebstorf Weinbergstraße Ebstorf Weinbergstraße 53.028967000000 10.417426000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L16536 000009905184 Ebstorf Weinbergstraße Ebstorf Weinbergstraße 53.028991000000 10.417447000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2578 000000850520 Herzberg am Harz Berliner Straße Herzberg am Harz Berliner Straße 51.661946000000 10.345479000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
L16753 000009910365 Herzberg am Harz Berliner Straße Herzberg am Harz Berliner Straße 51.661928000000 10.345434000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2582 000000850411 Sieber Birkental Sieber Birkental 51.692019000000 10.412469000000 0 0 Sieber-132|VSN-VSN 1
L15929 000009916149 Sieber Birkental Sieber Birkental 51.692001000000 10.412469000000 0 0 Sieber-132|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2587 000000818776 Hodenhagen Heerstraße Hodenhagen Heerstraße 52.764230000000 9.582852000000 0 0 39-39|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502243 is too far from computed projection point (52.763547,9.583080) on shape 5690 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2590 000000850490 Hörden(Harz) Lilienstraße Hörden(Harz) Lilienstraße 51.665072000000 10.279734000000 0 0 Hörden/Elbingerode-122|VSN-VSN 1
L16747 000009907799 Hörden(Harz) Lilienstraße Hörden(Harz) Lilienstraße 51.665072000000 10.279707000000 0 0 Hörden/Elbingerode-122|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2602 000002015006 Neuhaus(Oste) Wendeplatz Neuhaus(Oste) Wendeplatz 53.799014000000 9.034483000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30370 000009909499 Neuhaus(Oste) Wendeplatz Neuhaus(Oste) Wendeplatz 53.799006000000 9.034472000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2620 000000120051 Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Meyerweg Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Meyerweg 53.475709000000 7.379197000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15096 000009907668 Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Meyerweg Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Meyerweg 53.475717000000 7.379230000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2645 000002010049 Cuxhaven Schulstraße Cuxhaven Schulstraße 53.861898000000 8.689343000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
L30243 000009901830 Cuxhaven Schulstraße Cuxhaven Schulstraße 53.861868000000 8.689379000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2656 000002010114 Cuxhaven Höfenweg Cuxhaven Höfenweg 53.860384000000 8.665327000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
L30262 000009901807 Cuxhaven Höfenweg Cuxhaven Höfenweg 53.860363000000 8.665269000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2663 000002010205 Cuxhaven Abzw. Seehospital Cuxhaven Abzw. Seehospital 53.861354000000 8.605308000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
L30272 000009901763 Cuxhaven Abzw. Seehospital Cuxhaven Abzw. Seehospital 53.861312000000 8.605302000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2670 000002010802 Cuxhaven Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße Cuxhaven Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 53.845465000000 8.721031000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
L30287 000009901794 Cuxhaven Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße Cuxhaven Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 53.845450000000 8.721042000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2681 000002011101 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Franz-Grabe-Straße Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Franz-Grabe-Straße 53.805095000000 8.757653000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L30299 000009902168 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Franz-Grabe-Straße Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Franz-Grabe-Straße 53.805086000000 8.757706000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2712 000002015712 Warstade Alter Postweg Warstade Alter Postweg 53.694082000000 9.147519000000 0 0 Hemmoor-HEM|VNN-VNN 1
L30399 000009912813 Warstade Alter Postweg Warstade Alter Postweg 53.694057000000 9.147573000000 0 0 Hemmoor-HEM|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2755 000002020804 Wingst Lindenweg Wingst Lindenweg 53.748555000000 9.034242000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30490 000009915232 Wingst Lindenweg Wingst Lindenweg 53.748555000000 9.034173000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2791 000002024404 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Mitte Armstorf(Niederelbe) Mitte 53.598009000000 9.074933000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30584 000009904920 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Mitte Armstorf(Niederelbe) Mitte 53.598035000000 9.074901000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2792 000002024502 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 24 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 24 53.615655000000 9.005781000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30587 000009904919 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 24 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 24 53.615685000000 9.005808000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2796 000002028603 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht/Abzweig K25 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht/Abzweig K25 53.731088000000 9.149280000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30665 000009908115 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht/Abzweig K25 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht/Abzweig K25 53.731094000000 9.149271000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2797 000002028604 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht Bahnübergang Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht Bahnübergang 53.716663000000 9.129068000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30666 000009908113 Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht Bahnübergang Oberndorf(Oste) Ahrensflucht Bahnübergang 53.716703000000 9.129071000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2799 000002030202 Geversdorf(Oste) Rechts an der Oste 11 Geversdorf(Oste) Rechts an der Oste 11 53.802497000000 9.098527000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30677 000009904852 Geversdorf(Oste) Rechts an der Oste 11 Geversdorf(Oste) Rechts an der Oste 11 53.802473000000 9.098467000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2841 000002167701 Midlum(b Bremerhaven) Schwarzer Berg Midlum(b Bremerhaven) Schwarzer Berg 53.715854000000 8.622402000000 0 0 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
L33156 000009907297 Midlum(b Bremerhaven) Schwarzer Berg Midlum(b Bremerhaven) Schwarzer Berg 53.715845000000 8.622456000000 0 0 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2858 000002500012 Berensch(Cuxhaven) Dünenhof Berensch(Cuxhaven) Dünenhof 53.827677000000 8.582755000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L33351 000009901717 Berensch(Cuxhaven) Dünenhof Berensch(Cuxhaven) Dünenhof 53.827643000000 8.582713000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2859 000002500013 Arensch(Cuxhaven) Ort Arensch(Cuxhaven) Ort 53.835363000000 8.583249000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L33352 000009904618 Arensch(Cuxhaven) Ort Arensch(Cuxhaven) Ort 53.835396000000 8.583246000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2869 000002500038 Cuxhaven-Arensch Am Ostrand Cuxhaven-Arensch Am Ostrand 53.837118000000 8.591059000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L33362 000009902151 Cuxhaven-Arensch Am Ostrand Cuxhaven-Arensch Am Ostrand 53.837153000000 8.591029000000 0 0 5-5|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2871 000002500047 Nordholz-Spieka-Knill Kiebitzhörn Nordholz-Spieka-Knill Kiebitzhörn 53.759649000000 8.604689000000 0 0 280-280|8-8|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
L33364 000009906291 Nordholz-Spieka-Knill Kiebitzhörn Nordholz-Spieka-Knill Kiebitzhörn 53.759610000000 8.604715000000 0 0 280-280|8-8|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2872 000002500068 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 125 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 125 53.815613000000 8.694953000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L33366 000009902184 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 125 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 125 53.815657000000 8.694939000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2876 000002500072 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 55 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 55 53.806946000000 8.731822000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L33370 000009902187 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 55 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Westerende Haus 55 53.806973000000 8.731872000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2888 000002500084 Cuxhaven Drangstweg Cuxhaven Drangstweg 53.849069000000 8.687526000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
L33382 000009901783 Cuxhaven Drangstweg Cuxhaven Drangstweg 53.849028000000 8.687515000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2893 000002500104 Nordholz-Deichsende Rottland Nordholz-Deichsende Rottland 53.770712000000 8.587100000000 0 0 280-280|8-8|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
L33387 000009906287 Nordholz-Deichsende Rottland Nordholz-Deichsende Rottland 53.770693000000 8.587035000000 0 0 280-280|8-8|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2909 000000176263 Bersenbrück Hertmann/B 68 Bersenbrück Hertmann/B 68 52.572052000000 7.942050000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 401778110 is too far from computed projection point (52.564035,7.944624) on shape 7575 (at arc-length 6454.64m): 908.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 402174831 is too far from computed projection point (52.564035,7.944624) on shape 9375 (at arc-length 9713.65m): 908.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2915 000000817603 Kirchweyhe(Uelzen) Feuerwehr Kirchweyhe(Uelzen) Feuerwehr 53.002983000000 10.532877000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 4807.86m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 4807.86m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 4807.86m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406158219 is too far from computed projection point (53.002481,10.534596) on shape 7264 (at arc-length 6409.94m): 127.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406158209 is too far from computed projection point (53.002481,10.534596) on shape 7265 (at arc-length 11756.53m): 127.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2927 000000817802 Wrestedt Rathaus Wrestedt Rathaus 52.905679000000 10.580466000000 0 0 2007-2007|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 406159408 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6794 (at arc-length 26059.91m): 90.37m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 406159401 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6793 (at arc-length 27573.94m): 90.37m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 406159381 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6803 (at arc-length 27061.05m): 90.37m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 406159373 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6807 (at arc-length 20186.96m): 90.37m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 406159371 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6806 (at arc-length 21188.11m): 90.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2936 000000108822 Vahlde Im Dorfe Vahlde Im Dorfe 53.182878000000 9.632549000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
L24207 000009916249 Vahlde Im Dorfe Vahlde Im Dorfe 53.182839000000 9.632567000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2937 000000818727 Frankenfeld(Aller) Abzw. Ort Frankenfeld(Aller) Abzw. Ort 52.763764000000 9.424104000000 0 0 40-40|HK-HK 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407502053 is too far from computed projection point (52.757754,9.444339) on shape 5676 (at arc-length 11454.30m): 1516.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407502051 is too far from computed projection point (52.757754,9.444339) on shape 5678 (at arc-length 11454.30m): 1516.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2955 000000854300 Kalefeld Grabenstraße Kalefeld Grabenstraße 51.795195000000 10.034313000000 0 0 Kalefeld-370|VSN-VSN 1
L28242 000009909324 Kalefeld Grabenstraße Kalefeld Grabenstraße 51.795190000000 10.034359000000 0 0 Kalefeld-370|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L2962 000000850652 Barbis In der Fulge Barbis In der Fulge 51.616644000000 10.416533000000 0 0 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
L16768 000009900616 Barbis In der Fulge Barbis In der Fulge 51.616635000000 10.416519000000 0 0 Barbis-3138|Barbis-138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3000 000000816163 Sammatz Ort Sammatz Ort 53.193740000000 10.901054000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 10994.38m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 10994.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 10994.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3015 000000854211 Greene Lindenstraße Greene Lindenstraße 51.854754000000 9.945095000000 0 0 Greene-481|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
L16876 000009900530 Greene Lindenstraße Greene Lindenstraße 51.854728000000 9.945089000000 0 0 Greene-481|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3052 000000816117 Bahrendorf(Hitzacker) Abzw. Bahrendorf(Hitzacker) Abzw. 53.179428000000 10.943819000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 7742.28m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 7742.39m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 7742.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3053 000000816112 Hitzacker(Elbe) Grundschule Hitzacker(Elbe) Grundschule 53.145716000000 11.034673000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 748.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3054 000000816113 Tiesmesland Ort Tiesmesland Ort 53.187039000000 10.979083000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 5631.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3056 000000816111 Tießau Abzw. Tießau Abzw. 53.169454000000 10.970764000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 5636.32m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 5636.43m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 5636.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3078 000000854328 Oldenrode Kurze Gasse Oldenrode Kurze Gasse 51.813469000000 10.111834000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
L16890 000009908489 Oldenrode Kurze Gasse Oldenrode Kurze Gasse 51.813473000000 10.111824000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3080 000000854324 Willershausen(Northeim) Am Kirchberg Willershausen(Northeim) Am Kirchberg 51.781641000000 10.107211000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Westerhof/Willershausen-372 1
L16889 000009915171 Willershausen(Northeim) Am Kirchberg Willershausen(Northeim) Am Kirchberg 51.781632000000 10.107214000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Westerhof/Willershausen-372 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3089 000000854202 Kreiensen Holzmindener Straße Kreiensen Holzmindener Straße 51.857841000000 9.960096000000 0 0 Kreiensen-480|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
L16875 000009907179 Kreiensen Holzmindener Straße Kreiensen Holzmindener Straße 51.857834000000 9.960053000000 0 0 Kreiensen-480|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3092 000000854201 Kreiensen Kirche Kreiensen Kirche 51.856003000000 9.961712000000 0 0 Kreiensen-480|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
L16874 000009907180 Kreiensen Kirche Kreiensen Kirche 51.856004000000 9.961713000000 0 0 Kreiensen-480|Kreiensen-3480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3102 000008515911 Sattenhausen Rasenweg Sattenhausen Rasenweg 51.507696000000 10.096274000000 0 0 Sattenhausen-249|VSN-VSN 1
L55478 000008515912 Sattenhausen Rasenweg Sattenhausen Rasenweg 51.507664000000 10.096275000000 0 0 Sattenhausen-249|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3105 000008567341 Holzminden Liethstraße Holzminden Liethstraße 51.818726000000 9.465215000000 0 0 Holzminden-3500|Holzminden-500|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 408404076 is too far from computed projection point (51.819302,9.465076) on shape 6536 (at arc-length 23105.43m): 64.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3112 000000818958 Krelingen Burnplatz Krelingen Burnplatz 52.801906000000 9.663966000000 0 0 35-35|HK-HK 1
L15509 000009907184 Krelingen Burnplatz Krelingen Burnplatz 52.801895000000 9.663960000000 0 0 35-35|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3116 000000818954 Düshorn Schule Düshorn Schule 52.828603000000 9.624508000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
L15505 000009905153 Düshorn Schule Düshorn Schule 52.828585000000 9.624500000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3123 000000816854 Klein Gaddau Ort Klein Gaddau Ort 52.983605000000 10.987935000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 406158260 is too far from computed projection point (52.986824,10.988377) on shape 7269 (at arc-length 31877.25m): 359.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 406158251 is too far from computed projection point (52.986824,10.988377) on shape 7271 (at arc-length 33057.48m): 359.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3130 000000851630 Klein Schneen Oberdorf Klein Schneen Oberdorf 51.444227000000 9.905292000000 0 0 Klein Schneen-232|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 353411115 is too far from computed projection point (51.444045,9.904153) on shape 5875 (at arc-length 30681.33m): 81.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3138 000000816102 Hitzacker(Elbe) Dannenberger Straße Hitzacker(Elbe) Dannenberger Straße 53.146905000000 11.042914000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 865.76m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 865.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 865.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3149 000000816107 Hitzacker(Elbe) Eisenbahnbrücke Hitzacker(Elbe) Eisenbahnbrücke 53.150893000000 11.024097000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 817.78m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 1608.66m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 1608.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 1608.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3198 000000174222 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Am Hüvel Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Am Hüvel 52.242608000000 7.945785000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 402173707 is too far from computed projection point (52.242698,7.946655) on shape 9152 (at arc-length 14818.26m): 60.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3346 000000100349 Mainsche Sommerberg Mainsche Sommerberg 52.626360000000 8.995955000000 0 0 16-16|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45572 000009906178 Mainsche Sommerberg Mainsche Sommerberg 52.626392000000 8.995923000000 0 0 16-16|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3416 000000172400 Wimmer(Bad Essen) Auf der Höhe Wimmer(Bad Essen) Auf der Höhe 52.321778000000 8.428178000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L47155 000009915191 Wimmer(Bad Essen) Auf der Höhe Wimmer(Bad Essen) Auf der Höhe 52.321776000000 8.428114000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3438 000000107833 Oyten Wächterstraße Oyten Wächterstraße 53.051777000000 9.019474000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412345140 is too far from computed projection point (53.051326,9.019234) on shape 3420 (at arc-length 11267.04m): 52.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3475 000000105481 Elisabethfehn Fehnstübchen Elisabethfehn Fehnstübchen 53.140428000000 7.724484000000 0 0 881-881|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L44364 000009900386 Elisabethfehn Fehnstübchen Elisabethfehn Fehnstübchen 53.140463000000 7.724504000000 0 0 881-881|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3492 000000100960 Sudwalde Helms Sudwalde Helms 52.770562000000 8.831881000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
L37746 000009913494 Sudwalde Helms Sudwalde Helms 52.770561000000 8.831875000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3512 000000105071 Neuenfelde(Elsfleth) Feuerwehr Neuenfelde(Elsfleth) Feuerwehr 53.257631000000 8.436226000000 0 0 830-830|Brake-1830|VBN-VBN 1
L45774 000009909102 Neuenfelde(Elsfleth) Feuerwehr Neuenfelde(Elsfleth) Feuerwehr 53.257660000000 8.436275000000 0 0 830-830|Brake-1830|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3523 000000100843 Barenburg Munterburg Barenburg Munterburg 52.628758000000 8.803009000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
L53073 000001008433 Barenburg Munterburg Barenburg Munterburg 52.628758000000 8.803009000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3554 000000115529 Worpswede Hüttendorfer Straße/Friedensheim Worpswede Hüttendorfer Straße/Friedensheim 53.285685000000 8.957488000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L14761 000009916318 Worpswede Hüttendorfer Straße/Friedensheim Worpswede Hüttendorfer Straße/Friedensheim 53.285692000000 8.957445000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3584 000000107567 Uthlede Sportplatz Uthlede Sportplatz 53.314946000000 8.579243000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829581 is too far from computed projection point (53.315576,8.579572) on shape 3585 (at arc-length 0.91m): 73.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 361829657 is too far from computed projection point (53.315576,8.579572) on shape 3615 (at arc-length 9736.78m): 73.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3630 000000172390 Vorwalde Borgwedder Straße Vorwalde Borgwedder Straße 52.376523000000 8.154457000000 0 0 224-7224|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L46906 000009911780 Vorwalde Borgwedder Straße Vorwalde Borgwedder Straße 52.376515000000 8.154445000000 0 0 224-7224|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3709 000000174119 Dröper Meer Dröper Meer 52.195283000000 8.096869000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L14112 000009904759 Dröper Meer Dröper Meer 52.195248000000 8.096894000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3727 000000100252 Wellie Transformator Wellie Transformator 52.575370000000 9.079462000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
L47006 000009913310 Wellie Transformator Wellie Transformator 52.575347000000 9.079463000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3736 000000174116 Dröper Böttcherstraße Dröper Böttcherstraße 52.196389000000 8.088729000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L24800 000009904754 Dröper Böttcherstraße Dröper Böttcherstraße 52.196372000000 8.088765000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3746 000000174113 Brannenheide Auf Königskamp Brannenheide Auf Königskamp 52.182898000000 8.116989000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L14129 000009904346 Brannenheide Auf Königskamp Brannenheide Auf Königskamp 52.182885000000 8.117051000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3752 000000172432 Bohmte Gützkower Ring Bohmte Gützkower Ring 52.373733000000 8.327513000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L43881 000009903158 Bohmte Gützkower Ring Bohmte Gützkower Ring 52.373724000000 8.327511000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3762 000000176208 Bersenbrück BBS + GYM Bersenbrück BBS + GYM 52.549497000000 7.955448000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778103 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7573 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174857 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9380 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174814 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9356 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402174812 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9358 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 401777875 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7440 (at arc-length 16822.97m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778207 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7625 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778206 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7626 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 401778188 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7628 (at arc-length 6725.71m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401778200 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7632 (at arc-length 10048.57m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 401778194 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7635 (at arc-length 13099.46m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 401778192 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7627 (at arc-length 10287.52m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778153 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7588 (at arc-length 6758.13m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778419 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7589 (at arc-length 6758.13m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778418 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7590 (at arc-length 6758.13m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778415 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7593 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401778364 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7556 (at arc-length 17285.89m): 102.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 401778357 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7549 (at arc-length 30355.50m): 102.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3771 000000176205 Ankum Schulzentrum Ankum Schulzentrum 52.544673000000 7.884673000000 0 0 688-7688|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 401778220 is too far from computed projection point (52.545371,7.883871) on shape 7637 (at arc-length 29840.61m): 94.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3775 000000107820 Baden(Achim) Bierdener Straße Baden(Achim) Bierdener Straße 53.005955000000 9.082538000000 0 0 110-110|Achim-1110|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 396905304 is too far from computed projection point (53.005318,9.082803) on shape 1802 (at arc-length 5039.64m): 73.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3873 000000854754 Edesheim Am Friedhof Edesheim Am Friedhof 51.749341000000 9.969652000000 0 0 Edesheim-403|VSN-VSN 1
L16211 000009905545 Edesheim Am Friedhof Edesheim Am Friedhof 51.749299000000 9.969672000000 0 0 Edesheim-403|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3881 000000850293 Osterode am Harz Eulenburg Osterode am Harz Eulenburg 51.727737000000 10.280736000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
L28788 000009914537 Osterode am Harz Eulenburg Osterode am Harz Eulenburg 51.727726000000 10.280737000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3891 000000854228 Rittierode Dorfstraße Rittierode Dorfstraße 51.817931000000 9.950589000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
L16882 000009912852 Rittierode Dorfstraße Rittierode Dorfstraße 51.817944000000 9.950543000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3921 000000854220 Ippensen(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte Ippensen(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte 51.839029000000 9.955749000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
L16878 000009908550 Ippensen(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte Ippensen(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte 51.839032000000 9.955748000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3922 000000854221 Garlebsen Ortsmitte Garlebsen Ortsmitte 51.837375000000 9.949142000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
L16879 000009904497 Garlebsen Ortsmitte Garlebsen Ortsmitte 51.837377000000 9.949138000000 0 0 Ippensen/Garlebsen-485|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L3935 000000100627 Alvesen(Hilgermissen) Alvesen(Hilgermissen) 52.874624000000 9.157955000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L43594 000009904563 Alvesen(Hilgermissen) Alvesen(Hilgermissen) 52.874621000000 9.157939000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4096 000000100959 Sudwalde Schule Sudwalde Schule 52.795009000000 8.841972000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
L37748 000009913496 Sudwalde Schule Sudwalde Schule 52.795008000000 8.841979000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4142 000000100491 Wegerden Trafo Wegerden Trafo 52.449970000000 8.878620000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46995 000009913077 Wegerden Trafo Wegerden Trafo 52.450006000000 8.878620000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4165 000000100490 Wegerden Abzw. Großenvörde Wegerden Abzw. Großenvörde 52.447212000000 8.871624000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46994 000009913076 Wegerden Abzw. Großenvörde Wegerden Abzw. Großenvörde 52.447194000000 8.871683000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4259 000000172224 Linne(Bad Essen) Borgmann Linne(Bad Essen) Borgmann 52.305329000000 8.407498000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45478 000009910112 Linne(Bad Essen) Borgmann Linne(Bad Essen) Borgmann 52.305320000000 8.407485000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4261 000000172225 Lintorf(Bad Essen) Heuländer Lintorf(Bad Essen) Heuländer 52.307995000000 8.423180000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45487 000009910143 Lintorf(Bad Essen) Heuländer Lintorf(Bad Essen) Heuländer 52.307987000000 8.423173000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4280 000000104427 Sande(Kr Friesland) Neudeich/Gießereistraße Sande(Kr Friesland) Neudeich/Gießereistraße 53.502771000000 8.038772000000 0 0 203-203|Sande-2230|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15317 000009913449 Sande(Kr Friesland) Neudeich/Gießereistraße Sande(Kr Friesland) Neudeich/Gießereistraße 53.502807000000 8.038736000000 0 0 203-203|Sande-2230|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4371 000000105585 Oberlethe Kreuzung Oberlethe Kreuzung 53.071543000000 8.164997000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
L42341 000009908110 Oberlethe Kreuzung Oberlethe Kreuzung 53.071524000000 8.164954000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4383 000000115186 Grasberg Findorffschule Grasberg Findorffschule 53.181087000000 8.986205000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L44643 000009900110 Grasberg Findorffschule Grasberg Findorffschule 53.181112000000 8.986232000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4470 000000108484 Axstedt Friedhofsweg Axstedt Friedhofsweg 53.355156000000 8.776285000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399928253 is too far from computed projection point (53.355657,8.776134) on shape 8789 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4472 000000108483 Axstedt Breslauer Straße Axstedt Breslauer Straße 53.353916000000 8.771408000000 0 0 220-220|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 400117985 is too far from computed projection point (53.353824,8.770555) on shape 2035 (at arc-length 12272.66m): 57.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4475 000000108482 Bramstedt-Harrendorf Bremerhorner Straße Bramstedt-Harrendorf Bremerhorner Straße 53.347433000000 8.734249000000 0 0 220-220|235-235|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
L24166 000009904338 Bramstedt-Harrendorf Bremerhorner Straße Bramstedt-Harrendorf Bremerhorner Straße 53.347439000000 8.734264000000 0 0 220-220|235-235|Hambergen-1220|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4568 000000176814 Bramsche(Hase) Rheinstraße Bramsche(Hase) Rheinstraße 52.402635000000 8.006015000000 0 0 640-7640|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 401778452 is too far from computed projection point (52.402345,8.007636) on shape 7641 (at arc-length 2913.45m): 114.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 401778436 is too far from computed projection point (52.402378,8.007709) on shape 7649 (at arc-length 2909.22m): 118.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401778432 is too far from computed projection point (52.402345,8.007636) on shape 7652 (at arc-length 7027.00m): 114.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 401778434 is too far from computed projection point (52.402345,8.007636) on shape 7651 (at arc-length 4496.16m): 114.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 401778433 is too far from computed projection point (52.402345,8.007636) on shape 7651 (at arc-length 4496.16m): 114.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4570 000000717274 Osnabrück Rosenplatz Osnabrück Rosenplatz 52.265841000000 8.054782000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
L35071 000000717273 Osnabrück Rosenplatz Osnabrück Rosenplatz 52.265798000000 8.054766000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4608 000000125287 Halbemond Halbemonder Straße/Moorweg Halbemond Halbemonder Straße/Moorweg 53.560383000000 7.306355000000 0 0 507-507|515-515|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15019 000009902681 Halbemond Halbemonder Straße/Moorweg Halbemond Halbemonder Straße/Moorweg 53.560397000000 7.306403000000 0 0 507-507|515-515|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4612 000000125283 Westermoordorf Am Berumerfehnkanal/Abzw. Westermoordorf Am Berumerfehnkanal/Abzw. 53.562943000000 7.338945000000 0 0 515-515|527-527|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15018 000009913904 Westermoordorf Am Berumerfehnkanal/Abzw. Westermoordorf Am Berumerfehnkanal/Abzw. 53.562913000000 7.338979000000 0 0 515-515|527-527|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4650 000000172415 Welplage Sander Welplage Sander 52.401538000000 8.265513000000 0 0 229-7229|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L47016 000009913322 Welplage Sander Welplage Sander 52.401531000000 8.265501000000 0 0 229-7229|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4717 000000115098 Werschenrege Abzw. Werschenreger Straße Werschenrege Abzw. Werschenreger Straße 53.210752000000 8.707570000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399927816 is too far from computed projection point (53.210173,8.707160) on shape 8759 (at arc-length 0.00m): 69.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4721 000000115097 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Feuerwehr Stendorf(Ritterhude) Feuerwehr 53.203969000000 8.702491000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 399927814 is too far from computed projection point (53.204717,8.702365) on shape 8760 (at arc-length 7669.09m): 83.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4741 000000100974 Sudwalde Neuenkirchener Weg Sudwalde Neuenkirchener Weg 52.788590000000 8.833626000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
L37747 000009913495 Sudwalde Neuenkirchener Weg Sudwalde Neuenkirchener Weg 52.788587000000 8.833624000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4765 000000100850 Anstedt Anstedt 52.729041000000 8.756918000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
L50829 000001008502 Anstedt Anstedt 52.729041000000 8.756918000000 0 0 535-535|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4797 000000176801 Malgarten Horstsee Malgarten Horstsee 52.442905000000 8.046299000000 0 0 648-7648|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778453 is too far from computed projection point (52.435371,8.014227) on shape 7640 (at arc-length 6443.76m): 2329.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4809 000000176808 Bramsche(Hase) Schulzentrum Bramsche(Hase) Schulzentrum 52.414878000000 7.994414000000 0 0 640-7640|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 401777827 is too far from computed projection point (52.414249,7.994812) on shape 7393 (at arc-length 14343.80m): 74.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401777826 is too far from computed projection point (52.414249,7.994812) on shape 7394 (at arc-length 14198.12m): 74.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 401777843 is too far from computed projection point (52.414249,7.994812) on shape 7391 (at arc-length 12860.18m): 74.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4817 000000176802 Malgarten Bockstiegel Malgarten Bockstiegel 52.448956000000 8.027871000000 0 0 648-7648|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778453 is too far from computed projection point (52.435371,8.014227) on shape 7640 (at arc-length 6443.76m): 1771.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4818 000000176803 Malgarten An der Hase Malgarten An der Hase 52.446174000000 8.022814000000 0 0 648-7648|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778453 is too far from computed projection point (52.435371,8.014227) on shape 7640 (at arc-length 6443.76m): 1334.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4823 000000176800 Malgarten Uthof Malgarten Uthof 52.436187000000 8.037945000000 0 0 648-7648|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 401778453 is too far from computed projection point (52.435371,8.014227) on shape 7640 (at arc-length 6443.76m): 1610.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4874 000000854224 Osterbruch(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte Osterbruch(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte 51.823301000000 10.015696000000 0 0 Sebexen/Osterbruch-365|VSN-VSN 1
L16880 000009907780 Osterbruch(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte Osterbruch(Kreiensen) Ortsmitte 51.823280000000 10.015660000000 0 0 Sebexen/Osterbruch-365|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4875 000000854505 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632451000000 9.938573000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L16185 000009907035 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4875 000000854505 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632451000000 9.938573000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L27701 000009907037 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4875 000000854505 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632451000000 9.938573000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L40980 000009907036 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4886 000000173801 Bennien Ascher Bruch Bennien Ascher Bruch 52.185066000000 8.482000000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13995 000000738011 Bennien Ascher Bruch Bennien Ascher Bruch 52.185085000000 8.482041000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4940 000000176637 Hertmann Am Bollgarten Hertmann Am Bollgarten 52.569990000000 7.952705000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778095 is too far from computed projection point (52.572050,7.942049) on shape 7567 (at arc-length 14338.24m): 755.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L4989 000000193692 Stapelermoor Stapeler-/Lange Straße Stapelermoor Stapeler-/Lange Straße 53.333357000000 7.852628000000 0 0 632-632|VEJ-VEJ 1
L24497 000009912069 Stapelermoor Stapeler-/Lange Straße Stapelermoor Stapeler-/Lange Straße 53.333353000000 7.852609000000 0 0 632-632|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5022 000000104746 Hudermoor Janßen Hudermoor Janßen 53.118050000000 8.478289000000 0 0 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
L45054 000009907057 Hudermoor Janßen Hudermoor Janßen 53.118024000000 8.478312000000 0 0 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5024 000000104745 Hudermoor Schohle Hudermoor Schohle 53.121601000000 8.493378000000 0 0 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
L45055 000009907058 Hudermoor Schohle Hudermoor Schohle 53.121595000000 8.493316000000 0 0 730-730|Hude-1730|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5177 000000173463 Hustädte Auf der Höhe Hustädte Auf der Höhe 52.250450000000 8.365568000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173174 is too far from computed projection point (52.251623,8.363331) on shape 9036 (at arc-length 0.00m): 200.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5193 000000104093 Sande(Kr Friesland) Bahnhof Sande(Kr Friesland) Bahnhof 53.490666000000 8.030989000000 0 0 203-203|Sande-2230|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 412430480 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8542 (at arc-length 22621.01m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 412430486 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8541 (at arc-length 16138.22m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 412430448 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8547 (at arc-length 19071.59m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 412430447 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8548 (at arc-length 18979.08m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412430413 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8557 (at arc-length 133.88m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430428 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8554 (at arc-length 2082.89m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 412430842 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8632 (at arc-length 14239.92m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 412430827 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8634 (at arc-length 14239.92m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412431103 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8709 (at arc-length 7766.08m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 412431090 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8712 (at arc-length 33300.14m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 412431086 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8713 (at arc-length 32569.82m): 50.15m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 412431083 is too far from computed projection point (53.490810,8.030271) on shape 8714 (at arc-length 30057.65m): 50.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5198 000000173466 Hustädte Meißheideweg Hustädte Meißheideweg 52.259879000000 8.383936000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13994 000000734661 Hustädte Meißheideweg Hustädte Meißheideweg 52.259913000000 8.383956000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5231 000000100159 Blenhorst Abzw. Dolldorf Blenhorst Abzw. Dolldorf 52.709330000000 9.138417000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L43850 000009902475 Blenhorst Abzw. Dolldorf Blenhorst Abzw. Dolldorf 52.709333000000 9.138380000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5238 000000100157 Wietzen Schwarze Heide Wietzen Schwarze Heide 52.718137000000 9.121855000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L47117 000009914802 Wietzen Schwarze Heide Wietzen Schwarze Heide 52.718134000000 9.121871000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5248 000000100728 Berglage Niemeyer Berglage Niemeyer 52.517791000000 8.430265000000 0 0 570-570|Lemförde-1570|VBN-VBN 1
L43812 000009901737 Berglage Niemeyer Berglage Niemeyer 52.517796000000 8.430259000000 0 0 570-570|Lemförde-1570|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5253 000000172339 Hinterfelde Bolbecer Ring Hinterfelde Bolbecer Ring 52.364914000000 8.333402000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44965 000009911075 Hinterfelde Bolbecer Ring Hinterfelde Bolbecer Ring 52.364911000000 8.333388000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5270 000000104538 Wildeshausen Krankenhaus Wildeshausen Krankenhaus 52.892974000000 8.432094000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L42208 000009914845 Wildeshausen Krankenhaus Wildeshausen Krankenhaus 52.893006000000 8.432092000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5280 000000104534 Voßberg(Dötlingen) Dötlinger Weg Voßberg(Dötlingen) Dötlinger Weg 52.912954000000 8.448110000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
L42304 000009912087 Voßberg(Dötlingen) Dötlinger Weg Voßberg(Dötlingen) Dötlinger Weg 52.912989000000 8.448085000000 0 0 620-620|Brettorf-1620|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5302 000000172218 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Schrader Herringhausen(Bohmte) Schrader 52.357793000000 8.261703000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44914 000009910357 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Schrader Herringhausen(Bohmte) Schrader 52.357787000000 8.261689000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5380 000000105299 Sedelsberg Busbahnhof Sedelsberg Busbahnhof 53.044229000000 7.737062000000 0 0 876-876|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41826 000009915749 Sedelsberg Busbahnhof Sedelsberg Busbahnhof 53.044217000000 7.737088000000 0 0 876-876|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5386 000000116507 Ahlden(Aller) Neue Straße Ahlden(Aller) Neue Straße 52.760167000000 9.551541000000 0 0 39-39|42-42|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407502398 is too far from computed projection point (52.760747,9.551982) on shape 5714 (at arc-length 3455.90m): 70.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407502403 is too far from computed projection point (52.760747,9.551982) on shape 5721 (at arc-length 3455.90m): 70.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407502399 is too far from computed projection point (52.760747,9.551982) on shape 5716 (at arc-length 3455.90m): 70.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407502397 is too far from computed projection point (52.760747,9.551982) on shape 5715 (at arc-length 3455.90m): 70.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5410 000000105297 Scharrel(Saterland) Ort Scharrel(Saterland) Ort 53.066545000000 7.710510000000 0 0 880-880|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41825 000009913965 Scharrel(Saterland) Ort Scharrel(Saterland) Ort 53.066524000000 7.710526000000 0 0 880-880|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5468 000000130023 Emden-Widdelswehr Süderweg Emden-Widdelswehr Süderweg 53.337063000000 7.252050000000 0 0 150-150|152-152|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15101 000009901099 Emden-Widdelswehr Süderweg Emden-Widdelswehr Süderweg 53.337056000000 7.252062000000 0 0 150-150|152-152|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5496 000000100593 Gandesbergen Abzweig Hauptstraße Gandesbergen Abzweig Hauptstraße 52.760062000000 9.223367000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37945 000009904480 Gandesbergen Abzweig Hauptstraße Gandesbergen Abzweig Hauptstraße 52.760062000000 9.223367000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5498 000000105613 Sannum(Großenkneten) Brand Sannum(Großenkneten) Brand 53.006286000000 8.268236000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
L46325 000009913488 Sannum(Großenkneten) Brand Sannum(Großenkneten) Brand 53.006320000000 8.268257000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5507 000000173417 Oberholsten Stadtgrenze Oberholsten Stadtgrenze 52.274365000000 8.330936000000 0 0 363-7363|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L42024 000009908107 Oberholsten Stadtgrenze Oberholsten Stadtgrenze 52.274361000000 8.330922000000 0 0 363-7363|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5515 000000104086 Heidmühle(Schortens) B 210 Heidmühle(Schortens) B 210 53.544633000000 7.948937000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412430486 is too far from computed projection point (53.543939,7.949973) on shape 8541 (at arc-length 7024.92m): 103.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412430441 is too far from computed projection point (53.543939,7.949973) on shape 8550 (at arc-length 8861.95m): 103.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412430457 is too far from computed projection point (53.543939,7.949973) on shape 8543 (at arc-length 1232.14m): 103.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5519 000000100594 Gandesbergen Lehmweg Gandesbergen Lehmweg 52.758811000000 9.233937000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37946 000009904481 Gandesbergen Lehmweg Gandesbergen Lehmweg 52.758811000000 9.233937000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5547 000000115570 Worpswede Bergedorfer Straße 11 Worpswede Bergedorfer Straße 11 53.230320000000 8.949680000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L47200 000009916294 Worpswede Bergedorfer Straße 11 Worpswede Bergedorfer Straße 11 53.230320000000 8.949640000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5555 000000173777 Melle-Neuenkirchen Grundschule Melle-Neuenkirchen Grundschule 52.136583000000 8.381651000000 0 0 367-7367|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402173208 is too far from computed projection point (52.138044,8.385064) on shape 9055 (at arc-length 524.99m): 283.97m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402173207 is too far from computed projection point (52.138044,8.385064) on shape 9056 (at arc-length 524.99m): 283.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5594 000000108146 Weserdeich Gewerbestraße Weserdeich Gewerbestraße 53.192883000000 8.503566000000 0 0 820-820|Berne-1820|VBN-VBN 1
L47035 000009913377 Weserdeich Gewerbestraße Weserdeich Gewerbestraße 53.192869000000 8.503523000000 0 0 820-820|Berne-1820|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5596 000000115451 Heeslingen Forsthaus Heeslingen Forsthaus 53.328331000000 9.356262000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L31158 000009909251 Heeslingen Forsthaus Heeslingen Forsthaus 53.328347000000 9.356195000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5609 000000176843 Achmer Ecke Doppheider Weg Achmer Ecke Doppheider Weg 52.408307000000 7.918005000000 0 0 644-7644|Achmer-7644|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 402174619 is too far from computed projection point (52.408438,7.916204) on shape 7387 (at arc-length 8995.42m): 123.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 402174617 is too far from computed projection point (52.408438,7.916204) on shape 9275 (at arc-length 10638.96m): 123.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5611 000000172328 Evinghausen Waldorfschule Evinghausen Waldorfschule 52.375853000000 8.099095000000 0 0 647-7647|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
L44468 000009902201 Evinghausen Waldorfschule Evinghausen Waldorfschule 52.375836000000 8.099091000000 0 0 647-7647|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5617 000000172325 Damme(Dümmer) Schulzentrum Damme(Dümmer) Schulzentrum 52.522772000000 8.183732000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399755103 is too far from computed projection point (52.522369,8.184581) on shape 2511 (at arc-length 116.18m): 72.86m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 399755101 is too far from computed projection point (52.523161,8.185467) on shape 2512 (at arc-length 1167.06m): 125.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5618 000000172322 Dahlinghausen Mindener Straße Dahlinghausen Mindener Straße 52.309932000000 8.458403000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44164 000009902500 Dahlinghausen Mindener Straße Dahlinghausen Mindener Straße 52.309917000000 8.458469000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5625 000000100634 Mehringen(Hilgermissen) Mehringen(Hilgermissen) 52.827193000000 9.146107000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45608 000009906863 Mehringen(Hilgermissen) Mehringen(Hilgermissen) 52.827162000000 9.146131000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5631 000000170075 Osnabrück Am Nahner Friedhof Osnabrück Am Nahner Friedhof 52.237575000000 8.059721000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 402175011 is too far from computed projection point (52.237703,8.060629) on shape 9250 (at arc-length 852.36m): 63.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 402173865 is too far from computed projection point (52.237703,8.060629) on shape 9157 (at arc-length 7328.35m): 63.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 402173876 is too far from computed projection point (52.237703,8.060629) on shape 9160 (at arc-length 18957.16m): 63.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 402174184 is too far from computed projection point (52.237703,8.060629) on shape 9203 (at arc-length 28119.10m): 63.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5641 000000100631 Eitzendorf(Hilgermissen) Kreuzung Eitzendorf(Hilgermissen) Kreuzung 52.870108000000 9.116298000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L44359 000009900368 Eitzendorf(Hilgermissen) Kreuzung Eitzendorf(Hilgermissen) Kreuzung 52.870094000000 9.116236000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5654 000000116097 Schwanewede Koppelsberg Schwanewede Koppelsberg 53.244340000000 8.589530000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 395815294 is too far from computed projection point (53.244780,8.588919) on shape 1830 (at arc-length 0.52m): 63.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5683 000000104764 Loyerberg Loyerberg 53.234350000000 8.272733000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 391517437 is too far from computed projection point (53.233432,8.264255) on shape 10013 (at arc-length 9325.16m): 573.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 391517435 is too far from computed projection point (53.233432,8.264255) on shape 10011 (at arc-length 6858.90m): 573.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 391517436 is too far from computed projection point (53.233432,8.264255) on shape 10014 (at arc-length 6303.45m): 573.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5715 000000150001 Spols Spolser Straße/Kielweg Spols Spolser Straße/Kielweg 53.322293000000 7.768520000000 0 0 630-630|VEJ-VEJ 1
L27573 000009916925 Spols Spolser Straße/Kielweg Spols Spolser Straße/Kielweg 53.322320000000 7.768467000000 0 0 630-630|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5830 000000105727 Haverbeck(Damme) Kreuzung Haverbeck(Damme) Kreuzung 52.568781000000 8.284214000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
L44849 000009909187 Haverbeck(Damme) Kreuzung Haverbeck(Damme) Kreuzung 52.568813000000 8.284177000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5857 000000100581 Hassel(Weser) Waldstraße Hassel(Weser) Waldstraße 52.806719000000 9.197849000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L38289 000009903113 Hassel(Weser) Waldstraße Hassel(Weser) Waldstraße 52.806719000000 9.197849000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5863 000000173407 Föckinghausen(Melle) Milchstraße Föckinghausen(Melle) Milchstraße 52.223613000000 8.293738000000 0 0 363-7363|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L48758 000000193407 Föckinghausen(Melle) Milchstraße Föckinghausen(Melle) Milchstraße 52.223591000000 8.293678000000 0 0 363-7363|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5871 000000108586 Bassen Tüchtener Straße Bassen Tüchtener Straße 53.057649000000 9.119744000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
L24197 000009901320 Bassen Tüchtener Straße Bassen Tüchtener Straße 53.057647000000 9.119769000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5872 000000105604 Astrup(Wardenburg) Auf dem Berge Astrup(Wardenburg) Auf dem Berge 53.049783000000 8.217163000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
L42284 000009904965 Astrup(Wardenburg) Auf dem Berge Astrup(Wardenburg) Auf dem Berge 53.049743000000 8.217165000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5873 000000108585 Bassen Dohmstraße Bassen Dohmstraße 53.058036000000 9.109319000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
L24198 000009901313 Bassen Dohmstraße Bassen Dohmstraße 53.058016000000 9.109310000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5905 000000100178 Holte(Wietzen) Kirchweg Holte(Wietzen) Kirchweg 52.679316000000 9.046340000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45002 000009905958 Holte(Wietzen) Kirchweg Holte(Wietzen) Kirchweg 52.679315000000 9.046386000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5919 000000115448 Heeslingen Heimathaus Heeslingen Heimathaus 53.312855000000 9.332064000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L44868 000009909255 Heeslingen Heimathaus Heeslingen Heimathaus 53.312841000000 9.331996000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5953 000000100053 Varrel(b Sulingen) Oberdamm Varrel(b Sulingen) Oberdamm 52.624053000000 8.739454000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
L46786 000009916275 Varrel(b Sulingen) Oberdamm Varrel(b Sulingen) Oberdamm 52.624047000000 8.739525000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L5980 000000108055 Melchiorshausen Böttcherei Melchiorshausen Böttcherei 52.958562000000 8.804797000000 0 0 510-510|Dreye-1509|Kirchweyhe-1510|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 409686804 is too far from computed projection point (52.956419,8.806709) on shape 2888 (at arc-length 5227.47m): 270.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 409686783 is too far from computed projection point (52.960967,8.812133) on shape 2902 (at arc-length 18850.54m): 559.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 409686782 is too far from computed projection point (52.956419,8.806709) on shape 2908 (at arc-length 19616.83m): 270.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6005 000000854741 Berwartshausen Dorfstraße Berwartshausen Dorfstraße 51.693597000000 9.929460000000 0 0 Schnedinghausen/Berwartshausen-401|VSN-VSN 1
L16418 000009902052 Berwartshausen Dorfstraße Berwartshausen Dorfstraße 51.693579000000 9.929431000000 0 0 Schnedinghausen/Berwartshausen-401|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6066 000000850152 Badenhausen Am Uferbach Badenhausen Am Uferbach 51.767822000000 10.207163000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
L16726 000009900575 Badenhausen Am Uferbach Badenhausen Am Uferbach 51.767799000000 10.207148000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6068 000000850150 Badenhausen Kirchweg Badenhausen Kirchweg 51.771283000000 10.208009000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
L16725 000009900577 Badenhausen Kirchweg Badenhausen Kirchweg 51.771261000000 10.207994000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6104 000000818963 Ostenholz Kirche Ostenholz Kirche 52.774697000000 9.722084000000 0 0 36-36|HK-HK 1
L15514 000009907768 Ostenholz Kirche Ostenholz Kirche 52.774703000000 9.722071000000 0 0 36-36|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6188 000000854647 Northeim Von-Menzel-Straße Northeim Von-Menzel-Straße 51.692873000000 9.991714000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16907 000009906960 Northeim Von-Menzel-Straße Northeim Von-Menzel-Straße 51.692872000000 9.991731000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6262 000000817228 Jastorf Siedlung Jastorf Siedlung 53.046890000000 10.599156000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L27670 000009908904 Jastorf Siedlung Jastorf Siedlung 53.046878000000 10.599159000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6296 000000818556 Brock(Bad Fallingbostel) Brock(Bad Fallingbostel) 52.888285000000 9.745217000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15381 000009905076 Brock(Bad Fallingbostel) Brock(Bad Fallingbostel) 52.888273000000 9.745241000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6297 000000818555 Vierde Küddelser Straße Vierde Küddelser Straße 52.881884000000 9.729003000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407501639 is too far from computed projection point (52.882328,9.734171) on shape 5649 (at arc-length 4205.00m): 350.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6298 000000818554 Vierde Wisselhorster Weg Vierde Wisselhorster Weg 52.882376000000 9.734420000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407501638 is too far from computed projection point (52.881841,9.729046) on shape 5650 (at arc-length 5445.29m): 365.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407501632 is too far from computed projection point (52.881841,9.729046) on shape 5646 (at arc-length 11281.60m): 365.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 407501630 is too far from computed projection point (52.881841,9.729046) on shape 5647 (at arc-length 13150.07m): 365.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407501628 is too far from computed projection point (52.881841,9.729046) on shape 5648 (at arc-length 5445.29m): 365.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6299 000000818553 Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Klint Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Klint 52.878147000000 9.719198000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
L15379 000009905707 Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Klint Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Klint 52.878167000000 9.719167000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6300 000000818552 Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Adolphsheide Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Adolphsheide 52.873823000000 9.702908000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
L15378 000009905706 Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Adolphsheide Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Adolphsheide 52.873815000000 9.702900000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6301 000000818551 Bomlitz Schulzentrum Bomlitz Schulzentrum 52.903794000000 9.645624000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 407502898 is too far from computed projection point (52.904265,9.645549) on shape 5773 (at arc-length 17096.34m): 52.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 407502886 is too far from computed projection point (52.904265,9.645549) on shape 5775 (at arc-length 3188.96m): 52.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6304 000000818558 Dorfmark Schule Dorfmark Schule 52.902265000000 9.762473000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501639 is too far from computed projection point (52.900787,9.763580) on shape 5649 (at arc-length 49.42m): 180.29m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501638 is too far from computed projection point (52.900787,9.763580) on shape 5650 (at arc-length 1639.24m): 180.29m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407501630 is too far from computed projection point (52.900787,9.763580) on shape 5647 (at arc-length 9345.49m): 180.29m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501628 is too far from computed projection point (52.900787,9.763580) on shape 5648 (at arc-length 1639.24m): 180.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6304 000000818558 Dorfmark Schule Dorfmark Schule 52.902265000000 9.762473000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15383 000009904078 Dorfmark Schule Dorfmark Schule 52.902260000000 9.762459000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6344 000000854705 Stöckheim(Northeim) Kötnerstraße Stöckheim(Northeim) Kötnerstraße 51.749846000000 9.931637000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
L16208 000009913264 Stöckheim(Northeim) Kötnerstraße Stöckheim(Northeim) Kötnerstraße 51.749850000000 9.931614000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6346 000000854700 Hollenstedt(Northm) Winkelweg Hollenstedt(Northm) Winkelweg 51.739522000000 9.941457000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
L16206 000009911504 Hollenstedt(Northm) Winkelweg Hollenstedt(Northm) Winkelweg 51.739521000000 9.941424000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6347 000000854701 Hollenstedt(Northm) Thieplatz Hollenstedt(Northm) Thieplatz 51.738449000000 9.944026000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
L16207 000009911503 Hollenstedt(Northm) Thieplatz Hollenstedt(Northm) Thieplatz 51.738430000000 9.944022000000 0 0 Stöckheim(VSN)/Hollenstedt-402|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6357 000000817415 Schwemlitz Schwemlitz 53.026753000000 10.753834000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16572 000009915349 Schwemlitz Schwemlitz 53.026735000000 10.753824000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6358 000000817412 Zarenthien Zarenthien 53.001002000000 10.878008000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162935 is too far from computed projection point (53.001071,10.877211) on shape 7224 (at arc-length 10744.29m): 53.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162936 is too far from computed projection point (53.001071,10.877211) on shape 7223 (at arc-length 10744.29m): 53.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6394 000000173334 Wersche Bauerschaft Wersche Bauerschaft 52.243971000000 8.206215000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
L14012 000000733341 Wersche Bauerschaft Wersche Bauerschaft 52.243971000000 8.206215000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6405 000000115788 Schwarme Am Moor Schwarme Am Moor 52.917599000000 9.053050000000 0 0 525-525|VBN-VBN 1
L45136 000009908544 Schwarme Am Moor Schwarme Am Moor 52.917586000000 9.053021000000 0 0 525-525|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6414 000000173215 Hüsede Altenheim Hüsede Altenheim 52.304308000000 8.371535000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L42000 000009907859 Hüsede Altenheim Hüsede Altenheim 52.304307000000 8.371522000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6424 000000173211 Essenerberg Ellingstraße Essenerberg Ellingstraße 52.290296000000 8.327325000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44457 000009901551 Essenerberg Ellingstraße Essenerberg Ellingstraße 52.290290000000 8.327324000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6438 000000104836 Rönnelmoor Schwarzer Weg Rönnelmoor Schwarzer Weg 53.365659000000 8.307203000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
L46306 000009913397 Rönnelmoor Schwarzer Weg Rönnelmoor Schwarzer Weg 53.365623000000 8.307200000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6441 000000104837 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 53 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 53 53.369211000000 8.307686000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
L46305 000009913396 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 53 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 53 53.369212000000 8.307638000000 0 0 840-840|845-845|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6442 000000115787 Schwarme Mittelweg Schwarme Mittelweg 52.909537000000 9.046906000000 0 0 525-525|VBN-VBN 1
L45138 000009908546 Schwarme Mittelweg Schwarme Mittelweg 52.909537000000 9.046890000000 0 0 525-525|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6461 000000100394 Wellie Reeser Weg Wellie Reeser Weg 52.577583000000 9.077180000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
L47005 000009913309 Wellie Reeser Weg Wellie Reeser Weg 52.577587000000 9.077151000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6468 000000107625 Rotenburg(Wümme) Gerberstraße Rotenburg(Wümme) Gerberstraße 53.103321000000 9.391937000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405787130 is too far from computed projection point (53.103072,9.390932) on shape 8855 (at arc-length 19099.48m): 72.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405787137 is too far from computed projection point (53.102907,9.390853) on shape 8860 (at arc-length 147.28m): 85.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6474 000000107621 Rotenburg(Wümme) Pferdemarkt Rotenburg(Wümme) Pferdemarkt 53.108597000000 9.399749000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 364865823 is too far from computed projection point (53.108799,9.399051) on shape 8750 (at arc-length 19203.42m): 51.72m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 364865820 is too far from computed projection point (53.108799,9.399051) on shape 8751 (at arc-length 23903.59m): 51.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6545 000000100433 Warmsen Wehsand Warmsen Wehsand 52.467792000000 8.818114000000 0 0 13-13|14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46973 000009912782 Warmsen Wehsand Warmsen Wehsand 52.467774000000 8.818099000000 0 0 13-13|14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6547 000000100430 Essern Esserner Heide Essern Esserner Heide 52.439913000000 8.771624000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L44462 000009901837 Essern Esserner Heide Essern Esserner Heide 52.439922000000 8.771653000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6568 000000104209 Asel(Wittmund) Ort Asel(Wittmund) Ort 53.575843000000 7.821691000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412431140 is too far from computed projection point (53.576788,7.821786) on shape 8688 (at arc-length 8857.71m): 105.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412431141 is too far from computed projection point (53.576788,7.821786) on shape 8687 (at arc-length 8146.86m): 105.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412431138 is too far from computed projection point (53.576818,7.822147) on shape 8689 (at arc-length 3931.56m): 112.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431125 is too far from computed projection point (53.576808,7.822042) on shape 8695 (at arc-length 6077.48m): 109.78m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412431135 is too far from computed projection point (53.576808,7.822042) on shape 8690 (at arc-length 4918.03m): 109.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6572 000000172368 Rabber Hauptstraße Rabber Hauptstraße 52.317141000000 8.409907000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L46203 000009916417 Rabber Hauptstraße Rabber Hauptstraße 52.317128000000 8.409909000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6599 000000104565 Ganderkesee Am Steinacker Ganderkesee Am Steinacker 53.038252000000 8.538376000000 0 0 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
L48943 000001045654 Ganderkesee Am Steinacker Ganderkesee Am Steinacker 53.038295000000 8.538384000000 0 0 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6608 000000172240 Rabber Marienkirche Rabber Marienkirche 52.317788000000 8.404458000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L46205 000009916419 Rabber Marienkirche Rabber Marienkirche 52.317775000000 8.404428000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6644 000000173832 Hoyel Westhoyeler Straße Hoyel Westhoyeler Straße 52.172806000000 8.453174000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L42167 000000738321 Hoyel Westhoyeler Straße Hoyel Westhoyeler Straße 52.172813000000 8.453193000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6648 000000173830 Hoyel Spenger Straße Hoyel Spenger Straße 52.172272000000 8.469239000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L48976 000001738302 Hoyel Spenger Straße Hoyel Spenger Straße 52.172272000000 8.469239000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6752 000000105524 Varel Menckestraße Varel Menckestraße 53.392367000000 8.136578000000 0 0 211-211|VEJ-VEJ|Varel-2250 1
L17173 000009916259 Varel Menckestraße Varel Menckestraße 53.392359000000 8.136537000000 0 0 211-211|VEJ-VEJ|Varel-2250 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6757 000000105523 Varel Altenheim Varel Altenheim 53.386812000000 8.135112000000 0 0 211-211|VEJ-VEJ|Varel-2250 1
L17174 000009916252 Varel Altenheim Varel Altenheim 53.386802000000 8.135071000000 0 0 211-211|VEJ-VEJ|Varel-2250 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6775 000000100807 Deckau Eggerking Deckau Eggerking 52.663071000000 8.436204000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
L54507 000001008072 Deckau Eggerking Deckau Eggerking 52.663071000000 8.436204000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6811 000000105553 Delfshausen ehem. Schule Delfshausen ehem. Schule 53.284638000000 8.248268000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
L24758 000009902926 Delfshausen ehem. Schule Delfshausen ehem. Schule 53.284653000000 8.248326000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6835 000000115729 Freißenbüttel Brünjes Freißenbüttel Brünjes 53.265034000000 8.792024000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405787049 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9401 (at arc-length 17758.17m): 1640.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405787046 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9402 (at arc-length 20043.69m): 1640.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405787047 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9400 (at arc-length 19032.60m): 1640.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6845 000000100338 Voigtei Heide Voigtei Heide 52.605826000000 8.907732000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
L46899 000009911739 Voigtei Heide Voigtei Heide 52.605859000000 8.907752000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6856 000000145166 Altgödens Altgödens 53.474675000000 7.960826000000 0 0 203-203|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 412431080 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8715 (at arc-length 6933.83m): 1024.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 412431075 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8716 (at arc-length 16068.45m): 1024.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6860 000000104854 Rodenkircherfeld Rodenkircherfeld 53.400704000000 8.441451000000 0 0 840-840|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
L46276 000009912880 Rodenkircherfeld Rodenkircherfeld 53.400736000000 8.441425000000 0 0 840-840|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6871 000000100334 Voigtei Hammelburg Voigtei Hammelburg 52.609691000000 8.920699000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
L46897 000009911737 Voigtei Hammelburg Voigtei Hammelburg 52.609707000000 8.920740000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6874 000000108331 Sagehorn Am Moor Sagehorn Am Moor 53.080582000000 8.995266000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
L24134 000009915316 Sagehorn Am Moor Sagehorn Am Moor 53.080558000000 8.995208000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6876 000000108330 Oyten Im Königsmoor Oyten Im Königsmoor 53.072725000000 8.994562000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
L24135 000009915303 Oyten Im Königsmoor Oyten Im Königsmoor 53.072719000000 8.994522000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6895 000000108213 Nienburg Nordertor Nienburg Nordertor 52.651250000000 9.216812000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37840 000009911330 Nienburg Nordertor Nienburg Nordertor 52.651276000000 9.216787000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6897 000000104100 Langendamm(Varel) Galgenkuhle Langendamm(Varel) Galgenkuhle 53.399751000000 8.114298000000 0 0 211-211|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 358110623 is too far from computed projection point (53.400029,8.115277) on shape 4320 (at arc-length 4.92m): 71.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 358110611 is too far from computed projection point (53.400029,8.115277) on shape 4329 (at arc-length 5623.39m): 71.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6910 000000108217 Nienburg Theodor-Storm-Straße Nienburg Theodor-Storm-Straße 52.662914000000 9.221865000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37842 000009911337 Nienburg Theodor-Storm-Straße Nienburg Theodor-Storm-Straße 52.662875000000 9.221886000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6936 000000104065 Dornum Grundschule Dornum Grundschule 53.646052000000 7.433902000000 0 0 540-540|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15289 000009904353 Dornum Grundschule Dornum Grundschule 53.646092000000 7.433884000000 0 0 540-540|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6964 000000125137 Riepe(Ihlow) Am alten Handelsplatz Riepe(Ihlow) Am alten Handelsplatz 53.395724000000 7.342576000000 0 0 473-473|VEJ-VEJ 1
L46259 000009912574 Riepe(Ihlow) Am alten Handelsplatz Riepe(Ihlow) Am alten Handelsplatz 53.395725000000 7.342549000000 0 0 473-473|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6969 000000100452 Woltringhausen Abzw. Steyerb. Woltringhausen Abzw. Steyerb. 52.548773000000 8.938557000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L47185 000009915981 Woltringhausen Abzw. Steyerb. Woltringhausen Abzw. Steyerb. 52.548747000000 8.938562000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L6973 000000100450 Woltringhausen Ohlensehlen Woltringhausen Ohlensehlen 52.555700000000 8.908470000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L47188 000009915984 Woltringhausen Ohlensehlen Woltringhausen Ohlensehlen 52.555685000000 8.908462000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7002 000000125379 Wiesens Kirche Wiesens Kirche 53.452063000000 7.556201000000 0 0 403-403|415-415|VEJ-VEJ 1
L47094 000009914499 Wiesens Kirche Wiesens Kirche 53.452078000000 7.556138000000 0 0 403-403|415-415|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7089 000000105308 Friesoythe Ellerbrockerstraße Friesoythe Ellerbrockerstraße 53.017699000000 7.854995000000 0 0 858-858|859-859|867-867|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41164 000009904095 Friesoythe Ellerbrockerstraße Friesoythe Ellerbrockerstraße 53.017675000000 7.854942000000 0 0 858-858|859-859|867-867|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7097 000000105306 Heetberg Heetberg 53.011043000000 7.800594000000 0 0 865-865|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41833 000009909541 Heetberg Heetberg 53.011066000000 7.800637000000 0 0 865-865|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7102 000000173792 Melle-St Annen St.-Annener Straße Melle-St Annen St.-Annener Straße 52.152132000000 8.426695000000 0 0 367-7367|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L45615 000009906891 Melle-St Annen St.-Annener Straße Melle-St Annen St.-Annener Straße 52.152132000000 8.426695000000 0 0 367-7367|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7202 000000108322 Narthauen Brunnenweg Narthauen Brunnenweg 53.151379000000 9.175741000000 0 0 320-320|Ottersberg-1320|VBN-VBN 1
L56065 000000198322 Narthauen Brunnenweg Narthauen Brunnenweg 53.151352000000 9.175751000000 0 0 320-320|Ottersberg-1320|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7209 000000104846 Schweiburg Greetfeld Schweiburg Greetfeld 53.392791000000 8.286770000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L46434 000009915058 Schweiburg Greetfeld Schweiburg Greetfeld 53.392829000000 8.286758000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7222 000000100326 Bücken(b Hoya) Am Hestern Bücken(b Hoya) Am Hestern 52.771907000000 9.125459000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L44110 000009900995 Bücken(b Hoya) Am Hestern Bücken(b Hoya) Am Hestern 52.771907000000 9.125459000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7242 000000100206 Holte(Wietzen) Zum Foßkamp Holte(Wietzen) Zum Foßkamp 52.674547000000 9.059818000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45009 000009905965 Holte(Wietzen) Zum Foßkamp Holte(Wietzen) Zum Foßkamp 52.674581000000 9.059855000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7244 000000108206 Haßbergen Siedlung Haßbergen Siedlung 52.723007000000 9.230785000000 0 0 6-6|VLN-VLN 1
L37830 000009909205 Haßbergen Siedlung Haßbergen Siedlung 52.723016000000 9.230740000000 0 0 6-6|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7258 000000108569 Schaphusen Denkmal Schaphusen Denkmal 53.064390000000 9.057051000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
L24189 000009913746 Schaphusen Denkmal Schaphusen Denkmal 53.064373000000 9.057021000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7270 000000100562 Nordholz(Warpe) Alte Mühle Nordholz(Warpe) Alte Mühle 52.739112000000 9.063239000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37737 000009906269 Nordholz(Warpe) Alte Mühle Nordholz(Warpe) Alte Mühle 52.739112000000 9.063239000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7278 000000100561 Nordholz(Warpe) Genossenschaft Nordholz(Warpe) Genossenschaft 52.750786000000 9.076348000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37736 000009906270 Nordholz(Warpe) Genossenschaft Nordholz(Warpe) Genossenschaft 52.750786000000 9.076348000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7321 000000125001 Aurich(Ostfriesl) Julianenburger Straße Aurich(Ostfriesl) Julianenburger Straße 53.466766000000 7.478825000000 0 0 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
L43654 000009905309 Aurich(Ostfriesl) Julianenburger Straße Aurich(Ostfriesl) Julianenburger Straße 53.466778000000 7.478822000000 0 0 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7399 000000125243 Georgsfeld Spaalstraße Georgsfeld Spaalstraße 53.485342000000 7.424857000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
L14975 000009904537 Georgsfeld Spaalstraße Georgsfeld Spaalstraße 53.485352000000 7.424817000000 0 0 408-408|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7422 000000105321 Garrel Kirche Garrel Kirche 52.955507000000 8.024166000000 0 0 828-828|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41842 000009904503 Garrel Kirche Garrel Kirche 52.955528000000 8.024121000000 0 0 828-828|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7458 000000105208 Höltinghausen Bahnhof Höltinghausen Bahnhof 52.869377000000 8.136641000000 0 0 802-802|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L45077 000009907493 Höltinghausen Bahnhof Höltinghausen Bahnhof 52.869404000000 8.136662000000 0 0 802-802|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7470 000000105202 Ahlhorn Bahnhof Ahlhorn Bahnhof 52.899255000000 8.209061000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 402778312 is too far from computed projection point (52.900333,8.209070) on shape 2120 (at arc-length 19576.24m): 119.87m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402778279 is too far from computed projection point (52.900333,8.209070) on shape 2129 (at arc-length 1.78m): 119.87m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402778298 is too far from computed projection point (52.900333,8.209070) on shape 2125 (at arc-length 1.78m): 119.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7475 000000115491 Tiste Ort Tiste Ort 53.286742000000 9.530435000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 156.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7499 000000176883 Lappenstuhl Loch Lappenstuhl Loch 52.418116000000 8.060439000000 0 0 646-7646|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401778427 is too far from computed projection point (52.418181,8.059673) on shape 7656 (at arc-length 8602.73m): 52.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7527 000000104867 Jader Vorwerk Jader Vorwerk 53.307792000000 8.255032000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L45164 000009908607 Jader Vorwerk Jader Vorwerk 53.307787000000 8.254978000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7541 000000105446 Edewechterdamm Fuchs Edewechterdamm Fuchs 53.068438000000 7.922711000000 0 0 870-870|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L41159 000009905558 Edewechterdamm Fuchs Edewechterdamm Fuchs 53.068415000000 7.922724000000 0 0 870-870|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7637 000000100461 Uchte Hoysinghauser Straße Uchte Hoysinghauser Straße 52.509412000000 8.906776000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L46739 000009915507 Uchte Hoysinghauser Straße Uchte Hoysinghauser Straße 52.509439000000 8.906776000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7643 000000100468 Bohnhorst Stiller Winkel Bohnhorst Stiller Winkel 52.416208000000 8.803568000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L43904 000009903183 Bohnhorst Stiller Winkel Bohnhorst Stiller Winkel 52.416218000000 8.803535000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7646 000000100469 Bohnhorst An der Holzstraße Bohnhorst An der Holzstraße 52.420018000000 8.818178000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L43901 000009903180 Bohnhorst An der Holzstraße Bohnhorst An der Holzstraße 52.420009000000 8.818149000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7735 000000125262 Großheide Linienweg Großheide Linienweg 53.571852000000 7.341193000000 0 0 VEJ-VEJ 1
L14989 000009901242 Großheide Linienweg Großheide Linienweg 53.571843000000 7.341181000000 0 0 VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7886 000000104816 Ovelgönne-Barghorn Culturweg Ovelgönne-Barghorn Culturweg 53.297386000000 8.321191000000 0 0 835-835|VBN-VBN 1
L46131 000009914967 Ovelgönne-Barghorn Culturweg Ovelgönne-Barghorn Culturweg 53.297359000000 8.321224000000 0 0 835-835|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7897 000000130041 Emden(Ostfriesl) Nesserlander Straße Emden(Ostfriesl) Nesserlander Straße 53.348727000000 7.188151000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L44415 000009900788 Emden(Ostfriesl) Nesserlander Straße Emden(Ostfriesl) Nesserlander Straße 53.348750000000 7.188110000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7900 000000105476 Reekenfeld Brücke Reekenfeld Brücke 53.093894000000 7.785230000000 0 0 877-877|878-878|881-881|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L42424 000009916849 Reekenfeld Brücke Reekenfeld Brücke 53.093857000000 7.785231000000 0 0 877-877|878-878|881-881|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7916 000000115075 Delmenhorst Hülsemeyer Delmenhorst Hülsemeyer 53.008058000000 8.608287000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L44220 000009903291 Delmenhorst Hülsemeyer Delmenhorst Hülsemeyer 53.008052000000 8.608273000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7924 000000130040 Emden(Ostfriesl) Alte Liebe Emden(Ostfriesl) Alte Liebe 53.350615000000 7.189948000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15104 000009900734 Emden(Ostfriesl) Alte Liebe Emden(Ostfriesl) Alte Liebe 53.350608000000 7.189936000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7927 000000104042 Etzel(Friedeburg) Kindergarten Etzel(Friedeburg) Kindergarten 53.461688000000 7.891056000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 3137.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7928 000000173553 Melle Markt Melle Markt 52.203476000000 8.336067000000 0 0 360-7360|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13981 000000735531 Melle Markt Melle Markt 52.203476000000 8.336067000000 0 0 360-7360|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7931 000000104043 Etzel(Friedeburg) Stapelstein Etzel(Friedeburg) Stapelstein 53.454746000000 7.873556000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 1760.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7967 000000198538 Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Buschhausen Schulzentrum Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Buschhausen Schulzentrum 53.230300000000 8.770282000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 395815352 is too far from computed projection point (53.230943,8.770616) on shape 1859 (at arc-length 16695.70m): 74.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 395815351 is too far from computed projection point (53.230943,8.770616) on shape 1860 (at arc-length 12576.98m): 74.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 395815349 is too far from computed projection point (53.230530,8.768905) on shape 1862 (at arc-length 7369.49m): 95.18m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 395815348 is too far from computed projection point (53.230943,8.770616) on shape 1863 (at arc-length 29082.53m): 74.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7981 000000100533 Stendern Abzw. Stendern Abzw. 52.770712000000 9.155592000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L42506 000009912673 Stendern Abzw. Stendern Abzw. 52.770681000000 9.155567000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L7998 000000100418 Nordel Seiker Nordel Seiker 52.466720000000 8.720244000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L45912 000009911414 Nordel Seiker Nordel Seiker 52.466756000000 8.720229000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8046 000000172346 Hüsede Im Dorfe Hüsede Im Dorfe 52.305557000000 8.373174000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45105 000009907861 Hüsede Im Dorfe Hüsede Im Dorfe 52.305548000000 8.373161000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8048 000000125337 Ostgroßefehn Am Postweg Ostgroßefehn Am Postweg 53.396262000000 7.602441000000 0 0 421-421|422-422|VEJ-VEJ 1
L46110 000009914598 Ostgroßefehn Am Postweg Ostgroßefehn Am Postweg 53.396255000000 7.602427000000 0 0 421-421|422-422|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8050 000000172344 Hördinghausen Schützenstraße Hördinghausen Schützenstraße 52.312028000000 8.443319000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45094 000009907804 Hördinghausen Schützenstraße Hördinghausen Schützenstraße 52.312022000000 8.443305000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8051 000000172342 Hördinghausen Glocke Hördinghausen Glocke 52.314566000000 8.444093000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45092 000009907802 Hördinghausen Glocke Hördinghausen Glocke 52.314561000000 8.444080000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8065 000000100650 Hämelhausen Hämelheider Straße Hämelhausen Hämelheider Straße 52.784791000000 9.263186000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L41054 000009907469 Hämelhausen Hämelheider Straße Hämelhausen Hämelheider Straße 52.784791000000 9.263186000000 0 0 150-150|5-5|Eystrup-1150|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8125 000000176725 Neuenkirchen(Oldb) Bahnhof Neuenkirchen(Oldb) Bahnhof 52.508845000000 8.061266000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|Neuenkirchen(Oldb)-NEU|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 399755074 is too far from computed projection point (52.508097,8.059858) on shape 2495 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8143 000000176606 Balkum Grenzweg/Reithalle Balkum Grenzweg/Reithalle 52.451627000000 7.893953000000 0 0 642-7642|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777806 is too far from computed projection point (52.452084,7.894369) on shape 7401 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8154 000000103136 Nadörst B72/Schwarzer Weg Nadörst B72/Schwarzer Weg 53.555510000000 7.253941000000 0 0 503-503|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427942 is too far from computed projection point (53.554585,7.254158) on shape 8193 (at arc-length 14.44m): 103.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8170 000000115979 Frankenburg(Lilienthal) Behrens Frankenburg(Lilienthal) Behrens 53.172719000000 8.906088000000 0 0 219-219|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407709179 is too far from computed projection point (53.172739,8.906867) on shape 3770 (at arc-length 4014.68m): 51.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 407709167 is too far from computed projection point (53.172739,8.906867) on shape 3771 (at arc-length 9956.54m): 51.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8178 000000116551 Stinstedt(Loxstedt) Ringstraße Stinstedt(Loxstedt) Ringstraße 53.473839000000 8.719456000000 0 0 240-240|Loxstedt-1240|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 361829743 is too far from computed projection point (53.473349,8.721260) on shape 3644 (at arc-length 18685.94m): 131.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8198 000000115858 Bittstedt Haltestelle Bittstedt Haltestelle 53.154320000000 9.245983000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 4358.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8206 000000115857 Schleeßel Haltestelle Schleeßel Haltestelle 53.144359000000 9.259964000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 3752.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8233 000000173304 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum 52.238265000000 8.174828000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173267 is too far from computed projection point (52.238160,8.176657) on shape 9084 (at arc-length 3.90m): 125.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8233 000000173304 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum 52.238265000000 8.174828000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
L36688 000000733046 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum 52.238265000000 8.174828000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8295 000000130077 Emden(Ostfriesl) Max-Born-Straße Emden(Ostfriesl) Max-Born-Straße 53.365730000000 7.166419000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L48486 000000120077 Emden(Ostfriesl) Max-Born-Straße Emden(Ostfriesl) Max-Born-Straße 53.365730000000 7.166419000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8296 000000130074 Emden(Ostfriesl) Kuffweg Emden(Ostfriesl) Kuffweg 53.370640000000 7.177184000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L44402 000009900762 Emden(Ostfriesl) Kuffweg Emden(Ostfriesl) Kuffweg 53.370606000000 7.177198000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8329 000000100234 Uchte Schulzentrum Uchte Schulzentrum 52.494979000000 8.913950000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L46742 000009915510 Uchte Schulzentrum Uchte Schulzentrum 52.495006000000 8.913906000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8329 000000100234 Uchte Schulzentrum Uchte Schulzentrum 52.494979000000 8.913950000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L46743 000009915511 Uchte Schulzentrum Uchte Schulzentrum 52.494943000000 8.913994000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8340 000000100522 Jenhorst Holze Jenhorst Holze 52.449231000000 8.932447000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L45179 000009908932 Jenhorst Holze Jenhorst Holze 52.449195000000 8.932417000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8347 000000104336 Heidmühle(Schortens) IGS-Mühlenweg Heidmühle(Schortens) IGS-Mühlenweg 53.536871000000 7.936867000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
L53375 000000194336 Heidmühle(Schortens) IGS-Mühlenweg Heidmühle(Schortens) IGS-Mühlenweg 53.536854000000 7.936847000000 0 0 202-202|Schortens-2220|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8369 000000100763 Deckau Exner Deckau Exner 52.662703000000 8.421767000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
L55958 000000190763 Deckau Exner Deckau Exner 52.662703000000 8.421767000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8410 000000172372 Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Felsen Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Felsen 52.362561000000 8.217716000000 0 0 223-7223|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L46395 000009914699 Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Felsen Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Felsen 52.362547000000 8.217714000000 0 0 223-7223|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8413 000000103879 Stapelmoor Dorfstaße/Waldrandsiedlung Stapelmoor Dorfstaße/Waldrandsiedlung 53.143253000000 7.298983000000 0 0 733-733|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412429742 is too far from computed projection point (53.142894,7.299456) on shape 8453 (at arc-length 2.16m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412429720 is too far from computed projection point (53.142894,7.299456) on shape 8462 (at arc-length 9755.13m): 50.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8426 000000100640 Magelsen(Hilgermissen) Alte Schule Magelsen(Hilgermissen) Alte Schule 52.874240000000 9.169286000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45565 000009906169 Magelsen(Hilgermissen) Alte Schule Magelsen(Hilgermissen) Alte Schule 52.874273000000 9.169318000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8453 000000130019 Emden-Borssum Freibad Emden-Borssum Freibad 53.345901000000 7.224928000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15100 000009900802 Emden-Borssum Freibad Emden-Borssum Freibad 53.345899000000 7.224949000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8523 000000105649 Hengstlage Burgstraße Hengstlage Burgstraße 52.992165000000 8.191681000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
L42443 000009910307 Hengstlage Burgstraße Hengstlage Burgstraße 52.992151000000 8.191710000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8530 000000175614 Neuenwalde(Damme) Markus Neuenwalde(Damme) Markus 52.503883000000 8.155360000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 399755085 is too far from computed projection point (52.502198,8.155499) on shape 2487 (at arc-length 9918.98m): 187.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399755082 is too far from computed projection point (52.502198,8.155499) on shape 2490 (at arc-length 10638.55m): 187.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399755083 is too far from computed projection point (52.502198,8.155499) on shape 2489 (at arc-length 7050.10m): 187.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8536 000000115545 Mevenstedt(OHZ) An der Bahn Mevenstedt(OHZ) An der Bahn 53.241467000000 8.956213000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L14756 000009906949 Mevenstedt(OHZ) An der Bahn Mevenstedt(OHZ) An der Bahn 53.241461000000 8.956229000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8563 000000100424 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Abzw. Osterloh Steinbrink(Diepenau) Abzw. Osterloh 52.478365000000 8.740372000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46540 000009912421 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Abzw. Osterloh Steinbrink(Diepenau) Abzw. Osterloh 52.478372000000 8.740328000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8564 000000100425 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Horst-Hövels-Damm Steinbrink(Diepenau) Horst-Hövels-Damm 52.481447000000 8.752806000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46542 000009912423 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Horst-Hövels-Damm Steinbrink(Diepenau) Horst-Hövels-Damm 52.481465000000 8.752811000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8565 000000100422 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Bohnenberg Steinbrink(Diepenau) Bohnenberg 52.484853000000 8.732385000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46541 000009912422 Steinbrink(Diepenau) Bohnenberg Steinbrink(Diepenau) Bohnenberg 52.484828000000 8.732411000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8566 000000100420 Schwarzenhausen Bruch Schwarzenhausen Bruch 52.498444000000 8.718284000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46415 000009915011 Schwarzenhausen Bruch Schwarzenhausen Bruch 52.498442000000 8.718275000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8610 000000172315 Borgwedde Eisenzeithaus Borgwedde Eisenzeithaus 52.375133000000 8.171415000000 0 0 224-7224|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L43936 000009903602 Borgwedde Eisenzeithaus Borgwedde Eisenzeithaus 52.375124000000 8.171409000000 0 0 224-7224|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8626 000000100665 Groß Lessen Schule Groß Lessen Schule 52.655408000000 8.744587000000 0 0 555-555|VBN-VBN 1
L44729 000009900870 Groß Lessen Schule Groß Lessen Schule 52.655370000000 8.744602000000 0 0 555-555|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8629 000000173828 Hoyel Heide Hoyel Heide 52.170494000000 8.469369000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L42164 000000738281 Hoyel Heide Hoyel Heide 52.170474000000 8.469433000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8668 000000173821 Düingdorf Querstraße Düingdorf Querstraße 52.206638000000 8.447576000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13998 000000738211 Düingdorf Querstraße Düingdorf Querstraße 52.206658000000 8.447555000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8687 000000173826 Groß Aschen Bruch Groß Aschen Bruch 52.185237000000 8.495038000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L56184 000000173282 Groß Aschen Bruch Groß Aschen Bruch 52.185216000000 8.495017000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8706 000000100884 Barenburg Mitte Barenburg Mitte 52.619188000000 8.799993000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
L53072 000001008843 Barenburg Mitte Barenburg Mitte 52.619184000000 8.799998000000 0 0 555-555|585-585|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8742 000000115868 Stapel(Horstedt) Stapel(Horstedt) 53.179421000000 9.202164000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
L14694 000009912063 Stapel(Horstedt) Stapel(Horstedt) 53.179457000000 9.202149000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8845 000000173475 Markendorf(Melle) Löhlingdorfer Straße Markendorf(Melle) Löhlingdorfer Straße 52.246021000000 8.420909000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13976 000000734751 Markendorf(Melle) Löhlingdorfer Straße Markendorf(Melle) Löhlingdorfer Straße 52.245985000000 8.420952000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8853 000000175604 Engter Eiker Weg Engter Eiker Weg 52.392809000000 8.059099000000 0 0 646-7646|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 401778438 is too far from computed projection point (52.393776,8.059104) on shape 7648 (at arc-length 11738.33m): 107.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8917 000000105894 Wildeshausen Spascher Feldweg Wildeshausen Spascher Feldweg 52.899165000000 8.406319000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L42514 000009914856 Wildeshausen Spascher Feldweg Wildeshausen Spascher Feldweg 52.899196000000 8.406359000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8939 000000100617 Oberboyen(Hilgermissen) Oberboyen(Hilgermissen) 52.839918000000 9.189972000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L48590 000000190617 Oberboyen(Hilgermissen) Oberboyen(Hilgermissen) 52.839912000000 9.189974000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8946 000000172267 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Im Winkel Herringhausen(Bohmte) Im Winkel 52.352652000000 8.232068000000 0 0 233-7233|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44911 000009910354 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Im Winkel Herringhausen(Bohmte) Im Winkel 52.352644000000 8.232058000000 0 0 233-7233|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8951 000000176112 Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Schulzentrum Fürstenau(b Bramsche) Schulzentrum 52.522254000000 7.679677000000 0 0 1004-1004|680-7680|919-7919|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402174599 is too far from computed projection point (52.521980,7.678908) on shape 9264 (at arc-length 1024.69m): 60.29m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174600 is too far from computed projection point (52.521968,7.678628) on shape 9265 (at arc-length 0.95m): 77.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401777711 is too far from computed projection point (52.521980,7.678908) on shape 7354 (at arc-length 14447.95m): 60.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L8965 000000103160 Leezdorf Moortunweg Leezdorf Moortunweg 53.554746000000 7.303712000000 0 0 516-516|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427967 is too far from computed projection point (53.555147,7.306975) on shape 8180 (at arc-length 0.00m): 220.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9009 000000100199 Wohlenhausen(Marklohe) Wohlenhausen(Marklohe) 52.669167000000 9.124837000000 0 0 1-1|16-16|2-2|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L47182 000009915953 Wohlenhausen(Marklohe) Wohlenhausen(Marklohe) 52.669136000000 9.124841000000 0 0 1-1|16-16|2-2|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9024 000000100195 Neulohe(Marklohe) Neuloher Hof Neulohe(Marklohe) Neuloher Hof 52.683280000000 9.102121000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45808 000009909819 Neulohe(Marklohe) Neuloher Hof Neulohe(Marklohe) Neuloher Hof 52.683245000000 9.102159000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9028 000000100193 Bötenberg Reithalle Bötenberg Reithalle 52.690823000000 9.125787000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L44108 000009900714 Bötenberg Reithalle Bötenberg Reithalle 52.690828000000 9.125849000000 0 0 2-2|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9037 000000104914 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356244000000 8.305944000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L46303 000009913204 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356240000000 8.305970000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9037 000000104914 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356244000000 8.305944000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L48401 000000184914 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356240000000 8.305970000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9037 000000104914 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356244000000 8.305944000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L48402 000000164914 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 Rönnelmoor Rönnelstraße 13 53.356240000000 8.305970000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9092 000000173251 Barkhausen(Bad Essen) Friedhof Barkhausen(Bad Essen) Friedhof 52.286536000000 8.416219000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L43748 000009900941 Barkhausen(Bad Essen) Friedhof Barkhausen(Bad Essen) Friedhof 52.286529000000 8.416209000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9107 000000173254 Linne(Bad Essen) Krietenstein Linne(Bad Essen) Krietenstein 52.299587000000 8.404057000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45479 000009910114 Linne(Bad Essen) Krietenstein Linne(Bad Essen) Krietenstein 52.299585000000 8.404056000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9134 000000100231 Lohhof(Uchte) Lohhof(Uchte) 52.481778000000 8.879699000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L45507 000009910482 Lohhof(Uchte) Lohhof(Uchte) 52.481787000000 8.879637000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9165 000000145347 Schenum Schenum 53.559501000000 7.880189000000 0 0 200-200|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412431042 is too far from computed projection point (53.559171,7.879042) on shape 8702 (at arc-length 0.00m): 84.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9177 000000100517 Westenfeld(Raddestorf) Denkmal Westenfeld(Raddestorf) Denkmal 52.421854000000 8.937512000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L47047 000009913613 Westenfeld(Raddestorf) Denkmal Westenfeld(Raddestorf) Denkmal 52.421831000000 8.937518000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9188 000000100510 Höfen(Uchte) Alte Schule Höfen(Uchte) Alte Schule 52.474231000000 8.915860000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L45076 000009907488 Höfen(Uchte) Alte Schule Höfen(Uchte) Alte Schule 52.474268000000 8.915841000000 0 0 13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9204 000000100472 Sapelloh Alte Schule Sapelloh Alte Schule 52.421934000000 8.854299000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46327 000009913679 Sapelloh Alte Schule Sapelloh Alte Schule 52.421947000000 8.854301000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9208 000000100470 Sapelloh Sapelloh 52.419216000000 8.844137000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
L46326 000009913678 Sapelloh Sapelloh 52.419210000000 8.844149000000 0 0 14-14|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9210 000000108470 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Wasserturm Osterholz-Scharmbeck Wasserturm 53.230908000000 8.788530000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405787047 is too far from computed projection point (53.230331,8.789158) on shape 9400 (at arc-length 18.67m): 76.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9240 000000100757 Rödenbeck Rödenbeck 52.731345000000 8.474509000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
L46302 000009913199 Rödenbeck Rödenbeck 52.731319000000 8.474566000000 0 0 550-550|Barnstorf-1550|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9249 000000174214 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Holzhauser Straße Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Holzhauser Straße 52.237822000000 7.967593000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L58643 000000175214 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Holzhauser Straße Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Holzhauser Straße 52.237811000000 7.967537000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9256 000000174213 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Hasenpatt Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Hasenpatt 52.235671000000 7.971376000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L58642 000000175132 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Hasenpatt Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Hasenpatt 52.235633000000 7.971380000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9268 000000174216 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Schierke Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Schierke 52.230595000000 7.951207000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L14228 000009903091 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Schierke Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Schierke 52.230588000000 7.951188000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9286 000000125274 Berumerfehn Heideweg Berumerfehn Heideweg 53.547554000000 7.352916000000 0 0 526-526|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15039 000009902047 Berumerfehn Heideweg Berumerfehn Heideweg 53.547545000000 7.352924000000 0 0 526-526|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9289 000000125273 Westerwieke Weidekamp Westerwieke Weidekamp 53.550621000000 7.349840000000 0 0 526-526|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15005 000009914184 Westerwieke Weidekamp Westerwieke Weidekamp 53.550604000000 7.349847000000 0 0 526-526|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9291 000000125270 Berum Am Alten Amt Berum Am Alten Amt 53.602120000000 7.298491000000 0 0 508-508|VEJ-VEJ 1
L14999 000009902040 Berum Am Alten Amt Berum Am Alten Amt 53.602114000000 7.298477000000 0 0 508-508|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9317 000000105100 Kirchhatten Hatter Mühle Kirchhatten Hatter Mühle 53.029976000000 8.353073000000 0 0 920-920|Sandkrug-1920|VBN-VBN 1
L42246 000009906046 Kirchhatten Hatter Mühle Kirchhatten Hatter Mühle 53.030004000000 8.353038000000 0 0 920-920|Sandkrug-1920|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9323 000000115394 Süstedt-Ochtmannien Denkmal Süstedt-Ochtmannien Denkmal 52.825144000000 8.902317000000 0 0 524-524|VBN-VBN 1
L37739 000009914327 Süstedt-Ochtmannien Denkmal Süstedt-Ochtmannien Denkmal 52.825135000000 8.902317000000 0 0 524-524|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9417 000000172383 Südfelde(Damme) Gemeindehaus Südfelde(Damme) Gemeindehaus 52.508602000000 8.208853000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
L46672 000009914064 Südfelde(Damme) Gemeindehaus Südfelde(Damme) Gemeindehaus 52.508584000000 8.208788000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9463 000000100366 Steyerberg Waldschule Steyerberg Waldschule 52.571592000000 9.032361000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
L46566 000009912709 Steyerberg Waldschule Steyerberg Waldschule 52.571575000000 9.032299000000 0 0 15-15|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9513 000000104176 Tettens(Wangerland) Schule Tettens(Wangerland) Schule 53.638327000000 7.883759000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 2634.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9529 000000172428 Brockhausen(Bad Essen) Zum alten Freden Brockhausen(Bad Essen) Zum alten Freden 52.351494000000 8.379261000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44043 000009905093 Brockhausen(Bad Essen) Zum alten Freden Brockhausen(Bad Essen) Zum alten Freden 52.351486000000 8.379251000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9547 000000104052 Dornumergrode Mönchstrift Dornumergrode Mönchstrift 53.669632000000 7.418462000000 0 0 544-544|545-545|VEJ-VEJ 1
L36075 000009904359 Dornumergrode Mönchstrift Dornumergrode Mönchstrift 53.669672000000 7.418494000000 0 0 544-544|545-545|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9548 000000172422 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Sportplatz Herringhausen(Bohmte) Sportplatz 52.354890000000 8.253033000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L44915 000009910358 Herringhausen(Bohmte) Sportplatz Herringhausen(Bohmte) Sportplatz 52.354873000000 8.253031000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9568 000000125042 Boekzetelerfehn Pappelstraße/Unterende Boekzetelerfehn Pappelstraße/Unterende 53.329042000000 7.518642000000 0 0 613-613|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405157253 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1154 (at arc-length 25950.20m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 405157251 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1156 (at arc-length 27370.62m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405157249 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1157 (at arc-length 20824.61m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405157248 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1158 (at arc-length 20857.87m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405157247 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1159 (at arc-length 20824.61m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405157236 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1161 (at arc-length 20824.61m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 405157232 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1162 (at arc-length 26937.70m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405157226 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1164 (at arc-length 25950.20m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 405157225 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1165 (at arc-length 26937.70m): 564.31m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405157309 is too far from computed projection point (53.331056,7.510842) on shape 1191 (at arc-length 5407.24m): 564.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9569 000000116148 Harriersand Hilmer Harriersand Hilmer 53.303627000000 8.497862000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 395815329 is too far from computed projection point (53.307176,8.496446) on shape 1852 (at arc-length 53595.67m): 405.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9571 000000116149 Harriersand Warnke Harriersand Warnke 53.315871000000 8.495945000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 395815329 is too far from computed projection point (53.317353,8.495624) on shape 1852 (at arc-length 50109.25m): 166.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9572 000000176519 Haffeld Plohr Haffeld Plohr 52.621340000000 7.822404000000 0 0 691-7691|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778371 is too far from computed projection point (52.620200,7.816335) on shape 7548 (at arc-length 4449.70m): 428.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778376 is too far from computed projection point (52.620200,7.816335) on shape 7542 (at arc-length 4449.70m): 428.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778382 is too far from computed projection point (52.620200,7.816335) on shape 7543 (at arc-length 4449.70m): 428.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778356 is too far from computed projection point (52.620200,7.816335) on shape 7551 (at arc-length 2766.17m): 428.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 401778355 is too far from computed projection point (52.620200,7.816335) on shape 7550 (at arc-length 11443.44m): 428.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9574 000000116146 Harriersand Steengrafe Harriersand Steengrafe 53.274731000000 8.491447000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 395815337 is too far from computed projection point (53.278205,8.489544) on shape 1851 (at arc-length 91240.72m): 406.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9575 000000116147 Harriersand Körber Harriersand Körber 53.292975000000 8.496726000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 395815337 is too far from computed projection point (53.298451,8.498308) on shape 1851 (at arc-length 95991.47m): 617.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9610 000000105786 Nellinghof Abzw. Damme Nellinghof Abzw. Damme 52.529905000000 8.102211000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
L45737 000009908416 Nellinghof Abzw. Damme Nellinghof Abzw. Damme 52.529940000000 8.102250000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9613 000000105782 Nellinghof Schule Tackenberg Nellinghof Schule Tackenberg 52.536502000000 8.077832000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
L45741 000009908420 Nellinghof Schule Tackenberg Nellinghof Schule Tackenberg 52.536514000000 8.077891000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9684 000000115420 Kolonie Wachendorf(Syke) Kolonie Wachendorf(Syke) 52.864631000000 8.878143000000 0 0 520-520|524-524|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
L37757 000009907145 Kolonie Wachendorf(Syke) Kolonie Wachendorf(Syke) 52.864640000000 8.878194000000 0 0 520-520|524-524|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9725 000000108319 Kirchlinteln Ortsmitte Kirchlinteln Ortsmitte 52.940353000000 9.319693000000 0 0 130-130|135-135|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
L45234 000009906062 Kirchlinteln Ortsmitte Kirchlinteln Ortsmitte 52.940363000000 9.319713000000 0 0 130-130|135-135|VBN-VBN|Verden-1130 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9727 000000172298 Bohmte Weidenstraße/Birkenstraße Bohmte Weidenstraße/Birkenstraße 52.373856000000 8.323870000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L43891 000009903168 Bohmte Weidenstraße/Birkenstraße Bohmte Weidenstraße/Birkenstraße 52.373847000000 8.323867000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9731 000000172299 Bohmte Bruchheide Bohmte Bruchheide 52.380822000000 8.304256000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L43880 000009903156 Bohmte Bruchheide Bohmte Bruchheide 52.380791000000 8.304265000000 0 0 228-7228|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9736 000000108311 Schafwinkel St. Pauli Schafwinkel St. Pauli 52.958459000000 9.462274000000 0 0 135-135|VBN-VBN 1
L46338 000009913739 Schafwinkel St. Pauli Schafwinkel St. Pauli 52.958498000000 9.462299000000 0 0 135-135|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9791 000000115664 Riede(Kr Verden) Bahnhof Riede(Kr Verden) Bahnhof 52.973030000000 8.939333000000 0 0 114-114|510-510|Dreye-1509|Kirchweyhe-1510|VBN-VBN 1
L46253 000009912562 Riede(Kr Verden) Bahnhof Riede(Kr Verden) Bahnhof 52.973038000000 8.939406000000 0 0 114-114|510-510|Dreye-1509|Kirchweyhe-1510|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9802 000000100559 Helzendorf Nordhausen Helzendorf Nordhausen 52.757619000000 9.084580000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37732 000009909980 Helzendorf Nordhausen Helzendorf Nordhausen 52.757619000000 9.084580000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9811 000000104041 Etzel(Friedeburg) Grillhütte Etzel(Friedeburg) Grillhütte 53.466125000000 7.901410000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 3975.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9815 000000100558 Calle(Bücken) L 352 Calle(Bücken) L 352 52.770437000000 9.103156000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37721 000009901365 Calle(Bücken) L 352 Calle(Bücken) L 352 52.770437000000 9.103156000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9898 000000116056 Schwanewede Waldschule Schwanewede Waldschule 53.223833000000 8.587040000000 0 0 204-204|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 398495415 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1866 (at arc-length 673.73m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 395815460 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1868 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412345094 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1878 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 395815455 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1872 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 395815458 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1869 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 395815457 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1870 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 395815456 is too far from computed projection point (53.223853,8.588078) on shape 1871 (at arc-length 6592.08m): 69.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9923 000000173490 Bulsten Marmorwerk Bulsten Marmorwerk 52.238995000000 8.450019000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L13972 000000734901 Bulsten Marmorwerk Bulsten Marmorwerk 52.239024000000 8.449997000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9956 000000115294 Grasberg Rautendorfer Straße 13 Grasberg Rautendorfer Straße 13 53.135640000000 9.026200000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L44684 000009900475 Grasberg Rautendorfer Straße 13 Grasberg Rautendorfer Straße 13 53.135630000000 9.026190000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L9957 000000105366 Westerburg(Wardenburg) Dorfweg Westerburg(Wardenburg) Dorfweg 53.027301000000 8.227005000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
L42465 000009913653 Westerburg(Wardenburg) Dorfweg Westerburg(Wardenburg) Dorfweg 53.027315000000 8.227054000000 0 0 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10026 000000115730 Freißenbüttel Siedlung Freißenbüttel Siedlung 53.261444000000 8.793093000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405787049 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9401 (at arc-length 17758.17m): 1480.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 405787046 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9402 (at arc-length 20043.69m): 1480.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405787047 is too far from computed projection point (53.260037,8.815223) on shape 9400 (at arc-length 19032.60m): 1480.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10042 000000172280 Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Demuth Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Demuth 52.377650000000 8.228727000000 0 0 223-7223|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L46394 000009914698 Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Demuth Schwagstorf(Ostercappeln) Demuth 52.377643000000 8.228715000000 0 0 223-7223|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10060 000000172286 Wimmer(Bad Essen) Wimmerheide Wimmer(Bad Essen) Wimmerheide 52.351249000000 8.423087000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L47158 000009915194 Wimmer(Bad Essen) Wimmerheide Wimmer(Bad Essen) Wimmerheide 52.351241000000 8.423080000000 0 0 226-7226|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10162 000000108853 Westen(Dörverden) Ortsmitte Westen(Dörverden) Ortsmitte 52.839649000000 9.305501000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
L47043 000009913608 Westen(Dörverden) Ortsmitte Westen(Dörverden) Ortsmitte 52.839633000000 9.305454000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10230 000000176657 Talge(Bersenbrück) Zum munteren Reh Talge(Bersenbrück) Zum munteren Reh 52.587234000000 7.953563000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 401778095 is too far from computed projection point (52.572050,7.942049) on shape 7567 (at arc-length 14338.24m): 1858.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10235 000000176655 Talge(Bersenbrück) Warnefelder Straße Talge(Bersenbrück) Warnefelder Straße 52.584115000000 7.965765000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778095 is too far from computed projection point (52.572050,7.942049) on shape 7567 (at arc-length 14338.24m): 2089.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10239 000000105683 Spreda Schwinefoot Spreda Schwinefoot 52.765268000000 8.238544000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
L48957 000000195683 Spreda Schwinefoot Spreda Schwinefoot 52.765240000000 8.238544000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10257 000000816200 Dannenberg(Elbe) ZOB Dannenberg(Elbe) ZOB 53.097868000000 11.098051000000 0 0 3-3|957-957|DAN-DAN|Dannenberg-DBG|Hitzacker-HIT|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405488145 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2464 (at arc-length 30854.44m): 61.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 405488139 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2466 (at arc-length 41356.46m): 61.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405488137 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2467 (at arc-length 31271.43m): 61.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405486627 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2310 (at arc-length 16403.34m): 61.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405486629 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2308 (at arc-length 17597.10m): 61.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405488110 is too far from computed projection point (53.097560,11.097294) on shape 2460 (at arc-length 20488.01m): 61.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10317 000000850354 Osterode am Harz Königsgasse Osterode am Harz Königsgasse 51.731514000000 10.258103000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
L15917 000009914545 Osterode am Harz Königsgasse Osterode am Harz Königsgasse 51.731504000000 10.258109000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10321 000000850353 Freiheit(Osterode) Lattenbusch Freiheit(Osterode) Lattenbusch 51.735095000000 10.266106000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
L38698 000009903755 Freiheit(Osterode) Lattenbusch Freiheit(Osterode) Lattenbusch 51.735078000000 10.266130000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10326 000000854734 Wiebrechtshausen Klostergut Wiebrechtshausen Klostergut 51.740259000000 10.016814000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
L16931 000009914441 Wiebrechtshausen Klostergut Wiebrechtshausen Klostergut 51.740260000000 10.016796000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10328 000000854732 Lagershausen Kirche Lagershausen Kirche 51.744946000000 10.051090000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
L16929 000009907938 Lagershausen Kirche Lagershausen Kirche 51.744931000000 10.051070000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10329 000000854733 Denkershausen Rethobergstraße Denkershausen Rethobergstraße 51.737850000000 10.042514000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
L16930 000009903671 Denkershausen Rethobergstraße Denkershausen Rethobergstraße 51.737841000000 10.042521000000 0 0 VSN-VSN|Wiebrechtshausen-404 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10369 000000817407 Rosche Schule Rosche Schule 52.984267000000 10.752335000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162890 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 7225 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162680 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 7185 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162682 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 7184 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162725 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 7187 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406158542 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 6704 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406158565 is too far from computed projection point (52.983572,10.751360) on shape 6707 (at arc-length 1.01m): 101.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10369 000000817407 Rosche Schule Rosche Schule 52.984267000000 10.752335000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L51401 000000897407 Rosche Schule Rosche Schule 52.984276000000 10.752342000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10371 000000818334 Tewel Siek Tewel Siek 53.069250000000 9.675355000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L43353 000009914752 Tewel Siek Tewel Siek 53.069284000000 9.675318000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10373 000000818330 Lieste Kreuzung Lieste Kreuzung 53.078135000000 9.720231000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L43350 000009909748 Lieste Kreuzung Lieste Kreuzung 53.078145000000 9.720241000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10379 000000818572 Mengebostel Ortsmitte Mengebostel Ortsmitte 52.925447000000 9.776141000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 407501632 is too far from computed projection point (52.923941,9.779937) on shape 5646 (at arc-length 3799.74m): 304.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407501630 is too far from computed projection point (52.923941,9.779937) on shape 5647 (at arc-length 5288.65m): 304.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10388 000000818577 Wense(Oerbke) Krug Wense(Oerbke) Krug 52.922041000000 9.816957000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
L15402 000009913347 Wense(Oerbke) Krug Wense(Oerbke) Krug 52.922061000000 9.817010000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10439 000000854720 Bühle(Northeim) Bühle(Northeim) 51.652512000000 9.985746000000 0 0 Bühle-398|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
L16921 000009901015 Bühle(Northeim) Bühle(Northeim) 51.652478000000 9.985732000000 0 0 Bühle-398|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10474 000000818326 Vahlzen Kreuzung Vahlzen Kreuzung 53.058276000000 9.763437000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L43351 000009916250 Vahlzen Kreuzung Vahlzen Kreuzung 53.058287000000 9.763450000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10479 000000856904 Boffzen Radstaken Boffzen Radstaken 51.750070000000 9.398645000000 0 0 Boffzen-570|VSN-VSN 1
L16350 000009902857 Boffzen Radstaken Boffzen Radstaken 51.750079000000 9.398583000000 0 0 Boffzen-570|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10480 000000818564 Dorfmark Westendorfer Straße Dorfmark Westendorfer Straße 52.908099000000 9.767808000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15389 000009904351 Dorfmark Westendorfer Straße Dorfmark Westendorfer Straße 52.908105000000 9.767781000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10481 000000818563 Dorfmark Kriegerweg Dorfmark Kriegerweg 52.907702000000 9.732485000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15388 000009904075 Dorfmark Kriegerweg Dorfmark Kriegerweg 52.907681000000 9.732459000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10484 000000856900 Boffzen Poststraße Boffzen Poststraße 51.750441000000 9.392639000000 0 0 Boffzen-570|VSN-VSN 1
L16347 000009902856 Boffzen Poststraße Boffzen Poststraße 51.750431000000 9.392632000000 0 0 Boffzen-570|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10488 000000818568 Avenriep Avenriep 52.943508000000 9.744664000000 0 0 23-23|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15393 000009905336 Avenriep Avenriep 52.943519000000 9.744627000000 0 0 23-23|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10491 000000850133 Gittelde Bahnhof Gittelde Bahnhof 51.786436000000 10.202863000000 0 0 Bad Grund-3109|Gittelde-109|VSN-VSN 1
L44562 000009904881 Gittelde Bahnhof Gittelde Bahnhof 51.786420000000 10.202860000000 0 0 Bad Grund-3109|Gittelde-109|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10495 000000818567 Eickhof(Bad Fallingbostel) Eickhof(Bad Fallingbostel) 52.927993000000 9.752546000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
L15392 000009900032 Eickhof(Bad Fallingbostel) Eickhof(Bad Fallingbostel) 52.927989000000 9.752528000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10527 000000854634 Northeim Fliederstraße Northeim Fliederstraße 51.699009000000 9.991053000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16899 000009906658 Northeim Fliederstraße Northeim Fliederstraße 51.699028000000 9.991055000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10530 000000854638 Northeim Fontaneweg Northeim Fontaneweg 51.696033000000 10.001676000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16903 000009906659 Northeim Fontaneweg Northeim Fontaneweg 51.696043000000 10.001682000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10531 000000854639 Northeim Dörtalsweg Northeim Dörtalsweg 51.694548000000 10.005071000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16904 000009906656 Northeim Dörtalsweg Northeim Dörtalsweg 51.694548000000 10.005050000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10545 000000817425 Növenthien Növenthien 52.929369000000 10.792993000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16575 000009907038 Növenthien Növenthien 52.929367000000 10.792973000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10547 000000817420 Suhlendorf Kirche Suhlendorf Kirche 52.927116000000 10.770667000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L16573 000009913508 Suhlendorf Kirche Suhlendorf Kirche 52.927102000000 10.770726000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10561 000000856811 Silberborn Am Kurgarten Silberborn Am Kurgarten 51.767448000000 9.545019000000 0 0 Neuhaus/Silberborn-509|VSN-VSN 1
L46493 000009916484 Silberborn Am Kurgarten Silberborn Am Kurgarten 51.767456000000 9.544986000000 0 0 Neuhaus/Silberborn-509|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10565 000000856812 Silberborn In den Ellern Silberborn In den Ellern 51.770180000000 9.541242000000 0 0 Neuhaus/Silberborn-509|VSN-VSN 1
L16343 000009916488 Silberborn In den Ellern Silberborn In den Ellern 51.770171000000 9.541251000000 0 0 Neuhaus/Silberborn-509|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10567 000000850363 Lerbach Hasenkrug Lerbach Hasenkrug 51.756138000000 10.297341000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
L15920 000009909437 Lerbach Hasenkrug Lerbach Hasenkrug 51.756129000000 10.297348000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10572 000000818757 Lindwedel Lust Lindwedel Lust 52.611808000000 9.676394000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
L15478 000009910108 Lindwedel Lust Lindwedel Lust 52.611794000000 9.676352000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10573 000000818756 Lindwedel Adolfsglück Lindwedel Adolfsglück 52.608830000000 9.664361000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502651 is too far from computed projection point (52.607581,9.660771) on shape 5753 (at arc-length 12097.95m): 279.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502663 is too far from computed projection point (52.607581,9.660771) on shape 5754 (at arc-length 12082.24m): 279.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407502656 is too far from computed projection point (52.607581,9.660771) on shape 5752 (at arc-length 11227.97m): 279.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10579 000000818750 Marklendorf Siedlung Marklendorf Siedlung 52.672192000000 9.700551000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
L24821 000009906513 Marklendorf Siedlung Marklendorf Siedlung 52.672175000000 9.700547000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10602 000000854625 Northeim Gardekürassierstraße Süd Northeim Gardekürassierstraße Süd 51.705139000000 9.994210000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L16897 000009906959 Northeim Gardekürassierstraße Süd Northeim Gardekürassierstraße Süd 51.705143000000 9.994228000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10622 000000817612 Westerweyhe Bahnhof Westerweyhe Bahnhof 52.996185000000 10.507865000000 0 0 117-117|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406157705 is too far from computed projection point (52.996016,10.508633) on shape 7249 (at arc-length 1.00m): 54.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10623 000000818502 Bad Fallingbostel Idinger Heide Bad Fallingbostel Idinger Heide 52.872392000000 9.692998000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 407501630 is too far from computed projection point (52.871943,9.692485) on shape 5647 (at arc-length 20734.27m): 60.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10628 000000856921 Fürstenberg(Weser) Neue Straße Fürstenberg(Weser) Neue Straße 51.731191000000 9.400013000000 0 0 Fürstenberg-571|VSN-VSN 1
L16354 000009904155 Fürstenberg(Weser) Neue Straße Fürstenberg(Weser) Neue Straße 51.731183000000 9.399952000000 0 0 Fürstenberg-571|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10633 000000818503 Bad Fallingbostel Hermann-Löns-Schule Bad Fallingbostel Hermann-Löns-Schule 52.868249000000 9.694294000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
L15372 000009905714 Bad Fallingbostel Hermann-Löns-Schule Bad Fallingbostel Hermann-Löns-Schule 52.868220000000 9.694298000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10634 000000818747 Buchholz(Aller) K160 Abzweig Buchholz Buchholz(Aller) K160 Abzweig Buchholz 52.664488000000 9.661968000000 0 0 46-46|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
L38894 000009900280 Buchholz(Aller) K160 Abzweig Buchholz Buchholz(Aller) K160 Abzweig Buchholz 52.664477000000 9.661979000000 0 0 46-46|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10636 000000818745 Essel(Aller) Feuerwehrhaus Essel(Aller) Feuerwehrhaus 52.689912000000 9.643822000000 0 0 47-47|HK-HK|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
L15472 000009901543 Essel(Aller) Feuerwehrhaus Essel(Aller) Feuerwehrhaus 52.689910000000 9.643854000000 0 0 47-47|HK-HK|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10660 000000851192 Rhumspringe Schule Rhumspringe Schule 51.581452000000 10.303481000000 0 0 Rhumspringe-265|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 353412659 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6057 (at arc-length 24075.55m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353412713 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6059 (at arc-length 20071.92m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 353412676 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6054 (at arc-length 15181.45m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 353412698 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6053 (at arc-length 7424.86m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353412688 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6055 (at arc-length 7712.41m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 353412708 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6060 (at arc-length 22291.53m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412646 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6064 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412630 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6067 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412638 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6071 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412634 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6074 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412633 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6075 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 353412879 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6081 (at arc-length 10839.25m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 353412907 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6085 (at arc-length 19719.84m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 353412857 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6082 (at arc-length 11814.47m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 353412922 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6083 (at arc-length 11235.33m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353412912 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6084 (at arc-length 8141.59m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412822 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6090 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412845 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6097 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412781 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6091 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412785 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6088 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412766 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6094 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412756 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6093 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412852 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6096 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412772 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6092 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412755 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6095 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412789 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6089 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353412836 is too far from computed projection point (51.581612,10.302258) on shape 6098 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10772 000000850330 Nienstedt(Harz) An der Pfarre Nienstedt(Harz) An der Pfarre 51.746043000000 10.165344000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
L16739 000009911365 Nienstedt(Harz) An der Pfarre Nienstedt(Harz) An der Pfarre 51.746048000000 10.165299000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10798 000000854102 Bad Gandersheim Gandestraße Bad Gandersheim Gandestraße 51.870962000000 10.014839000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-490|Bad Gandersheim-3490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
L16872 000009905722 Bad Gandersheim Gandestraße Bad Gandersheim Gandestraße 51.870961000000 10.014846000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-490|Bad Gandersheim-3490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10809 000000850215 Osterode am Harz Lindenstraße Osterode am Harz Lindenstraße 51.736211000000 10.235578000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
L16731 000009914547 Osterode am Harz Lindenstraße Osterode am Harz Lindenstraße 51.736212000000 10.235560000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10839 000000854344 Düderode Am Kreuze Düderode Am Kreuze 51.809565000000 10.111260000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
L16893 000009905120 Düderode Am Kreuze Düderode Am Kreuze 51.809558000000 10.111263000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10840 000000854340 Düderode Zum Thiestein Düderode Zum Thiestein 51.808271000000 10.106472000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
L16891 000009905123 Düderode Zum Thiestein Düderode Zum Thiestein 51.808272000000 10.106459000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10862 000000854960 Behrensen Schmiedestraße Behrensen Schmiedestraße 51.655637000000 9.904689000000 0 0 Behrensen/Großenrode-412|VSN-VSN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353416269 is too far from computed projection point (51.656764,9.904786) on shape 6435 (at arc-length 7493.31m): 125.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353416279 is too far from computed projection point (51.656764,9.904786) on shape 6433 (at arc-length 7493.31m): 125.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353416146 is too far from computed projection point (51.656764,9.904786) on shape 6408 (at arc-length 7493.31m): 125.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353416141 is too far from computed projection point (51.656764,9.904786) on shape 6409 (at arc-length 6768.90m): 125.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353416136 is too far from computed projection point (51.656764,9.904786) on shape 6410 (at arc-length 5459.92m): 125.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10878 000000854132 Wolperode Ortsmitte Wolperode Ortsmitte 51.883707000000 10.055618000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
L48985 000008541322 Wolperode Ortsmitte Wolperode Ortsmitte 51.883707000000 10.055618000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10883 000000186667 Nienburg Mindener Landstraße/Friedhof Nienburg Mindener Landstraße/Friedhof 52.626516000000 9.209084000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45866 000009911023 Nienburg Mindener Landstraße/Friedhof Nienburg Mindener Landstraße/Friedhof 52.626513000000 9.209018000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10944 000000816159 Drethem Ortsmitte Drethem Ortsmitte 53.202838000000 10.954884000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 8016.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10949 000000816150 Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Nordausgang Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Nordausgang 53.226810000000 10.907891000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 13058.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 13058.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 13058.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10951 000000816151 Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Post Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Post 53.228137000000 10.899364000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 12615.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10954 000000854123 Altgandersheim Kampstraße Altgandersheim Kampstraße 51.906368000000 10.043289000000 0 0 3190-3190|910-910|Altgandersheim/Gremsheim-491|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
L48986 000008541232 Altgandersheim Kampstraße Altgandersheim Kampstraße 51.906368000000 10.043289000000 0 0 3190-3190|910-910|Altgandersheim/Gremsheim-491|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10959 000000816157 Glienitz Ortsmitte Glienitz Ortsmitte 53.206649000000 10.946131000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 8723.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10961 000008505101 Herzberg am Harz Kornstraße Herzberg am Harz Kornstraße 51.646284000000 10.324338000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
L60657 000008505102 Herzberg am Harz Kornstraße Herzberg am Harz Kornstraße 51.646268000000 10.324303000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10965 000000854127 Wrescherode Landwehr Wrescherode Landwehr 51.863391000000 10.038883000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-3490|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
L16873 000009916696 Wrescherode Landwehr Wrescherode Landwehr 51.863387000000 10.038885000000 0 0 910-910|Bad Gandersheim-3490|Bad Gandersheim-490|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10991 000000850183 Eisdorf Frankfurter Straße Eisdorf Frankfurter Straße 51.760515000000 10.177913000000 0 0 Eisdorf-112|VSN-VSN 1
L16729 000009900088 Eisdorf Frankfurter Straße Eisdorf Frankfurter Straße 51.760515000000 10.177930000000 0 0 Eisdorf-112|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10994 000000818730 Bosse Ortsmitte Bosse Ortsmitte 52.768476000000 9.459412000000 0 0 41-41|HK-HK 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502046 is too far from computed projection point (52.764721,9.454513) on shape 5674 (at arc-length 7903.09m): 531.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502053 is too far from computed projection point (52.764721,9.454513) on shape 5676 (at arc-length 7804.26m): 531.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502051 is too far from computed projection point (52.764721,9.454513) on shape 5678 (at arc-length 7804.26m): 531.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L10995 000000851675 Niedergandern Kirche Niedergandern Kirche 51.391707000000 9.937356000000 0 0 Reckershausen-235|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353411796 is too far from computed projection point (51.392189,9.937152) on shape 5953 (at arc-length 5765.00m): 55.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353411791 is too far from computed projection point (51.392189,9.937152) on shape 5950 (at arc-length 8104.74m): 55.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353411839 is too far from computed projection point (51.392189,9.937152) on shape 5952 (at arc-length 5765.00m): 55.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353411849 is too far from computed projection point (51.392189,9.937152) on shape 5951 (at arc-length 5765.00m): 55.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353411765 is too far from computed projection point (51.392180,9.937224) on shape 5957 (at arc-length 11911.44m): 53.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353411786 is too far from computed projection point (51.392180,9.937224) on shape 5956 (at arc-length 11911.44m): 53.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 353411744 is too far from computed projection point (51.392180,9.937224) on shape 5961 (at arc-length 13272.68m): 53.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353411745 is too far from computed projection point (51.392180,9.937224) on shape 5960 (at arc-length 10149.68m): 53.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353411750 is too far from computed projection point (51.392180,9.937224) on shape 5959 (at arc-length 5685.28m): 53.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11005 000000816140 Neu Darchau Fähre Neu Darchau Fähre 53.233176000000 10.889974000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 13454.61m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14388.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14389.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14389.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11017 000000816632 Vasenthien Ort Vasenthien Ort 52.991096000000 11.268719000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
L60033 000000815362 Vasenthien Ort Vasenthien Ort 52.991060000000 11.268703000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11029 000000817977 Müssingen(Soltendieck) Müssingen(Soltendieck) 52.859322000000 10.824314000000 0 0 237-237|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406159187 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6769 (at arc-length 13033.05m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406159196 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6767 (at arc-length 19262.67m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406159197 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6765 (at arc-length 8141.32m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 411365949 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6774 (at arc-length 13033.05m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406159183 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6766 (at arc-length 19262.67m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406159208 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6773 (at arc-length 15894.40m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406159173 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6771 (at arc-length 10259.26m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406159213 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6762 (at arc-length 11244.93m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406159179 is too far from computed projection point (52.858757,10.823394) on shape 6770 (at arc-length 19587.11m): 88.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11073 000000130082 Emden(Ostfriesl) Am Sportplatz Emden(Ostfriesl) Am Sportplatz 53.373734000000 7.132541000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L44423 000009901096 Emden(Ostfriesl) Am Sportplatz Emden(Ostfriesl) Am Sportplatz 53.373720000000 7.132500000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11452 000000818137 Heber(Schneverdingen) Hamburger Straße Heber(Schneverdingen) Hamburger Straße 53.079180000000 9.863184000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
L33714 000009909211 Heber(Schneverdingen) Hamburger Straße Heber(Schneverdingen) Hamburger Straße 53.079164000000 9.863123000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11463 000000818181 Hemsen(Schneverdingen) Bahnhof Hemsen(Schneverdingen) Bahnhof 53.078483000000 9.810926000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
L33720 000009910292 Hemsen(Schneverdingen) Bahnhof Hemsen(Schneverdingen) Bahnhof 53.078510000000 9.810963000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11466 000002500763 Kalbe(b Sittensen) Schule Kalbe(b Sittensen) Schule 53.295010000000 9.550883000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 1565.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11467 000002500764 Kalbe(b Sittensen) Matthies Kalbe(b Sittensen) Matthies 53.292400000000 9.542601000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 943.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11476 000002500731 Sothel Kreuzung Sothel Kreuzung 53.226044000000 9.444733000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 405787332 is too far from computed projection point (53.191685,9.418544) on shape 8882 (at arc-length 1227.13m): 4199.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11495 000002500721 Hetzwege Mühle Hetzwege Mühle 53.188351000000 9.405940000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405787355 is too far from computed projection point (53.188249,9.404220) on shape 7842 (at arc-length 12212.51m): 115.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405787354 is too far from computed projection point (53.188249,9.404220) on shape 7841 (at arc-length 44000.86m): 115.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405787353 is too far from computed projection point (53.188249,9.404220) on shape 7840 (at arc-length 21846.91m): 115.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 405787352 is too far from computed projection point (53.188249,9.404220) on shape 7839 (at arc-length 12989.86m): 115.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11504 000002500620 Einloh 1. Weg Einloh 1. Weg 53.156683000000 9.619158000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
L26633 000009900077 Einloh 1. Weg Einloh 1. Weg 53.156715000000 9.619127000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11505 000002500622 Einloh Sägerei Einloh Sägerei 53.162174000000 9.617219000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405787170 is too far from computed projection point (53.161155,9.617590) on shape 7777 (at arc-length 8.27m): 115.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11533 000002500290 Spreckens(Bremervörde) Im Vieh Spreckens(Bremervörde) Im Vieh 53.460792000000 9.118833000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L46519 000009916932 Spreckens(Bremervörde) Im Vieh Spreckens(Bremervörde) Im Vieh 53.460808000000 9.118767000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11541 000002500268 Mehedorf An der Mehe 37 Mehedorf An der Mehe 37 53.554250000000 9.114830000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L50764 000002000268 Mehedorf An der Mehe 37 Mehedorf An der Mehe 37 53.554260000000 9.114820000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11544 000002500235 Farven Haus im Stüh Farven Haus im Stüh 53.424580000000 9.301000000000 0 0 325-325|VBN-VBN 1
L44490 000009902248 Farven Haus im Stüh Farven Haus im Stüh 53.424550000000 9.301000000000 0 0 325-325|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11556 000002500214 Bremervörde Mulsumer Weg Bremervörde Mulsumer Weg 53.483610000000 9.189850000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L44010 000009904724 Bremervörde Mulsumer Weg Bremervörde Mulsumer Weg 53.483590000000 9.189810000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11568 000002076102 Neu Darchau Ortsmitte Neu Darchau Ortsmitte 53.231515000000 10.888179000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 13415.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14339.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14339.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14339.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11606 000002026601 Bremervörde Vördewerk Bremervörde Vördewerk 53.495942000000 9.110623000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L44022 000009905019 Bremervörde Vördewerk Bremervörde Vördewerk 53.495925000000 9.110559000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11607 000002026602 Bremervörde Industriestraße Bremervörde Industriestraße 53.493169000000 9.118789000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L44005 000009904719 Bremervörde Industriestraße Bremervörde Industriestraße 53.493141000000 9.118835000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11636 000002015504 Althemmoor Lindenstraße Althemmoor Lindenstraße 53.709622000000 9.117752000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30385 000009904545 Althemmoor Lindenstraße Althemmoor Lindenstraße 53.709649000000 9.117746000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11671 000000108372 Beppen(Morsum) Im Dorf Beppen(Morsum) Im Dorf 52.936421000000 9.059885000000 0 0 114-114|115-115|VBN-VBN 1
L43803 000009901710 Beppen(Morsum) Im Dorf Beppen(Morsum) Im Dorf 52.936461000000 9.059858000000 0 0 114-114|115-115|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11673 000000108347 Beppen(Morsum) Thedinghauser Straße Beppen(Morsum) Thedinghauser Straße 52.937519000000 9.058310000000 0 0 114-114|115-115|VBN-VBN 1
L43804 000009901712 Beppen(Morsum) Thedinghauser Straße Beppen(Morsum) Thedinghauser Straße 52.937504000000 9.058312000000 0 0 114-114|115-115|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11676 000000816122 Hitzacker(Elbe) Freie Schule Hitzacker(Elbe) Freie Schule 53.142587000000 11.032350000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 558.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11684 000000850313 Lasfelde Am Wellbeek Lasfelde Am Wellbeek 51.746061000000 10.217674000000 0 0 LaPeKA-107|Osterode-3100|VSN-VSN 1
L16737 000009908638 Lasfelde Am Wellbeek Lasfelde Am Wellbeek 51.746047000000 10.217664000000 0 0 LaPeKA-107|Osterode-3100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11686 000000854318 Sebexen Kurze Straße Sebexen Kurze Straße 51.819159000000 10.020664000000 0 0 Sebexen/Osterbruch-365|VSN-VSN 1
L16886 000009915738 Sebexen Kurze Straße Sebexen Kurze Straße 51.819164000000 10.020660000000 0 0 Sebexen/Osterbruch-365|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11694 000002044501 Wohnste Klein Wohnste Wohnste Klein Wohnste 53.357590000000 9.540460000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
L31496 000009915955 Wohnste Klein Wohnste Wohnste Klein Wohnste 53.357629000000 9.540448000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11702 000000108618 Dörverden Eichhof Dörverden Eichhof 52.843897000000 9.221914000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
L44297 000009905109 Dörverden Eichhof Dörverden Eichhof 52.843918000000 9.221938000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11711 000002024501 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 11 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 11 53.610503000000 9.025080000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30586 000009904635 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 11 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 11 53.610533000000 9.025097000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11742 000002020204 Bülkau Süderende 31 Bülkau Süderende 31 53.723470000000 8.968871000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30472 000009901036 Bülkau Süderende 31 Bülkau Süderende 31 53.723497000000 8.968823000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11780 000002016006 Hechthausen Heideweg Hechthausen Heideweg 53.650072000000 9.224360000000 0 0 Hechthausen-HEC|VNN-VNN 1
L30413 000009909215 Hechthausen Heideweg Hechthausen Heideweg 53.650050000000 9.224422000000 0 0 Hechthausen-HEC|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11799 000002015511 Warstade Grenzweg Warstade Grenzweg 53.694026000000 9.124692000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30390 000009912803 Warstade Grenzweg Warstade Grenzweg 53.694010000000 9.124640000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11807 000002015509 Westersode(Hemmoor) Kegelbahn Westersode(Hemmoor) Kegelbahn 53.686589000000 9.115370000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30388 000009913942 Westersode(Hemmoor) Kegelbahn Westersode(Hemmoor) Kegelbahn 53.686560000000 9.115368000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11845 000002010123 Cuxhaven Brockeswalder Weg Cuxhaven Brockeswalder Weg 53.873839000000 8.653101000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
L41726 000002040123 Cuxhaven Brockeswalder Weg Cuxhaven Brockeswalder Weg 53.873839000000 8.653101000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11867 000000850149 Badenhausen Am Johannesborn Badenhausen Am Johannesborn 51.772793000000 10.206253000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
L16724 000009900574 Badenhausen Am Johannesborn Badenhausen Am Johannesborn 51.772790000000 10.206237000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11874 000000856752 Holzminden Krankenhaus Holzminden Krankenhaus 51.834699000000 9.454741000000 0 0 Holzminden-3500|Holzminden-500|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 409354549 is too far from computed projection point (51.834220,9.453703) on shape 6444 (at arc-length 1784.69m): 88.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 411996115 is too far from computed projection point (51.834220,9.453703) on shape 6436 (at arc-length 1744.07m): 88.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 409354288 is too far from computed projection point (51.834220,9.453703) on shape 6437 (at arc-length 1744.07m): 88.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11886 000000110263 Bramel Vielander Hof Bramel Vielander Hof 53.551549000000 8.698409000000 0 0 260-260|Schiffdorf-1260|VBN-VBN 1
L43983 000009904288 Bramel Vielander Hof Bramel Vielander Hof 53.551525000000 8.698468000000 0 0 260-260|Schiffdorf-1260|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11920 000002024908 Hollen(Hollnseth) Petersdorf Hollen(Hollnseth) Petersdorf 53.595939000000 9.090327000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L43334 000002094908 Hollen(Hollnseth) Petersdorf Hollen(Hollnseth) Petersdorf 53.595965000000 9.090366000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L11966 000000115218 Osterndorf(Beverstedt) Bruchweg Osterndorf(Beverstedt) Bruchweg 53.441212000000 8.840677000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
L40744 000009914531 Osterndorf(Beverstedt) Bruchweg Osterndorf(Beverstedt) Bruchweg 53.441203000000 8.840676000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12048 000000186625 Nienburg Bäckerskämpen Nienburg Bäckerskämpen 52.635163000000 9.231651000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45840 000009910991 Nienburg Bäckerskämpen Nienburg Bäckerskämpen 52.635128000000 9.231667000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12049 000000186628 Nienburg In der Siedlung Nienburg In der Siedlung 52.634425000000 9.236905000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L45855 000009911010 Nienburg In der Siedlung Nienburg In der Siedlung 52.634399000000 9.236879000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12058 000000100616 Schierholz(Hilgermissen) Ost Schierholz(Hilgermissen) Ost 52.826020000000 9.127054000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L46353 000009914041 Schierholz(Hilgermissen) Ost Schierholz(Hilgermissen) Ost 52.826051000000 9.127086000000 0 0 155-155|4-4|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12064 000000100606 Helzendorf Mühlenweg Helzendorf Mühlenweg 52.761955000000 9.090529000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37731 000009909979 Helzendorf Mühlenweg Helzendorf Mühlenweg 52.761955000000 9.090529000000 0 0 155-155|3-3|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12359 000000176911 Bramsche(Hase) Meyerhofschule/Breuelstraße Bramsche(Hase) Meyerhofschule/Breuelstraße 52.407778000000 7.976963000000 0 0 640-7640|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401777764 is too far from computed projection point (52.407497,7.976046) on shape 7381 (at arc-length 10931.86m): 69.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 402174620 is too far from computed projection point (52.407497,7.976046) on shape 9274 (at arc-length 5365.63m): 69.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12385 000000818167 Schultenwede Siedlung Schultenwede Siedlung 53.126353000000 9.691379000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
L33778 000009914676 Schultenwede Siedlung Schultenwede Siedlung 53.126326000000 9.691428000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12386 000000818166 Lünzen Rieper Weg Lünzen Rieper Weg 53.121022000000 9.686235000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
L33777 000009906121 Lünzen Rieper Weg Lünzen Rieper Weg 53.121004000000 9.686284000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12391 000000818161 Lünzen Siedlung Lünzen Siedlung 53.112427000000 9.711917000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
L33774 000009906122 Lünzen Siedlung Lünzen Siedlung 53.112464000000 9.711898000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12392 000000818169 Großenwede Ort Großenwede Ort 53.139610000000 9.697366000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
L38776 000009901234 Großenwede Ort Großenwede Ort 53.139616000000 9.697320000000 0 0 10-10|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12394 000000818497 Wietzendorf Bahnhof Wietzendorf Bahnhof 52.918925000000 9.967374000000 0 0 21-21|HK-HK 1
L33830 000009914808 Wietzendorf Bahnhof Wietzendorf Bahnhof 52.918957000000 9.967372000000 0 0 21-21|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12402 000000818622 Bomlitz Industriepark 1 Bomlitz Industriepark 1 52.906396000000 9.662696000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407502898 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 5773 (at arc-length 16160.55m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407502886 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 5775 (at arc-length 2253.17m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 407502897 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 5774 (at arc-length 21916.81m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 407502872 is too far from computed projection point (52.904881,9.657802) on shape 5776 (at arc-length 24262.14m): 368.92m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503130 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7318 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503120 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7320 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503175 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7323 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503119 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7321 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503152 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7318 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 407503116 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 7322 (at arc-length 11354.46m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 407503187 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7324 (at arc-length 11217.46m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503132 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7327 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503151 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7319 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407503176 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 7326 (at arc-length 10970.53m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501795 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 5662 (at arc-length 2382.49m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407501807 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 5667 (at arc-length 11070.18m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501814 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 5660 (at arc-length 2382.49m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 407501862 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 5665 (at arc-length 2766.42m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501852 is too far from computed projection point (52.904736,9.657993) on shape 5664 (at arc-length 2253.17m): 365.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501825 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 5661 (at arc-length 54.26m): 362.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407501809 is too far from computed projection point (52.904498,9.658302) on shape 5666 (at arc-length 2382.49m): 362.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12403 000000818621 Benefeld Waldorfschule Benefeld Waldorfschule 52.904237000000 9.636936000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
L15422 000009901676 Benefeld Waldorfschule Benefeld Waldorfschule 52.904231000000 9.636917000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12404 000000818620 Benefeld Grundschule Benefeld Grundschule 52.901524000000 9.635083000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502886 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 5775 (at arc-length 71.13m): 100.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407503116 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 7322 (at arc-length 9172.42m): 100.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407501482 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 6617 (at arc-length 7229.74m): 100.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 407501862 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 5665 (at arc-length 584.38m): 100.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501852 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 5664 (at arc-length 71.13m): 100.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12408 000000818176 Reimerdingen Mitte Reimerdingen Mitte 53.050694000000 9.800344000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L33790 000009911925 Reimerdingen Mitte Reimerdingen Mitte 53.050662000000 9.800369000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12433 000000818630 Uetzingen Hangweg Uetzingen Hangweg 52.882172000000 9.654171000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
L15429 000009915863 Uetzingen Hangweg Uetzingen Hangweg 52.882166000000 9.654159000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12438 000000818145 Eggersmühlen Ort Eggersmühlen Ort 53.179858000000 9.737343000000 0 0 1-1|HK-HK 1
L33741 000009900014 Eggersmühlen Ort Eggersmühlen Ort 53.179868000000 9.737389000000 0 0 1-1|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12440 000000818143 Wieckhorst West Wieckhorst West 53.083129000000 9.788289000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L33785 000009914442 Wieckhorst West Wieckhorst West 53.083118000000 9.788338000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12442 000000818141 Gallhorn Schülerner Straße Gallhorn Schülerner Straße 53.103441000000 9.786644000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33782 000009904451 Gallhorn Schülerner Straße Gallhorn Schülerner Straße 53.103443000000 9.786693000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12451 000000818603 Walsrode Kirchplatz Walsrode Kirchplatz 52.860994000000 9.595546000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15406 000009912496 Walsrode Kirchplatz Walsrode Kirchplatz 52.860980000000 9.595526000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12452 000000818602 Walsrode Marktschule Walsrode Marktschule 52.863517000000 9.585335000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15405 000009912497 Walsrode Marktschule Walsrode Marktschule 52.863521000000 9.585266000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12453 000000818609 Walsrode Witternstraße Walsrode Witternstraße 52.853711000000 9.596545000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15411 000009912506 Walsrode Witternstraße Walsrode Witternstraße 52.853702000000 9.596510000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12455 000000818157 Voigten Nr. 3 Voigten Nr. 3 53.101417000000 9.764452000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33798 000009911742 Voigten Nr. 3 Voigten Nr. 3 53.101384000000 9.764423000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12456 000000818156 Schülern Schülernbrokhof Schülern Schülernbrokhof 53.090562000000 9.755542000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L33797 000009915430 Schülern Schülernbrokhof Schülern Schülernbrokhof 53.090546000000 9.755582000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12469 000000818611 Beetenbrück Fuhrenkamp Beetenbrück Fuhrenkamp 52.824736000000 9.593596000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502833 is too far from computed projection point (52.825235,9.595957) on shape 5763 (at arc-length 0.00m): 168.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12471 000000818619 Benefeld Walter-Christoph-Platz Benefeld Walter-Christoph-Platz 52.904404000000 9.629136000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501795 is too far from computed projection point (52.904366,9.630050) on shape 5662 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501814 is too far from computed projection point (52.904366,9.630050) on shape 5660 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501862 is too far from computed projection point (52.904366,9.630050) on shape 5665 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.44m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407501809 is too far from computed projection point (52.904366,9.630050) on shape 5666 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12472 000000818618 Ebbingen Ortsmitte Ebbingen Ortsmitte 52.907762000000 9.569106000000 0 0 29-29|HK-HK 1
L15419 000009905167 Ebbingen Ortsmitte Ebbingen Ortsmitte 52.907775000000 9.569120000000 0 0 29-29|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12473 000000818297 Soltau Visselhöveder Straße 112 Soltau Visselhöveder Straße 112 52.980741000000 9.812305000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
L33753 000009916874 Soltau Visselhöveder Straße 112 Soltau Visselhöveder Straße 112 52.980779000000 9.812321000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12475 000000818298 Soltau Celler Straße Soltau Celler Straße 52.981600000000 9.846914000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
L33771 000009916857 Soltau Celler Straße Soltau Celler Straße 52.981616000000 9.846852000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12491 000000818385 Leitzingen Post Leitzingen Post 52.979916000000 9.758189000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33805 000009909365 Leitzingen Post Leitzingen Post 52.979950000000 9.758150000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12492 000000818384 Leitzingen Hof von Wieding Leitzingen Hof von Wieding 52.981817000000 9.772213000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33804 000009909363 Leitzingen Hof von Wieding Leitzingen Hof von Wieding 52.981788000000 9.772171000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12493 000000818383 Leitzingen Johmshof Leitzingen Johmshof 52.981941000000 9.785784000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33803 000009909364 Leitzingen Johmshof Leitzingen Johmshof 52.981968000000 9.785784000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12508 000000818647 Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus 52.858973000000 9.633659000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407501790 is too far from computed projection point (52.863098,9.632794) on shape 5663 (at arc-length 6798.68m): 462.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12508 000000818647 Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus 52.858973000000 9.633659000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15445 000009906867 Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus Meinerdingen Spritzenhaus 52.858985000000 9.633655000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12511 000000818643 Walsrode Am Hellteich Walsrode Am Hellteich 52.870800000000 9.604175000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407501795 is too far from computed projection point (52.869727,9.602702) on shape 5662 (at arc-length 10611.69m): 154.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 407501790 is too far from computed projection point (52.869727,9.602702) on shape 5663 (at arc-length 10384.06m): 154.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12511 000000818643 Walsrode Am Hellteich Walsrode Am Hellteich 52.870800000000 9.604175000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15442 000009912490 Walsrode Am Hellteich Walsrode Am Hellteich 52.870798000000 9.604158000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12514 000000818640 Borg(Bomlitz) Böhmeufer Borg(Bomlitz) Böhmeufer 52.884225000000 9.619811000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
L15439 000009903569 Borg(Bomlitz) Böhmeufer Borg(Bomlitz) Böhmeufer 52.884211000000 9.619800000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12515 000000818649 Honerdingen Bahnhof Honerdingen Bahnhof 52.877248000000 9.637521000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L15446 000009906683 Honerdingen Bahnhof Honerdingen Bahnhof 52.877249000000 9.637547000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12539 000000818460 Dehnernbockel 4c Dehnernbockel 4c 52.931145000000 9.906003000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
L48419 000000898460 Dehnernbockel 4c Dehnernbockel 4c 52.931138000000 9.905973000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12544 000000818220 Soltau K 2/Fuchsfarm Soltau K 2/Fuchsfarm 53.007558000000 9.870219000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
L33757 000009916865 Soltau K 2/Fuchsfarm Soltau K 2/Fuchsfarm 53.007543000000 9.870287000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12548 000000818185 Huckenrieth Ort Huckenrieth Ort 53.040094000000 9.854936000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33801 000009906761 Huckenrieth Ort Huckenrieth Ort 53.040090000000 9.854868000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12550 000000818183 Dannhorst Ort Dannhorst Ort 53.093069000000 9.796403000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33792 000009902877 Dannhorst Ort Dannhorst Ort 53.093069000000 9.796340000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12552 000000818189 Wolterdingen(Soltau) Auf dem Meeck 38 Wolterdingen(Soltau) Auf dem Meeck 38 53.024849000000 9.844620000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33723 000009915970 Wolterdingen(Soltau) Auf dem Meeck 38 Wolterdingen(Soltau) Auf dem Meeck 38 53.024846000000 9.844565000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12559 000000818236 Hützel Zum Wintersberg Hützel Zum Wintersberg 53.096584000000 10.020522000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33729 000009908169 Hützel Zum Wintersberg Hützel Zum Wintersberg 53.096547000000 10.020514000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12561 000000818233 Bispingen Neuborstel Bispingen Neuborstel 53.094674000000 9.999174000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33699 000009902448 Bispingen Neuborstel Bispingen Neuborstel 53.094684000000 9.999130000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12565 000000818239 Hützel Im Siek Hützel Im Siek 53.098712000000 10.032336000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33732 000009908167 Hützel Im Siek Hützel Im Siek 53.098673000000 10.032351000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12566 000000818238 Hützel Meyer Hützel Meyer 53.096466000000 10.025203000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33731 000009908168 Hützel Meyer Hützel Meyer 53.096504000000 10.025203000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12568 000000818191 Einfrielingen(Soltau) Einfrielingen(Soltau) 53.002426000000 9.839694000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
L32483 000009900076 Einfrielingen(Soltau) Einfrielingen(Soltau) 53.002449000000 9.839662000000 0 0 20-20|HK-HK|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12571 000000818448 Moide K 42 Moide K 42 52.985328000000 9.939785000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
L33872 000009907645 Moide K 42 Moide K 42 52.985289000000 9.939755000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12572 000000818207 Bispingen Hohe Luft Bispingen Hohe Luft 53.080113000000 9.990415000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33693 000009902443 Bispingen Hohe Luft Bispingen Hohe Luft 53.080078000000 9.990450000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12577 000000818201 Bispingen Hützeler Straße Bispingen Hützeler Straße 53.086048000000 10.006507000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
L33696 000009902445 Bispingen Hützeler Straße Bispingen Hützeler Straße 53.086067000000 10.006472000000 0 0 7-7|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12582 000000818455 Penzhorn Ortsmitte Penzhorn Ortsmitte 52.959035000000 9.906527000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33823 000009915663 Penzhorn Ortsmitte Penzhorn Ortsmitte 52.958997000000 9.906528000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12585 000000818452 Moide Ort Moide Ort 52.984304000000 9.939541000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
L33833 000009907646 Moide Ort Moide Ort 52.984291000000 9.939479000000 0 0 13-13|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12586 000000818451 Harber(Soltau) Gewerbegebiet Harber(Soltau) Gewerbegebiet 52.987462000000 9.923419000000 0 0 16-16|20-20|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33832 000009901974 Harber(Soltau) Gewerbegebiet Harber(Soltau) Gewerbegebiet 52.987424000000 9.923418000000 0 0 16-16|20-20|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12587 000000818459 Bockel(Wietzendorf) Ort Bockel(Wietzendorf) Ort 52.917976000000 9.946782000000 0 0 21-21|HK-HK 1
L33828 000009902804 Bockel(Wietzendorf) Ort Bockel(Wietzendorf) Ort 52.917950000000 9.946809000000 0 0 21-21|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12594 000000818214 Hambostel Abzw. Deimern Hambostel Abzw. Deimern 53.023343000000 9.905934000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33760 000009902722 Hambostel Abzw. Deimern Hambostel Abzw. Deimern 53.023303000000 9.905948000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12597 000000818211 Harmelingen Siedlung Harmelingen Siedlung 53.037182000000 9.929348000000 0 0 5-5|HK-HK|Heidekreis 2u5-WIM2 1
L33763 000009903048 Harmelingen Siedlung Harmelingen Siedlung 53.037150000000 9.929400000000 0 0 5-5|HK-HK|Heidekreis 2u5-WIM2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12610 000000818247 Steinbeck(Luhe) Grevenhof Steinbeck(Luhe) Grevenhof 53.110454000000 10.074695000000 0 0 3-3|HK-HK 1
L32480 000009912412 Steinbeck(Luhe) Grevenhof Steinbeck(Luhe) Grevenhof 53.110420000000 10.074710000000 0 0 3-3|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12612 000000818244 Hörpel Bahnhof Hörpel Bahnhof 53.144818000000 10.050801000000 0 0 3-3|HK-HK 1
L33737 000009907807 Hörpel Bahnhof Hörpel Bahnhof 53.144856000000 10.050762000000 0 0 3-3|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12626 000000818699 Rethem(Aller) Fähre Rethem(Aller) Fähre 52.792791000000 9.408451000000 0 0 44-44|HK-HK 1
L46237 000009912304 Rethem(Aller) Fähre Rethem(Aller) Fähre 52.792796000000 9.408383000000 0 0 44-44|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12628 000000818127 Wintermoor Kiefernbusch Wintermoor Kiefernbusch 53.187423000000 9.813621000000 0 0 2-2|HK-HK|Heidekreis 2u4-WIM1|Heidekreis 2u5-WIM2 1
L33676 000009915552 Wintermoor Kiefernbusch Wintermoor Kiefernbusch 53.187456000000 9.813631000000 0 0 2-2|HK-HK|Heidekreis 2u4-WIM1|Heidekreis 2u5-WIM2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12639 000000818377 Brock(Soltau) Abzw. Fuhrhop Brock(Soltau) Abzw. Fuhrhop 52.936837000000 9.844484000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
L33815 000009905077 Brock(Soltau) Abzw. Fuhrhop Brock(Soltau) Abzw. Fuhrhop 52.936801000000 9.844476000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12650 000000818133 Pietz Pietz 53.091790000000 9.845551000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
L33703 000009915709 Pietz Pietz 53.091780000000 9.845490000000 0 0 12-12|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12651 000000818132 Zahrensen Rotenburger Straße Zahrensen Rotenburger Straße 53.116166000000 9.759776000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33773 000009911834 Zahrensen Rotenburger Straße Zahrensen Rotenburger Straße 53.116135000000 9.759808000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12655 000000818967 Düshorn Auf dem Kamp Düshorn Auf dem Kamp 52.827048000000 9.617706000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
L15517 000009905149 Düshorn Auf dem Kamp Düshorn Auf dem Kamp 52.827065000000 9.617681000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12656 000000818966 Bockhorn(Walsrode) Bockhorn(Walsrode) 52.826943000000 9.671692000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
L15516 000009902810 Bockhorn(Walsrode) Bockhorn(Walsrode) 52.826943000000 9.671659000000 0 0 34-34|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2|Heidekreis 39u34-HOD2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12660 000000818341 Sprengel(Neuenkirchen) Ortsmitte Sprengel(Neuenkirchen) Ortsmitte 53.065410000000 9.738609000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
L33794 000009916936 Sprengel(Neuenkirchen) Ortsmitte Sprengel(Neuenkirchen) Ortsmitte 53.065435000000 9.738584000000 0 0 15-15|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12661 000000818349 Ellingen(Soltau) Geflügelfarm Ellingen(Soltau) Geflügelfarm 53.012614000000 9.794064000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
L33669 000009900410 Ellingen(Soltau) Geflügelfarm Ellingen(Soltau) Geflügelfarm 53.012603000000 9.794011000000 0 0 16-16|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u12-WOD1|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2|Soltau-SOL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12667 000000818102 Schneverdingen Osterwaldweg Schneverdingen Osterwaldweg 53.119024000000 9.796340000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33707 000009914628 Schneverdingen Osterwaldweg Schneverdingen Osterwaldweg 53.119017000000 9.796389000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12668 000000818101 Schneverdingen Am Brink Schneverdingen Am Brink 53.118945000000 9.785460000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L32476 000009914623 Schneverdingen Am Brink Schneverdingen Am Brink 53.118970000000 9.785460000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12675 000000818354 Frielingen(Soltau) Ortsmitte Frielingen(Soltau) Ortsmitte 52.976614000000 9.721863000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
L33806 000009904092 Frielingen(Soltau) Ortsmitte Frielingen(Soltau) Ortsmitte 52.976647000000 9.721815000000 0 0 22-22|HK-HK 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12802 000000160576 Nutteln(Cappeln) ehem. Bahnhof Nutteln(Cappeln) ehem. Bahnhof 52.812163000000 8.022572000000 0 0 804-804|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 402778240 is too far from computed projection point (52.812156,8.023659) on shape 2106 (at arc-length 15878.41m): 73.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 402778239 is too far from computed projection point (52.812156,8.023659) on shape 2107 (at arc-length 15878.41m): 73.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 402778235 is too far from computed projection point (52.812156,8.023659) on shape 2108 (at arc-length 8215.58m): 73.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 402778234 is too far from computed projection point (52.812156,8.023659) on shape 2109 (at arc-length 7150.33m): 73.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12840 000000130101 Emden-Wybelsum Logumer Straße/Mitte Emden-Wybelsum Logumer Straße/Mitte 53.350322000000 7.114012000000 0 0 151-151|VEJ-VEJ 1
L26796 000009901103 Emden-Wybelsum Logumer Straße/Mitte Emden-Wybelsum Logumer Straße/Mitte 53.350349000000 7.114026000000 0 0 151-151|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L12917 000000632112 Bremerhaven Schulzentrum Geschwister Scholl Bremerhaven Schulzentrum Geschwister Scholl 53.557584000000 8.574295000000 0 0 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405480092 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2009 (at arc-length 11806.94m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 405480101 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2021 (at arc-length 10851.07m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 405480093 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2011 (at arc-length 8806.85m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 405480097 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2015 (at arc-length 12150.80m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405478084 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 1900 (at arc-length 8086.21m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405477913 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 1901 (at arc-length 6882.79m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405480091 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2007 (at arc-length 7990.86m): 461.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 405480100 is too far from computed projection point (53.553888,8.577477) on shape 2019 (at arc-length 10356.20m): 461.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13036 000000610079 Delmenhorst Friedhof Delmenhorst Friedhof 53.072395000000 8.635963000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L37463 000009903269 Delmenhorst Friedhof Delmenhorst Friedhof 53.072421000000 8.635916000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13434 000000115823 Groß Mackenstedt Wiesenweg Groß Mackenstedt Wiesenweg 52.985866000000 8.662245000000 0 0 505-505|VBN-VBN 1
L43276 000009900880 Groß Mackenstedt Wiesenweg Groß Mackenstedt Wiesenweg 52.985852000000 8.662310000000 0 0 505-505|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13502 000000173345 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Stockumer Feld Bissendorf Stockumer Feld 52.247363000000 8.188335000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
L48851 000001733452 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Stockumer Feld Bissendorf Stockumer Feld 52.247363000000 8.188335000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13504 000000108783 Wahnebergen Ostereschweg Wahnebergen Ostereschweg 52.890343000000 9.245953000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
L46946 000009912165 Wahnebergen Ostereschweg Wahnebergen Ostereschweg 52.890356000000 9.245971000000 0 0 140-140|Dörverden-1140|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13559 000000140022 Werdum Feuerwehr Werdum Feuerwehr 53.658634000000 7.715882000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405087605 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4559 (at arc-length 9469.65m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405087599 is too far from computed projection point (53.659886,7.719678) on shape 4560 (at arc-length 0.00m): 286.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405087600 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4561 (at arc-length 8203.07m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405087593 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4562 (at arc-length 21263.72m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405088280 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4709 (at arc-length 9469.65m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 405088271 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4710 (at arc-length 10565.90m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 405088261 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4712 (at arc-length 4860.50m): 185.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 405088264 is too far from computed projection point (53.660297,7.715711) on shape 4711 (at arc-length 10565.90m): 185.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13636 000000140031 Hohemey Hohemey 53.471248000000 7.955350000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 412431080 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8715 (at arc-length 6933.83m): 1542.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 412431075 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8716 (at arc-length 16068.45m): 1542.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13638 000000140033 Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) Rußland Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) Rußland 53.450418000000 7.813472000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
L44514 000009903778 Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) Rußland Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) Rußland 53.450450000000 7.813449000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13649 000000108787 Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Heilshorn Sachsenring Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Heilshorn Sachsenring 53.229224000000 8.697978000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L46098 000009908896 Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Heilshorn Sachsenring Osterholz-Scharmbeck-Heilshorn Sachsenring 53.229243000000 8.698027000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13650 000000108788 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Kreishaus Osterholz-Scharmbeck Kreishaus 53.224878000000 8.806974000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 395815460 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1868 (at arc-length 27130.68m): 177.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 395815458 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1869 (at arc-length 24232.75m): 177.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 395815457 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1870 (at arc-length 24557.07m): 177.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13658 000000854688 Northeim Brauereistraße Northeim Brauereistraße 51.707496000000 10.005532000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L46003 000009906652 Northeim Brauereistraße Northeim Brauereistraße 51.707483000000 10.005539000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13663 000000817314 Ebstorf Georg-Marwede-Straße Ebstorf Georg-Marwede-Straße 53.019634000000 10.420860000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L16540 000009905180 Ebstorf Georg-Marwede-Straße Ebstorf Georg-Marwede-Straße 53.019645000000 10.420853000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13694 000000150033 Meerhausen Coloniestraße/Neue Straße Meerhausen Coloniestraße/Neue Straße 53.274226000000 7.551585000000 0 0 621-621|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15160 000009906567 Meerhausen Coloniestraße/Neue Straße Meerhausen Coloniestraße/Neue Straße 53.274251000000 7.551550000000 0 0 621-621|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13743 000000850355 Freiheit(Osterode) Steiler Hang Freiheit(Osterode) Steiler Hang 51.736509000000 10.267507000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
L16395 000009903756 Freiheit(Osterode) Steiler Hang Freiheit(Osterode) Steiler Hang 51.736492000000 10.267516000000 0 0 Osterode-3100|Osterode am Harz-100|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13745 000000817532 Westerweyhe Grüner Weg Westerweyhe Grüner Weg 52.992910000000 10.513143000000 0 0 117-117|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406157782 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 7245 (at arc-length 3322.50m): 64.39m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 4517.04m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 4517.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406157705 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 7249 (at arc-length 545.23m): 64.39m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 4517.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406160196 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 6910 (at arc-length 545.23m): 64.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406160211 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 6917 (at arc-length 9152.03m): 64.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406158219 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 7264 (at arc-length 3089.76m): 64.39m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406158209 is too far from computed projection point (52.993049,10.512209) on shape 7265 (at arc-length 8436.35m): 64.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13756 000000817586 Westerweyhe Stadtberg Westerweyhe Stadtberg 52.996871000000 10.514682000000 0 0 117-117|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 4793.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 4793.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 4793.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13802 000002024504 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 23 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 23 53.614430000000 9.010350000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30588 000009904918 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 23 Armstorf(Niederelbe) Horn 23 53.614459000000 9.010379000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13804 000002030205 Geversdorf(Oste) Neuenschleuse Geversdorf(Oste) Neuenschleuse 53.796631000000 9.121839000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30679 000009904851 Geversdorf(Oste) Neuenschleuse Geversdorf(Oste) Neuenschleuse 53.796617000000 9.121890000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13814 000002024102 Osten Altendorf 12 Osten Altendorf 12 53.705337000000 9.234383000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30578 000009907749 Osten Altendorf 12 Osten Altendorf 12 53.705306000000 9.234433000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13816 000002031203 Isensee Bruch Isensee Bruch 53.756415000000 9.222304000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 390508537 is too far from computed projection point (53.757085,9.217231) on shape 10405 (at arc-length 31815.37m): 341.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13821 000002500136 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Süderende Brandwischbrücke Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Süderende Brandwischbrücke 53.787521000000 8.742396000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
L38263 000009902180 Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Süderende Brandwischbrücke Cuxhaven-Lüdingworth Süderende Brandwischbrücke 53.787558000000 8.742417000000 0 0 6-6|CUX-CUX|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13836 000002500770 Tiste Im Dorffeld Tiste Im Dorffeld 53.289463000000 9.535801000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 392.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13892 000000818804 Marklendorf Zum Hohen Ufer Marklendorf Zum Hohen Ufer 52.667254000000 9.736880000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
L24825 000009906514 Marklendorf Zum Hohen Ufer Marklendorf Zum Hohen Ufer 52.667244000000 9.736876000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13908 000000140085 Wilhelmshaven Anzetel I Wilhelmshaven Anzetel I 53.581119000000 8.049499000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15314 000009914872 Wilhelmshaven Anzetel I Wilhelmshaven Anzetel I 53.581151000000 8.049526000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L13909 000000140086 Wilhelmshaven Anzetel II Wilhelmshaven Anzetel II 53.587574000000 8.047693000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15313 000009914873 Wilhelmshaven Anzetel II Wilhelmshaven Anzetel II 53.587537000000 8.047676000000 0 0 111-111|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14005 000000193305 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Volksbank Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Volksbank 52.234403000000 8.170748000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 402173232 is too far from computed projection point (52.238222,8.175058) on shape 9066 (at arc-length 18158.01m): 516.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 402173234 is too far from computed projection point (52.234830,8.169924) on shape 9064 (at arc-length 13453.57m): 73.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14156 000000194622 Glane(Bad Iburg) Schönepauk Glane(Bad Iburg) Schönepauk 52.144484000000 8.059696000000 0 0 416-7416|Hilter-7415|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 402174021 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9194 (at arc-length 19415.08m): 64.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 402174057 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9199 (at arc-length 17428.81m): 64.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 402174006 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9196 (at arc-length 22390.41m): 64.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 402174036 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9192 (at arc-length 19415.08m): 64.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 402174040 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9191 (at arc-length 10716.30m): 64.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 402174056 is too far from computed projection point (52.145058,8.059766) on shape 9198 (at arc-length 17428.81m): 64.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14216 000000175201 Gaste Kiefernweg Gaste Kiefernweg 52.259989000000 7.955845000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173625 is too far from computed projection point (52.258842,7.955342) on shape 9130 (at arc-length 0.00m): 132.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173612 is too far from computed projection point (52.258842,7.955342) on shape 9136 (at arc-length 0.00m): 132.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14276 000009908635 Lappenstuhl Loch Lappenstuhl Loch 52.418151000000 8.060438000000 0 0 646-7646|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778237 is too far from computed projection point (52.418181,8.059673) on shape 7660 (at arc-length 1.02m): 51.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14279 000009912465 Wallenhorst Lahrmann Wallenhorst Lahrmann 52.350234000000 8.023735000000 0 0 535-7535|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
L46953 000009912464 Wallenhorst Lahrmann Wallenhorst Lahrmann 52.350216000000 8.023736000000 0 0 535-7535|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14288 000009914696 Schwagstorf(Fürstenau) Marienstift Schwagstorf(Fürstenau) Marienstift 52.518266000000 7.737354000000 0 0 681-7681|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402175625 is too far from computed projection point (52.518177,7.738240) on shape 9420 (at arc-length 4.00m): 60.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14296 000009917035 Vinte Parkplatz Vinte Parkplatz 52.401291000000 7.849631000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
L37084 000009917036 Vinte Parkplatz Vinte Parkplatz 52.401291000000 7.849631000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14319 000009906935 Merzen Raiffeisenbank Merzen Raiffeisenbank 52.475505000000 7.828968000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777709 is too far from computed projection point (52.476175,7.829510) on shape 7355 (at arc-length 4.42m): 83.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14346 000009914552 Osteroden Voltlager Damm Osteroden Voltlager Damm 52.513021000000 7.821644000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777723 is too far from computed projection point (52.512454,7.821472) on shape 7352 (at arc-length 0.00m): 64.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14423 000009909784 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Volk Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Volk 52.404268000000 7.799118000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 2777.43m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 2777.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14424 000009909779 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Alte Schule Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Alte Schule 52.405618000000 7.822455000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 1698.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 1698.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14471 000009902031 Bersenbrück BBS + GYM Bersenbrück BBS + GYM 52.549495000000 7.955444000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174859 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7621 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402174856 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9381 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402175634 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9423 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 402174836 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9363 (at arc-length 17265.24m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777898 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7414 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777895 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7417 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777888 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7424 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401777885 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7427 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401777891 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7421 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777889 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7423 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401777884 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7428 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 401777874 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7441 (at arc-length 21637.45m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402175637 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 8735 (at arc-length 1345.50m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778216 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7619 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778213 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7620 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778211 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7622 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401777978 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7504 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 401777967 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7509 (at arc-length 40585.42m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778410 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7586 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401778131 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7609 (at arc-length 6399.11m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 401778403 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9394 (at arc-length 11579.90m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401778400 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9395 (at arc-length 15160.13m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 401778134 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7606 (at arc-length 20470.83m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 401778398 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7611 (at arc-length 18642.96m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 401778395 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7613 (at arc-length 6389.67m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174637 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9277 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778375 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7546 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778378 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7544 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778374 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7547 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402174690 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9291 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174699 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9302 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402174696 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9303 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 402174682 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9307 (at arc-length 19569.25m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 402174687 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 9305 (at arc-length 28429.95m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401778138 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7602 (at arc-length 13322.05m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 401778133 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7607 (at arc-length 13847.83m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 401778132 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7608 (at arc-length 15134.08m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401777953 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7500 (at arc-length 16072.81m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778178 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7681 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778173 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7686 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778176 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7683 (at arc-length 0.00m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401778175 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7684 (at arc-length 1636.03m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 401778170 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7689 (at arc-length 25434.87m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401778169 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7690 (at arc-length 21851.28m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 401778165 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7694 (at arc-length 12645.54m): 102.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 401778168 is too far from computed projection point (52.548646,7.956025) on shape 7691 (at arc-length 19458.09m): 102.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14523 000000176521 Handrup Gymnasium Handrup Gymnasium 52.568220000000 7.594086000000 0 0 540-540|VEJ-VEJ|40171-40171|685-7685|926-7926|EMS-EMS|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 401778079 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 7525 (at arc-length 11117.37m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401778078 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 7526 (at arc-length 0.00m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 401778073 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 7522 (at arc-length 13165.91m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 402174773 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 9317 (at arc-length 12686.99m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174751 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 9331 (at arc-length 0.00m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174747 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 9335 (at arc-length 0.00m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174750 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 9332 (at arc-length 0.00m): 90.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402174757 is too far from computed projection point (52.567404,7.594060) on shape 9327 (at arc-length 0.00m): 90.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14524 000009907405 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
L35671 000009907403 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14524 000009907405 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
L35672 000009907404 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14525 000009903084 Hartlage Sägewerk Hartlage Sägewerk 52.589899000000 7.697090000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
L14542 000009903085 Hartlage Sägewerk Hartlage Sägewerk 52.589899000000 7.697090000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14596 000009914344 Talge(Bersenbrück) Weitkampstraße Talge(Bersenbrück) Weitkampstraße 52.595971000000 7.943856000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 401778095 is too far from computed projection point (52.572050,7.942049) on shape 7567 (at arc-length 14338.24m): 2662.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14597 000009914341 Talge(Bersenbrück) Abzw. Suttrup Talge(Bersenbrück) Abzw. Suttrup 52.603993000000 7.928114000000 0 0 690-7690|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 401778095 is too far from computed projection point (52.572050,7.942049) on shape 7567 (at arc-length 14338.24m): 3674.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14688 000000854713 Hillerse(Northm) Zum Leineufer Hillerse(Northm) Zum Leineufer 51.689283000000 9.950869000000 0 0 Hillerse-409|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
L16920 000009910742 Hillerse(Northm) Zum Leineufer Hillerse(Northm) Zum Leineufer 51.689290000000 9.950826000000 0 0 Hillerse-409|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14689 000000854766 Höckelheim Radolphshäuser Straße Höckelheim Radolphshäuser Straße 51.696664000000 9.957301000000 0 0 Höckelheim-408|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
L16934 000009907487 Höckelheim Radolphshäuser Straße Höckelheim Radolphshäuser Straße 51.696655000000 9.957304000000 0 0 Höckelheim-408|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14749 000009907514 Höperhöfen Bohling Höperhöfen Bohling 53.139302000000 9.296424000000 0 0 330-330|340-340|Rotenburg-1340|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 5223.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14753 000000117305 Clüversborstel Haltestelle Clüversborstel Haltestelle 53.132207000000 9.229176000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 1730.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14790 080000449051 Baddeckenstedt Schule 52.091550000000 10.223751000000 0 0 78-78|904-904|Baddeckenstedt-4078|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 353417252 is too far from computed projection point (52.096785,10.228406) on shape 6638 (at arc-length 5947.18m): 663.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14795 080000449121 Oelber Mohnhofstraße 52.099228000000 10.233841000000 0 0 78-78|904-904|Baddeckenstedt-4078|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353417207 is too far from computed projection point (52.091550,10.223765) on shape 6648 (at arc-length 3167.84m): 1096.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14796 080000449122 Oelber Mohnhofstraße 52.099228000000 10.233841000000 0 0 78-78|904-904|Baddeckenstedt-4078|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 353417207 is too far from computed projection point (52.091550,10.223765) on shape 6648 (at arc-length 3167.84m): 1096.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14797 080000449131 Oelber Am Kornfeld 52.096768000000 10.228418000000 0 0 78-78|904-904|Baddeckenstedt-4078|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353417207 is too far from computed projection point (52.091550,10.223765) on shape 6648 (at arc-length 3167.84m): 661.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14798 080000449141 Oelber Am Schloss 52.101789000000 10.235590000000 0 0 78-78|904-904|Baddeckenstedt-4078|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 353417207 is too far from computed projection point (52.091550,10.223765) on shape 6648 (at arc-length 3167.84m): 1395.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14842 080000449821 Sehlde Grundschule 52.040284000000 10.262937000000 0 0 78-78|Baddeckenstedt-4078|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353417098 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6619 (at arc-length 6594.67m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353417059 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6623 (at arc-length 7239.37m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353417041 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6624 (at arc-length 7239.37m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353417099 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6620 (at arc-length 7239.37m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353417087 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6618 (at arc-length 6594.67m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353417066 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6622 (at arc-length 11736.88m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 353417051 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6625 (at arc-length 7239.37m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353416973 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6632 (at arc-length 0.00m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 404623666 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6635 (at arc-length 0.00m): 95.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353416972 is too far from computed projection point (52.039466,10.263340) on shape 6633 (at arc-length 0.00m): 95.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14843 080000449822 Sehlde Grundschule 52.040284000000 10.262937000000 0 0 78-78|Baddeckenstedt-4078|VRB-VRB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 353417007 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6627 (at arc-length 11420.31m): 101.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 353416990 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6629 (at arc-length 10651.37m): 101.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 353416976 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6631 (at arc-length 11586.40m): 101.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 353416971 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6634 (at arc-length 14627.45m): 101.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353416985 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6630 (at arc-length 4483.98m): 101.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353417010 is too far from computed projection point (52.039458,10.263559) on shape 6628 (at arc-length 4165.46m): 101.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14893 000000186694 Schweringen Gewerbegebiet Schweringen Gewerbegebiet 52.736413000000 9.185346000000 0 0 3-3|VLN-VLN 1
L42494 000009915369 Schweringen Gewerbegebiet Schweringen Gewerbegebiet 52.736410000000 9.185315000000 0 0 3-3|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14894 000000117304 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Grundschule/Große Straße Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Grundschule/Große Straße 53.114962000000 9.229559000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 222.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14898 000000116163 Uthlede Grundschule Uthlede Grundschule 53.310000000000 8.577520000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829655 is too far from computed projection point (53.310535,8.578527) on shape 3617 (at arc-length 675.00m): 89.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829653 is too far from computed projection point (53.310535,8.578527) on shape 3619 (at arc-length 675.00m): 89.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829654 is too far from computed projection point (53.310535,8.578527) on shape 3618 (at arc-length 675.00m): 89.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L14956 000009902846 Boekzetelerfehn Pappelstraße/Blumenstraße Boekzetelerfehn Pappelstraße/Blumenstraße 53.331004000000 7.510748000000 0 0 613-613|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405157279 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1145 (at arc-length 19991.66m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405157280 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1147 (at arc-length 2067.01m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405157269 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1148 (at arc-length 22352.67m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405157268 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1149 (at arc-length 22745.62m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405157267 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1150 (at arc-length 22745.62m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405157255 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1151 (at arc-length 19991.66m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405157258 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1152 (at arc-length 22352.67m): 580.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405157330 is too far from computed projection point (53.328974,7.518808) on shape 1185 (at arc-length 10828.63m): 580.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15089 000000194081 Jever Kiebitzplatz Jever Kiebitzplatz 53.575363000000 7.902779000000 0 0 200-200|Jever-2200|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430235 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8514 (at arc-length 1638.62m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430253 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8511 (at arc-length 1638.62m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430248 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8513 (at arc-length 1638.62m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430202 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8518 (at arc-length 3541.36m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412430197 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8519 (at arc-length 3119.84m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431149 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8686 (at arc-length 1653.38m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431141 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8687 (at arc-length 1653.38m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430305 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8535 (at arc-length 1653.38m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430935 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8643 (at arc-length 3111.45m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430931 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8644 (at arc-length 3111.45m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431090 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8712 (at arc-length 1638.62m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412431086 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8713 (at arc-length 395.09m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412430989 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8661 (at arc-length 1638.62m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430987 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8662 (at arc-length 3111.45m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 412430650 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8611 (at arc-length 28539.37m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 43 on examplar trip 412430647 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8612 (at arc-length 30099.03m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 412430656 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8608 (at arc-length 30088.96m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 412430698 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8602 (at arc-length 25639.93m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 412430665 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8605 (at arc-length 28006.86m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 412430634 is too far from computed projection point (53.575059,7.902218) on shape 8614 (at arc-length 29841.93m): 50.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15163 000000816662 Thurau Ort Thurau Ort 52.953272000000 11.262728000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
L60027 000000815022 Thurau Ort Thurau Ort 52.953249000000 11.262673000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15193 000000140104 Hinrichsfehn Azaleen-/Ginsterstraße Hinrichsfehn Azaleen-/Ginsterstraße 53.372041000000 7.715820000000 0 0 629-629|VEJ-VEJ 1
L44957 000009911060 Hinrichsfehn Azaleen-/Ginsterstraße Hinrichsfehn Azaleen-/Ginsterstraße 53.372034000000 7.715807000000 0 0 629-629|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15206 000009904259 Altgödens Altgödens 53.475582000000 7.962156000000 0 0 203-203|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412431080 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8715 (at arc-length 6933.83m): 895.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 412431075 is too far from computed projection point (53.479879,7.973601) on shape 8716 (at arc-length 16068.45m): 895.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15207 000009906498 Marienburg(Sande) Marienburg(Sande) 2 53.479933000000 7.973718000000 0 0 203-203|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 412431090 is too far from computed projection point (53.479417,7.974031) on shape 8712 (at arc-length 23877.82m): 61.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 412431097 is too far from computed projection point (53.479417,7.974031) on shape 8710 (at arc-length 6940.54m): 61.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 412431086 is too far from computed projection point (53.479417,7.974031) on shape 8713 (at arc-length 23147.50m): 61.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 412431083 is too far from computed projection point (53.479417,7.974031) on shape 8714 (at arc-length 20635.33m): 61.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15225 000009914024 Schenum Schenum 53.559381000000 7.880274000000 0 0 200-200|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 412431030 is too far from computed projection point (53.559041,7.878608) on shape 8708 (at arc-length 13592.21m): 116.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15240 000009903779 Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) ZOB Friedeburg(Ostfriesl) ZOB 53.453592000000 7.830093000000 0 0 1 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 358110634 is too far from computed projection point (53.453698,7.830915) on shape 4337 (at arc-length 14296.49m): 55.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 358110630 is too far from computed projection point (53.453698,7.830915) on shape 4339 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 358110629 is too far from computed projection point (53.453698,7.830915) on shape 4339 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15264 000000194179 Oldorf(Wangerland) Oldorf(Wangerland) 53.636444000000 7.923450000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 124.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15295 000009912739 Wangerland Pulterei Wangerland Pulterei 53.636084000000 7.910490000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 855.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15296 000001041794 Oldorf(Wangerland) Oldorf(Wangerland) 53.635321000000 7.923403000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412431000 is too far from computed projection point (53.636319,7.924041) on shape 8654 (at arc-length 16136.44m): 118.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15296 000001041794 Oldorf(Wangerland) Oldorf(Wangerland) 53.635321000000 7.923403000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L15306 000001041793 Oldorf(Wangerland) Oldorf(Wangerland) 53.635321000000 7.923403000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15306 000001041793 Oldorf(Wangerland) Oldorf(Wangerland) 53.635321000000 7.923403000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412430977 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8664 (at arc-length 3219.15m): 118.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 412430976 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8665 (at arc-length 3219.15m): 118.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430969 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8670 (at arc-length 2899.69m): 118.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430970 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8671 (at arc-length 2899.69m): 118.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430964 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8673 (at arc-length 2899.69m): 118.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 412430968 is too far from computed projection point (53.636320,7.924036) on shape 8669 (at arc-length 2899.69m): 118.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15307 000009915710 Pievens Pievens 53.634476000000 7.897873000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 412430972 is too far from computed projection point (53.635321,7.923403) on shape 8668 (at arc-length 18395.18m): 1685.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15361 000009915531 Uelzen Agentur für Arbeit Uelzen Agentur für Arbeit 52.970955000000 10.559842000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 960.67m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 960.67m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 960.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15362 000009915832 Uelzen Loosekamp Nord Uelzen Loosekamp Nord 52.984687000000 10.549324000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 2539.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 2539.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15363 000009915834 Uelzen Ludwig-Erhard-Straße Uelzen Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 52.996009000000 10.539328000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3933.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15368 000009914166 Westerweyhe Bahnhof Westerweyhe Bahnhof 52.996143000000 10.507832000000 0 0 117-117|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406160196 is too far from computed projection point (52.996016,10.508633) on shape 6910 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15374 000009905717 Bad Fallingbostel Michelsenstraße Bad Fallingbostel Michelsenstraße 52.870001000000 9.695362000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407501627 is too far from computed projection point (52.871329,9.694600) on shape 5651 (at arc-length 4206.82m): 156.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15383 000009904078 Dorfmark Schule Dorfmark Schule 52.902260000000 9.762459000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 407501617 is too far from computed projection point (52.900990,9.764162) on shape 5655 (at arc-length 640.72m): 181.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15397 000009906905 Mengebostel Ortsmitte Mengebostel Ortsmitte 52.925528000000 9.776197000000 0 0 24-24|HK-HK|Heidekreis 24u22-DOR1|Heidekreis 24u23-DOR2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 407501611 is too far from computed projection point (52.924013,9.780015) on shape 5659 (at arc-length 11381.10m): 306.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 407501626 is too far from computed projection point (52.924013,9.780015) on shape 5652 (at arc-length 15375.50m): 306.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 407501614 is too far from computed projection point (52.924013,9.780015) on shape 5657 (at arc-length 16298.55m): 306.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 407501618 is too far from computed projection point (52.924013,9.780015) on shape 5654 (at arc-length 22031.72m): 306.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407501613 is too far from computed projection point (52.924013,9.780015) on shape 5658 (at arc-length 3361.29m): 306.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15414 000009904423 Dreikronen Ortsmitte Dreikronen Ortsmitte 52.885230000000 9.575226000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502918 is too far from computed projection point (52.882298,9.576486) on shape 5769 (at arc-length 14072.70m): 336.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15416 000009907851 Hünzingen Alte Schule Hünzingen Alte Schule 52.905919000000 9.586132000000 0 0 26-26|29-29|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 407502898 is too far from computed projection point (52.906480,9.585934) on shape 5773 (at arc-length 9969.34m): 63.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502897 is too far from computed projection point (52.906480,9.585934) on shape 5774 (at arc-length 12914.24m): 63.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407502872 is too far from computed projection point (52.906480,9.585934) on shape 5776 (at arc-length 15280.22m): 63.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405787542 is too far from computed projection point (52.906480,9.585934) on shape 7882 (at arc-length 7365.98m): 63.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15421 000009901675 Benefeld Grundschule Benefeld Grundschule 52.901526000000 9.635093000000 0 0 26-26|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407503060 is too far from computed projection point (52.902391,9.634674) on shape 7342 (at arc-length 11808.70m): 100.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15431 000009913351 Wenzingen Idinger Weg Wenzingen Idinger Weg 52.888408000000 9.669769000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407503042 is too far from computed projection point (52.888056,9.676318) on shape 7332 (at arc-length 1.00m): 441.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15458 000009903741 Frankenfeld(Aller) Abzw. L 157 Frankenfeld(Aller) Abzw. L 157 52.763277000000 9.431957000000 0 0 40-40|HK-HK 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502041 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5679 (at arc-length 12568.13m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407502042 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5682 (at arc-length 1722.14m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 407502032 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5684 (at arc-length 13644.34m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 407502031 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5683 (at arc-length 9327.31m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502040 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5681 (at arc-length 9112.23m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 407502044 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5686 (at arc-length 11780.72m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502043 is too far from computed projection point (52.762891,9.431504) on shape 5687 (at arc-length 13429.00m): 52.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502038 is too far from computed projection point (52.762719,9.431981) on shape 5680 (at arc-length 12524.06m): 62.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15482 000009903507 Ahlden(Aller) Neue Straße Ahlden(Aller) Neue Straße 52.760238000000 9.551679000000 0 0 39-39|42-42|HK-HK|Heidekreis 39u42-HOD1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502419 is too far from computed projection point (52.760747,9.551982) on shape 5712 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15494 000009915008 Schwarmstedt Schule Schwarmstedt Schule 52.677958000000 9.612425000000 0 0 47-47|HK-HK|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502240 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5704 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502238 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5705 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502237 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5706 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502230 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5708 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502226 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5709 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502225 is too far from computed projection point (52.678215,9.613183) on shape 5711 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15576 000009912032 Stadtoldendorf Bahnhof Stadtoldendorf Bahnhof 51.881289000000 9.620601000000 0 0 Stadtoldendorf-550|Stadtoldendorf-3550|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 408404669 is too far from computed projection point (51.880935,9.621235) on shape 6582 (at arc-length 9310.33m): 58.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 408404432 is too far from computed projection point (51.880935,9.621235) on shape 6562 (at arc-length 27346.51m): 58.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 408404402 is too far from computed projection point (51.880935,9.621235) on shape 6557 (at arc-length 27068.16m): 58.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 408404407 is too far from computed projection point (51.880935,9.621235) on shape 6567 (at arc-length 28510.70m): 58.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 408404882 is too far from computed projection point (51.880935,9.621235) on shape 6602 (at arc-length 10033.16m): 58.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15625 000009906377 Holzminden Stadthalle Holzminden Stadthalle 51.827707000000 9.460926000000 0 0 Holzminden-3500|Holzminden-500|VSN-VSN 1
L16328 000009906379 Holzminden Stadthalle Holzminden Stadthalle 51.827712000000 9.460888000000 0 0 Holzminden-3500|Holzminden-500|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15628 000009906345 Holzminden Dr.-Stiebel-Straße Holzminden Dr.-Stiebel-Straße 51.814914000000 9.448841000000 0 0 Holzminden-500|Holzminden-3500|VSN-VSN 1
L16332 000009906346 Holzminden Dr.-Stiebel-Straße Holzminden Dr.-Stiebel-Straße 51.814905000000 9.448841000000 0 0 Holzminden-500|Holzminden-3500|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15656 000000100012 Bremen Hauptbahnhof Bremen Hauptbahnhof 53.082053000000 8.813494000000 0 0 L 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 411807119 is too far from computed projection point (53.081759,8.814115) on shape 11156 (at arc-length 15669.90m): 52.81m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 411807109 is too far from computed projection point (53.081759,8.814115) on shape 11157 (at arc-length 15608.61m): 52.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15854 080000321022 Hameln Walkemühle 52.099641000000 9.362343000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
L40248 000010979091 Walkemühle / V.-Luise-Gymnasium Bereich A 52.099664000000 9.362377000000 0 0 A 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15855 080000321031 Hameln Mühlenstraße/Rattenfängerhalle 52.099946000000 9.356668000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
L15856 080000321032 Hameln Mühlenstraße/Rattenfängerhalle 52.099946000000 9.356668000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15857 080000321042 Hameln Münster 52.100931000000 9.354925000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
L40233 160010808081 Hameln Münster 52.100931000000 9.354925000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15860 080000321061 Hameln Klütbahnhof 52.097120000000 9.351786000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
L15861 080000321062 Hameln Klütbahnhof 52.097120000000 9.351786000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15862 080000321071 Hameln Ohrsche Landstraße 52.085880000000 9.353842000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
L15863 080000321072 Hameln Ohrsche Landstraße 52.085880000000 9.353842000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15877 080000325201 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
L15878 080000325202 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15877 080000325201 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
L49566 160010436003 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15877 080000325201 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
L49567 160010436004 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15878 080000325202 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
L49566 160010436003 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15878 080000325202 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
L49567 160010436004 Grohnde Kirche 52.018516000000 9.419465000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|Grohnde-711|H-P-H-P|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L15879 080000325401 Hajen Ruhberg 51.999131000000 9.430415000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|H-P-H-P|Hajen-710|VSN-VSN
L15880 080000325402 Hajen Ruhberg 51.999131000000 9.430415000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|H-P-H-P|Hajen-710|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16082 000009906907 Mengershausen Raseanger Mengershausen Raseanger 51.493139000000 9.871302000000 0 0 Mengershausen/Tiefenbrunn-223|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411300 is too far from computed projection point (51.493733,9.871227) on shape 5903 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411268 is too far from computed projection point (51.493733,9.871227) on shape 5906 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353411289 is too far from computed projection point (51.493733,9.871227) on shape 5904 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16093 000009904404 Dramfeld Schule Dramfeld Schule 51.452721000000 9.875972000000 0 0 Dramfeld/Mariengarten-225|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 353411402 is too far from computed projection point (51.452397,9.875166) on shape 5912 (at arc-length 18202.62m): 66.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353411432 is too far from computed projection point (51.452397,9.875166) on shape 5911 (at arc-length 6950.28m): 66.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 353411387 is too far from computed projection point (51.452397,9.875166) on shape 5915 (at arc-length 21605.35m): 66.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 353411437 is too far from computed projection point (51.452397,9.875166) on shape 5918 (at arc-length 26677.72m): 66.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 353411393 is too far from computed projection point (51.452397,9.875166) on shape 5913 (at arc-length 12886.39m): 66.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16173 000001180151 Göttingen Treuenhagen Göttingen Treuenhagen 51.514934000000 9.939926000000 0 0 Göttingen-3200|Göttingen-200|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 353411551 is too far from computed projection point (51.514137,9.939724) on shape 5946 (at arc-length 10703.93m): 89.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16185 000009907035 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L27701 000009907037 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16185 000009907035 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L40980 000009907036 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16367 000000176054 Sögeln Alte Schule Sögeln Alte Schule 52.455985000000 8.005296000000 0 0 643-7643|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 402174639 is too far from computed projection point (52.455046,8.003096) on shape 9279 (at arc-length 3291.04m): 182.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16375 000000173138 Schledehausen(Bissendorf) Müritzstraße Schledehausen(Bissendorf) Müritzstraße 52.285430000000 8.248683000000 0 0 353-7353|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
L42005 000000731381 Schledehausen(Bissendorf) Müritzstraße Schledehausen(Bissendorf) Müritzstraße 52.285452000000 8.248621000000 0 0 353-7353|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16396 000000850367 Lerbach Degenkopfweg Lerbach Degenkopfweg 51.743937000000 10.286190000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
L27317 000009909434 Lerbach Degenkopfweg Lerbach Degenkopfweg 51.743960000000 10.286164000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16397 000000850366 Lerbach Am Schwarzenberg Lerbach Am Schwarzenberg 51.756643000000 10.301179000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
L27316 000009909433 Lerbach Am Schwarzenberg Lerbach Am Schwarzenberg 51.756617000000 10.301201000000 0 0 Lerbach-105|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16416 000009907025 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L40981 000009907028 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16416 000009907025 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L40982 000009907029 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16420 000000894765 Höckelheim Am Hasselberg Höckelheim Am Hasselberg 51.703093000000 9.959158000000 0 0 Höckelheim-408|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 407530413 is too far from computed projection point (51.703344,9.960788) on shape 6422 (at arc-length 2954.10m): 115.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16456 000002011705 Cappel-Niederrstrich Alter Kirchweg Cappel-Niederrstrich Alter Kirchweg 53.739999000000 8.551714000000 0 0 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
L30309 000009901384 Cappel-Niederrstrich Alter Kirchweg Cappel-Niederrstrich Alter Kirchweg 53.740039000000 8.551690000000 0 0 270-270|Dorum-1270|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16532 000009901181 Groß Thondorf Kapelle Groß Thondorf Kapelle 53.127091000000 10.699616000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 411369275 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7277 (at arc-length 0.00m): 173.67m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 4921.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 4921.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4921.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4921.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406162513 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7283 (at arc-length 15922.90m): 4921.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406162871 is too far from computed projection point (53.126109,10.701640) on shape 7221 (at arc-length 24775.74m): 173.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16533 000009913201 Römstedt Ortsmitte Römstedt Ortsmitte 53.095063000000 10.648768000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 411369163 is too far from computed projection point (53.105159,10.682229) on shape 7295 (at arc-length 18405.13m): 2500.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 406162464 is too far from computed projection point (53.105159,10.682229) on shape 7291 (at arc-length 18405.12m): 2500.18m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162881 is too far from computed projection point (53.095366,10.650258) on shape 7219 (at arc-length 8319.19m): 105.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 406162423 is too far from computed projection point (53.095366,10.650258) on shape 7296 (at arc-length 18708.16m): 105.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16618 000009915819 Uelzen Esterholzer Straße/Kantweg Uelzen Esterholzer Straße/Kantweg 52.959929000000 10.575193000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159368 is too far from computed projection point (52.961450,10.573015) on shape 6795 (at arc-length 0.00m): 223.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 406159376 is too far from computed projection point (52.961287,10.573783) on shape 6804 (at arc-length 23058.12m): 178.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16636 000009903900 Borne(Uelzen) Ortsmitte Borne(Uelzen) Ortsmitte 52.912922000000 10.538507000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 406159662 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6841 (at arc-length 1460.40m): 71.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 411366397 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6842 (at arc-length 17170.52m): 71.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406158748 is too far from computed projection point (52.913558,10.538678) on shape 6717 (at arc-length 2.01m): 71.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16651 000009901967 Hanstedt 2(Uelzen) Hanstedt 2(Uelzen) 52.957587000000 10.666303000000 0 0 147-147|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 406158713 is too far from computed projection point (52.957507,10.667067) on shape 7275 (at arc-length 2412.48m): 51.94m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 406158705 is too far from computed projection point (52.957507,10.667067) on shape 7273 (at arc-length 8671.19m): 51.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16666 000009913292 Suderburg Oberschule Suderburg Oberschule 52.897736000000 10.449272000000 0 0 2006-2006|217-217|257-257|Suderburg-SUB|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 406159912 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6847 (at arc-length 30451.44m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 411366657 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6848 (at arc-length 47073.47m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 411366637 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6849 (at arc-length 38841.75m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 406159958 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6855 (at arc-length 40551.87m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 406159928 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6858 (at arc-length 47134.07m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 406159951 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6845 (at arc-length 39937.35m): 79.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 406159966 is too far from computed projection point (52.898302,10.449989) on shape 6854 (at arc-length 43720.45m): 79.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16676 000009904426 Dreilingen Schulweg Dreilingen Schulweg 52.918127000000 10.343634000000 0 0 217-217|277-277|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 411366561 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6871 (at arc-length 10891.81m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 411366538 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6861 (at arc-length 8499.52m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 411366525 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6865 (at arc-length 11582.81m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 411366603 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6876 (at arc-length 10891.81m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406159853 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6868 (at arc-length 10891.81m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406159818 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6873 (at arc-length 8499.52m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406159816 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6872 (at arc-length 10891.81m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159873 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6859 (at arc-length 0.00m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406159812 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6860 (at arc-length 8499.52m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159858 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6867 (at arc-length 0.00m): 82.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406159783 is too far from computed projection point (52.918329,10.342450) on shape 6864 (at arc-length 8499.52m): 82.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16683 000009916699 Wrestedt West Wrestedt West 52.904826000000 10.574547000000 0 0 2007-2007|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159318 is too far from computed projection point (52.904695,10.573575) on shape 6777 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16685 000009916698 Wrestedt Rathaus Wrestedt Rathaus 52.905628000000 10.580494000000 0 0 2007-2007|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159461 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6786 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 411366195 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6789 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 411366176 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6808 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159463 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6792 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159462 is too far from computed projection point (52.905817,10.581794) on shape 6787 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16704 000009907889 Könau Ortsmitte Könau Ortsmitte 52.891361000000 10.708960000000 0 0 2008-2008|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 406159197 is too far from computed projection point (52.890351,10.707895) on shape 6765 (at arc-length 26241.81m): 133.11m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 406159213 is too far from computed projection point (52.890351,10.707895) on shape 6762 (at arc-length 29345.43m): 133.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16705 000009904746 Drohe Drohe 52.888533000000 10.679670000000 0 0 2008-2008|227-227|UE-UE|Wieren-WIE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406159456 is too far from computed projection point (52.888658,10.678441) on shape 6788 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16805 000009906475 Klein Wiershausen Dorfstraße Klein Wiershausen Dorfstraße 51.507099000000 9.812966000000 0 0 Klein Wiershausen-217|VSN-VSN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407523436 is too far from computed projection point (51.507196,9.814538) on shape 5909 (at arc-length 0.00m): 109.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16977 000000108387 Stöcken(Rethem) B 209 Stöcken(Rethem) B 209 52.765077000000 9.355332000000 0 0 17-17|40-40|HK-HK|VLN-VLN 1
L46622 000009913263 Stöcken(Rethem) B 209 Stöcken(Rethem) B 209 52.765068000000 9.355367000000 0 0 17-17|40-40|HK-HK|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16978 000000108300 Drakenburg Tredde Drakenburg Tredde 52.688787000000 9.230471000000 0 0 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L37813 000009904400 Drakenburg Tredde Drakenburg Tredde 52.688758000000 9.230463000000 0 0 1-1|6-6|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16992 000001604690 Glesse Claus-Petri-Straße Glesse Claus-Petri-Straße 51.932530000000 9.370690000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|OT-1520|Ottenstein-512|VSN-VSN 1
L17005 000009905207 Glesse Claus-Petri-Straße Glesse Claus-Petri-Straße 51.932557000000 9.370722000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|OT-1520|Ottenstein-512|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L16997 000000850654 Barbis Röhlberg Barbis Röhlberg 51.609447000000 10.434802000000 0 0 Barbis-138|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
L16998 000009900618 Barbis Röhlberg Barbis Röhlberg 51.609426000000 10.434795000000 0 0 Barbis-138|Barbis-3138|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17006 000000818468 Munster Kläranlage Munster Kläranlage 52.973150000000 10.104548000000 0 0 14-14|9-9|HK-HK|Munster-MUN 1
L48418 000000898468 Munster Kläranlage Munster Kläranlage 52.973118000000 10.104510000000 0 0 14-14|9-9|HK-HK|Munster-MUN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17094 000000816822 Zeetze Ort Zeetze Ort 52.944987000000 11.014322000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
L60053 000000815762 Zeetze Ort Zeetze Ort 52.944943000000 11.014334000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17095 000000816865 Zebelin Ort Zebelin Ort 52.992567000000 11.008981000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
L60052 000000815752 Zebelin Ort Zebelin Ort 52.992577000000 11.009041000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17100 000000816857 Beseland Ort Beseland Ort 52.959548000000 10.960891000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
L59858 000000810192 Beseland Ort Beseland Ort 52.959547000000 10.960950000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17104 000000816156 Bredenbock Bätge Bredenbock Bätge 53.140167000000 10.956352000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
L59863 000000810362 Bredenbock Bätge Bredenbock Bätge 53.140204000000 10.956327000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17110 000000816806 Dickfeitzen Ort Dickfeitzen Ort 52.987242000000 10.939458000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
L59879 000000810772 Dickfeitzen Ort Dickfeitzen Ort 52.987224000000 10.939408000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17111 000000816808 Dommatzen Ort Dommatzen Ort 52.999492000000 10.947824000000 0 0 3-3|DAN-DAN 1
L59880 000000810861 Dommatzen Ort Dommatzen Ort 52.999484000000 10.947886000000 0 0 3-3|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17113 000000816618 Gollau(Lüchow) Ort Gollau(Lüchow) Ort 52.988256000000 11.128491000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
L59891 000000811191 Gollau(Lüchow) Ort Gollau(Lüchow) Ort 52.988277000000 11.128514000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17118 000000816868 Granstedt(Clenze) Ort Granstedt(Clenze) Ort 52.963771000000 10.994513000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
L59896 000000811292 Granstedt(Clenze) Ort Granstedt(Clenze) Ort 52.963753000000 10.994570000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17163 000000816732 Seerau im Drawehn Seerau im Drawehn 52.957618000000 11.070836000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
L60016 000000814712 Seerau im Drawehn Seerau im Drawehn 52.957584000000 11.070874000000 0 0 1-1|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17165 000000816809 Dommatzen Steingarten Dommatzen Steingarten 53.004909000000 10.942600000000 0 0 3-3|DAN-DAN 1
L59881 000000810872 Dommatzen Steingarten Dommatzen Steingarten 53.004894000000 10.942540000000 0 0 3-3|DAN-DAN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17254 000000123292 Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB 53.471830000000 7.483571000000 0 0 2 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
L38204 000000173292 Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB 53.471808000000 7.483509000000 0 0 7 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17291 000090421004 Hannover Goetheplatz Bus 52.372618000000 9.722915000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17292 000090421007 Hannover Goetheplatz SB2 - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.373117000000 9.724595000000 0 000000900421 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17293 000090421008 Hannover Goetheplatz SB Mittelbstg. 52.373166000000 9.725116000000 0 000000900421 0 SB1 3
L47672 000000900421 Hannover Goetheplatz 52.372771000000 9.723769000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 101.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17302 000090671003 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus1-WestAuswärts 52.359157000000 9.676796000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17326 090010457901 Letter Am Kalkofen 52.385630000000 9.644126000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17327 090010457902 Letter Am Kalkofen 52.385630000000 9.644126000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17334 090010463201 Seelze Obentrautdenkmal 52.394529000000 9.599347000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17335 090010463202 Seelze Obentrautdenkmal 52.394529000000 9.599347000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17337 090010463501 Seelze An den Grachten 52.388428000000 9.590260000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17338 090010463502 Seelze An den Grachten 52.388428000000 9.590260000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17365 090010502101 Benthe Am Steinweg 52.338617000000 9.627743000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17366 090010502102 Benthe Am Steinweg 52.338617000000 9.627743000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17400 090010512101 Gehrden(Han) Ronnenberger Straße 52.316531000000 9.613034000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17401 090010512102 Gehrden(Han) Ronnenberger Straße 52.316531000000 9.613034000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17412 090010541701 Hannover Im Born 52.357471000000 9.664075000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L17413 090010541702 Hannover Im Born 52.357471000000 9.664075000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17435 090010561001 Harenberg Mühle 52.375662000000 9.603080000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17436 090010561002 Harenberg Mühle 52.375662000000 9.603080000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17471 090010565801 Eckerde Masurenweg 52.322801000000 9.512151000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17472 090010565802 Eckerde Masurenweg 52.322801000000 9.512151000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17515 090010571001 Gehrden(Han) Lange-Feld-Straße 52.311929000000 9.606844000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17516 090010571002 Gehrden(Han) Lange-Feld-Straße 52.311929000000 9.606844000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17517 090010571201 Gehrden(Han) Dammtor 52.310906000000 9.600943000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17518 090010571202 Gehrden(Han) Dammtor 52.310906000000 9.600943000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17519 090010571401 Gehrden(Han) Nordfeld 52.318069000000 9.599667000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17520 090010571402 Gehrden(Han) Nordfeld 52.318069000000 9.599667000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17550 090010575201 Egestorf(Deister) Egestorfer Warte 52.290094000000 9.509863000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17551 090010575202 Egestorf(Deister) Egestorfer Warte 52.290094000000 9.509863000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17552 090010575401 Egestorf(Deister) An der Lutherlinde 52.289592000000 9.500043000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17553 090010575402 Egestorf(Deister) An der Lutherlinde 52.289592000000 9.500043000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17554 090010575601 Egestorf(Deister) Riepenstraße 52.287750000000 9.515194000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17555 090010575602 Egestorf(Deister) Riepenstraße 52.287750000000 9.515194000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17556 090010575801 Wennigsen(Deister) Johannes-Kepler-Straße 52.282354000000 9.575807000000 0 0 104-104|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17557 090010575802 Wennigsen(Deister) Johannes-Kepler-Straße 52.282354000000 9.575807000000 0 0 104-104|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17577 000095786001 Degersen Feuerwehrhaus Bus 52.287363000000 9.573957000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L17578 000095786002 Degersen Feuerwehrhaus Bus 52.287374000000 9.573894000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17610 090010585801 Ihme-Roloven Bettenser Gut 52.300391000000 9.663117000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L17611 090010585802 Ihme-Roloven Bettenser Gut 52.300391000000 9.663117000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17645 000097022001 Kolenfeld Schwalenbergstraße Bus 52.388235000000 9.457787000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L17646 000097022002 Kolenfeld Schwalenbergstraße Bus 52.388218000000 9.457814000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17683 090010732401 Groß Munzel Spielburg 52.370484000000 9.479409000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17684 090010732402 Groß Munzel Spielburg 52.370484000000 9.479409000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17713 090010752301 Barsinghausen Gießereiweg 52.320160000000 9.492967000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17714 090010752302 Barsinghausen Gießereiweg 52.320160000000 9.492967000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17715 090010752701 Barsinghausen Steinklippenstraße 52.315938000000 9.466011000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L17716 090010752702 Barsinghausen Steinklippenstraße 52.315938000000 9.466011000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17741 090010007302 Hannover Königstraße 52.375363000000 9.746971000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L23556 090010007301 Hannover Königstraße 52.375363000000 9.746971000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17754 000090161002 Hannover Königsworther Platz Bus Nordost 52.378009000000 9.722637000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L41782 000090161004 Hannover Königsworther Platz Bus Südwest 52.378025000000 9.722664000000 0 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17760 000090201003 Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten Bus 52.391656000000 9.699191000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L25794 000090201002 Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten Bus 52.391694000000 9.699200000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17763 000090211004 Hannover Christuskirche Bus Türk.Konsulat 52.380581000000 9.725592000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090211004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17773 000090255003 Hannover Bahnhof Nordstadt Bus 52.393953000000 9.718532000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L37975 000090255008 Hannover Bahnhof Nordstadt Stadtbahn 2 52.393964000000 9.718469000000 0 0 SB2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17786 090010032301 Hannover Flüggestraße 52.385719000000 9.749261000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L17787 090010032302 Hannover Flüggestraße 52.385719000000 9.749261000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17810 000090431003 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369673000000 9.723311000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L53006 000090431010 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369656000000 9.723338000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17811 000090431004 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369552000000 9.722978000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L53005 000090431009 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369590000000 9.722951000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17816 000090469003 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371455000000 9.713115000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L38900 000090469001 Hannover Am Küchengarten Stadtbahn 52.371455000000 9.713151000000 0 000000900469 0 SB1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17816 000090469003 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371455000000 9.713115000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L52811 000090469005 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371466000000 9.713097000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17817 000090469004 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371664000000 9.712738000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L28120 000090469012 Hannover Am Küchengarten Stadtbahn 2 52.371647000000 9.712782000000 0 000000900469 0 SB2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17822 000090481002 Hannover Leinaustraße Bus 52.373583000000 9.707042000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L40285 000090481003 Hannover Leinaustraße Bus 52.373616000000 9.707051000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17824 000090485003 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.375481000000 9.695229000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L52823 000090485006 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.375519000000 9.695229000000 0 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17825 000090501003 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375409000000 9.700763000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090501003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17842 000090631004 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Bus 52.366360000000 9.700700000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L49115 000090631001 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Stadtbahn/Bus 52.366404000000 9.700691000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17844 000090641001 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Stadtbahn 52.365268000000 9.693496000000 0 000000900641 0 SB1 1
L38963 000090641004 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Bus 52.365246000000 9.693496000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17845 000090661002 Hannover Körtingsdorfer Weg Zugang West 52.360123000000 9.685456000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090661002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17861 000090881003 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. Aegi 52.358800000000 9.722754000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L52836 000090881006 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. Aegi 52.358800000000 9.722826000000 0 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17862 000090881004 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. Aegi 52.358027000000 9.723113000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090881004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17863 000090881005 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. Aegi 52.358504000000 9.724802000000 0 0 BusE3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090881005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17864 000090881007 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. A-Holw-Pl 52.358597000000 9.724973000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090881007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17865 000090919001 Hannover Rathaus/Bleichenstr. Hannover Rathaus/Bleichenstr. | Haltestelle 0 52.366952000000 9.739983000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L17866 000090919002 Hannover Rathaus/Bleichenstr. Hannover Rathaus/Bleichenstr. | Haltestelle 0 52.366969000000 9.739930000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17868 000090951002 Hannover Schünemannplatz Stadtbahn 52.347679000000 9.723868000000 0 000000900951 0 SB2 3
L52839 000090951007 Hannover Schünemannplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.347684000000 9.723922000000 0 000000900951 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17911 090010125103 Hannover Hoher Weg 52.338388000000 9.783408000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L17912 090010125104 Hannover Hoher Weg 52.338388000000 9.783408000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17927 000091401003 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Bus 52.335121000000 9.790711000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L55711 000091401005 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Bus 52.335121000000 9.790729000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17929 000091411003 Hannover Am Mittelfelde Bus 123 52.335615000000 9.797808000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L55713 000091411005 Hannover Am Mittelfelde Bus 123 52.335632000000 9.797799000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17935 000091441003 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323593000000 9.783363000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L52861 000091441007 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323620000000 9.783390000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17941 000091521002 Laatzen Neuer Schlag Stadtbahn 52.302828000000 9.803952000000 0 000000901521 0 SB2 3
L47721 000000901521 Laatzen Neuer Schlag 52.302098000000 9.804869000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 102.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17967 000091645001 Rethen Steinweg von Rethen 52.285099000000 9.826285000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L17968 000091645002 Rethen Steinweg nach Rethen 52.285126000000 9.826276000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17973 000091661003 Gleidingen Bus 52.276646000000 9.837334000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L26688 000091661001 Gleidingen Stadtbahn 52.276662000000 9.837325000000 0 000000901661 0 SB1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17973 000091661003 Gleidingen Bus 52.276646000000 9.837334000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L52883 000091661004 Gleidingen Bus 52.276662000000 9.837289000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17974 000091661006 Gleidingen Stadtbahn 2 52.276833000000 9.837253000000 0 000000901661 0 SB2 1
L52884 000091661005 Gleidingen Bus 52.276811000000 9.837280000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L17979 000091787002 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346126000000 9.821712000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L55723 000091787005 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346159000000 9.821667000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18065 090010237101 Hannover Haberhof 52.396470000000 9.815377000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18066 090010237102 Hannover Haberhof 52.396470000000 9.815377000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18097 000092468001 Hannover Gerrit-Engelke-Straße Gorch-Fock-Str. 52.403934000000 9.776734000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L18098 000092468002 Hannover Gerrit-Engelke-Straße Gorch-Fock-Str. 52.403906000000 9.776760000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18099 090010247901 Hannover Liliencronstraße 52.401861000000 9.774189000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18100 090010247902 Hannover Liliencronstraße 52.401861000000 9.774189000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18107 000092581003 Hannover Reiterstadion Bus 52.411354000000 9.742732000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L51837 000092581004 Hannover Reiterstadion Bus 52.411359000000 9.742750000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18109 000092591003 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt Bus 52.410899000000 9.749380000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L51840 000092591005 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt Bus 52.410877000000 9.749434000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18115 000092621002 Hannover Tempelhofweg Bus 52.418115000000 9.765442000000 0 0 Bus 1 VEJ-VEJ 1
L51842 000092621005 Hannover Tempelhofweg Bus 52.418143000000 9.765469000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18118 000092631002 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417200000000 9.772673000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L51844 000092631005 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417200000000 9.772691000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18119 000092631003 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417255000000 9.772781000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L51843 000092631004 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417260000000 9.772763000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18134 090010272101 Hannover Sahlkamp 52.409916000000 9.762706000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18135 090010272102 Hannover Sahlkamp 52.409916000000 9.762706000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18152 000092821001 Hannover Zoo Stadtbahn 52.381151000000 9.766807000000 0 000000902821 0 SB1 3
L18153 000092821002 Hannover Zoo Stadtbahn 52.381140000000 9.766744000000 0 000000902821 0 SB2 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18159 000092851002 Hannover Kantplatz Stadtbahn 52.372360000000 9.785816000000 0 000000902851 0 SB2 3
L51631 000092851008 Hannover Kantplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.372371000000 9.785762000000 0 000000902851 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18160 000092851003 Hannover Kantplatz Bus 52.372700000000 9.785025000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L42990 000092851009 Hannover Kantplatz Busersatzbereich 52.372711000000 9.785088000000 0 0 BusE1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18161 090010286101 Hannover Höfestraße 52.396715000000 9.748566000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18162 090010286102 Hannover Höfestraße 52.396715000000 9.748566000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18185 000093017003 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Bus 52.374384000000 9.807788000000 0 000000903017 0 Bus 2 3
L51637 000093017005 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Bus 52.374384000000 9.807770000000 0 000000903017 0 SEV 2 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18187 000093023003 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369344000000 9.808965000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L51614 000093023005 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369382000000 9.808947000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18188 000093023004 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369261000000 9.808651000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L51615 000093023006 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369272000000 9.808615000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18190 000093033003 Hannover Bleekstraße Bus 52.365043000000 9.813870000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L51617 000093033006 Hannover Bleekstraße Bus 52.365043000000 9.813906000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18192 000093071009 Hannover Großer Hillen Stadtbahn-Mittelstg 52.361796000000 9.827246000000 0 000000903071 0 SB2 3
L48830 000000903071 Hannover Großer Hillen 52.360984000000 9.827884000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 100.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18194 000093081003 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361368000000 9.833938000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L51619 000093081008 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361384000000 9.833938000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18195 000093081004 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361198000000 9.834244000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L51618 000093081007 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361181000000 9.834244000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18197 000093091006 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360446000000 9.845014000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
L51620 000093091007 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360435000000 9.845050000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18232 000093221007 Hannover Misburger Straße Bus 52.378639000000 9.808255000000 0 0 Bus 8 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093221007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18304 090010355101 Wassel 52.320458000000 9.930823000000 0 0 103-103|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18305 090010355102 Wassel 52.320458000000 9.930823000000 0 0 103-103|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18324 090010365101 Gretenberg Im Dorfe 52.297611000000 9.989564000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18325 090010365102 Gretenberg Im Dorfe 52.297611000000 9.989564000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18335 090010370101 Evern 52.316888000000 10.023950000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L43011 090010370103 Evern 52.316888000000 10.023950000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18356 090010380401 Hannover Tierärztliche Hochschule/Westfalenhof 52.354851000000 9.807609000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18357 090010380402 Hannover Tierärztliche Hochschule/Westfalenhof 52.354851000000 9.807609000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18358 090010380801 Hannover Rutenbergstraße 52.355003000000 9.814261000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18359 090010380802 Hannover Rutenbergstraße 52.355003000000 9.814261000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18408 090010389101 Pattensen(b Hannover) Walter-Bruch-Straße 52.265291000000 9.778618000000 0 0 102-102|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18409 090010389102 Pattensen(b Hannover) Walter-Bruch-Straße 52.265291000000 9.778618000000 0 0 102-102|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18413 090010390001 Laatzen Sudewiesenstraße 52.296613000000 9.807795000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18414 090010390002 Laatzen Sudewiesenstraße 52.296613000000 9.807795000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18415 090010390201 Laatzen Kiebitzweg 52.294512000000 9.804898000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18416 090010390202 Laatzen Kiebitzweg 52.294512000000 9.804898000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18426 000093915003 Pattensen ZOB Bus (RegioBus) 52.262936000000 9.764777000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
L18427 000093915004 Pattensen ZOB Bus (RegioBus) 52.262903000000 9.764750000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18446 090010394201 Hüpede Schule 52.240404000000 9.736898000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18447 090010394202 Hüpede Schule 52.240404000000 9.736898000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18448 090010394601 Thiedenwiese 52.215911000000 9.747393000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18449 090010394602 Thiedenwiese 52.215911000000 9.747393000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18487 090010404101 Hannover Wohlenbergstraße 52.417996000000 9.722543000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18488 090010404102 Hannover Wohlenbergstraße 52.417996000000 9.722543000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18489 090010404301 Hannover Industrieweg 52.421838000000 9.717402000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18490 090010404302 Hannover Industrieweg 52.421838000000 9.717402000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18502 090010408901 Langenhagen(Han) Brinkholt 52.431180000000 9.728346000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18503 090010408902 Langenhagen(Han) Brinkholt 52.431180000000 9.728346000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18510 000094101002 Hannover Nordhafen Bus 52.422136000000 9.690154000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094101002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18524 090010414301 Godshorn Schwabenstraße 52.443481000000 9.691297000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18525 090010414302 Godshorn Schwabenstraße 52.443481000000 9.691297000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18564 090010428701 Hannover Am Stöckener Bach 52.412499000000 9.653323000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18565 090010428702 Hannover Am Stöckener Bach 52.412499000000 9.653323000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18566 090010428901 Hannover Flemesstraße 52.411798000000 9.657716000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18567 090010428902 Hannover Flemesstraße 52.411798000000 9.657716000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18615 090010467501 Berenbostel Nelkenstraße 52.437960000000 9.602279000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18616 090010467502 Berenbostel Nelkenstraße 52.437960000000 9.602279000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18738 090010487201 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18739 090010487202 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18738 090010487201 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18740 090010487203 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18739 090010487202 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18740 090010487203 Frielingen(Garbsen) Denkmal 52.455846000000 9.525773000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18741 090010487401 Frielingen(Garbsen) Bordenauer Straße 52.458130000000 9.521504000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18742 090010487402 Frielingen(Garbsen) Bordenauer Straße 52.458130000000 9.521504000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18743 090010487601 Horst(Garbsen) Vor der Höhe 52.443791000000 9.531974000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18744 090010487602 Horst(Garbsen) Vor der Höhe 52.443791000000 9.531974000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18783 090010492401 Berenbostel Theodor-Storm-Straße 52.441230000000 9.603555000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18784 090010492402 Berenbostel Theodor-Storm-Straße 52.441230000000 9.603555000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18789 090010492801 Berenbostel Im Hespe 52.444428000000 9.603561000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18790 090010492802 Berenbostel Im Hespe 52.444428000000 9.603561000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18868 090010522101 Hannover Neue Straße 52.328877000000 9.696313000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18869 090010522102 Hannover Neue Straße 52.328877000000 9.696313000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18871 000095271001 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Ricklingen Bus 52.332959000000 9.717023000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095271001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18872 000095271002 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Ricklingen Bus 52.332805000000 9.717355000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095271002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18881 000095311001 Devese Stadtweg Bus 52.315433000000 9.712926000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L60616 000095311005 Devese Stadtweg Bus 52.315433000000 9.712926000000 0 0 35311 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18893 090010536101 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L18894 090010536102 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18893 090010536101 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L56133 090010536104 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18894 090010536102 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L56133 090010536104 Hemmingen(Han) Kapellenweg 52.319949000000 9.748383000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18915 090010546101 Hannover Droehnenstraße 52.367839000000 9.670866000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L18916 090010546102 Hannover Droehnenstraße 52.367839000000 9.670866000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18946 090010589801 Alvesrode Röderbecksweg 52.207278000000 9.616102000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18947 090010589802 Alvesrode Röderbecksweg 52.207278000000 9.616102000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18988 090010595001 Dahle 52.198946000000 9.527486000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18989 090010595002 Dahle 52.198946000000 9.527486000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L18991 090010595401 Mittelrode(Springe) 52.205252000000 9.652000000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L18992 090010595402 Mittelrode(Springe) 52.205252000000 9.652000000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19003 000095966001 Eldagsen Wallstraße Bus 52.173084000000 9.659503000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L19004 000095966002 Eldagsen Wallstraße Bus 52.173062000000 9.659548000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19020 090010599301 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L19021 090010599302 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19020 090010599301 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L27719 090010599303 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19020 090010599301 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L47310 160010008393 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19021 090010599302 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L27719 090010599303 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19021 090010599302 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L47310 160010008393 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19042 090010605101 Langenhagen(Han) Elbeweg 52.434699000000 9.753312000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L19043 090010605102 Langenhagen(Han) Elbeweg 52.434699000000 9.753312000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19064 090010619101 Langenhagen(Han) Gaußstraße 52.453702000000 9.736970000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L19065 090010619102 Langenhagen(Han) Gaußstraße 52.453702000000 9.736970000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19082 090010629101 Isernhagen Auf dem Windmühlenberge 52.455804000000 9.800600000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L19083 090010629102 Isernhagen Auf dem Windmühlenberge 52.455804000000 9.800600000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19144 090010654101 Isernhagen Industriestraße 52.482126000000 9.805995000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L19145 090010654102 Isernhagen Industriestraße 52.482126000000 9.805995000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19157 090010658101 Isernhagen Riethof 52.461104000000 9.788985000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L19158 090010658102 Isernhagen Riethof 52.461104000000 9.788985000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19172 090010668602 Altwarmbüchen Daimlerstraße 52.425282000000 9.833477000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L26717 090010668601 Altwarmbüchen Daimlerstraße 52.425282000000 9.833477000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19231 090010678001 Wettmar Thönser Trift 52.515438000000 9.909147000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19232 090010678002 Wettmar Thönser Trift 52.515438000000 9.909147000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19233 090010678201 Wettmar Lönsweg 52.513758000000 9.920720000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19234 090010678202 Wettmar Lönsweg 52.513758000000 9.920720000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19363 090010693201 Fuhrberg Zur alten Burg 52.564853000000 9.851769000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19364 090010693202 Fuhrberg Zur alten Burg 52.564853000000 9.851769000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19365 090010693501 Fuhrberg Alte Burgwedeler Straße 52.563577000000 9.847984000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19366 090010693502 Fuhrberg Alte Burgwedeler Straße 52.563577000000 9.847984000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19367 090010693701 Fuhrberg Dorfstraße 52.562788000000 9.843987000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19368 090010693702 Fuhrberg Dorfstraße 52.562788000000 9.843987000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19369 090010693901 Fuhrberg Schützenstraße 52.563576000000 9.838029000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L41035 090010693902 Fuhrberg Schützenstraße 52.563576000000 9.838029000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19414 000097030001 Bokeloh Ebelingstraße stadtauswärts 52.418581000000 9.384385000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L19415 000097030002 Bokeloh Ebelingstraße stadteinwärts 52.418581000000 9.384448000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19420 090010703801 Mesmerode Poststraße 52.413508000000 9.360960000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L52149 090010703701 Mesmerode Poststraße 52.413508000000 9.360960000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19421 090010703802 Mesmerode Poststraße 52.413508000000 9.360960000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L52149 090010703701 Mesmerode Poststraße 52.413508000000 9.360960000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19447 000097074001 Klein Heidorn Frachtweg stadtauswärts 52.442730000000 9.421351000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L19448 000097074002 Klein Heidorn Frachtweg stadteinwärts 52.442741000000 9.421288000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19451 000097078001 Klein Heidorn Zum Winkel stadtauswärts 52.451512000000 9.419033000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L19452 000097078002 Klein Heidorn Zum Winkel stadteinwärts 52.451512000000 9.419006000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19491 090010713001 Wunstorf Blumenauer Straße 52.427966000000 9.450360000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19492 090010713002 Wunstorf Blumenauer Straße 52.427966000000 9.450360000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19519 090010717001 Blumenau(Wunstorf) Am Kalkofen 52.434903000000 9.457695000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19520 090010717002 Blumenau(Wunstorf) Am Kalkofen 52.434903000000 9.457695000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19573 090010727201 Schmalenbruch-Windhorn Abzw. 52.420643000000 9.278249000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|SHG-SHG
L19574 090010727202 Schmalenbruch-Windhorn Abzw. 52.420643000000 9.278249000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|SHG-SHG
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19592 090010742101 Wunstorf An der Sorsumer Straße 52.420632000000 9.445935000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19593 090010742102 Wunstorf An der Sorsumer Straße 52.420632000000 9.445935000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19623 090010801001 Neustadt a Rbge Nicolaistift 52.498810000000 9.461540000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19624 090010801002 Neustadt a Rbge Nicolaistift 52.498810000000 9.461540000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19627 090010801801 Neustadt a Rbge Hudeweg 52.485924000000 9.456620000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19628 090010801802 Neustadt a Rbge Hudeweg 52.485924000000 9.456620000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19697 090010811201 Poggenhagen(Neustadt a Rbge) Bahnhofstraße 52.468038000000 9.459687000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19698 090010811202 Poggenhagen(Neustadt a Rbge) Bahnhofstraße 52.468038000000 9.459687000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19699 090010811401 Eilvese Schuster 52.541452000000 9.402455000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19700 090010811402 Eilvese Schuster 52.541452000000 9.402455000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19733 090010815201 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Bannsee 52.517509000000 9.327622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19734 090010815202 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Bannsee 52.517509000000 9.327622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19735 090010815401 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Hinterm Dorf 52.491059000000 9.294359000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19736 090010815402 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Hinterm Dorf 52.491059000000 9.294359000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19737 090010815601 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Kirche 52.489470000000 9.290226000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L38194 090010815602 Mardorf(Neustadt a Rbge) Kirche 52.489470000000 9.290226000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19820 090010825001 Amedorf 52.594715000000 9.559488000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19821 090010825002 Amedorf 52.594715000000 9.559488000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19822 090010825201 Mandelsloh Gasthof Wiebe 52.596954000000 9.568623000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19823 090010825202 Mandelsloh Gasthof Wiebe 52.596954000000 9.568623000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19824 090010825401 Mandelsloh Friedhof 52.600006000000 9.565578000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19825 090010825402 Mandelsloh Friedhof 52.600006000000 9.565578000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19826 090010825601 Mandelsloh Reithalle 52.604968000000 9.569022000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19827 090010825602 Mandelsloh Reithalle 52.604968000000 9.569022000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19828 090010825801 Mandelsloh Mühlenweg 52.608694000000 9.569808000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19829 090010825802 Mandelsloh Mühlenweg 52.608694000000 9.569808000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19869 090010830801 Resse(Wedemark) Osterbergstraße 52.504427000000 9.627439000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19870 090010830802 Resse(Wedemark) Osterbergstraße 52.504427000000 9.627439000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19940 090010839101 Negenborn(Wedemark) Hummelweg 52.556732000000 9.631946000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19941 090010839102 Negenborn(Wedemark) Hummelweg 52.556732000000 9.631946000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19942 090010839301 Neustadt-Averhoy Kreuzung 52.560855000000 9.541908000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19943 090010839302 Neustadt-Averhoy Kreuzung 52.560855000000 9.541908000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19945 090010839701 Otternhagen An der Wätering 52.514080000000 9.525776000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19946 090010839702 Otternhagen An der Wätering 52.514080000000 9.525776000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19949 090010840101 Scharrel(Neustadt a Rbge) Denkmal 52.527975000000 9.558515000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19950 090010840102 Scharrel(Neustadt a Rbge) Denkmal 52.527975000000 9.558515000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19951 090010840301 Scharrel(Neustadt a Rbge) Alte Mühle 52.521391000000 9.552294000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19952 090010840302 Scharrel(Neustadt a Rbge) Alte Mühle 52.521391000000 9.552294000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L19977 090010898501 Neustadt a Rbge Moorstraße 52.505786000000 9.406432000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L19978 090010898502 Neustadt a Rbge Moorstraße 52.505786000000 9.406432000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20003 090010908201 Stelle(Isernhagen) Stadtgut 52.447932000000 9.931745000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L20004 090010908202 Stelle(Isernhagen) Stadtgut 52.447932000000 9.931745000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20007 090010908801 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Mönkeburgstraße 52.445218000000 9.989282000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L20008 090010908802 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Mönkeburgstraße 52.445218000000 9.989282000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20027 090010918201 Immensen(Lehrte) Kirche 52.394799000000 10.064914000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L20028 090010918202 Immensen(Lehrte) Kirche 52.394799000000 10.064914000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20098 000010428001 Frenke Bus 52.016310000000 9.446234000000 0 0 1 1
L20099 000010428002 Frenke Bus 52.016326000000 9.446189000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20112 160010881001 Hameln Hohes Feld 52.122632000000 9.343913000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L43392 160010881002 Hameln Hohes Feld 52.122632000000 9.343913000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20475 150010726101 Quendorf Schule 52.334421000000 7.182345000000 0 0 106-106|Quendorf-QUE|VGB-VGB
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 410088753 is too far from computed projection point (52.338693,7.172620) on shape 4251 (at arc-length 8581.22m): 813.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20504 000010780201 Schüttorf Hessenweg Schüttorf Hessenweg | Haltestelle 0 52.319941000000 7.218619000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 410088762 is too far from computed projection point (52.319842,7.217534) on shape 4254 (at arc-length 5913.26m): 74.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 410088757 is too far from computed projection point (52.319150,7.218548) on shape 4249 (at arc-length 5400.70m): 88.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410088753 is too far from computed projection point (52.319842,7.217534) on shape 4251 (at arc-length 197.76m): 74.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20601 150010965201 Meppen Bahnhof 52.695592000000 7.298021000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38713 070010353401 Meppen Bahnhof 52.695592000000 7.298021000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20614 150011900601 Meppen Gymnasium Marianum 52.703619000000 7.296717000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38855 070010558701 Meppen Gymnasium Marianum 52.703619000000 7.296717000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20675 000009912163 Wahnbek Oderstraße Wahnbek Oderstraße 53.207899000000 8.232565000000 0 0 740-740|910-910|Oldenburg-1740|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
L46945 000009912164 Wahnbek Oderstraße Wahnbek Oderstraße 53.207913000000 8.232530000000 0 0 740-740|910-910|Oldenburg-1740|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20686 120010001201 Braunschweig Alter Postweg 52.326213000000 10.513879000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20687 120010001202 Braunschweig Alter Postweg 52.326213000000 10.513879000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20689 120010001801 Braunschweig Am Berge 52.320948000000 10.524878000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20690 120010001802 Braunschweig Am Berge 52.320948000000 10.524878000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20691 120010001901 Braunschweig Am Bruchkamp 52.306561000000 10.459268000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20692 120010001902 Braunschweig Am Bruchkamp 52.306561000000 10.459268000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20795 120010011001 Braunschweig Dorflage 52.242324000000 10.588168000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20796 120010011002 Braunschweig Dorflage 52.242324000000 10.588168000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20797 120010011101 Braunschweig Dreisch 52.307699000000 10.496872000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20798 120010011102 Braunschweig Dreisch 52.307699000000 10.496872000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20801 120010011401 Braunschweig Stresemannstraße 52.268833000000 10.566350000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20802 120010011402 Braunschweig Stresemannstraße 52.268833000000 10.566350000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20803 120010011501 Braunschweig Eckenerstraße 52.313713000000 10.568067000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20804 120010011502 Braunschweig Eckenerstraße 52.313713000000 10.568067000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20805 120010011601 Braunschweig Eichhahnweg 52.292295000000 10.560684000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20806 120010011602 Braunschweig Eichhahnweg 52.292295000000 10.560684000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20847 120010015201 Braunschweig Goslarsche Straße 52.261313000000 10.508945000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L24882 120010015202 Braunschweig Goslarsche Straße 52.261313000000 10.508945000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20848 120010015302 Braunschweig Mozartstraße 52.275975000000 10.544799000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35469 120010015301 Braunschweig Mozartstraße 52.275975000000 10.544799000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20849 120010015401 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 11 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L20850 120010015402 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 12 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20849 120010015401 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 11 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L25741 120010015403 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 10 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20850 120010015402 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 12 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L25741 120010015403 Grassel Brunnenstraße 52.358702000000 10.591870000000 0 0 10 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20851 120010015501 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 11 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L20852 120010015502 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 12 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20851 120010015501 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 11 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L38206 120010015503 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 13 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20852 120010015502 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 12 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L38206 120010015503 Grassel Gartenstraße 52.355933000000 10.587895000000 0 0 13 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20853 120010015801 Groß Gleidingen Rotdornstraße 52.232443000000 10.427413000000 0 0 11 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L20854 120010015802 Groß Gleidingen Rotdornstraße 52.232443000000 10.427413000000 0 0 12 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20855 120010015901 Braunschweig Grotrian-Steinweg-Straße 52.316535000000 10.498886000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20856 120010015902 Braunschweig Grotrian-Steinweg-Straße 52.316535000000 10.498886000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20885 000120179001 Braunschweig, Hauptfriedhof Bus 52.255084000000 10.556318000000 0 0 B 1
L20887 000120179004 Braunschweig, Hauptfriedhof Strab 52.255095000000 10.556310000000 0 0 B 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20886 000120179002 Braunschweig, Hauptfriedhof Bus 52.255178000000 10.556220000000 0 0 A 1
L35931 000120179003 Braunschweig, Hauptfriedhof Strab 52.255172000000 10.556283000000 0 0 A 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20927 120010021001 Braunschweig Im Großen Moore 52.321857000000 10.537978000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20928 120010021002 Braunschweig Im Großen Moore 52.321857000000 10.537978000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20977 120010025302 Braunschweig Efeuweg 52.282157000000 10.561325000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L36705 120010025301 Braunschweig Efeuweg 52.282157000000 10.561325000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20979 120010025601 Braunschweig Kremsweg 52.239288000000 10.478039000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35480 120010025602 Braunschweig Kremsweg 52.239288000000 10.478039000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L20983 120010025801 Braunschweig Kröppelberg 52.258098000000 10.466684000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L20984 120010025802 Braunschweig Kröppelberg 52.258098000000 10.466684000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21025 120010029901 Braunschweig Hopfenanger 52.237836000000 10.454611000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21026 120010029902 Braunschweig Hopfenanger 52.237836000000 10.454611000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21032 120010030901 Braunschweig Schuntersiedlung 52.293965000000 10.540280000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21033 120010030902 Braunschweig Schuntersiedlung 52.293965000000 10.540280000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21067 000120337003 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Kombi Bus und Strab 52.278641000000 10.557325000000 0 0 A 1
L21068 000120337004 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Kombi Bus und Strab 52.278614000000 10.557325000000 0 0 B 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21067 000120337003 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Kombi Bus und Strab 52.278641000000 10.557325000000 0 0 A 1
L25141 000120337002 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Bus 52.278603000000 10.557298000000 0 0 B 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21068 000120337004 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Kombi Bus und Strab 52.278614000000 10.557325000000 0 0 B 1
L25141 000120337002 Braunschweig, Querumer Straße Bus 52.278603000000 10.557298000000 0 0 B 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21098 120010035601 Braunschweig Grundschule Rüningen 52.222647000000 10.503316000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21099 120010035602 Braunschweig Grundschule Rüningen 52.222647000000 10.503316000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21129 120010039301 Braunschweig St.-Wendel-Straße 52.279055000000 10.483348000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21130 120010039302 Braunschweig St.-Wendel-Straße 52.279055000000 10.483348000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21133 120010039701 Braunschweig Stadtpark 52.269528000000 10.546123000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21134 120010039702 Braunschweig Stadtpark 52.269528000000 10.546123000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21135 120010039801 Braunschweig-Dibbesdorf Schönebergstraße 52.302292000000 10.603348000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21136 120010039802 Braunschweig-Dibbesdorf Schönebergstraße 52.302292000000 10.603348000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21139 120010040201 Braunschweig Steintor 52.262828000000 10.535026000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21140 120010040202 Braunschweig Steintor 52.262828000000 10.535026000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21141 120010040301 Braunschweig Stiddien 52.225858000000 10.458240000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35499 120010040302 Braunschweig Stiddien 52.225858000000 10.458240000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21142 120010040501 Cremlingen Stiller Winkel 52.253598000000 10.622914000000 0 0 B 71-71|Cremlingen-4071|VRB-VRB
L21143 120010040502 Cremlingen Stiller Winkel 52.253598000000 10.622914000000 0 0 A 71-71|Cremlingen-4071|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21146 120010040901 Braunschweig Strombeckstraße 52.258932000000 10.476876000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21147 120010040902 Braunschweig Strombeckstraße 52.258932000000 10.476876000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21293 120010059002 Braunschweig Luftstraße 52.271870000000 10.487254000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35508 120010059001 Braunschweig Luftstraße 52.271870000000 10.487254000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21294 120010059101 Braunschweig In den Rosenäckern 52.271138000000 10.481823000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L21295 120010059102 Braunschweig In den Rosenäckern 52.271138000000 10.481823000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21301 120010060101 Wolfenbüttel Kleine Breite 52.173810000000 10.554398000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L26093 120010060102 Wolfenbüttel Kleine Breite 52.173810000000 10.554398000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21302 120010060501 Bortfeld Am Wendekamp 52.292039000000 10.399707000000 0 0 11 52-52|VRB-VRB
L25148 120010060502 Bortfeld Am Wendekamp 52.292039000000 10.399707000000 0 0 12 52-52|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21315 000120690001 Gifhorn, Danziger Straße Gifhorn, Danziger Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.466193000000 10.543760000000 0 0 1 1
L21316 000120690002 Gifhorn, Danziger Straße Gifhorn, Danziger Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.466193000000 10.543778000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21320 000120694001 Gifhorn, Windmühlenberg Gifhorn, Windmühlenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.491880000000 10.534903000000 0 0 1 1
L21321 000120694002 Gifhorn, Windmühlenberg Gifhorn, Windmühlenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.491896000000 10.534903000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21326 000120705001 Gifhorn, Bauernkamp Gifhorn, Bauernkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.475479000000 10.556597000000 0 0 1 1
L21327 000120705002 Gifhorn, Bauernkamp Gifhorn, Bauernkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.475501000000 10.556579000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21334 000120709001 Gifhorn, Eyßelcenter Gifhorn, Eyßelcenter | Haltestelle 0 52.463505000000 10.557100000000 0 0 1 1
L21335 000120709002 Gifhorn, Eyßelcenter Gifhorn, Eyßelcenter | Haltestelle 0 52.463511000000 10.557082000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21383 120010074001 Üfingen(Salzgitter) Nortenhof 52.203003000000 10.420413000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21384 120010074002 Üfingen(Salzgitter) Nortenhof 52.203003000000 10.420413000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21386 120010074401 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21387 120010074402 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21386 120010074401 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L36884 120010074403 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21387 120010074402 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L36884 120010074403 Salzgitter-Bad Lange Wanne 52.037344000000 10.365981000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21388 120010074501 Salzgitter-Bad Am Salgenteich 52.039889000000 10.366686000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21389 120010074502 Salzgitter-Bad Am Salgenteich 52.039889000000 10.366686000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21390 120010074601 Salzgitter-Bad Hinter dem Salze 52.043056000000 10.368721000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21391 120010074602 Salzgitter-Bad Hinter dem Salze 52.043056000000 10.368721000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21392 120010074701 Salzgitter-Bad Gittertor 52.045694000000 10.368320000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21393 120010074702 Salzgitter-Bad Gittertor 52.045694000000 10.368320000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21394 120010074801 Salzgitter-Bad Bohlweg/Marktplatz 52.046423000000 10.372905000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21395 120010074802 Salzgitter-Bad Bohlweg/Marktplatz 52.046423000000 10.372905000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21396 120010074901 Salzgitter-Bad Kaiserstraße 52.047891000000 10.375691000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21397 120010074902 Salzgitter-Bad Kaiserstraße 52.047891000000 10.375691000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21457 120010078801 Salzgitter-Bad Jahnstraße/Erikastraße 52.054421000000 10.364447000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21458 120010078802 Salzgitter-Bad Jahnstraße/Erikastraße 52.054421000000 10.364447000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21459 120010078901 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21460 120010078902 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21459 120010078901 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50902 120010078903 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21459 120010078901 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50903 120010078904 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21460 120010078902 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50902 120010078903 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21460 120010078902 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50903 120010078904 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21480 000120802001 Ribbesbüttel, Lindenhof Ribbesbüttel, Lindenhof | Haltestelle 0 52.434209000000 10.506938000000 0 0 1 1
L21481 000120802002 Ribbesbüttel, Lindenhof Ribbesbüttel, Lindenhof | Haltestelle 0 52.434209000000 10.506938000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21482 000120803001 Vollbüttel, Voßhöhle Vollbüttel, Voßhöhle | Haltestelle 0 52.431520000000 10.485630000000 0 0 1 1
L21483 000120803002 Vollbüttel, Voßhöhle Vollbüttel, Voßhöhle | Haltestelle 0 52.431509000000 10.485630000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21488 000120807001 Hillerse (GF), Rathaus Hillerse (GF), Rathaus | Haltestelle 0 52.410609000000 10.401332000000 0 0 1 1
L21489 000120807002 Hillerse (GF), Rathaus Hillerse (GF), Rathaus | Haltestelle 0 52.410620000000 10.401332000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21490 000120808001 Didderse, Ortsmitte Didderse, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.378398000000 10.403542000000 0 0 1 1
L21491 000120808002 Didderse, Ortsmitte Didderse, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.378398000000 10.403515000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21505 000120816001 Gifhorn, Waldriede Gifhorn, Waldriede | Haltestelle 0 52.455574000000 10.540625000000 0 0 1 1
L21506 000120816002 Gifhorn, Waldriede Gifhorn, Waldriede | Haltestelle 0 52.455574000000 10.540607000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21516 000120822001 Ohnhorst, Ort Ohnhorst, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.403523000000 10.564448000000 0 0 1 1
L21517 000120822002 Ohnhorst, Ort Ohnhorst, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.403523000000 10.564475000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21523 000120827001 Abbesbüttel, Wasserturm Abbesbüttel, Wasserturm | Haltestelle 0 52.358093000000 10.559993000000 0 0 1 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
L21524 000120827002 Abbesbüttel, Wasserturm Abbesbüttel, Wasserturm | Haltestelle 0 52.358093000000 10.560011000000 0 0 2 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21532 000120833001 Neubrück, Ortsmitte Neubrück, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.370682000000 10.418553000000 0 0 1 1
L21533 000120833002 Neubrück, Ortsmitte Neubrück, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.370671000000 10.418553000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21538 000120836001 Groß Schwülper, Kirche Groß Schwülper, Kirche | Haltestelle 0 52.352683000000 10.434956000000 0 0 11 1
L21539 000120836002 Groß Schwülper, Kirche Groß Schwülper, Kirche | Haltestelle 0 52.352677000000 10.434965000000 0 0 12 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21540 000120837001 Groß Schwülper, Friedhof Groß Schwülper, Friedhof | Haltestelle 0 52.348935000000 10.438127000000 0 0 11 1
L21541 000120837002 Groß Schwülper, Friedhof Groß Schwülper, Friedhof | Haltestelle 0 52.348957000000 10.438127000000 0 0 12 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21552 000120847001 Adenbüttel, Hestern Adenbüttel, Hestern | Haltestelle 0 52.376720000000 10.464987000000 0 0 1 1
L24921 000120847002 Adenbüttel, Hestern Adenbüttel, Hestern | Haltestelle 0 52.376747000000 10.465005000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21555 000120851001 Eickhorst, Ortsmitte Eickhorst, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.358148000000 10.496895000000 0 0 1 1
L24924 000120851002 Eickhorst, Ortsmitte Eickhorst, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.358148000000 10.496877000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21565 000120861001 Gifhorn, Neidenburger Str. Gifhorn, Neidenburger Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.497136000000 10.516236000000 0 0 1 1
L21566 000120861002 Gifhorn, Neidenburger Str. Gifhorn, Neidenburger Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.497125000000 10.516245000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21567 000120862001 Gifhorn, Potsdamer Str. Gifhorn, Potsdamer Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.495823000000 10.519793000000 0 0 1 1
L21568 000120862002 Gifhorn, Potsdamer Str. Gifhorn, Potsdamer Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.495812000000 10.519784000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21587 000120885001 Gifhorn, Waldesruh Gifhorn, Waldesruh | Haltestelle 0 52.460271000000 10.522165000000 0 0 1 1
L21588 000120885002 Gifhorn, Waldesruh Gifhorn, Waldesruh | Haltestelle 0 52.460271000000 10.522174000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21595 000120890001 Winkel, Ortsmitte Winkel, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.459537000000 10.496060000000 0 0 1 1
L21596 000120890002 Winkel, Ortsmitte Winkel, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.459548000000 10.496060000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21601 000120901001 Gifhorn, Am Luckmoor Gifhorn, Am Luckmoor | Haltestelle 0 52.486328000000 10.514879000000 0 0 1 1
L21602 000120901002 Gifhorn, Am Luckmoor Gifhorn, Am Luckmoor | Haltestelle 0 52.486295000000 10.514879000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21625 000120930001 Gifhorn, Eyßelheideweg Gifhorn, Eyßelheideweg | Haltestelle 0 52.463270000000 10.541892000000 0 0 1 1
L21626 000120930002 Gifhorn, Eyßelheideweg Gifhorn, Eyßelheideweg | Haltestelle 0 52.463259000000 10.541910000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21640 000120939001 Tiddische, Bergfelder Straße Tiddische, Bergfelder Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.517027000000 10.805412000000 0 0 1 1
L21641 000120939002 Tiddische, Bergfelder Straße Tiddische, Bergfelder Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.517016000000 10.805412000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21648 000120948001 Flettmar, Allerbrücke Flettmar, Allerbrücke | Haltestelle 0 52.532905000000 10.327778000000 0 0 1 1
L21649 000120948002 Flettmar, Allerbrücke Flettmar, Allerbrücke | Haltestelle 0 52.532921000000 10.327805000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21650 000120949001 Flettmar, Bahnhof Flettmar, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.533872000000 10.339079000000 0 0 1 1
L21651 000120949002 Flettmar, Bahnhof Flettmar, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.533845000000 10.339115000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21661 000120959001 Gerstenbüttel, Ort Gerstenbüttel, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.508663000000 10.378272000000 0 0 1 1
L21662 000120959002 Gerstenbüttel, Ort Gerstenbüttel, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.508663000000 10.378227000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21668 000121014001 Knesebeck, Rathaus Knesebeck, Rathaus | Haltestelle 0 52.679245000000 10.702564000000 0 0 1 1
L21669 000121014002 Knesebeck, Rathaus Knesebeck, Rathaus | Haltestelle 0 52.679256000000 10.702555000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21671 000121044001 Wesendorf, Kirche Wesendorf, Kirche | Haltestelle 0 52.594108000000 10.535226000000 0 0 1 1
L21672 000121044002 Wesendorf, Kirche Wesendorf, Kirche | Haltestelle 0 52.594097000000 10.535181000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21714 000121072001 Brome, Bahnhof Brome, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.596274000000 10.925463000000 0 0 1 1
L21715 000121072002 Brome, Bahnhof Brome, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.596264000000 10.925499000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21724 000121077001 E.-L., Ehra Schule E.-L., Ehra Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.569027000000 10.788255000000 0 0 1 1
L21725 000121077002 E.-L., Ehra Schule E.-L., Ehra Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.569037000000 10.788272000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21767 000121113001 Osloß, Ortsmitte Osloß, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.469624000000 10.678660000000 0 0 1 1
L21768 000121113002 Osloß, Ortsmitte Osloß, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.469624000000 10.678642000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21773 000121116001 Neuhaus (GF) Neuhaus (GF) | Haltestelle 0 52.497688000000 10.590239000000 0 0 1 1
L21774 000121116002 Neuhaus (GF) Neuhaus (GF) | Haltestelle 0 52.497716000000 10.590284000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21781 000121122001 Ausbüttel, Siedlung B4 Ausbüttel, Siedlung B4 | Haltestelle 0 52.439543000000 10.537912000000 0 0 1 1
L21782 000121122002 Ausbüttel, Siedlung B4 Ausbüttel, Siedlung B4 | Haltestelle 0 52.439587000000 10.537921000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21789 000121127001 Isenbüttel, Kl. Moorweg Isenbüttel, Kl. Moorweg | Haltestelle 0 52.447554000000 10.585352000000 0 0 1 1
L21790 000121127002 Isenbüttel, Kl. Moorweg Isenbüttel, Kl. Moorweg | Haltestelle 0 52.447554000000 10.585370000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21805 000121141001 Calberlah, Allerbüttel Calberlah, Allerbüttel | Haltestelle 0 52.421441000000 10.635792000000 0 0 1 1
L21806 000121141002 Calberlah, Allerbüttel Calberlah, Allerbüttel | Haltestelle 0 52.421419000000 10.635792000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21807 000121142001 Edesbüttel, Ort Edesbüttel, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.405260000000 10.624249000000 0 0 1 1
L21808 000121142002 Edesbüttel, Ort Edesbüttel, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.405277000000 10.624249000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21821 000121169001 Meine, Schulstraße Meine, Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.383306000000 10.541137000000 0 0 1 1
L21822 000121169002 Meine, Schulstraße Meine, Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.383300000000 10.541092000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21828 000121185001 Mahrenholz, Randsmoor Mahrenholz, Randsmoor | Haltestelle 0 52.661078000000 10.465732000000 0 0 1 1
L25752 000121185002 Mahrenholz, Randsmoor Mahrenholz, Randsmoor | Haltestelle 0 52.661089000000 10.465723000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21834 000121191001 Steinhorst, Nord Bus 52.693953000000 10.404162000000 0 0 1 1
L21835 000121191002 Steinhorst, Nord Bus 52.693991000000 10.404153000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21840 000121194001 Räderloh, Ort Räderloh, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.725748000000 10.407836000000 0 0 1 1
L21841 000121194002 Räderloh, Ort Räderloh, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.725743000000 10.407818000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21852 000121209001 Dedelstorf B244 Dedelstorf B244 | Haltestelle 0 52.708384000000 10.520098000000 0 0 1 1
L21853 000121209002 Dedelstorf B244 Dedelstorf B244 | Haltestelle 0 52.708384000000 10.520071000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21855 000121211001 Allersehl, Ort Allersehl, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.733429000000 10.515894000000 0 0 1 1
L25027 000121211002 Allersehl, Ort Allersehl, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.733440000000 10.515912000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21870 000121228001 Mahrenholz, Ortsmitte Mahrenholz, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.665731000000 10.469703000000 0 0 1 1
L25759 000121228002 Mahrenholz, Ortsmitte Mahrenholz, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.665731000000 10.469676000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21871 000121238001 Isenhagen, Ort Isenhagen, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.726031000000 10.623315000000 0 0 1 1
L21872 000121238002 Isenhagen, Ort Isenhagen, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.726053000000 10.623315000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21875 000121243001 Radenbeck, Ortsmitte Radenbeck, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.647062000000 10.866004000000 0 0 1 1
L25036 000121243002 Radenbeck, Ortsmitte Radenbeck, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.647073000000 10.866004000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21876 000121244001 Plastau, Ort Plastau, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.659515000000 10.852700000000 0 0 1 1
L25037 000121244002 Plastau, Ort Plastau, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.659504000000 10.852682000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21880 000121267001 Ohrdorf, Ortsmitte Ohrdorf, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.698232000000 10.809194000000 0 0 1 1
L21881 000121267002 Ohrdorf, Ortsmitte Ohrdorf, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.698194000000 10.809212000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21885 000121270001 Kaiserwinkel, Nord Kaiserwinkel, Nord | Haltestelle 0 52.527822000000 10.962671000000 0 0 1 1
L21886 000121270002 Kaiserwinkel, Nord Kaiserwinkel, Nord | Haltestelle 0 52.527795000000 10.962680000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21891 000121273001 Croya, Bahnhof Croya, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.553332000000 10.899089000000 0 0 1 1
L21892 000121273002 Croya, Bahnhof Croya, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.553332000000 10.899134000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21899 000121277001 Barwedel, Siedlung Barwedel, Siedlung | Haltestelle 0 52.519006000000 10.793986000000 0 0 1 1
L21900 000121277002 Barwedel, Siedlung Barwedel, Siedlung | Haltestelle 0 52.518995000000 10.793986000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21901 000121278001 Tiddische, Dorfstraße Tiddische, Dorfstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.516514000000 10.802520000000 0 0 1 1
L21902 000121278002 Tiddische, Dorfstraße Tiddische, Dorfstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.516497000000 10.802484000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21924 000121297001 Jembke, Sportplatz Jembke, Sportplatz | Haltestelle 0 52.499701000000 10.760613000000 0 0 1 1
L21925 000121297002 Jembke, Sportplatz Jembke, Sportplatz | Haltestelle 0 52.499701000000 10.760622000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21926 000121298001 Jembke, Nord Jembke, Nord | Haltestelle 0 52.502976000000 10.762149000000 0 0 1 1
L21927 000121298002 Jembke, Nord Jembke, Nord | Haltestelle 0 52.502965000000 10.762167000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21928 000121299001 Barwedel, Hagenkamp Barwedel, Hagenkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.515431000000 10.775265000000 0 0 1 1
L21929 000121299002 Barwedel, Hagenkamp Barwedel, Hagenkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.515426000000 10.775247000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21933 000121302001 Grußendorf, Abzw. Birkenh. Grußendorf, Abzw. Birkenh. | Haltestelle 0 52.540063000000 10.717135000000 0 0 1 1
L21934 000121302002 Grußendorf, Abzw. Birkenh. Grußendorf, Abzw. Birkenh. | Haltestelle 0 52.540074000000 10.717117000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21973 120010133101 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Joh.-Seb.-Bach-Straße 52.165208000000 10.319954000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21974 120010133102 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Joh.-Seb.-Bach-Straße 52.165208000000 10.319954000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21975 120010133201 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Ladenzentrum 52.172528000000 10.337049000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21976 120010133202 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Ladenzentrum 52.172528000000 10.337049000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21977 120010133301 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Neißestraße 52.158903000000 10.336354000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21978 120010133302 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Neißestraße 52.158903000000 10.336354000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21979 120010133401 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Nord-/Feldstraße 52.170637000000 10.326371000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21980 120010133402 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Nord-/Feldstraße 52.170637000000 10.326371000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21981 120010133501 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Reppnersche Straße 52.167313000000 10.330233000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21982 120010133502 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Reppnersche Straße 52.167313000000 10.330233000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21983 120010133601 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21984 120010133602 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21983 120010133601 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50904 120010133603 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21983 120010133601 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50905 120010133604 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21984 120010133602 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50904 120010133603 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21984 120010133602 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50905 120010133604 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21987 120010133801 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schubertstraße/Kirche 52.165263000000 10.328725000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21988 120010133802 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schubertstraße/Kirche 52.165263000000 10.328725000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21989 120010133901 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L21990 120010133902 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21989 120010133901 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50906 120010133903 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21989 120010133901 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50907 120010133904 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21990 120010133902 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50906 120010133903 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L21990 120010133902 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50907 120010133904 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22026 120010137601 Bad Harzburg Lärchenweg 51.877668000000 10.537405000000 0 0 1 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
L43245 120010137602 Bad Harzburg Lärchenweg 51.877668000000 10.537405000000 0 0 2 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22027 120010137701 Bad Harzburg Ottenhaistraße 51.887220000000 10.592943000000 0 0 1 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
L43246 120010137702 Bad Harzburg Ottenhaistraße 51.887220000000 10.592943000000 0 0 2 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22083 120010143301 Grafhorst Dorf 52.444816000000 10.944336000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L22084 120010143302 Grafhorst Dorf 52.444816000000 10.944336000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22085 120010143401 Grafhorst Friedhof 52.441744000000 10.949658000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L22086 120010143402 Grafhorst Friedhof 52.441744000000 10.949658000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22134 120010147001 Helmstedt Finkenherd 52.229324000000 11.026081000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22135 120010147002 Helmstedt Finkenherd 52.229324000000 11.026081000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22136 120010147101 Helmstedt Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 52.220905000000 11.001667000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22137 120010147102 Helmstedt Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 52.220905000000 11.001667000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22138 120010147301 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22139 120010147302 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22138 120010147301 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22140 120010147303 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 3 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22139 120010147302 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22140 120010147303 Helmstedt Gustav-Steinbrecher-Straße 52.219910000000 11.004724000000 0 0 3 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22141 120010147501 Helmstedt Glockbergstraße 52.224940000000 10.993769000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L22142 120010147502 Helmstedt Glockbergstraße 52.224940000000 10.993769000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22207 120010157201 Mackendorf Dorf 52.354080000000 11.023066000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L22208 120010157202 Mackendorf Dorf 52.354080000000 11.023066000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22209 120010157301 Mackendorf Süd 52.353487000000 11.027237000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L22210 120010157302 Mackendorf Süd 52.353487000000 11.027237000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22211 120010157401 Mackendorf Ziegelei 52.348086000000 10.999763000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L22212 120010157402 Mackendorf Ziegelei 52.348086000000 10.999763000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22213 120010157501 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Abzweig (B 244) 52.288957000000 10.988289000000 0 0 1 38-38|VRB-VRB
L22214 120010157502 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Abzweig (B 244) 52.288957000000 10.988289000000 0 0 2 38-38|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22215 120010157601 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Horst 52.291174000000 10.998605000000 0 0 1 38-38|VRB-VRB
L22216 120010157602 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Horst 52.291174000000 10.998605000000 0 0 2 38-38|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22217 000121577002 Mariental, Ort Siedlung 52.276866000000 10.982093000000 0 0 2 1
L36891 000121577001 Mariental, Ort Bundes 52.276866000000 10.982111000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22218 120010157901 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Wache 52.289524000000 10.993063000000 0 0 1 38-38|VRB-VRB
L22219 120010157902 Mariental(b Helmstedt) Wache 52.289524000000 10.993063000000 0 0 2 38-38|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22311 120010167001 Wolfenbüttel Am Feldweg 52.154689000000 10.558729000000 0 0 11 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L22312 120010167002 Wolfenbüttel Am Feldweg 52.154689000000 10.558729000000 0 0 12 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22314 120010167301 Wolfenbüttel Am Pfingstanger 52.156102000000 10.508174000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L22315 120010167302 Wolfenbüttel Am Pfingstanger 52.156102000000 10.508174000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22348 120010172201 Wolfenbüttel Rossittenweg 52.175918000000 10.558097000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L36908 120010172202 Wolfenbüttel Rossittenweg 52.175918000000 10.558097000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22349 120010172301 Wolfenbüttel Rubensstraße 52.153312000000 10.554107000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L22350 120010172302 Wolfenbüttel Rubensstraße 52.153312000000 10.554107000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22351 120010172601 Wolfenbüttel Uhlandstraße 52.153251000000 10.516684000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L27494 120010172602 Wolfenbüttel Uhlandstraße 52.153251000000 10.516684000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22352 120010172701 Wolfenbüttel Vogesweg 52.153376000000 10.524461000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L27495 120010172702 Wolfenbüttel Vogesweg 52.153376000000 10.524461000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22353 120010172901 Wolfenbüttel Waldenburger Straße 52.172516000000 10.559133000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L36909 120010172902 Wolfenbüttel Waldenburger Straße 52.172516000000 10.559133000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22434 120010182001 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Kraftwerk 52.152792000000 10.392191000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22435 120010182002 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Kraftwerk 52.152792000000 10.392191000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22436 120010182201 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Tor 4 52.151271000000 10.383246000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22437 120010182202 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Tor 4 52.151271000000 10.383246000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22438 120010182301 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22439 120010182302 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22438 120010182301 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50912 120010182303 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22439 120010182302 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50912 120010182303 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Transportzentrale 52.156671000000 10.412200000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22440 120010182401 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Walzwerk II 52.157783000000 10.414618000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22441 120010182402 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Walzwerk II 52.157783000000 10.414618000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22443 120010182601 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Walzwerk III-West 52.159160000000 10.411490000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22444 120010182602 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Walzwerk III-West 52.159160000000 10.411490000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22463 120010186901 Goslar Danziger Straße 51.924949000000 10.431777000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L25872 120010186902 Goslar Danziger Straße 51.924949000000 10.431777000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22494 120010192001 Goslar Breites Tor 51.910814000000 10.438855000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L25877 120010192002 Goslar Breites Tor 51.910814000000 10.438855000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22510 120010196401 Goslar Dörntener Straße 51.926220000000 10.415114000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L36773 120010196402 Goslar Dörntener Straße 51.926220000000 10.415114000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22512 120010196801 Schöningen Steinbruch 52.135313000000 10.941735000000 0 0 1 32-32|VRB-VRB
L36912 120010196802 Schöningen Steinbruch 52.135313000000 10.941735000000 0 0 2 32-32|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22525 120010202001 Rabenberg Barnstorfer Weg 52.406016000000 10.781697000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22526 120010202002 Rabenberg Barnstorfer Weg 52.406016000000 10.781697000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22527 120010202101 Wolfsburg Beethovenring 52.424405000000 10.767122000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22528 120010202102 Wolfsburg Beethovenring 52.424405000000 10.767122000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22529 120010202201 Wolfsburg Berufsschule II 52.427012000000 10.814988000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22530 120010202202 Wolfsburg Berufsschule II 52.427012000000 10.814988000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22602 120010206201 Wolfsburg Stadtwaldstraße 52.417688000000 10.760955000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22603 120010206202 Wolfsburg Stadtwaldstraße 52.417688000000 10.760955000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22604 120010206301 Wolfsburg Steimker Berg 52.415995000000 10.806467000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22605 120010206302 Wolfsburg Steimker Berg 52.415995000000 10.806467000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22606 120010206401 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22607 120010206402 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22606 120010206401 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27507 120010206403 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 3 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22606 120010206401 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27508 120010206404 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 4 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22607 120010206402 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27507 120010206403 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 3 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22607 120010206402 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27508 120010206404 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 4 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22610 120010206601 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22611 120010206602 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22610 120010206601 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22612 120010206603 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 3 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22611 120010206602 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22612 120010206603 Wolfsburg Wohltbergstraße 52.424108000000 10.760855000000 0 0 3 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22613 120010206701 Laagberg(Wolfsburg) Breslauer Straße 52.414269000000 10.751693000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22614 120010206702 Laagberg(Wolfsburg) Breslauer Straße 52.414269000000 10.751693000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22615 120010206801 Sandkamp Kippenweg 52.428722000000 10.751541000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22616 120010206802 Sandkamp Kippenweg 52.428722000000 10.751541000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22617 120010206901 Sandkamp 52.428901000000 10.756415000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22618 120010206902 Sandkamp 52.428901000000 10.756415000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22717 120010216701 Vorsfelde Am Drömlingstadion 52.437167000000 10.844496000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22718 120010216702 Vorsfelde Am Drömlingstadion 52.437167000000 10.844496000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22719 120010216801 Vorsfelde Ütschenpaul 52.437822000000 10.838996000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22720 120010216802 Vorsfelde Ütschenpaul 52.437822000000 10.838996000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22796 120010221601 Fallersleben Kurzer Weg 52.414746000000 10.717313000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22797 120010221602 Fallersleben Kurzer Weg 52.414746000000 10.717313000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22798 120010221701 Fallersleben Dresdener Straße 52.410670000000 10.722474000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22799 120010221702 Fallersleben Dresdener Straße 52.410670000000 10.722474000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22800 120010221801 Fallersleben Franz-Liszt-Straße 52.416943000000 10.728202000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22801 120010221802 Fallersleben Franz-Liszt-Straße 52.416943000000 10.728202000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22802 120010221901 Fallersleben Franz-Schubert-Straße 52.420153000000 10.726621000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22803 120010221902 Fallersleben Franz-Schubert-Straße 52.420153000000 10.726621000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22856 000122254001 Flechtorf, Kälberkamp Flechtorf, Kälberkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.348655000000 10.710703000000 0 0 1 1
L22857 000122254002 Flechtorf, Kälberkamp Flechtorf, Kälberkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.348666000000 10.710703000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22867 120010226101 Wendhausen(Lehre) 52.315906000000 10.639522000000 0 0 1 36-36|VRB-VRB
L25160 120010226102 Wendhausen(Lehre) 52.315906000000 10.639522000000 0 0 2 36-36|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22868 120010226201 Wolfsburg Schloss 52.436705000000 10.799284000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22869 120010226202 Wolfsburg Schloss 52.436705000000 10.799284000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22885 120010231001 Wolfsburg VW-Bad 52.416625000000 10.794645000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L22886 120010231002 Wolfsburg VW-Bad 52.416625000000 10.794645000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22907 120010300401 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Bauelemente 52.169752000000 10.424586000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L22908 120010300402 Drütte Salzgitter AG/Bauelemente 52.169752000000 10.424586000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L22909 120010300501 Wolfenbüttel Cranachschule 52.156218000000 10.558008000000 0 0 11 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L22910 120010300502 Wolfenbüttel Cranachschule 52.156218000000 10.558008000000 0 0 12 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23017 120010314001 Wolfenbüttel Finanzamt 52.163051000000 10.525523000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23018 120010314002 Wolfenbüttel Finanzamt 52.163051000000 10.525523000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23019 120010314101 Wolfenbüttel Gebrüder-Welger-Straße 52.162499000000 10.522347000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23020 120010314102 Wolfenbüttel Gebrüder-Welger-Straße 52.162499000000 10.522347000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23021 120010314201 Wolfenbüttel Westring 52.161082000000 10.515839000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23022 120010314202 Wolfenbüttel Westring 52.161082000000 10.515839000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23023 120010314301 Wolfenbüttel W.-Raabe-Schule 52.158959000000 10.511748000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23024 120010314302 Wolfenbüttel W.-Raabe-Schule 52.158959000000 10.511748000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23025 120010314501 Klein Steimke Neindorfer Straße 52.320670000000 10.819887000000 0 0 1 35-35|Königslutter-4035|VRB-VRB
L23026 120010314502 Klein Steimke Neindorfer Straße 52.320670000000 10.819887000000 0 0 2 35-35|Königslutter-4035|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23027 120010314601 Adersheim Möbelhof 52.142438000000 10.456144000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23028 120010314602 Adersheim Möbelhof 52.142438000000 10.456144000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23029 120010314701 Leinde Ort 52.133613000000 10.448831000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23030 120010314702 Leinde Ort 52.133613000000 10.448831000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23031 120010314801 Leinde Hasseltrift 52.135742000000 10.442298000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L23032 120010314802 Leinde Hasseltrift 52.135742000000 10.442298000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23033 000123149001 SZ-Immendorf, Ort SZ-Immendorf, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.144835000000 10.446014000000 0 0 1 1
L23034 000123149002 SZ-Immendorf, Ort SZ-Immendorf, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.144835000000 10.446032000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23169 120010324001 Wolfenbüttel Rodeland 52.165436000000 10.555538000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L27514 120010324002 Wolfenbüttel Rodeland 52.165436000000 10.555538000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23170 120010324101 Wolfenbüttel Fallsteinweg 52.167141000000 10.561897000000 0 0 1 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L27515 120010324102 Wolfenbüttel Fallsteinweg 52.167141000000 10.561897000000 0 0 2 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23203 120010353701 Goslar Pracherstieg 51.927873000000 10.415166000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L36786 120010353702 Goslar Pracherstieg 51.927873000000 10.415166000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23231 120010422101 Helmstedt Lessingstraße 52.230583000000 11.014515000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L23232 120010422102 Helmstedt Lessingstraße 52.230583000000 11.014515000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23243 120010446901 Wolfsburg Zollstraße 52.415535000000 10.846376000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L23244 120010446902 Wolfsburg Zollstraße 52.415535000000 10.846376000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23247 000124539001 Oderbrück, Abzweig Oderteich Oderbrück, Abzweig Oderteich | Haltestelle 0 51.759615000000 10.550210000000 0 0 1 1
L26441 000124539002 Oderbrück, Abzweig Oderteich Oderbrück, Abzweig Oderteich | Haltestelle 0 51.759615000000 10.550192000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23257 000125104001 Abbesbüttel, Meiner Straße Abbesbüttel, Meiner Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.362416000000 10.557944000000 0 0 1 1
L23258 000125104002 Abbesbüttel, Meiner Straße Abbesbüttel, Meiner Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.362416000000 10.557918000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23259 000125105001 Abbesbüttel, Mittellandkanal Abbesbüttel, Mittellandkanal | Haltestelle 0 52.361790000000 10.562508000000 0 0 1 1
L23260 000125105002 Abbesbüttel, Mittellandkanal Abbesbüttel, Mittellandkanal | Haltestelle 0 52.361801000000 10.562490000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23265 120010510801 Neubrück Okerstraße 52.371390000000 10.408823000000 0 0 1 52-52|VRB-VRB
L23266 120010510802 Neubrück Okerstraße 52.371390000000 10.408823000000 0 0 2 52-52|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23267 000125110001 Hillerse (GF), Ackernstraße Hillerse (GF), Ackernstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.410104000000 10.409130000000 0 0 1 1
L23268 000125110002 Hillerse (GF), Ackernstraße Hillerse (GF), Ackernstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.410115000000 10.409148000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23270 000125114001 Lingwedel, Gamsener Weg Lingwedel, Gamsener Weg | Haltestelle 0 52.670247000000 10.513532000000 0 0 1 1
L25760 000125114002 Lingwedel, Gamsener Weg Lingwedel, Gamsener Weg | Haltestelle 0 52.670220000000 10.513532000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23280 120010516201 Braunlage ZOB 51.719989000000 10.613366000000 0 0 1 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60130 000000051621 Braunlage ZOB 51.719989000000 10.613366000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23288 120010529901 Torfhaus Forstsiedlung 51.838514000000 10.528496000000 0 0 A 90-90|VRB-VRB
L26911 120010529902 Torfhaus Forstsiedlung 51.838514000000 10.528496000000 0 0 B 90-90|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23291 120010544201 Bad Harzburg-Harlingerode Friedhof 51.907224000000 10.512214000000 0 0 A 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
L36972 120010544202 Bad Harzburg-Harlingerode Friedhof 51.907224000000 10.512214000000 0 0 B 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23336 000126216001 Westerbeck, Hint.d. Grashöfen Westerbeck, Hint.d. Grashöfen | Haltestelle 0 52.507170000000 10.624707000000 0 0 1 1
L23337 000126216002 Westerbeck, Hint.d. Grashöfen Westerbeck, Hint.d. Grashöfen | Haltestelle 0 52.507170000000 10.624689000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23338 000126217001 Gifhorn, Einkaufszentrum Süd Gifhorn, Einkaufszentrum Süd | Haltestelle 0 52.462378000000 10.538155000000 0 0 1 1
L23339 000126217002 Gifhorn, Einkaufszentrum Süd Gifhorn, Einkaufszentrum Süd | Haltestelle 0 52.462367000000 10.538137000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23351 120010676801 Schöningen Weinbergstraße 52.135459000000 10.962249000000 0 0 1 32-32|VRB-VRB
L25910 120010676802 Schöningen Weinbergstraße 52.135459000000 10.962249000000 0 0 2 32-32|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23371 120010760801 Salzgitter-Bad Kniestedter Kirche 52.052563000000 10.375091000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L23372 120010760802 Salzgitter-Bad Kniestedter Kirche 52.052563000000 10.375091000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23373 120010760901 Salzgitter-Bad Am Scharenberg 52.072389000000 10.365870000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L23374 120010760902 Salzgitter-Bad Am Scharenberg 52.072389000000 10.365870000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23398 120010867101 Helmstedt Fiuggiring 52.219079000000 11.034834000000 0 0 1 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L25920 120010867102 Helmstedt Fiuggiring 52.219079000000 11.034834000000 0 0 2 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23402 000129005001 Isenbüttel, Schulstraße Isenbüttel, Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.433491000000 10.580304000000 0 0 1 1
L23403 000129005002 Isenbüttel, Schulstraße Isenbüttel, Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.433502000000 10.580321000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23406 000129010001 Wasbüttel, Baumkamp West Wasbüttel, Baumkamp West | Haltestelle 0 52.417008000000 10.590886000000 0 0 1 1
L23407 000129010002 Wasbüttel, Baumkamp West Wasbüttel, Baumkamp West | Haltestelle 0 52.417003000000 10.590868000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23410 000129015001 Neubokel, Tuunkamp Neubokel, Tuunkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.493958000000 10.475129000000 0 0 1 1
L36668 000129015002 Neubokel, Tuunkamp Neubokel, Tuunkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.493958000000 10.475129000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23411 000129024002 Leiferde GF, Frankfurter Str. Leiferde GF, Frankfurter Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.451206000000 10.436735000000 0 0 2 1
L36669 000129024001 Leiferde GF, Frankfurter Str. Leiferde GF, Frankfurter Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.451222000000 10.436735000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23421 000129039001 Braunschweig, Frickenmühle Braunschweig, Frickenmühle | Haltestelle 0 52.340665000000 10.499572000000 0 0 1 1
L25766 000129039002 Braunschweig, Frickenmühle Braunschweig, Frickenmühle | Haltestelle 0 52.340676000000 10.499527000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23429 000129053002 Eischott, Spielplatz Eischott, Spielplatz | Haltestelle 0 52.485950000000 10.841165000000 0 0 2 1
L36670 000129053001 Eischott, Spielplatz Eischott, Spielplatz | Haltestelle 0 52.485950000000 10.841183000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23627 090010908601 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Velper Straße 52.453550000000 10.018183000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L23628 090010908602 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Velper Straße 52.453550000000 10.018183000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23676 000099192001 Sievershausen Oelerser Straße Bus 52.374000000000 10.131667000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L23677 000099192002 Sievershausen Oelerser Straße Bus 52.373983000000 10.131613000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23681 090010923101 Dollbergen Greiser Weg 52.410242000000 10.176418000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L23682 090010923102 Dollbergen Greiser Weg 52.410242000000 10.176418000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23684 090010923501 Uetze Kaiserstraße 52.465747000000 10.204959000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L23685 090010923502 Uetze Kaiserstraße 52.465747000000 10.204959000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23686 090010923701 Dedenhausen Der Zuschlag 52.434482000000 10.238660000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L27194 090010923702 Dedenhausen Der Zuschlag 52.434482000000 10.238660000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23844 090010947701 Aligse Rudolf-Petzold-Ring 52.394631000000 9.973959000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L23845 090010947702 Aligse Rudolf-Petzold-Ring 52.394631000000 9.973959000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23876 000009903131 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Wümmeweg Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Wümmeweg 53.105622000000 9.264779000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 2755.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23890 000000197843 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Amtshof Ottersberg(b Bremen) Amtshof 53.106600000000 9.138860000000 0 0 320-320|Ottersberg-1320|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 407713792 is too far from computed projection point (53.107655,9.141955) on shape 3861 (at arc-length 23379.15m): 237.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407713791 is too far from computed projection point (53.107655,9.141955) on shape 3860 (at arc-length 14076.54m): 237.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407713789 is too far from computed projection point (53.107655,9.141955) on shape 3862 (at arc-length 0.00m): 237.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407713787 is too far from computed projection point (53.107655,9.141955) on shape 3863 (at arc-length 0.00m): 237.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23944 000009916909 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Schützenhof Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Schützenhof 53.114016000000 9.236145000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 628.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23964 000009900715 Bötersen Dorfstraße/Bahnhofstraße Bötersen Dorfstraße/Bahnhofstraße 53.136367000000 9.315851000000 0 0 330-330|340-340|Rotenburg-1340|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 6268.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L23968 000009912844 Ritterhude Rathaus Ritterhude Rathaus 53.179125000000 8.751794000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399927837 is too far from computed projection point (53.178721,8.750886) on shape 8764 (at arc-length 7899.26m): 75.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24040 000009916901 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) An der Bahn Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) An der Bahn 53.102166000000 9.245684000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 2005.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24041 000009903128 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Abzw. Jeerhof Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Abzw. Jeerhof 53.120053000000 9.301417000000 0 0 330-330|340-340|Rotenburg-1340|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 4925.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24065 000009915305 Oyten Kastendiek Oyten Kastendiek 53.058882000000 8.975007000000 0 0 309-309|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407704949 is too far from computed projection point (53.058631,8.972896) on shape 3478 (at arc-length 0.00m): 143.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24075 000009916654 Veersebrück B 75 Veersebrück B 75 53.152306000000 9.463955000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405787178 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7776 (at arc-length 29027.90m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405787186 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7774 (at arc-length 18525.17m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787180 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7781 (at arc-length 3472.01m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405787177 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7783 (at arc-length 6008.66m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787175 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7784 (at arc-length 3472.01m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787173 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7785 (at arc-length 3472.01m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405787176 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7782 (at arc-length 3739.60m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787181 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7780 (at arc-length 3472.01m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787184 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7779 (at arc-length 5231.31m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787378 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 8892 (at arc-length 3466.35m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787372 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 8893 (at arc-length 3466.35m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 364867508 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7845 (at arc-length 4020.85m): 54.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405787285 is too far from computed projection point (53.152052,9.464649) on shape 7825 (at arc-length 27552.99m): 54.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24165 000009907396 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Biloher Straße 35 Ohlenstedt(OHZ) Biloher Straße 35 53.325030000000 8.758298000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 399928299 is too far from computed projection point (53.324360,8.759062) on shape 8822 (at arc-length 13039.41m): 90.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24203 000009900717 Bötersen Schule Bötersen Schule 53.139738000000 9.312452000000 0 0 330-330|340-340|Rotenburg-1340|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 6201.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24213 000002010506 Cuxhaven-Altenwalde Kattensteen Cuxhaven-Altenwalde Kattensteen 53.832187000000 8.666265000000 0 0 3-3|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|VNN-VNN 1
L41072 000009902146 Cuxhaven-Altenwalde Kattensteen Cuxhaven-Altenwalde Kattensteen 53.832223000000 8.666268000000 0 0 3-3|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24442 000009905466 Brückenfehn Dorfstraße 57 Brückenfehn Dorfstraße 57 53.249974000000 7.682953000000 0 0 644-644|VEJ-VEJ 1
L24453 000000193532 Brückenfehn Dorfstraße 57 Brückenfehn Dorfstraße 57 53.249986000000 7.683008000000 0 0 644-644|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24552 000009901097 Emden-Widdeswehr Widdelswehrster Warf Emden-Widdeswehr Widdelswehrster Warf 53.336017000000 7.265011000000 0 0 150-150|152-152|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L24553 000000130096 Emden-Widdeswehr Widdelswehrster Warf Emden-Widdeswehr Widdelswehrster Warf 53.336048000000 7.264988000000 0 0 150-150|152-152|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24573 010009361301_G Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43509 010009361301 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24574 010009361501_G Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43510 010009361501 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24575 010009361601 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 412429269 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8336 (at arc-length 28534.75m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 412429271 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8337 (at arc-length 15988.33m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 412429283 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8338 (at arc-length 15288.06m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 412429266 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8340 (at arc-length 14817.55m): 91.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24575 010009361601 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L24577 010009361602 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24575 010009361601 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L50520 140010774902 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24575 010009361601 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L50521 140010774903 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24575 010009361601 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51150 070010570801 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24576 010009361801_G Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43511 010009361801 Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24577 010009361602 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429250 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8345 (at arc-length 1650.59m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429262 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8343 (at arc-length 1650.59m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429251 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8344 (at arc-length 1650.59m): 91.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429257 is too far from computed projection point (53.079454,7.389766) on shape 8342 (at arc-length 1650.59m): 91.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24577 010009361602 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L50520 140010774902 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24577 010009361602 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L50521 140010774903 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24577 010009361602 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51150 070010570801 Papenburg Am Stadtpark/Agentur für Arbeit 53.079474000000 7.391136000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24578 010009361502 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43510 010009361501 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24578 010009361502 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51151 070010570901 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24578 010009361502 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51152 070010571001 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24579 010009361702 Papenburg BBS Berufsschule 53.083471000000 7.401251000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L25196 140010774601 Papenburg BBS Berufsschule 53.083471000000 7.401251000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24579 010009361702 Papenburg BBS Berufsschule 53.083471000000 7.401251000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51157 070010571501 Papenburg BBS Berufsschule 53.083471000000 7.401251000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24580 010009361302 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43509 010009361301 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24580 010009361302 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51155 070010571301 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24776 000000600118 Ihlpohl(Ritterhude) Schule Ihlpohl(Ritterhude) Schule 53.187047000000 8.709224000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28341 000009908221 Ihlpohl(Ritterhude) Schule Ihlpohl(Ritterhude) Schule 53.187040000000 8.709233000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24778 000000110825 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 14 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 14 53.197736000000 8.742730000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28317 000009912643 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 14 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 14 53.197733000000 8.742737000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24804 000000600138 Werschenrege Schule Werschenrege Schule 53.207921000000 8.728840000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28326 000009913366 Werschenrege Schule Werschenrege Schule 53.207923000000 8.728841000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24805 000000600002 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Am Brandberg Stendorf(Ritterhude) Am Brandberg 53.207518000000 8.688791000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28330 000009912675 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Am Brandberg Stendorf(Ritterhude) Am Brandberg 53.207493000000 8.688792000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24806 000000600007 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 42 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 42 53.196358000000 8.737456000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28318 000009912644 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 42 Ritterhude Am Weißen Rieden 42 53.196356000000 8.737461000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24807 000000600009 Ritterhude An Heumanns Busch Ritterhude An Heumanns Busch 53.191872000000 8.709371000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28321 000009912834 Ritterhude An Heumanns Busch Ritterhude An Heumanns Busch 53.191868000000 8.709335000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24816 000000600083 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Lesumer Kirchweg Stendorf(Ritterhude) Lesumer Kirchweg 53.208552000000 8.675463000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28331 000009912681 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Lesumer Kirchweg Stendorf(Ritterhude) Lesumer Kirchweg 53.208581000000 8.675458000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24822 000009906512 Marklendorf Am Schützenplatz Marklendorf Am Schützenplatz 52.669535000000 9.713534000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 407502505 is too far from computed projection point (52.669542,9.712662) on shape 5733 (at arc-length 9399.92m): 58.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 407502508 is too far from computed projection point (52.669542,9.712662) on shape 5737 (at arc-length 3251.45m): 58.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407502511 is too far from computed projection point (52.669542,9.712662) on shape 5736 (at arc-length 9405.80m): 58.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24832 000000817419 Bankewitz Hof Rohrstorf Bankewitz Hof Rohrstorf 53.032294000000 10.827525000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
L27313 000009900612 Bankewitz Hof Rohrstorf Bankewitz Hof Rohrstorf 53.032305000000 10.827531000000 0 0 157-157|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24887 120010025902 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35481 120010025901 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24887 120010025902 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37216 120010025905 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24887 120010025902 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37217 120010025906 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24928 000120921001 Gifhorn, Swinemünder Straße Gifhorn, Swinemünder Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.473394000000 10.568796000000 0 0 1 1
L24929 000120921002 Gifhorn, Swinemünder Straße Gifhorn, Swinemünder Straße | Haltestelle 0 52.473416000000 10.568787000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24934 000120925001 Gifhorn, Schmiedestraße Gifhorn, Schmiedestraße | Haltestelle 0 52.486755000000 10.564457000000 0 0 1 1
L24935 000120925002 Gifhorn, Schmiedestraße Gifhorn, Schmiedestraße | Haltestelle 0 52.486766000000 10.564448000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24936 000120926001 Gifhorn, Tränkebergstraße Gifhorn, Tränkebergstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.483040000000 10.560469000000 0 0 1 1
L24937 000120926002 Gifhorn, Tränkebergstraße Gifhorn, Tränkebergstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.483040000000 10.560487000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24950 000121009001 Wittingen, Kakerbecker Str. Wittingen, Kakerbecker Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.722680000000 10.744273000000 0 0 1 1
L24951 000121009002 Wittingen, Kakerbecker Str. Wittingen, Kakerbecker Str. | Haltestelle 0 52.722680000000 10.744237000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24960 000121018001 Knesebeck, Schultenb. Damm Knesebeck, Schultenb. Damm | Haltestelle 0 52.665835000000 10.680645000000 0 0 1 1
L27027 000121018002 Knesebeck, Schultenb. Damm Knesebeck, Schultenb. Damm | Haltestelle 0 52.665835000000 10.680654000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24961 000121020001 Vorhop, Deutsches Haus Vorhop, Deutsches Haus | Haltestelle 0 52.645356000000 10.654397000000 0 0 1 1
L24962 000121020002 Vorhop, Deutsches Haus Vorhop, Deutsches Haus | Haltestelle 0 52.645356000000 10.654379000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24963 000121023001 Transvaal, Ort Transvaal, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.623598000000 10.689170000000 0 0 1 1
L24964 000121023002 Transvaal, Ort Transvaal, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.623625000000 10.689179000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24967 000121029001 Schönewörde, Hagenkamp Schönewörde, Hagenkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.627519000000 10.627034000000 0 0 1 1
L24968 000121029002 Schönewörde, Hagenkamp Schönewörde, Hagenkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.627508000000 10.627052000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24971 000121033001 Wahrenholz, Krendel Wahrenholz, Krendel | Haltestelle 0 52.610601000000 10.598063000000 0 0 1 1
L24972 000121033002 Wahrenholz, Krendel Wahrenholz, Krendel | Haltestelle 0 52.610601000000 10.598063000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24981 000121038001 Teichgut, Küsterberg Teichgut, Küsterberg | Haltestelle 0 52.635103000000 10.534903000000 0 0 1 1
L24982 000121038002 Teichgut, Küsterberg Teichgut, Küsterberg | Haltestelle 0 52.635108000000 10.534858000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L24991 000121087001 Stüde, Alte Schulstraße Stüde, Alte Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.556128000000 10.678022000000 0 0 10 1
L35513 000121087002 Stüde, Alte Schulstraße Stüde, Alte Schulstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.556128000000 10.678004000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25008 000121165001 Vordorf, Schule Vordorf, Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.369431000000 10.526665000000 0 0 1 1
L25750 000121165002 Vordorf, Schule Vordorf, Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.369415000000 10.526701000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25021 000121200001 Behren, Ort Behren, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.789980000000 10.498988000000 0 0 1 1
L25022 000121200002 Behren, Ort Behren, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.789985000000 10.498934000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25031 000121235001 Bokel, Am Kapellenberg Bokel, Am Kapellenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.806540000000 10.548144000000 0 0 1 1
L25032 000121235002 Bokel, Am Kapellenberg Bokel, Am Kapellenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.806530000000 10.548117000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25072 120010867201 Fallersleben TechnoForum 52.422608000000 10.729143000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L25921 120010867202 Fallersleben TechnoForum 52.422608000000 10.729143000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25079 000129020001 Müden (Aller), Schusters Kamp Müden (Aller), Schusters Kamp | Haltestelle 0 52.524172000000 10.375568000000 0 0 1 1
L25763 000129020002 Müden (Aller), Schusters Kamp Müden (Aller), Schusters Kamp | Haltestelle 0 52.524133000000 10.375604000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25083 000129025001 Rötgesbüttel, Mühlenweg 4 Rötgesbüttel, Mühlenweg 4 | Haltestelle 0 52.409387000000 10.531121000000 0 0 1 1
L25765 000129025002 Rötgesbüttel, Mühlenweg 4 Rötgesbüttel, Mühlenweg 4 | Haltestelle 0 52.409403000000 10.531058000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25085 000129047001 Grußendorf, Heideweg Grußendorf, Heideweg | Haltestelle 0 52.551496000000 10.688973000000 0 0 1 1
L25086 000129047002 Grußendorf, Heideweg Grußendorf, Heideweg | Haltestelle 0 52.551486000000 10.688991000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25090 000129062001 Pollhöfen, Kiebitzmoor West Pollhöfen, Kiebitzmoor West | Haltestelle 0 52.599035000000 10.471104000000 0 0 1 1
L25772 000129062002 Pollhöfen, Kiebitzmoor West Pollhöfen, Kiebitzmoor West | Haltestelle 0 52.599030000000 10.471068000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25093 000129068001 Weißes Moor, Ankerweg Weißes Moor, Ankerweg | Haltestelle 0 52.604933000000 10.688712000000 0 0 1 1
L25775 000129068002 Weißes Moor, Ankerweg Weißes Moor, Ankerweg | Haltestelle 0 52.604933000000 10.688667000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25094 000129073001 Wahrenholz, Neulandstraße Wahrenholz, Neulandstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.619573000000 10.599393000000 0 0 1 1
L25776 000129073002 Wahrenholz, Neulandstraße Wahrenholz, Neulandstraße | Haltestelle 0 52.619563000000 10.599393000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25104 000129117001 Weißes Moor, Kanalstr.9 Weißes Moor, Kanalstr.9 | Haltestelle 0 52.598386000000 10.673198000000 0 0 1 1
L25778 000129117002 Weißes Moor, Kanalstr.9 Weißes Moor, Kanalstr.9 | Haltestelle 0 52.598419000000 10.673189000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25114 000129141001 Brechtorf, Wipperring Brechtorf, Wipperring | Haltestelle 0 52.479413000000 10.867225000000 0 0 1 1
L25115 000129141002 Brechtorf, Wipperring Brechtorf, Wipperring | Haltestelle 0 52.479429000000 10.867225000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25136 120010029802 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35484 120010029801 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25136 120010029802 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L48423 120010029807 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25136 120010029802 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L50623 120010029808 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 F 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25153 120010074101 Thiede Frankfurter Straße 52.188634000000 10.484400000000 0 0 1 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L25154 120010074102 Thiede Frankfurter Straße 52.188634000000 10.484400000000 0 0 2 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25155 120010074201 Braunschweig Braunstraße 52.211290000000 10.499608000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L25156 120010074202 Braunschweig Braunstraße 52.211290000000 10.499608000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25199 140010775101 Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L43511 010009361801 Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25262 140010797901 Lahn(Hümmling) Kirche 52.817580000000 7.616991000000 0 0 4027-4027|EMS-EMS
L55103 010010673201 Lahn(Hümmling) Kirche 52.817580000000 7.616991000000 0 0 4027-4027|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25265 140010798201 Wehm Schule 52.831811000000 7.665328000000 0 0 4057-4057|EMS-EMS
L55104 010010673301 Wehm Schule 52.831811000000 7.665328000000 0 0 4057-4057|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25268 140010798501 Werlte(Emsld) Busbahnhof 52.854292000000 7.675387000000 0 0 4057-4057|887-887|EMS-EMS
L55105 010010673401 Werlte(Emsld) Busbahnhof 52.854292000000 7.675387000000 0 0 4057-4057|887-887|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25388 140010835701 Lehrte(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.668835000000 7.393051000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
L55141 010010677601 Lehrte(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.668835000000 7.393051000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25389 140010837701 Haselünne Stadtmark 52.689874000000 7.471143000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
L55231 010010687501 Haselünne Stadtmark 52.689874000000 7.471143000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25391 140010838201 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
L55106 010010673601 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25451 140010877701 Meppen Windthorstplatz 52.692939000000 7.292122000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38856 070010558801 Meppen Windthorstplatz 52.692939000000 7.292122000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25464 140010879601 Meppen Gymnasium Marianum 52.703619000000 7.296717000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38855 070010558701 Meppen Gymnasium Marianum 52.703619000000 7.296717000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25468 140010880701 Meppen Schullendamm 52.691632000000 7.271990000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38851 070010353601 Meppen Schullendamm 52.691632000000 7.271990000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25515 140010950401 Haselünne Meerstraße 52.676508000000 7.490683000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
L55230 010010687301 Haselünne Meerstraße 52.676508000000 7.490683000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25567 000000110335 Jheringsfehn Grundschule Jheringsfehn Grundschule 53.308405000000 7.529919000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
L45186 000009908977 Jheringsfehn Grundschule Jheringsfehn Grundschule 53.308426000000 7.529921000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25569 000000110331 Jheringsfehn Hookswieke 147 Jheringsfehn Hookswieke 147 53.324661000000 7.535754000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
L45187 000009908980 Jheringsfehn Hookswieke 147 Jheringsfehn Hookswieke 147 53.324670000000 7.535744000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25571 000000110338 Jheringsfehn Mißgunster Weg/Memeler Straße Jheringsfehn Mißgunster Weg/Memeler Straße 53.304622000000 7.513246000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
L45190 000009908983 Jheringsfehn Mißgunster Weg/Memeler Straße Jheringsfehn Mißgunster Weg/Memeler Straße 53.304633000000 7.513302000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25572 000000110337 Jheringsfehn Verbindungsstraße/Mißgunsterweg Jheringsfehn Verbindungsstraße/Mißgunsterweg 53.302655000000 7.522001000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
L45191 000009908984 Jheringsfehn Verbindungsstraße/Mißgunsterweg Jheringsfehn Verbindungsstraße/Mißgunsterweg 53.302656000000 7.521985000000 0 0 615-615|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25597 000009913123 Rosdorf(Kr Göttingen) Olenhuser Landstraße/West Rosdorf(Kr Göttingen) Olenhuser Landstraße/West 51.504010000000 9.882128000000 0 0 Rosdorf-220|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353410942 is too far from computed projection point (51.504153,9.883399) on shape 5885 (at arc-length 0.00m): 89.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25613 000009915835 Uelzen Lüneburger Straße/ALDI Uelzen Lüneburger Straße/ALDI 52.968694000000 10.560834000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 729.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 729.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 729.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25620 000000817597 Uelzen Stadtgarten Uelzen Stadtgarten 52.965092000000 10.557218000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 299.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 299.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 299.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25679 000009900792 Emden(Ostfriesl) Taubenstraße Emden(Ostfriesl) Taubenstraße 53.362649000000 7.140328000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
L25680 000000140118 Emden(Ostfriesl) Taubenstraße Emden(Ostfriesl) Taubenstraße 53.362640000000 7.140313000000 0 0 150-150|Emden-2150|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25761 120010867601 Ehmen(Wolfsburg) Kastanienallee 52.398938000000 10.692865000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L25922 120010867602 Ehmen(Wolfsburg) Kastanienallee 52.398938000000 10.692865000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25788 080000589101 Hermannrode Mollenfelder Straße 51.404600000000 9.860791000000 0 0 Eichenberg-EIC|Hermannrode-641
L25789 080000589103 Hermannrode Mollenfelder Straße 51.404600000000 9.860791000000 0 0 Eichenberg-EIC|Hermannrode-641
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25837 000092641006 Hannover Alte Heide Bus 135/N35 52.415699000000 9.780983000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
L51845 000092641007 Hannover Alte Heide Bus 135/N35 52.415704000000 9.781054000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25861 000000850526 Herzberg am Harz Marktplatz Herzberg am Harz Marktplatz 51.656354000000 10.340905000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
L25862 000009910369 Herzberg am Harz Marktplatz Herzberg am Harz Marktplatz 51.656359000000 10.340918000000 0 0 Herzberg-3130|Herzberg am Harz-130|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25881 120010300702 Klein Denkte Ort 52.141926000000 10.587515000000 0 0 2 74-74|VRB-VRB
L36914 120010300701 Klein Denkte Ort 52.141926000000 10.587515000000 0 0 1 74-74|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L25894 120010309002 Börßum Kirche 52.068717000000 10.591555000000 0 0 2 75-75|Börßum-4075|VRB-VRB
L36931 120010309001 Börßum Kirche 52.068717000000 10.591555000000 0 0 1 75-75|Börßum-4075|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26105 120010172402 Wolfenbüttel Schlachthof 52.164119000000 10.513136000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L27493 120010172401 Wolfenbüttel Schlachthof 52.164119000000 10.513136000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26121 120010867802 Fallersleben Neues Feld 52.418430000000 10.728421000000 0 0 B 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L26734 120010867801 Fallersleben Neues Feld 52.418430000000 10.728421000000 0 0 A 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26195 000000186620 Nienburg Wesertor Nienburg Wesertor 52.643365000000 9.198897000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
L42504 000009911342 Nienburg Wesertor Nienburg Wesertor 52.643333000000 9.198856000000 0 0 1-1|Nienburg-8001|VBN-VBN|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26292 000000818625 Dreikronen Kolonie Dreikronen Kolonie 52.883340000000 9.581710000000 0 0 30-30|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 407502918 is too far from computed projection point (52.882298,9.576486) on shape 5769 (at arc-length 14072.70m): 369.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26355 140010836401 Lohe(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.709639000000 7.425365000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
L55195 010010683401 Lohe(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.709639000000 7.425365000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26357 140010837801 Haselünne Überführung Andruper Straße 52.673552000000 7.494969000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
L55232 010010687701 Haselünne Überführung Andruper Straße 52.673552000000 7.494969000000 0 0 4019-4019|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26458 000001402569 Großwolderfeld Papenburger Straße/Kapellenstraße Großwolderfeld Papenburger Straße/Kapellenstraße 53.130538000000 7.472076000000 0 0 725-725|VEJ-VEJ 1
L43447 000009902306 Großwolderfeld Papenburger Straße/Kapellenstraße Großwolderfeld Papenburger Straße/Kapellenstraße 53.130507000000 7.472101000000 0 0 725-725|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26496 000000140135 Horum Helmers Horum Helmers 53.703637000000 7.989592000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
L26497 000009906739 Horum Helmers Horum Helmers 53.703673000000 7.989580000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26508 000000162013 Damme(Dümmer) Bergmark Damme(Dümmer) Bergmark 52.537866000000 8.184097000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399755096 is too far from computed projection point (52.536665,8.186319) on shape 2497 (at arc-length 5614.62m): 201.04m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 399755088 is too far from computed projection point (52.536665,8.186319) on shape 2502 (at arc-length 2610.29m): 201.04m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 399755086 is too far from computed projection point (52.536665,8.186319) on shape 2504 (at arc-length 2610.29m): 201.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26606 000001402560 Ihren(Westoverledingen) Grundschule Ihren(Westoverledingen) Grundschule 53.147306000000 7.472736000000 0 0 722-722|VEJ-VEJ 1
L28070 000009908229 Ihren(Westoverledingen) Grundschule Ihren(Westoverledingen) Grundschule 53.147309000000 7.472791000000 0 0 722-722|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26641 120010872601 Steterburg(Salzgitter) Lange Hecke 52.192163000000 10.460943000000 0 0 A 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L26642 120010872602 Steterburg(Salzgitter) Lange Hecke 52.192163000000 10.460943000000 0 0 B 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26649 000000110015 Bothel(Kr Rotenburg) Hemsbünder Straße Bothel(Kr Rotenburg) Hemsbünder Straße 53.075997000000 9.499255000000 0 0 395-395|VBN-VBN 1
L50697 000001100152 Bothel(Kr Rotenburg) Hemsbünder Straße Bothel(Kr Rotenburg) Hemsbünder Straße 53.075997000000 9.499255000000 0 0 9900-56|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB|395-395|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26656 000009900578 Badenhausen Posthof Badenhausen Posthof 51.768711000000 10.190955000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
L26657 000000850147 Badenhausen Posthof Badenhausen Posthof 51.768679000000 10.191004000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26660 000000850302 Förste Eisdorfer Straße (Schule) Förste Eisdorfer Straße (Schule) 51.743010000000 10.171145000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
L40977 000009904119 Förste Eisdorfer Straße Förste Eisdorfer Straße 51.743005000000 10.171130000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26662 000000850153 Badenhausen Am Bürgerpark Badenhausen Am Bürgerpark 51.768886000000 10.205106000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
L43707 000009900573 Badenhausen Am Bürgerpark Badenhausen Am Bürgerpark 51.768873000000 10.205060000000 0 0 Badenhausen-111|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26688 000091661001 Gleidingen Stadtbahn 52.276662000000 9.837325000000 0 000000901661 0 SB1 1
L52883 000091661004 Gleidingen Bus 52.276662000000 9.837289000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26715 000096000004 Hannover Berliner Platz Bus 52.429548000000 9.732393000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26758 000000110055 Wersabe Wesermünder Straße Wersabe Wesermünder Straße 53.326426000000 8.534737000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
L40792 000009913361 Wersabe Wesermünder Straße Wersabe Wesermünder Straße 53.326443000000 8.534705000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26766 000000110021 Offensen(Heeslingen) Offensen(Heeslingen) 53.317787000000 9.303329000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L46046 000009907388 Offensen(Heeslingen) Offensen(Heeslingen) 53.317787000000 9.303329000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26767 000000197749 Okel Achter Jürns Hoff Okel Achter Jürns Hoff 52.935384000000 8.884624000000 0 0 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
L48876 000001977492 Okel Achter Jürns Hoff Okel Achter Jürns Hoff 52.935384000000 8.884624000000 0 0 520-520|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26791 090010673801 Kirchhorst Gewerbegebiet 52.437200000000 9.885257000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L26792 090010673802 Kirchhorst Gewerbegebiet 52.437200000000 9.885257000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26813 000009911051 Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule 53.093530000000 10.725863000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162502 is too far from computed projection point (53.093678,10.724928) on shape 7278 (at arc-length 1.00m): 64.57m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 5153.33m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 5153.33m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162807 is too far from computed projection point (53.093678,10.724928) on shape 7203 (at arc-length 19209.74m): 64.57m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 406162747 is too far from computed projection point (53.093678,10.724928) on shape 7214 (at arc-length 1.00m): 64.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26813 000009911051 Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule 53.093530000000 10.725863000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
L26833 000000817281 Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule 53.093540000000 10.725856000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26833 000000817281 Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule Himbergen(Göhrde) Grundschule 53.093540000000 10.725856000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 411369121 is too far from computed projection point (53.093678,10.724928) on shape 7287 (at arc-length 11083.54m): 63.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26882 000000140150 Neßmersiel Störtebekerstraße 11 Neßmersiel Störtebekerstraße 11 53.668406000000 7.360040000000 0 0 546-546|VEJ-VEJ 1
L45819 000009910634 Neßmersiel Störtebekerstraße 11 Neßmersiel Störtebekerstraße 11 53.668382000000 7.360089000000 0 0 546-546|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L26934 120010186601 Büstedt 52.420688000000 10.985099000000 0 0 1 37-37|VRB-VRB
L26935 120010186602 Büstedt 52.420688000000 10.985099000000 0 0 2 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27034 000000601217 Bremen Gastfeldstraße Bremen Gastfeldstraße 53.066797000000 8.794245000000 0 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409650621 is too far from computed projection point (53.066116,8.794189) on shape 9729 (at arc-length 1.37m): 75.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27056 000000140076 Hooksiel Bullermeck/Hafen Hooksiel Bullermeck/Hafen 53.643489000000 8.081002000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412430084 is too far from computed projection point (53.644221,8.078833) on shape 8503 (at arc-length 0.00m): 164.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 412430037 is too far from computed projection point (53.644221,8.078833) on shape 8507 (at arc-length 28125.16m): 164.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27137 000002162907 Beverstedt Logestraße/Aldi Beverstedt Logestraße/Aldi 53.432949000000 8.823616000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 401164490 is too far from computed projection point (53.433355,8.822541) on shape 3676 (at arc-length 6.92m): 84.34m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 400106995 is too far from computed projection point (53.433355,8.822541) on shape 3593 (at arc-length 6.92m): 84.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27156 000000854764 Höckelheim An der Schule Höckelheim An der Schule 51.701854000000 9.962358000000 0 0 Höckelheim-408|Northeim-3400|VSN-VSN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353414264 is too far from computed projection point (51.703106,9.959151) on shape 6236 (at arc-length 4211.32m): 261.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 353414273 is too far from computed projection point (51.703106,9.959151) on shape 6233 (at arc-length 4211.32m): 261.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 353414278 is too far from computed projection point (51.703106,9.959151) on shape 6234 (at arc-length 5543.88m): 261.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 353414260 is too far from computed projection point (51.703106,9.959151) on shape 6237 (at arc-length 7005.43m): 261.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27195 000000110345 Hankhausen Loyer Weg Hankhausen Loyer Weg 53.232444000000 8.215246000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
L27196 000009901934 Hankhausen Loyer Weg Hankhausen Loyer Weg 53.232427000000 8.215237000000 0 0 910-910|Rastede-1910|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27204 120010916101 Wesendorf(Niedersachs) Hammersteinpark Ost 52.584916000000 10.514670000000 0 0 1 11-11|553-553|VRB-VRB|Wahrenholz-4011
L27205 120010916102 Wesendorf(Niedersachs) Hammersteinpark Ost 52.584916000000 10.514670000000 0 0 2 11-11|553-553|VRB-VRB|Wahrenholz-4011
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27206 120010916201 Wesendorf(Niedersachs) Hammersteinpark West 52.585064000000 10.505867000000 0 0 1 11-11|553-553|VRB-VRB|Wahrenholz-4011
L27207 120010916202 Wesendorf(Niedersachs) Hammersteinpark West 52.585064000000 10.505867000000 0 0 2 11-11|553-553|VRB-VRB|Wahrenholz-4011
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27208 120010916301 Tappenbeck Bertrandt 52.479370000000 10.742880000000 0 0 1 15-15|Neudorf-Platendorf-4015|VRB-VRB
L27209 120010916302 Tappenbeck Bertrandt 52.479370000000 10.742880000000 0 0 2 15-15|Neudorf-Platendorf-4015|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27221 000004907892 Bremen-Aumund Bremen-Aumund 53.185165000000 8.617658000000 0 000009014312 0 2 101-101|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000004907892
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27241 090010630201 Kaltenweide Ricarda-Huch-Weg 52.480340000000 9.726670000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L27242 090010630202 Kaltenweide Ricarda-Huch-Weg 52.480340000000 9.726670000000 0 0 105-105|2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27256 000009900079 Einloh Sägerei Einloh Sägerei 53.161804000000 9.617076000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405787208 is too far from computed projection point (53.161208,9.617621) on shape 7766 (at arc-length 20409.22m): 75.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 405787211 is too far from computed projection point (53.161208,9.617621) on shape 7762 (at arc-length 19836.05m): 75.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27267 000000198433 Jeddingen Kaufmann Jeddingen Kaufmann 52.968302000000 9.516882000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
L50710 000000188433 Jeddingen Kaufmann Jeddingen Kaufmann 52.968325000000 9.516906000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27279 000000198435 Buchholz(Visselhövede) Zum Alten Burggraben Buchholz(Visselhövede) Zum Alten Burggraben 53.010813000000 9.563633000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787488 is too far from computed projection point (53.010674,9.561748) on shape 7866 (at arc-length 6950.87m): 127.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787483 is too far from computed projection point (53.010674,9.561748) on shape 7867 (at arc-length 6950.87m): 127.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27303 120010877301 Uehrde Barnstorfer Weg 52.099586000000 10.766852000000 0 0 A 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
L27304 120010877302 Uehrde Barnstorfer Weg 52.099586000000 10.766852000000 0 0 B 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27311 000009905978 Norden(Ostfriesl) ZOB/Bahnhof Norden(Ostfriesl) ZOB/Bahnhof 53.589008000000 7.217747000000 0 0 500-500|Norden-2500|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405087493 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4545 (at arc-length 1490.11m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405087490 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4546 (at arc-length 1490.11m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405088227 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4717 (at arc-length 42790.72m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 405088228 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4718 (at arc-length 31962.74m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405088226 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4720 (at arc-length 276.60m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405088224 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4719 (at arc-length 276.60m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 405087888 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4715 (at arc-length 11729.26m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 405088172 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4581 (at arc-length 37157.10m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 60 on examplar trip 405088181 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4579 (at arc-length 63137.81m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 55 on examplar trip 405088174 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4583 (at arc-length 66062.09m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 62 on examplar trip 405088182 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4587 (at arc-length 63437.29m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 405088187 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4586 (at arc-length 20734.41m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405088161 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4590 (at arc-length 276.60m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405088167 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4594 (at arc-length 276.60m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405088144 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4589 (at arc-length 276.60m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405088169 is too far from computed projection point (53.588664,7.217172) on shape 4593 (at arc-length 1742.75m): 53.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27340 000000196584 Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Breiter Weg Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Breiter Weg 53.473802000000 7.381650000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
L27341 000009907667 Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Breiter Weg Moordorf(Südbrookmerland) Ringstraße/Breiter Weg 53.473798000000 7.381608000000 0 0 550-550|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27345 000120900001 Gifhorn, Heidesee Gifhorn, Heidesee | Haltestelle 0 52.485918000000 10.504468000000 0 0 1 1
L27346 000120900002 Gifhorn, Heidesee Gifhorn, Heidesee | Haltestelle 0 52.485907000000 10.504495000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27347 120010916501 Isenbüttel Von-Campe-Ring 52.442867000000 10.576784000000 0 0 1 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
L27348 120010916502 Isenbüttel Von-Campe-Ring 52.442867000000 10.576784000000 0 0 2 16-16|Meine-4016|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27351 120010916701 Wolfsburg Westrampe 52.423990000000 10.709530000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27352 120010916702 Wolfsburg Westrampe 52.423990000000 10.709530000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27382 120010318901 Berel Ort 52.165779000000 10.218280000000 0 0 1 79-79|903-903|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
L36959 120010318902 Berel Ort 52.165779000000 10.218280000000 0 0 2 79-79|903-903|HI-HI|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27408 120010916401 Sülfeld(Wolfsburg) Schleusensiedlung 52.418025000000 10.662668000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27409 120010916402 Sülfeld(Wolfsburg) Schleusensiedlung 52.418025000000 10.662668000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27425 120010035002 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L35491 120010035001 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27425 120010035002 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37219 120010035005 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27425 120010035002 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37220 120010035006 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27438 120010324601 Schöppenstedt Wolfenbütteler Straße 52.145838000000 10.768014000000 0 0 1 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
L27439 120010324602 Schöppenstedt Wolfenbütteler Straße 52.145838000000 10.768014000000 0 0 2 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27456 000090431007 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369623000000 9.723203000000 0 0 BusM1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27458 120010039902 Braunschweig Donnerbleek 52.232629000000 10.471552000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L36714 120010039901 Braunschweig Donnerbleek 52.232629000000 10.471552000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27507 120010206403 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 3 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L27508 120010206404 Wolfsburg Tunnel West 52.427976000000 10.774528000000 0 0 4 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27510 120010270501 Broistedt Gewerbepark 52.195269000000 10.325876000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L27511 120010270502 Broistedt Gewerbepark 52.195269000000 10.325876000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27611 000000195890 Holzhausen(Wildeshausen) Abzw. Holzhausen(Wildeshausen) Abzw. 52.874511000000 8.385907000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 409688314 is too far from computed projection point (52.874903,8.386433) on shape 3205 (at arc-length 5337.88m): 56.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27659 000002024103 Osten Altendorfer Grenzweg Osten Altendorfer Grenzweg 53.704892000000 9.249565000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L30579 000009907752 Osten Altendorfer Grenzweg Osten Altendorfer Grenzweg 53.704872000000 9.249571000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27682 000009915817 Uelzen Ebstorfer Straße/Wasserwerk Uelzen Ebstorfer Straße/Wasserwerk 52.975090000000 10.552406000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 1453.80m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 1453.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27683 000009915833 Uelzen Loosekamp Süd Uelzen Loosekamp Süd 52.980961000000 10.552378000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 2093.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 2093.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27684 000009915820 Uelzen Fischerhofstraße Uelzen Fischerhofstraße 52.986998000000 10.543760000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 2889.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27685 000009915843 Uelzen Seebohmstraße/Lebenshilfe Uelzen Seebohmstraße/Lebenshilfe 52.989070000000 10.542046000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3144.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27686 000009915842 Uelzen Am Funkturm/Kämpenweg Uelzen Am Funkturm/Kämpenweg 52.992040000000 10.534807000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3633.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27701 000009907037 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
L40980 000009907036 Nörten-Hardenberg Schule Nörten-Hardenberg Schule 51.632452000000 9.938598000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|Nörten-Hardenberg-390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27702 000000854521 Angerstein Schulstraße Angerstein Schulstraße 51.615173000000 9.940035000000 0 0 Angerstein-389|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 353414213 is too far from computed projection point (51.614399,9.940551) on shape 6197 (at arc-length 1.04m): 93.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27719 090010599303 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
L47310 160010008393 Springe Schulzentrum Nord 52.216829000000 9.545622000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|H-P-H-P|Region-5003|SP-1916
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27722 000009904040 Ditzum Molkereistraße/Sielstraße Ditzum Molkereistraße/Sielstraße 53.314548000000 7.282977000000 0 0 711-711|VEJ-VEJ 1
L27723 000000110626 Ditzum Molkereistraße/Sielstraße Ditzum Molkereistraße/Sielstraße 53.314560000000 7.282967000000 0 0 711-711|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27724 000000110627 Ditzum Molkereistraße/Hofstraße Ditzum Molkereistraße/Hofstraße 53.314477000000 7.277808000000 0 0 711-711|VEJ-VEJ 1
L27725 000009904039 Ditzum Molkereistraße/Hofstraße Ditzum Molkereistraße/Hofstraße 53.314474000000 7.277785000000 0 0 711-711|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27730 000000100998 Westerstede Ammerland-Klinik Westerstede Ammerland-Klinik 53.259074000000 7.918334000000 0 0 164-164|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429433 is too far from computed projection point (53.259562,7.919137) on shape 8404 (at arc-length 1029.39m): 76.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27748 000000196259 Kayhauserfeld Engelsmeer Kayhauserfeld Engelsmeer 53.160987000000 8.059282000000 0 0 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
L37793 000009910001 Kayhauserfeld Engelsmeer Kayhauserfeld Engelsmeer 53.160954000000 8.059237000000 0 0 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27783 000000110499 Vechta Jagdhornstraße/Lange Wand Vechta Jagdhornstraße/Lange Wand 52.736232000000 8.306156000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46808 000009916587 Vechta Jagdhornstraße/Lange Wand Vechta Jagdhornstraße/Lange Wand 52.736215000000 8.306143000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27786 000000110503 Vechta Welper Straße/Brucknerstraße Vechta Welper Straße/Brucknerstraße 52.717705000000 8.289949000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46835 000009916634 Vechta Welper Straße/Brucknerstraße Vechta Welper Straße/Brucknerstraße 52.717707000000 8.289944000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27787 000000110504 Vechta Am Schützenplatz Vechta Am Schützenplatz 52.713663000000 8.291864000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46792 000009916282 Vechta Am Schützenplatz Vechta Am Schützenplatz 52.713655000000 8.291831000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27792 000000110509 Vechta An der Christoph-Bernhard-Bastei/Post Vechta An der Christoph-Bernhard-Bastei/Post 52.725437000000 8.281594000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46793 000009916283 Vechta An der Christoph-Bernhard-Bastei/Post Vechta An der Christoph-Bernhard-Bastei/Post 52.725424000000 8.281601000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27793 000000110510 Vechta Hagener Straße/Mathildenstraße Vechta Hagener Straße/Mathildenstraße 52.718710000000 8.279366000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46807 000009916584 Vechta Hagener Straße/Mathildenstraße Vechta Hagener Straße/Mathildenstraße 52.718731000000 8.279372000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27794 000000110512 Vechta Lüscher Straße Vechta Lüscher Straße 52.716445000000 8.283695000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46813 000009916596 Vechta Lüscher Straße Vechta Lüscher Straße 52.716447000000 8.283702000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27795 000000110513 Vechta Dersastraße/Lohner Straße Vechta Dersastraße/Lohner Straße 52.713342000000 8.284723000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46797 000009916290 Vechta Dersastraße/Lohner Straße Vechta Dersastraße/Lohner Straße 52.713343000000 8.284730000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27797 000000110515 Vechta Dornierstraße/Kindergarten Vechta Dornierstraße/Kindergarten 52.728249000000 8.269750000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46800 000009916574 Vechta Dornierstraße/Kindergarten Vechta Dornierstraße/Kindergarten 52.728256000000 8.269752000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27801 000000110520 Vechta Nordweg/Aldi Vechta Nordweg/Aldi 52.735813000000 8.279706000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46818 000009916607 Vechta Nordweg/Aldi Vechta Nordweg/Aldi 52.735814000000 8.279712000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27802 000000110521 Vechta Pillauer Straße Vechta Pillauer Straße 52.738892000000 8.279034000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46823 000009916613 Vechta Pillauer Straße Vechta Pillauer Straße 52.738894000000 8.279039000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27810 000000852162 Billingshausen Am Gehege Billingshausen Am Gehege 51.596668000000 10.025667000000 0 0 Billingshausen-285|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 353414911 is too far from computed projection point (51.596997,10.026249) on shape 6283 (at arc-length 12403.04m): 54.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27829 000009910106 Lindwedel Im Nettelfelde Lindwedel Im Nettelfelde 52.613035000000 9.685646000000 0 0 43-43|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 407502656 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5752 (at arc-length 18574.84m): 137.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502649 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5755 (at arc-length 0.00m): 137.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502646 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5756 (at arc-length 0.00m): 137.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 407502633 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5761 (at arc-length 6869.13m): 137.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 407502632 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5760 (at arc-length 6869.13m): 137.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502645 is too far from computed projection point (52.612440,9.687424) on shape 5757 (at arc-length 0.00m): 137.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27830 080000189391 Stöckendrebber Löxterstraße 52.666408000000 9.572880000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407502402 is too far from computed projection point (52.666993,9.572330) on shape 5713 (at arc-length 11875.42m): 74.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407502392 is too far from computed projection point (52.666993,9.572330) on shape 5727 (at arc-length 6362.42m): 74.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 407502375 is too far from computed projection point (52.666993,9.572330) on shape 5730 (at arc-length 9095.72m): 74.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 407502384 is too far from computed projection point (52.666993,9.572330) on shape 5728 (at arc-length 8695.99m): 74.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 407502383 is too far from computed projection point (52.666993,9.572330) on shape 5729 (at arc-length 6362.42m): 74.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27845 000000118164 Visselhövede Soltauer Straße/Blumen Rosebrock Visselhövede Soltauer Straße/Blumen Rosebrock 52.991199000000 9.587315000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405787465 is too far from computed projection point (52.990914,9.588894) on shape 7858 (at arc-length 12261.12m): 110.34m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405787471 is too far from computed projection point (52.990914,9.588894) on shape 7855 (at arc-length 17883.19m): 110.34m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405787470 is too far from computed projection point (52.990914,9.588894) on shape 7856 (at arc-length 17883.19m): 110.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27851 000009910730 Hiddingen(Visselhövede) Hotel Röhrs Hiddingen(Visselhövede) Hotel Röhrs 53.006034000000 9.615538000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
L27852 000000118167 Hiddingen(Visselhövede) Hotel Röhrs Hiddingen(Visselhövede) Hotel Röhrs 53.006054000000 9.615523000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27901 000000195469 Lohe(Barßel) Kreuzung Lohe(Barßel) Kreuzung 53.145935000000 7.784495000000 0 0 882-882|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 403620259 is too far from computed projection point (53.145482,7.785035) on shape 9678 (at arc-length 8854.32m): 61.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 403620303 is too far from computed projection point (53.145205,7.785171) on shape 9772 (at arc-length 16617.75m): 92.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 403620289 is too far from computed projection point (53.145205,7.785171) on shape 9773 (at arc-length 16958.56m): 92.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 403620283 is too far from computed projection point (53.145205,7.785171) on shape 9778 (at arc-length 16322.49m): 92.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 403620300 is too far from computed projection point (53.145482,7.785035) on shape 9781 (at arc-length 16721.58m): 61.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27914 000000110794 Barrien(Syke) Bremer Straße Barrien(Syke) Bremer Straße 52.940281000000 8.825485000000 0 0 510-510|520-520|Kirchweyhe-1510|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
L60188 000000190794 Barrien(Syke) Bremer Straße Barrien(Syke) Bremer Straße 52.940285000000 8.825484000000 0 0 510-510|520-520|Kirchweyhe-1510|Syke-1520|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27917 000000110790 Bookholzberg An der Ellerbäke Bookholzberg An der Ellerbäke 53.093677000000 8.524795000000 0 0 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
L43921 000009903523 Bookholzberg An der Ellerbäke Bookholzberg An der Ellerbäke 53.093677000000 8.524799000000 0 0 720-720|Bookholzberg-1720|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27920 000000118169 Delventhal Delventhal 52.992988000000 9.619090000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405787471 is too far from computed projection point (52.993127,9.621197) on shape 7855 (at arc-length 4065.07m): 141.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405787470 is too far from computed projection point (52.993127,9.621197) on shape 7856 (at arc-length 4065.07m): 141.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405787462 is too far from computed projection point (52.993127,9.621197) on shape 7859 (at arc-length 4065.07m): 141.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 405787447 is too far from computed projection point (52.993127,9.621197) on shape 7864 (at arc-length 8981.52m): 141.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 405787446 is too far from computed projection point (52.993127,9.621197) on shape 7863 (at arc-length 10206.92m): 141.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27922 000000110779 Jader Vorwerk Alte Kreuzmoorstraße Jader Vorwerk Alte Kreuzmoorstraße 53.309559000000 8.247290000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L45165 000009908608 Jader Vorwerk Alte Kreuzmoorstraße Jader Vorwerk Alte Kreuzmoorstraße 53.309546000000 8.247293000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27923 000000110781 Jaderaußendeich Nr. 20 Jaderaußendeich Nr. 20 53.357848000000 8.246660000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
L45166 000009908609 Jaderaußendeich Nr. 20 Jaderaußendeich Nr. 20 53.357848000000 8.246691000000 0 0 845-845|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27970 000009914901 Ostrhauderfehn B438/Im Gewerbegebiet Ostrhauderfehn B438/Im Gewerbegebiet 53.138557000000 7.606810000000 0 0 755-755|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412431204 is too far from computed projection point (53.138695,7.607558) on shape 8699 (at arc-length 1.00m): 52.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L27982 000009908323 Langholt Dorf-/Freitagsstraße Nord Langholt Dorf-/Freitagsstraße Nord 53.108587000000 7.586211000000 0 0 758-758|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405743880 is too far from computed projection point (53.109404,7.586926) on shape 1016 (at arc-length 6.75m): 102.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28058 090010384801 Arnum Astrid-Lindgren-Straße 52.295124000000 9.745667000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L28059 090010384802 Arnum Astrid-Lindgren-Straße 52.295124000000 9.745667000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28065 000000150023 Firrel Feldender-/Uhlhornstraße Firrel Feldender-/Uhlhornstraße 53.339002000000 7.687115000000 0 0 628-628|VEJ-VEJ 1
L28066 000009902629 Firrel Feldender-/Uhlhornstraße Firrel Feldender-/Uhlhornstraße 53.339008000000 7.687060000000 0 0 628-628|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28072 000000110796 Vechta Stukenborg Vechta Stukenborg 52.737815000000 8.263195000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46832 000009916628 Vechta Stukenborg Vechta Stukenborg 52.737826000000 8.263193000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28075 000000110798 Vechta Pater-Titus-Straße Vechta Pater-Titus-Straße 52.731072000000 8.304343000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46821 000009916611 Vechta Pater-Titus-Straße Vechta Pater-Titus-Straße 52.731071000000 8.304329000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28092 120010314401 Ehmen(Wolfsburg) Feldscheide 52.399264000000 10.711170000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L28093 120010314402 Ehmen(Wolfsburg) Feldscheide 52.399264000000 10.711170000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28101 000000110805 Vechta St.-Hubertus-Straße Vechta St.-Hubertus-Straße 52.733288000000 8.300785000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46831 000009916626 Vechta St.-Hubertus-Straße Vechta St.-Hubertus-Straße 52.733288000000 8.300799000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28104 000000110808 Vechta Katholischer Friedhof Vechta Katholischer Friedhof 52.723428000000 8.279377000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46809 000009916588 Vechta Katholischer Friedhof Vechta Katholischer Friedhof 52.723424000000 8.279383000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28105 000000110809 Vechta Leristraße Vechta Leristraße 52.714891000000 8.279400000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46812 000009916595 Vechta Leristraße Vechta Leristraße 52.714892000000 8.279376000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28123 000000110820 Vechta Sophienstraße/Am Seekenhof Vechta Sophienstraße/Am Seekenhof 52.719141000000 8.283725000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L46830 000009916625 Vechta Sophienstraße/Am Seekenhof Vechta Sophienstraße/Am Seekenhof 52.719144000000 8.283703000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28129 000009900643 Burlage(Rhauderfehn) Landesstraße/Gronewoldstraße Burlage(Rhauderfehn) Landesstraße/Gronewoldstraße 53.068173000000 7.575296000000 0 0 761-761|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431215 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8696 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 430.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431208 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8698 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 430.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 412431212 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8697 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 430.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28130 000009900644 Burlage(Rhauderfehn) Landesstraße/Am Heidacker Burlage(Rhauderfehn) Landesstraße/Am Heidacker 53.065856000000 7.568030000000 0 0 761-761|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412431215 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8696 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 954.70m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412431208 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8698 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 954.70m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 412431212 is too far from computed projection point (53.071310,7.579066) on shape 8697 (at arc-length 1620.94m): 954.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28133 000000115837 Bassum Lindenmarkt (Inkoop) Bassum Lindenmarkt (Inkoop) 52.847100000000 8.734992000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
L43787 000009901338 Bassum Lindenmarkt (Inkoop) Bassum Lindenmarkt (Inkoop) 52.847138000000 8.735029000000 0 0 530-530|Bassum-1530|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28146 000000110770 Borkum Ostfriesenstraße/Bantjedünen Borkum Ostfriesenstraße/Bantjedünen 53.593158000000 6.690705000000 0 0 1
L43945 000009903893 Borkum Ostfriesenstraße/Bantjedünen Borkum Ostfriesenstraße/Bantjedünen 53.593155000000 6.690631000000 0 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28196 000000171288 Emsbüren Schulzentrum Emsbüren Schulzentrum 52.396305000000 7.289646000000 0 0 543-543|VEJ-VEJ|132-132|908-7908|908-908|EMS-EMS|Leschede-LES 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 402173120 is too far from computed projection point (52.395628,7.292019) on shape 9007 (at arc-length 22095.54m): 177.74m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 402173104 is too far from computed projection point (52.395628,7.292019) on shape 9004 (at arc-length 18267.00m): 177.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28245 000000854337 Oldenrode Böhmerbergring Oldenrode Böhmerbergring 51.819019000000 10.103748000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
L28246 000009908488 Oldenrode Böhmerbergring Oldenrode Böhmerbergring 51.819052000000 10.103764000000 0 0 Düderode-368|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28258 000090011003 Hannover Kröpcke U-Bahn C-Str. BSPlat 52.373643000000 9.739157000000 0 000000900011 0 #5/SB 5
L47656 000000900011 Hannover Kröpcke 52.374477000000 9.738582000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 100.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28259 000090011008 Hannover Kröpcke U-Bahn B-Str. Werder 52.373632000000 9.739319000000 0 000000900011 0 #4/SB 4
L47656 000000900011 Hannover Kröpcke 52.374477000000 9.738582000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 106.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28275 000093011002 Hannover Nackenberg Stadtbahn 52.370665000000 9.802686000000 0 000000903011 0 SB2 3
L47790 000000903011 Hannover Nackenberg 52.370462000000 9.804249000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 108.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28285 000002073529 Schneverdingen Rotenburger Straße Schneverdingen Rotenburger Straße 53.117504000000 9.776938000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
L33711 000009914631 Schneverdingen Rotenburger Straße Schneverdingen Rotenburger Straße 53.117538000000 9.776921000000 0 0 11-11|HK-HK|Heidekreis 11u12-SCV3|Heidekreis 11u15-SCV2|Heidekreis 11u4-SCV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28303 090010233103 Hannover Sven-Hedin-Straße 52.400402000000 9.822576000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L38041 090010233101 Hannover Sven-Hedin-Straße 52.400402000000 9.822576000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28322 000000110830 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Schule Stendorf(Ritterhude) Schule 53.202420000000 8.701384000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 399927810 is too far from computed projection point (53.204532,8.702815) on shape 8754 (at arc-length 2605.07m): 253.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28324 000000110831 Ritterhude Werschenreger Straße 63 Ritterhude Werschenreger Straße 63 53.205429000000 8.747758000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28325 000009912849 Ritterhude Werschenreger Straße 63 Ritterhude Werschenreger Straße 63 53.205448000000 8.747782000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28327 000009913364 Werschenrege Erver Straße 18 Werschenrege Erver Straße 18 53.214554000000 8.712267000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28328 000000110833 Werschenrege Erver Straße 18 Werschenrege Erver Straße 18 53.214541000000 8.712272000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28335 000000110840 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Nonnenstraße Stendorf(Ritterhude) Nonnenstraße 53.201975000000 8.689086000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28336 000009912682 Stendorf(Ritterhude) Nonnenstraße Stendorf(Ritterhude) Nonnenstraße 53.201974000000 8.689101000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28338 000000110843 Platjenwerbe Gartenweg Platjenwerbe Gartenweg 53.193136000000 8.686726000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28339 000009916007 Platjenwerbe Gartenweg Platjenwerbe Gartenweg 53.193141000000 8.686740000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28344 000000110851 Ritterhude Alter Postweg Ritterhude Alter Postweg 53.181825000000 8.712580000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L28345 000009912640 Ritterhude Alter Postweg Ritterhude Alter Postweg 53.181826000000 8.712576000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28383 000000110562 Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Lager Mühle Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Lager Mühle 52.711957000000 8.046809000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L45352 000009907936 Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Lager Mühle Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Lager Mühle 52.711938000000 8.046811000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28384 000000110551 Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Schloss Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Schloss 52.705166000000 8.056204000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L45353 000009907937 Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Schloss Lage(Essen(Oldb)) Schloss 52.705127000000 8.056225000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28386 000000110565 Osteressen Alberding Osteressen Alberding 52.715229000000 7.968544000000 0 0 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L46083 000009908820 Osteressen Alberding Osteressen Alberding 52.715204000000 7.968604000000 0 0 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28387 000000110566 Osteressen(Essen(Oldb)) Dorfkrug Osteressen(Essen(Oldb)) Dorfkrug 52.707561000000 7.972423000000 0 0 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L46084 000009908821 Osteressen(Essen(Oldb)) Dorfkrug Osteressen(Essen(Oldb)) Dorfkrug 52.707532000000 7.972455000000 0 0 822-822|831-831|Essen(Oldb)-ESS|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28392 000000110549 Wulfenau Abzw. Dinklage Wulfenau Abzw. Dinklage 52.676861000000 8.071995000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
L47248 000009916716 Wulfenau Abzw. Dinklage Wulfenau Abzw. Dinklage 52.676860000000 8.071936000000 0 0 813-813|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28443 120010951201 Braunschweig-Hondelage Dammstraße Ost 52.314519000000 10.611111000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L43237 120010951202 Braunschweig-Hondelage Dammstraße Ost 52.314519000000 10.611111000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28479 000000110909 Idafehn Nord/Ginsterweg Idafehn Nord/Ginsterweg 53.168130000000 7.642926000000 0 0 754-754|VEJ-VEJ 1
L43435 000009908178 Idafehn Nord/Ginsterweg Idafehn Nord/Ginsterweg 53.168131000000 7.642914000000 0 0 754-754|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28505 000000115856 Holzhausen(Beckeln) Holzhausen(Beckeln) 52.887211000000 8.624961000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
L45025 000009906323 Holzhausen(Beckeln) Holzhausen(Beckeln) 52.887220000000 8.624973000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28516 000000110915 Brundorf Stundenweg Brundorf Stundenweg 53.230856000000 8.693175000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
L44061 000009905434 Brundorf Stundenweg Brundorf Stundenweg 53.230858000000 8.693177000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28562 090010898901 Hülptingsen Färberstraße 52.446872000000 10.039430000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L28563 090010898902 Hülptingsen Färberstraße 52.446872000000 10.039430000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28571 090010943101 Lehrte(b Hannover) Stille Gasse 52.370230000000 9.981797000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L28572 090010943102 Lehrte(b Hannover) Stille Gasse 52.370230000000 9.981797000000 0 0 101-101|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28578 000009904120 Förste Sültebreite Förste Sültebreite 51.735770000000 10.182442000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
L28579 000000850303 Förste Sültebreite Förste Sültebreite 51.735770000000 10.182408000000 0 0 Nienstedt/Förste-113|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28597 000000176001 Westeroden Heuer Westeroden Heuer 52.517191000000 7.808730000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 401777705 is too far from computed projection point (52.513222,7.806148) on shape 7358 (at arc-length 1360.20m): 474.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 401777706 is too far from computed projection point (52.513222,7.806148) on shape 7357 (at arc-length 6694.32m): 474.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28598 000000179001 Westeroden Heuer Westeroden Heuer 52.517024000000 7.808699000000 0 0 675-7675|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 401777707 is too far from computed projection point (52.513206,7.806215) on shape 7356 (at arc-length 16378.63m): 456.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28607 000032301701 Ostbevern Loburg Ostbevern Loburg 52.046901000000 7.860927000000 0 0 VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409208681 is too far from computed projection point (52.047542,7.860560) on shape 426 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.57m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409208675 is too far from computed projection point (52.047542,7.860560) on shape 430 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.57m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409208678 is too far from computed projection point (52.047542,7.860560) on shape 428 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.57m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409208677 is too far from computed projection point (52.047542,7.860560) on shape 429 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.57m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409208679 is too far from computed projection point (52.047542,7.860560) on shape 427 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28615 000000112345 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Kirche Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Kirche 53.116903000000 9.228265000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 364867032 is too far from computed projection point (53.116421,9.228897) on shape 7741 (at arc-length 14669.02m): 68.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 364867024 is too far from computed projection point (53.116421,9.228897) on shape 7743 (at arc-length 11907.36m): 68.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 364866888 is too far from computed projection point (53.116421,9.228897) on shape 7711 (at arc-length 3768.89m): 68.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 364866889 is too far from computed projection point (53.116575,9.227674) on shape 7712 (at arc-length 93.79m): 53.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28616 000009916907 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Kirche Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Kirche 53.116819000000 9.227569000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 364867007 is too far from computed projection point (53.116376,9.228882) on shape 7744 (at arc-length 2.01m): 100.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 364866878 is too far from computed projection point (53.116376,9.228882) on shape 7725 (at arc-length 2.01m): 100.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28618 000009916908 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Lienworth Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Lienworth 53.115587000000 9.232419000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 329.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28621 000000117165 Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Bahnhof Sottrum(Kr Rotenburg) Bahnhof 53.101504000000 9.249294000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 2212.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28679 000000972289 Ippenburg Schloss Ippenburg Schloss 52.343756000000 8.357286000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
L45139 000009908549 Ippenburg Schloss Ippenburg Schloss 52.343753000000 8.357281000000 0 0 225-7225|Bohmte-7228|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28696 000002500323 Anderlingen Wiesenweg Anderlingen Wiesenweg 53.379039000000 9.307297000000 0 0 ROW-ROW 1
L43601 000009904576 Anderlingen Wiesenweg Anderlingen Wiesenweg 53.379022000000 9.307361000000 0 0 ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28708 000002500320 Malstedt Hansberg Malstedt Hansberg 53.434091000000 9.266618000000 0 0 325-325|VBN-VBN 1
L45574 000009906204 Malstedt Hansberg Malstedt Hansberg 53.434087000000 9.266666000000 0 0 325-325|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28781 000000195775 Neuenwalde(Damme) Pellenwessel Neuenwalde(Damme) Pellenwessel 52.507701000000 8.163962000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 399755072 is too far from computed projection point (52.507158,8.164517) on shape 2493 (at arc-length 5817.68m): 71.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399755074 is too far from computed projection point (52.507158,8.164517) on shape 2495 (at arc-length 10548.66m): 71.10m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 399755073 is too far from computed projection point (52.507158,8.164517) on shape 2496 (at arc-length 5817.68m): 71.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28794 000000854241 Kreiensen Hauptstraße/Nord Kreiensen Hauptstraße/Nord 51.846888000000 9.977176000000 0 0 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
L28795 000009907178 Kreiensen Hauptstraße/Nord Kreiensen Hauptstraße/Nord 51.846886000000 9.977183000000 0 0 Kreiensen-3480|Kreiensen-480|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28796 000000817332 Wittenwater L 233 Wittenwater L 233 52.997245000000 10.410591000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
L28797 000009915597 Wittenwater L 233 Wittenwater L 233 52.997256000000 10.410581000000 0 0 117-117|2003-2003|Ebstorf-EBS|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28818 000002045407 Kührstedt-Alfstedt Hellersbruch Kührstedt-Alfstedt Hellersbruch 53.606224000000 8.817926000000 0 0 256-256|VBN-VBN 1
L29260 000009907908 Kührstedt-Alfstedt Hellersbruch Kührstedt-Alfstedt Hellersbruch 53.606205000000 8.817870000000 0 0 256-256|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28974 140010836701 Loher Feld Mariannenhof 52.723306000000 7.438772000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
L55192 010010683101 Loher Feld Mariannenhof 52.723306000000 7.438772000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28975 140010836801 Loher Feld Glockenturm 52.732698000000 7.440154000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
L55193 010010683201 Loher Feld Glockenturm 52.732698000000 7.440154000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28976 140010836901 Loher Feld Struckmann 52.737368000000 7.444014000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
L55191 010010683001 Loher Feld Struckmann 52.737368000000 7.444014000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28977 140010837001 Loher Feld Abeln 52.739418000000 7.452307000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
L55194 010010683301 Loher Feld Abeln 52.739418000000 7.452307000000 0 0 40192-40192|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L28995 000002080208 Scharnebeck Bardowicker Straße Scharnebeck Bardowicker Straße 53.294700000000 10.503828000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L28996 000208022500 Scharnebeck Bardowicker Straße Scharnebeck Bardowicker Straße 53.294725000000 10.503784000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29023 000001001089 Bleckeder Moor Am Papenkamp Bleckeder Moor Am Papenkamp 53.291848000000 10.701719000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L29024 000100113600 Bleckeder Moor Am Papenkamp Bleckeder Moor Am Papenkamp 53.291887000000 10.701682000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29053 000208320200 Jürgenstorf(Lüdersburg) Jürgenstorfer Straße Jürgenstorf(Lüdersburg) Jürgenstorfer Straße 53.323199000000 10.597405000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
L29054 000002083201 Jürgenstorf(Lüdersburg) Jürgenstorfer Straße Jürgenstorf(Lüdersburg) Jürgenstorfer Straße 53.323194000000 10.597432000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29065 000002084301 Neu Jürgenstorf Ort Neu Jürgenstorf Ort 53.307351000000 10.614740000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
L29066 000208430200 Neu Jürgenstorf Ort Neu Jürgenstorf Ort 53.307364000000 10.614736000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29089 000001001079 Barskamp Markt Barskamp Markt 53.244165000000 10.783889000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L29090 000100112400 Barskamp Markt Barskamp Markt 53.244129000000 10.783927000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29092 000001001084 Barskamp Walmsburger Straße Barskamp Walmsburger Straße 53.241709000000 10.793904000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L29093 000100112900 Barskamp Walmsburger Straße Barskamp Walmsburger Straße 53.241666000000 10.793900000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29103 000002085006 Dahlenburg Grundschule Dahlenburg Grundschule 53.187948000000 10.741674000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
L29104 000208500700 Dahlenburg Grundschule Dahlenburg Grundschule 53.187912000000 10.741676000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29113 000002087201 Harmstorf(Dahlem) Harmstorf(Dahlem) 53.214339000000 10.759424000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
L29114 000208720200 Harmstorf(Dahlem) Harmstorf(Dahlem) 53.214326000000 10.759402000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29185 000009914233 Schiffdorf Schulzentrum Schiffdorf Schulzentrum 53.526754000000 8.649881000000 0 0 260-260|Schiffdorf-1260|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 361829620 is too far from computed projection point (53.526676,8.648549) on shape 3607 (at arc-length 16226.97m): 88.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 361829619 is too far from computed projection point (53.526676,8.648549) on shape 3608 (at arc-length 17426.66m): 88.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829614 is too far from computed projection point (53.526676,8.648549) on shape 3610 (at arc-length 96.13m): 88.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829613 is too far from computed projection point (53.526676,8.648549) on shape 3611 (at arc-length 96.13m): 88.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29247 000002030703 Oederquart Dorfmitte Oederquart Dorfmitte 53.804716000000 9.237544000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L29248 000203070600 Oederquart Dorfmitte Oederquart Dorfmitte 53.804708000000 9.237563000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29577 000002075404 Langeloh(Tostedt) Ort Langeloh(Tostedt) Ort 53.274837000000 9.780078000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 808-HVV-808 1
L29578 000207540800 Langeloh(Tostedt) Ort Langeloh(Tostedt) Ort 53.274820000000 9.780140000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 808-HVV-808 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29587 000009909700 Katemin Ort Katemin Ort 53.229169000000 10.879458000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14572.84m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14572.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14572.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29589 000009908731 Neu Darchau Post Neu Darchau Post 53.228503000000 10.884569000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14275.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14275.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14275.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29591 000009916394 Quarstedt L231 Quarstedt L231 53.212920000000 10.878082000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 13475.88m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 13475.98m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 13475.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29607 000002087402 Köhlingen Abzw. Köhlingen Köhlingen Abzw. Köhlingen 53.213035000000 10.839709000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
L60056 000020874012 Köhlingen Abzw. Ventschau Köhlingen Abzw. Ventschau 53.213052000000 10.839739000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29712 000081550900 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232984000000 10.385568000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33107 000081551000 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232991000000 10.385565000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29712 000081550900 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232984000000 10.385568000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33216 000000815504 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232995000000 10.385582000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29712 000081550900 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232984000000 10.385568000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33217 000081550500 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232993000000 10.385564000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29712 000081550900 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232984000000 10.385568000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33218 000081550600 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232999000000 10.385599000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29712 000081550900 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232984000000 10.385568000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33219 000081550700 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232985000000 10.385553000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L29908 000001001176 Amelinghausen Grundschule Amelinghausen Grundschule 53.125208000000 10.220326000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L29909 000100123100 Amelinghausen Grundschule Amelinghausen Grundschule 53.125190000000 10.220290000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30046 000002070102 Emmelndorf Steineck Emmelndorf Steineck 53.401284000000 9.977912000000 0 0 9900-94|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 390512678 is too far from computed projection point (53.401727,9.978146) on shape 10290 (at arc-length 6361.53m): 51.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 390512681 is too far from computed projection point (53.401727,9.978146) on shape 10289 (at arc-length 8168.83m): 51.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 390512677 is too far from computed projection point (53.401727,9.978146) on shape 10291 (at arc-length 4076.93m): 51.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30067 000000197869 Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Kalthaus Hassendorf(b Rotenburg) Kalthaus 53.114674000000 9.271518000000 0 0 330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 364866944 is too far from computed projection point (53.116666,9.227823) on shape 7736 (at arc-length 23839.15m): 2924.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30073 000000110949 Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Fasanenstraße Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Fasanenstraße 53.030522000000 9.694488000000 0 0 19-19|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2 1
L30074 000009909122 Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Fasanenstraße Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Fasanenstraße 53.030510000000 9.694500000000 0 0 19-19|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30077 000000110951 Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Rathaus Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Rathaus 53.032610000000 9.705653000000 0 0 19-19|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2 1
L30078 000009909123 Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Rathaus Neuenkirchen(Lüneburger Heide) Rathaus 53.032610000000 9.705659000000 0 0 19-19|HK-HK|Heidekreis 16u19-WOD2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30213 000000110956 Thebüe Thebüer Straße 16 Thebüe Thebüer Straße 16 53.486216000000 8.949277000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
L46699 000009914758 Thebüe Thebüer Straße 16 Thebüe Thebüer Straße 16 53.486188000000 8.949280000000 0 0 230-230|Beverstedt-1230|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30375 000002020904 Cadenberge Oldenburgweg Cadenberge Oldenburgweg 53.757020000000 9.048946000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 390508528 is too far from computed projection point (53.769693,9.060548) on shape 10400 (at arc-length 688.96m): 1602.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30844 000002034305 Großenwörden Im Strich 11 Großenwörden Im Strich 11 53.681408000000 9.244635000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 919-HVV-919 1
L30845 000203431000 Großenwörden Im Strich 11 Großenwörden Im Strich 11 53.681446000000 9.244654000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 919-HVV-919 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30895 000203480400 Hammah Bahnhof Hammah Bahnhof 53.613270000000 9.367160000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 909-HVV-909 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 409200074 is too far from computed projection point (53.612723,9.367200) on shape 10246 (at arc-length 11556.09m): 60.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30902 000002034904 Himmelpforten Brink Himmelpforten Brink 53.612894000000 9.309121000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 919-HVV-919 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 409199731 is too far from computed projection point (53.612777,9.309906) on shape 10956 (at arc-length 14396.93m): 53.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30921 000002095010 Osten Niederstrich 30 Osten Niederstrich 30 53.735126000000 9.155100000000 0 0 1 VNN-VNN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 390508263 is too far from computed projection point (53.713935,9.189736) on shape 10335 (at arc-length 67172.55m): 3277.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L30999 000203550900 Oldendorf(Kr Stade) Lämmerhof Oldendorf(Kr Stade) Lämmerhof 53.590488000000 9.251340000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 919-HVV-919 1
L50811 000203551100 Oldendorf(Kr Stade) Lämmerhof Oldendorf(Kr Stade) Lämmerhof 53.590460000000 9.251378000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 919-HVV-919 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31027 000002036101 Heinbockel Kötnerende Heinbockel Kötnerende 53.574677000000 9.328098000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 909-HVV-909 1
L31028 000203610200 Heinbockel Kötnerende Heinbockel Kötnerende 53.574664000000 9.328138000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 909-HVV-909 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31120 000002038401 Ahlerstedt Stader Straße Ahlerstedt Stader Straße 53.406198000000 9.452800000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L52127 000002038402 Ahlerstedt Kakerbecker Straße Ahlerstedt Kakerbecker Straße 53.406198000000 9.452800000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31164 000002040201 Hollern Abzw. Bassenfleth Hollern Abzw. Bassenfleth 53.603170000000 9.515497000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 390510218 is too far from computed projection point (53.603298,9.516619) on shape 10759 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31198 000002040502 Hollern Kirche Hollern Kirche 53.591790000000 9.558887000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 390510219 is too far from computed projection point (53.591824,9.559758) on shape 10758 (at arc-length 12277.30m): 57.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31259 000204082500 Grünendeich Fähre Grünendeich Fähre 53.571855000000 9.633362000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 411377055 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10727 (at arc-length 9537.32m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 411377019 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10729 (at arc-length 9537.32m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 411377041 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10728 (at arc-length 9537.32m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 411377141 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10752 (at arc-length 1660.75m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 411377143 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10750 (at arc-length 9835.21m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 411377156 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10754 (at arc-length 2367.34m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 411377150 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10757 (at arc-length 2367.34m): 73.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 411377142 is too far from computed projection point (53.571894,9.632249) on shape 10751 (at arc-length 9537.32m): 73.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31264 000002040901 Hohenfelde(Mittelnkirchen) 73 Hohenfelde(Mittelnkirchen) 73 53.550229000000 9.610520000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729 1
L31265 000204090200 Hohenfelde(Mittelnkirchen) 73 Hohenfelde(Mittelnkirchen) 73 53.550244000000 9.610520000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31520 000002045022 Buxtehude Estetalstraße Buxtehude Estetalstraße 53.462813000000 9.689427000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 709-HVV-709 1
L31521 000204503200 Buxtehude Estetalstraße Buxtehude Estetalstraße 53.462797000000 9.689379000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 709-HVV-709 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31632 000002048301 Elstorf Mühlenstraße Elstorf Mühlenstraße 53.426705000000 9.790445000000 0 0 9900-496|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L31633 000204830200 Elstorf Mühlenstraße Elstorf Mühlenstraße 53.426745000000 9.790421000000 0 0 9900-496|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31636 000002048303 Elstorf Fliegenmoor Elstorf Fliegenmoor 53.427865000000 9.781541000000 0 0 9900-496|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L31637 000204830600 Elstorf Fliegenmoor Elstorf Fliegenmoor 53.427887000000 9.781506000000 0 0 9900-496|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31648 000002050003 Lüneburg Kurt-Höbold-Straße Lüneburg Kurt-Höbold-Straße 53.240560000000 10.478625000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L31649 000205000500 Lüneburg Kurt-Höbold-Straße Lüneburg Kurt-Höbold-Straße 53.240583000000 10.478683000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31765 000002050221 Bardowick Schulzentrum Bardowick Schulzentrum 53.292859000000 10.389950000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L31767 000205023500 Bardowick Schulzentrum Bardowick Schulzentrum 53.292833000000 10.389899000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L31875 000002051404 Brackel(b Winsen) Vor dem Haßel Brackel(b Winsen) Vor dem Haßel 53.304431000000 10.056459000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L31876 000205140800 Brackel(b Winsen) Vor dem Haßel Brackel(b Winsen) Vor dem Haßel 53.304462000000 10.056405000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32033 000009911086 Hitzacker(Elbe) Siedlung Hitzacker(Elbe) Siedlung 53.149594000000 11.036327000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 1136.79m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 1136.80m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 1136.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32059 000002059904 Eckel Veanser Weg Eckel Veanser Weg 53.366434000000 9.909240000000 0 0 9900-554|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L32060 000205990900 Eckel Veanser Weg Eckel Veanser Weg 53.366473000000 9.909251000000 0 0 9900-554|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32177 000002063614 Buchholz(Nordheide) Kohlhof Buchholz(Nordheide) Kohlhof 53.342722000000 9.859506000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L32178 000206361800 Buchholz(Nordheide) Kohlhof Buchholz(Nordheide) Kohlhof 53.342726000000 9.859447000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32183 000002063617 Buchholz(Nordheide) Brandenburger Straße Buchholz(Nordheide) Brandenburger Straße 53.331133000000 9.875279000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L32184 000206362400 Buchholz(Nordheide) Brandenburger Straße Buchholz(Nordheide) Brandenburger Straße 53.331135000000 9.875207000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32219 000002063646 Buchholz(Nordheide) Spechtstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Spechtstraße 53.318619000000 9.861915000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L32220 000206367300 Buchholz(Nordheide) Spechtstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Spechtstraße 53.318587000000 9.861885000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32263 000002063680 Buchholz(Nordheide) Marthastraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Marthastraße 53.332410000000 9.886015000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L32264 000206373000 Buchholz(Nordheide) Marthastraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Marthastraße 53.332400000000 9.885955000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32281 000002063689 Buchholz(Nordheide) Innungsstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Innungsstraße 53.350854000000 9.869163000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L32282 000206374800 Buchholz(Nordheide) Innungsstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Innungsstraße 53.350845000000 9.869103000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32372 000002070708 Asendorf(Nordheide) Zum Auetal Asendorf(Nordheide) Zum Auetal 53.303585000000 9.986548000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
L32373 000207071600 Asendorf(Nordheide) Zum Auetal Asendorf(Nordheide) Zum Auetal 53.303567000000 9.986489000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32376 000002070803 Dierkshausen Am Mühlenbach Dierkshausen Am Mühlenbach 53.267850000000 9.981740000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
L32377 000207080500 Dierkshausen Am Mühlenbach Dierkshausen Am Mühlenbach 53.267842000000 9.981667000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32386 000002070808 Dierkshausen Kalte Küche Dierkshausen Kalte Küche 53.270700000000 9.975183000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
L32387 000207081500 Dierkshausen Kalte Küche Dierkshausen Kalte Küche 53.270710000000 9.975114000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 718-HVV-718 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32608 000100112000 Alt Garge Waldbad Alt Garge Waldbad 53.258063000000 10.804348000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L32609 000001001075 Alt Garge Waldbad Alt Garge Waldbad 53.258028000000 10.804383000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32626 000002083502 Barförde Poggenort Barförde Poggenort 53.360466000000 10.643369000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L32627 000208350400 Barförde Poggenort Barförde Poggenort 53.360425000000 10.643373000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32652 000001001343 Süschendorf Ort Süschendorf Ort 53.167842000000 10.783902000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
L32653 000100134400 Süschendorf Ort Süschendorf Ort 53.167826000000 10.783908000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32742 000208930400 Brietlingen Grundschule Brietlingen Grundschule 53.333692000000 10.445931000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
L32743 000002089302 Brietlingen Grundschule Brietlingen Grundschule 53.333713000000 10.445931000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32752 000002089307 Brietlingen Denkmal Brietlingen Denkmal 53.333043000000 10.443235000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
L32753 000208931400 Brietlingen Denkmal Brietlingen Denkmal 53.333020000000 10.443210000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 717-HVV-717 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32993 000009916234 Uthlede Ellhornstraße Uthlede Ellhornstraße 53.307457000000 8.580251000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 361829655 is too far from computed projection point (53.310535,8.578527) on shape 3617 (at arc-length 675.00m): 360.88m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 361829653 is too far from computed projection point (53.311235,8.577220) on shape 3619 (at arc-length 807.15m): 465.87m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 361829654 is too far from computed projection point (53.311235,8.577220) on shape 3618 (at arc-length 807.15m): 465.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L32994 000000619567 Uthlede Sportplatz Uthlede Sportplatz 53.315580000000 8.579560000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 361829651 is too far from computed projection point (53.314946,8.579243) on shape 3620 (at arc-length 0.01m): 73.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33107 000081551000 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232991000000 10.385565000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33216 000000815504 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232995000000 10.385582000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33107 000081551000 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232991000000 10.385565000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33217 000081550500 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232993000000 10.385564000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33107 000081551000 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232991000000 10.385565000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33218 000081550600 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232999000000 10.385599000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33107 000081551000 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232991000000 10.385565000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33219 000081550700 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232985000000 10.385553000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33216 000000815504 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232995000000 10.385582000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33217 000081550500 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232993000000 10.385564000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33216 000000815504 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232995000000 10.385582000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33218 000081550600 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232999000000 10.385599000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33216 000000815504 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232995000000 10.385582000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33219 000081550700 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232985000000 10.385553000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33217 000081550500 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232993000000 10.385564000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33218 000081550600 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232999000000 10.385599000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33217 000081550500 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232993000000 10.385564000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33219 000081550700 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232985000000 10.385553000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33218 000081550600 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232999000000 10.385599000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
L33219 000081550700 Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme Lüneburg Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232985000000 10.385553000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 807-HVV-807 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33340 000002814926 Bullenhausen Butendiecksweg Bullenhausen Butendiecksweg 53.446464000000 10.079615000000 0 0 9900-494|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L33341 000281494600 Bullenhausen Butendiecksweg Bullenhausen Butendiecksweg 53.446447000000 10.079564000000 0 0 9900-494|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33548 000204140400 Jork Marktplatz Jork Marktplatz 53.533115000000 9.679567000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L50511 000204140200 Jork Marktplatz Jork Marktplatz 53.533090000000 9.679610000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33614 000002814805 Eddelsen Dahlgrund Eddelsen Dahlgrund 53.385315000000 9.960777000000 0 0 9900-94|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
L33615 000281480800 Eddelsen Dahlgrund Eddelsen Dahlgrund 53.385347000000 9.960828000000 0 0 9900-94|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33662 090010933301 Hänigsen Allensteiner Straße 52.487624000000 10.072146000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L33663 090010933302 Hänigsen Allensteiner Straße 52.487624000000 10.072146000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L33910 000000115704 Vechta ZOB Vechta ZOB 52.729285000000 8.280578000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
L52805 000000195704 Vechta ZOB Vechta ZOB 52.729325000000 8.280553000000 0 0 MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|Vechta-VEC 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34300 000000603065 Lilienthal Auf dem Kamp Lilienthal Auf dem Kamp 53.154327000000 8.926581000000 0 0 219-219|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407709228 is too far from computed projection point (53.154310,8.927479) on shape 3776 (at arc-length 5840.15m): 59.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407709225 is too far from computed projection point (53.154310,8.927479) on shape 3775 (at arc-length 69.61m): 59.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34836 000121248001 Boitzenhagen, Friedhof Boitzenhagen, Friedhof | Haltestelle 0 52.616181000000 10.811620000000 0 0 1 1
L34837 000121248002 Boitzenhagen, Friedhof Boitzenhagen, Friedhof | Haltestelle 0 52.616181000000 10.811620000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34838 000121249001 Boitzenhagen, Ortsmitte Boitzenhagen, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.622524000000 10.814225000000 0 0 1 1
L34839 000121249002 Boitzenhagen, Ortsmitte Boitzenhagen, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.622524000000 10.814243000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34840 000121250001 Boitzenhagen, Forsthaus Boitzenhagen, Forsthaus | Haltestelle 0 52.628500000000 10.814943000000 0 0 1 1
L34841 000121250002 Boitzenhagen, Forsthaus Boitzenhagen, Forsthaus | Haltestelle 0 52.628478000000 10.814961000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34864 000120958001 Ettenbüttel, Grüne Heide Ettenbüttel, Grüne Heide | Haltestelle 0 52.497830000000 10.422604000000 0 0 1 1
L34865 000120958002 Ettenbüttel, Grüne Heide Ettenbüttel, Grüne Heide | Haltestelle 0 52.497819000000 10.422586000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34875 000120968001 Höfen, Ort Höfen, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.491771000000 10.295277000000 0 0 1 1
L34876 000120968002 Höfen, Ort Höfen, Ort | Haltestelle 0 52.491765000000 10.295277000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34884 000120973001 Ahnsen, Denkmal Ahnsen, Denkmal | Haltestelle 0 52.483319000000 10.335944000000 0 0 1 1
L34885 000120973002 Ahnsen, Denkmal Ahnsen, Denkmal | Haltestelle 0 52.483314000000 10.335953000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34887 000120975001 Ohof, Feuerwehrhaus Ohof, Feuerwehrhaus | Haltestelle 0 52.451775000000 10.311932000000 0 0 1 1
L34888 000120975002 Ohof, Feuerwehrhaus Ohof, Feuerwehrhaus | Haltestelle 0 52.451786000000 10.311932000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34891 000120978001 Seershausen, Ortsmitte Seershausen, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.463369000000 10.331291000000 0 0 1 1
L34892 000120978002 Seershausen, Ortsmitte Seershausen, Ortsmitte | Haltestelle 0 52.463358000000 10.331291000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34903 000120993001 Hillerse (GF), Papenberg Hillerse (GF), Papenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.415491000000 10.403731000000 0 0 1 1
L34904 000120993002 Hillerse (GF), Papenberg Hillerse (GF), Papenberg | Haltestelle 0 52.415496000000 10.403740000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34907 000121004001 Meinersen, Petersburg Meinersen, Petersburg | Haltestelle 0 52.472557000000 10.363828000000 0 0 1 1
L34908 000121004002 Meinersen, Petersburg Meinersen, Petersburg | Haltestelle 0 52.472552000000 10.363828000000 0 0 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34910 000123785001 Meinersen, Schäferkamp Meinersen, Schäferkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.469055000000 10.366001000000 0 0 1 1
L34911 000123785002 Meinersen, Schäferkamp Meinersen, Schäferkamp | Haltestelle 0 52.469038000000 10.365983000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34917 000129106001 Seershausen, Zum Farmwinkel Seershausen, Zum Farmwinkel | Haltestelle 0 52.460035000000 10.329530000000 0 0 1 1
L34918 000129106002 Seershausen, Zum Farmwinkel Seershausen, Zum Farmwinkel | Haltestelle 0 52.460035000000 10.329512000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34919 000129107001 Ettenbüttel, Gilde Süd Ettenbüttel, Gilde Süd | Haltestelle 0 52.495211000000 10.436411000000 0 0 1 1
L34920 000129107002 Ettenbüttel, Gilde Süd Ettenbüttel, Gilde Süd | Haltestelle 0 52.495194000000 10.436402000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34921 000000118511 Ditzumerhammrich 12 Ditzumerhammrich 12 53.288872000000 7.261546000000 0 0 710-710|VEJ-VEJ 1
L34922 000009904042 Ditzumerhammrich 12 Ditzumerhammrich 12 53.288859000000 7.261592000000 0 0 710-710|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L34923 000000118512 Ditzumerhammrich 14 Ditzumerhammrich 14 53.261665000000 7.258138000000 0 0 709-709|710-710|VEJ-VEJ 1
L34924 000009904043 Ditzumerhammrich 14 Ditzumerhammrich 14 53.261640000000 7.258079000000 0 0 709-709|710-710|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35018 000000854137 Schachtenbeck Bahnübergang Schachtenbeck Bahnübergang 51.859965000000 10.056194000000 0 0 910-910|HI-HI|Seboldshausen/Schachtenbeck-494|VSN-VSN 1
L46335 000009913720 Schachtenbeck Bahnübergang Schachtenbeck Bahnübergang 51.859969000000 10.056204000000 0 0 910-910|HI-HI|Seboldshausen/Schachtenbeck-494|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35270 000000138888 Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB 52.519030000000 7.320313000000 0 0 6 630-630|VEJ-VEJ|142-142|4032-4032|942-7942|EMS-EMS|Lingen-LIN 1
L35271 000000128888 Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB 52.519020000000 7.320315000000 0 0 235-235|VBN-VBN|142-142|4032-4032|942-7942|EMS-EMS|Lingen-LIN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35346 000002063601 Buchholz(Nordheide) Bahnhofstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Bahnhofstraße 53.324914000000 9.881090000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
L35347 000206360200 Buchholz(Nordheide) Bahnhofstraße Buchholz(Nordheide) Bahnhofstraße 53.324875000000 9.881099000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35365 000000163906 Neuengland Hoher Weg Neuengland Hoher Weg 53.311620000000 7.911096000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
L60569 000000163916 Neuengland Hoher Weg Neuengland Hoher Weg 53.311620000000 7.911096000000 0 0 760-760|VBN-VBN|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35371 000000816143 Neu Darchau Kindergarten Neu Darchau Kindergarten 53.230638000000 10.889653000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 13277.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 14201.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 14201.20m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 14201.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35399 090010913601 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Saalestraße 52.457477000000 9.984938000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L38115 090010913602 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) Saalestraße 52.457477000000 9.984938000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35408 120010192301 Goslar Silcherstraße/Agentur für Arbeit 51.921738000000 10.440063000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L35409 120010192302 Goslar Silcherstraße/Agentur für Arbeit 51.921738000000 10.440063000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35481 120010025901 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37216 120010025905 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35481 120010025901 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37217 120010025906 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35484 120010029801 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L48423 120010029807 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35484 120010029801 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L50623 120010029808 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 F 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35491 120010035001 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37219 120010035005 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35491 120010035001 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37220 120010035006 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35517 120010167201 Wolfenbüttel Am Hopfengarten 52.159379000000 10.525222000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L36731 120010167202 Wolfenbüttel Am Hopfengarten 52.159379000000 10.525222000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35527 120010196601 Oebisfelde Bahnhof 52.438722000000 10.985729000000 0 0 1
L42999 120010196602 Oebisfelde Bahnhof 52.438722000000 10.985729000000 0 0 2
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35533 120010324401 Sambleben Ort 52.161602000000 10.783748000000 0 0 A 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
L36784 120010324402 Sambleben Ort 52.161602000000 10.783748000000 0 0 B 73-73|Schöppenstedt-4073|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35568 000091381005 Hannover Peiner Straße Bus 52.337926000000 9.769107000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L58671 000091381010 Hannover Peiner Straße SEV-Sadtbahn 2 52.337932000000 9.769125000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35569 000091381006 Hannover Peiner Straße Bus 52.337729000000 9.769287000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
L38002 000091381007 Hannover Peiner Straße Bus 52.337690000000 9.769313000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35645 000000652646 Bremen Klinikum Bremen-Ost Bremen Klinikum Bremen-Ost 53.066916000000 8.943887000000 0 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 411802825 is too far from computed projection point (53.066524,8.943396) on shape 11252 (at arc-length 837.56m): 54.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 411802828 is too far from computed projection point (53.066524,8.943396) on shape 11253 (at arc-length 837.56m): 54.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35671 000009907403 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
L35672 000009907404 Ohrte Dallmann Ohrte Dallmann 52.600942000000 7.679413000000 0 0 682-7682|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35686 120010001601 Alvesse(Vechelde) Grüne Straße 52.217053000000 10.385436000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L35687 120010001602 Alvesse(Vechelde) Grüne Straße 52.217053000000 10.385436000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35688 120010001701 Alvesse(Vechelde) Kühlhausweg 52.214801000000 10.381313000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L35689 120010001702 Alvesse(Vechelde) Kühlhausweg 52.214801000000 10.381313000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35715 120010025001 Köchingen Ortsring 52.241779000000 10.368418000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L35716 120010025002 Köchingen Ortsring 52.241779000000 10.368418000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35738 120010039201 Vechelde-Sonnenberg 52.236516000000 10.409435000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L35739 120010039202 Vechelde-Sonnenberg 52.236516000000 10.409435000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35796 120010059501 Sierße Mühlenblick 52.269427000000 10.331297000000 0 0 A 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
L35797 120010059502 Sierße Mühlenblick 52.269427000000 10.331297000000 0 0 B 53-53|Lengede-4053|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35853 000000115684 Ritterhude Hamme Forum Ritterhude Hamme Forum 53.177710000000 8.748683000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L35854 000009912840 Ritterhude Hamme Forum Ritterhude Hamme Forum 53.177736000000 8.748647000000 0 0 209-209|210-210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35865 000000190542 Steinrieden Brundiers Steinrieden Brundiers 52.763708000000 7.795121000000 0 0 843-843|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 402778332 is too far from computed projection point (52.764031,7.795744) on shape 2119 (at arc-length 5346.44m): 55.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 402778321 is too far from computed projection point (52.764031,7.795744) on shape 2123 (at arc-length 4872.45m): 55.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 402778323 is too far from computed projection point (52.764031,7.795744) on shape 2121 (at arc-length 6527.56m): 55.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 402778322 is too far from computed projection point (52.764031,7.795744) on shape 2122 (at arc-length 5346.44m): 55.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35922 000120004004 Braunschweig, Ackerstraße Kombihalt 52.256244000000 10.548907000000 0 0 B 1
L48881 000120004005 Braunschweig, Ackerstraße Kombihalt 52.256244000000 10.548898000000 0 0 B1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L35946 000120209002 Vechelde, Bahnhof Bahnhofsvorplatz 52.258119000000 10.359084000000 0 0 B 1
L60304 000120209003 Vechelde, Bahnhof Bahnhofsvorplatz 52.258147000000 10.359111000000 0 0 C 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36013 000120395004 Braunschweig, Stadion (Schwarzer Berg) Strab 52.290945000000 10.518769000000 0 0 B 1
L37768 000120395006 Braunschweig, Stadion (Schwarzer Berg) Strab 52.290907000000 10.518796000000 0 0 E 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36119 000000197671 Rotenburg(Wümme) Burgstraße Rotenburg(Wümme) Burgstraße 53.107968000000 9.396891000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
L49170 000001976712 Rotenburg(Wümme) Burgstraße Rotenburg(Wümme) Burgstraße 53.107968000000 9.396891000000 0 0 340-340|Rotenburg-1340|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36148 000120250001 Wense, Bahnhof Wense, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.363787000000 10.379162000000 0 0 A 1
L36149 000120250002 Wense, Bahnhof Wense, Bahnhof | Haltestelle 0 52.363787000000 10.379180000000 0 0 B 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36160 120010241201 Stederdorf(Peine) Mittelpunkt 52.347382000000 10.247596000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36414 120010241202 Stederdorf(Peine) Mittelpunkt 52.347382000000 10.247596000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36163 120010304701 Essinghausen Kunzendorfer Str 52.331814000000 10.260464000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36164 120010304702 Essinghausen Kunzendorfer Str 52.331814000000 10.260464000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36215 120010808101 Peine Woltorfer Straße 52.318047000000 10.255233000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36216 120010808102 Peine Woltorfer Straße 52.318047000000 10.255233000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36219 120010808401 Peine Rosenhagen 52.325963000000 10.225475000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L49018 120010808402 Peine Rosenhagen 52.325963000000 10.225475000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36220 120010808601 Peine Schwarzer Weg 52.332171000000 10.236092000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36221 120010808602 Peine Schwarzer Weg 52.332171000000 10.236092000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36223 120010808801 Peine Silberkamp-Gymnasium 52.322991000000 10.239825000000 0 0 1 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36224 120010808802 Peine Silberkamp-Gymnasium 52.322991000000 10.239825000000 0 0 2 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36225 120010808901 Peine Spenglerstraße 52.338442000000 10.245762000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L48903 120010808902 Peine Spenglerstraße 52.338442000000 10.245762000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36418 120010529201 Eixe Süd 52.348699000000 10.185246000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36419 120010529202 Eixe Süd 52.348699000000 10.185246000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36475 120010804001 Voigtholz 52.391180000000 10.321768000000 0 0 A 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49014 120010804002 Voigtholz 52.391180000000 10.321768000000 0 0 B 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36476 120010804101 Berkhöpen 52.397927000000 10.245055000000 0 0 A 51-51|VRB-VRB
L36477 120010804102 Berkhöpen 52.397927000000 10.245055000000 0 0 B 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36478 120010804201 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 A 51-51|VRB-VRB
L36479 120010804202 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 B 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36478 120010804201 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 A 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49015 120010804203 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 C 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36478 120010804201 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 A 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49016 120010804204 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 D 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36479 120010804202 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 B 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49015 120010804203 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 C 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36479 120010804202 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 B 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49016 120010804204 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 D 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36494 120010808001 Peine Uhlenhorst 52.316015000000 10.213263000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36495 120010808002 Peine Uhlenhorst 52.316015000000 10.213263000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36553 000128206004 Woltwiesche, Bahnhof Bus 52.201073000000 10.277212000000 0 0 2 1
L49023 000128206003 Woltwiesche, Bahnhof Bus 52.201056000000 10.277212000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36579 120010823601 Ilsede-Ölsburg Friedhof 52.264643000000 10.207904000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36580 120010823602 Ilsede-Ölsburg Friedhof 52.264643000000 10.207904000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36582 120010823801 Klein Bülten Ortsmitte 52.277664000000 10.198427000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L36583 120010823802 Klein Bülten Ortsmitte 52.277664000000 10.198427000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36626 120010118401 Groß Sisbeck Am Lustgarten 52.359213000000 10.924029000000 0 0 A 37-37|VRB-VRB
L37600 120010118402 Groß Sisbeck Am Lustgarten 52.359213000000 10.924029000000 0 0 B 37-37|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36655 000121106001 Tappenbeck, Schule Tappenbeck, Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.474089000000 10.742719000000 0 0 1 1
L36656 000121106002 Tappenbeck, Schule Tappenbeck, Schule | Haltestelle 0 52.474078000000 10.742701000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36676 120010422201 Helmstedt Gröpern 52.230527000000 11.006184000000 0 0 A 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L36677 120010422202 Helmstedt Gröpern 52.230527000000 11.006184000000 0 0 B 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36679 120010422801 Helmstedt Dieselstraße 52.241660000000 10.985660000000 0 0 A 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
L36680 120010422802 Helmstedt Dieselstraße 52.241660000000 10.985660000000 0 0 B 30-30|Helmstedt-4030|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36688 000000733046 Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum Bissendorf(Kr Osnabrück) Schulzentrum 52.238265000000 8.174828000000 0 0 361-7361|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS|Wissingen-7352 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173280 is too far from computed projection point (52.238122,8.176336) on shape 9085 (at arc-length 0.00m): 103.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36691 000000690001 Delmenhorst Markt Delmenhorst Markt 53.048054000000 8.627346000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L41421 000000600001 Delmenhorst Markt Delmenhorst Markt 53.048056000000 8.627350000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36698 120010011301 Braunschweig Drosselweg 52.308455000000 10.600931000000 0 0 B 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L36699 120010011302 Braunschweig Drosselweg 52.308455000000 10.600931000000 0 0 A 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36820 000000145152 Etzel(Friedeburg) Mühlenbergstraße Etzel(Friedeburg) Mühlenbergstraße 53.457846000000 7.887452000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 2742.79m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405086848 is too far from computed projection point (53.459349,7.885543) on shape 4610 (at arc-length 12821.44m): 209.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405086852 is too far from computed projection point (53.459349,7.885543) on shape 4608 (at arc-length 11898.09m): 209.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 405086872 is too far from computed projection point (53.459349,7.885543) on shape 4607 (at arc-length 13263.48m): 209.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405086851 is too far from computed projection point (53.459349,7.885543) on shape 4609 (at arc-length 24471.44m): 209.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L36853 000002019312 Bad Bederkesa Kührstedter Straße Bad Bederkesa Kührstedter Straße 53.613307000000 8.826247000000 0 0 256-256|CUX-CUX|VBN-VBN 1
L36854 000009905377 Bad Bederkesa Kührstedter Straße Bad Bederkesa Kührstedter Straße 53.613348000000 8.826262000000 0 0 256-256|CUX-CUX|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37013 120010808501 Peine Schreiberhauer Straße 52.306792000000 10.240238000000 0 0 A 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
L37014 120010808502 Peine Schreiberhauer Straße 52.306792000000 10.240238000000 0 0 B 50-50|Peine-4050|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37087 000009909778 Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Abing Limbergen(Neuenkirchen) Abing 52.404993000000 7.839318000000 0 0 676-7676|Bramsche-7640|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 401777908 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7486 (at arc-length 20933.30m): 1420.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 401777912 is too far from computed projection point (52.392470,7.835200) on shape 7482 (at arc-length 22014.73m): 1420.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37140 000000684365 Bremen Kurfürstenallee Bremen Kurfürstenallee 53.082025000000 8.853058000000 0 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 411801559 is too far from computed projection point (53.078873,8.854891) on shape 11277 (at arc-length 283397.91m): 371.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 411801339 is too far from computed projection point (53.078873,8.854891) on shape 11278 (at arc-length 286658.21m): 371.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37216 120010025905 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37217 120010025906 Braunschweig Kruckweg 52.233967000000 10.487754000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37219 120010035005 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L37220 120010035006 Braunschweig Rheinring 52.248648000000 10.472244000000 0 0 D 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37327 080000422191 Wolfsburg VW Ausbildungszentrum 52.435137000000 10.793729000000 0 0 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L56217 000122081001 Wolfsburg, VW Ausbildungszentrum VW 52.435145000000 10.793761000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37328 080000422192 Wolfsburg VW Ausbildungszentrum 52.435137000000 10.793729000000 0 0 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L56217 000122081001 Wolfsburg, VW Ausbildungszentrum VW 52.435145000000 10.793761000000 0 0 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37364 000000661241 Bremen Habenhauser Brückenstraße Bremen Habenhauser Brückenstraße 53.049894000000 8.847174000000 0 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 409686959 is too far from computed projection point (53.049676,8.848002) on shape 2932 (at arc-length 15632.71m): 60.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 409686957 is too far from computed projection point (53.049676,8.848002) on shape 2933 (at arc-length 14397.19m): 60.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37444 000000610063 Delmenhorst Am Wollepark Delmenhorst Am Wollepark 53.054214000000 8.632236000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L37445 000009902952 Delmenhorst Am Wollepark Delmenhorst Am Wollepark 53.054227000000 8.632223000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37519 000009903636 Delmenhorst Schollendamm Delmenhorst Schollendamm 53.033997000000 8.650758000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L37520 000009903637 Delmenhorst Schollendamm Delmenhorst Schollendamm 53.033988000000 8.650773000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37539 000009903271 Delmenhorst Gorch-Fock-Straße Delmenhorst Gorch-Fock-Straße 53.072621000000 8.630856000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
L37540 000009903272 Delmenhorst Gorch-Fock-Straße Delmenhorst Gorch-Fock-Straße 53.072621000000 8.630842000000 0 0 710-710|Delmenhorst-1710|Heidkrug-1709|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37778 000009907099 Husbäke Schule Husbäke Schule 53.086526000000 7.991491000000 0 0 755-755|VBN-VBN 1
L41167 000009907098 Husbäke Schule Husbäke Schule 53.086531000000 7.991491000000 0 0 755-755|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37786 000007734531 Petersfehn II Reithalle Petersfehn II Reithalle 53.151700000000 8.100210000000 0 0 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 408563073 is too far from computed projection point (53.146319,8.134024) on shape 4417 (at arc-length 20301.91m): 2332.98m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 408563061 is too far from computed projection point (53.146319,8.134024) on shape 4426 (at arc-length 6249.45m): 2332.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37959 000001932777 Halvesbostel Dorfstraße 80 Halvesbostel Dorfstraße 80 53.348824000000 9.589695000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L37960 000193277800 Halvesbostel Dorfstraße 80 Halvesbostel Dorfstraße 80 53.348792000000 9.589740000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37961 000205990300 Eckel Bahnhofstraße Eckel Bahnhofstraße 53.368156000000 9.909180000000 0 0 9900-554|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 390513839 is too far from computed projection point (53.368475,9.909900) on shape 10314 (at arc-length 705.34m): 59.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 390513838 is too far from computed projection point (53.368475,9.909900) on shape 10315 (at arc-length 705.34m): 59.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 390513840 is too far from computed projection point (53.368475,9.909900) on shape 10313 (at arc-length 1495.37m): 59.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 390513837 is too far from computed projection point (53.368475,9.909900) on shape 10316 (at arc-length 1495.37m): 59.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37982 000090421001 Hannover Goetheplatz SB - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.372974000000 9.724739000000 0 000000900421 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L37983 000090421002 Hannover Goetheplatz Bus 52.373062000000 9.725000000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L53003 000090421005 Hannover Goetheplatz Bus 52.373073000000 9.725053000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38008 000091441005 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323143000000 9.783273000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
L52860 000091441006 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323137000000 9.783201000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38010 000091471004 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315142000000 9.791888000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
L52865 000091471007 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315148000000 9.791915000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38037 000092311003 Hannover Pappelwiese Bus 52.404087000000 9.824847000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092311003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38049 000092591007 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt Stadtbahn 2 52.412209000000 9.749730000000 0 000000902591 0 SB2 3
L47773 000000902591 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt 52.411272000000 9.749209000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 110.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38065 090010331101 Hannover Meyers Garten 52.389752000000 9.853004000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
L38066 090010331102 Hannover Meyers Garten 52.389752000000 9.853004000000 0 0 1-1|GVH-GVH|Hannover-5000
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38095 000094399012 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder Stadtbahn 2 52.416181000000 9.633461000000 0 000000904399 0 SB2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094399012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38148 000001300010 Darchau Darchau 53.240127000000 10.896755000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L41378 000001390010 Darchau Darchau 53.240091000000 10.896738000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38168 000001300035 Neuhaus(Elbe) ZOB Neuhaus(Elbe) ZOB 53.285675000000 10.927048000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L41296 000130006800 Neuhaus(Elbe) ZOB Neuhaus(Elbe) ZOB 53.285708000000 10.927053000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38181 000001300048 Stapel(Amt Neuhaus) II Stapel(Amt Neuhaus) II 53.253892000000 10.958423000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L41361 000001390048 Stapel(Amt Neuhaus) II Stapel(Amt Neuhaus) II 53.253873000000 10.958452000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38201 000000706473 Fintel Tostedter Damm Fintel Tostedter Damm 53.219938000000 9.678459000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
L44502 000009902621 Fintel Tostedter Damm Fintel Tostedter Damm 53.219952000000 9.678399000000 0 0 360-360|Fintel-0360|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38202 000000143292 Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB 53.471898000000 7.484350000000 0 0 4 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
L38203 000000153292 Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB Aurich(Ostfriesl) ZOB 53.471918000000 7.484285000000 0 0 5 400-400|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38224 000000115699 Platjenwerbe Am Brahmhof Platjenwerbe Am Brahmhof 53.183256000000 8.688518000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
L38225 000009916005 Platjenwerbe Am Brahmhof Platjenwerbe Am Brahmhof 53.183257000000 8.688578000000 0 0 209-209|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38281 000000817530 Uelzen JVA Uelzen JVA 52.994569000000 10.547607000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3639.13m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 3639.13m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 3639.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38659 000000170527 Bernte Ort Bernte Ort 52.421170000000 7.316195000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN|9093-9093|911-7911|EMS-EMS|Leschede-LES 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173118 is too far from computed projection point (52.421917,7.316343) on shape 8996 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38709 000000196197 Wildeshausen Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Straße Wildeshausen Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Straße 52.884291000000 8.446112000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L47128 000009914832 Wildeshausen Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Straße Wildeshausen Elly-Heuss-Knapp-Straße 52.884250000000 8.446142000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38711 000000196199 Wildeshausen Galaxienring Wildeshausen Galaxienring 52.881669000000 8.435589000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L47129 000009914834 Wildeshausen Galaxienring Wildeshausen Galaxienring 52.881641000000 8.435616000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38714 070010501001 Meppen Schullendamm 52.691632000000 7.271990000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38851 070010353601 Meppen Schullendamm 52.691632000000 7.271990000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38754 090010369501 Rethmar Vor dem Dorf 52.315565000000 10.007856000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L38755 090010369502 Rethmar Vor dem Dorf 52.315565000000 10.007856000000 0 0 103-103|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38856 070010558801 Meppen Windthorstplatz 52.692939000000 7.292122000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
L38870 070010561201 Meppen Windthorstplatz 52.692939000000 7.292122000000 0 0 4035-4035|EMS-EMS|Meppen-MEP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38882 000000854693 Northeim Holthuser Straße Northeim Holthuser Straße 51.716726000000 10.007763000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
L46010 000009906958 Northeim Holthuser Straße Northeim Holthuser Straße 51.716717000000 10.007756000000 0 0 Northeim-3400|Northeim(Han)-400|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38888 000000817226 Jastorf Schanzenweg Jastorf Schanzenweg 53.045522000000 10.601983000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
L40850 000009908902 Jastorf Schanzenweg Jastorf Schanzenweg 53.045510000000 10.601987000000 0 0 107-107|2004-2004|Bad Bevensen-BBV|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38890 000009901131 Emmendorf Alte Salzstraße Emmendorf Alte Salzstraße 53.019970000000 10.572161000000 0 0 107-107|207-207|UE-UE 1
L38896 000000817244 Emmendorf Alte Salzstraße Emmendorf Alte Salzstraße 53.019958000000 10.572168000000 0 0 107-107|207-207|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38900 000090469001 Hannover Am Küchengarten Stadtbahn 52.371455000000 9.713151000000 0 000000900469 0 SB1 1
L52811 000090469005 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371466000000 9.713097000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38903 000090031004 Hannover Hauptbahnhof UB stadtauswärts 52.378442000000 9.743020000000 0 000000900031 0 UB2 4
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 254.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38904 000090431011 Hannover Humboldtstraße Baustelle O-Br. 52.367972000000 9.723616000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38904 000090431011 Hannover Humboldtstraße Baustelle O-Br. 52.367972000000 9.723616000000 0 0 BusE1 1
L48852 000090431008 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.367972000000 9.723616000000 0 0 BusE5 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38905 000090465001 Hannover Glocksee/Betriebshof Stadtbahn 52.374537000000 9.718379000000 0 0 SB3 1
L38906 000090465002 Hannover Glocksee/Betriebshof Stadtbahn 52.374499000000 9.718379000000 0 0 SB4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38908 000090485004 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.374477000000 9.694996000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38916 000090551002 Hannover Schwarzer Bär SB 3/9/17 52.368126000000 9.721263000000 0 000000900551 0 SB2 3
L47684 000000900551 Hannover Schwarzer Bär 52.367616000000 9.719691000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 120.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38922 000090031005 Hannover Hauptbahnhof UB stadtauswärts 52.378382000000 9.743199000000 0 000000900031 0 UB4 4
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 255.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38933 000091665001 Gleidingen Thorstraße Stadtbahn 52.273870000000 9.839247000000 0 000000901665 0 SB1 1
L52885 000091665005 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.273898000000 9.839238000000 0 000000901665 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38934 000091665003 Gleidingen Thorstraße Stadtbahn 2 52.274118000000 9.839238000000 0 000000901665 0 SB2 1
L56059 000091665007 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.274090000000 9.839256000000 0 000000901665 0 31666 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38940 000091711003 Sarstedt Am Boksberg Bus RV Hildesh. 52.247880000000 9.856675000000 0 0 Str1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091711003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38957 000090469002 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 120 52.371121000000 9.713097000000 0 0 Bus 5 1
L52812 000090469006 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371121000000 9.713052000000 0 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38964 000090971002 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341894000000 9.716205000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38964 000090971002 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341894000000 9.716205000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L52842 000090971004 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341905000000 9.716205000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38965 000091001002 Hannover Mühlenberger Markt Bus 52.341466000000 9.693406000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L48002 000091001004 Hannover Mühlenberger Markt Bus 52.341488000000 9.693361000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38979 000091641004 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.286165000000 9.820185000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L52879 000091641005 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.286176000000 9.820158000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38981 000092301002 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409304000000 9.816807000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092301002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38993 000093221006 Hannover Misburger Straße Bus 52.378700000000 9.807618000000 0 0 Bus 7 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093221006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L38997 090010453101 Letter Schäferweg 52.404662000000 9.646093000000 0 0 2-2|205-205|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L38998 090010453102 Letter Schäferweg 52.404662000000 9.646093000000 0 0 2-2|205-205|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39001 090010467901 Garbsen-Mitte Osteriede 52.429562000000 9.611128000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L39002 090010467902 Garbsen-Mitte Osteriede 52.429562000000 9.611128000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39008 000009911498 Hollenstede Kirche Hollenstede Kirche 52.491840000000 7.683523000000 0 0 680-7680|Bersenbrück-7690|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 401777740 is too far from computed projection point (52.491733,7.681950) on shape 7366 (at arc-length 4633.52m): 107.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39092 000001915701 Gnarrenburg Herrmann-Lamprecht-Straße 6 Gnarrenburg Herrmann-Lamprecht-Straße 6 53.386930000000 9.005484000000 0 0 355-355|VBN-VBN 1
L44589 000009905250 Gnarrenburg Herrmann-Lamprecht-Straße 6 Gnarrenburg Herrmann-Lamprecht-Straße 6 53.386957000000 9.005514000000 0 0 355-355|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39208 000000111133 Oyten-Bassen Penny-Markt Oyten-Bassen Penny-Markt 53.067342000000 9.092545000000 0 0 310-310|Sagehorn-1310|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 412345409 is too far from computed projection point (53.067378,9.091632) on shape 3563 (at arc-length 8780.93m): 61.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 412345407 is too far from computed projection point (53.067378,9.091632) on shape 3564 (at arc-length 9626.94m): 61.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39310 000001800168 Celle Altenhagen Feuerwehrhaus Celle Altenhagen Feuerwehrhaus 52.635905000000 10.110402000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39311 000180020500 Celle Altenhagen Feuerwehrhaus Celle Altenhagen Feuerwehrhaus 52.635895000000 10.110393000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39328 000001800129 Celle Am Föscherberg Celle Am Föscherberg 52.594469000000 10.104557000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39329 000180015800 Celle Am Föscherberg Celle Am Föscherberg 52.594497000000 10.104592000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39335 000100657000 Celle Am Stellhorn Celle Am Stellhorn 52.675921000000 10.076331000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39336 000001006565 Celle Am Stellhorn Celle Am Stellhorn 52.675900000000 10.076324000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39338 000001800067 Celle Amselstieg Celle Amselstieg 52.603979000000 10.049316000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39339 000180008400 Celle Amselstieg Celle Amselstieg 52.603976000000 10.049350000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39346 000001800118 Celle Arlohstraße Celle Arlohstraße 52.676561000000 10.078695000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39347 000180014500 Celle Arlohstraße Celle Arlohstraße 52.676589000000 10.078701000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39379 000001006559 Hermannsburg-Beckedorf Oldendorfer Straße Hermannsburg-Beckedorf Oldendorfer Straße 52.812320000000 10.061130000000 0 0 237-237|CE-CE 1
L39380 000100656100 Hermannsburg-Beckedorf Oldendorfer Straße Hermannsburg-Beckedorf Oldendorfer Straße 52.812303000000 10.061181000000 0 0 237-237|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39403 000100651900 Bergen(Kr Celle) Bahnhofstraße Bergen(Kr Celle) Bahnhofstraße 52.808814000000 9.964541000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 363007196 is too far from computed projection point (52.808822,9.965593) on shape 10485 (at arc-length 9649.55m): 70.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39404 000001006516 Bergen(Kr Celle) Bahnhofstraße Bergen(Kr Celle) Bahnhofstraße 52.808873000000 9.966668000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 412455544 is too far from computed projection point (52.808844,9.965605) on shape 10470 (at arc-length 16680.05m): 71.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39410 000001006603 Bergen(Kr Celle) Hermannsburger Straße Bergen(Kr Celle) Hermannsburger Straße 52.810660000000 9.981799000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
L39411 000100661300 Bergen(Kr Celle) Hermannsburger Straße Bergen(Kr Celle) Hermannsburger Straße 52.810658000000 9.981824000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39412 000001006604 Bergen(Kr Celle) Hinrich-Wolff-Schule Bergen(Kr Celle) Hinrich-Wolff-Schule 52.808566000000 9.956940000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
L42373 000100661500 Bergen(Kr Celle) Hinrich-Wolff-Schule Bergen(Kr Celle) Hinrich-Wolff-Schule 52.808565000000 9.956985000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39415 000181022500 Bergen(Kr Celle) OBS Bergen(Kr Celle) OBS 52.808998000000 9.950310000000 0 0 234-234|CE-CE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 412455958 is too far from computed projection point (52.809001,9.951104) on shape 10480 (at arc-length 23086.56m): 53.37m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 363007104 is too far from computed projection point (52.809001,9.951104) on shape 10482 (at arc-length 14406.73m): 53.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39437 000001810028 Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Alte Poststraße Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Alte Poststraße 52.580541000000 10.156456000000 0 0 804-804|CE-CE 1
L39438 000181003500 Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Alte Poststraße Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Alte Poststraße 52.580551000000 10.156436000000 0 0 804-804|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39439 000001810020 Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Denkmal Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Denkmal 52.577876000000 10.148835000000 0 0 804-804|CE-CE 1
L39440 000181002400 Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Denkmal Wienhausen-Bockelskamp Denkmal 52.577857000000 10.148809000000 0 0 804-804|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39491 000001800149 Celle Dörnbergstraße Celle Dörnbergstraße 52.626989000000 10.099502000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39492 000180018400 Celle Dörnbergstraße Celle Dörnbergstraße 52.627013000000 10.099493000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39536 000001006617 Faßberg Fliegerhorst Faßberg Fliegerhorst 52.903245000000 10.178464000000 0 0 246-246|CE-CE 1
L39537 000100663100 Faßberg Fliegerhorst Faßberg Fliegerhorst 52.903262000000 10.178454000000 0 0 246-246|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39556 000001803039 Flackenhorst Ortsmitte Flackenhorst Ortsmitte 52.570671000000 10.139216000000 0 0 817-817|CE-CE 1
L39557 000180304000 Flackenhorst Ortsmitte Flackenhorst Ortsmitte 52.570682000000 10.139213000000 0 0 817-817|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39570 000001000192 Celle Garßen Schule Celle Garßen Schule 52.657155000000 10.132473000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39571 000001090192 Celle Garßen Schule Celle Garßen Schule 52.657146000000 10.132503000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39655 000001006566 Celle Harburger Heerstraße Celle Harburger Heerstraße 52.637559000000 10.079554000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL|9355-9361 1
L39656 000100657200 Celle Harburger Heerstraße Celle Harburger Heerstraße 52.637572000000 10.079557000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39672 000001800081 Celle Heidbrink Celle Heidbrink 52.602865000000 10.010099000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39673 000180010700 Celle Heidbrink Celle Heidbrink 52.602889000000 10.010114000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39686 000001006628 Hermannsburg Hustedtstraße Hermannsburg Hustedtstraße 52.827743000000 10.085625000000 0 0 239-239|CE-CE 1
L39687 000100664300 Hermannsburg Hustedtstraße Hermannsburg Hustedtstraße 52.827768000000 10.085665000000 0 0 239-239|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39691 000001006631 Hermannsburg Ortsmitte/Rathaus Hermannsburg Ortsmitte/Rathaus 52.832216000000 10.087825000000 0 0 239-239|CE-CE 1
L39692 000100664700 Hermannsburg Ortsmitte/Rathaus Hermannsburg Ortsmitte/Rathaus 52.832209000000 10.087838000000 0 0 239-239|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39861 000001006587 Unterlüß-Neu Lutterloh Unterlüß-Neu Lutterloh 52.829931000000 10.250567000000 0 0 68-68|CE-CE|Unterlüß-UNT 1
L39862 000100659800 Unterlüß-Neu Lutterloh Unterlüß-Neu Lutterloh 52.829937000000 10.250513000000 0 0 68-68|CE-CE|Unterlüß-UNT 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39873 000001006588 Faßberg-Niederohe Faßberg-Niederohe 52.874220000000 10.209741000000 0 0 63-63|CE-CE|9345-9356 1
L39874 000100660000 Faßberg-Niederohe Faßberg-Niederohe 52.874216000000 10.209779000000 0 0 63-63|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39881 000001800078 Celle Nöldekestraße Celle Nöldekestraße 52.634674000000 10.099812000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39882 000180010300 Celle Nöldekestraße Celle Nöldekestraße 52.634683000000 10.099828000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39939 000001800154 Celle Pestalozziallee Celle Pestalozziallee 52.598453000000 10.110035000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39940 000180018900 Celle Pestalozziallee Celle Pestalozziallee 52.598422000000 10.110085000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39950 000001800184 Celle Prinzengarten Celle Prinzengarten 52.632692000000 10.092573000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39951 000180022900 Celle Prinzengarten Celle Prinzengarten 52.632679000000 10.092586000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39952 000001800069 Celle Rehbockstraße Celle Rehbockstraße 52.606633000000 10.047702000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39953 000180008800 Celle Rehbockstraße Celle Rehbockstraße 52.606630000000 10.047745000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39954 000001800002 Garßen Riethkamp Garßen Riethkamp 52.662356000000 10.125043000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L39955 000180000400 Garßen Riethkamp Garßen Riethkamp 52.662333000000 10.125035000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L39989 000001006647 Schmarbeck Grube Schmarbeck Grube 52.887543000000 10.192415000000 0 0 62-62|CE-CE 1
L39990 000100666900 Schmarbeck Grube Schmarbeck Grube 52.887583000000 10.192432000000 0 0 62-62|CE-CE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40039 000001800196 Celle Trift/Landkreisverwaltung Celle Trift/Landkreisverwaltung 52.622413000000 10.069981000000 0 0 1-1|1001-1001|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L40040 000180024100 Celle Trift/Landkreisverwaltung Celle Trift/Landkreisverwaltung 52.622412000000 10.070000000000 0 0 1-1|1001-1001|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40122 000001007109 Wietze Kurhaus Wietze Kurhaus 52.646990000000 9.863081000000 0 0 911-911|CE-CE 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 363008251 is too far from computed projection point (52.647108,9.862251) on shape 10553 (at arc-length 0.11m): 57.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40165 000001800063 Celle Wittenbergstraße Celle Wittenbergstraße 52.661857000000 10.129806000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
L40166 000180007900 Celle Wittenbergstraße Celle Wittenbergstraße 52.661869000000 10.129787000000 0 0 1-1|CE-CE|Celle-CEL 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40272 000008523911 Hedemünden Mündener Straße Hedemünden Mündener Straße 51.390270000000 9.762950000000 0 0 Hedemünden-303|Hedemünden-3303|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 353410500 is too far from computed projection point (51.389950,9.763733) on shape 5615 (at arc-length 17514.96m): 64.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 353410464 is too far from computed projection point (51.389950,9.763733) on shape 5617 (at arc-length 19082.61m): 64.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 353410497 is too far from computed projection point (51.389950,9.763733) on shape 5616 (at arc-length 13770.68m): 64.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 353410459 is too far from computed projection point (51.389950,9.763733) on shape 5622 (at arc-length 19308.90m): 64.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 353410447 is too far from computed projection point (51.389950,9.763733) on shape 5623 (at arc-length 15112.19m): 64.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40284 000001932787 Zeven Südring/Zur Reege Zeven Südring/Zur Reege 53.279161000000 9.288108000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L47282 000009911876 Zeven Südring/Zur Reege Zeven Südring/Zur Reege 53.279161000000 9.288108000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40287 000090501004 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375322000000 9.701446000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090501004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40287 000090501004 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375322000000 9.701446000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L52816 000090501006 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375327000000 9.701428000000 0 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40334 400000403101 Lühmannsdorf Sägewerk 54.010100000000 13.642252000000 0 0
L40335 400000403106 Lühmannsdorf Sägewerk 54.010100000000 13.642252000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40352 400000407101 Diedrichshagen 54.053453000000 13.476898000000 0 0
L40353 400000407106 Diedrichshagen 54.053453000000 13.476898000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40507 400000427101 Benz Fritz-Behnstraße 53.940851000000 14.069440000000 0 0
L40508 400000427106 Benz Fritz-Behnstraße 53.940851000000 14.069440000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40543 400000432101 Rankwitz 53.946402000000 13.927548000000 0 0
L40544 400000432106 Rankwitz 53.946402000000 13.927548000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40545 400000432201 Rankwitz Hafen 53.935767000000 13.934629000000 0 0
L40546 400000432206 Rankwitz Hafen 53.935767000000 13.934629000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40547 400000432301 Rankwitz Ausbau 53.937262000000 13.932824000000 0 0
L40548 400000432306 Rankwitz Ausbau 53.937262000000 13.932824000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40549 400000432401 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L40550 400000432406 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40549 400000432401 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L52914 400000432402 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40549 400000432401 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L52915 400000432407 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40550 400000432406 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L52914 400000432402 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40550 400000432406 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L52915 400000432407 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40551 400000432501 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
L40552 400000432506 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40551 400000432501 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
L52916 400000432507 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40552 400000432506 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
L52916 400000432507 Rankwitz-Suckow B110 Abzw. 53.891857000000 13.963075000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40553 400000432601 Rankwitz-Krienke 53.923674000000 13.948454000000 0 0
L40554 400000432606 Rankwitz-Krienke 53.923674000000 13.948454000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40555 400000432701 Rankwitz-Quilitz 53.956301000000 13.919552000000 0 0
L40556 400000432706 Rankwitz-Quilitz 53.956301000000 13.919552000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40598 400000442101 Zirchow 53.892035000000 14.142385000000 0 0
L40599 400000442106 Zirchow 53.892035000000 14.142385000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40600 400000442201 Zirchow Lindenstraße 53.885406000000 14.133559000000 0 0
L40601 400000442206 Zirchow Lindenstraße 53.885406000000 14.133559000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40655 000001039115 Westerstede Oberschule Westerstede Oberschule 53.262518000000 7.925595000000 0 0 164-164|760-760|VBN-VBN|VEJ-VEJ|Westerstede-1760 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 400796412 is too far from computed projection point (53.262189,7.924791) on shape 1336 (at arc-length 0.00m): 64.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40663 400000442301 Zirchow-Kutzow 53.887269000000 14.128093000000 0 0
L40664 400000442306 Zirchow-Kutzow 53.887269000000 14.128093000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40676 000000805056 Idsingen Nr. 21 Idsingen Nr. 21 52.903756000000 9.472495000000 0 0 31-31|HK-HK 1
L45121 000009908184 Idsingen Nr. 21 Idsingen Nr. 21 52.903760000000 9.472490000000 0 0 31-31|HK-HK 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40677 000000805002 Walsrode Ostdeutsche Allee Walsrode Ostdeutsche Allee 52.864556000000 9.598579000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
L47543 000000805001 Walsrode Ostdeutsche Allee Walsrode Ostdeutsche Allee 52.864556000000 9.598579000000 0 0 33-33|HK-HK|Heidekreis 33u30-WAL3|Heidekreis 33u32-WAL1|Heidekreis 33u34-WAL2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40866 000009913202 Römstedt-Drögennottorf Römstedt-Drögennottorf 53.103175000000 10.654471000000 0 0 37-37|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 980.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 980.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40941 120010872801 Wolfsburg-Almke Zum Siekberg 52.343279000000 10.852221000000 0 0 1 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
L40942 120010872802 Wolfsburg-Almke Zum Siekberg 52.343279000000 10.852221000000 0 0 2 20-20|VRB-VRB|Wolfsburg-4020
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40945 000090101009 Hannover Aegidientorplatz Bus 52.369815000000 9.744080000000 0 0 BusVG 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40946 000090431006 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369887000000 9.723481000000 0 0 BusE4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40946 000090431006 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369887000000 9.723481000000 0 0 BusE4 1
L41033 000090431005 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369859000000 9.723526000000 0 0 BusE3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40947 000090441003 Hannover Waterlooplatz Bus 52.368625000000 9.729347000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
L52821 000090451016 Hannover Waterloo SEV Allerw./SchwBär 52.368636000000 9.729329000000 0 0 SEV 3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40948 000090465005 Hannover Glocksee/Betriebshof Bus 52.374340000000 9.718496000000 0 0 BusE1 1
L40949 000090465006 Hannover Glocksee/Betriebshof Bus 52.374378000000 9.718460000000 0 0 BusE2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40953 000090031006 Hannover Hauptbahnhof UB stadteinwärts 52.378272000000 9.742741000000 0 000000900031 0 UB1 4
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 228.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40967 000000174224 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Nelkenstraße Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Nelkenstraße 52.233443000000 7.948022000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L55591 000000194224 Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Nelkenstraße Hasbergen(Kr Osnabrück) Nelkenstraße 52.233431000000 7.948016000000 0 0 412-7412|Hasbergen-7412|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40970 000093001004 Hannover Uhlhornstraße Bus 52.371373000000 9.794089000000 0 0 BusE3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093001004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L40981 000009907028 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L40982 000009907029 Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB Nörten-Hardenberg Bahnhof/ZOB 51.628581000000 9.933577000000 0 0 Nörten-Hardenberg-390|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41033 000090431005 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369859000000 9.723526000000 0 0 BusE3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41034 000090469008 Hannover Am Küchengarten Baustelle 52.371060000000 9.713798000000 0 0 BusE3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41064 000002011501 Nordholz-Spieka-Steinau Wurster Straße 51 Nordholz-Spieka-Steinau Wurster Straße 51 53.755365000000 8.588162000000 0 0 280-280|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
L41073 000009906293 Nordholz-Spieka-Steinau Wurster Straße 51 Nordholz-Spieka-Steinau Wurster Straße 51 53.755393000000 8.588158000000 0 0 280-280|CUX-CUX|Nordholz-1280|VBN-VBN|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41070 000002010404 Cuxhaven-Holte-Spangen Sixtstraße Cuxhaven-Holte-Spangen Sixtstraße 53.848852000000 8.642544000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
L41071 000009902163 Cuxhaven-Holte-Spangen Sixtstraße Cuxhaven-Holte-Spangen Sixtstraße 53.848813000000 8.642581000000 0 0 2-2|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41099 000001916495 Lilienthal-Wührden Moorkampstraße Lilienthal-Wührden Moorkampstraße 53.177292000000 8.848383000000 0 0 219-219|VBN-VBN 1
L45473 000009909775 Lilienthal-Wührden Moorkampstraße Lilienthal-Wührden Moorkampstraße 53.177276000000 8.848398000000 0 0 219-219|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41108 000000104934 Oldenburg(Oldb) Dürerstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Dürerstraße 53.174274000000 8.159406000000 0 0 740-740|750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L41165 000000194394 Oldenburg(Oldb) Dürerstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Dürerstraße 53.174255000000 8.159389000000 0 0 740-740|750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41116 000009907410 Ohrwege An den Feldkämpen Ohrwege An den Feldkämpen 53.173746000000 7.966965000000 0 0 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
L41416 000009907411 Ohrwege An den Feldkämpen Ohrwege An den Feldkämpen 53.173743000000 7.966971000000 0 0 750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41148 000000196117 Oldenburg(Oldb) Uni/Campus Haarentor Oldenburg(Oldb) Uni/Campus Haarentor 53.146841000000 8.179983000000 0 0 C 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 403955741 is too far from computed projection point (53.146201,8.179286) on shape 1141 (at arc-length 0.00m): 85.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41182 000095271003 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Ricklingen Bus 52.334507000000 9.716735000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095271003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41183 000095271004 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Ricklingen Bus 52.334594000000 9.716933000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095271004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41195 000090431012 Hannover Humboldtstraße Baustelle O-Br. 52.368329000000 9.723490000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41196 000090971003 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341494000000 9.717067000000 0 0 BusE4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41218 130000413501 Boizenburg-Bahlen 53.365553000000 10.763158000000 0 0
L41219 130000413506 Boizenburg-Bahlen 53.365553000000 10.763158000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41227 130000443003 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57036 130000443001 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41227 130000443003 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57037 130000443002 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41227 130000443003 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57038 130000443004 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41227 130000443003 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57039 130000443009 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41230 130000467001 Lübtheen Kirchplatz 53.302672000000 11.083133000000 0 0
L57138 130000467002 Lübtheen Kirchplatz 53.302672000000 11.083133000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41265 130000506001 Toddin Dorfmitte 53.417220000000 11.133273000000 0 0
L41266 130000506006 Toddin Dorfmitte 53.417220000000 11.133273000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41267 130000506101 Gramnitz 53.404660000000 11.115906000000 0 0
L41268 130000506106 Gramnitz 53.404660000000 11.115906000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41270 130000609201 Neu Wendischthun 53.305055000000 10.775972000000 0 0 HVV-HVV
L41271 130000609206 Neu Wendischthun 53.305055000000 10.775972000000 0 0 HVV-HVV
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41323 130004480201 Jessenitz Ausbau 53.263374000000 11.067266000000 0 0
L41324 130004480206 Jessenitz Ausbau 53.263374000000 11.067266000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41350 130006092101 Neu Wendischthun Abzw. 53.303751000000 10.786639000000 0 0 HVV-HVV
L41351 130006092107 Neu Wendischthun Abzw. 53.303751000000 10.786639000000 0 0 HVV-HVV
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41397 000000817284 Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord 53.106320000000 10.715856000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162511 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7285 (at arc-length 23253.16m): 4653.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406162497 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7279 (at arc-length 26711.14m): 4653.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162491 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7281 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4653.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 406162582 is too far from computed projection point (53.095061,10.648728) on shape 7276 (at arc-length 15922.91m): 4653.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41397 000000817284 Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord 53.106320000000 10.715856000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
L52097 000008172842 Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord Himbergen-Rohrstorf Nord 53.106315000000 10.715873000000 0 0 47-47|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41403 000009914170 Westerweyhe Wiesengrund Westerweyhe Wiesengrund 53.000126000000 10.511354000000 0 0 117-117|2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 5217.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 5217.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 5217.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41433 000000164762 Wildeshausen Düngstruper Straße/Ottostraße Wildeshausen Düngstruper Straße/Ottostraße 52.882089000000 8.418496000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L43129 000009914831 Wildeshausen Düngstruper Straße/Ottostraße Wildeshausen Düngstruper Straße/Ottostraße 52.882070000000 8.418552000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41464 000090011009 Hannover Kröpcke U-Bahn C-Str. Steint 52.373687000000 9.739319000000 0 000000900011 0 SB6 5
L47656 000000900011 Hannover Kröpcke 52.374477000000 9.738582000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 101.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41468 000090042009 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378683000000 9.741160000000 0 0 F1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41469 000090042010 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378568000000 9.740828000000 0 0 F10 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41502 000090421010 Hannover Goetheplatz SB5 - Humboldtstr. 52.372037000000 9.723383000000 0 0 SB3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41503 000090421011 Hannover Goetheplatz SB6 - Glocksee 52.372124000000 9.723481000000 0 0 SB4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41621 000000171365 Schapen(Emsld) Rosken Schapen(Emsld) Rosken 52.403290000000 7.557083000000 0 0 4046-4046|953-7953|EMS-EMS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402173089 is too far from computed projection point (52.403326,7.559430) on shape 8986 (at arc-length 1598.54m): 159.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41644 000000171380 Spelle Schulzentrum Spelle Schulzentrum 52.370280000000 7.470572000000 0 0 432-432|VEJ-VEJ|4049-4049|955-7955|EMS-EMS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 402173125 is too far from computed projection point (52.369674,7.471554) on shape 9011 (at arc-length 12792.30m): 94.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41650 000000171400 Schapen(Emsld) Sportzentrum Schapen(Emsld) Sportzentrum 52.402950000000 7.547210000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO|4046-4046|953-7953|EMS-EMS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 402173125 is too far from computed projection point (52.402255,7.546882) on shape 9011 (at arc-length 1219.50m): 80.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41681 000000900241 Hannover An der Strangriede 52.391420000000 9.720400000000 1 0
L50491 000090241009 Hannover An der Strangriede SEV 52.390422000000 9.720975000000 0 000000900241 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 117.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41713 000002010019 Cuxhaven Präsident-Herwig-Straße Cuxhaven Präsident-Herwig-Straße 53.864303000000 8.706770000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
L41721 000009912195 Cuxhaven Präsident-Herwig-Straße Cuxhaven Präsident-Herwig-Straße 53.864320000000 8.706724000000 0 0 1-1|CUX-CUX|Cuxhaven 1u2-CUX12|Cuxhaven 1u3-CUX13|Cuxhaven 1u4-CUX14|VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41731 000090031007 Hannover Hauptbahnhof UB stadteinwärts 52.378327000000 9.742562000000 0 000000900031 0 UB3 4
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 227.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41742 000096689007 Altwarmbüchen Ernst-Grote-Str. EBus (ab 08/13) 52.426574000000 9.846533000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096689007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41743 000096689008 Altwarmbüchen Ernst-Grote-Str. EBus (ab 08/13) 52.426574000000 9.846533000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096689008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41755 000012036301 Bückeburg Scheier Straße Bückeburg Scheier Straße | Haltestelle 1 52.264030000000 9.055665000000 0 0 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 409684350 is too far from computed projection point (52.263326,9.055661) on shape 11562 (at arc-length 5555.17m): 78.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41764 000000197596 Gyhum-Hesedorf Bahnhof Gyhum-Hesedorf Bahnhof 53.209959000000 9.327816000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L47295 000009912222 Gyhum-Hesedorf Bahnhof Gyhum-Hesedorf Bahnhof 53.209947000000 9.327817000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41778 000000140106 Bensersiel Am Hafen Bensersiel Am Hafen 53.674235000000 7.575431000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
L47290 000009912187 Bensersiel Am Hafen Bensersiel Am Hafen 53.674221000000 7.575424000000 0 0 301-301|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41782 000090161004 Hannover Königsworther Platz Bus Südwest 52.378025000000 9.722664000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090161004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41809 120010147201 Glentorf Rotdornallee 52.329009000000 10.799867000000 0 0 A 35-35|Königslutter-4035|VRB-VRB
L41810 120010147202 Glentorf Rotdornallee 52.329009000000 10.799867000000 0 0 B 35-35|Königslutter-4035|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41946 000000173804 Bennien Brömmelkampsweg Bennien Brömmelkampsweg 52.182227000000 8.469191000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L48975 000001738042 Bennien Brömmelkampsweg Bennien Brömmelkampsweg 52.182227000000 8.469191000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L41974 000000144735 Melle ZOB Melle ZOB 52.205664000000 8.334464000000 0 0 14 360-7360|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 402173152 is too far from computed projection point (52.206619,8.334647) on shape 9016 (at arc-length 13750.82m): 106.92m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 402173145 is too far from computed projection point (52.206619,8.334647) on shape 9018 (at arc-length 17104.27m): 106.92m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 402173151 is too far from computed projection point (52.206619,8.334647) on shape 9017 (at arc-length 16537.61m): 106.92m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 402174948 is too far from computed projection point (52.206619,8.334647) on shape 9247 (at arc-length 24107.25m): 106.92m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 402173299 is too far from computed projection point (52.206619,8.334647) on shape 9093 (at arc-length 25039.47m): 106.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42148 000000737833 Melle-Neuenkirchen Schulzentrum Melle-Neuenkirchen Schulzentrum 52.137962000000 8.384827000000 0 0 367-7367|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173162 is too far from computed projection point (52.137596,8.384318) on shape 9026 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173163 is too far from computed projection point (52.137596,8.384318) on shape 9025 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42176 000000738434 Riemsloh Schule Riemsloh Schule 52.182125000000 8.418289000000 0 0 368-7368|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173218 is too far from computed projection point (52.182224,8.419214) on shape 9052 (at arc-length 2.00m): 64.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 402173219 is too far from computed projection point (52.182224,8.419214) on shape 9051 (at arc-length 13451.82m): 64.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173215 is too far from computed projection point (52.182224,8.419214) on shape 9053 (at arc-length 2.00m): 64.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42188 000094353005 Hannover Freudenthalstraße Bus (E-Bus) 52.404860000000 9.660716000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094353005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42190 000092851010 Hannover Kantplatz Busersatzbereich 52.372223000000 9.787531000000 0 0 BusE3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092851010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42203 000009903805 Ahlhorn Ruge Ahlhorn Ruge 52.900023000000 8.217080000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
L43562 000009903806 Ahlhorn Ruge Ahlhorn Ruge 52.900021000000 8.217109000000 0 0 930-930|Großenkneten-1930|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42208 000009914845 Wildeshausen Krankenhaus Wildeshausen Krankenhaus 52.893006000000 8.432092000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L51861 000001045384 Wildeshausen Krankenhaus Wildeshausen Krankenhaus 52.893029000000 8.432098000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42242 000000105561 Oldenburg(Oldb) Schützenhofstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Schützenhofstraße 53.128836000000 8.225492000000 0 0 C 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L47528 000000195561 Oldenburg(Oldb) Schützenhofstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Schützenhofstraße 53.128814000000 8.225474000000 0 0 D 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42374 000180300800 Nienhagen(b Celle) Bahnhofstraße Nienhagen(b Celle) Bahnhofstraße 52.558028000000 10.105929000000 0 0 3-3|714-714|CE-CE|GVH-GVH|Region-5003 1
L42375 000001803007 Nienhagen(b Celle) Bahnhofstraße Nienhagen(b Celle) Bahnhofstraße 52.558068000000 10.105936000000 0 0 3-3|714-714|CE-CE|GVH-GVH|Region-5003 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42398 000001461061 Friesoythe-Eggershause Rehen Friesoythe-Eggershause Rehen 53.056103000000 7.864035000000 0 0 868-868|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 403620336 is too far from computed projection point (53.054330,7.857550) on shape 9686 (at arc-length 17735.38m): 476.13m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 403620323 is too far from computed projection point (53.054330,7.857550) on shape 9691 (at arc-length 6020.83m): 476.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42528 000009914852 Wildeshausen Raiffeisenstraße Wildeshausen Raiffeisenstraße 52.887708000000 8.428966000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
L55282 000007419822 Wildeshausen Geest Höfe Wildeshausen Geest Höfe 52.887701000000 8.429003000000 0 0 630-630|VBN-VBN|Wildeshausen-1630 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42548 000093461005 Hannover Anderten Bus 52.358285000000 9.858543000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093461005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42735 000000171786 Rheine Emsland-Gymnasium Rheine Emsland-Gymnasium 52.265000000000 7.430377000000 0 0 201-201|VEJ-VEJ|1001-1001 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173094 is too far from computed projection point (52.265165,7.429546) on shape 8990 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42901 000000171268 Ahlde Ziegelei Ahlde Ziegelei 52.377120000000 7.294212000000 0 0 909-7909|910-910|EMS-EMS|Leschede-LES 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173121 is too far from computed projection point (52.376494,7.294506) on shape 9006 (at arc-length 0.00m): 72.41m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 402173120 is too far from computed projection point (52.376494,7.294506) on shape 9007 (at arc-length 0.00m): 72.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42984 000128049006 Peine, Bahnhof Bus 52.319458000000 10.232413000000 0 0 5 1
L49017 000128049008 Peine, Bahnhof Bus 52.319453000000 10.232476000000 0 0 7 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L42990 000092851009 Hannover Kantplatz Busersatzbereich 52.372711000000 9.785088000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092851009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43020 000095001006 Empelde Bus - Abfahrt 52.343744000000 9.668549000000 0 0 BusE1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43021 000095001007 Empelde Bus - Abfahrt 52.343771000000 9.668334000000 0 0 BusE2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43022 000095001010 Empelde Zugang NW 52.344391000000 9.666555000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43023 000095001011 Empelde Zugang NO 52.344501000000 9.667723000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43221 130000521101 Zarrentin-Testorf 53.552867000000 10.860881000000 0 0 836-419
L43222 130000521106 Zarrentin-Testorf 53.552867000000 10.860881000000 0 0 836-419
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43399 000000118281 Alfstedt(b Bremervörde) Grundschule Alfstedt(b Bremervörde) Grundschule 53.544790000000 9.071120000000 0 0 ROW-ROW 1
L51657 000001182812 Alfstedt(b Bremervörde) Grundschule Alfstedt(b Bremervörde) Grundschule 53.544780000000 9.071100000000 0 0 ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43403 000000902171 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke 52.405918000000 9.799416000000 1 0
L52934 000092171014 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke SEV Stadtbahn 52.405271000000 9.798149000000 0 000000902171 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 112.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43404 000092171003 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke Bus 52.406904000000 9.799901000000 0 0 BusM3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092171003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43407 000093081005 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.358949000000 9.834881000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093081005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43509 010009361301 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51155 070010571301 Papenburg Bahnhof 53.090472000000 7.388646000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43510 010009361501 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51151 070010570901 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43510 010009361501 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51152 070010571001 Papenburg Ems Center/Mariengymnasium 53.081644000000 7.389065000000 0 0 171-171|4041-4041|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43511 010009361801 Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
L51146 070010570401 Papenburg Schulzentrum/Kleiststraße 53.073197000000 7.401079000000 0 0 172-172|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP|VEJ-VEJ
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43676 000009905712 Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Düshorner Straße Bad Fallingbostel Abzw. Düshorner Straße 52.856804000000 9.672872000000 0 0 28-28|HK-HK|Heidekreis 28u26-BFA1|Heidekreis 28u30-BFA2 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407501618 is too far from computed projection point (52.857403,9.674327) on shape 5654 (at arc-length 3381.88m): 118.24m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 407501621 is too far from computed projection point (52.857403,9.674327) on shape 5653 (at arc-length 3381.88m): 118.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43718 000009900595 Bahrendorf(Hitzacker) Ort Bahrendorf(Hitzacker) Ort 53.186270000000 10.946148000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 8082.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 8082.61m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 8082.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L43905 000009903184 Bohnste(Heeslingen) Bohnste(Heeslingen) 53.352275000000 9.354604000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L43906 000009903185 Bohnste(Heeslingen) Bohnste(Heeslingen) 53.352275000000 9.354604000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44074 000009900282 Buchholz(Aller) Schule Buchholz(Aller) Schule 52.671966000000 9.674509000000 0 0 46-46|HK-HK|Lindwedel-LIW|Schwarmstedt-SST 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 407502496 is too far from computed projection point (52.671935,9.673760) on shape 5739 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44198 000009902882 Darzau Hof Darzau Hof 53.200177000000 10.878340000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 12654.42m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 12654.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 12654.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44784 000009902687 Halen(Gem Emstek) Haske Halen(Gem Emstek) Haske 52.865855000000 8.150006000000 0 0 802-802|808-808|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 402778312 is too far from computed projection point (52.865324,8.147228) on shape 2120 (at arc-length 11377.31m): 195.57m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 402778279 is too far from computed projection point (52.865324,8.147228) on shape 2129 (at arc-length 8221.73m): 195.57m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 402778298 is too far from computed projection point (52.865324,8.147228) on shape 2125 (at arc-length 8221.73m): 195.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44827 000009903074 Harriersand Hilmer Harriersand Hilmer 53.303812000000 8.498002000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 395815337 is too far from computed projection point (53.307245,8.496762) on shape 1851 (at arc-length 98751.95m): 390.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44828 000009903075 Harriersand Körber Harriersand Körber 53.292965000000 8.496773000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 395815329 is too far from computed projection point (53.298451,8.498308) on shape 1852 (at arc-length 56319.00m): 618.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44829 000009903076 Harriersand Steengrafe Harriersand Steengrafe 53.274727000000 8.491480000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 395815329 is too far from computed projection point (53.278211,8.489572) on shape 1852 (at arc-length 60663.18m): 407.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44831 000009903078 Harriersand Warnke Harriersand Warnke 53.315852000000 8.495950000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 395815337 is too far from computed projection point (53.317353,8.495624) on shape 1851 (at arc-length 101531.72m): 168.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44836 000009903127 Hasselt Hasselterfelder Straße/Schwerinsdorfer Str. Hasselt Hasselterfelder Straße/Schwerinsdorfer Str. 53.301667000000 7.663715000000 0 0 636-636|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412429394 is too far from computed projection point (53.298999,7.672668) on shape 8389 (at arc-length 1466.11m): 664.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L44953 000009911056 Hinnenkamp Kapelle Hinnenkamp Kapelle 52.487782000000 8.115170000000 0 0 536-7536|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 399755321 is too far from computed projection point (52.482060,8.128072) on shape 2573 (at arc-length 19483.97m): 1080.78m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 399755318 is too far from computed projection point (52.482060,8.128072) on shape 2574 (at arc-length 24555.62m): 1080.78m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 399755317 is too far from computed projection point (52.482060,8.128072) on shape 2575 (at arc-length 19042.22m): 1080.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45276 000009906440 Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Nordausgang Klein Kühren(Neu Darchau) Nordausgang 53.226828000000 10.907288000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 12136.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45333 000009907593 Kuhstedtermoor Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kuhstedtermoor Dorfgemeinschaftshaus 53.345917000000 8.969171000000 0 0 355-355|VBN-VBN 1
L45334 000009907594 Kuhstedtermoor Dorfgemeinschaftshaus Kuhstedtermoor Dorfgemeinschaftshaus 53.345917000000 8.969171000000 0 0 355-355|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45638 000009907241 Meyenburg(Schwanewede) Wachendorf Meyenburg(Schwanewede) Wachendorf 53.271635000000 8.597742000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
L45639 000009907242 Meyenburg(Schwanewede) Wachendorf Meyenburg(Schwanewede) Wachendorf 53.271633000000 8.597742000000 0 0 205-205|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45750 000009908729 Neu Darchau Kindergarten Neu Darchau Kindergarten 53.230365000000 10.890390000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 13220.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L45796 000009909163 Neuenwalde(Damme) Markus Neuenwalde(Damme) Markus 52.503588000000 8.154617000000 0 0 537-7537|MPL-MPL|VGV-VGV|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 399755075 is too far from computed projection point (52.502835,8.152990) on shape 2494 (at arc-length 4339.04m): 138.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46086 000009908860 Osterholz-Scharmbeck Kreishaus Osterholz-Scharmbeck Kreishaus 53.224911000000 8.807129000000 0 0 210-210|Osterholz-Scharmbeck-1210|Ritterhude-1209|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 395815447 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1875 (at arc-length 851.72m): 184.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412345087 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1879 (at arc-length 851.72m): 184.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 395815439 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1877 (at arc-length 851.72m): 184.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 412345078 is too far from computed projection point (53.225723,8.804717) on shape 1880 (at arc-length 851.72m): 184.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46391 000009914678 Schutschur Nordausgang Schutschur Nordausgang 53.217374000000 10.924103000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 10601.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46392 000009914679 Schutschur Ortsmitte Schutschur Ortsmitte 53.215793000000 10.929435000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 10227.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46407 000009914993 Schwanewede Waldschule Schwanewede Waldschule 53.223811000000 8.586251000000 0 0 204-204|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 398495385 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1867 (at arc-length 26455.54m): 107.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 395815449 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1874 (at arc-length 10117.07m): 107.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 395815445 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1876 (at arc-length 0.00m): 107.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 395815450 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1873 (at arc-length 11755.46m): 107.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 395815447 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1875 (at arc-length 21435.85m): 107.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 412345087 is too far from computed projection point (53.223897,8.587853) on shape 1879 (at arc-length 20103.25m): 107.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46712 000009915081 Tießau Ort Tießau Ort 53.180080000000 10.984406000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 4829.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46718 000009915113 Tiste Abzweig Burgsittensen Tiste Abzweig Burgsittensen 53.282410000000 9.563072000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 2268.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46719 000009915115 Tiste Bahnhof Tiste Bahnhof 53.286761000000 9.551254000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 1399.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L46722 000009915118 Tiste Voges Tiste Voges 53.286337000000 9.539837000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 405787150 is too far from computed projection point (53.288146,9.530326) on shape 7753 (at arc-length 6787.92m): 663.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47123 000009914816 Wietzetze L231 Wietzetze L231 53.183860000000 10.929396000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 8813.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 8813.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 8813.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47316 000120342007 Braunschweig, Rathaus Lindi 52.265174000000 10.525641000000 0 0 10 1
L47317 000120342008 Braunschweig, Rathaus Lindi 52.265174000000 10.525641000000 0 0 19 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47446 000000693043 Oldenburg(Oldb) Sprungweg Oldenburg(Oldb) Sprungweg 53.083670000000 8.223809000000 0 0 740-740|920-920|Oldenburg-1740|Sandkrug-1920|VBN-VBN 1
L47461 000000613043 Oldenburg(Oldb) Sprungweg Oldenburg(Oldb) Sprungweg 53.083687000000 8.223786000000 0 0 740-740|920-920|Oldenburg-1740|Sandkrug-1920|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47484 000000692385 Oldenburg(Oldb) Brookweg Oldenburg(Oldb) Brookweg 53.171704000000 8.193034000000 0 0 C 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 391517013 is too far from computed projection point (53.172173,8.194334) on shape 10061 (at arc-length 4031.20m): 101.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47532 000000697018 Oldenburg(Oldb) Aschhauser Weg Oldenburg(Oldb) Aschhauser Weg 53.180622000000 8.182874000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 400804879 is too far from computed projection point (53.180329,8.183533) on shape 1091 (at arc-length 15587.83m): 54.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47549 000001702341 Piesberg Gesellschaftshaus Piesberg Gesellschaftshaus 52.312770000000 8.003880000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
L47550 000001702342 Piesberg Gesellschaftshaus Piesberg Gesellschaftshaus 52.312770000000 8.003880000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47586 140010785501 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
L51130 070010568701 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47586 140010785501 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
L51131 070010568801 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47648 000000637108 Oldenburg(Oldb) Am Schulgraben Oldenburg(Oldb) Am Schulgraben 53.106116000000 8.267086000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L47649 000000697108 Oldenburg(Oldb) Am Schulgraben Oldenburg(Oldb) Am Schulgraben 53.106134000000 8.267057000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47847 000090031003 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Stadtbahn 52.376599000000 9.739570000000 0 000000900031 0 SB 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 102.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47865 000090031031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 9, 10 52.377460000000 9.741690000000 0 000000900031 0 10 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 115.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47867 000090031033 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 11,12 52.377510000000 9.741717000000 0 000000900031 0 11 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 121.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47868 000090031034 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 11,12 52.377614000000 9.741834000000 0 000000900031 0 12 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 135.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47869 000090031035 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 13, 14 52.377702000000 9.741798000000 0 000000900031 0 13 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 143.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47657 000000900031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof 52.376490000000 9.741070000000 1 0
L47870 000090031036 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 13, 14 52.377795000000 9.741915000000 0 000000900031 0 14 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 156.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47675 000000900461 Hannover Glocksee 52.373841000000 9.718738000000 1 0
L55939 000090461005 Hannover Glocksee Stadtbahn 52.373435000000 9.720238000000 0 000000900461 0 SB1 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 111.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47680 000000900521 Hannover Harenberger Straße 52.377076000000 9.689642000000 1 0
L52824 000090521004 Hannover Harenberger Straße SEV 52.374537000000 9.689848000000 0 000000900521 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 282.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47688 000000900651 Hannover Bauweg 52.360924000000 9.692768000000 1 0
L49120 000090651008 Hannover Bauweg SEV 52.361489000000 9.693918000000 0 000000900651 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 100.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47691 000000900701 Hannover Safariweg 52.351394000000 9.669313000000 1 0
L49126 000090701006 Hannover Safariweg SEV 52.352403000000 9.675422000000 0 000000900701 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 429.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47691 000000900701 Hannover Safariweg 52.351394000000 9.669313000000 1 0
L49127 000090701007 Hannover Safariweg SEV 52.352354000000 9.675745000000 0 000000900701 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 449.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47693 000000900841 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof 52.352743000000 9.722152000000 1 0
L47986 000090841002 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof DB - S1/S2/S5 52.352568000000 9.723688000000 0 000000900841 0 3 7
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 106.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47704 000000901091 Hannover Kerstingstraße 52.364818000000 9.772197000000 1 0
L55708 000091091009 Hannover Kerstingstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.364100000000 9.773607000000 0 000000901091 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 124.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47710 000000901381 Hannover Peiner Straße 52.337965000000 9.768918000000 1 0
L48056 000091381002 Hannover Peiner Straße Stadtbahn 52.337311000000 9.770436000000 0 000000901381 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 126.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47710 000000901381 Hannover Peiner Straße 52.337965000000 9.768918000000 1 0
L48057 000091381003 Hannover Peiner Straße Stadtbahn 52.337383000000 9.770508000000 0 000000901381 0 SB4 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 125.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47726 000000901611 Laatzen 52.303015000000 9.815622000000 1 0
L50593 000091611002 Laatzen Stadtbahn 52.301219000000 9.816861000000 0 000000901611 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 216.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47731 000000901665 Gleidingen Thorstraße 52.273909000000 9.839283000000 1 0
L56049 000091665008 Gleidingen Thorstraße Ersatzbus 52.273040000000 9.839759000000 0 000000901665 0 31666 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 101.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47752 000000902191 Hannover Bothfeld 52.415140000000 9.795670000000 1 0
L53019 000092191013 Hannover Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.414625000000 9.797053000000 0 000000902191 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 109.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47753 000000902201 Hannover Kurze-Kamp-Straße 52.420942000000 9.797628000000 1 0
L53020 000092201009 Hannover Kurze-Kamp-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.420044000000 9.798167000000 0 000000902201 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 106.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47774 000000902601 Hannover Papenwinkel 52.414992000000 9.752048000000 1 0
L55273 000092601008 Hannover Papenwinkel SEV 52.413326000000 9.762810000000 0 000000902601 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 753.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47774 000000902601 Hannover Papenwinkel 52.414992000000 9.752048000000 1 0
L55274 000092601009 Hannover Papenwinkel SEV 52.413124000000 9.762828000000 0 000000902601 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 760.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47785 000000902911 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. 52.438524000000 9.734162000000 1 0
L50918 000092911009 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 103.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47785 000000902911 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. 52.438524000000 9.734162000000 1 0
L53386 000092911011 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 22911 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 103.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47790 000000903011 Hannover Nackenberg 52.370462000000 9.804249000000 1 0
L51634 000093011009 Hannover Nackenberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.370484000000 9.802300000000 0 000000903011 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 132.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47790 000000903011 Hannover Nackenberg 52.370462000000 9.804249000000 1 0
L51635 000093011010 Hannover Nackenberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.370781000000 9.802416000000 0 000000903011 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 129.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47798 000000903741 Hannover Bünteweg/TiHo 52.354389000000 9.796164000000 1 0
L55724 000093741007 Hannover Bünteweg/TiHo SEV Stadtbahn 52.353890000000 9.797512000000 0 000000903741 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 107.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47804 000000904091 Hannover Mecklenheidestraße 52.419567000000 9.694574000000 1 0
L50065 000094091007 Hannover Mecklenheidestraße SEV 52.420252000000 9.693415000000 0 000000904091 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 109.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47807 000000904321 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt 52.393624000000 9.683884000000 1 0
L60104 000094321005 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.397033000000 9.675152000000 0 000000904321 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 703.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47807 000000904321 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt 52.393624000000 9.683884000000 1 0
L60105 000094321006 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.397307000000 9.675062000000 0 000000904321 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 725.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47809 000000904341 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken 52.400295000000 9.669079000000 1 0
L48325 000094341002 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken Stadtbahn 52.399483000000 9.670598000000 0 000000904341 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 137.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47809 000000904341 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken 52.400295000000 9.669079000000 1 0
L48326 000094341003 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken Stadtbahn 52.399620000000 9.670400000000 0 000000904341 0 SB4 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 116.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47813 000000904393 Hannover Lauckerthof 52.409863000000 9.652640000000 1 0
L55288 000094393004 Hannover Lauckerthof SEV Stadtbahn 52.411014000000 9.653916000000 0 000000904393 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 154.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47813 000000904393 Hannover Lauckerthof 52.409863000000 9.652640000000 1 0
L55289 000094393005 Hannover Lauckerthof SEV Stadtbahn 52.411096000000 9.654087000000 0 000000904393 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop too far from parent station, they are 168.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47845 000090031001 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Stadtbahn/Bus 52.375963000000 9.740199000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47846 000090031002 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Stadtbahn 52.376194000000 9.739768000000 0 000000900031 0 SB 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47847 000090031003 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Stadtbahn 52.376599000000 9.739570000000 0 000000900031 0 SB 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47858 000090031024 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Deutsche Bahn 52.377268000000 9.741259000000 0 000000900031 0 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031024
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47859 000090031025 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 1, 2 52.376841000000 9.740873000000 0 000000900031 0 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031025
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47860 000090031026 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 1, 2 52.376934000000 9.740981000000 0 000000900031 0 2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031026
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47860 000090031026 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 1, 2 52.376934000000 9.740981000000 0 000000900031 0 2 3
L47861 000090031027 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 3, 4 52.376972000000 9.741017000000 0 000000900031 0 3 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47861 000090031027 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 3, 4 52.376972000000 9.741017000000 0 000000900031 0 3 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031027
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47862 000090031028 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 3, 4 52.377087000000 9.741169000000 0 000000900031 0 4 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031028
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47863 000090031029 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 7, 8 52.377153000000 9.741295000000 0 000000900031 0 7 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031029
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47864 000090031030 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 7, 8 52.377257000000 9.741430000000 0 000000900031 0 8 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031030
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47865 000090031031 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 9, 10 52.377460000000 9.741690000000 0 000000900031 0 10 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031031
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47866 000090031032 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 9, 10 52.377340000000 9.741547000000 0 000000900031 0 9 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031032
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47867 000090031033 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 11,12 52.377510000000 9.741717000000 0 000000900031 0 11 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031033
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47868 000090031034 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 11,12 52.377614000000 9.741834000000 0 000000900031 0 12 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031034
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47869 000090031035 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 13, 14 52.377702000000 9.741798000000 0 000000900031 0 13 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031035
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47870 000090031036 Hannover Hauptbahnhof Gleis 13, 14 52.377795000000 9.741915000000 0 000000900031 0 14 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031036
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47872 000090042011 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378601000000 9.741313000000 0 0 F11 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47873 000090042012 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378744000000 9.741026000000 0 0 F2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47874 000090042013 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378793000000 9.740909000000 0 0 F3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47875 000090042014 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378842000000 9.740801000000 0 0 F4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47876 000090042015 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378886000000 9.740675000000 0 0 F5 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042015
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47877 000090042016 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378930000000 9.740585000000 0 0 F6 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042016
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47878 000090042017 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378974000000 9.740496000000 0 0 F7 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042017
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47879 000090042018 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378755000000 9.740352000000 0 0 F8 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042018
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47880 000090042019 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.378661000000 9.740585000000 0 0 F9 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042019
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47881 000090042021 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Hambg. Allee 52.379835000000 9.742723000000 0 0 BusHP 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042021
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47892 000090101005 Hannover Aegidientorplatz Stadtbahn 10/17 52.369629000000 9.743738000000 0 000000900101 0 SB5 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47893 000090101006 Hannover Aegidientorplatz Stadtbahn 10/17 52.369618000000 9.743864000000 0 000000900101 0 SB6 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47907 000090171004 Hannover Leibniz Universität Zugang SüdOst 52.381661000000 9.717400000000 2 000000900171 0 Str1 1
L47909 000090171006 Hannover Leibniz Universität Zugang NordOst 52.381622000000 9.717373000000 2 000000900171 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47912 000090181004 Hannover Schneiderbg./W.-B.-M. Zugang SüdOst 52.385620000000 9.711848000000 2 000000900181 0 Str1 1
L47914 000090181006 Hannover Schneiderbg./W.-B.-M. Zugang Nord 52.385598000000 9.711785000000 2 000000900181 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47959 000090501008 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Rampe-West 52.375294000000 9.701437000000 2 000000900501 0 Str 1
L61269 D_000090501004 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375322000000 9.701446000000 2 000000900501 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47959 000090501008 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Rampe-West 52.375294000000 9.701437000000 2 000000900501 0 Str 1
L61271 D_000090501006 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375327000000 9.701428000000 2 000000900501 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47961 000090531002 Hannover Brunnenstraße Bus 52.377466000000 9.684441000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090531002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47973 000090641005 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Bus 52.365186000000 9.693190000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090641005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47974 000090641006 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Bus 52.365186000000 9.693190000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090641006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47975 000090641007 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Zugang 52.365169000000 9.693190000000 2 000000900641 0 1
L61298 D_000090641005 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Bus 52.365186000000 9.693190000000 2 000000900641 0 BusE1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47975 000090641007 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Zugang 52.365169000000 9.693190000000 2 000000900641 0 1
L61299 D_000090641006 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Bus 52.365186000000 9.693190000000 2 000000900641 0 BusE2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47978 000090671004 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus1-WestAuswärts 52.359184000000 9.676652000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47985 000090841001 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof DB - S1/S2/S5 52.352793000000 9.722646000000 0 000000900841 0 2 7
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090841001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47986 000090841002 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof DB - S1/S2/S5 52.352568000000 9.723688000000 0 000000900841 0 3 7
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090841002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L47995 000090951003 Hannover Schünemannplatz Bus 52.346982000000 9.723823000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090951003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48002 000091001004 Hannover Mühlenberger Markt Bus 52.341488000000 9.693361000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091001004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48026 000091078007 Hannover Freundallee Bus 52.369508000000 9.771802000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091078007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48055 000091379003 Hannover Döhren/Betriebshof Bus 52.337921000000 9.771425000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091379003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48056 000091381002 Hannover Peiner Straße Stadtbahn 52.337311000000 9.770436000000 0 000000901381 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091381002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48057 000091381003 Hannover Peiner Straße Stadtbahn 52.337383000000 9.770508000000 0 000000901381 0 SB4 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091381003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48064 000091401006 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Ri. Gleiwitzer St 52.335127000000 9.790639000000 2 000000901401 0 1
L61367 D_000091401003 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Bus 52.335121000000 9.790711000000 2 000000901401 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48069 000091421003 Hannover Messe/Nord Bus 52.328056000000 9.805731000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091421003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48077 000091471002 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315285000000 9.790909000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091471002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48078 000091471003 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315257000000 9.791008000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091471003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48089 000091601009 Laatzen Zentrum Laatzen Zentrum | Haltestelle 4 52.306437000000 9.810438000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091601009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48092 000091601014 Laatzen Zentrum Laatzen Zentrum | Haltestelle 7 52.306756000000 9.809657000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091601014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48097 000091641001 Rethen Bahnhof DB-R12,S4 52.286264000000 9.818918000000 0 000000901641 0 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091641001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48101 000091641021 Rethen Bahnhof Zug2 52.286104000000 9.819421000000 0 000000901641 0 2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091641021
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48103 000091651005 Rethen Galgenbergweg Zugang Nordwest 52.282208000000 9.829572000000 2 000000901651 0 Str2 1
L52238 000091651006 Rethen Galgenbergweg Zugang Südost 52.282224000000 9.829546000000 2 000000901651 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48105 000091665002 Gleidingen Thorstraße Stadtbahn 52.273645000000 9.839400000000 0 000000901665 0 Str1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48106 000091665004 Gleidingen Thorstraße Zugang 52.274255000000 9.839113000000 0 0 Str1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48107 000091671002 Gleidingen Am Leinkamp Stadtbahn 52.270011000000 9.840792000000 0 000000901671 0 Str1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091671002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48110 000091711002 Sarstedt Am Boksberg Bus RV Hildesh. 52.248518000000 9.856693000000 0 0 Bus 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091711002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48111 000091711004 Sarstedt Am Boksberg Bus RV Hildesh. 52.248589000000 9.856863000000 0 0 Str2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091711004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48130 000091803002 Hannover Krügerskamp Bus 52.334336000000 9.830300000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091803002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48130 000091803002 Hannover Krügerskamp Bus 52.334336000000 9.830300000000 0 0 1
L55740 000091803007 Hannover Krügerskamp SEV 52.334342000000 9.830354000000 0 000000901803 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48157 000092151006 Hannover Spannhagengarten E-Bus 52.400317000000 9.781504000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092151006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48171 000092231003 Hannover In den Sieben Stücken E-Busse 52.408932000000 9.808228000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092231003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48172 000092231004 Hannover In den Sieben Stücken E-Busse 52.408767000000 9.808336000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092231004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48177 000092301003 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409310000000 9.816736000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092301003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48179 000092301006 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409228000000 9.815765000000 0 0 Bus 7 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092301006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48184 000092311002 Hannover Pappelwiese Bus 52.404531000000 9.824506000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092311002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48192 000092425002 Hannover Schierholzstraße Bus 52.399133000000 9.831360000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092425002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48192 000092425002 Hannover Schierholzstraße Bus 52.399133000000 9.831360000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L48193 000092425003 Hannover Schierholzstraße Bus 52.399116000000 9.831414000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48193 000092425003 Hannover Schierholzstraße Bus 52.399116000000 9.831414000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092425003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48195 000092425006 Hannover Schierholzstraße Straße2 52.399171000000 9.831270000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092425006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48201 000092487002 Hannover Kafkastraße Bus 52.394917000000 9.842266000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092487002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48214 000092541002 Hannover Alter Flughafen Bus 52.415989000000 9.733596000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48215 000092541003 Hannover Alter Flughafen Bus 52.416302000000 9.733965000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48241 000092841007 Hannover Clausewitzstraße Bus 52.371071000000 9.773185000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092841007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48242 000092841008 Hannover Clausewitzstraße Bus 52.371071000000 9.773185000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092841008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48258 000093001003 Hannover Uhlhornstraße Bus 52.371494000000 9.793002000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093001003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48271 000093017013 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee DB 52.374532000000 9.808561000000 0 000000903017 0 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093017013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48272 000093017014 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Zug2 52.374450000000 9.808453000000 0 000000903017 0 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093017014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48279 000093071001 Hannover Großer Hillen SB ehem.Tiefbbstg. 52.361565000000 9.827192000000 0 000000903071 0 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093071001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48280 000093071005 Hannover Großer Hillen Bus 52.360918000000 9.828378000000 0 0 Bus 5 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093071005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48281 000093071007 Hannover Großer Hillen SB2 - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.360929000000 9.828836000000 0 000000903071 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093071007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48285 000093091003 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360402000000 9.844287000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093091003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48286 000093091004 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360468000000 9.843937000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093091004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48297 000093818003 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Wülferode 52.338508000000 9.833579000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093818003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48318 000094331001 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB 52.396874000000 9.676104000000 0 000000904331 0 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48319 000094331002 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB 52.396809000000 9.676131000000 0 000000904331 0 2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48325 000094341002 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken Stadtbahn 52.399483000000 9.670598000000 0 000000904341 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094341002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48326 000094341003 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken Stadtbahn 52.399620000000 9.670400000000 0 000000904341 0 SB4 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094341003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48338 000094397004 Hannover Jädekamp Bus 52.416055000000 9.641510000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094397004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48339 000094397005 Hannover Jädekamp Bus 52.416099000000 9.641366000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094397005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48352 000094777005 Auf der Horst Marshof E-BUS 52.416871000000 9.602703000000 0 0 EBus1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094777005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48353 000094777006 Auf der Horst Marshof E-BUS 52.416932000000 9.602945000000 0 0 EBus2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094777006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48358 000095181009 Hannover Wettbergen Zugang Nord 52.333546000000 9.690926000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095181009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48359 000095181010 Hannover Wettbergen Zugang Süd 52.332552000000 9.690621000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095181010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48360 000096000002 Hannover Berliner Platz Stadtbahn 52.430512000000 9.731575000000 0 000000906000 0 Str1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48361 000096000003 Hannover Berliner Platz Stadtbahn 52.430528000000 9.731791000000 0 000000906000 0 Str2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48365 000096637008 Altwarmbüchen Zentrum E-Bus (ab 08/13) 52.431333000000 9.846263000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096637008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48423 120010029807 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 C 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L50623 120010029808 Braunschweig Mühlenpfordtstraße 52.273826000000 10.524153000000 0 0 F 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48528 000000613020 Oldenburg(Oldb) Sodenstich Oldenburg(Oldb) Sodenstich 53.124236000000 8.192142000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L48529 000000693020 Oldenburg(Oldb) Sodenstich Oldenburg(Oldb) Sodenstich 53.124248000000 8.192179000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48562 000000627005 Oldenburg(Oldb) Ostring Oldenburg(Oldb) Ostring 53.197907000000 8.215577000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 62 on examplar trip 400804879 is too far from computed projection point (53.198460,8.215798) on shape 1091 (at arc-length 40113.96m): 63.23m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 47 on examplar trip 400804758 is too far from computed projection point (53.198460,8.215798) on shape 1092 (at arc-length 21619.50m): 63.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48582 000000637104 Oldenburg(Oldb) Kiebitzweg Oldenburg(Oldb) Kiebitzweg 53.117315000000 8.239988000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L48583 000000627104 Oldenburg(Oldb) Kiebitzweg Oldenburg(Oldb) Kiebitzweg 53.117340000000 8.240002000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48625 000000613008 Oldenburg(Oldb) Botterkamp Oldenburg(Oldb) Botterkamp 53.182462000000 8.243678000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L48626 000000693008 Oldenburg(Oldb) Botterkamp Oldenburg(Oldb) Botterkamp 53.182485000000 8.243644000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48651 000000160388 Oldenburg(Oldb) Kloster Blankenburg Oldenburg(Oldb) Kloster Blankenburg 53.150228000000 8.283667000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 400803547 is too far from computed projection point (53.149666,8.281841) on shape 1139 (at arc-length 0.00m): 136.87m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 400803507 is too far from computed projection point (53.149666,8.281841) on shape 1140 (at arc-length 0.00m): 136.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48652 000000637112 Oldenburg(Oldb) Nordseestraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Nordseestraße 53.126840000000 8.160755000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L48653 000000697112 Oldenburg(Oldb) Nordseestraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Nordseestraße 53.126843000000 8.160800000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48660 130004240201 Dömitz Roggenfelder Straße 53.134735000000 11.270228000000 0 0 3-3
L48661 130004240206 Dömitz Roggenfelder Straße 53.134735000000 11.270228000000 0 0 3-3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48686 000000600301 Oldenburg(Oldb) Schwarzer Weg Oldenburg(Oldb) Schwarzer Weg 53.183509000000 8.179432000000 0 0 740-740|750-750|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN|745-745 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 400804879 is too far from computed projection point (53.184197,8.183684) on shape 1091 (at arc-length 14969.58m): 293.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48734 000000697025 Oldenburg(Oldb) Eschenplatz Oldenburg(Oldb) Eschenplatz 53.145342000000 8.150112000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410742749 is too far from computed projection point (53.144904,8.148948) on shape 1108 (at arc-length 0.00m): 91.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48735 000000627025 Oldenburg(Oldb) Eschenplatz Oldenburg(Oldb) Eschenplatz 53.145324000000 8.150299000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 400801801 is too far from computed projection point (53.144972,8.149218) on shape 1113 (at arc-length 7689.12m): 82.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48770 090010384546 Lühnde Am Brink 52.274223000000 9.950526000000 0 0 120-120|2090-2090|3-3|Algermissen-ALG|GVH-GVH|HI-HI|Region-5003
L55593 090010384503 Lühnde Am Brink 52.274223000000 9.950526000000 0 0 120-120|2090-2090|3-3|Algermissen-ALG|GVH-GVH|HI-HI|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48835 000000175360 Osnabrück Pyer Kirchweg Osnabrück Pyer Kirchweg 52.320115000000 7.973465000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 406912704 is too far from computed projection point (52.328100,7.985560) on shape 528 (at arc-length 6363.27m): 1210.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48836 000000185360 Osnabrück Pyer Kirchweg Osnabrück Pyer Kirchweg 52.320365000000 7.973268000000 0 0 100-7100|Osnabrück-7100|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 410852220 is too far from computed projection point (52.330768,7.968897) on shape 529 (at arc-length 17869.62m): 1194.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48852 000090431008 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.367972000000 9.723616000000 0 0 BusE5 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48853 000093081006 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361203000000 9.834055000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093081006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48858 000120455003 Braunschweig, Weserstraße SEV 52.242864000000 10.471176000000 0 0 3 1
L48859 000120455004 Braunschweig, Weserstraße SEV 52.242864000000 10.471122000000 0 0 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48882 120010060011 Braunschweig Vincent-van-Gogh-Ring 52.249057000000 10.571069000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L48883 120010060012 Braunschweig Vincent-van-Gogh-Ring 52.249057000000 10.571069000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48911 000000614860 Oldenburg(Oldb) Marienstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Marienstraße 53.142029000000 8.203630000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L48912 000000694860 Oldenburg(Oldb) Marienstraße Oldenburg(Oldb) Marienstraße 53.142026000000 8.203631000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48965 120010994901 Kissenbrück Grundschule 52.109468000000 10.592512000000 0 0 1 74-74|VRB-VRB
L48966 120010994902 Kissenbrück Grundschule 52.109468000000 10.592512000000 0 0 2 74-74|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L48991 000001734691 Markendorf(Melle) Grüner See Markendorf(Melle) Grüner See 52.263293000000 8.453376000000 0 0 364-7364|Bruchmühlen-7368|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 402173188 is too far from computed projection point (52.262008,8.453060) on shape 9040 (at arc-length 2487.22m): 144.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 402173184 is too far from computed projection point (52.262008,8.453060) on shape 9041 (at arc-length 16835.50m): 144.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 402173181 is too far from computed projection point (52.262008,8.453060) on shape 9042 (at arc-length 12125.28m): 144.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49015 120010804203 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 C 51-51|VRB-VRB
L49016 120010804204 Klein Blumenhagen 52.398059000000 10.295498000000 0 0 D 51-51|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49047 000090485001 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße SB - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.375119000000 9.695140000000 0 000000900485 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49048 000090485008 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße SB2 - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.375278000000 9.695158000000 0 000000900485 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49048 000090485008 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße SB2 - ehem.Tiefbstg. 52.375278000000 9.695158000000 0 000000900485 0 1
L49050 000090485012 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße SB Mittelhochbstg. 52.375294000000 9.695149000000 0 000000900485 0 SB2 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49111 000090551010 Hannover Schwarzer Bär SEV 52.368148000000 9.720589000000 0 000000900551 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090551010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49112 000090551011 Hannover Schwarzer Bär SEV 52.367983000000 9.720769000000 0 000000900551 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090551011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49113 000090571008 Hannover Lindener Marktplatz SEV 52.366694000000 9.715055000000 0 000000900571 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090571008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49114 000090571009 Hannover Lindener Marktplatz SEV 52.366552000000 9.714399000000 0 000000900571 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090571009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49115 000090631001 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Stadtbahn/Bus 52.366404000000 9.700691000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090631001
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49116 000090631002 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Stadtbahn/Bus 52.366135000000 9.699730000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090631002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49117 000090641002 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen Stadtbahn/Bus 52.365312000000 9.693532000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090641002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49118 000090641009 Hannover Am Lindener Hafen SEV 52.365038000000 9.693316000000 0 000000900641 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090641009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49119 000090651007 Hannover Bauweg SEV 52.361417000000 9.693828000000 0 000000900651 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090651007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49120 000090651008 Hannover Bauweg SEV 52.361489000000 9.693918000000 0 000000900651 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090651008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49121 000090661005 Hannover Körtingsdorfer Weg SEV 52.360441000000 9.685995000000 0 000000900661 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090661005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49122 000090661006 Hannover Körtingsdorfer Weg SEV 52.360446000000 9.685348000000 0 000000900661 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090661006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49123 000090671005 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus1-WestAuswärts 52.357363000000 9.676724000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49124 000090691006 Hannover Riechersstraße SEV 52.354066000000 9.669843000000 0 000000900691 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090691006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49125 000090691007 Hannover Riechersstraße SEV 52.354548000000 9.669636000000 0 000000900691 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090691007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49125 000090691007 Hannover Riechersstraße SEV 52.354548000000 9.669636000000 0 000000900691 0 SEV 2 1
L55919 000090691002 Hannover Riechersstraße Stadtbahn 52.354537000000 9.669627000000 0 000000900691 0 SB2 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49126 000090701006 Hannover Safariweg SEV 52.352403000000 9.675422000000 0 000000900701 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090701006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49127 000090701007 Hannover Safariweg SEV 52.352354000000 9.675745000000 0 000000900701 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090701007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49128 000090711007 Hannover Hermann-Ehlers-Allee SEV 52.346982000000 9.669403000000 0 000000900711 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090711007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49129 000090711008 Hannover Hermann-Ehlers-Allee SEV 52.346674000000 9.669798000000 0 000000900711 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090711008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49130 000095001008 Empelde Bus - Abfahrt 52.344040000000 9.667391000000 0 0 SEV 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49131 000095001009 Empelde Bus - Abfahrt 52.344040000000 9.666384000000 0 0 SEV 2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49148 000002053201 Bellen Ort Bellen Ort 53.067189000000 9.567967000000 0 0 395-395|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 405787559 is too far from computed projection point (53.066947,9.568634) on shape 8899 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49228 160010112402 Flegessen Grabenfeld 52.158439000000 9.438665000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
L49229 160010112403 Flegessen Grabenfeld 52.158439000000 9.438665000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49265 160010146002 Bad Münder Rahlmühle 52.198097000000 9.438597000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
L49266 160010146003 Bad Münder Rahlmühle 52.198097000000 9.438597000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49271 160010161002 Bad Münder Robert-Koch-Straße 52.203294000000 9.470447000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
L49272 160010161003 Bad Münder Robert-Koch-Straße 52.203294000000 9.470447000000 0 0 BM-213|Bad Münder-BM|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49302 160010215002 Höfingen Mitte 52.162555000000 9.317581000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
L49303 160010215003 Höfingen Mitte 52.162555000000 9.317581000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49308 160010220002 Bensen(Hessisch-Oldendorf) Kreisstraße 52.174636000000 9.326452000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
L49309 160010220003 Bensen(Hessisch-Oldendorf) Kreisstraße 52.174636000000 9.326452000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49335 160010239002 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
L49336 160010239003 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49335 160010239002 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
L54792 170010036802 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49336 160010239003 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
L54792 170010036802 Hessisch-Oldendorf-Rumbeck Landesstraße 52.157895000000 9.200198000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HO-815|Hessisch Oldendorf-HO
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49394 160010303002 Aerzen Grehberg 52.049144000000 9.255042000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49395 160010303003 Aerzen Grehberg 52.049144000000 9.255042000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49431 160010323002 Aerzen Schwöbber/Abzweigung Multhöpen 52.072360000000 9.241538000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49432 160010323003 Aerzen Schwöbber/Abzweigung Multhöpen 52.072360000000 9.241538000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49458 160010347002 Reinerbeck Schmiede 52.040048000000 9.199901000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49459 160010347003 Reinerbeck Schmiede 52.040048000000 9.199901000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49487 160010362002 Herkendorf Denkmal 52.106877000000 9.255708000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49488 160010362003 Herkendorf Denkmal 52.106877000000 9.255708000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49503 160010372002 Dehmkerbrock Auf der Schnath 52.096665000000 9.235351000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49504 160010372003 Dehmkerbrock Auf der Schnath 52.096665000000 9.235351000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49512 160010386002 Aerzen Siedlerhof 52.041789000000 9.225267000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
L49513 160010386003 Aerzen Siedlerhof 52.041789000000 9.225267000000 0 0 AE-105|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49551 160010421002 Voremberg Mitte 52.070591000000 9.446926000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|H-P-H-P
L49552 160010421003 Voremberg Mitte 52.070591000000 9.446926000000 0 0 EM-513|Emmerthal-EM|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49626 160010518002 Herkensen Unterdorf 52.132783000000 9.481167000000 0 0 CO-315|Coppenbrügge-CO|H-P-H-P
L49627 160010518003 Herkensen Unterdorf 52.132783000000 9.481167000000 0 0 CO-315|Coppenbrügge-CO|H-P-H-P
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49659 160010602002 Bad Pyrmont Gartenstraße 51.981317000000 9.267100000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
L49660 160010602003 Bad Pyrmont Gartenstraße 51.981317000000 9.267100000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49672 160010612002 Bad Pyrmont Kaiserplatz 51.983745000000 9.253985000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
L49673 160010612003 Bad Pyrmont Kaiserplatz 51.983745000000 9.253985000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49677 160010616002 Bad Pyrmont Mühlenstraße 51.984861000000 9.240673000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
L49678 160010616003 Bad Pyrmont Mühlenstraße 51.984861000000 9.240673000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-PY|Bad Pyrmont-723|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49739 160010709002 Lauenstein Mitte 52.077925000000 9.562143000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
L49740 160010709003 Lauenstein Mitte 52.077925000000 9.562143000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49741 160010710002 Lauenstein Bürgerpark 52.076864000000 9.552678000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
L49742 160010710003 Lauenstein Bürgerpark 52.076864000000 9.552678000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49761 160010724002 Oldendorf(Hameln) B 1 52.089950000000 9.634193000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
L49762 160010724003 Oldendorf(Hameln) B 1 52.089950000000 9.634193000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|Osterwald-SH|SH-1908
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49777 160010783002 Klein Berkel Schultheißenstraße 52.081389000000 9.334727000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49778 160010783003 Klein Berkel Schultheißenstraße 52.081389000000 9.334727000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49790 160010817002 Klein Berkel Dornbusch 52.080886000000 9.354148000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49791 160010817003 Klein Berkel Dornbusch 52.080886000000 9.354148000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49796 160010822002 Klein Berkel Bergstraße 52.073747000000 9.344995000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49797 160010822003 Klein Berkel Bergstraße 52.073747000000 9.344995000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49851 160010856002 Haverbeck(Hameln) Gut Helpensen 52.119269000000 9.308819000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49852 160010856003 Haverbeck(Hameln) Gut Helpensen 52.119269000000 9.308819000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49910 160010895002 Hameln Heinestraße 52.120300000000 9.351341000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49911 160010895003 Hameln Heinestraße 52.120300000000 9.351341000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49922 160010901002 Hameln Schliekers Brunnen 52.119356000000 9.360196000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49923 160010901003 Hameln Schliekers Brunnen 52.119356000000 9.360196000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49930 160010905002 Holtensen(Hameln) Holtenser Warte 52.135639000000 9.378204000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49931 160010905003 Holtensen(Hameln) Holtenser Warte 52.135639000000 9.378204000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49975 160010940002 Rohrsen(Hameln) Hurke 52.112051000000 9.414380000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49976 160010940003 Rohrsen(Hameln) Hurke 52.112051000000 9.414380000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L49997 160010954002 Hameln Marienthaler Straße 52.102805000000 9.387689000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L49998 160010954003 Hameln Marienthaler Straße 52.102805000000 9.387689000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50031 160010988002 Hameln Am Damm 52.094416000000 9.372076000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L50032 160010988003 Hameln Am Damm 52.094416000000 9.372076000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50058 090010801604 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50059 090010801605 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50058 090010801604 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50060 090010801609 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50058 090010801604 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50061 090010801610 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50059 090010801605 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50060 090010801609 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50059 090010801605 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50061 090010801610 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50060 090010801609 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L50061 090010801610 Neustadt a Rbge Bunsenstraße/Busbahnhof 52.493936000000 9.460208000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50065 000094091007 Hannover Mecklenheidestraße SEV 52.420252000000 9.693415000000 0 000000904091 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094091007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50097 120010353501 Hahnenklee Kreuzeck B 241 51.845106000000 10.351377000000 0 0 A 87-87|VRB-VRB
L50098 120010353502 Hahnenklee Kreuzeck B 241 51.845106000000 10.351377000000 0 0 B 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50103 120010397101 Seesen Bismarckstraße 51.886882000000 10.175693000000 0 0 1 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
L50104 120010397102 Seesen Bismarckstraße 51.886882000000 10.175693000000 0 0 2 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50110 120010426801 Bad Harzburg Tennispark 51.902720000000 10.548458000000 0 0 A 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
L50111 120010426802 Bad Harzburg Tennispark 51.902720000000 10.548458000000 0 0 B 90-90|Bad Harzburg-4090|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50145 120010485901 Astfeld Kirche 51.929748000000 10.366854000000 0 0 1 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50146 120010485902 Astfeld Kirche 51.929748000000 10.366854000000 0 0 2 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50155 120010505901 Goslar-Riechenberg Abzweig B 82 51.921493000000 10.393233000000 0 0 A 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
L50156 120010505902 Goslar-Riechenberg Abzweig B 82 51.921493000000 10.393233000000 0 0 B 80-80|Goslar-4080|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50174 120010515101 Hahausen Oberdorf 51.947663000000 10.218563000000 0 0 A 83-83|VRB-VRB
L50175 120010515102 Hahausen Oberdorf 51.947663000000 10.218563000000 0 0 B 83-83|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50176 120010515201 Hahausen Neustadt 51.950410000000 10.222419000000 0 0 A 83-83|VRB-VRB
L50177 120010515202 Hahausen Neustadt 51.950410000000 10.222419000000 0 0 B 83-83|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50231 120010530001 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Frankenscharrnhütte 51.801959000000 10.301709000000 0 0 A 87-87|VRB-VRB
L50232 120010530002 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Frankenscharrnhütte 51.801959000000 10.301709000000 0 0 B 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50255 120010544601 Liebenburg-Heißum 51.997072000000 10.400317000000 0 0 1 82-82|VRB-VRB
L50256 120010544602 Liebenburg-Heißum 51.997072000000 10.400317000000 0 0 2 82-82|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50289 120010554001 Langelsheim Königsberger Platz 51.932618000000 10.339860000000 0 0 A 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50290 120010554002 Langelsheim Königsberger Platz 51.932618000000 10.339860000000 0 0 B 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50291 120010554101 Langelsheim Konsumstraße 51.938245000000 10.336007000000 0 0 A 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50292 120010554102 Langelsheim Konsumstraße 51.938245000000 10.336007000000 0 0 B 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50294 120010554301 Langelsheim Rosenstraße 51.941994000000 10.337300000000 0 0 1 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50295 120010554302 Langelsheim Rosenstraße 51.941994000000 10.337300000000 0 0 2 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50298 120010554601 Langelsheim Werk Behrenfeld 51.918547000000 10.305769000000 0 0 A 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50299 120010554602 Langelsheim Werk Behrenfeld 51.918547000000 10.305769000000 0 0 B 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50300 120010554801 Langelsheim Werk Langer 51.928363000000 10.316828000000 0 0 A 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50301 120010554802 Langelsheim Werk Langer 51.928363000000 10.316828000000 0 0 B 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50338 120010564101 Schulenberg im Oberharz-Mittelschulenberg 51.828908000000 10.426712000000 0 0 1 87-87|VRB-VRB
L50339 120010564102 Schulenberg im Oberharz-Mittelschulenberg 51.828908000000 10.426712000000 0 0 2 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50345 120010568301 Schulenberg im Oberharz-Oberschulenberg 51.830211000000 10.399074000000 0 0 1 87-87|VRB-VRB
L50346 120010568302 Schulenberg im Oberharz-Oberschulenberg 51.830211000000 10.399074000000 0 0 2 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50379 120010578101 Seesen Brillteich 51.900530000000 10.186788000000 0 0 A 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
L50380 120010578102 Seesen Brillteich 51.900530000000 10.186788000000 0 0 B 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50383 120010578601 Seesen Jahnstraße 51.891849000000 10.179835000000 0 0 A 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
L50384 120010578602 Seesen Jahnstraße 51.891849000000 10.179835000000 0 0 B 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50413 120010583901 Vienenburg Friedhof 51.946283000000 10.568143000000 0 0 A 81-81|VRB-VRB|Vienenburg-4081
L50414 120010583902 Vienenburg Friedhof 51.946283000000 10.568143000000 0 0 B 81-81|VRB-VRB|Vienenburg-4081
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50447 120010588001 Langelsheim-Wolfshagen Sägewerk 51.917795000000 10.329862000000 0 0 1 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
L50448 120010588002 Langelsheim-Wolfshagen Sägewerk 51.917795000000 10.329862000000 0 0 2 85-85|Langelsheim-4085|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50452 120010593901 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Erbprinzentanne 51.830114000000 10.351925000000 0 0 A 87-87|VRB-VRB
L50453 120010593902 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Erbprinzentanne 51.830114000000 10.351925000000 0 0 B 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50469 120010907702 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 2 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55562 000000090771 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50469 120010907702 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 2 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55563 000000090772 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50491 000090241009 Hannover An der Strangriede SEV 52.390422000000 9.720975000000 0 000000900241 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090241009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50492 000090241010 Hannover An der Strangriede SEV 52.391184000000 9.720795000000 0 000000900241 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090241010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50492 000090241010 Hannover An der Strangriede SEV 52.391184000000 9.720795000000 0 000000900241 0 SEV 2 1
L54063 000090241006 Hannover An der Strangriede Bus 52.391201000000 9.720742000000 0 0 30244 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50493 000090271009 Hannover Fenskestraße SEV 52.395783000000 9.717579000000 0 000000900271 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090271009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50494 000090271010 Hannover Fenskestraße SEV 52.396485000000 9.717373000000 0 000000900271 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090271010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50495 000090291006 Hannover Hainhölzer Markt SEV 52.401544000000 9.712522000000 0 000000900291 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090291006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50496 000090291007 Hannover Hainhölzer Markt SEV 52.401193000000 9.712953000000 0 000000900291 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090291007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50497 000094001006 Hannover Krepenstraße SEV 52.407737000000 9.709432000000 0 000000904001 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094001006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50498 000094001007 Hannover Krepenstraße SEV 52.407852000000 9.709791000000 0 000000904001 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094001007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50499 000094021011 Hannover Friedenauer Straße SEV 52.411858000000 9.705776000000 0 000000904021 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094021011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50500 000094021012 Hannover Friedenauer Straße SEV 52.412247000000 9.706126000000 0 000000904021 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094021012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50501 000094061005 Hannover Beneckeallee SEV 52.414187000000 9.703018000000 0 000000904061 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094061005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50502 000094061006 Hannover Beneckeallee SEV 52.414888000000 9.702308000000 0 000000904061 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094061006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50503 000094091008 Hannover Mecklenheidestraße SEV 52.419370000000 9.695202000000 0 000000904091 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094091008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50504 000094101004 Hannover Nordhafen Bus 52.422454000000 9.689840000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094101004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50539 090012184101 Woltershausen Hornsen 51.959960000000 9.968218000000 0 0 250-250|HI-HI
L50540 090012184102 Woltershausen Hornsen 51.959960000000 9.968218000000 0 0 250-250|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50551 000000181000 Brögbern Bülten Brögbern Bülten 52.556694000000 7.389961000000 0 0 840-840|Rodenkirchen-1840|VBN-VBN|937-7937|937-937|EMS-EMS|Lingen-LIN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 402173067 is too far from computed projection point (52.556526,7.387489) on shape 8968 (at arc-length 11037.57m): 168.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50591 160010636002 Bad Pyrmont Kurfürstenstraße 51.988935000000 9.259780000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-723|Bad Pyrmont-PY|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
L50592 160010636004 Bad Pyrmont Kurfürstenstraße 51.988935000000 9.259780000000 0 0 Bad Pyrmont-723|Bad Pyrmont-PY|H-P-H-P|PY-1625
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50593 000091611002 Laatzen Stadtbahn 52.301219000000 9.816861000000 0 000000901611 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091611002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50594 000091787003 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346126000000 9.821712000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091787003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50594 000091787003 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346126000000 9.821712000000 0 0 BusE1 1
L55723 000091787005 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346159000000 9.821667000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50607 000010718102 Quendorf Bahnhof Bus 52.338645000000 7.172302000000 0 0 1 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 410087360 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4241 (at arc-length 1968.36m): 138.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410087375 is too far from computed projection point (52.337350,7.172380) on shape 4239 (at arc-length 0.00m): 144.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 410087350 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4242 (at arc-length 3433.83m): 138.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 410087372 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4240 (at arc-length 3433.83m): 138.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 410087334 is too far from computed projection point (52.337350,7.172380) on shape 4245 (at arc-length 6784.17m): 144.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 410087333 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4246 (at arc-length 4319.81m): 138.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 410087332 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4247 (at arc-length 5186.40m): 138.46m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 410087340 is too far from computed projection point (52.337488,7.171551) on shape 4243 (at arc-length 6966.59m): 138.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50664 000001100741 Sottrum Gasthof Röhrs Sottrum Gasthof Röhrs 53.119409000000 9.226941000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350|330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
L50665 000001100742 Sottrum Gasthof Röhrs Sottrum Gasthof Röhrs 53.119409000000 9.226941000000 0 0 350-350|ROW-ROW|Scheeßel-0350|330-330|Sottrum-1330|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50668 000001101311 Kirchwalsede-Weißenmoor Kirchwalsede-Weißenmoor 53.008747000000 9.429750000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW|395-395|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 405787593 is too far from computed projection point (53.011030,9.431363) on shape 8897 (at arc-length 2895.81m): 275.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 405787551 is too far from computed projection point (53.011030,9.431363) on shape 8900 (at arc-length 7890.69m): 275.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 405787525 is too far from computed projection point (53.011030,9.431363) on shape 7886 (at arc-length 17026.21m): 275.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50669 000001901311 Kirchwalsede-Weißenmoor Kirchwalsede-Weißenmoor 53.008823000000 9.430302000000 0 0 365-365|ROW-ROW|395-395|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 405787574 is too far from computed projection point (53.010913,9.431760) on shape 8902 (at arc-length 11067.66m): 252.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 405787531 is too far from computed projection point (53.010925,9.431783) on shape 7879 (at arc-length 16760.51m): 253.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 405787536 is too far from computed projection point (53.010925,9.431783) on shape 7885 (at arc-length 26460.65m): 253.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50694 000001984121 Visselhövede Nindorfer Straße Visselhövede Nindorfer Straße 52.984330000000 9.571257000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
L50695 000001984122 Visselhövede Nindorfer Straße Visselhövede Nindorfer Straße 52.984294000000 9.571272000000 0 0 390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50713 000001984352 Buchholz(Visselhövede) Zum Alten Burggraben Buchholz(Visselhövede) Zum Alten Burggraben 53.010968000000 9.563559000000 0 0 9900-494|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone Ring B-HVV-RB|390-390|VBN-VBN|Visselhövede-1390 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405787478 is too far from computed projection point (53.010832,9.561716) on shape 7869 (at arc-length 17434.87m): 124.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 405787476 is too far from computed projection point (53.010832,9.561716) on shape 7868 (at arc-length 19242.52m): 124.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50735 000001800311 Darlaten Friedhof Darlaten Friedhof 52.528426000000 8.827032000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 708-HVV-708|13-13|VLN-VLN 1
L50736 000001800312 Darlaten Friedhof Darlaten Friedhof 52.528399000000 8.827032000000 0 0 256-256|VBN-VBN|13-13|VLN-VLN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50745 000000197034 Zeven Scheeßeler Straße Zeven Scheeßeler Straße 53.285083000000 9.282950000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L55427 000000187034 Zeven Scheeßeler Straße Zeven Scheeßeler Straße 53.285050000000 9.282980000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50757 000001932539 Plönjeshausen Beverwehr Plönjeshausen Beverwehr 53.429000000000 9.200360000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
L50760 000001992539 Plönjeshausen Beverwehr Plönjeshausen Beverwehr 53.429010000000 9.200340000000 0 0 380-380|Bremervörde-0380|ROW-ROW 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50783 000001932521 Elsdorf-Ehestorf Elsdorf-Ehestorf 53.247131000000 9.381279000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L50786 000001932522 Elsdorf-Ehestorf Elsdorf-Ehestorf 53.247148000000 9.381220000000 0 0 345-345|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50859 000092551010 Hannover Wiesenau SEV 52.423588000000 9.732492000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092551010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50860 000092551011 Hannover Wiesenau SEV 52.423687000000 9.732995000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092551011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50866 000000163215 Hinte Schulzentrum Hinte Schulzentrum 53.417816000000 7.191484000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|581-581|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427215 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8069 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427246 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8043 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412427238 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8050 (at arc-length 8773.55m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412427237 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8051 (at arc-length 8773.55m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412427236 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8052 (at arc-length 8773.55m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 412427231 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8057 (at arc-length 6678.52m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427221 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8065 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427229 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8056 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427216 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8068 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 412427213 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8070 (at arc-length 8187.04m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427338 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8071 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427340 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8072 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412427336 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8073 (at arc-length 2.87m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 412427241 is too far from computed projection point (53.418174,7.190922) on shape 8047 (at arc-length 8773.55m): 54.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50884 000001325361 Elsdorf-Hatzte Waldsiedlung Elsdorf-Hatzte Waldsiedlung 53.249536000000 9.426420000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|345-345|VBN-VBN 1
L50885 000001325362 Elsdorf-Hatzte Waldsiedlung Elsdorf-Hatzte Waldsiedlung 53.249536000000 9.426420000000 0 0 261-261|4150-4150|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI|345-345|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50902 120010078903 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50903 120010078904 Salzgitter-Bad Kattowitzer Platz 52.063028000000 10.370148000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50904 120010133603 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50905 120010133604 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Schäferkamp 52.162105000000 10.319380000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50906 120010133903 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 3 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
L50907 120010133904 Salzgitter-Lebenstedt Suthwiesenstraße 52.167676000000 10.322687000000 0 0 4 60-60|Salzgitter-4060|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50908 120010172803 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50909 120010172804 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50908 120010172803 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50910 120010172805 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 C 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50908 120010172803 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 A 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50911 120010172806 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 D 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50909 120010172804 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50910 120010172805 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 C 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50909 120010172804 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 B 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50911 120010172806 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 D 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50910 120010172805 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 C 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
L50911 120010172806 Wolfenbüttel W.-Brandes-Straße 52.157387000000 10.521471000000 0 0 D 70-70|VRB-VRB|Wolfenbüttel-4070
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50913 000092531008 Hannover Kabelkamp SEV2 52.412203000000 9.734549000000 0 000000902531 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092531008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50914 000092541010 Hannover Alter Flughafen SEV 52.416219000000 9.733561000000 0 000000902541 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50915 000092541011 Hannover Alter Flughafen SEV 52.416061000000 9.734073000000 0 000000902541 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50916 000092901006 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433836000000 9.731225000000 0 000000902901 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092901006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50916 000092901006 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433836000000 9.731225000000 0 000000902901 0 SEV1 1
L53384 000092901008 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433836000000 9.731225000000 0 000000902901 0 22901 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50917 000092901007 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433787000000 9.731620000000 0 000000902901 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092901007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50917 000092901007 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433787000000 9.731620000000 0 000000902901 0 SEV2 1
L53385 000092901009 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433787000000 9.731620000000 0 000000902901 0 22902 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50918 000092911009 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092911009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50918 000092911009 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 SEV1 1
L53386 000092911011 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 22911 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50919 000092911010 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437681000000 9.733947000000 0 000000902911 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092911010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50919 000092911010 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437681000000 9.733947000000 0 000000902911 0 SEV2 1
L53387 000092911012 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437681000000 9.733947000000 0 000000902911 0 22912 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50920 000092921007 Langenhagen Zentrum Bus 52.438097000000 9.740307000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092921007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50921 000092921008 Langenhagen Zentrum Bus 52.437938000000 9.740307000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092921008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50922 000092931003 Langenhagen K-Schumacher-Allee Bus 52.437155000000 9.746362000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092931003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50923 000092941004 Langenhagen Bus 52.436553000000 9.753853000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092941004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50924 000096000009 Hannover Berliner Platz SEV 52.430183000000 9.731530000000 0 000000906000 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50925 000096000010 Hannover Berliner Platz SEV 52.430446000000 9.731728000000 0 000000906000 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50927 000092531011 Hannover Kabelkamp SEV1 52.412274000000 9.733983000000 0 000000902531 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092531011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50945 120010446401 Kirchberg(Goslar) Dorfmitte 51.853446000000 10.158554000000 0 0 1 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
L50946 120010446402 Kirchberg(Goslar) Dorfmitte 51.853446000000 10.158554000000 0 0 2 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50947 120010446501 Kirchberg(Goslar) Kirche 51.855831000000 10.152765000000 0 0 1 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
L50948 120010446502 Kirchberg(Goslar) Kirche 51.855831000000 10.152765000000 0 0 2 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50949 120010446601 Kirchberg(Goslar) Knüllhof 51.863205000000 10.131991000000 0 0 1 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
L50950 120010446602 Kirchberg(Goslar) Knüllhof 51.863205000000 10.131991000000 0 0 2 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|Seesen-84|VRB-VRB|VSN-VSN
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L50963 120010520901 Adenhausen 51.901890000000 10.125365000000 0 0 1 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
L50964 120010520902 Adenhausen 51.901890000000 10.125365000000 0 0 2 84-84|950-950|HI-HI|Seesen-4084|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51006 000001012891 Emsbüren KiGa St. Josef Emsbüren KiGa St. Josef 52.391994000000 7.283587000000 0 0 132-132|910-7910|EMS-EMS|Leschede-LES 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 402173120 is too far from computed projection point (52.392010,7.284340) on shape 9007 (at arc-length 26355.03m): 51.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51043 000000637100 Oldenburg(Oldb) IKEA Oldenburg(Oldb) IKEA 53.139510000000 8.258252000000 0 0 740-740|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 400803547 is too far from computed projection point (53.138897,8.258725) on shape 1139 (at arc-length 4113.57m): 75.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51096 080000036811 Oberweser-Gieselwerder Neustadtstraße 51.598381000000 9.543972000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51097 080000036812 Oberweser-Gieselwerder Neustadtstraße 51.598381000000 9.543972000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51098 080000036821 Oberweser-Gieselwerder Rathaus 51.599421000000 9.550306000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51099 080000036822 Oberweser-Gieselwerder Rathaus 51.599421000000 9.550306000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51100 080000036831 Oberweser-Oedelsheim Mitte 51.590257000000 9.595460000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51101 080000036832 Oberweser-Oedelsheim Mitte 51.590257000000 9.595460000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51103 080000036851 Oberweser-Arenborn 51.600128000000 9.639522000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51104 080000036852 Oberweser-Arenborn 51.600128000000 9.639522000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51105 080000036881 Oberweser-Heisebeck Kirche 51.585592000000 9.656329000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51106 080000036882 Oberweser-Heisebeck Kirche 51.585592000000 9.656329000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51108 080000036901 Oberweser-Heisebeck Lichtenberg 51.587662000000 9.652477000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51109 080000036902 Oberweser-Heisebeck Lichtenberg 51.587662000000 9.652477000000 0 0 Arenborn/Heisebeck-624|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51111 080000036931 Oberweser-Gewissenruh 51.626216000000 9.534384000000 0 0 Gewissenruh-623|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51112 080000036932 Oberweser-Gewissenruh 51.626216000000 9.534384000000 0 0 Gewissenruh-623|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51114 080000036951 Oberweser-Oedelsheim Göttinger Straße 51.589018000000 9.598806000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
L51115 080000036952 Oberweser-Oedelsheim Göttinger Straße 51.589018000000 9.598806000000 0 0 Gieselwerder/Oedelsheim-620|VSN-VSN|Wesertal-WES
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51130 070010568701 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
L51131 070010568801 Papenburg Birkenallee 264 53.037084000000 7.410854000000 0 0 40413-40413|EMS-EMS|Papenburg-PAP
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51167 000000744210 Ihlow(Ostfriesl) Schulzentrum Ihlow(Ostfriesl) Schulzentrum 53.409482000000 7.442171000000 0 0 431-431|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 405157301 is too far from computed projection point (53.409072,7.441656) on shape 1168 (at arc-length 14521.99m): 56.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 405157296 is too far from computed projection point (53.409072,7.441656) on shape 1169 (at arc-length 24537.97m): 56.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405157295 is too far from computed projection point (53.409072,7.441656) on shape 1172 (at arc-length 18437.15m): 56.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 405157292 is too far from computed projection point (53.409072,7.441656) on shape 1174 (at arc-length 23385.72m): 56.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51222 000002025715 Agathenburg Hanfberg/Lieth Agathenburg Hanfberg/Lieth 53.557768000000 9.535844000000 0 0 HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 729-HVV-729|HVV Zone 809-HVV-809 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 390511393 is too far from computed projection point (53.557699,9.534430) on shape 10969 (at arc-length 166.45m): 93.71m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 390511388 is too far from computed projection point (53.557445,9.534620) on shape 10970 (at arc-length 2556.38m): 88.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51227 000001545241 Angerstein Im Hohen Felde Angerstein Im Hohen Felde 51.620170000000 9.935210000000 0 0 Angerstein-389|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
L51228 000001545242 Angerstein Im Hohen Felde Angerstein Im Hohen Felde 51.620170000000 9.935210000000 0 0 Angerstein-389|Nörten-Hardenberg-3390|VSN-VSN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51323 000000817528 Uelzen Im Grund Uelzen Im Grund 52.992499000000 10.548665000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3399.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 3399.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 3399.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51324 000000897535 Uelzen Hauenriede/Wullhop Uelzen Hauenriede/Wullhop 52.967803000000 10.544491000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
L51325 000000887535 Uelzen Hauenriede/Wullhop Uelzen Hauenriede/Wullhop 52.967794000000 10.544490000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51326 000000897540 Uelzen Meisterweg Uelzen Meisterweg 52.989087000000 10.548319000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 3032.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 3032.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 3032.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51340 000000897602 Kirchweyhe(Uelzen) Westerweyher Straße Kirchweyhe(Uelzen) Westerweyher Straße 53.003222000000 10.531492000000 0 0 2005-2005|207-207|UE-UE|Uelzen-UE 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 406157770 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7247 (at arc-length 22750.75m): 4865.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 406157710 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7248 (at arc-length 20920.72m): 4865.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 406157704 is too far from computed projection point (52.962412,10.557708) on shape 7250 (at arc-length 19849.97m): 4865.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51413 000012176101 Groß Düngen Bahnhof Bus 52.097357000000 10.020123000000 0 0 1 1
L51414 000012176102 Groß Düngen Bahnhof Bus 52.097351000000 10.020168000000 0 0 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51417 000094779008 Garbsen Bus 52.417491000000 9.596001000000 0 0 Bus12 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094779008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51493 000093800004 Hannover Zuschlagstraße Bus 52.356655000000 9.793038000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093800004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51563 000000144004 Etzel(Friedeburg) Klein-Moorstricher-Straße Etzel(Friedeburg Klein-Moorstricher-Straße 53.460006000000 7.905575000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 3952.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51573 000000144022 Willen Am Bahndamm Willen Am Bahndamm 53.559459000000 7.737449000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ 1
L51574 000000194022 Willen Am Bahndamm Willen Am Bahndamm 53.559459000000 7.737449000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51575 000000144023 Willen Grundschule Willen Grundschule 53.566368000000 7.737092000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ 1
L51576 000000194023 Willen Grundschule Willen Grundschule 53.566368000000 7.737092000000 0 0 300-300|VEJ-VEJ 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51602 160010974002 Hameln Kuhlmannstraße 52.095687000000 9.376552000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L51603 160010974003 Hameln Kuhlmannstraße 52.095687000000 9.376552000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51614 000093023005 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369382000000 9.808947000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093023005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51615 000093023006 Hannover Annastift Bus 52.369272000000 9.808615000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093023006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51616 000093033005 Hannover Bleekstraße Bus 52.365361000000 9.813439000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093033005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51617 000093033006 Hannover Bleekstraße Bus 52.365043000000 9.813906000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093033006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51618 000093081007 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361181000000 9.834244000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093081007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51619 000093081008 Hannover Tiergarten Bus 52.361384000000 9.833938000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093081008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51620 000093091007 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360435000000 9.845050000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093091007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51621 000093091008 Hannover Ostfeldstraße Bus 52.360759000000 9.844188000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093091008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51622 000093461008 Hannover Anderten Bus 52.358532000000 9.858319000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093461008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51623 000093461009 Hannover Anderten Bus 52.358351000000 9.858319000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093461009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51624 000093471004 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 52.359843000000 9.849722000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093471004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51628 000092461004 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384161000000 9.810088000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092461004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51629 000092461005 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384112000000 9.809783000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092461005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51630 000092851007 Hannover Kantplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.372234000000 9.785393000000 0 000000902851 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092851007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51631 000092851008 Hannover Kantplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.372371000000 9.785762000000 0 000000902851 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092851008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51632 000093001007 Hannover Uhlhornstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.371378000000 9.793864000000 0 000000903001 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093001007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51633 000093001008 Hannover Uhlhornstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.371669000000 9.792984000000 0 000000903001 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093001008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51634 000093011009 Hannover Nackenberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.370484000000 9.802300000000 0 000000903011 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093011009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51635 000093011010 Hannover Nackenberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.370781000000 9.802416000000 0 000000903011 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093011010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51636 000093017004 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Bus 52.374691000000 9.808139000000 0 000000903017 0 SEV 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093017004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51637 000093017005 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Bus 52.374384000000 9.807770000000 0 000000903017 0 SEV 2 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093017005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51638 000093045005 Hannover Saarbrückener Straße SEV 52.362438000000 9.819592000000 0 000000903045 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093045005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51639 000093045006 Hannover Saarbrückener Straße SEV 52.362789000000 9.818793000000 0 000000903045 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093045006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51640 000093071012 Hannover Großer Hillen SEV 52.361368000000 9.827390000000 0 000000903071 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093071012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51641 000093071013 Hannover Großer Hillen SEV 52.361730000000 9.827443000000 0 000000903071 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093071013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51648 000001854103 Etze(Friedeburg) Moorstrich Etze(Friedeburg) Moorstrich 53.456126000000 7.903988000000 0 0 302-302|VEJ-VEJ 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405086898 is too far from computed projection point (53.448696,7.848984) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 12486.25m): 3734.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51651 000092871006 Hannover Roderbruchmarkt SEV-Stadtbahn 52.389715000000 9.813538000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092871006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51652 000092871007 Hannover Roderbruchmarkt SEV-Stadtbahn 52.389572000000 9.812774000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092871007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51653 000092881009 Hannover Roderbruch SEV-Stadtbahn 52.390751000000 9.819143000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092881009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51654 000092881010 Hannover Roderbruch SEV-Stadtbahn 52.390515000000 9.818757000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092881010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51655 000093221011 Hannover Misburger Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.379583000000 9.809396000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093221011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51656 000093221012 Hannover Misburger Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.379451000000 9.808983000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093221012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51658 000091078008 Hannover Freundallee SEV Stadtbahn 52.368982000000 9.771640000000 0 000000901078 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091078008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51659 000091078009 Hannover Freundallee SEV Stadtbahn 52.369969000000 9.772008000000 0 000000901078 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091078009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51788 080000007241 Zienau Bad 52.515138000000 11.423348000000 0 0
L51789 080000007242 Zienau Bad 52.515138000000 11.423348000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51790 080000007284 Gardelegen Sandstraße 52.525762000000 11.390656000000 0 0
L51791 080000007287 Gardelegen Sandstraße 52.525762000000 11.390656000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51792 080000007291 Gardelegen Volkshaus 52.526433000000 11.383692000000 0 0
L51793 080000007292 Gardelegen Volkshaus 52.526433000000 11.383692000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51795 080000007551 Letzlingen Ort 52.444753000000 11.485368000000 0 0
L51796 080000007552 Letzlingen Ort 52.444753000000 11.485368000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51797 080000007601 Born B71 52.378229000000 11.465104000000 0 0
L51798 080000007602 Born B71 52.378229000000 11.465104000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51799 080000007631 Haldensleben Gerikestraße 52.279604000000 11.424670000000 0 0
L51800 080000007632 Haldensleben Gerikestraße 52.279604000000 11.424670000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51801 080000007661 Wedringen Ort 52.272635000000 11.466007000000 0 0
L51802 080000007662 Wedringen Ort 52.272635000000 11.466007000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51810 000092191004 Hannover Bothfeld Bus 52.414647000000 9.797107000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092191004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51810 000092191004 Hannover Bothfeld Bus 52.414647000000 9.797107000000 0 0 BusE1 1
L53019 000092191013 Hannover Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.414625000000 9.797053000000 0 000000902191 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51811 000092191005 Hannover Bothfeld Bus 52.414225000000 9.797098000000 0 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092191005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51834 000090361010 Hannover Dragonerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.394216000000 9.735124000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090361010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51835 000092571008 Hannover Großer Kolonnenweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.406466000000 9.738384000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092571008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51836 000092571009 Hannover Großer Kolonnenweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.406175000000 9.738016000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092571009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51837 000092581004 Hannover Reiterstadion Bus 52.411359000000 9.742750000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092581004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51838 000092581005 Hannover Reiterstadion Bus 52.411310000000 9.742786000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092581005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51839 000092591004 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt Bus 52.410822000000 9.749326000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092591004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51840 000092591005 Hannover Vahrenheider Markt Bus 52.410877000000 9.749434000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092591005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51841 000092621004 Hannover Tempelhofweg Bus 52.418274000000 9.765190000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092621004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51842 000092621005 Hannover Tempelhofweg Bus 52.418143000000 9.765469000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092621005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51843 000092631004 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417260000000 9.772763000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092631004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51844 000092631005 Hannover Bahnstrift Bus 52.417200000000 9.772691000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092631005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51845 000092641007 Hannover Alte Heide Bus 135/N35 52.415704000000 9.781054000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092641007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51846 000092641008 Hannover Alte Heide Bus 135/N35 52.415611000000 9.781180000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092641008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51856 000000896854 Klein Gaddau Ort Klein Gaddau Ort 52.983556000000 10.987923000000 0 0 2-2|DAN-DAN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 406158287 is too far from computed projection point (52.986825,10.988372) on shape 7267 (at arc-length 13955.19m): 364.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 406158312 is too far from computed projection point (52.986825,10.988372) on shape 7266 (at arc-length 13955.19m): 364.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 406158282 is too far from computed projection point (52.986825,10.988372) on shape 7268 (at arc-length 13018.36m): 364.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51870 000090371008 Hannover Niedersachsenring SEV Stadtbahn 52.399034000000 9.735824000000 0 000000900371 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090371008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51871 000090371009 Hannover Niedersachsenring SEV Stadtbahn 52.399061000000 9.736282000000 0 000000900371 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090371009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51872 000092511007 Hannover Büttnerstraße StadtbahnERSATZ RiR 52.404739000000 9.736965000000 0 0 SEV1a 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092511007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51873 000092511008 Hannover Büttnerstraße StadtbahnERSATZ RiR 52.404701000000 9.736938000000 0 0 SEV2a 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092511008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51874 000092521005 Hannover Windausstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.407507000000 9.734683000000 0 000000902521 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092521005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51875 000092521006 Hannover Windausstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.407529000000 9.735115000000 0 000000902521 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092521006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51876 000092841009 Hannover Clausewitzstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.370994000000 9.774164000000 0 000000902841 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092841009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51877 000092841010 Hannover Clausewitzstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.371285000000 9.774110000000 0 000000902841 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092841010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51935 000002166121 Wanna Landesstraße 117 Wanna Landesstraße 117 53.740117000000 8.791329000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L51936 000002166122 Wanna Landesstraße 117 Wanna Landesstraße 117 53.740120000000 8.791344000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51945 000092301008 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409326000000 9.815101000000 0 0 Bus 9 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092301008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51948 000093818006 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Bemerode 52.338195000000 9.833615000000 0 0 BusE1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093818006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51949 000096683005 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße Bus 52.422920000000 9.839993000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L56023 000096683007 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße SEV 52.422903000000 9.839975000000 0 000000906683 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51950 000096683006 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße Bus 52.422854000000 9.840487000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L56024 000096683008 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße SEV 52.422832000000 9.840451000000 0 000000906683 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51973 000090011004 Hannover Kröpcke Bus 52.373408000000 9.739391000000 0 0 Bus17 1
L60598 000090011027 Hannover Kröpcke SEV 52.373375000000 9.739435000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L51975 000090011006 Hannover Kröpcke Bus 52.373342000000 9.739471000000 0 0 Bus19 1
L60598 000090011027 Hannover Kröpcke SEV 52.373375000000 9.739435000000 0 0 SEV1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52104 000090101010 Hannover Aegidientorplatz Bus 52.369793000000 9.742930000000 0 0 E-GPl 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52135 000000197179 Holzhausen(GMHütte) Patkenhof Holzhausen(GMHütte) Patkenhof 52.219790000000 8.004816000000 0 0 411-7411|Kloster Oesede-7411|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 406915123 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 408 (at arc-length 4132.93m): 94.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410853507 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 466 (at arc-length 358.67m): 94.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410853534 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 462 (at arc-length 358.67m): 94.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 410853533 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 463 (at arc-length 4132.93m): 94.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 410853532 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 464 (at arc-length 358.67m): 94.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 410853531 is too far from computed projection point (52.219380,8.006027) on shape 465 (at arc-length 4132.93m): 94.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52193 000092830006 Hannover Congress Centrum Stadtbahn 2 52.377236000000 9.768406000000 0 0 SB3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092830006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52196 000093471008 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 2 52.359360000000 9.852381000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093471008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52222 000090431013 Hannover Humboldtstraße Stadtbahn 2 52.369673000000 9.723185000000 0 000000900431 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52237 000091651003 Rethen Galgenbergweg Stadtbahn 2 52.282038000000 9.829941000000 0 000000901651 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091651003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52300 080000036422 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
L52301 080000036423 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52300 080000036422 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
L52566 080000036421 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52301 080000036423 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
L52566 080000036421 Niestetal-Sandershausen Heiligenröder Straße 51.317962000000 9.544506000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52302 080000036431 Niestetal-Sandershausen Wilhelmine-Pötter-Straße 51.320559000000 9.546459000000 0 0
L52303 080000036432 Niestetal-Sandershausen Wilhelmine-Pötter-Straße 51.320559000000 9.546459000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52304 080000036441 Niestetal-Sandershausen Kirche 51.322321000000 9.550339000000 0 0
L52305 080000036442 Niestetal-Sandershausen Kirche 51.322321000000 9.550339000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52306 080000036473 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Söhrestraße 51.307912000000 9.563560000000 0 0
L52307 080000036474 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Söhrestraße 51.307912000000 9.563560000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52308 080000036481 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52309 080000036482 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52308 080000036481 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52571 080000036591 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52308 080000036481 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52572 080000036592 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52309 080000036482 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52571 080000036591 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52309 080000036482 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52572 080000036592 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52310 080000036501 Niestetal Zum Solarwerk 51.321157000000 9.568184000000 0 0
L52311 080000036502 Niestetal Zum Solarwerk 51.321157000000 9.568184000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52312 080000036521 Niestetal-Sandershausen Rathaus 51.314258000000 9.555993000000 0 0
L52313 080000036522 Niestetal-Sandershausen Rathaus 51.314258000000 9.555993000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52314 080000036533 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
L52315 080000036534 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52314 080000036533 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
L54135 080000036532 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52315 080000036534 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
L54135 080000036532 Niestetal-Sandershausen Spiekershäuser Straße 51.323267000000 9.555543000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52317 080000036571 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Forsthaus 51.317488000000 9.588550000000 0 0
L52318 080000036572 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Forsthaus 51.317488000000 9.588550000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52319 080000036581 Niestetal Zollhaus 51.334196000000 9.581633000000 0 0
L52320 080000036582 Niestetal Zollhaus 51.334196000000 9.581633000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52321 080000036641 Niestetal-Sandershausen Naturerlebnisbad 51.315493000000 9.553298000000 0 0
L52322 080000036642 Niestetal-Sandershausen Naturerlebnisbad 51.315493000000 9.553298000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52323 080000036651 Niestetal-Sandershausen Sportplatz 51.318666000000 9.549520000000 0 0
L52324 080000036652 Niestetal-Sandershausen Sportplatz 51.318666000000 9.549520000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52325 080000036661 Niestetal-Sandershausen Am Dachsacker 51.325389000000 9.555253000000 0 0
L52326 080000036662 Niestetal-Sandershausen Am Dachsacker 51.325389000000 9.555253000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52327 080000036671 Niestetal-Sandershausen Fuldablick 51.327325000000 9.558304000000 0 0
L52328 080000036672 Niestetal-Sandershausen Fuldablick 51.327325000000 9.558304000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52329 080000036681 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L52330 080000036682 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52329 080000036681 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L52331 080000036684 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52329 080000036681 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L54137 080000036683 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52330 080000036682 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L52331 080000036684 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52330 080000036682 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L54137 080000036683 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52331 080000036684 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
L54137 080000036683 Niestetal-Sandershausen Mehrzweckplatz 51.311595000000 9.560350000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52332 080000036691 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Müllerwiesen 51.305177000000 9.567743000000 0 0
L52333 080000036692 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Müllerwiesen 51.305177000000 9.567743000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52463 080007300301 Braunlage Von-Langen-Straße 51.726214000000 10.609781000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60129 000000051652 Braunlage Von-Langen-Straße 51.726214000000 10.609781000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52465 080007300501 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60120 000000051601 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52465 080007300501 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60121 000000051602 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52466 080007300506 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60120 000000051601 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52466 080007300506 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60121 000000051602 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52467 080007300601 Braunlage ZOB 51.719989000000 10.613366000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60130 000000051621 Braunlage ZOB 51.719989000000 10.613366000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52552 080000036211 Nieste Kirche 51.312930000000 9.670544000000 0 0
L52553 080000036212 Nieste Kirche 51.312930000000 9.670544000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52554 080000036221 Nieste Kaufunger Straße 51.311200000000 9.668095000000 0 0
L52555 080000036222 Nieste Kaufunger Straße 51.311200000000 9.668095000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52557 080000036241 Nieste Kasseler Straße 51.313988000000 9.669412000000 0 0
L52558 080000036242 Nieste Kasseler Straße 51.313988000000 9.669412000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52559 080000036251 Nieste Königsalm 51.305660000000 9.651151000000 0 0
L52560 080000036252 Nieste Königsalm 51.305660000000 9.651151000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52562 080000036271 Nieste Schule 51.311372000000 9.675670000000 0 0
L52563 080000036272 Nieste Schule 51.311372000000 9.675670000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52564 080000036411 Niestetal-Sandershausen SMA 51.315273000000 9.540845000000 0 0
L52565 080000036412 Niestetal-Sandershausen SMA 51.315273000000 9.540845000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52567 080000036491 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Rathenaustraße 51.308486000000 9.571340000000 0 0
L52568 080000036492 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Rathenaustraße 51.308486000000 9.571340000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52569 080000036561 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Niestetalstraße 51.313197000000 9.581926000000 0 0
L52570 080000036562 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Niestetalstraße 51.313197000000 9.581926000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52571 080000036591 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
L52572 080000036592 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Stein 51.308290000000 9.567207000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52573 080000036611 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Wicher Straße 51.308740000000 9.579977000000 0 0
L52574 080000036612 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Wicher Straße 51.308740000000 9.579977000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52575 080000036621 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Waldstrauch 51.310914000000 9.580104000000 0 0
L52576 080000036622 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Waldstrauch 51.310914000000 9.580104000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52577 080000036631 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Karl-Marx-Straße 51.308501000000 9.575600000000 0 0
L52578 080000036632 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Karl-Marx-Straße 51.308501000000 9.575600000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52649 170010055102 Stadthagen Kreisverwaltung 52.313610000000 9.192396000000 0 0 SHG-SHG|Stadthagen-SHG
L52650 170010055103 Stadthagen Kreisverwaltung 52.313610000000 9.192396000000 0 0 SHG-SHG|Stadthagen-SHG
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52687 000090671010 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus2-Ost-einwärts 52.357500000000 9.677254000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52703 120010088201 Braunschweig Christian-Pommer-Straße Nord 52.325262000000 10.465481000000 0 0 11 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
L52704 120010088202 Braunschweig Christian-Pommer-Straße Nord 52.325262000000 10.465481000000 0 0 12 40-40|Braunschweig-4040|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52712 090010561703 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L52713 090010561704 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52712 090010561703 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L52714 090010561705 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52713 090010561704 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L52714 090010561705 Ditterke 52.334523000000 9.581312000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52760 000090042004 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Ri Rosenstr. 52.378820000000 9.741124000000 0 0 Bus48 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52761 000090042022 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Hambg. Allee 52.379615000000 9.743325000000 0 0 Bus44 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042022
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52762 000090042023 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Hambg. Allee 52.379648000000 9.743226000000 0 0 Bus50 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042023
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52778 000090042027 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ersatzbus (Bau) 52.379555000000 9.742355000000 0 0 30044 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042027
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52779 000090042028 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ersatzbus (Bau) 52.379725000000 9.743056000000 0 0 30045 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042028
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52811 000090469005 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371466000000 9.713097000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52812 000090469006 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 700 / 170 52.371121000000 9.713052000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52813 000090481004 Hannover Leinaustraße Bus 52.373594000000 9.706881000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090481004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52814 000090481005 Hannover Leinaustraße Bus 52.373770000000 9.706692000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090481005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52815 000090501005 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375404000000 9.700754000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090501005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52816 000090501006 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Bus 52.375327000000 9.701428000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090501006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52821 000090451016 Hannover Waterloo SEV Allerw./SchwBär 52.368636000000 9.729329000000 0 0 SEV 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090451016
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52822 000090485005 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.374203000000 9.694843000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52823 000090485006 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.375519000000 9.695229000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52824 000090521004 Hannover Harenberger Straße SEV 52.374537000000 9.689848000000 0 000000900521 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090521004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52825 000090521005 Hannover Harenberger Straße SEV 52.377126000000 9.689615000000 0 000000900521 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090521005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52826 000090531007 Hannover Brunnenstraße SEV 52.377477000000 9.685016000000 0 000000900531 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090531007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52827 000090531008 Hannover Brunnenstraße SEV 52.377246000000 9.685150000000 0 000000900531 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090531008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52828 000090535007 Hannover Ehrhartstraße SEV 52.377170000000 9.672457000000 0 000000900535 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090535007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52829 000090535008 Hannover Ehrhartstraße SEV 52.377285000000 9.672888000000 0 000000900535 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090535008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52830 000090537002 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377214000000 9.664956000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090537002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52831 000090537003 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377033000000 9.664938000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090537003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52832 000090841006 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof Bus (vom Holw-Pl) 52.353341000000 9.722116000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090841006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52833 000090841008 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof Bus (zum Holw-Pl) 52.353084000000 9.721793000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090841008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52834 000090871004 Hannover Allerweg Bus 52.361549000000 9.721056000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090871004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52835 000090871005 Hannover Allerweg Bus 52.361478000000 9.721568000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090871005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52836 000090881006 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. Aegi 52.358800000000 9.722826000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090881006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52837 000090881009 Hannover Stadionbrücke Bus Ri. A-Holw-Pl 52.358905000000 9.722179000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090881009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52838 000090951006 Hannover Schünemannplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.347190000000 9.723787000000 0 000000900951 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090951006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52839 000090951007 Hannover Schünemannplatz SEV Stadtbahn 52.347684000000 9.723922000000 0 000000900951 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090951007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52840 000090961005 Hannover Beekestraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.343442000000 9.724955000000 0 000000900961 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090961005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52841 000090961006 Hannover Beekestraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.343261000000 9.725341000000 0 000000900961 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090961006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52842 000090971004 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341905000000 9.716205000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52843 000090971005 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 52.341790000000 9.716223000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52844 000090981004 Hannover Bartold-Knaust-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.342114000000 9.710941000000 0 000000900981 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090981004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52845 000090981005 Hannover Bartold-Knaust-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.342032000000 9.711004000000 0 000000900981 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090981005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52846 000090991004 Hannover Am Sauerwinkel SEV Stadtbahn 52.341285000000 9.703027000000 0 000000900991 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090991004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52847 000090991005 Hannover Am Sauerwinkel SEV Stadtbahn 52.341214000000 9.702775000000 0 000000900991 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090991005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52848 000091001006 Hannover Mühlenberger Markt Bus 52.341181000000 9.693729000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091001006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52849 000091001007 Hannover Mühlenberger Markt Bus 52.341346000000 9.693603000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091001007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52850 000095177005 Hannover Tresckowstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.336060000000 9.690882000000 0 000000905177 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095177005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52851 000095177006 Hannover Tresckowstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.335978000000 9.690944000000 0 000000905177 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095177006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52852 000095181006 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Abfahrt 52.332898000000 9.690864000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095181006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52853 000095181008 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Ankunft 52.333453000000 9.691358000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095181008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52857 000091391007 Hannover Bothmerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.332915000000 9.772934000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091391007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52858 000091431008 Hannover Wiehbergstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.328358000000 9.776850000000 0 000000901431 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091431008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52859 000091431009 Hannover Wiehbergstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.328490000000 9.777093000000 0 000000901431 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091431009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52860 000091441006 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323137000000 9.783201000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091441006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52861 000091441007 Hannover Am Brabrinke Bus 52.323620000000 9.783390000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091441007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52862 000091451007 Laatzen Birkenstraße SEV 52.318931000000 9.787091000000 0 000000901451 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091451007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52863 000091451008 Laatzen Birkenstraße SEV 52.319189000000 9.787262000000 0 000000901451 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091451008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52864 000091471006 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315032000000 9.791484000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091471006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52865 000091471007 Laatzen Eichstraße Bus 52.315148000000 9.791915000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091471007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52866 000091501003 Laatzen aquaLaatzium Bus 52.311248000000 9.796200000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091501003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52867 000091501004 Laatzen aquaLaatzium Bus 52.311320000000 9.796505000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091501004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52868 000091511003 Laatzen Krankenhaus Bus 52.307228000000 9.799434000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091511003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52869 000091511004 Laatzen Krankenhaus Bus 52.307288000000 9.799721000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091511004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52870 000091531005 Laatzen Ginsterweg Bus 52.299714000000 9.807833000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091531005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52871 000091531006 Laatzen Ginsterweg Bus 52.300807000000 9.807761000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091531006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52872 000091541004 Rethen Steinfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.294659000000 9.812882000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091541004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52873 000091541005 Rethen Steinfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.294764000000 9.812954000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091541005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52874 000091561004 Laatzen Park der Sinne Bus 52.310842000000 9.802704000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091561004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52875 000091561005 Laatzen Park der Sinne Bus 52.311139000000 9.803063000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091561005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52876 000091601005 Laatzen Zentrum Bus 1 52.306399000000 9.810546000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091601005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52877 000091601007 Laatzen Zentrum Bus 2 52.306366000000 9.809684000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091601007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52878 000091611007 Laatzen Bus 2 52.303520000000 9.814813000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091611007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52879 000091641005 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.286176000000 9.820158000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091641005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52880 000091651007 Rethen Galgenbergweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.282714000000 9.828818000000 0 000000901651 0 SB2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091651007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52881 000091651008 Rethen Galgenbergweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.281999000000 9.829986000000 0 000000901651 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091651008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52882 000091651009 Rethen Galgenbergweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.282131000000 9.829968000000 0 000000901651 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091651009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52883 000091661004 Gleidingen Bus 52.276662000000 9.837289000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091661004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52884 000091661005 Gleidingen Bus 52.276811000000 9.837280000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091661005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52885 000091665005 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.273898000000 9.839238000000 0 000000901665 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52886 000091665006 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.274074000000 9.839265000000 0 000000901665 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52886 000091665006 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.274074000000 9.839265000000 0 000000901665 0 SEV 2 1
L56059 000091665007 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.274090000000 9.839256000000 0 000000901665 0 31666 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52887 000091671005 Gleidingen Am Leinkamp SEV Stadtbahn 52.269967000000 9.840730000000 0 000000901671 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091671005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52888 000091671006 Gleidingen Am Leinkamp SEV Stadtbahn 52.270077000000 9.840783000000 0 000000901671 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091671006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52889 000091691005 Heisede Marienburger Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.259841000000 9.850692000000 0 000000901691 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091691005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52890 000091691006 Heisede Marienburger Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.259906000000 9.850530000000 0 000000901691 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091691006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52891 000091701006 Heisede Langer Kamp SEV Stadtbahn 52.257751000000 9.855830000000 0 000000901701 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091701006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52892 000091701007 Heisede Langer Kamp SEV Stadtbahn 52.257955000000 9.855713000000 0 000000901701 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091701007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52893 000091711006 Sarstedt Am Boksberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.248485000000 9.856558000000 0 000000901711 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091711006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52894 000091711007 Sarstedt Am Boksberg SEV Stadtbahn 52.248287000000 9.856657000000 0 000000901711 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091711007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52895 000091721005 Sarstedt Röntgenstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.243562000000 9.856486000000 0 000000901721 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091721005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52896 000091721006 Sarstedt Röntgenstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.243403000000 9.856621000000 0 000000901721 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091721006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52898 000091381012 Hannover Peiner Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.337306000000 9.769134000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091381012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52899 000091631009 Rethen/Pattenser Straße Bus von Rethen/Bf 52.291044000000 9.817912000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091631009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52900 000091631010 Rethen/Pattenser Straße Bus von Rethen/Bf 52.291203000000 9.818317000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091631010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52901 000092121007 Hannover Lortzingstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.392752000000 9.757653000000 0 000000902121 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092121007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52902 000092121008 Hannover Lortzingstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.392599000000 9.757896000000 0 000000902121 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092121008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52914 400000432402 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
L52915 400000432407 Rankwitz-Suckow 53.911441000000 13.958929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52925 000092131011 Hannover Vier Grenzen SEV Stadtbahn 52.395838000000 9.764921000000 0 000000902131 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092131011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52926 000092131012 Hannover Vier Grenzen SEV Stadtbahn 52.395164000000 9.763259000000 0 000000902131 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092131012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52927 000092141007 Hannover Pelikanstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.397702000000 9.771640000000 0 000000902141 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092141007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52928 000092141008 Hannover Pelikanstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.397538000000 9.771910000000 0 000000902141 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092141008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52929 000092151012 Hannover Spannhagengarten SEV Stadtbahn 52.400317000000 9.781324000000 0 000000902151 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092151012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52930 000092151013 Hannover Spannhagengarten SEV Stadtbahn 52.400021000000 9.781342000000 0 000000902151 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092151013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52931 000092161008 Hannover Klingerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.403030000000 9.791169000000 0 000000902161 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092161008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52932 000092161009 Hannover Klingerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.402728000000 9.791160000000 0 000000902161 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092161009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52933 000092171013 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke SEV Stadtbahn 52.406263000000 9.799838000000 0 000000902171 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092171013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52934 000092171014 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke SEV Stadtbahn 52.405271000000 9.798149000000 0 000000902171 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092171014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52936 000090451017 Hannover Waterloo SEV Ri Markhalle 52.368587000000 9.730075000000 0 0 SEV 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090451017
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L52938 000094380008 Hannover Stöcken Bus 2 - Ankunft 52.414587000000 9.667103000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094380008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53001 000090057007 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.376928000000 9.738447000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090057007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53002 000090057008 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.377027000000 9.737711000000 0 0 SEV 2 606-175 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090057008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53003 000090421005 Hannover Goetheplatz Bus 52.373073000000 9.725053000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53004 000090421006 Hannover Goetheplatz Bus 52.373194000000 9.724784000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090421006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53005 000090431009 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369590000000 9.722951000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53006 000090431010 Hannover Humboldtstraße Bus 52.369656000000 9.723338000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090431010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53012 000090042005 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Ri Rosenstr. 52.378425000000 9.741717000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53013 000090042006 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Ri Rosenstr. 52.378749000000 9.741466000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53014 000090121006 Hannover Steintor Bus Münzstr. 52.375799000000 9.732042000000 0 0 SEV 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090121006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53015 000090121007 Hannover Steintor Bus Münzstr. 52.375568000000 9.731396000000 0 0 SEV 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090121007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53016 000092181007 Hannover Bothfelder Kirchweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.412779000000 9.798015000000 0 000000902181 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092181007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53017 000092181008 Hannover Bothfelder Kirchweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.412444000000 9.798500000000 0 000000902181 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092181008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53018 000092191012 Hannover Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.414707000000 9.796856000000 0 000000902191 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092191012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53019 000092191013 Hannover Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.414625000000 9.797053000000 0 000000902191 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092191013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53020 000092201009 Hannover Kurze-Kamp-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.420044000000 9.798167000000 0 000000902201 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092201009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53021 000092201010 Hannover Kurze-Kamp-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.420657000000 9.798509000000 0 000000902201 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092201010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53022 000092211004 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.425166000000 9.799659000000 0 000000902211 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092211004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53023 000092211005 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Bothfeld SEV Stadtbahn 52.425242000000 9.799829000000 0 000000902211 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092211005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53024 000092221004 Hannover Fasanenkrug Bus 52.431629000000 9.800997000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092221004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53025 000092221005 Hannover Fasanenkrug Bus 52.431421000000 9.800835000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092221005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53029 000092131005 Hannover Vier Grenzen Bus 52.395882000000 9.763070000000 0 0 32136 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092131005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53030 000092131013 Hannover Vier Grenzen BusErsatzhaltestelle 52.396825000000 9.762109000000 0 0 32133 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092131013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53031 000092131014 Hannover Vier Grenzen BusErsatzhaltestelle 52.396973000000 9.762765000000 0 0 32134 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092131014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53053 120010907701 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 1 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55562 000000090771 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53053 120010907701 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 1 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55563 000000090772 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53101 000100122600 Amelinghausen Bahnhof Amelinghausen Bahnhof 53.130450000000 10.215970000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
L53104 000100122900 Amelinghausen Bahnhof Amelinghausen Bahnhof 53.130440000000 10.215930000000 0 0 HVV-HVV 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53120 000093818007 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Bemerode 52.338453000000 9.832627000000 0 0 33819 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093818007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53121 000001749761 Nolle Rechenbergstraße Nolle Rechenbergstraße 52.122995000000 8.192743000000 0 0 419-7419|Bad Rothenfelde-7419|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
L53122 000001749762 Nolle Rechenbergstraße Nolle Rechenbergstraße 52.123026000000 8.192777000000 0 0 419-7419|Bad Rothenfelde-7419|NRW-NRW|VOS-VOS 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53161 090012101002 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53162 090012101003 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53161 090012101002 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L60098 090012101004 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53161 090012101002 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L60099 090012101005 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53162 090012101003 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L60098 090012101004 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53162 090012101003 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L60099 090012101005 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53163 090012101102 Hildesheim Breslauer Straße 52.159151000000 9.922457000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53164 090012101103 Hildesheim Breslauer Straße 52.159151000000 9.922457000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53165 090012101202 Hildesheim Pauluskirche 52.162523000000 9.917175000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53166 090012101203 Hildesheim Pauluskirche 52.162523000000 9.917175000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53167 090012101302 Hildesheim Linnenkamp 52.166580000000 9.914335000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53168 090012101303 Hildesheim Linnenkamp 52.166580000000 9.914335000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53169 090012101402 Hildesheim Güldener Winkel 52.167871000000 9.911380000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53170 090012101403 Hildesheim Güldener Winkel 52.167871000000 9.911380000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53172 090012101602 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53173 090012101603 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53172 090012101602 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L55766 090012101699 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53173 090012101603 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L55766 090012101699 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt 52.173321000000 9.989945000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53174 090012101702 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt Bavenstedter Hauptstraße 52.174557000000 9.988321000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53175 090012101703 Hildesheim-Bavenstedt Bavenstedter Hauptstraße 52.174557000000 9.988321000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53176 090012101802 Drispenstedt(Hildesheim) 52.172764000000 9.977158000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53177 090012101803 Drispenstedt(Hildesheim) 52.172764000000 9.977158000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53321 090012115202 Hildesheim Münchewiese 52.163570000000 9.937189000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53322 090012115203 Hildesheim Münchewiese 52.163570000000 9.937189000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53324 090012115802 Hildesheim Gewerbegebiet-Nord 52.184173000000 9.948276000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53325 090012115803 Hildesheim Gewerbegebiet-Nord 52.184173000000 9.948276000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53336 090012130502 Hildesheim Halle 39 52.175168000000 9.941146000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53337 090012130503 Hildesheim Halle 39 52.175168000000 9.941146000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53338 090012130602 Hildesheim Junkersstraße 52.175068000000 9.945851000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53339 090012130603 Hildesheim Junkersstraße 52.175068000000 9.945851000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53366 000000191456 Gut Venhaus Gut Venhaus 52.341320000000 7.424830000000 0 0 40451-40451|950-7950|EMS-EMS|Salzbergen-SAB 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 410450529 is too far from computed projection point (52.341235,7.425756) on shape 4104 (at arc-length 14110.62m): 63.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 410450528 is too far from computed projection point (52.341235,7.425756) on shape 4105 (at arc-length 12419.70m): 63.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53380 000092541012 Hannover Alter Flughafen SEV 52.416219000000 9.733561000000 0 000000902541 0 22541 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53381 000092541013 Hannover Alter Flughafen SEV 52.416061000000 9.734073000000 0 000000902541 0 22542 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53382 000092551012 Hannover Wiesenau SEV 52.423648000000 9.732483000000 0 0 22551 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092551012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53383 000092551013 Hannover Wiesenau SEV 52.423687000000 9.732995000000 0 0 22552 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092551013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53384 000092901008 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433836000000 9.731225000000 0 000000902901 0 22901 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092901008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53385 000092901009 Langenhagen Angerstraße SEV 52.433787000000 9.731620000000 0 000000902901 0 22902 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092901009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53386 000092911011 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437708000000 9.733426000000 0 000000902911 0 22911 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092911011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53387 000092911012 Langenhagen Langenforther Pl. SEV 52.437681000000 9.733947000000 0 000000902911 0 22912 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092911012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53388 000096000011 Hannover Berliner Platz SEV 52.430183000000 9.731530000000 0 000000906000 0 26001 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53389 000096000012 Hannover Berliner Platz SEV 52.430446000000 9.731728000000 0 000000906000 0 26002 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53390 090010174102 Sarstedt Am Ried 52.233773000000 9.863841000000 0 0 1100-1100|130-130|3-3|HI-HI|Region-5003|Sarstedt-SAR
L53391 090010174103 Sarstedt Am Ried 52.233773000000 9.863841000000 0 0 1100-1100|130-130|3-3|HI-HI|Region-5003|Sarstedt-SAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53445 090012125402 Eimsen Am Mühlenberg 51.999968000000 9.820728000000 0 0 260-260|4760-4760|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53446 090012125403 Eimsen Am Mühlenberg 51.999968000000 9.820728000000 0 0 260-260|4760-4760|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53490 090012129602 Alfeld(Leine) 7-Berge-Bad 51.979149000000 9.831380000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53491 090012129603 Alfeld(Leine) 7-Berge-Bad 51.979149000000 9.831380000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53493 090012140202 Gronau(Leine) Krankenhaus 52.083109000000 9.766381000000 0 0 220-220|4080-4080|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
L53494 090012140203 Gronau(Leine) Krankenhaus 52.083109000000 9.766381000000 0 0 220-220|4080-4080|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53495 090012140502 Hildesheim-Ochtersum Forsthaus Steinberg 52.118877000000 9.939273000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L53496 090012140503 Hildesheim-Ochtersum Forsthaus Steinberg 52.118877000000 9.939273000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53497 090012140702 Diekholzen Schule 52.095653000000 9.917655000000 0 0 180-180|4510-4510|HI-HI
L53498 090012140703 Diekholzen Schule 52.095653000000 9.917655000000 0 0 180-180|4510-4510|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53499 090012140902 Barienrode Heinrich-Heine-Straße 52.113408000000 9.949917000000 0 0 180-180|5000-5000|HI-HI
L53500 090012140903 Barienrode Heinrich-Heine-Straße 52.113408000000 9.949917000000 0 0 180-180|5000-5000|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53591 090012149002 Ruthe Hopfenberg 52.243938000000 9.824607000000 0 0 1140-1140|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
L53592 090012149003 Ruthe Hopfenberg 52.243938000000 9.824607000000 0 0 1140-1140|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53593 090012149102 Ruthe Ortsmitte 52.247226000000 9.832666000000 0 0 1140-1140|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
L53594 090012149103 Ruthe Ortsmitte 52.247226000000 9.832666000000 0 0 1140-1140|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53595 090012149202 Harsum Siedlung 52.203862000000 9.964908000000 0 0 110-110|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
L53596 090012149203 Harsum Siedlung 52.203862000000 9.964908000000 0 0 110-110|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53597 090012149302 Harsum Grundschule 52.205922000000 9.961384000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
L53598 090012149303 Harsum Grundschule 52.205922000000 9.961384000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53600 090012149502 Harsum Schulzentrum 52.205932000000 9.956732000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
L53601 090012149503 Harsum Schulzentrum 52.205932000000 9.956732000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53602 090012149602 Harsum Industriegebiet 52.213592000000 9.969655000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
L53603 090012149603 Harsum Industriegebiet 52.213592000000 9.969655000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53604 090012149702 Harsum Kaiserstraße 52.209613000000 9.964931000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
L53605 090012149703 Harsum Kaiserstraße 52.209613000000 9.964931000000 0 0 110-110|2010-2010|HI-HI|Harsum-HAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53606 090012150002 Algermissen Siedlung 52.253029000000 9.980459000000 0 0 120-120|2035-2035|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
L53607 090012150003 Algermissen Siedlung 52.253029000000 9.980459000000 0 0 120-120|2035-2035|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53608 090012150102 Algermissen Kirche 52.253689000000 9.972404000000 0 0 120-120|2035-2035|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
L53609 090012150103 Algermissen Kirche 52.253689000000 9.972404000000 0 0 120-120|2035-2035|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53610 090012150202 Sarstedt Innerstebad 52.233919000000 9.850961000000 0 0 1100-1100|130-130|3-3|HI-HI|Region-5003|Sarstedt-SAR
L53611 090012150203 Sarstedt Innerstebad 52.233919000000 9.850961000000 0 0 1100-1100|130-130|3-3|HI-HI|Region-5003|Sarstedt-SAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53612 090012150302 Algermissen Tiefenbek 52.261329000000 9.962377000000 0 0 120-120|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
L53613 090012150303 Algermissen Tiefenbek 52.261329000000 9.962377000000 0 0 120-120|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53614 090012150402 Lühnde Südsiedlung 52.271045000000 9.952406000000 0 0 120-120|2090-2090|3-3|Algermissen-ALG|GVH-GVH|HI-HI|Region-5003
L53615 090012150403 Lühnde Südsiedlung 52.271045000000 9.952406000000 0 0 120-120|2090-2090|3-3|Algermissen-ALG|GVH-GVH|HI-HI|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53616 090012150502 Bledeln Thie 52.270658000000 9.924168000000 0 0 120-120|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
L53617 090012150503 Bledeln Thie 52.270658000000 9.924168000000 0 0 120-120|Algermissen-ALG|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53618 090012150602 Gödringen Zimmerplatz 52.241313000000 9.895185000000 0 0 1170-1170|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
L53619 090012150603 Gödringen Zimmerplatz 52.241313000000 9.895185000000 0 0 1170-1170|130-130|HI-HI|Sarstedt-SAR
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53655 090012154502 Alfeld(Leine) Föhrster Straße 51.978159000000 9.821421000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53656 090012154503 Alfeld(Leine) Föhrster Straße 51.978159000000 9.821421000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53657 090012154602 Föhrste Gasthof 51.967912000000 9.829309000000 0 0 260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53658 090012154603 Föhrste Gasthof 51.967912000000 9.829309000000 0 0 260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53659 090012154702 Föhrste Post 51.962186000000 9.837045000000 0 0 260-260|4140-4140|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53660 090012154703 Föhrste Post 51.962186000000 9.837045000000 0 0 260-260|4140-4140|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53661 090012154802 Wispenstein 51.953400000000 9.851427000000 0 0 261-261|4150-4150|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53662 090012154803 Wispenstein 51.953400000000 9.851427000000 0 0 261-261|4150-4150|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53663 090012154902 Imsen 51.948852000000 9.836506000000 0 0 261-261|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53664 090012154903 Imsen 51.948852000000 9.836506000000 0 0 261-261|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53686 090012160002 Fölziehausen 51.989543000000 9.655789000000 0 0 270-270|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
L53687 090012160003 Fölziehausen 51.989543000000 9.655789000000 0 0 270-270|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53731 090012164102 Rott Abzw. Rott 52.031709000000 9.715056000000 0 0 270-270|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
L53732 090012164103 Rott Abzw. Rott 52.031709000000 9.715056000000 0 0 270-270|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53733 090012164202 Alfeld(Leine) Senator-Behrens-Straße 51.993139000000 9.840826000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53734 090012164203 Alfeld(Leine) Senator-Behrens-Straße 51.993139000000 9.840826000000 0 0 260-260|4000-4000|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53735 090012164302 Langenholzen 51.995701000000 9.851842000000 0 0 260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53736 090012164303 Langenholzen 51.995701000000 9.851842000000 0 0 260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53737 090012164402 Sack(Alfeld) Abzw. Sack 51.998859000000 9.857357000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53738 090012164403 Sack(Alfeld) Abzw. Sack 51.998859000000 9.857357000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53739 090012164502 Sack(Alfeld) Ortsmitte 51.999937000000 9.867614000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|4330-4330|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53740 090012164503 Sack(Alfeld) Ortsmitte 51.999937000000 9.867614000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|4330-4330|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53741 090012164602 Sack(Alfeld) Wernershöhe 52.024273000000 9.889633000000 0 0 231-231|HI-HI
L53742 090012164603 Sack(Alfeld) Wernershöhe 52.024273000000 9.889633000000 0 0 231-231|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53743 090012164702 Sack(Alfeld) Oberdorf 51.998585000000 9.874170000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|4330-4330|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
L53744 090012164703 Sack(Alfeld) Oberdorf 51.998585000000 9.874170000000 0 0 231-231|260-260|4330-4330|Alfeld-ALF|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53745 090012164802 Adenstedt(b Alfeld) Adenstedter Berg 51.994271000000 9.912129000000 0 0 231-231|HI-HI
L53746 090012164803 Adenstedt(b Alfeld) Adenstedter Berg 51.994271000000 9.912129000000 0 0 231-231|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53747 090012164902 Adenstedt(b Alfeld) Alfelder Straße 51.998473000000 9.936618000000 0 0 231-231|4360-4360|HI-HI
L53748 090012164903 Adenstedt(b Alfeld) Alfelder Straße 51.998473000000 9.936618000000 0 0 231-231|4360-4360|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53849 090012174002 Bettrum Mitte 52.179119000000 10.171301000000 0 0 163-163|2380-2380|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
L53850 090012174003 Bettrum Mitte 52.179119000000 10.171301000000 0 0 163-163|2380-2380|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53851 090012174102 Bettrum Konservenfabrik 52.181097000000 10.180998000000 0 0 163-163|2380-2380|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
L53852 090012174103 Bettrum Konservenfabrik 52.181097000000 10.180998000000 0 0 163-163|2380-2380|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53853 090012174202 Klein Himstedt 52.182589000000 10.192695000000 0 0 170-170|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
L53854 090012174203 Klein Himstedt 52.182589000000 10.192695000000 0 0 170-170|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53855 090012174302 Groß Himstedt 52.185406000000 10.201236000000 0 0 170-170|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
L53856 090012174303 Groß Himstedt 52.185406000000 10.201236000000 0 0 170-170|HI-HI|Hoheneggelsen-HOE
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53892 090012178602 Klein Ilde 52.014467000000 10.035840000000 0 0 192-192|240-240|HI-HI
L53893 090012178603 Klein Ilde 52.014467000000 10.035840000000 0 0 192-192|240-240|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53894 090012178702 Groß Ilde 52.011402000000 10.042994000000 0 0 192-192|240-240|HI-HI
L53895 090012178703 Groß Ilde 52.011402000000 10.042994000000 0 0 192-192|240-240|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53897 090012178902 Wehrstedt Schmiede 52.046023000000 10.012009000000 0 0 191-191|3320-3320|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
L53898 090012178903 Wehrstedt Schmiede 52.046023000000 10.012009000000 0 0 191-191|3320-3320|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53964 090012188602 Listringen(Bad Salzdetfurth) 52.101126000000 10.068533000000 0 0 190-190|201-201|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
L53965 090012188603 Listringen(Bad Salzdetfurth) 52.101126000000 10.068533000000 0 0 190-190|201-201|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53966 090012188702 Heinde(Bad Salzdetfurth) Ostertor 52.102439000000 10.039904000000 0 0 190-190|5380-5380|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
L53967 090012188703 Heinde(Bad Salzdetfurth) Ostertor 52.102439000000 10.039904000000 0 0 190-190|5380-5380|Bad Salzdetfurth-BSD|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L53989 090012198202 Heersum Kirche 52.106494000000 10.106764000000 0 0 201-201|5370-5370|Derneburg-DER|HI-HI
L53990 090012198203 Heersum Kirche 52.106494000000 10.106764000000 0 0 201-201|5370-5370|Derneburg-DER|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54053 090012286602 Dötzum 52.080128000000 9.805059000000 0 0 220-220|5020-5020|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
L54054 090012286603 Dötzum 52.080128000000 9.805059000000 0 0 220-220|5020-5020|Banteln-BAN|HI-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54060 000090551005 Hannover Schwarzer Bär Bus 120 52.368153000000 9.720607000000 0 0 30558 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090551005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54061 000090571004 Hannover Lindener Marktplatz Bus 52.366541000000 9.714453000000 0 0 30574 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090571004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54062 000090241005 Hannover An der Strangriede Bus 52.391546000000 9.720939000000 0 0 30243 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090241005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54063 000090241006 Hannover An der Strangriede Bus 52.391201000000 9.720742000000 0 0 30244 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090241006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54064 000090261005 Hannover Haltenhoffstraße Bus 52.392637000000 9.713627000000 0 0 30264 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090261005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54066 000092931004 Langenhagen K-Schumacher-Allee Bus 52.437161000000 9.746362000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092931004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54068 000092931008 Langenhagen K-Schumacher-Allee Bus 2 52.437374000000 9.746838000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092931008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54069 000092931009 Langenhagen K-Schumacher-Allee Bus 2 52.437374000000 9.746829000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092931009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54072 000092941009 Langenhagen Bus 2 52.436739000000 9.754042000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092941009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54075 000092921009 Langenhagen Zentrum Bus 52.438097000000 9.740307000000 0 0 8705 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092921009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54076 000092921010 Langenhagen Zentrum Bus 52.437938000000 9.740307000000 0 0 8706 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092921010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54077 000092941005 Langenhagen Bus 52.436739000000 9.754042000000 0 0 8701 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092941005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54078 000092941006 Langenhagen Bus 52.436553000000 9.753853000000 0 0 8702 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092941006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54131 080000036401 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Windhausen 51.304091000000 9.610673000000 0 0
L54132 080000036402 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Windhausen 51.304091000000 9.610673000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54138 080000036701 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Park 51.304749000000 9.576327000000 0 0
L54139 080000036702 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Park 51.304749000000 9.576327000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54140 080000036751 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Friedhof 51.306660000000 9.582503000000 0 0
L54141 080000036752 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Friedhof 51.306660000000 9.582503000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54142 080000036761 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Spitzen Berg 51.303835000000 9.581220000000 0 0
L54143 080000036762 Niestetal-Heiligenrode Am Spitzen Berg 51.303835000000 9.581220000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54145 080000036971 Reinhardswald Friedwald 51.520494000000 9.553257000000 0 0
L54146 080000036972 Reinhardswald Friedwald 51.520494000000 9.553257000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54147 080000036981 Reinhardswald Kühbacher Wiese 51.500499000000 9.540082000000 0 0
L54148 080000036982 Reinhardswald Kühbacher Wiese 51.500499000000 9.540082000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54200 000000606503 Wardenburg ZUH Wardenburg ZUH 53.055108000000 8.202975000000 0 0 A 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 409688684 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3360 (at arc-length 11716.92m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 409688682 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3363 (at arc-length 20158.57m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 409688692 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3364 (at arc-length 8955.40m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 409688691 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3365 (at arc-length 3304.27m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688661 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3373 (at arc-length 896.87m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688667 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3381 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688672 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3383 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54201 000000606504 Wardenburg ZUH Wardenburg ZUH 53.055054000000 8.202835000000 0 0 A 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688618 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3328 (at arc-length 1500.19m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688617 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3329 (at arc-length 1500.19m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688616 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3330 (at arc-length 1500.19m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688615 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3331 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688614 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3332 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688613 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3333 (at arc-length 1500.19m): 60.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 409688607 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3335 (at arc-length 28019.89m): 60.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54203 000000606502 Wardenburg ZUH Wardenburg ZUH 53.055219000000 8.202901000000 0 0 A 925-925|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 409688662 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3372 (at arc-length 896.87m): 50.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688680 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3375 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688673 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3382 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688668 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3380 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 409688671 is too far from computed projection point (53.055482,8.202282) on shape 3384 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54228 000001152373 Worpswede Worpheim/Waakhauser Straße Worpswede Worpheim/Waakhauser Straße 53.207370000000 8.881720000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
L54229 000001152374 Worpswede Worpheim/Waakhauser Straße Worpswede Worpheim/Waakhauser Straße 53.207380000000 8.881750000000 0 0 225-225|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54281 000094101005 Hannover Nordhafen Bus 52.422136000000 9.690154000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094101005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54374 000000191296 Leschede Grundschule Leschede Grundschule 52.404349000000 7.303746000000 0 0 908-908|908-7908|EMS-EMS|Leschede-LES 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 402173104 is too far from computed projection point (52.403114,7.304901) on shape 9004 (at arc-length 16209.90m): 158.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54524 000090711003 Hannover Hermann-Ehlers-Allee Stadtbahn 2 52.347223000000 9.669843000000 0 000000900711 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090711003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54536 090012105602 Hildesheim Marienfriedhof 52.160793000000 9.960630000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L54537 090012105603 Hildesheim Marienfriedhof 52.160793000000 9.960630000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54612 170010016502 Evesen Bahnhof 52.278785000000 9.000927000000 0 0 Bückeburg-BUB|SHG-SHG
L54613 170010016503 Evesen Bahnhof 52.278785000000 9.000927000000 0 0 Bückeburg-BUB|SHG-SHG
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L54903 170010055602 Waltringhausen Auf dem Wachtlande 52.339479000000 9.401094000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|SHG-SHG
L54904 170010055603 Waltringhausen Auf dem Wachtlande 52.339479000000 9.401094000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003|SHG-SHG
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55101 010010673001 Ahmsen Vinner Straße 52.782738000000 7.627848000000 0 0 40262-40262|EMS-EMS
L55198 010010683701 Ahmsen Vinner Straße 52.782738000000 7.627848000000 0 0 40262-40262|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55104 010010673301 Wehm Schule 52.831811000000 7.665328000000 0 0 4057-4057|EMS-EMS
L55167 010010680301 Wehm Schule 52.831811000000 7.665328000000 0 0 4057-4057|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55106 010010673601 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
L55217 010010685701 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55106 010010673601 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
L55218 010010685801 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55106 010010673601 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
L55267 010010750301 Eltern B 213/Dorf 52.680498000000 7.515581000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55108 010010673901 Flechum B 213 52.694431000000 7.557324000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
L55223 010010686301 Flechum B 213 52.694431000000 7.557324000000 0 0 40197-40197|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55141 010010677601 Lehrte(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.668835000000 7.393051000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
L55249 010010689501 Lehrte(Haselünne) Siedlung 52.668835000000 7.393051000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55143 010010677801 Lehrterfeld Bölle 52.656495000000 7.384414000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
L55248 010010689401 Lehrterfeld Bölle 52.656495000000 7.384414000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55144 010010677901 Lehrterfeld Lake 52.653588000000 7.381477000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
L55246 010010689201 Lehrterfeld Lake 52.653588000000 7.381477000000 0 0 40191-40191|EMS-EMS
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55269 000090341009 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV/Linie300 52.391256000000 9.734495000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090341009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55270 000090341010 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV/Linie300 52.391036000000 9.734926000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090341010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55271 000092531009 Hannover Kabelkamp SEV2 52.412274000000 9.733983000000 0 000000902531 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092531009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55272 000092531010 Hannover Kabelkamp SEV2 52.412521000000 9.735195000000 0 000000902531 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092531010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55273 000092601008 Hannover Papenwinkel SEV 52.413326000000 9.762810000000 0 000000902601 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092601008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55274 000092601009 Hannover Papenwinkel SEV 52.413124000000 9.762828000000 0 000000902601 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092601009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55275 000092611005 Hannover Zehlendorfweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.419025000000 9.759037000000 0 000000902611 0 SEV 1 1030-1031 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092611005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55276 000092611006 Hannover Zehlendorfweg SEV Stadtbahn 52.418953000000 9.759064000000 0 000000902611 0 SEV 2 1030-1031 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092611006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55277 000094777007 Auf der Horst Marshof SEV Stadtbahn 52.416910000000 9.602137000000 0 000000904777 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094777007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55278 000094777008 Auf der Horst Marshof SEV Stadtbahn 52.416948000000 9.603080000000 0 000000904777 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094777008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55279 000094779009 Garbsen Bus 52.417436000000 9.596514000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094779009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55280 000094779010 Garbsen Bus 52.417754000000 9.596352000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094779010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55285 000000607337 Bremen Roland-Center Bremen Roland-Center 53.048707000000 8.742526000000 0 0 195-195|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 405920071 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11027 (at arc-length 6579.34m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 410194229 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11028 (at arc-length 6658.34m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 410190865 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11171 (at arc-length 5471.48m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 410190305 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11175 (at arc-length 11080.19m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 407518400 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11421 (at arc-length 15962.58m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 46 on examplar trip 407518664 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11454 (at arc-length 21120.75m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 407518657 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11455 (at arc-length 10339.03m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 407518653 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11456 (at arc-length 15999.63m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 407518631 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11457 (at arc-length 17690.99m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 411806868 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11028 (at arc-length 6658.34m): 53.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 407519027 is too far from computed projection point (53.048547,8.741771) on shape 11487 (at arc-length 13292.17m): 53.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55287 000092171012 Hannover Noltemeyerbrücke Bus 4 - regiobus 52.406449000000 9.801105000000 0 0 BusMA 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092171012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55288 000094393004 Hannover Lauckerthof SEV Stadtbahn 52.411014000000 9.653916000000 0 000000904393 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094393004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55289 000094393005 Hannover Lauckerthof SEV Stadtbahn 52.411096000000 9.654087000000 0 000000904393 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094393005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55290 000094395004 Hannover Auf der Klappenburg Bus 52.414181000000 9.649011000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094395004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55291 000094395005 Hannover Auf der Klappenburg Bus 52.414472000000 9.648616000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094395005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55292 000094397006 Hannover Jädekamp Bus 52.416192000000 9.641330000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094397006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55293 000094397007 Hannover Jädekamp Bus 52.416187000000 9.641905000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094397007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55294 000094399006 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder Bus 52.416137000000 9.634108000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094399006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55295 000094399007 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder Bus 52.416521000000 9.634234000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094399007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55296 000094773008 Hannover Schönebecker Allee Bus 52.417951000000 9.614588000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094773008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55297 000094773009 Hannover Schönebecker Allee Bus 52.417814000000 9.614516000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094773009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55298 000094775008 Auf der Horst Skorpiongasse SEV Stadtbahn 52.416362000000 9.611282000000 0 000000904775 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094775008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55299 000094775009 Auf der Horst Skorpiongasse SEV Stadtbahn 52.416389000000 9.610958000000 0 000000904775 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094775009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55304 000094380009 Hannover Stöcken Bus 2 - Ankunft 52.414494000000 9.668208000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094380009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55309 000094399008 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder Bus 52.416499000000 9.634090000000 0 0 34695 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094399008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55310 000094399009 Wissenschaftspark Marienwerder Bus 52.416187000000 9.634234000000 0 0 34698 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094399009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55365 000000623145 Bremen Gröpelingen Bremen Gröpelingen 53.120955000000 8.752387000000 0 0 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 405921121 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11104 (at arc-length 20948.29m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 411807912 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11105 (at arc-length 23459.01m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 44 on examplar trip 410192469 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11106 (at arc-length 24300.78m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 410192390 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11117 (at arc-length 20040.48m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 405921020 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11118 (at arc-length 23392.97m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 47 on examplar trip 411807669 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11123 (at arc-length 24875.66m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 55 on examplar trip 399928168 is too far from computed projection point (53.121227,8.753049) on shape 8784 (at arc-length 43243.21m): 53.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 60 on examplar trip 399928134 is too far from computed projection point (53.121227,8.753049) on shape 8788 (at arc-length 53747.75m): 53.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 410192028 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11141 (at arc-length 6640.13m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 410191911 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11148 (at arc-length 12603.39m): 59.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 405920597 is too far from computed projection point (53.120574,8.753003) on shape 11147 (at arc-length 5027.73m): 59.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55402 000000620108 Bremen Bahnhof Sebaldsbrück Bremen Bahnhof Sebaldsbrück 53.062131000000 8.890023000000 0 0 E-Halt 100-100|Bremen-1100|VBN-VBN 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 405922365 is too far from computed projection point (53.061700,8.889720) on shape 10981 (at arc-length 10175.28m): 52.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55408 000000051851 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Adolph-Roemer-Straße 51.806292000000 10.335414000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
L60235 120010518503 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Adolph-Roemer-Straße 51.806292000000 10.335414000000 0 0 1 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55408 000000051851 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Adolph-Roemer-Straße 51.806292000000 10.335414000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
L60236 120010518505 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Adolph-Roemer-Straße 51.806292000000 10.335414000000 0 0 E1 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55445 000094331005 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB-SEV1 52.397373000000 9.674927000000 0 0 DB1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55446 000094331006 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen DB-SEV2 52.397269000000 9.674649000000 0 0 DB2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55449 490008071893 Ronnenberg Bauernwiesenweg 52.321515000000 9.662104000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 412745768 is too far from computed projection point (52.321879,9.651471) on shape 5231 (at arc-length 0.00m): 723.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55452 090010467305 Berenbostel Dorfplatz 52.437240000000 9.612264000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
L55453 090010467306 Berenbostel Dorfplatz 52.437240000000 9.612264000000 0 0 2-2|GVH-GVH|Umland-5002
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55468 000090042020 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Fernbus 52.379029000000 9.740594000000 0 0 90SEV 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090042020
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55480 080000321091 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L56034 160010801011 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 A H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55480 080000321091 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L56035 160010801012 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 B H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55480 080000321091 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
L56036 160010801014 Hameln Schulzentrum Nord 52.116733000000 9.367425000000 0 0 D H-P-H-P|HM-813|Hameln-HM
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55510 000090671006 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus1-WestAuswärts 52.359228000000 9.676616000000 0 0 SEV 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55511 000090671011 Hannover Am Soltekampe Bus2-Ost-einwärts 52.359091000000 9.676580000000 0 0 SEV 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090671011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55516 000095001015 Empelde Bus 2 - Ankunft 52.344040000000 9.667498000000 0 0 Bus 1 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001015
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55517 000095001016 Empelde Bus 2 - Ankunft 52.344024000000 9.667292000000 0 0 Bus 6 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001016
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55518 000095001017 Empelde Ersatzbus 52.343815000000 9.668603000000 0 0 35003 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001017
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55521 000090711004 Hannover Hermann-Ehlers-Allee Bus 52.346888000000 9.669843000000 0 000000900711 0 30712 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090711004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55556 000000051861 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Am Schlagbaum 51.797876000000 10.338504000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55557 000000051862 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Am Schlagbaum 51.797876000000 10.338504000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55562 000000090771 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
L55563 000000090772 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Rollplatz 51.801070000000 10.339052000000 0 0 87-87|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55571 000000090321 Höxter-Lüchtringen Bahnhof 51.791661000000 9.427484000000 0 0 Lüchtringen-706
L55572 000000090322 Höxter-Lüchtringen Bahnhof 51.791661000000 9.427484000000 0 0 Lüchtringen-706
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55665 120010147801 Bergfeld Feuerwehr 52.546542000000 10.849735000000 0 0 1 14-14|VRB-VRB
L55666 120010147802 Bergfeld Feuerwehr 52.546542000000 10.849735000000 0 0 2 14-14|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55685 000008016421 Wietzetze Rundling Wietzetze Rundling 53.184599000000 10.931107000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 8765.99m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 8766.10m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 8766.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55696 000000815475 Moislingen Moislingen 53.192716000000 10.882792000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 11974.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 11974.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 11974.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55707 000090485007 Hannover Wunstorfer Straße Bus 52.375311000000 9.694897000000 0 0 30485 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090485007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55708 000091091009 Hannover Kerstingstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.364100000000 9.773607000000 0 000000901091 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091091009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55709 000091091010 Hannover Kerstingstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.364884000000 9.772628000000 0 000000901091 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091091010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55710 000091401004 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Bus 52.335066000000 9.790280000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091401004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55711 000091401005 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Seelh. Bus 52.335121000000 9.790729000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091401005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55712 000091411004 Hannover Am Mittelfelde Bus 123 52.335528000000 9.797781000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091411004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55713 000091411005 Hannover Am Mittelfelde Bus 123 52.335632000000 9.797799000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091411005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55714 000091421004 Hannover Messe/Nord Bus 52.328089000000 9.805587000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091421004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55715 000091421005 Hannover Messe/Nord Bus 52.328040000000 9.805632000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091421005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55716 000091761009 Hannover/Kinderkrhs. a.d. Bult SEV Stadtbahn 52.362262000000 9.777883000000 0 000000901761 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091761009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55717 000091761010 Hannover/Kinderkrhs. a.d. Bult SEV Stadtbahn 52.362586000000 9.778207000000 0 000000901761 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091761010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55718 000091779005 Hannover August-Madsack-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.350993000000 9.803988000000 0 000000901779 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091779005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55719 000091779006 Hannover August-Madsack-Straße SEV Stadtbahn 52.351108000000 9.803997000000 0 000000901779 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091779006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55720 000091783005 Hannover Seelhorster Allee SEV Stadtbahn 52.347986000000 9.811768000000 0 000000901783 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091783005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55721 000091783006 Hannover Seelhorster Allee SEV Stadtbahn 52.348057000000 9.811885000000 0 000000901783 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091783006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55722 000091787004 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346076000000 9.821721000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091787004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55723 000091787005 Hannover Emslandstraße Bus 52.346159000000 9.821667000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091787005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55724 000093741007 Hannover Bünteweg/TiHo SEV Stadtbahn 52.353890000000 9.797512000000 0 000000903741 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093741007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55725 000093741008 Hannover Bünteweg/TiHo SEV Stadtbahn 52.354433000000 9.796461000000 0 000000903741 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093741008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55726 000093800008 Hannover Zuschlagstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.356683000000 9.792984000000 0 000000903800 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093800008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55727 000093800009 Hannover Zuschlagstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.357094000000 9.792544000000 0 000000903800 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093800009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55733 000091073005 Hannover Braunschweiger Platz Bus 52.370742000000 9.762055000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091073005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55734 000091073006 Hannover Braunschweiger Platz Bus 52.370813000000 9.762100000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091073006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55735 000091791004 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344391000000 9.827228000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091791004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55736 000091791005 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344792000000 9.827102000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091791005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55737 000091795005 Hannover Feldbuschwende SEV 52.342097000000 9.836364000000 0 000000901795 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091795005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55738 000091795006 Hannover Feldbuschwende SEV 52.342224000000 9.836543000000 0 000000901795 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091795006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55739 000091803006 Hannover Krügerskamp SEV 52.334320000000 9.830210000000 0 000000901803 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091803006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55740 000091803007 Hannover Krügerskamp SEV 52.334342000000 9.830354000000 0 000000901803 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091803007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55741 000091807005 Hannover Stockholmer Allee SEV 52.326706000000 9.824335000000 0 000000901807 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091807005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55742 000091807006 Hannover Stockholmer Allee SEV 52.326602000000 9.824398000000 0 000000901807 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091807006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55743 000091811004 Hannover Messe/Ost(EXPO-Plaza) Bus 52.322769000000 9.822242000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091811004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55744 000091811005 Hannover Messe/Ost(EXPO-Plaza) Bus 52.322769000000 9.822242000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091811005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55745 000093818004 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Wülferode 52.338321000000 9.832797000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093818004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55746 000093818008 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Bemerode 52.338448000000 9.832645000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093818008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55751 000096000005 Hannover Berliner Platz Bus 52.430227000000 9.731548000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096000005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55754 000094363004 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410373000000 9.663231000000 0 0 B4389 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094363004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55790 000002035012 Ihlienworth-Mittelteil Haus Nr.4 Ihlienworth-Mittelteil Haus Nr.4 53.734156000000 8.900397000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
L55791 000002095012 Ihlienworth-Mittelteil Haus Nr.4 Ihlienworth-Mittelteil Haus Nr.4 53.734185000000 8.900371000000 0 0 VNN-VNN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55808 000091641006 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.285967000000 9.821065000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
L55809 000091641007 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.285994000000 9.821012000000 0 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55809 000091641007 Rethen Bahnhof Bus HildesheimerStr 52.285994000000 9.821012000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091641007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55828 000000610730 Petersfehn An den Kolonaten Petersfehn An den Kolonaten 53.139523000000 8.125855000000 0 0 740-740|750-750|755-755|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
L56305 000000690730 Petersfehn An den Kolonaten Petersfehn An den Kolonaten 53.139489000000 8.125856000000 0 0 740-740|750-750|755-755|Bad Zwischenahn-1750|Oldenburg-1740|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55851 120010060602 St. Andreasberg Ferienpark 51.715958000000 10.532360000000 0 0 1 88-88|VRB-VRB
L55852 120010060603 St. Andreasberg Ferienpark 51.715958000000 10.532360000000 0 0 2 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55920 000090691003 Hannover Riechersstraße Stadtbahn 2 52.354334000000 9.669852000000 0 000000900691 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090691003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55936 000090461002 Hannover Glocksee Stadtbahn 2 52.374494000000 9.718226000000 0 000000900461 0 SB4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090461002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55940 000090461006 Hannover Glocksee Stadtbahn 52.374537000000 9.718505000000 0 000000900461 0 SB3 3
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090461006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55941 000090461008 Hannover Glocksee SEV 52.373589000000 9.718541000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090461008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55942 000090461009 Hannover Glocksee SEV 52.373781000000 9.719313000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090461009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55952 000006709012 Bremerhaven Weißenstein Bremerhaven Weißenstein 53.514732000000 8.613187000000 0 0 250-250|Bremerhaven-1250|VBN-VBN 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 405477928 is too far from computed projection point (53.516267,8.613099) on shape 1896 (at arc-length 4199.66m): 170.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55971 000090371004 Hannover Niedersachsenring Bus 52.399045000000 9.738133000000 0 0 32082 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090371004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55972 000091521007 Laatzen Neuer Schlag SEV-Bus 52.302576000000 9.804015000000 0 0 31523 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091521007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55973 000091521008 Laatzen Neuer Schlag SEV-Bus 52.302345000000 9.804240000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091521008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55974 000091521009 Laatzen Neuer Schlag SEV-Bus 52.302521000000 9.804420000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091521009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55975 000091601008 Laatzen Zentrum Bus 2 52.307695000000 9.806099000000 0 0 31603 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091601008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55976 000091611005 Laatzen Bus 1 52.303729000000 9.815181000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091611005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55977 000092231005 Hannover In den Sieben Stücken E-Busse 52.408932000000 9.808228000000 0 0 32231 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092231005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55978 000092231006 Hannover In den Sieben Stücken E-Busse 52.408767000000 9.808336000000 0 0 32232 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092231006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55980 090010394404 Oerie 52.234583000000 9.745479000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L55981 090010394405 Oerie 52.234583000000 9.745479000000 0 0 102-102|3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L55999 010007692501 Lotte-Wersen Kindergarten 52.315154000000 7.941459000000 0 0
L56000 010007692502 Lotte-Wersen Kindergarten 52.315154000000 7.941459000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56001 010007692601 Lotte-Wersen Gänsehügel 52.318888000000 7.940798000000 0 0
L56002 010007692602 Lotte-Wersen Gänsehügel 52.318888000000 7.940798000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56003 010007692701 Lotte-Wersen Rumeyer 52.323404000000 7.941563000000 0 0
L56004 010007692702 Lotte-Wersen Rumeyer 52.323404000000 7.941563000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56005 010007692801 Lotte-Wersen Halener Straße 52.327786000000 7.942569000000 0 0
L59734 010007692802 Lotte-Wersen Halener Straße 52.327786000000 7.942569000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56006 010007692901 Lotte-Halen Ortsausgang 52.334915000000 7.945368000000 0 0
L56007 010007692902 Lotte-Halen Ortsausgang 52.334915000000 7.945368000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56014 010007693901 Halen, Kampbreede 52.338362000000 7.933154000000 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 67 on examplar trip 407675723 is too far from computed projection point (52.339663,7.935258) on shape 917 (at arc-length 38530.61m): 203.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 407675722 is too far from computed projection point (52.339663,7.935258) on shape 918 (at arc-length 4240.76m): 203.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 93 on examplar trip 407675722 is too far from computed projection point (52.339663,7.935258) on shape 918 (at arc-length 59225.26m): 203.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 407675720 is too far from computed projection point (52.339663,7.935258) on shape 919 (at arc-length 4240.76m): 203.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56017 000092325005 Hannover Oldenburger Allee SEV 52.417469000000 9.830201000000 0 000000902325 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092325005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56018 000092325006 Hannover Oldenburger Allee SEV 52.417414000000 9.830704000000 0 000000902325 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092325006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56019 000096637006 Altwarmbüchen Zentrum SEV 52.430474000000 9.846676000000 0 000000906637 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096637006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56020 000096637007 Altwarmbüchen Zentrum SEV 52.430654000000 9.846694000000 0 000000906637 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096637007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56021 000096641011 Altwarmbüchen SEV 52.437856000000 9.847278000000 0 000000906641 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096641011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56022 000096641012 Altwarmbüchen SEV 52.437456000000 9.847287000000 0 000000906641 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096641012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56023 000096683007 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße SEV 52.422903000000 9.839975000000 0 000000906683 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096683007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56024 000096683008 Altwarmbüchen Opelstraße SEV 52.422832000000 9.840451000000 0 000000906683 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096683008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56025 000096689005 Altwarmbüchen Ernst-Grote-Str. SEV 52.426398000000 9.845949000000 0 000000906689 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096689005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56026 000096689006 Altwarmbüchen Ernst-Grote-Str. SEV 52.426316000000 9.846335000000 0 000000906689 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000096689006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56049 000091665008 Gleidingen Thorstraße Ersatzbus 52.273040000000 9.839759000000 0 000000901665 0 31666 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56053 000091665009 Gleidingen Thorstraße Ersatzbus 52.273101000000 9.839705000000 0 000000901665 0 31665 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56059 000091665007 Gleidingen Thorstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.274090000000 9.839256000000 0 000000901665 0 31666 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091665007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56099 000095281007 Hemmingen Zentrum ENTFÄLLT>Mittelbstg. 52.325042000000 9.723517000000 0 000000905281 0 2
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095281007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56127 000094363002 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410735000000 9.663312000000 0 0 Bus 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094363002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56128 000094363003 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410757000000 9.663321000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094363003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56131 000094363008 Hannover Stöckener Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.410357000000 9.663231000000 0 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094363008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56132 000094363009 Hannover Stöckener Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.410121000000 9.663195000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094363009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56162 000090971009 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 2 - Gö. Chaussee 52.342207000000 9.716987000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56162 000090971009 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 2 - Gö. Chaussee 52.342207000000 9.716987000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
L56164 000090971011 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 2 - Gö. Chaussee 52.342229000000 9.716987000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56163 000090971010 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 2 - Gö. Chaussee 52.342657000000 9.717175000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56164 000090971011 Hannover Wallensteinstraße Bus 2 - Gö. Chaussee 52.342229000000 9.716987000000 0 0 Bus 4 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090971011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56191 170010462301 Kleinenbremen Zeche 52.229193000000 9.042249000000 0 0
L56192 170010462302 Kleinenbremen Zeche 52.229193000000 9.042249000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56238 000122091001 Wolfsburg, VW Tor Ost VW 52.435304000000 10.795675000000 0 0 1 1
L56240 000122091003 Wolfsburg, VW Tor Ost VW 52.435310000000 10.795693000000 0 0 3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56251 000094331012 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen SEV Stadtbahn 52.397033000000 9.675152000000 0 000000904331 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56252 000094331013 Hannover Bahnhof Leinhausen SEV Stadtbahn 52.397307000000 9.675062000000 0 000000904331 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094331013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56253 000094341009 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken SEV Stadtbahn 52.400081000000 9.669160000000 0 000000904341 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094341009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56254 000094341010 Hannover Stadtfriedhof Stöcken SEV Stadtbahn 52.400388000000 9.669205000000 0 000000904341 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094341010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56255 000094353007 Hannover Freudenthalstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.404504000000 9.660716000000 0 000000904353 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094353007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56256 000094353008 Hannover Freudenthalstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.404652000000 9.660716000000 0 000000904353 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094353008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56269 000094353006 Hannover Freudenthalstraße Zg. TreppeMitte St.1 52.404739000000 9.660896000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094353006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56299 000090031022 Hannover Hauptbahnhof SEV Stadtbahn 52.379555000000 9.742077000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031022
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56300 000090031023 Hannover Hauptbahnhof SEV Stadtbahn 52.378925000000 9.741133000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090031023
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56301 000090331012 Hannover Werderstraße SEV Stadtbahn/Li.300 52.387676000000 9.733974000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090331012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56333 080010300001 Aspenstedt Auf der Buche 51.933202000000 10.948214000000 0 0
L56334 080010300006 Aspenstedt Auf der Buche 51.933202000000 10.948214000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56354 080012400001 Lüttgenrode Schulstraße 51.970072000000 10.659558000000 0 0
L56355 080012400006 Lüttgenrode Schulstraße 51.970072000000 10.659558000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56365 080013400001 Schauen Berßeler Straße 51.947002000000 10.716392000000 0 0
L56366 080013400006 Schauen Berßeler Straße 51.947002000000 10.716392000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56404 000091331018 Hannover Altenbekener Damm SEV Stadtbahn 52.355679000000 9.753835000000 0 000000901331 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091331018
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56405 000091331019 Hannover Altenbekener Damm SEV Stadtbahn 52.355893000000 9.753970000000 0 000000901331 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091331019
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56406 000091351007 Hannover Döhrener Turm SEV Stadtbahn 52.345385000000 9.761911000000 0 000000901351 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091351007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56407 000091351008 Hannover Döhrener Turm SEV Stadtbahn 52.345555000000 9.762199000000 0 000000901351 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091351008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56408 000091361007 Hannover Fiedelerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.340868000000 9.766062000000 0 000000901361 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091361007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56409 000091361008 Hannover Fiedelerstraße SEV Stadtbahn 52.340703000000 9.766601000000 0 000000901361 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091361008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56411 000095271007 Hannover Stadtfriedh. Ricklingen ENTFÄLLT>Mittelbstg. 52.334029000000 9.716798000000 0 000000905271 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095271007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56415 000095279005 Hemmingen Saarstraße ENTFÄLLT>Mittelbstg. 52.329193000000 9.720526000000 0 000000905279 0 2
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095279005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56449 000095261005 Hannover Unter den Birken SEV 52.337504000000 9.716852000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095261005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56450 000095261006 Hannover Unter den Birken SEV 52.337504000000 9.717067000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095261006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56495 130000002101 Schwerin Plater Straße 53.599859000000 11.460347000000 0 1
L56496 130000002106 Schwerin Plater Straße 53.599859000000 11.460347000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56598 130000022001 Gneven 53.636442000000 11.565941000000 0 0
L56599 130000022006 Gneven 53.636442000000 11.565941000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56660 130000046001 Langen Jarchow 53.758387000000 11.654091000000 0 0
L56661 130000046006 Langen Jarchow 53.758387000000 11.654091000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56700 130000051906 Wöbbelin UFAT 53.409413000000 11.499800000000 0 0
L57347 130000519061 Wöbbelin UFAT 53.409413000000 11.499800000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56791 130000085101 Kuhlen-Holzendorf Abzw. 53.689026000000 11.642006000000 0 0
L56792 130000085106 Kuhlen-Holzendorf Abzw. 53.689026000000 11.642006000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56793 130000085201 Kuhlen-Holzendorf 53.687072000000 11.634174000000 0 0
L58564 130089401302 Kuhlen-Holzendorf 53.687072000000 11.634174000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56795 130000085401 Müsselmow 53.682409000000 11.625023000000 0 0
L60407 130000085406 Müsselmow 53.682409000000 11.625023000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56796 130000085601 Kuhlen-Holzendorf Ausbau 53.684184000000 11.643839000000 0 0
L56797 130000085606 Kuhlen-Holzendorf Ausbau 53.684184000000 11.643839000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56821 130000100201 Crivitz Goldberger Straße 53.575985000000 11.661576000000 0 0
L56822 130000100206 Crivitz Goldberger Straße 53.575985000000 11.661576000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56825 130000100501 Crivitz Trammer Straße 53.571499000000 11.648990000000 0 0
L56826 130000100506 Crivitz Trammer Straße 53.571499000000 11.648990000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56827 130000100801 Crivitz Stadtrandsiedlung 53.585621000000 11.645665000000 0 0
L56828 130000100806 Crivitz Stadtrandsiedlung 53.585621000000 11.645665000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56834 130000110101 Dabel Sägewerk 53.667048000000 11.903158000000 0 0
L56835 130000110106 Dabel Sägewerk 53.667048000000 11.903158000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56849 130000134101 Kobande Crivitzer Straße 53.614692000000 11.682331000000 0 0
L56850 130000134106 Kobande Crivitzer Straße 53.614692000000 11.682331000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56862 130000350101 Hohen Pritz Richtung Kukuk 53.628923000000 11.891787000000 0 0
L56863 130000350106 Hohen Pritz Richtung Kukuk 53.628923000000 11.891787000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56904 130000408001 Vellahn Bennin 53.446263000000 10.885576000000 0 0
L56905 130000408006 Vellahn Bennin 53.446263000000 10.885576000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56906 130000408101 Schildfeld 53.442588000000 10.907578000000 0 0
L56907 130000408106 Schildfeld 53.442588000000 10.907578000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56919 130000413301 Metlitz 53.401853000000 10.732760000000 0 0
L56920 130000413306 Metlitz 53.401853000000 10.732760000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L56921 130000413401 Schwartow 53.396806000000 10.749002000000 0 1
L56922 130000413406 Schwartow 53.396806000000 10.749002000000 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57036 130000443001 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57037 130000443002 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57036 130000443001 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57038 130000443004 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57036 130000443001 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57039 130000443009 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57037 130000443002 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57038 130000443004 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57037 130000443002 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57039 130000443009 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57038 130000443004 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
L57039 130000443009 Hagenow Bahnhof/ZOB 53.429935000000 11.185554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57104 130000457001 Körchow(b Hagenow) 53.444456000000 11.061304000000 0 1
L57105 130000457006 Körchow(b Hagenow) 53.444456000000 11.061304000000 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57106 130000457101 Wittenburg-Körchow Abzw. 53.453943000000 11.057274000000 0 0
L57107 130000457106 Wittenburg-Körchow Abzw. 53.453943000000 11.057274000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57108 130000457201 Perdöhl 53.466834000000 11.051872000000 0 0
L57109 130000457206 Perdöhl 53.466834000000 11.051872000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57110 130000457301 Zühr 53.437129000000 11.030370000000 0 0
L57111 130000457306 Zühr 53.437129000000 11.030370000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57166 130000472001 Malliß 53.212929000000 11.326002000000 0 0
L57167 130000472006 Malliß 53.212929000000 11.326002000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57169 130000472201 Malliß Bockup Berg 53.201072000000 11.302521000000 0 0
L57170 130000472206 Malliß Bockup Berg 53.201072000000 11.302521000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57171 130000472301 Malliß Probst Woos 53.211108000000 11.281132000000 0 0
L57172 130000472306 Malliß Probst Woos 53.211108000000 11.281132000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57216 130000482001 Niendorf a. d. Rögnitz Krumme Straße 53.230691000000 11.268912000000 0 0
L57217 130000482006 Niendorf a. d. Rögnitz Krumme Straße 53.230691000000 11.268912000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57273 130000496101 Schwanheide Neuendamm 53.411666000000 10.681798000000 0 0
L57274 130000496106 Schwanheide Neuendamm 53.411666000000 10.681798000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57275 130000496201 Schwanheide-Zweedorf 53.430635000000 10.631579000000 0 0
L57276 130000496206 Schwanheide-Zweedorf 53.430635000000 10.631579000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57336 130000516001 Wiebendorf 53.403042000000 10.824167000000 0 0
L57337 130000516006 Wiebendorf 53.403042000000 10.824167000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57342 130000517201 Wölzow Wendeschleife 53.498247000000 11.118306000000 0 0
L58434 130005172101 Wölzow 53.498255000000 11.118321000000 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57367 130000541101 Ruchow Ausbau 53.713109000000 11.981960000000 0 0
L57368 130000541106 Ruchow Ausbau 53.713109000000 11.981960000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57453 130000703001 Besandten 53.095830000000 11.286163000000 0 0
L57454 130000703006 Besandten 53.095830000000 11.286163000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57455 130000703101 Unbesandten I 53.087149000000 11.303392000000 0 0
L57456 130000703106 Unbesandten I 53.087149000000 11.303392000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57457 130000703201 Baarz 53.104337000000 11.277463000000 0 0
L57458 130000703206 Baarz 53.104337000000 11.277463000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57459 130000703301 Gaarz(b Lenzen) 53.113928000000 11.276865000000 0 0
L57460 130000703306 Gaarz(b Lenzen) 53.113928000000 11.276865000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57513 130000707101 Friedrichsruhe(Meckl) Hof 53.527424000000 11.751031000000 0 1
L57514 130000707106 Friedrichsruhe(Meckl) Hof 53.527424000000 11.751031000000 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57515 130000707201 Friedrichsruhe(Meckl) Dorf 53.508725000000 11.739902000000 0 0
L57516 130000707206 Friedrichsruhe(Meckl) Dorf 53.508725000000 11.739902000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57517 130000707301 Goldenbow bei Crivitz 53.535545000000 11.757769000000 0 0
L57518 130000707306 Goldenbow bei Crivitz 53.535545000000 11.757769000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57520 130000707501 Kladrum 53.559401000000 11.794501000000 0 0
L57521 130000707506 Kladrum 53.559401000000 11.794501000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57522 130000707601 Zölkow 53.563070000000 11.824338000000 0 0
L57523 130000707606 Zölkow 53.563070000000 11.824338000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57527 130000707901 Damm-Malchow 53.444259000000 11.763130000000 0 0
L57528 130000707906 Damm-Malchow 53.444259000000 11.763130000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57639 130000717001 Ruhner Berge Poltnitz Hof 53.334676000000 11.869885000000 0 0
L57640 130000717006 Ruhner Berge Poltnitz Hof 53.334676000000 11.869885000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57647 130000717701 Bobzin bei Lübz 53.477667000000 12.081525000000 0 0
L57648 130000717706 Bobzin bei Lübz 53.477667000000 12.081525000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57650 130000717901 Wessentin Ausbau 53.464430000000 12.132322000000 0 0
L57651 130000717906 Wessentin Ausbau 53.464430000000 12.132322000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57718 130000722701 Goldberg-Grambow 53.545414000000 12.037705000000 0 0
L57719 130000722706 Goldberg-Grambow 53.545414000000 12.037705000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57720 130000722801 Kritzow-Benzin 53.441770000000 12.082713000000 0 0
L57721 130000722806 Kritzow-Benzin 53.441770000000 12.082713000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57722 130000722811 Kritzow-Benzin Kritzower Straße 53.440161000000 12.093267000000 0 0
L57723 130000722816 Kritzow-Benzin Kritzower Straße 53.440161000000 12.093267000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57724 130000722901 Kritzow(b Lübz) 53.445623000000 12.131253000000 0 0
L57725 130000722906 Kritzow(b Lübz) 53.445623000000 12.131253000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57788 130000727001 Neu Damerow Bahnhof 53.555527000000 12.198883000000 0 0
L57789 130000727006 Neu Damerow Bahnhof 53.555527000000 12.198883000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57793 130000727401 Langenhagen (b Lübz) 53.572933000000 12.027524000000 0 0
L57794 130000727406 Langenhagen (b Lübz) 53.572933000000 12.027524000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57855 130000732101 Karstädt-Alt Pinnow 53.209482000000 11.601341000000 0 0
L57856 130000732106 Karstädt-Alt Pinnow 53.209482000000 11.601341000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57858 130000732301 Parchim Paarscher Weg 53.427194000000 11.862259000000 0 0
L57859 130000732306 Parchim Paarscher Weg 53.427194000000 11.862259000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57860 130000732401 Parchim Fritz-Reuter-Straße 53.428445000000 11.856780000000 0 0
L57861 130000732406 Parchim Fritz-Reuter-Straße 53.428445000000 11.856780000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57862 130000732501 Parchim Friedhof 53.431252000000 11.862133000000 0 0
L57863 130000732506 Parchim Friedhof 53.431252000000 11.862133000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57864 130000732601 Parchim Dargelützer Weg 53.436608000000 11.850837000000 0 0
L57865 130000732606 Parchim Dargelützer Weg 53.436608000000 11.850837000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57868 130000732901 Parchim Dammer Weg 53.431761000000 11.826625000000 0 0
L57869 130000732906 Parchim Dammer Weg 53.431761000000 11.826625000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L57956 130000742301 Neu Damerow Abzw. 53.558035000000 12.189894000000 0 0
L57957 130000742306 Neu Damerow Abzw. 53.558035000000 12.189894000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58026 130004000201 Schwerin Marienplatz 53.628511000000 11.410718000000 0 1 90-90
L58027 130004000206 Schwerin Marienplatz 53.628511000000 11.410718000000 0 1 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58028 130004000301 Schwerin Platz der Jugend 53.621304000000 11.408794000000 0 0 90-90
L58029 130004000306 Schwerin Platz der Jugend 53.621304000000 11.408794000000 0 0 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58030 130004000401 Schwerin Forsthof 53.647506000000 11.429581000000 0 0 90-90
L58031 130004000406 Schwerin Forsthof 53.647506000000 11.429581000000 0 0 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58032 130004000501 Schwerin Werner-Seelenbinder-Straße 53.629297000000 11.394956000000 0 0 90-90
L58033 130004000506 Schwerin Werner-Seelenbinder-Straße 53.629297000000 11.394956000000 0 0 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58034 130004000701 Schwerin Schlossblick/IHK 53.625114000000 11.409389000000 0 0 90-90
L58035 130004000706 Schwerin Schlossblick/IHK 53.625114000000 11.409389000000 0 0 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58036 130004000801 Schwerin Bergstraße 53.637207000000 11.421614000000 0 1 90-90
L58037 130004000806 Schwerin Bergstraße 53.637207000000 11.421614000000 0 1 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58038 130004000901 Schwerin Am Dwang 53.619917000000 11.399777000000 0 0 90-90
L58039 130004000906 Schwerin Am Dwang 53.619917000000 11.399777000000 0 0 90-90
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58060 130004009101 Schwerin Am Europa Hotel 53.576225000000 11.383441000000 0 0
L58061 130004009106 Schwerin Am Europa Hotel 53.576225000000 11.383441000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58062 130004009201 Schwerin Süd (Bus) 53.575476000000 11.376810000000 0 0
L58063 130004009206 Schwerin Süd (Bus) 53.575476000000 11.376810000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58064 130004010101 Kobrow Abzw. 53.697350000000 11.830675000000 0 0 17-3017
L58065 130004010106 Kobrow Abzw. 53.697350000000 11.830675000000 0 0 17-3017
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58130 130004240301 Dömitz(Meckl) Leopoldsbrunnen 53.132372000000 11.283955000000 0 0
L58131 130004240306 Dömitz(Meckl) Leopoldsbrunnen 53.132372000000 11.283955000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58132 130004250101 Dreilützow Häuslerei 53.531074000000 11.106696000000 0 0
L58133 130004250106 Dreilützow Häuslerei 53.531074000000 11.106696000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58168 130004323101 Garlitz(Lübtheen) Bohldamm 53.305102000000 11.005509000000 0 0
L58169 130004323106 Garlitz(Lübtheen) Bohldamm 53.305102000000 11.005509000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58206 130004431201 Hagenow-Heide Mühlenweg 53.401302000000 11.220229000000 0 1
L58207 130004431206 Hagenow-Heide Mühlenweg 53.401302000000 11.220229000000 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58208 130004431301 Kuhstorf Selle 53.395557000000 11.228647000000 0 0
L58209 130004431306 Kuhstorf Selle 53.395557000000 11.228647000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58227 130004470101 Presek Ausbau 53.505922000000 11.207145000000 0 0
L58228 130004470106 Presek Ausbau 53.505922000000 11.207145000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58229 130004480101 Jessenitz Abzw n Vielank 53.269110000000 11.089914000000 0 0
L58230 130004480106 Jessenitz Abzw n Vielank 53.269110000000 11.089914000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58284 130004690301 Ludwigslust Parkstraße 53.319060000000 11.486030000000 0 0
L58285 130004690306 Ludwigslust Parkstraße 53.319060000000 11.486030000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58286 130004690701 Ludwigslust Sporthalle 53.318632000000 11.496178000000 0 0
L58287 130004690706 Ludwigslust Sporthalle 53.318632000000 11.496178000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58288 130004690801 Ludwigslust Grabower Allee 53.318205000000 11.502572000000 0 0
L58289 130004690806 Ludwigslust Grabower Allee 53.318205000000 11.502572000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58300 130004700201 Lüttow Gemeindehaus 53.530139000000 10.887664000000 0 0
L58301 130004700206 Lüttow Gemeindehaus 53.530139000000 10.887664000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58302 130004710101 Malk Göhren Dorf 53.216938000000 11.374809000000 0 0
L58303 130004710106 Malk Göhren Dorf 53.216938000000 11.374809000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58304 130004710201 Malk Göhren Bahnhof 53.209077000000 11.375850000000 0 0
L58305 130004710206 Malk Göhren Bahnhof 53.209077000000 11.375850000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58310 130004720101 Malliß B191 53.211038000000 11.312993000000 0 0
L58311 130004720106 Malliß B191 53.211038000000 11.312993000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58313 130004720301 Malliß Ludwigsluster Straße 53.213855000000 11.337716000000 0 0
L58314 130004720306 Malliß Ludwigsluster Straße 53.213855000000 11.337716000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58443 130005181101 Hof Wandrum 53.643493000000 11.320554000000 0 0 92-92
L58566 130089401312 Hof Wandrum 53.643493000000 11.320554000000 0 0 92-92
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58445 130005191201 Dreenkrögen Am Kanal 53.421092000000 11.475695000000 0 0
L58446 130005191206 Dreenkrögen Am Kanal 53.421092000000 11.475695000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58485 130008163101 Rosenberg(Brüsewitz) II 53.662720000000 11.213744000000 0 0 94-94
L58486 130008163106 Rosenberg(Brüsewitz) II 53.662720000000 11.213744000000 0 0 94-94
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58659 000090469009 Hannover Am Küchengarten Baustelle 52.370682000000 9.711031000000 0 0 30469 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58660 000090469010 Hannover Am Küchengarten Baustelle 52.371005000000 9.713519000000 0 0 30473 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58661 000090469011 Hannover Am Küchengarten Baustelle 52.370978000000 9.713762000000 0 0 SEV3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58662 000090469014 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 200 / 120 52.371066000000 9.714615000000 0 0 Bus 3 1
L58663 000090469015 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 200 / 120 52.371077000000 9.714597000000 0 0 Bus 6 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58663 000090469015 Hannover Am Küchengarten Bus 200 / 120 52.371077000000 9.714597000000 0 0 Bus 6 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090469015
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58671 000091381010 Hannover Peiner Straße SEV-Sadtbahn 2 52.337932000000 9.769125000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091381010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58672 000091391008 Hannover Bothmerstraße SEV 2 52.332920000000 9.773374000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091391008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58713 080000502201 Blankenburg(Harz) Helsunger Straße 51.790057000000 10.967235000000 0 0
L58714 080000502206 Blankenburg(Harz) Helsunger Straße 51.790057000000 10.967235000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58715 080000502301 Blankenburg(Harz) Kindergarten 51.797841000000 10.971024000000 0 0
L58716 080000502306 Blankenburg(Harz) Kindergarten 51.797841000000 10.971024000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58717 080000502401 Blankenburg(Harz) Gehrensiedlung 51.797549000000 10.982464000000 0 0
L58718 080000502406 Blankenburg(Harz) Gehrensiedlung 51.797549000000 10.982464000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58719 080000502501 Gehren (Blankenburg) B27 51.795643000000 10.985193000000 0 0
L58720 080000502506 Gehren (Blankenburg) B27 51.795643000000 10.985193000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58721 080000502601 Blankenburg(Harz) Mühlenstraße 51.793211000000 10.971561000000 0 0
L58722 080000502606 Blankenburg(Harz) Mühlenstraße 51.793211000000 10.971561000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58911 080003403601 Wernigerode Burgbreite Ost 51.838277000000 10.808591000000 0 0
L58912 080003403606 Wernigerode Burgbreite Ost 51.838277000000 10.808591000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58913 080003403701 Wernigerode Hinzingeröder Straße 51.839617000000 10.805641000000 0 0
L58914 080003403706 Wernigerode Hinzingeröder Straße 51.839617000000 10.805641000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58915 080003403801 Wernigerode Wegehaus 51.852281000000 10.828399000000 0 0
L58916 080003403806 Wernigerode Wegehaus 51.852281000000 10.828399000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58917 080003403901 Wernigerode Horstberg 51.839459000000 10.813587000000 0 0
L58918 080003403906 Wernigerode Horstberg 51.839459000000 10.813587000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58953 080003408001 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58954 080003408002 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58953 080003408001 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58955 080003408003 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58953 080003408001 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58956 080003408004 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58953 080003408001 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58957 080003408005 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58953 080003408001 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58958 080003408006 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58954 080003408002 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58955 080003408003 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58954 080003408002 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58956 080003408004 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58954 080003408002 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58957 080003408005 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58954 080003408002 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58958 080003408006 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58955 080003408003 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58956 080003408004 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58955 080003408003 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58957 080003408005 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58955 080003408003 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58958 080003408006 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58956 080003408004 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58957 080003408005 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58956 080003408004 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58958 080003408006 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58957 080003408005 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
L58958 080003408006 Wernigerode Rendezvous 51.835078000000 10.784436000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L58990 080005000101 Langenstein Wilhelmshöhe 51.866672000000 10.981525000000 0 0
L58991 080005000106 Langenstein Wilhelmshöhe 51.866672000000 10.981525000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59006 080008600101 Wendefurth Oberbecken 51.733109000000 10.906360000000 0 0
L59007 080008600106 Wendefurth Oberbecken 51.733109000000 10.906360000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59008 080008600201 Wendefurth Am Mühlenweg 51.741338000000 10.922127000000 0 0
L59009 080008600206 Wendefurth Am Mühlenweg 51.741338000000 10.922127000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59029 080010000801 Halberstadt Am Assebach 51.914066000000 11.041128000000 0 0
L59030 080010000806 Halberstadt Am Assebach 51.914066000000 11.041128000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59053 080010300101 Aspenstedt Kindergarten 51.933800000000 10.948188000000 0 0
L59054 080010300106 Aspenstedt Kindergarten 51.933800000000 10.948188000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59086 080011500001 Eilenstedt Breite Straße 51.982839000000 11.043235000000 0 0
L59087 080011500006 Eilenstedt Breite Straße 51.982839000000 11.043235000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59088 080011500201 Eilenstedt Bad 51.988414000000 11.039544000000 0 0
L59089 080011500206 Eilenstedt Bad 51.988414000000 11.039544000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59102 080011900001 Harsleben Quedlinburger Straße 51.869746000000 11.095605000000 0 0
L59103 080011900006 Harsleben Quedlinburger Straße 51.869746000000 11.095605000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59204 080014400201 Emersleben Ziegelei 51.926139000000 11.123385000000 0 0
L59205 080014400206 Emersleben Ziegelei 51.926139000000 11.123385000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59253 080020001001 Quedlinburg Kleers 51.793099000000 11.149686000000 0 0
L59254 080020001006 Quedlinburg Kleers 51.793099000000 11.149686000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59255 080020001101 Quedlinburg Magdeburger Straße 51.791086000000 11.170667000000 0 0
L59256 080020001106 Quedlinburg Magdeburger Straße 51.791086000000 11.170667000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59257 080020001201 Quedlinburg Groß Orden/Kreisel 51.795548000000 11.178289000000 0 0
L59258 080020001206 Quedlinburg Groß Orden/Kreisel 51.795548000000 11.178289000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59303 080020300001 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
L59304 080020300002 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59303 080020300001 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
L59305 080020300003 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59304 080020300002 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
L59305 080020300003 Ballenstedt Alter Westbahnhof 51.723710000000 11.225478000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59306 080020300101 Ballenstedt Marienstraße 51.722257000000 11.239996000000 0 0
L59307 080020300106 Ballenstedt Marienstraße 51.722257000000 11.239996000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59308 080020300201 Ballenstedt Hoymer Straße 51.723977000000 11.246392000000 0 0
L59309 080020300206 Ballenstedt Hoymer Straße 51.723977000000 11.246392000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59310 080020300301 Ballenstedt Klärwerk 51.733691000000 11.264841000000 0 0
L59311 080020300306 Ballenstedt Klärwerk 51.733691000000 11.264841000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59312 080020300401 Ballenstedt Ärztehaus 51.720323000000 11.226354000000 0 0
L59313 080020300406 Ballenstedt Ärztehaus 51.720323000000 11.226354000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59314 080020300501 Ballenstedt Lindenallee 51.716122000000 11.225554000000 0 0
L59315 080020300506 Ballenstedt Lindenallee 51.716122000000 11.225554000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59316 080020300601 Ballenstedt Badeborner Straße 51.724225000000 11.245217000000 0 0
L59317 080020300606 Ballenstedt Badeborner Straße 51.724225000000 11.245217000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59318 080020300801 Ballenstedt Pestalozziring 51.721168000000 11.246658000000 0 0
L59319 080020300806 Ballenstedt Pestalozziring 51.721168000000 11.246658000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59403 080021300201 Radisleben Abzweig 51.730663000000 11.291196000000 0 0
L59404 080021300206 Radisleben Abzweig 51.730663000000 11.291196000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59472 080022001201 Thale Klubhaus 51.742763000000 11.036999000000 0 0
L59473 080022001206 Thale Klubhaus 51.742763000000 11.036999000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59474 080022001401 Thale Friedhof 51.759854000000 11.032192000000 0 0
L59475 080022001406 Thale Friedhof 51.759854000000 11.032192000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59476 080022001501 Thale Am Wendhusenkloster 51.755921000000 11.045384000000 0 0
L59477 080022001506 Thale Am Wendhusenkloster 51.755921000000 11.045384000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59478 080022001601 Thale Neues Rathaus 51.751024000000 11.038587000000 0 0
L59479 080022001606 Thale Neues Rathaus 51.751024000000 11.038587000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59480 080022001701 Thale Steigerweg 51.751856000000 11.043477000000 0 0
L59481 080022001706 Thale Steigerweg 51.751856000000 11.043477000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59482 080022001801 Thale Breitscheidstraße 51.744071000000 11.034133000000 0 0
L59483 080022001806 Thale Breitscheidstraße 51.744071000000 11.034133000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59502 080022300101 Weddersleben Angerweg 51.763480000000 11.087882000000 0 0
L59503 080022300106 Weddersleben Angerweg 51.763480000000 11.087882000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59504 080022300201 Weddersleben Teufelsmauer 51.757579000000 11.091129000000 0 0
L59505 080022300206 Weddersleben Teufelsmauer 51.757579000000 11.091129000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59506 080022300301 Weddersleben Warnstedter Straße 51.767392000000 11.082717000000 0 0
L59507 080022300306 Weddersleben Warnstedter Straße 51.767392000000 11.082717000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59524 080022603701 Quarmbeck (Bus) 51.758631000000 11.132590000000 0 0
L59525 080022603706 Quarmbeck (Bus) 51.758631000000 11.132590000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59540 080023300601 Bärenrode(Güntersberge) 51.665053000000 10.997733000000 0 0
L59541 080023300606 Bärenrode(Güntersberge) 51.665053000000 10.997733000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59551 080023501001 Alexisbad Abzweig Harzgerode 51.643954000000 11.110269000000 0 0
L59552 080023501006 Alexisbad Abzweig Harzgerode 51.643954000000 11.110269000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59561 080023701901 Silberhütte Silberblick 51.628714000000 11.092189000000 0 0
L59562 080023701906 Silberhütte Silberblick 51.628714000000 11.092189000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59615 080024900301 Gartenhaus (Pansfelde) 51.677980000000 11.284066000000 0 0
L59616 080024900306 Gartenhaus (Pansfelde) 51.677980000000 11.284066000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59641 080030700101 Gatersleben Lange Straße 51.822642000000 11.287058000000 0 0
L59642 080030700106 Gatersleben Lange Straße 51.822642000000 11.287058000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59643 080030700201 Gatersleben Bahnhofstraße 51.825796000000 11.287116000000 0 0
L59644 080030700206 Gatersleben Bahnhofstraße 51.825796000000 11.287116000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59645 080030700301 Gatersleben Maschinenfabrik 51.829451000000 11.291929000000 0 0
L59646 080030700306 Gatersleben Maschinenfabrik 51.829451000000 11.291929000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59647 080030700401 Gatersleben Institut 51.824972000000 11.282374000000 0 0
L59648 080030700406 Gatersleben Institut 51.824972000000 11.282374000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59652 080031700501 Nachterstedt Hoymer Straße 51.801118000000 11.333888000000 0 0
L59653 080031700506 Nachterstedt Hoymer Straße 51.801118000000 11.333888000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59779 000000100423 Uplengen-Jübberde Rudolf-Diesel-Straße Uplengen-Jübberde Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 53.262948000000 7.754373000000 0 0 642-642|VEJ-VEJ 1
L59780 000000100436 Uplengen-Jübberde Rudolf-Diesel-Straße Uplengen-Jübberde Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 53.262980000000 7.754342000000 0 0 642-642|VEJ-VEJ 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59788 000090701003 Hannover Safariweg Stadtbahn 2 52.351553000000 9.669304000000 0 000000900701 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090701003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59790 000092511009 Hannover Büttnerstraße SEV 52.402328000000 9.735339000000 0 0 SEV1e 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092511009
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59791 000092511010 Hannover Büttnerstraße SEV 52.402920000000 9.735725000000 0 0 SEV2e 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092511010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59794 000090501007 Hannover Freizeitheim Linden Stadtbahn 2 52.375355000000 9.701670000000 0 000000900501 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090501007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59799 000091661007 Gleidingen Stadtbahn 3 52.276844000000 9.837181000000 0 000000901661 0 SB3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091661007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59816 000000816160 Darzau Gut Darzau Gut 53.205741000000 10.875529000000 0 0 4-4|HVV-HVV|HVV Zone 917-HVV-917 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 13149.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 13149.17m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 13149.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L59909 000000811582 Hitzacker(Elbe) Im Eichengrund Hitzacker(Elbe) Im Eichengrund 53.153381000000 11.014762000000 0 0 4-4|DAN-DAN|Hitzacker-HIT 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 405486760 is too far from computed projection point (53.149718,11.036203) on shape 2333 (at arc-length 36852.48m): 1486.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 405486761 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038945) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 43312.53m): 2233.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 405486759 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 45125.56m): 2233.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 405486758 is too far from computed projection point (53.139492,11.038947) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 43931.80m): 2233.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60045 000000815561 Winterweyhe Hof Winterweyhe Hof 52.911666000000 10.897599000000 0 0 2-2|57-57|87-87|DAN-DAN|Schnega-SCH|UE-UE 1
L60046 000000825561 Winterweyhe Hof Winterweyhe Hof 52.911656000000 10.897658000000 0 0 2-2|57-57|87-87|DAN-DAN|Schnega-SCH|UE-UE 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60057 090010898001 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60058 090010898002 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60057 090010898001 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60059 090010898003 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60057 090010898001 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60060 090010898004 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60057 090010898001 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60061 090010898005 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60058 090010898002 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60059 090010898003 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60058 090010898002 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60060 090010898004 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60058 090010898002 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60061 090010898005 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60059 090010898003 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60060 090010898004 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60059 090010898003 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60061 090010898005 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60060 090010898004 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
L60061 090010898005 Burgdorf(Kreis Hannover) IGS 52.460236000000 10.012785000000 0 0 3-3|GVH-GVH|Region-5003
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60098 090012101004 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
L60099 090012101005 Hildesheim Elzer Straße 52.154397000000 9.925546000000 0 0 100-100|1000-1000|HI-HI|Hildesheim-HI
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60104 000094321005 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.397033000000 9.675152000000 0 000000904321 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094321005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60105 000094321006 Hannover Herrenhäuser Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.397307000000 9.675062000000 0 000000904321 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094321006
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60120 000000051601 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60121 000000051602 Braunlage Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 51.723612000000 10.612062000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60143 000000100341 Braunlage-Silberhütte Ortsmitte 51.695475000000 10.504505000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
L60144 000000100342 Braunlage-Silberhütte Ortsmitte 51.695475000000 10.504505000000 0 0 88-88|VRB-VRB
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60177 000000736181 Klein Ippener Beim Blanken Schlatt Klein Ippener Beim Blanken Schlatt 52.953611000000 8.602707000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
L60178 000000736182 Klein Ippener Beim Blanken Schlatt Klein Ippener Beim Blanken Schlatt 52.953602000000 8.602722000000 0 0 625-625|VBN-VBN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.42m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60189 000000825314 Ackenhausen Am Mühlenteich Ackenhausen Am Mühlenteich 51.893474000000 10.056756000000 0 0 910-910|Dankelsheim-496|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
L60190 000000895314 Ackenhausen Am Mühlenteich Ackenhausen Am Mühlenteich 51.893468000000 10.056792000000 0 0 910-910|Dankelsheim-496|HI-HI|VSN-VSN 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60222 000092531002 Hannover Kabelkamp Bus 52.412373000000 9.734773000000 0 0 2533 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092531002
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60225 000092541004 Hannover Alter Flughafen Bus 52.416000000000 9.734980000000 0 0 2543 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092541004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60229 000095893002 Weetzen Bf/Westseite Bus 52.297840000000 9.634710000000 0 0 5894 1
L60449 000095893003 Weetzen Bf/Westseite Bus 52.297835000000 9.634737000000 0 0 35894 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60239 000090537005 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377000000000 9.663609000000 0 0 B5518 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090537005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60244 000090537010 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377384000000 9.664112000000 0 0 B5523 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090537010
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60248 000000712841 Cloppenburg Bethen Sportplatz Cloppenburg Bethen Sportplatz 52.868197000000 8.055473000000 0 0 800-800|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
L60249 000000712842 Cloppenburg Bethen Sportplatz Cloppenburg Bethen Sportplatz 52.868197000000 8.055473000000 0 0 800-800|MPL-MPL|VGC-VGC 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60349 080013600601 Schwanebeck Abzw. L79 51.983058000000 11.123135000000 0 0
L60350 080013600606 Schwanebeck Abzw. L79 51.983058000000 11.123135000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60496 080000331001 Sommersdorf Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 52.167375000000 11.079822000000 0 0
L60497 080000331002 Sommersdorf Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 52.167375000000 11.079822000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60500 080000355001 Völpke Friedensstraße 52.141312000000 11.106394000000 0 0
L60501 080000355002 Völpke Friedensstraße 52.141312000000 11.106394000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60504 080000359001 Wackersleben Abzw. Gunsleben 52.070839000000 11.028670000000 0 0
L60505 080000359002 Wackersleben Abzw. Gunsleben 52.070839000000 11.028670000000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60506 080000360001 Wackersleben L 77 52.070472000000 11.041606000000 0 1
L60507 080000360002 Wackersleben L 77 52.070472000000 11.041606000000 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60532 000091631003 Rethen/Pattenser Straße Bus 52.291143000000 9.818101000000 0 0 B8933 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091631003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60574 000090101011 Hannover Aegidientorplatz SEV 52.369459000000 9.743927000000 0 0 BusAr 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60594 000090101012 Hannover Aegidientorplatz SEV 52.368960000000 9.743613000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60595 000090101013 Hannover Aegidientorplatz SEV 52.368960000000 9.743523000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090101013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60596 000091041015 Hannover Marienstraße SEV 52.369947000000 9.753252000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091041015
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60597 000091041016 Hannover Marienstraße SEV 52.369947000000 9.753341000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091041016
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60598 000090011027 Hannover Kröpcke SEV 52.373375000000 9.739435000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090011027
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60599 000090011028 Hannover Kröpcke SEV 52.373446000000 9.739346000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090011028
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60601 000090091011 Hannover Markthalle/Landtag SEV 52.370632000000 9.735959000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090091011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60602 000090091012 Hannover Markthalle/Landtag SEV 52.370632000000 9.736049000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090091012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60605 000090331014 Hannover Werderstraße SEV Stadtbahn aw 52.386787000000 9.734297000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090331014
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60606 000090341011 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV 2 aw 52.391009000000 9.734917000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090341011
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60609 000090361012 Hannover Dragonerstraße SEV Stadtbahn/Li.300 52.393393000000 9.735366000000 0 0 SEV 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090361012
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60631 000092161003 Hannover Klingerstraße Bus 52.402755000000 9.791017000000 0 0 Bus 2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000092161003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60632 000093017015 Hannover Bf K.-Wiechert-Allee Zug2 52.374395000000 9.808453000000 0 000000903017 0 3 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000093017015
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60695 000091321007 Hannover Geibelstraße E-Bus 52.360534000000 9.750116000000 0 0 SEV1 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091321007
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60696 000091321008 Hannover Geibelstraße E-Bus 52.360331000000 9.750476000000 0 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000091321008
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60710 000094021004 Hannover Friedenauer Straße Bus 52.412187000000 9.706207000000 0 0 34023 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094021004
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60711 000094021005 Hannover Friedenauer Straße Bus 52.412050000000 9.705821000000 0 0 34024 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000094021005
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60771 000812827002 Bramsche(Hase) Aufzug Gleis 1u 52.411271000000 7.974987000000 3 000009012827 0 1
L60775 000812827006 Bramsche(Hase) Treppe Gleis 1o 52.411251000000 7.974994000000 3 000009012827 0 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60772 000812827003 Bramsche(Hase) Aufzug Gleis 2/3u 52.411228000000 7.974682000000 3 000009012827 0 1
L60776 000812827007 Bramsche(Hase) Treppe Gleis 2/3o 52.411210000000 7.974683000000 3 000009012827 0 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60775 000812827006 Bramsche(Hase) Treppe Gleis 1o 52.411251000000 7.974994000000 3 000009012827 0 3
L60777 000812827008 Bramsche(Hase) Aufzug Gleis 1o 52.411271000000 7.974986000000 3 000009012827 0 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60776 000812827007 Bramsche(Hase) Treppe Gleis 2/3o 52.411210000000 7.974683000000 3 000009012827 0 3
L60778 000812827009 Bramsche(Hase) Aufzug Gleis 2/3o 52.411230000000 7.974680000000 3 000009012827 0 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60824 000814418010 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535075000000 8.599416000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60826 000814418012 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535073000000 8.599384000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60824 000814418010 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535075000000 8.599416000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60828 000814418014 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Nord Bahnsteig Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535110000000 8.599388000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60824 000814418010 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535075000000 8.599416000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60829 000814418015 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Süd Bahnsteig Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535050000000 8.599403000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60825 000814418011 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535098000000 8.599705000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60827 000814418013 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535096000000 8.599682000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60825 000814418011 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535098000000 8.599705000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60830 000814418016 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Nord Bahnsteig Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535130000000 8.599676000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60825 000814418011 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzu zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigniveau 53.535098000000 8.599705000000 3 000009014418 0 3
L60831 000814418017 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Süd Bahnsteig Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535074000000 8.599693000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60826 000814418012 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535073000000 8.599384000000 3 000009014418 0 1
L60828 000814418014 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Nord Bahnsteig Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535110000000 8.599388000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60826 000814418012 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535073000000 8.599384000000 3 000009014418 0 1
L60829 000814418015 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Süd Bahnsteig Gleis 2/3 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535050000000 8.599403000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60827 000814418013 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535096000000 8.599682000000 3 000009014418 0 1
L60830 000814418016 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Nord Bahnsteig Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535130000000 8.599676000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60827 000814418013 Bremerhaven Hbf Aufzug zu Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535096000000 8.599682000000 3 000009014418 0 1
L60831 000814418017 Bremerhaven Hbf Treppe Süd Bahnsteig Gleis 4/5 Bahnsteigtunnelniveau 53.535074000000 8.599693000000 3 000009014418 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60832 000814517003 Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf Aufzug Bahnsteig Brückenniveau 53.508067000000 8.612946000000 2 000009014517 0 3
L60833 000814517004 Bremerhaven-Wulsdorf Treppe Bahnsteig Brückenniveau 53.508045000000 8.612920000000 2 000009014517 0 3
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60878 000814325004 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe West zu Gleis 2 Zwischenpodest 53.172826000000 8.646247000000 3 000009014325 0 9
L60879 000814325005 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zu Gleis 2 Bahnsteigniveau 53.172826000000 8.646308000000 3 000009014325 0 6
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60882 000814325008 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Bahnsteigniveau 53.172742000000 8.650004000000 3 000009014325 0 6
L60890 000814325016 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest oberer Rampenabschnitt 53.172720000000 8.650064000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60882 000814325008 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Bahnsteigniveau 53.172742000000 8.650004000000 3 000009014325 0 6
L60892 000814325018 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest Treppe 53.172733000000 8.650005000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60882 000814325008 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Bahnsteigniveau 53.172742000000 8.650004000000 3 000009014325 0 6
L61040 000814325042 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe Ost zur Brücke unteres Zwischenpodest zwischen Straße und Bahnsteig 53.172715000000 8.649980000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60890 000814325016 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest oberer Rampenabschnitt 53.172720000000 8.650064000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L60892 000814325018 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest Treppe 53.172733000000 8.650005000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60890 000814325016 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest oberer Rampenabschnitt 53.172720000000 8.650064000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L61042 000814325044 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest unterer Rampenabschnitt 53.172697000000 8.650065000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60892 000814325018 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest Treppe 53.172733000000 8.650005000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L61040 000814325042 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe Ost zur Brücke unteres Zwischenpodest zwischen Straße und Bahnsteig 53.172715000000 8.649980000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60892 000814325018 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest Treppe 53.172733000000 8.650005000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L61041 000814325043 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Niveau Zwischenpodest 53.172694000000 8.650002000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60894 000814325020 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Ostseite unteres Zwischenpodest mittlerer Treppenlauf 53.172717000000 8.649875000000 3 000009014325 0 4
L61043 000814325045 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Ostseite unteres Zwischenpodest unterer Treppenlauf 53.172717000000 8.649895000000 3 000009014325 0 4
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60895 000814325021 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Ostseite oberes Zwischenpodest mittlerer Treppenlauf 53.172718000000 8.649779000000 3 000009014325 0 2
L61044 000814325046 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Ostseite oberes Zwischenpodest oberer Treppenlauf 53.172718000000 8.649755000000 3 000009014325 0 2
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60898 000814325024 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite oberes Zwischenpodest nördlicher Treppenlauf 53.172927000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 2
L60899 000814325025 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest unterer Treppenlauf 53.172923000000 8.649386000000 3 000009014325 0 4
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60898 000814325024 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite oberes Zwischenpodest nördlicher Treppenlauf 53.172927000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 2
L61038 000814325040 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite oberes Zwischenpodest südlicher Treppenlauf 53.172902000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 2
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60899 000814325025 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest unterer Treppenlauf 53.172923000000 8.649386000000 3 000009014325 0 4
L60901 000814325027 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite Straßenniveau unten 53.172922000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 9
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60899 000814325025 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest unterer Treppenlauf 53.172923000000 8.649386000000 3 000009014325 0 4
L61039 000814325041 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest oberer Treppenlauf 53.172901000000 8.649378000000 3 000009014325 0 4
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60901 000814325027 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite Straßenniveau unten 53.172922000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 9
L61038 000814325040 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite oberes Zwischenpodest südlicher Treppenlauf 53.172902000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 2
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60901 000814325027 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite Straßenniveau unten 53.172922000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 9
L61039 000814325041 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest oberer Treppenlauf 53.172901000000 8.649378000000 3 000009014325 0 4
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L60903 000814325029 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe Westseite Friedrichsdorfer Bahnweg zur Vegesacker Heerstraße oben 53.173640000000 8.649551000000 3 000009014325 0 1
L60904 000814325030 Bremen-Schönebeck Gehweg Westseite Schönebecker Straße Niveau Vegesacker Heerstraße 53.173640000000 8.649603000000 3 000009014325 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61005 000814326012 Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) Treppe Bahnsteig oben 53.061699000000 8.886736000000 3 000009014326 0 1
L61007 000814326014 Bremen-Sebaldsbrück (Zug) Rampe zum Bahnsteig Niveau oberes Treppenende 53.061685000000 8.886761000000 3 000009014326 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61038 000814325040 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite oberes Zwischenpodest südlicher Treppenlauf 53.172902000000 8.649312000000 3 000009014325 0 2
L61039 000814325041 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe zur Brücke Westseite unteres Zwischenpodest oberer Treppenlauf 53.172901000000 8.649378000000 3 000009014325 0 4
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61040 000814325042 Bremen-Schönebeck Treppe Ost zur Brücke unteres Zwischenpodest zwischen Straße und Bahnsteig 53.172715000000 8.649980000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L61041 000814325043 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Niveau Zwischenpodest 53.172694000000 8.650002000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61041 000814325043 Bremen-Schönebeck Zugang West zu Gleis 1 Niveau Zwischenpodest 53.172694000000 8.650002000000 3 000009014325 0 5
L61042 000814325044 Bremen-Schönebeck Rampe West zu Gleis 1 Zwischenpodest unterer Rampenabschnitt 53.172697000000 8.650065000000 3 000009014325 0 5
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61099 000090161009 Hannover Königsworther Platz Zugang Südwest 52.377954000000 9.722520000000 2 000000900161 0 1
L61104 000090161014 Hannover Königsworther Platz Lift SuedWest 52.377959000000 9.722493000000 2 000000900161 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61113 000090661003 Hannover Körtingsdorfer Weg Zugang Ost 52.360271000000 9.686884000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000090661003
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61121 000095001013 Empelde Zugang SO 52.344013000000 9.668001000000 0 0 1
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID 000095001013
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61138 D_000090042005 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Bus - Ri Rosenstr. 52.378425000000 9.741717000000 2 000000900042 0 SEV 1 1
L61155 D_000090042024 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ank sprintH/134 121 52.378409000000 9.741690000000 2 000000900042 0 Bus43 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61155 D_000090042024 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ank sprintH/134 121 52.378409000000 9.741690000000 2 000000900042 0 Bus43 1
L61156 D_000090042025 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ank sprintH/134 121 52.378387000000 9.741663000000 2 000000900042 0 Bus49 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61155 D_000090042024 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ank sprintH/134 121 52.378409000000 9.741690000000 2 000000900042 0 Bus43 1
L61157 D_000090042026 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/ZOB Ank sprintH/134 121 52.378387000000 9.741663000000 2 000000900042 0 Bus46 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61161 D_000090057004 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.377022000000 9.737639000000 2 000000900057 0 Bus 2 1
L61165 D_000090057008 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.377027000000 9.737711000000 2 000000900057 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61162 D_000090057005 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.376945000000 9.738510000000 2 000000900057 0 Bus 3 1
L61164 D_000090057007 Hannover Hauptbahnhof/Rosenstraße Bus 52.376928000000 9.738447000000 2 000000900057 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61175 D_000090121004 Hannover Steintor Bus Münzstr. 52.375815000000 9.731979000000 2 000000900121 0 Bus 3 1
L61177 D_000090121006 Hannover Steintor Bus Münzstr. 52.375799000000 9.732042000000 2 000000900121 0 SEV 3 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61204 D_000090331012 Hannover Werderstraße SEV Stadtbahn/Li.300 52.387676000000 9.733974000000 2 000000900331 0 SEV1 1
L61205 D_000090331013 Hannover Werderstraße SEV Stadtbahn/Li.300 52.387676000000 9.733956000000 2 000000900331 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61210 D_000090341005 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz Bus 52.391261000000 9.734477000000 2 000000900341 0 Bus 4 1
L61211 D_000090341009 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV/Linie300 52.391256000000 9.734495000000 2 000000900341 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61212 D_000090341010 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV/Linie300 52.391036000000 9.734926000000 2 000000900341 0 SEV 2 1
L61213 D_000090341011 Hannover Vahrenwalder Platz SEV 2 aw 52.391009000000 9.734917000000 2 000000900341 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61273 D_000090537002 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377214000000 9.664956000000 2 000000900537 0 SEV1 1
L61280 D_000090537009 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377236000000 9.664893000000 2 000000900537 0 B5522 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61274 D_000090537003 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377033000000 9.664938000000 2 000000900537 0 SEV2 1
L61278 D_000090537007 Hannover Ahlem Bus 52.377022000000 9.665001000000 2 000000900537 0 B5520 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61291 D_000090631001 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Stadtbahn/Bus 52.366404000000 9.700691000000 2 000000900631 0 SEV 1 1
L61293 D_000090631004 Hannover Bernhard-Caspar-Straße Bus 52.366360000000 9.700700000000 2 000000900631 0 Bus 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61310 D_000090841005 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof Bus (vom Holw-Pl) 52.353341000000 9.722116000000 2 000000900841 0 Bus 1 1
L61311 D_000090841006 Hannover Bahnhof Linden/Fischerhof Bus (vom Holw-Pl) 52.353341000000 9.722116000000 2 000000900841 0 SEV2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61411 D_000091601002 Laatzen Zentrum Bus 1 52.306393000000 9.810492000000 2 000000901601 0 Bus 1 1
L61414 D_000091601005 Laatzen Zentrum Bus 1 52.306399000000 9.810546000000 2 000000901601 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61454 D_000091791002 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344391000000 9.827210000000 2 000000901791 0 Bus 1 1
L61456 D_000091791004 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344391000000 9.827228000000 2 000000901791 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61455 D_000091791003 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344792000000 9.827129000000 2 000000901791 0 Bus 2 1
L61457 D_000091791005 Hannover Brabeckstraße Bus 52.344792000000 9.827102000000 2 000000901791 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61500 D_000092301002 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409304000000 9.816807000000 2 000000902301 0 Bus 3 1
L61501 D_000092301003 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409310000000 9.816736000000 2 000000902301 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61503 D_000092301005 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409315000000 9.815047000000 2 000000902301 0 Bus 6 1
L61506 D_000092301008 Hannover Paracelsusweg Bus 52.409326000000 9.815101000000 2 000000902301 0 Bus 9 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61514 D_000092461002 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384123000000 9.810070000000 2 000000902461 0 Bus 1 1
L61516 D_000092461004 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384161000000 9.810088000000 2 000000902461 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61515 D_000092461003 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384150000000 9.809774000000 2 000000902461 0 Bus 2 1
L61517 D_000092461005 Hannover Med. Hochschule Bus 52.384112000000 9.809783000000 2 000000902461 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61525 D_000092511007 Hannover Büttnerstraße StadtbahnERSATZ RiR 52.404739000000 9.736965000000 2 000000902511 0 SEV1a 1
L61526 D_000092511008 Hannover Büttnerstraße StadtbahnERSATZ RiR 52.404701000000 9.736938000000 2 000000902511 0 SEV2a 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61577 D_000092851003 Hannover Kantplatz Bus 52.372700000000 9.785025000000 2 000000902851 0 Bus 1 1
L61579 D_000092851009 Hannover Kantplatz Busersatzbereich 52.372711000000 9.785088000000 2 000000902851 0 BusE1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61606 D_000092941003 Langenhagen Bus 52.436586000000 9.753862000000 2 000000902941 0 Bus 1 1
L61607 D_000092941004 Langenhagen Bus 52.436553000000 9.753853000000 2 000000902941 0 SEV2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61606 D_000092941003 Langenhagen Bus 52.436586000000 9.753862000000 2 000000902941 0 Bus 1 1
L61609 D_000092941006 Langenhagen Bus 52.436553000000 9.753853000000 2 000000902941 0 8702 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61608 D_000092941005 Langenhagen Bus 52.436739000000 9.754042000000 2 000000902941 0 8701 1
L61610 D_000092941008 Langenhagen Bus 2 52.436706000000 9.754051000000 2 000000902941 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61610 D_000092941008 Langenhagen Bus 2 52.436706000000 9.754051000000 2 000000902941 0 Bus 2 1
L61611 D_000092941009 Langenhagen Bus 2 52.436739000000 9.754042000000 2 000000902941 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61649 D_000093461002 Hannover Anderten Bus 52.358345000000 9.858274000000 2 000000903461 0 Bus 1 1
L61656 D_000093461009 Hannover Anderten Bus 52.358351000000 9.858319000000 2 000000903461 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61657 D_000093471003 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 52.359837000000 9.849740000000 2 000000903471 0 Bus 1 1
L61658 D_000093471004 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 52.359843000000 9.849722000000 2 000000903471 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61659 D_000093471007 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 2 52.359360000000 9.852381000000 2 000000903471 0 Bus 2 1
L61660 D_000093471008 Hannover Königsberger Ring Bus 2 52.359360000000 9.852381000000 2 000000903471 0 SEV 1 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61664 D_000093800003 Hannover Zuschlagstraße Bus 52.356655000000 9.793038000000 2 000000903800 0 Bus 2 1
L61665 D_000093800004 Hannover Zuschlagstraße Bus 52.356655000000 9.793038000000 2 000000903800 0 BusE2 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61666 D_000093818002 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Wülferode 52.338310000000 9.832842000000 2 000000903818 0 Bus 2 1
L61668 D_000093818004 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Wülferode 52.338321000000 9.832797000000 2 000000903818 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61671 D_000093818007 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Bemerode 52.338453000000 9.832627000000 2 000000903818 0 33819 1
L61672 D_000093818008 Hannover Kronsberg Bus Ri. Bemerode 52.338448000000 9.832645000000 2 000000903818 0 SEV 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61689 D_000094363002 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410735000000 9.663312000000 2 000000904363 0 Bus 1 1
L61690 D_000094363003 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410757000000 9.663321000000 2 000000904363 0 Bus 2 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61691 D_000094363004 Hannover Stöckener Markt Bus 52.410373000000 9.663231000000 2 000000904363 0 B4389 1
L61692 D_000094363008 Hannover Stöckener Markt SEV Stadtbahn 52.410357000000 9.663231000000 2 000000904363 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61720 D_000094773005 Hannover Schönebecker Allee Bus 52.417923000000 9.614624000000 2 000000904773 0 Bus 1 1
L61723 D_000094773008 Hannover Schönebecker Allee Bus 52.417951000000 9.614588000000 2 000000904773 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61732 D_000094779005 Garbsen Bus 52.417414000000 9.596576000000 2 000000904779 0 Bus 4 1
L61736 D_000094779009 Garbsen Bus 52.417436000000 9.596514000000 2 000000904779 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61754 D_000095181004 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Abfahrt 52.332821000000 9.690819000000 2 000000905181 0 Bus 3 1
L61755 D_000095181005 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Abfahrt 52.332810000000 9.690810000000 2 000000905181 0 Bus 4 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code zone_id level_id
L61757 D_000095181007 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Ankunft 52.333453000000 9.691331000000 2 000000905181 0 Bus 2 1
L61758 D_000095181008 Hannover Wettbergen Bus Ankunft 52.333453000000 9.691358000000 2 000000905181 0 SEV 1 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.83m away

transfers.txt - 72 WARNING

from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L26438 000002500319 000009904573 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002500319 and stop 000009904573 (distance 675.45m): 2.81 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L26677 000000611475 000009904998 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000611475 and stop 000009904998 (distance 717.40m): 2.99 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L27999 000000176263 000009902037 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176263 and stop 000009902037 (distance 898.41m): 3.74 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L34645 000000176417 000009902513 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176417 and stop 000009902513 (distance 1495.68m): 6.23 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L35870 000000818625 000009904422 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000818625 and stop 000009904422 (distance 1440.26m): 6.00 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L35872 000000818613 000009904423 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000818613 and stop 000009904423 (distance 515.72m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L37418 000000815039 000009904112 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000815039 and stop 000009904112 (distance 1063.69m): 4.43 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L37918 000000856134 000009905205 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000856134 and stop 000009905205 (distance 583.09m): 2.43 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L38111 000000115216 000009900143 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000115216 and stop 000009900143 (distance 613.54m): 2.56 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L40481 000000176632 000009909954 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176632 and stop 000009909954 (distance 1069.53m): 4.46 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L41920 000002500246 000009907498 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002500246 and stop 000009907498 (distance 590.09m): 2.46 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L41980 000000818428 000009907822 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000818428 and stop 000009907822 (distance 536.80m): 2.24 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L42079 000000818662 000009908182 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000818662 and stop 000009908182 (distance 505.50m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L44245 000000176275 000009909783 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176275 and stop 000009909783 (distance 498.91m): 2.08 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L44421 000000198900 000009910514 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000198900 and stop 000009910514 (distance 483.29m): 2.01 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L45721 000000125231 000009908355 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000125231 and stop 000009908355 (distance 1518.04m): 6.33 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L46303 000000700769 000009910630 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000700769 and stop 000009910630 (distance 810.73m): 3.38 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L46727 000000611306 000009905907 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000611306 and stop 000009905907 (distance 707.15m): 2.95 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L46927 000000106118 000009906602 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000106118 and stop 000009906602 (distance 681.16m): 2.84 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L47444 000002500340 000009907402 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002500340 and stop 000009907402 (distance 700.92m): 2.92 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L50681 000000176743 000009913427 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176743 and stop 000009913427 (distance 502.40m): 2.09 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L50709 000002500289 000009913444 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002500289 and stop 000009913444 (distance 789.21m): 3.29 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L51151 000000818678 000009914616 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000818678 and stop 000009914616 (distance 710.12m): 2.96 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L52863 000000611992 000009914092 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000611992 and stop 000009914092 (distance 1317.07m): 5.49 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L53019 000000108361 000000198361 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000108361 and stop 000000198361 (distance 683.89m): 2.85 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L54631 000000176667 000009913083 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000176667 and stop 000009913083 (distance 678.52m): 2.83 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L56707 000002098021 000002099022 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002098021 and stop 000002099022 (distance 575.71m): 2.40 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L56987 000009904573 000002500319 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009904573 and stop 000002500319 (distance 675.45m): 2.81 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L57156 000009904998 000000611475 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009904998 and stop 000000611475 (distance 717.40m): 2.99 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L57963 000009902037 000000176263 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009902037 and stop 000000176263 (distance 898.41m): 3.74 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L59838 000009902513 000000176417 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009902513 and stop 000000176417 (distance 1495.68m): 6.23 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L60580 000009904422 000000818625 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009904422 and stop 000000818625 (distance 1440.26m): 6.00 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L60582 000009904423 000000818613 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009904423 and stop 000000818613 (distance 515.72m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L61694 000009904112 000000815039 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009904112 and stop 000000815039 (distance 1063.69m): 4.43 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L62090 000009905205 000000856134 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009905205 and stop 000000856134 (distance 583.09m): 2.43 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L62091 000009905205 000009905206 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009905205 and stop 000009905206 (distance 572.03m): 2.38 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L62093 000009905206 000009905205 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009905206 and stop 000009905205 (distance 572.03m): 2.38 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L62275 000009900143 000000115216 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009900143 and stop 000000115216 (distance 613.54m): 2.56 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L63257 000009909954 000000176632 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009909954 and stop 000000176632 (distance 1069.53m): 4.46 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L64143 000009907498 000002500246 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009907498 and stop 000002500246 (distance 590.09m): 2.46 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L64192 000009907822 000000818428 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009907822 and stop 000000818428 (distance 536.80m): 2.24 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L64268 000009908182 000000818662 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009908182 and stop 000000818662 (distance 505.50m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L65805 000009909783 000000176275 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009909783 and stop 000000176275 (distance 498.91m): 2.08 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L65945 000009910514 000000198900 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009910514 and stop 000000198900 (distance 483.29m): 2.01 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L66704 000009908355 000000125231 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009908355 and stop 000000125231 (distance 1518.04m): 6.33 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L67140 000009910630 000000700769 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009910630 and stop 000000700769 (distance 810.73m): 3.38 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L67470 000009905907 000000611306 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009905907 and stop 000000611306 (distance 707.15m): 2.95 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L67613 000009906602 000000106118 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009906602 and stop 000000106118 (distance 681.16m): 2.84 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L67978 000009907402 000002500340 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009907402 and stop 000002500340 (distance 700.92m): 2.92 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L69430 000009913427 000000176743 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009913427 and stop 000000176743 (distance 502.40m): 2.09 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L69446 000009913444 000002500289 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009913444 and stop 000002500289 (distance 789.21m): 3.29 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L69717 000009914616 000000818678 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009914616 and stop 000000818678 (distance 710.12m): 2.96 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L71022 000009914092 000000611992 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009914092 and stop 000000611992 (distance 1317.07m): 5.49 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L72335 000009913083 000000176667 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000009913083 and stop 000000176667 (distance 678.52m): 2.83 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L77088 000000171359 000000191359 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000171359 and stop 000000191359 (distance 976.03m): 4.07 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L77089 000000191359 000000171359 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000191359 and stop 000000171359 (distance 976.03m): 4.07 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L77234 000000198361 000000108361 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000198361 and stop 000000108361 (distance 683.89m): 2.85 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L77513 000006103031 000006103032 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000006103031 and stop 000006103032 (distance 625.58m): 2.61 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L77514 000006103032 000006103031 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000006103032 and stop 000006103031 (distance 625.58m): 2.61 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L79804 000002099022 000002098021 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002099022 and stop 000002098021 (distance 575.71m): 2.40 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L84641 000001300013 000001390013 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000001300013 and stop 000001390013 (distance 491.08m): 2.05 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L84642 000001390013 000001300013 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000001390013 and stop 000001300013 (distance 491.08m): 2.05 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L91983 000002110121 000002110103 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110121 and stop 000002110103 (distance 519.65m): 2.17 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L91988 000002110123 000002110103 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110123 and stop 000002110103 (distance 504.99m): 2.10 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L91993 000002110126 000002110103 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110126 and stop 000002110103 (distance 516.12m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92003 000002110116 000002110103 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110116 and stop 000002110103 (distance 543.49m): 2.26 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92004 000002110103 000002110121 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110103 and stop 000002110121 (distance 519.65m): 2.17 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92005 000002110103 000002110123 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110103 and stop 000002110123 (distance 504.99m): 2.10 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92006 000002110103 000002110126 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110103 and stop 000002110126 (distance 516.12m): 2.15 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92008 000002110103 000002110116 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000002110103 and stop 000002110116 (distance 543.49m): 2.26 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92346 000019550671 000019550672 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000019550671 and stop 000019550672 (distance 505.99m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L92347 000019550672 000019550671 2 120
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000019550672 and stop 000019550671 (distance 505.99m): 2.11 > 2.00 m/s

trips.txt - 289 WARNING

route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2589 53597_3 27 410851457 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01685 0 8479 510 1 0
L2590 53597_3 27 410851458 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01684 0 8480 510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2598 53597_3 31 410851488 Osnabrück Markuskirche 01712 0 8515 511 1 0
L2655 53597_3 27 410851489 Osnabrück Markuskirche 01711 0 8917 511 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2625 53597_3 27 410851485 Osnabrück Markuskirche 01717 0 8565 511 1 0
L2627 53597_3 27 410851484 Osnabrück Markuskirche 01718 0 8566 511 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2639 53597_3 27 410851447 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01701 0 8894 510 1 0
L2640 53597_3 27 410851448 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01700 0 8895 510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2652 53597_3 27 410851475 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01652 0 8910 510 1 0
L2653 53597_3 27 410851474 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01653 0 8911 510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2662 53597_3 27 410851465 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01671 0 8935 510 1 0
L2663 53597_3 27 410851464 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01672 0 8936 510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2673 53597_3 27 410851522 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01634 0 8949 510 1 0
L2674 53597_3 27 410851523 Osnabrück Schulzentrum Sonnenhügel 01633 0 8950 510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2740 53596_3 27 410851711 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01881 0 8813 504 1 0
L2741 53596_3 27 410851712 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01880 0 8814 504 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2747 53596_3 27 410851661 Nettebad ü. Hbf. 01853 0 8820 506 1 0
L2748 53596_3 27 410851660 Nettebad ü. Hbf. 01854 0 8821 506 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2757 53596_3 27 410851731 Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01800 0 8830 504 1 0
L2758 53596_3 27 410851730 Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01801 0 8831 504 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2767 53596_3 27 410851744 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01744 0 8840 504 1 0
L2768 53596_3 27 410851743 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01745 0 8841 504 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2772 53596_3 27 410851684 Hauptbahnhof 01935 0 8845 505 1 0
L2773 53596_3 31 410851683 Hauptbahnhof 01936 0 8846 505 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2778 53596_3 27 410851703 Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01917 0 8852 504 1 0
L2779 53596_3 52 410851702 Rulle - 14 Nettebad/Eberleplatz 01918 0 8853 504 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2877 53596_3 27 410851530 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01861 1 8479 509 1 0
L2878 53596_3 27 410851531 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01860 1 8480 509 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2913 53596_3 27 410851629 Neumarkt - 10 Kliniken - Markuskirche 01939 1 8565 507 1 0
L2914 53596_3 31 410851630 Neumarkt - 10 Kliniken - Markuskirche 01938 1 8566 507 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2931 53596_3 27 410851540 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01898 1 8894 508 1 0
L2932 53596_3 27 410851541 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01897 1 8895 508 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2947 53596_3 27 410851560 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01772 1 8910 508 1 0
L2948 53596_3 27 410851561 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01771 1 8911 508 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2954 53596_3 27 410851603 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01926 1 8917 508 1 0
L2955 53596_3 27 410851604 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01925 1 8918 508 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2972 53596_3 27 410851552 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01827 1 8935 508 1 0
L2973 53596_3 27 410851551 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01828 1 8936 508 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L2986 53596_3 27 410851626 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01724 1 8949 508 1 0
L2987 53596_3 27 410851627 Osnabrück Neumarkt 01723 1 8950 508 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3836 53591_3 27 410852469 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02637 0 8813 483 1 0
L3837 53591_3 27 410852470 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02636 0 8814 483 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3843 53591_3 27 410852476 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02625 0 8820 483 1 0
L3844 53591_3 27 410852477 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02624 0 8821 483 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3853 53591_3 27 410852486 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02605 0 8830 483 1 0
L3854 53591_3 27 410852487 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02604 0 8831 483 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3863 53591_3 27 410852496 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02583 0 8840 483 1 0
L3864 53591_3 27 410852497 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02582 0 8841 483 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3868 53591_3 27 410852501 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02662 0 8845 484 1 0
L3869 53591_3 27 410852502 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02661 0 8846 484 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L3875 53591_3 27 410852508 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02654 0 8852 484 1 0
L3876 53591_3 52 410852509 Osnabrück Neumarkt 02653 0 8853 484 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5858 49866_3 60 410854587 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03400 0 1 0
L5859 49866_3 49 410854586 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03401 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5860 49866_3 49 410854585 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03404 0 1 0
L5861 49866_3 60 410854584 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03405 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5862 49866_3 60 410854583 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03408 0 1 0
L5863 49866_3 49 410854582 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03409 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5864 49866_3 49 410854581 Hasetor/Bf. Altstadt - Einfahrt 03412 0 1 0
L5865 49866_3 60 410854580 Hasetor/Bf. Altstadt - Einfahrt 03413 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5867 49866_3 72 406915158 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03502 0 1 0
L5868 49866_3 73 406915157 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03503 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5869 49866_3 73 406915156 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03507 0 1 0
L5871 49866_3 72 406915154 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03509 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5873 49866_3 72 406915152 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03514 0 1 0
L5874 49866_3 73 406915151 Neumarkt - N4 Hasbergen 03515 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5876 49866_3 72 406915149 Hasetor/Bf. Altstadt - Einfahrt 03520 0 1 0
L5877 49866_3 73 406915148 Hasetor/Bf. Altstadt - Einfahrt 03521 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5878 49866_3 60 410854579 Dodesheide 03402 1 1 0
L5879 49866_3 49 410854578 Dodesheide 03403 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5880 49866_3 60 410854577 Dodesheide 03406 1 1 0
L5881 49866_3 49 410854576 Dodesheide 03407 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5882 49866_3 49 410854575 Dodesheide 03410 1 1 0
L5883 49866_3 60 410854574 Dodesheide 03411 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 6 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/20
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5885 49866_3 72 406915146 Dodesheide 03505 1 1 0
L5886 49866_3 73 406915145 Dodesheide 03506 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5887 49866_3 73 406915144 Dodesheide 03510 1 1 0
L5889 49866_3 72 406915142 Dodesheide 03512 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L5891 49866_3 72 406915140 Dodesheide 03517 1 1 0
L5892 49866_3 73 406915139 Dodesheide 03518 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 10 overlapping days, from 2025/04/27 to 2025/06/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6412 49827_3 27 410852780 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle 03273 0 8813 1 0
L6413 49827_3 27 410852781 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle 03271 0 8814 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6423 49827_3 27 410852821 Rulle 03231 0 8830 391 1 0
L6424 49827_3 27 410852822 Rulle 03230 0 8831 391 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6432 49827_3 27 410852794 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle 03206 0 8840 1 0
L6433 49827_3 27 410852795 Wallenhorst ü. Rulle 03205 0 8841 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6436 49827_3 27 410852800 Rulle 03290 0 8852 391 1 0
L6437 49827_3 52 410852801 Rulle 03289 0 8853 391 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6468 49827_3 27 410852723 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03278 1 8894 1 0
L6469 49827_3 27 410852724 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03277 1 8895 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6484 49827_3 27 410852739 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03210 1 8910 1 0
L6485 49827_3 27 410852740 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03209 1 8911 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6491 49827_3 27 410852746 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03293 1 8917 392 1 0
L6492 49827_3 27 410852747 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03292 1 8918 392 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6509 49827_3 27 410852764 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03237 1 8935 392 1 0
L6510 49827_3 27 410852765 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03236 1 8936 392 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L6523 49827_3 27 410852778 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03193 1 8949 392 1 0
L6524 49827_3 27 410852779 Osnabrück Neumarkt 03192 1 8950 392 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 26 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/17
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L23938 76853_3 154 409776586 Ballenstedt Westbahnhof 24401010 1 0 0
L23939 76853_3 154 409776585 Ballenstedt Westbahnhof 24401020 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 187 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25859 76189_3 182 402482548 Norderney Fähranleger 2003003 0 1 0
L25868 76189_3 179 402482549 Norderney Fähranleger 2003021 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25881 76189_3 183 402482528 Norderney Kap Norderney 2003002 1 1 0
L25891 76189_3 179 402482527 Norderney Kap Norderney 2003022 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25889 76189_3 186 402482506 Norderney Kap Norderney 2003018 1 1 0
L25890 76189_3 187 402482508 Norderney Kap Norderney 2003020 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 20 overlapping days, from 2025/06/05 to 2025/10/10
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25912 76188_3 182 402482234 Norderney Fähranleger 2002017 0 1 0
L25914 76188_3 179 402482235 Norderney Fähranleger 2002021 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25927 76188_3 183 402482214 Norderney Maybach-/Luciusstraße 2002002 1 1 0
L25937 76188_3 179 402482213 Norderney Maybach-/Luciusstraße 2002022 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25935 76188_3 186 402482192 Norderney Maybach-/Luciusstraße 2002018 1 1 0
L25936 76188_3 187 402482194 Norderney Maybach-/Luciusstraße 2002020 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 20 overlapping days, from 2025/06/05 to 2025/10/10
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25950 76187_3 188 402481922 Norderney Fähranleger 2001001 0 1 0
L25960 76187_3 179 402481898 Norderney Fähranleger 2001021 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25953 76187_3 183 402481917 Norderney Fähranleger 2001007 0 1 0
L25975 76187_3 189 402481894 Norderney Fähranleger 2001051 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25985 76187_3 183 402481887 Norderney Rosengarten 2001052 1 1 0
L25997 76187_3 179 402481886 Norderney Rosengarten 2001076 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L25995 76187_3 184 402481868 Norderney Rosengarten 2001072 1 1 0
L26009 76187_3 179 402481867 Norderney Rosengarten 2001100 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/05 to 2025/07/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L26279 71487_4 196 409676186 Berne Fähranleger 2003130 1 1225 0 0
L26280 71487_4 197 409676185 Berne Fähranleger 2003132 1 1225 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 139 overlapping days, from 2025/04/28 to 2025/12/31
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L27347 52983_3 5 408405220 Oldenburg(Oldb) Graf-Anton-Günther-Schule 6254013 0 1614 0 0
L27352 52983_3 5 408405219 Oldenburg(Oldb) Graf-Anton-Günther-Schule 6254019 0 4899 1614 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L27422 52975_3 64 409642387 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246050 1 1585 0 0
L27423 52975_3 64 409642386 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246056 1 1585 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 61 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/01
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L27422 52975_3 64 409642387 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246050 1 1585 0 0
L27424 52975_3 64 409642385 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246062 1 1585 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 61 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/01
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L27423 52975_3 64 409642386 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246056 1 1585 0 0
L27424 52975_3 64 409642385 Bookholzberg Schulzentrum 6246062 1 1585 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 61 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/01
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L27728 52954_3 5 400797092 Brake(Unterweser) Philosophenweg 6451013 0 1435 0 0
L27731 52954_3 5 400797093 Brake(Unterweser) Philosophenweg 6451025 0 1435 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L28446 31245_3 227 400796656 Westerstede Hössenbad 6366205 0 1 0
L28451 31245_3 5 400796655 Westerstede Hössenbad 6366905 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L28555 81181_3 246 395815441 Neuenkirchen(Schwanewede) Marktplatz 1651004 1 1876 1 0
L28570 81181_3 246 395815444 Neuenkirchen(Schwanewede) Marktplatz 1651404 1 1876 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 110 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/11
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L28564 81181_3 247 395815446 Neuenkirchen(Schwanewede) Marktplatz 1651024 1 1876 1 0
L28567 81181_3 247 395815445 Neuenkirchen(Schwanewede) Marktplatz 1651401 1 1876 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 136 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L28868 73685_3 250 395815347 Hagen im Bremischen Schulzentrum 1644003 0 1853 1 0
L28869 73685_3 250 395815346 Hagen im Bremischen Schulzentrum 16440903 0 1853 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 146 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L28895 73683_3 247 395815326 Schwanewede-Löhnhorst Am Waldesrand 1642013 0 1848 0 0
L28905 73683_3 247 395815325 Schwanewede-Löhnhorst Am Waldesrand 1642701 0 1848 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 136 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29058 71777_3 245 408824200 Bremen Weserpark 1740024 1 1814 1 0
L29068 71777_3 6 412344921 Bremen Weserpark 1740124 1 1814 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29060 71777_3 247 408824198 Bremen Bf Mahndorf 1740034 1 1 0
L29061 71777_3 247 408824197 Bremen Bf Mahndorf 1740036 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 136 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29508 46317_3 250 396905159 Thedinghausen Marktplatz 1702016 0 1668 0 0
L29526 46317_3 251 396905160 Thedinghausen Marktplatz 1702216 0 1668 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 145 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29567 32694_3 303 410898531 Pudagla-Schmollensee 285006 1 9304 0 0
L29568 32694_3 303 410898532 Pudagla-Schmollensee 285008 1 9305 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29671 32438_3 303 410897719 Ahlbeck Bahnhof 284008 1 0 0
L29672 32438_3 303 410897718 Ahlbeck Bahnhof 284010 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29710 32437_3 303 410896881 Ückeritz Schule 283016 1 0 0
L29713 32437_3 303 410896882 Ückeritz Schule 283018 1 9271 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L29716 32437_3 303 410896725 Ückeritz Schule 283012 1 9304 0 0
L29717 32437_3 303 410896752 Ückeritz Schule 283010 1 9305 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39400 59935_3 162 402778332 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 107 0 2119 1 0
L39406 59935_3 162 402778330 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 117 0 2119 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39400 59935_3 162 402778332 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 107 0 2119 1 0
L39407 59935_3 162 402778329 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 127 0 2119 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39406 59935_3 162 402778330 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 117 0 2119 1 0
L39407 59935_3 162 402778329 Cloppenburg Bahnhof 127 0 2119 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39426 59935_3 406 402778284 Löningen Bahnhof 18 1 2128 0 0
L39440 59935_3 407 402778283 Löningen Bahnhof 180 1 2128 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 193 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39431 59935_3 162 402778295 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 110 1 1 0
L39436 59935_3 162 402778293 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 120 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39431 59935_3 162 402778295 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 110 1 1 0
L39437 59935_3 162 402778292 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 130 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39436 59935_3 162 402778293 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 120 1 1 0
L39437 59935_3 162 402778292 Löningen Schulzentrum/Linderner Straße 130 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 52 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2026/03/07
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39722 70132_3 5 393457357 Aurich FöS 474007 0 2227 0 0
L39739 70132_3 5 393457356 Aurich FöS 474700 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39722 70132_3 5 393457357 Aurich FöS 474007 0 2227 0 0
L39740 70132_3 5 393457355 Aurich FöS 474807 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39722 70132_3 5 393457357 Aurich FöS 474007 0 2227 0 0
L39741 70132_3 5 393457358 Aurich FöS 474907 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39739 70132_3 5 393457356 Aurich FöS 474700 0 2227 0 0
L39740 70132_3 5 393457355 Aurich FöS 474807 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39739 70132_3 5 393457356 Aurich FöS 474700 0 2227 0 0
L39741 70132_3 5 393457358 Aurich FöS 474907 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39740 70132_3 5 393457355 Aurich FöS 474807 0 2227 0 0
L39741 70132_3 5 393457358 Aurich FöS 474907 0 2227 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L42498 65915_3 462 401520872 Uslar Zur Schwarzen Erde 214420 1 1 0
L42546 65915_3 461 401520873 Uslar Zur Schwarzen Erde 5214420 1 1326 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 17 overlapping days, from 2025/05/05 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L42499 65915_3 463 409199596 Uslar Zur Schwarzen Erde 214420 1 1 0
L42550 65915_3 259 409199597 Uslar Zur Schwarzen Erde 5214420 1 4909 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 8 overlapping days, from 2025/03/17 to 2025/04/28
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L42738 65911_3 5 401520729 Göttingen Bahnhof/ZOB 5210404 1 1 0
L42743 65911_3 5 401520728 Göttingen Bahnhof/ZOB 5210440 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43511 65698_3 227 358758257 Dassel Erholungsheimstraße 250027 0 0 0
L43515 65698_3 5 358758256 Dassel Erholungsheimstraße 250127 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43511 65698_3 227 358758257 Dassel Erholungsheimstraße 250027 0 0 0
L43532 65698_3 228 358758255 Dassel Erholungsheimstraße 250227 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 34 overlapping days, from 2025/04/07 to 2025/07/31
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43542 65698_3 227 358758206 Einbeck Mitte/ZOB 250032 1 0 0
L43545 65698_3 5 358758205 Einbeck Mitte/ZOB 250132 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43542 65698_3 227 358758206 Einbeck Mitte/ZOB 250032 1 0 0
L43561 65698_3 228 358758204 Einbeck Mitte/ZOB 250232 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 34 overlapping days, from 2025/04/07 to 2025/07/31
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43921 81158_3 90 409688716 Wildeshausen, Schillerstr 1291037 0 5357 3387 0 0
L43923 81158_3 90 409688715 Wildeshausen, Schillerstr 1291031 0 5359 3387 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43985 81156_3 468 409688643 Wardenburg, Schulzentrum 1288056 0 3341 0 0
L43986 81156_3 468 409688642 Wardenburg, Schulzentrum 1288062 0 3341 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 141 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L43987 81156_3 468 409688645 Wardenburg, ZUH 1288074 0 3340 0 0
L43995 81156_3 468 409688646 Wardenburg, ZUH 1288068 0 5366 3340 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 141 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44076 81150_3 468 409688559 Wardenburg, Schulzentrum 1280061 0 3298 1 0
L44077 81150_3 468 409688558 Wardenburg, Schulzentrum 1280067 0 3298 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 141 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44083 81150_3 90 409688555 Oldenburg, ZOB 1280020 1 3300 1 0
L44084 81150_3 90 409688554 Oldenburg, ZOB 1280026 1 3300 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44682 81111_3 468 409688001 Bramstedt, Grundschule 1163005 0 0 0
L44706 81111_3 468 409688000 Bramstedt, Grundschule 1163905 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 141 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44684 81111_3 488 409687997 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163101 0 0 0
L44685 81111_3 488 409687996 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163103 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44686 81111_3 488 409687995 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163201 0 0 0
L44687 81111_3 488 409687994 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163203 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44688 81111_3 489 409687993 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163301 0 0 0
L44689 81111_3 489 409687992 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163303 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44690 81111_3 489 409687991 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163305 0 0 0
L44691 81111_3 489 409687990 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163307 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44692 81111_3 489 409687989 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163309 0 0 0
L44693 81111_3 489 409687988 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163311 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44694 81111_3 490 409687987 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163401 0 0 0
L44695 81111_3 490 409687986 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163403 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44694 81111_3 490 409687987 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163401 0 0 0
L44696 81111_3 490 409687985 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163405 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44694 81111_3 490 409687987 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163401 0 0 0
L44697 81111_3 490 409687984 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163407 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44695 81111_3 490 409687986 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163403 0 0 0
L44696 81111_3 490 409687985 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163405 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44695 81111_3 490 409687986 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163403 0 0 0
L44697 81111_3 490 409687984 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163407 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44696 81111_3 490 409687985 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163405 0 0 0
L44697 81111_3 490 409687984 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163407 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44698 81111_3 490 409687983 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163409 0 0 0
L44699 81111_3 490 409687982 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163411 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44700 81111_3 490 409687981 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163413 0 0 0
L44701 81111_3 490 409687980 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163415 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44702 81111_3 490 409687979 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163417 0 0 0
L44703 81111_3 490 409687978 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163419 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44704 81111_3 490 409687977 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163421 0 0 0
L44705 81111_3 490 409687976 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1163423 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44715 81111_3 488 409687968 Twistringen, Markt 1163100 1 0 0
L44716 81111_3 488 409687967 Twistringen, Markt 1163102 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44717 81111_3 488 409687966 Twistringen, Markt 1163200 1 0 0
L44718 81111_3 488 409687965 Twistringen, Markt 1163202 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44719 81111_3 489 409687964 Twistringen, Markt 1163300 1 0 0
L44720 81111_3 489 409687963 Twistringen, Markt 1163302 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44721 81111_3 489 409687962 Twistringen, Markt 1163304 1 0 0
L44722 81111_3 489 409687961 Twistringen, Markt 1163306 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44723 81111_3 489 409687960 Twistringen, Markt 1163308 1 0 0
L44724 81111_3 489 409687959 Twistringen, Markt 1163310 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44727 81111_3 490 409687956 Twistringen, Markt 1163404 1 0 0
L44728 81111_3 490 409687955 Twistringen, Markt 1163406 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L44729 81111_3 490 409687954 Twistringen, Markt 1163408 1 0 0
L44730 81111_3 490 409687953 Twistringen, Markt 1163410 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46013 81071_3 488 391510173 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128811 0 0 0
L46019 81071_3 488 391510167 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128911 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46014 81071_3 488 391510172 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128813 0 0 0
L46020 81071_3 488 391510166 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128913 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46015 81071_3 490 391510171 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128814 0 0 0
L46021 81071_3 490 391510165 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128914 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46016 81071_3 490 391510170 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128816 0 0 0
L46022 81071_3 490 391510164 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128916 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46017 81071_3 489 391510169 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128821 0 0 0
L46025 81071_3 489 391510161 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128921 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46018 81071_3 489 391510168 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128823 0 0 0
L46026 81071_3 489 391510160 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1128923 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46027 81071_3 488 391510159 Bockhop, Dräger 1128812 1 0 0
L46031 81071_3 488 391510155 Bockhop, Dräger 1128912 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46028 81071_3 488 391510158 Bockhop, Dräger 1128822 1 0 0
L46032 81071_3 488 391510154 Bockhop, Dräger 1128922 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46029 81071_3 489 391510157 Bockhop, Dräger 1128824 1 0 0
L46033 81071_3 489 391510153 Bockhop, Dräger 1128924 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46030 81071_3 489 391510156 Bockhop, Dräger 1128832 1 0 0
L46034 81071_3 489 391510152 Bockhop, Dräger 1128932 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46039 81070_3 488 391510147 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126724 0 0 0
L46043 81070_3 488 391510143 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126824 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46039 81070_3 488 391510147 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126724 0 0 0
L46051 81070_3 488 391510135 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126924 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46040 81070_3 489 391510146 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126734 0 0 0
L46044 81070_3 489 391510142 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126834 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46040 81070_3 489 391510146 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126734 0 0 0
L46054 81070_3 489 391510132 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126934 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46041 81070_3 490 391510145 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126818 0 0 0
L46048 81070_3 490 391510138 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126918 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46042 81070_3 490 391510144 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126820 0 0 0
L46049 81070_3 490 391510137 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126920 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46043 81070_3 488 391510143 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126824 0 0 0
L46051 81070_3 488 391510135 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126924 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46044 81070_3 489 391510142 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126834 0 0 0
L46054 81070_3 489 391510132 Nienburg, Bahnhof 1126934 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46057 81070_3 488 391510129 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126715 1 0 0
L46061 81070_3 488 391510125 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126815 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46057 81070_3 488 391510129 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126715 1 0 0
L46067 81070_3 488 391510119 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126915 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46058 81070_3 490 391510128 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126719 1 0 0
L46062 81070_3 490 391510124 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126819 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46058 81070_3 490 391510128 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126719 1 0 0
L46069 81070_3 490 391510117 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126919 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46059 81070_3 489 391510127 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126725 1 0 0
L46064 81070_3 489 391510122 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126825 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46059 81070_3 489 391510127 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126725 1 0 0
L46072 81070_3 489 391510114 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126925 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46060 81070_3 488 391510126 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126813 1 0 0
L46066 81070_3 488 391510120 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126913 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46061 81070_3 488 391510125 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126815 1 0 0
L46067 81070_3 488 391510119 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126915 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/22 to 2025/08/22
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46062 81070_3 490 391510124 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126819 1 0 0
L46069 81070_3 490 391510117 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126919 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/26 to 2025/08/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46063 81070_3 489 391510123 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126823 1 0 0
L46071 81070_3 489 391510115 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126923 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L46064 81070_3 489 391510122 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126825 1 0 0
L46072 81070_3 489 391510114 Bruchhausen-Vilsen, Markt 1126925 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47095 78230_3 90 399755687 Schulbus 608001 0 2668 0 0
L47098 78230_3 90 399755686 Schulbus 608101 0 2668 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47099 78230_3 90 399755683 Schulbus 608002 1 2671 0 0
L47102 78230_3 90 399755680 Schulbus 608102 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47099 78230_3 90 399755683 Schulbus 608002 1 2671 0 0
L47104 78230_3 90 399755678 Schulbus 608202 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47099 78230_3 90 399755683 Schulbus 608002 1 2671 0 0
L47105 78230_3 87 399755677 Schulbus 608302 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47100 78230_3 88 399755682 Schulbus 608004 1 2671 0 0
L47103 78230_3 391 399755679 Schulbus 608104 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 28 overlapping days, from 2025/03/17 to 2025/12/15
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47102 78230_3 90 399755680 Schulbus 608102 1 2671 0 0
L47104 78230_3 90 399755678 Schulbus 608202 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47102 78230_3 90 399755680 Schulbus 608102 1 2671 0 0
L47105 78230_3 87 399755677 Schulbus 608302 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47104 78230_3 90 399755678 Schulbus 608202 1 2671 0 0
L47105 78230_3 87 399755677 Schulbus 608302 1 2671 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L47817 75267_3 519 410851278 Fischerhude(Ottersberg) Im krummen Ort 1760204 1 0 0
L47818 75267_3 519 410851279 Fischerhude(Ottersberg) Im krummen Ort 1760206 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48008 71724_3 519 407704997 Otterstedt(Ottersberg) Nord 1745201 0 3510 1 0
L48019 71724_3 519 407704998 Otterstedt(Ottersberg) Nord 1745601 0 3510 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48010 71724_3 519 407704956 Achim(b Bremen) Schulzentrum/Wendeplatz 1745202 0 3483 1 0
L48020 71724_3 519 407704957 Achim(b Bremen) Schulzentrum/Wendeplatz 1745602 0 3483 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48025 71723_3 519 407704885 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Busbahnhof 1730007 0 3447 1 0
L48027 71723_3 519 407704884 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Busbahnhof 1730009 0 3447 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48026 71723_3 520 412345258 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Busbahnhof 1730007 0 3463 1 0
L48028 71723_3 520 412345259 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Busbahnhof 1730009 0 3463 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48042 71723_3 519 407704893 Otterstedt(Ottersberg) Nord 1730203 0 3452 1 0
L48053 71723_3 519 407704894 Otterstedt(Ottersberg) Nord 1730603 0 3452 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48096 71723_3 519 407704901 Bremen Hauptbahnhof 1730604 1 3455 1 0
L48099 71723_3 519 407704900 Bremen Hauptbahnhof 1730904 1 3455 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 60 overlapping days, from 2025/06/15 to 2025/08/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48114 71721_3 520 412345198 Oyten Schulzentrum 1723053 0 3427 0 0
L48119 71721_3 520 412345199 Oyten Schulzentrum 1723153 0 3427 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48115 71721_3 520 412345194 Bassen Grundschule 1723059 0 3431 0 0
L48120 71721_3 520 412345193 Bassen Grundschule 1723159 0 3431 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48124 71721_3 520 412345184 Bassen Bornmoor 1723054 1 3435 0 0
L48135 71721_3 520 412345181 Bassen Bornmoor 1723154 1 3435 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48130 71721_3 520 412345182 Bassen Bornmoor 1723066 1 3435 0 0
L48136 71721_3 520 412345183 Bassen Bornmoor 1723166 1 3435 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48132 71721_3 520 412345173 Bassen Bornmoor 1723074 1 3439 0 0
L48137 71721_3 520 412345174 Bassen Bornmoor 1723174 1 3439 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48134 71721_3 520 412345169 Bassen Bornmoor 1723082 1 3442 0 0
L48138 71721_3 520 412345170 Bassen Bornmoor 1723182 1 3442 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48148 71720_3 520 412345167 Oyten Schulzentrum 1722101 0 3401 0 0
L48150 71720_3 520 412345166 Oyten Schulzentrum 1722001 0 3401 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L48159 71720_3 520 412345133 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Bahnhof (Nord) 1722038 1 3411 0 0
L48160 71720_3 520 412345132 Ottersberg(b Bremen) Bahnhof (Nord) 1722138 1 3411 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/06/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L53502 49158_3 537 404223378 Wolfenbüttel Goethestraße 2400027 1 1 0
L53503 49158_3 537 404223377 Wolfenbüttel Goethestraße 2400028 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 132 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L53882 48692_3 549 404241197 Peine, Bahnhof 2000058 1 1 0
L53893 48692_3 537 404241186 Peine, Bahnhof 2400059 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 107 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/04
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L53883 48692_3 537 404241196 Peine, Bahnhof 2400047 1 1 0
L53884 48692_3 537 404241195 Peine, Bahnhof 2400048 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 132 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L53886 48692_3 537 404241193 Peine, Bahnhof 2400050 1 1 0
L53887 48692_3 537 404241192 Peine, Bahnhof 2400051 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 132 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L53889 48692_3 537 404241190 Peine, Bahnhof 2400053 1 1 0
L53890 48692_3 537 404241189 Peine, Bahnhof 2400054 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 132 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L56670 44646_3 543 408520705 Börßum, Bahnhof 2400013 0 1 0
L56671 44646_3 543 408520704 Börßum, Bahnhof 2400014 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 185 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L56783 44638_3 543 408520491 Börßum, Bahnhof 2400027 1 1 0
L56784 44638_3 543 408520490 Börßum, Bahnhof 2400028 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 185 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L56798 44636_3 537 408520291 Oebisfelde Bahnhof 2400016 1 1 0
L56799 44636_3 537 408520290 Oebisfelde Bahnhof 2400017 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 132 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L62909 24387_3 545 404240071 Lengede Realschule 2400003 0 1 0
L62910 24387_3 545 404240070 Lengede Realschule 2400004 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 131 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L66438 14794_3 555 411823710 Braunschweig, Moorhüttenweg 2400010 1 1 0
L66439 14794_3 537 411823709 Braunschweig, Moorhüttenweg 2400011 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 131 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73003 14601_3 537 404223457 Cremlingen Im Rübenkamp 2400004 1 1 0
L73008 14601_3 576 404223458 Cremlingen Im Rübenkamp 400005 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 25 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/05
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73932 79151_3 254 407709237 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668011 0 3759 1 0
L73933 79151_3 254 407709236 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668013 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73932 79151_3 254 407709237 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668011 0 3759 1 0
L73934 79151_3 254 407709239 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668015 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73932 79151_3 254 407709237 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668011 0 3759 1 0
L73935 79151_3 254 407709238 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668017 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73933 79151_3 254 407709236 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668013 0 3759 1 0
L73934 79151_3 254 407709239 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668015 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73933 79151_3 254 407709236 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668013 0 3759 1 0
L73935 79151_3 254 407709238 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668017 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73934 79151_3 254 407709239 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668015 0 3759 1 0
L73935 79151_3 254 407709238 Lilienthal Schulzentrum Schoofmoor 1668017 0 3759 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73962 79151_3 516 407709198 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668020 1 3781 1 0
L73963 79151_3 516 407709197 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668022 1 3781 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 5 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/04/25
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73966 79151_3 254 407709231 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668028 1 3774 1 0
L73967 79151_3 254 407709229 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668030 1 3774 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73966 79151_3 254 407709231 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668028 1 3774 1 0
L73968 79151_3 254 407709230 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668032 1 3774 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73967 79151_3 254 407709229 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668030 1 3774 1 0
L73968 79151_3 254 407709230 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668032 1 3774 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73972 79151_3 254 407709218 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668042 1 3779 1 0
L73973 79151_3 254 407709217 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668044 1 3779 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73972 79151_3 254 407709218 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668042 1 3779 1 0
L73974 79151_3 254 407709219 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668046 1 3779 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L73973 79151_3 254 407709217 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668044 1 3779 1 0
L73974 79151_3 254 407709219 Grasberg Findorffschule 1668046 1 3779 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 23 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L74268 79136_3 516 407706097 Worpswede Schule 1611004 1 3719 1 0
L74269 79136_3 516 407706096 Worpswede Schule 1611006 1 3719 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 5 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/04/25
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L74677 66736_3 226 410450459 Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB 141531 0 4023 0 0
L74704 66736_3 226 410450458 Lingen Bahnhof/ZOB 141907 0 4023 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 25 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/01
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L78352 66883_3 88 408563210 Süddorf(Edewecht) Bahndamm 382014 1 4432 0 0
L78354 66883_3 88 408563209 Süddorf(Edewecht) Bahndamm 382314 1 4432 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 115 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/18
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L78585 57649_3 21 358110603 Obenstrohe Schule 263369 1 4334 0 0
L78593 57649_3 90 380646310 Obenstrohe Schule 263391 1 4334 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 45 overlapping days, from 2025/04/22 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L79698 77412_3 866 412498176 Detmold Bahnhof 08230 1 5438 0 0
L79705 77412_3 870 412498175 Detmold Bahnhof 08244 1 5438 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 2 overlapping days, from 2025/03/28 to 2025/03/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L79816 77409_3 886 412497786 Mönchengladbach Hauptbahnhof 01369 0 0 0
L79834 77409_3 889 412497782 Mönchengladbach Hauptbahnhof 01397 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/04/21 to 2025/04/21
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L79873 77409_3 887 412497732 Venlo 01366 1 0 0
L79886 77409_3 814 412497731 Venlo 01390 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/04/15 to 2025/04/15
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L79889 77409_3 889 412497730 Venlo 01392 1 0 0
L79891 77409_3 889 412497729 Venlo 01396 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 2 overlapping days, from 2025/03/24 to 2025/04/21
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L80164 77402_3 569 412497368 Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof 06217 0 5590 0 0
L80165 77402_3 569 412497367 Bielefeld Hauptbahnhof 06223 0 5590 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/03/29 to 2025/03/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L96542 35193_3 96 353411645 Gr. Schneen bis Ischenrode 5140011 0 5933 1 0
L96566 35193_3 90 353411655 Gr. Schneen 5140811 0 5933 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 142 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L97275 13586_3 3173 353410831 Bahnhof 1295406 1 5 5644 1 0
L97276 13586_3 3173 353410835 Bahnhof 1295408 1 6 5644 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 80 overlapping days, from 2025/08/14 to 2025/12/19
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L97279 13586_3 5 407523009 Bahnhof 1295406 1 4608 5644 1 0
L97282 13586_3 5 407523029 Bahnhof 1295408 1 4611 5644 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L97488 79952_3 3205 412426077 Leer ZOB 2061605 0 9414 0 0
L97491 79952_3 3207 412426078 Leer ZOB 2061605 0 9414 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 5 overlapping days, from 2025/04/12 to 2026/01/03
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L97489 79952_3 3205 412426076 Fetenscheune 2061607 0 9416 0 0
L97492 79952_3 3207 412426075 Fetenscheune 2061607 0 9416 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 5 overlapping days, from 2025/04/12 to 2026/01/03
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L98351 78060_3 3208 402175510 Wüste 7919809 0 1 0
L98522 78060_3 3208 402175508 Wüste 7919803 0 2128 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 61 overlapping days, from 2025/04/07 to 2026/02/03
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100025 78012_3 489 402173130 Hüde 7200201 0 9013 1 0
L100026 78012_3 489 402173131 Hüde 7200203 0 9013 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100025 78012_3 489 402173130 Hüde 7200201 0 9013 1 0
L100027 78012_3 489 402173132 Hüde 7200205 0 9013 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100026 78012_3 489 402173131 Hüde 7200203 0 9013 1 0
L100027 78012_3 489 402173132 Hüde 7200205 0 9013 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100028 78012_3 489 402173129 Hüde 7200202 1 9014 1 0
L100029 78012_3 489 402173128 Hüde 7200204 1 9014 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100028 78012_3 489 402173129 Hüde 7200202 1 9014 1 0
L100030 78012_3 489 402173127 Hüde 7200206 1 9014 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100029 78012_3 489 402173128 Hüde 7200204 1 9014 1 0
L100030 78012_3 489 402173127 Hüde 7200206 1 9014 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/08/23 to 2025/08/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100971 59665_3 3200 412431149 Wittmund SZ 4313139 0 8686 0 0
L100975 59665_3 3200 412431150 Wittmund SZ 4313033 0 8686 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 188 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100971 59665_3 3200 412431149 Wittmund SZ 4313139 0 8686 0 0
L100976 59665_3 3200 412431152 Wittmund SZ 4313039 0 8686 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 188 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L100975 59665_3 3200 412431150 Wittmund SZ 4313033 0 8686 1 0
L100976 59665_3 3200 412431152 Wittmund SZ 4313039 0 8686 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 188 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L101554 59640_3 3198 412429628 Hesel SZ 2629085 0 8419 0 0
L101561 59640_3 6 412429629 Hesel SZ 2629081 0 3891 8419 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L101565 59640_3 3201 412429630 Hesel SZ 2629085 0 8419 1 0
L101571 59640_3 3201 412429631 Hesel SZ 2629081 0 3892 8419 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 186 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L101750 59634_3 3321 412426016 Augustfehn 2623505 0 8354 0 0
L101752 59634_3 3321 412426015 Augustfehn 2623555 0 8354 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/10/10 to 2025/10/10
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L101755 59634_3 3322 412426012 Augustfehn 2623705 0 8354 0 0
L101757 59634_3 3322 412426011 Augustfehn 2623755 0 8354 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/10/11 to 2025/10/11
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L103143 59610_3 3198 412426760 Sielstraße 2412502 1 7957 1 0
L103144 59610_3 3198 412426761 Sielstraße 2412506 1 7957 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 2 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2026/01/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L104215 12523_3 3208 401778442 Engter 7680638 1 1 0
L104220 12523_3 3272 401778439 Engter 7680650 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 12 overlapping days, from 2025/04/11 to 2026/01/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L104504 12506_3 3204 401778049 Quakenbrück 7640321 0 7517 1 0
L104505 12506_3 3204 401778050 Quakenbrück 7640601 0 7517 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 249 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L104507 12506_3 3204 401778048 Quakenbrück 7640603 0 7517 1 0
L104514 12506_3 3204 401778047 Quakenbrück 7640903 0 7517 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 249 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L104548 12506_3 3204 401778008 Fürstenau 7640602 1 1 0
L104557 12506_3 3204 401778007 Fürstenau 7640904 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 249 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L104549 12506_3 3204 401778006 Fürstenau 7640604 1 1 0
L104558 12506_3 3204 401778005 Fürstenau 7640908 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 249 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2026/03/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L106223 75804_3 3409 400134104 Plau am See 19 0 0 0
L106233 75804_3 3409 400134105 Plau am See 919 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 144 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108024 49930_3 3428 400125319 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 9 0 0 0
L108035 49930_3 248 400125324 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 909 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 9 overlapping days, from 2025/05/30 to 2025/10/24
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108028 49930_3 248 400125323 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 13 0 1 0
L108036 49930_3 248 400125322 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 913 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 190 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108034 49930_3 3495 400125325 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 9 0 1 0
L108035 49930_3 248 400125324 Lauenburg(Elbe) ZOB 909 0 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 181 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108038 49930_3 3428 400125296 Boizenburg Bahnhof 12 1 0 0
L108049 49930_3 248 400125298 Boizenburg Bahnhof 912 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 9 overlapping days, from 2025/05/30 to 2025/10/24
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108041 49930_3 3495 400125297 Boizenburg Bahnhof 12 1 1 0
L108049 49930_3 248 400125298 Boizenburg Bahnhof 912 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 181 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108043 49930_3 248 400125303 Boizenburg Bahnhof 16 1 1 0
L108050 49930_3 248 400125302 Boizenburg Bahnhof 916 1 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 190 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L108316 79292_3 6 405938629 Barghorn Konken 1345932 0 10031 0 0
L108317 79292_3 6 405938628 Barghorn Konken 1345942 0 10031 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L109527 72009_3 3525 399336509 Lavelsloh 8070131 0 0 0
L109540 72009_3 3525 399336508 Lavelsloh 8070631 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 137 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L111582 25804_3 3521 405489679 GS Luttum 1715129 1 9593 0 0
L111589 25804_3 3521 405489681 GS Luttum 1715029 1 3127 9593 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 111 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/11
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L111586 25804_3 6 405489684 Verden-Eitze 1715502 1 9593 0 0
L111587 25804_3 6 405489683 Verden-Eitze 1715602 1 9593 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L111588 25804_3 3533 405489678 GS Luttum 1715923 1 9593 0 0
L111590 25804_3 3520 405489682 GS Luttum 1715023 1 3128 9593 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 25 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112438 37787_3 3552 399944076 Neudersum Moorstraße/Herzogstraße 2500030 0 0 0
L112445 37787_3 3553 399944078 Neudersum Moorstraße/Herzogstraße 500037 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112442 37787_3 3552 399944063 Heede(Ems) Kleines Feld 2500034 0 0 0
L112444 37787_3 3553 399944065 Heede(Ems) Kleines Feld 500028 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 27 overlapping days, from 2025/03/14 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112498 37786_3 3552 399944005 Neulehe Altsiedlung/Röwer 2500022 1 0 0
L112501 37786_3 1366 399944003 Neulehe Altsiedlung/Röwer 2500026 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112499 37786_3 3552 399944004 Neulehe Altsiedlung/Röwer 2500023 1 0 0
L112502 37786_3 1366 399944002 Neulehe Altsiedlung/Röwer 2500027 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112961 18707_3 249 399943226 Twist(Emsld) Siedlung/Holzbrücke 200004 0 0 0
L112965 18707_3 3555 399943225 Twist(Emsld) Siedlung/Holzbrücke 2600010 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 40 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2025/12/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L112967 18707_3 249 399943221 Hebelermeer Thesing 200011 1 0 0
L112970 18707_3 1359 399943219 Hebelermeer Thesing 2700003 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 40 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2025/12/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113431 11778_3 3552 399943885 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500023 0 0 0
L113432 11778_3 3552 399943884 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500024 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113431 11778_3 3552 399943885 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500023 0 0 0
L113441 11778_3 3552 399943882 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500037 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113432 11778_3 3552 399943884 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500024 0 0 0
L113441 11778_3 3552 399943882 Dörpen Lönsstraße 2500037 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113467 11778_3 3552 399943841 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500021 1 0 0
L113472 11778_3 3552 399943840 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500040 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113467 11778_3 3552 399943841 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500021 1 0 0
L113473 11778_3 3552 399943839 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500048 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113467 11778_3 3552 399943841 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500021 1 0 0
L113474 11778_3 3552 399943838 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500049 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113472 11778_3 3552 399943840 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500040 1 0 0
L113473 11778_3 3552 399943839 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500048 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113472 11778_3 3552 399943840 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500040 1 0 0
L113474 11778_3 3552 399943838 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500049 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113473 11778_3 3552 399943839 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500048 1 0 0
L113474 11778_3 3552 399943838 Dörpen Schulzentrum 2500049 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 138 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L113907 81317_3 3558 393639300 Lüneburg Leuphana 1014 1 0 0
L113909 81317_3 3558 393639302 Lüneburg Leuphana 1018 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 131 overlapping days, from 2025/03/17 to 2025/12/12
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L118824 31646_3 5 363008436 Hambühren-Ovelgönne Ort 1559 0 10569 0 0
L118834 31646_3 438 363008434 Hambühren-Ovelgönne Ort 9991 0 258 10569 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 13 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/03/31
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L118824 31646_3 5 363008436 Hambühren-Ovelgönne Ort 1559 0 10569 0 0
L118839 31646_3 452 412458485 Hambühren-Ovelgönne Ort 9991 0 5132 10569 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/04/01 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L118923 31644_3 5 363008324 Winsen(Aller) OBS/ZOB 1999 0 0 0
L118930 31644_3 5 363008323 Winsen(Aller) OBS/ZOB 9989 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L118958 31644_3 5 363008293 Wietze Alter Bahnhof 4036 1 10557 0 0
L118964 31644_3 438 363008295 Wietze Alter Bahnhof 2276 1 247 10557 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 13 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/03/31
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L118958 31644_3 5 363008293 Wietze Alter Bahnhof 4036 1 10557 0 0
L118968 31644_3 452 412458346 Wietze Alter Bahnhof 2276 1 5029 10557 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 49 overlapping days, from 2025/04/01 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L119210 31639_3 5 363007874 Celle Schlossplatz 1531 0 0 0
L119270 31639_3 5 363007873 Celle Schlossplatz 4071 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L119538 31634_3 5 395809379 Celle Schlossplatz 1566 1 0 0
L119543 31634_3 5 395809380 Celle Schlossplatz 4078 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L120651 31615_3 5 363005932 Celle Schlossplatz 1489 0 10448 0 0
L120703 31615_3 5 363005929 Celle Schlossplatz 4116 0 10448 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L120753 31615_3 5 363005835 Celle Burgstraße/Schulzentrum 4028 1 0 0
L120755 31615_3 5 363005834 Celle Burgstraße/Schulzentrum 4115 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 62 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L127640 22232_3 6 390509878 Buxtehude ZOB 9002 1 0 0
L127641 22232_3 6 390509877 Buxtehude ZOB 9004 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 1 overlapping days, from 2025/07/02 to 2025/07/02
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L167960 35690_3 3731 410193788 Huchting / N6 Sodenmatt 08257 1 11049 1 0
L168340 35690_3 3731 410193787 Huchting / 57 Sodenmatt 08258 1 6936 11049 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 7 overlapping days, from 2025/03/17 to 2025/03/23
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L169558 68072_3 409 409684826 Stadthagen Bahnhof 200005 1 0 0
L169559 68072_3 409 409684825 Stadthagen Bahnhof 200006 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 7 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2025/04/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L169561 68072_3 409 409684823 Stadthagen Bahnhof 200008 1 0 0
L169562 68072_3 409 409684822 Stadthagen Bahnhof 200009 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 7 overlapping days, from 2025/03/15 to 2025/04/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L169597 59083_3 259 409684323 Bad Eilsen Busbahnhof 2000023 1 0 0
L169604 59083_3 195 409684322 Bad Eilsen Busbahnhof 2400023 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L169598 59083_3 259 409684320 Rolfshagen Süße Mutter 2000026 1 11564 0 0
L169606 59083_3 195 409684318 Rolfshagen Süße Mutter 2400026 1 11564 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170311 35983_3 259 409683317 Lindhorst ZOB 2000008 0 0 0
L170320 35983_3 195 409683316 Lindhorst ZOB 2400008 0 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170331 35983_3 77 409683268 Steinhude Friedenseiche 100004 1 0 0
L170332 35983_3 200 409683267 Steinhude Friedenseiche 100004 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 9 overlapping days, from 2025/03/16 to 2025/04/27
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170335 35983_3 259 409683305 Düdinghausen(Auhagen) Mitte 2000027 1 0 0
L170345 35983_3 195 409683304 Düdinghausen(Auhagen) Mitte 2400027 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170336 35983_3 259 409683303 Steinhude Friedenseiche 2000029 1 0 0
L170347 35983_3 195 409683301 Steinhude Friedenseiche 2400029 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170337 35983_3 259 409683284 Lüdersfeld Schachtstraße 2000046 1 0 0
L170358 35983_3 195 409683283 Lüdersfeld Schachtstraße 2400046 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170338 35983_3 259 409683272 Auhagen Buhr 2000051 1 0 0
L170362 35983_3 195 409683271 Auhagen Buhr 2400051 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 18 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/29
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170341 35983_3 195 409683310 Pollhagen Siedlung 2400022 1 11545 0 0
L170380 35983_3 3978 409683311 Pollhagen Siedlung 8800022 1 11545 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 13 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/28
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L170365 35983_3 256 409683262 Steinhude Friedenseiche 2400054 1 0 0
L170366 35983_3 195 409683260 Steinhude Friedenseiche 2400054 1 0 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 33 overlapping days, from 2025/03/13 to 2025/04/30
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L204528 34744_3 4076 409211105 Bahnhof 00199 1 11616 1 0
L204546 34744_3 438 409211106 Bahnhof 00198 1 5174 11616 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 2 overlapping days, from 2025/03/19 to 2025/03/26
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L204529 34744_3 4077 412000813 Bahnhof 00212 1 11616 1 0
L204574 34744_3 4069 412000812 Bahnhof 00213 1 14097 11616 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 5 overlapping days, from 2025/04/02 to 2025/05/21

Validation done at Fri Mar 28 23:07:04 UTC 2025 by GTFSVTOR - Copyright (c) 2025 Mecatran