GTFS validation report - 356 INFO - 9353 WARNING - 2412 ERROR

Statistics - 1 INFO

INFO Loaded 1 feed-info, 19 agencies, 835 routes, 16949 stops, 1394 calendars, 43738 calendar dates, 100517 trips, 2130307 stop times, 34792 transfers, 0 pathways, 0 fare attributes, 0 fare rules

Too fast travel - 6506 WARNING - 1806 ERROR

ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @5:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @5:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142309 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @6:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @6:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142314 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @6:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @6:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142343 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @7:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @7:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142313 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @7:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @7:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142310 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @8:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @8:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142334 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @8:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @8:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142330 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @9:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @9:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142321 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @9:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @9:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142311 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @10:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @10:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142346 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @10:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @10:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142354 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @11:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @11:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142320 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @11:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @11:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142315 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @12:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @12:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142318 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @12:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @12:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142345 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @13:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @13:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142304 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @13:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @13:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142336 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @14:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @14:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142353 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @14:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @14:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142342 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @15:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @15:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142324 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @15:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @15:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142326 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @16:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @16:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142308 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @16:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @16:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142307 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @17:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @17:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142317 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @17:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @17:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142305 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @18:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @18:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142328 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @18:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @18:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142312 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @19:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @19:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142316 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @19:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @19:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142337 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @20:29:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @20:29:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142306 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 27 @20:59:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 28 @20:59:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142340 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:17211::7201102 seq 14 @13:56:00 and stop de:03353:17203::7200302 seq 15 @13:56:00 (distance 383.58m), in trip 44142303 of route 7078_3 4103: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000490027 seq 27 @6:25:00 and stop de:03353:49000::490004 seq 28 @6:25:00 (distance 373.48m), in trip 43840888 of route 9211_3 543: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000490027 seq 27 @7:26:00 and stop de:03353:49000::490004 seq 28 @7:26:00 (distance 373.48m), in trip 43840890 of route 9211_3 543: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000490027 seq 27 @8:27:00 and stop de:03353:49000::490004 seq 28 @8:27:00 (distance 373.48m), in trip 43840891 of route 9211_3 543: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000490027 seq 27 @19:26:00 and stop de:03353:49000::490004 seq 28 @19:26:00 (distance 373.48m), in trip 43840889 of route 9211_3 543: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @6:21:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @6:21:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818368 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @7:01:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @7:01:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818367 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @7:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @7:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818371 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @8:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @8:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818373 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @9:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @9:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818372 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @9:50:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @9:50:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818395 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @10:37:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @10:37:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818385 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @10:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @10:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818382 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @11:17:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @11:17:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818387 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @11:42:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @11:42:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818386 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @11:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @11:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818381 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @12:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @12:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818394 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @12:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @12:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818380 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @13:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @13:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818393 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @13:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @13:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818379 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @14:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @14:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818392 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @14:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @14:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818378 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @15:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @15:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818391 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @15:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @15:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818377 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @16:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @16:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818390 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @16:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @16:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818376 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @17:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @17:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818389 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @17:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @17:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818375 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @18:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @18:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818388 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @18:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @18:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818374 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @19:40:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @19:40:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818384 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @19:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @19:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818370 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @20:40:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @20:40:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818383 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 55 @20:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 56 @20:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818369 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @7:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @7:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818203 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @8:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @8:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818230 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @8:20:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @8:20:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818207 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @8:50:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @8:50:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818206 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @9:18:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @9:18:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818232 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @9:30:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @9:30:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818204 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @10:18:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @10:18:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818231 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @10:10:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @10:10:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818205 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @10:32:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @10:32:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818219 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @11:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @11:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818241 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @11:12:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @11:12:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818218 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @11:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @11:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818217 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @12:12:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @12:12:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818209 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @12:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @12:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818240 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @12:34:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @12:34:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818227 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @13:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @13:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818216 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @13:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @13:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818239 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @13:14:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @13:14:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818226 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @13:54:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @13:54:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818225 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @14:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @14:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818215 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @14:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @14:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818238 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @14:34:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @14:34:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818224 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @15:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @15:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818214 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @15:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @15:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818237 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @15:14:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @15:14:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818223 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @15:54:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @15:54:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818222 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @16:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @16:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818213 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @16:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @16:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818236 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @16:36:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @16:36:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818246 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @17:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @17:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818212 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @17:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @17:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818235 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @17:16:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @17:16:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818245 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @17:56:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @17:56:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818244 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @18:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @18:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818211 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @18:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @18:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818234 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @18:36:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @18:36:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818243 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @19:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @19:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818210 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @19:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @19:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818233 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @19:16:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @19:16:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818242 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @19:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @19:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818221 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @20:10:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @20:10:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818208 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @20:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @20:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818229 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @20:32:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @20:32:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818220 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 66 @21:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 67 @21:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 43818228 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @7:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @7:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312363 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @8:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @8:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312390 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @8:20:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @8:20:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312367 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @8:50:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @8:50:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312366 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @9:18:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @9:18:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312392 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @9:30:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @9:30:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312364 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @10:18:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @10:18:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312391 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @10:10:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @10:10:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312365 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @10:32:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @10:32:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312379 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @11:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @11:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312401 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @11:12:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @11:12:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312378 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @11:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @11:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312377 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @12:12:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @12:12:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312369 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @12:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @12:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312400 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @12:34:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @12:34:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312387 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @13:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @13:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312376 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @13:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @13:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312399 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @13:14:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @13:14:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312386 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @13:54:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @13:54:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312385 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @14:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @14:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312375 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @14:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @14:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312398 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @14:34:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @14:34:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312384 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @15:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @15:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312374 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @15:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @15:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312397 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @15:14:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @15:14:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312383 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @15:54:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @15:54:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312382 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @16:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @16:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312373 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @16:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @16:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312396 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @16:36:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @16:36:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312406 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @17:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @17:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312372 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @17:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @17:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312395 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @17:16:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @17:16:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312405 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @17:56:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @17:56:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312404 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @18:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @18:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312371 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @18:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @18:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312394 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @18:36:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @18:36:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312403 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @19:13:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @19:13:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312370 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @19:22:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @19:22:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312393 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @19:16:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @19:16:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312402 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @19:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @19:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312381 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @20:10:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @20:10:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312368 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @20:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @20:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312389 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @20:32:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @20:32:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312380 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 64 @21:15:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 65 @21:15:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312388 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @6:21:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @6:21:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312335 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @7:01:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @7:01:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312334 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @7:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @7:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312338 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @8:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @8:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312340 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @9:48:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @9:48:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312339 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @9:50:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @9:50:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312362 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @10:37:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @10:37:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312352 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @10:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @10:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312349 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @11:17:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @11:17:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312354 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @11:42:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @11:42:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312353 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @11:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @11:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312348 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @12:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @12:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312361 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @12:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @12:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312347 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @13:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @13:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312360 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @13:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @13:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312346 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @14:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @14:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312359 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @14:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @14:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312345 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @15:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @15:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312358 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @15:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @15:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312344 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @16:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @16:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312357 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @16:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @16:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312343 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @17:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @17:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312356 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @17:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @17:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312342 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @18:43:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @18:43:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312355 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @18:52:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @18:52:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312341 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @19:40:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @19:40:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312351 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @19:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @19:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312337 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @20:40:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @20:40:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312350 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000820136 seq 53 @20:45:00 and stop de:01056:82033:2:820068 seq 54 @20:45:00 (distance 559.46m), in trip 44312336 of route 9671_3 16: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000920090 seq 46 @28:03:00 and stop de:02000:92029:2:920091 seq 47 @28:03:00 (distance 431.77m), in trip 43842139 of route 1377_3 606: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000920090 seq 47 @28:03:00 and stop de:02000:92029:2:920091 seq 48 @28:03:00 (distance 431.77m), in trip 44746431 of route 1377_3 606: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:02000:40002::400009 seq 29 @25:04:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 30 @25:04:00 (distance 186.90m), in trip 43836933 of route 9164_3 340: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @9:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @9:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091861 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @10:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @10:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091860 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @11:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @11:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091859 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @12:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @12:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091858 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @13:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @13:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091857 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @14:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @14:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091856 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @15:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @15:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091855 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @16:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @16:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091854 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @17:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @17:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091853 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @18:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @18:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091852 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 25 @19:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 26 @19:02:00 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091851 of route 8763_3 6506: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @9:09:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:09:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197237 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:09:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @9:09:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197237 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @9:29:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:29:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197236 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:29:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @9:29:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197236 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @9:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197246 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @9:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197246 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @10:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197249 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @10:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197249 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @10:31:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:31:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197280 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:31:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @10:31:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197280 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @10:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197245 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @10:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197245 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @10:51:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:51:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197279 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:51:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @10:51:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197279 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @10:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197248 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @10:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197248 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:11:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:11:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197278 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:11:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:11:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197278 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197247 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197247 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:31:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:31:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197277 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:31:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:31:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197277 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197244 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197244 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197266 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197266 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @11:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197229 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @11:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197229 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197270 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197270 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197225 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197225 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197265 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197265 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197226 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197226 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197267 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197267 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @12:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197228 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @12:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197228 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197269 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197269 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197227 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197227 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197268 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197268 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197230 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197230 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197264 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197264 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @13:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197224 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @13:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197224 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197263 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197263 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197223 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197223 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197262 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197262 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197222 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197222 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197261 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197261 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @14:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197221 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @14:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197221 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197260 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197260 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197220 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197220 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197259 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197259 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197219 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197219 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197258 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197258 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @15:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197218 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @15:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197218 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197257 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197257 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197217 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197217 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197256 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197256 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197216 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197216 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197255 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197255 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @16:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197215 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @16:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197215 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197254 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197254 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197214 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197214 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197253 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197253 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197213 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197213 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197252 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197252 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @17:54:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:54:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197212 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:54:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @17:54:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197212 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:15:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:15:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197251 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:15:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:15:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197251 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:14:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:14:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197211 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:14:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:14:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197211 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:35:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:35:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197250 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:35:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:35:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197250 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:34:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:34:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197210 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:34:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:34:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197210 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:52:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:52:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197283 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:52:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:52:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197283 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @18:51:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:51:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197243 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:51:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @18:51:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197243 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @19:12:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:12:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197282 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:12:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @19:12:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197282 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @19:11:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:11:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197240 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:11:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @19:11:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197240 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @19:32:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:32:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197281 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:32:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @19:32:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197281 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @19:31:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:31:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197241 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:31:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @19:31:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197241 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:02:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:02:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197286 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:02:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:02:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197286 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:01:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:01:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197239 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:01:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:01:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197239 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:22:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:22:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197284 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:22:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:22:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197284 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:21:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:21:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197238 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:21:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:21:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197238 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:42:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:42:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197285 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:42:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:42:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197285 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @20:41:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:41:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197242 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:41:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @20:41:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197242 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @21:18:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:18:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197276 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:18:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @21:18:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197276 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @21:18:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:18:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197234 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:18:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @21:18:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197234 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @21:23:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:23:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197289 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:23:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @21:23:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197289 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:03:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:03:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197288 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:03:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:03:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197288 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:08:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:08:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197275 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:08:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:08:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197275 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:08:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:08:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197233 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:08:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:08:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197233 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:38:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:38:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197274 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:38:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:38:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197274 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:38:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:38:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197235 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:38:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:38:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197235 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @22:43:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:43:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197287 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:43:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @22:43:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197287 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @23:26:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:26:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197273 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:26:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @23:26:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197273 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @23:46:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:46:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197231 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:46:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @23:46:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197231 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @23:52:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:52:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197271 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:52:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @23:52:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197271 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @24:27:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:27:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197232 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:27:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @24:27:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197232 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 22 @24:42:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:42:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197272 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:42:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 24 @24:42:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197272 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @6:32:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:32:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197199 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:32:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @6:32:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197199 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @6:52:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:52:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197204 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:52:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @6:52:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197204 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @7:12:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:12:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197201 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:12:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @7:12:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197201 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @7:32:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:32:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197203 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:32:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @7:32:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197203 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @7:52:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:52:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197200 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:52:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @7:52:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197200 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @8:13:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:13:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197206 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:13:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @8:13:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197206 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @8:33:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:33:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197205 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:33:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @8:33:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197205 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @8:32:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:32:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197198 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:32:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @8:32:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197198 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @8:53:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:53:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197207 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:53:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @8:53:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197207 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @9:12:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:12:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197197 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:12:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @9:12:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197197 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @9:55:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:55:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197202 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:55:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @9:55:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197202 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @25:31:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:31:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197209 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:31:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @25:31:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197209 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520032 seq 17 @25:42:00 and stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:42:00 (distance 52.36m), in trip 45197208 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:42:00 and stop de:02000:11065::110654 seq 19 @25:42:00 (distance 10598.41m), in trip 45197208 of route 1336_3 250: Infinity > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:01:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:01:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984393 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:21:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:21:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984400 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:48:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:48:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984399 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:05:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:05:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984398 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:48:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:48:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984401 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:11:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:11:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984402 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:33:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:33:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984411 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984444 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:53:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:53:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984408 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984441 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:03:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:03:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984410 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984440 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:23:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:23:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984409 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984443 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:43:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:43:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984412 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984378 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984442 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:03:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:03:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984413 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984341 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984376 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:24:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:24:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984429 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984340 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984375 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:44:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:44:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984427 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984344 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @9:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @9:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984374 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:04:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:04:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984434 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984339 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984373 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:24:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:24:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984432 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984338 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984372 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:44:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:44:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984431 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984343 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @10:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @10:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984379 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:04:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:04:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984436 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984342 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:18:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:18:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984461 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:24:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:24:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984438 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:35:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984362 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984459 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:44:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:44:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984428 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984361 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @11:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @11:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984457 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:04:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:04:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984426 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984365 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984456 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:24:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:24:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984433 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:35:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984360 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984455 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984359 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984454 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:04:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:04:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984430 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984364 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984462 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:24:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:24:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984435 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:35:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984363 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984460 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:44:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:44:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984437 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984358 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @13:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @13:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984458 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984357 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984453 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:25:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:25:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984414 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:35:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984356 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984452 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:45:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:45:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984416 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984355 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984451 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:05:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:05:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984415 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984354 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984450 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:25:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:25:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984421 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984352 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984392 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:45:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:45:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984419 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984350 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @15:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @15:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984391 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:05:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:05:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984425 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984348 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984390 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:25:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:25:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984422 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984347 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984389 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:40:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:40:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984423 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984424 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984353 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @16:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @16:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984388 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984417 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984346 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984387 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984345 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984386 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:55:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984418 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984351 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984385 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:15:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984420 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984349 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984384 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984407 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984447 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984383 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984405 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984446 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @18:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @18:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984382 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984406 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984448 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984381 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:46:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:46:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984445 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984403 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984380 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @20:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @20:16:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984404 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @20:27:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @20:27:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984369 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @20:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @20:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984396 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @20:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @20:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984377 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @21:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @21:06:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984395 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @21:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @21:06:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984370 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @21:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @21:07:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984367 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @22:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @22:06:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984394 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @22:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @22:06:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984371 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @22:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @22:07:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984368 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @23:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @23:07:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984366 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @23:08:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @23:08:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984439 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @24:09:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @24:09:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984449 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @24:09:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @24:09:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984397 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:34:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:34:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984333 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:20:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:20:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984335 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @14:00:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @14:00:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984337 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @17:31:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @17:31:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984336 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @19:32:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @19:32:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984334 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @12:40:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @12:40:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984330 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:27:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:27:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984321 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @5:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @5:56:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984323 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:07:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984318 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:36:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984322 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984319 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @6:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @6:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984320 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:17:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984326 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @7:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @7:57:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984325 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 7 @8:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 8 @8:37:40 (distance 6812.71m), in trip 44984324 of route 1336_3 250: 340.64 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @6:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @6:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984530 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @6:56:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @6:56:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984538 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @7:16:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @7:16:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984539 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @7:36:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @7:36:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984537 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @8:39:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @8:39:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984543 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @8:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @8:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984542 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @8:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @8:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984483 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:19:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @9:19:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984541 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:19:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @9:19:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984482 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:39:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @9:39:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984540 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @9:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @9:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984559 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984544 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984562 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984551 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984522 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984558 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:40:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:40:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984545 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:40:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:40:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984521 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @10:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @10:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984561 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984552 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984520 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984560 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984556 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984519 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984557 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:40:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:40:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984555 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984506 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @11:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @11:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984582 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984553 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984510 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984578 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984554 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984505 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984579 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:40:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:40:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984547 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984507 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @12:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @12:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984581 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984546 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984509 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984580 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984550 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984508 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984583 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:40:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:40:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984549 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984504 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @13:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @13:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984577 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984548 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984503 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984576 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984502 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984575 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984501 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @14:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @14:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984574 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984500 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984573 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984499 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984572 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:41:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:41:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984480 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984498 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @15:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @15:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984571 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984473 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984497 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984570 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:24:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:24:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984474 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984496 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984569 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984472 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984495 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @16:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @16:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984568 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984475 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984494 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984567 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984479 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984493 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984566 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:30:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:30:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984478 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984492 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984565 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @17:50:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @17:50:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984476 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984491 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984564 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:10:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:10:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984477 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984490 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984563 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:30:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:30:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984481 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:41:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:41:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984489 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:41:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:41:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984525 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @18:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @18:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984536 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:01:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:01:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984486 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:01:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:01:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984524 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984532 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:21:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:21:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984487 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:21:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:21:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984523 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:25:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:25:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984534 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984535 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:51:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:51:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984485 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @19:51:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @19:51:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984528 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984533 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:11:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:11:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984484 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:11:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:11:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984526 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:31:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:31:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984488 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:31:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:31:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984527 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @20:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @20:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984531 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:08:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @21:08:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984518 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:13:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @21:13:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984529 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @21:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @21:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984517 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @22:28:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @22:28:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984516 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:16:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @23:16:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984513 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:36:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @23:36:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984511 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @23:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @23:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984515 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:17:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @24:17:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984512 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 23 @24:32:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 24 @24:32:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984514 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @8:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @8:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984606 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @8:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @8:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984605 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @14:24:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @14:24:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984607 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @15:04:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @15:04:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984609 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @15:24:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @15:24:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984608 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @21:56:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @21:56:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984604 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 27 @22:36:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 28 @22:36:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984603 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 24 @14:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 25 @14:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984600 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @6:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984594 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @6:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @6:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984588 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @7:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984596 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @7:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984587 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @7:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @7:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984595 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:03:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @8:03:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984590 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:23:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @8:23:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984589 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @8:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984593 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @8:43:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @8:43:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984591 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @9:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984592 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @9:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @9:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984599 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @13:56:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @13:56:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984584 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @14:16:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @14:16:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984585 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @16:10:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @16:10:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984586 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:21:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @25:21:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984597 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 18 @25:32:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 19 @25:32:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984598 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 22 @5:48:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 23 @5:48:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984601 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 22 @6:08:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 23 @6:08:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 44984602 of route 1336_3 250: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @5:31:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @5:31:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816833 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @5:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @5:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816888 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @5:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @5:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816832 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @5:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @5:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816794 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @5:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @5:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816747 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:10:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:10:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816831 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:32:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:32:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816841 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:28:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:28:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816801 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816749 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:53:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:53:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816840 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @6:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @6:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816806 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:13:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:13:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816842 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:09:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:09:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816748 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816843 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:28:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:28:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816805 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816759 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816848 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816849 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @7:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @7:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816804 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816847 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816758 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816846 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:28:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:28:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816803 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816757 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816845 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @8:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @8:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816802 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816844 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816756 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:33:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:33:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816862 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:32:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:32:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816824 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816922 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @9:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @9:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816851 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:00:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:00:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816921 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816823 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816861 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816920 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:30:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:30:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816919 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816857 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:32:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:32:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816822 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:45:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:45:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816918 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @10:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @10:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816859 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816821 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816917 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816864 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816916 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816914 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816855 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:37:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:37:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816787 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:42:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:42:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816913 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:52:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:52:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816786 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @11:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @11:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816853 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:02:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:02:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816912 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:07:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:07:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816785 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816850 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:17:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:17:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816889 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816784 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816860 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:38:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:38:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816772 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:39:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:39:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816911 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:52:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:52:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816783 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816856 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @12:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @12:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816910 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:08:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:08:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816782 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816858 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:14:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:14:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816909 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:22:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:22:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816781 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816908 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816863 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816780 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816907 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:50:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:50:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816779 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:55:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:55:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816854 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @13:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @13:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816906 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816778 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:15:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:15:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816852 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:14:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:14:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816905 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816777 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816904 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:35:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:35:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816776 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:38:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:38:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816866 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816903 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:50:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:50:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816775 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816875 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @14:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @14:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816902 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:05:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:05:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816774 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:18:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:18:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816870 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:14:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:14:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816901 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:20:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:20:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816773 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816900 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:38:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:38:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816872 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:34:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:34:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816770 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816899 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:49:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:49:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816771 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816876 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @15:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @15:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816898 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:04:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:04:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816769 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:18:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:18:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816868 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:14:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:14:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816897 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:19:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:19:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816768 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816915 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:38:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:38:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816867 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:34:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:34:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816767 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816896 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:49:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:49:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816766 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:58:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:58:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816865 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @16:59:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @16:59:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816895 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:04:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:04:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816765 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:18:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:18:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816873 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:14:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:14:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816894 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:19:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:19:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816764 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:29:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:29:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816893 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:38:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:38:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816874 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:34:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:34:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816763 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 26 @17:44:20 and stop de:02000:80034:3:800195 seq 27 @17:44:40 (distance 6681.80m), in trip 43816892 of route 1297_3 150: 334.09 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 17 @25:57:20 and stop de:02000:80034:2:800189 seq 18 @25:57:40 (distance 6658.08m), in trip 43816710 of route 1297_3 150: 332.90 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 17 @26:57:20 and stop de:02000:80034:2:800189 seq 18 @26:57:40 (distance 6658.08m), in trip 43816709 of route 1297_3 150: 332.90 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520033 seq 17 @27:57:20 and stop de:02000:80034:2:800189 seq 18 @27:57:40 (distance 6658.08m), in trip 43816708 of route 1297_3 150: 332.90 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75489::754891 seq 5 @7:00:00 and stop de:01060:75223::752236 seq 6 @7:00:30 (distance 7979.43m), in trip 44860243 of route 5153_3 7722: 265.98 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75489::754891 seq 17 @8:51:00 and stop de:01060:75223::752236 seq 18 @8:51:30 (distance 7979.43m), in trip 44858795 of route 5153_3 7722: 265.98 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:96400::9640001 seq 2 @12:35:00 and stop de:03353:95610::9561002 seq 3 @12:35:30 (distance 5991.97m), in trip 44144410 of route 7106_3 4618: 199.73 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @6:23:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @6:23:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183778 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @7:25:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @7:25:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183777 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @8:35:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @8:35:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183779 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @10:23:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @10:23:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183776 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @12:20:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @12:20:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183775 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @14:23:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @14:23:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183774 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:8028::2 seq 10 @20:20:00 and stop de:01061:46696::1 seq 11 @20:20:30 (distance 4600.06m), in trip 44183780 of route 8089_3 6610: 153.34 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01061:50991::1 seq 18 @15:55:00 and stop de:01061:50984::3 seq 19 @15:56:00 (distance 17744.06m), in trip 44010851 of route 11300_3 6530: 147.87 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03353:96107::9610701 seq 8 @15:39:00 and stop de:03353:95902::9590201 seq 9 @15:39:30 (distance 3242.00m), in trip 44144389 of route 7106_3 4618: 108.07 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03359:34905::3490501 seq 1 @19:16:00 and stop de:03359:35106::3510602 seq 2 @19:16:30 (distance 3133.94m), in trip 44281661 of route 7010_3 2027: 104.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190737 seq 10 @5:21:20 and stop de:02000:51019::510023 seq 11 @5:21:40 (distance 2056.84m), in trip 43845769 of route 9137_702 X40: 102.84 > 33.33 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190737 seq 10 @6:11:20 and stop de:02000:51019::510023 seq 11 @6:11:40 (distance 2056.84m), in trip 43845768 of route 9137_702 X40: 102.84 > 33.33 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190737 seq 10 @7:18:20 and stop de:02000:51019::510023 seq 11 @7:18:40 (distance 2056.84m), in trip 43845770 of route 9137_702 X40: 102.84 > 33.33 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190737 seq 10 @12:51:20 and stop de:02000:51019::510023 seq 11 @12:51:40 (distance 2056.84m), in trip 43845766 of route 9137_702 X40: 102.84 > 33.33 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190737 seq 10 @20:21:20 and stop de:02000:51019::510023 seq 11 @20:21:40 (distance 2056.84m), in trip 43845767 of route 9137_702 X40: 102.84 > 33.33 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @11:05:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @11:05:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840916 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @12:36:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @12:36:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840915 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @13:38:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @13:38:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840914 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @13:55:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @13:55:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840912 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @14:55:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @14:55:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840911 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @15:05:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @15:05:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840913 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @15:55:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @15:55:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840910 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @16:55:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @16:55:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840909 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000190830 seq 4 @17:55:00 and stop de:02000:49001::490007 seq 5 @17:55:00 (distance 6105.64m), in trip 43840908 of route 9603_3 544: 101.76 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @8:42:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @8:42:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840907 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @9:30:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @9:30:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840906 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @10:30:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @10:30:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840905 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @10:35:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @10:35:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840902 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @11:35:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @11:35:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840901 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @12:35:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @12:35:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840900 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @12:55:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @12:55:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840904 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @14:16:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @14:16:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840899 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @14:30:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @14:30:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840903 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @15:16:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @15:16:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840897 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000440061 seq 3 @16:16:30 and stop de:03353:41927::419597 seq 4 @16:16:45 (distance 1452.49m), in trip 43840898 of route 9603_3 544: 96.83 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @8:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @8:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091846 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @9:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @9:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091845 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @10:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @10:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091844 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @11:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @11:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091843 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @12:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @12:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091842 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @13:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @13:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091841 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @14:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @14:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091840 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @15:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @15:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091839 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @16:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @16:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091838 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @17:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @17:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091837 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @18:02:10 and stop de:01056:70155::970622 seq 13 @18:02:20 (distance 964.70m), in trip 44091836 of route 8763_3 6506: 96.47 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @8:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @8:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091861 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @9:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @9:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091860 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @10:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @10:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091859 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @11:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @11:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091858 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @12:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @12:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091857 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @13:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @13:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091856 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @14:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @14:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091855 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @15:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @15:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091854 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @16:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @16:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091853 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @17:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @17:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091852 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97049::970493 seq 0 @18:44:00 and stop de:01056:97044::970035 seq 1 @18:44:07 (distance 614.89m), in trip 44091851 of route 8763_3 6506: 87.84 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 2 @16:32:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 3 @16:32:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816982 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @5:56:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @5:56:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817025 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @6:03:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @6:03:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817026 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @6:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @6:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817024 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @6:32:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @6:32:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816983 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @7:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @7:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817021 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @7:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @7:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817039 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @7:39:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @7:39:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816990 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @8:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @8:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817020 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @8:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @8:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817038 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @8:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @8:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816989 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @9:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @9:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817037 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @9:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @9:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817008 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @9:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @9:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816988 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @10:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @10:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817036 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @10:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @10:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817007 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @10:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @10:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816987 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @11:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @11:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817035 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @11:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @11:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817006 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @11:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @11:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816986 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @12:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @12:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817034 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @12:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @12:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817005 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @12:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @12:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816985 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @13:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @13:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817033 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @13:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @13:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817004 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @13:36:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @13:36:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816984 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @14:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @14:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817032 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @14:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @14:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817003 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @14:37:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @14:37:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816998 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @15:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @15:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817031 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @15:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @15:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817013 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @15:37:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @15:37:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816997 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @16:07:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @16:07:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816996 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @16:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @16:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817030 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @16:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @16:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817012 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @16:42:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @16:42:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816995 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @17:12:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @17:12:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816994 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @17:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @17:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817029 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @17:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @17:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817011 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @17:42:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @17:42:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816993 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @18:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @18:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817028 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @18:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @18:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817010 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @18:42:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @18:42:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816992 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @19:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @19:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817027 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @19:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @19:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817009 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @19:42:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @19:42:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816991 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @20:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @20:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817019 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @20:29:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @20:29:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817002 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @20:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @20:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817000 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @21:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @21:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817018 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @21:29:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @21:29:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817001 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @21:34:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @21:34:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43816999 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @22:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @22:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817017 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @22:29:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @22:29:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817023 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @22:33:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @22:33:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817015 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @23:22:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @23:22:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817022 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @23:26:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @23:26:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817016 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000530056 seq 6 @23:33:00 and stop de:02000:52010::530003 seq 7 @23:33:30 (distance 2557.82m), in trip 43817014 of route 1298_3 151: 85.26 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @8:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @8:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091846 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @9:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @9:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091845 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @10:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @10:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091844 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @11:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @11:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091843 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @12:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @12:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091842 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @13:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @13:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091841 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @14:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @14:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091840 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @15:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @15:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091839 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @16:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @16:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091838 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @17:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @17:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091837 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:01056:97057::970572 seq 11 @18:02:00 and stop de:01056:97056::970562 seq 12 @18:02:10 (distance 845.88m), in trip 44091836 of route 8763_3 6506: 84.59 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop de:03355:53607::5360701 seq 14 @15:15:00 and stop de:03355:53603::5360301 seq 15 @15:15:30 (distance 2515.39m), in trip 43990490 of route 7191_3 5901: 83.85 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @5:00:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @5:00:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197479 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @5:21:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @5:21:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197480 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @7:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @7:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197021 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @7:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @7:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197018 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @8:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @8:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197017 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @8:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @8:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197020 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @8:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @8:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197090 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @8:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @8:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197019 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197031 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197088 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197030 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197087 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197033 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @9:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @9:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197086 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197029 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197085 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197028 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197084 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197032 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @10:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @10:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197091 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197034 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:18:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:18:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197079 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:35:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197051 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197077 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:55:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197050 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @11:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @11:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197075 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:15:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197054 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197074 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:35:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197049 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197073 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:55:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197048 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @12:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @12:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197072 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:15:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197053 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197080 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:35:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197052 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197078 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:55:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197047 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @13:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @13:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197076 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:15:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197046 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197071 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:35:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:35:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197045 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197070 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:55:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:55:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197044 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @14:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @14:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197069 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:15:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:15:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197043 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197068 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197041 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197067 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197039 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @15:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @15:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197066 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197038 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197065 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197037 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197064 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197042 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @16:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @16:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197063 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197036 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197062 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197035 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197061 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197040 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @17:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @17:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197060 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197025 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197059 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197024 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197058 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197023 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @18:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @18:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197057 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @19:16:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @19:16:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197026 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @19:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @19:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197056 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @19:46:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @19:46:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197022 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @19:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @19:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197055 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @20:27:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @20:27:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197016 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @20:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @20:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197089 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @21:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @21:06:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197082 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @21:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @21:07:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197014 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @22:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @22:06:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197083 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @22:06:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @22:06:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197093 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @22:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @22:07:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197015 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @23:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @23:07:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197095 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @23:08:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @23:08:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197092 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @24:09:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @24:09:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197081 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @24:09:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @24:09:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197027 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @24:11:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @24:11:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197094 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @5:27:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @5:27:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197010 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @5:56:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @5:56:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197005 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @6:07:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @6:07:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197007 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @6:36:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @6:36:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197003 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @6:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @6:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197008 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @6:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @6:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197009 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @7:17:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @7:17:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197006 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @7:57:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @7:57:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197004 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
ERROR Too fast travel between stop 000000520036 seq 3 @8:37:20 and stop de:02000:52002::520027 seq 4 @8:37:40 (distance 1669.14m), in trip 45197002 of route 1336_3 250: 83.46 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @24:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @24:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846355 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846364 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846362 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846363 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846422 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846361 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846421 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846420 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846360 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846419 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846418 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846417 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846416 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846378 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846415 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846414 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846413 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846412 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846375 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:14:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:14:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846377 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846411 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846410 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846409 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846408 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846374 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:54:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:54:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846376 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846407 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846406 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846405 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846404 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846373 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846403 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846402 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846401 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846400 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:14:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:14:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846372 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846399 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846398 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846397 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846396 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:54:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:54:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846371 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846395 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846394 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846393 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846392 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846370 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846391 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846390 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846389 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846388 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846369 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846387 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846386 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846385 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846423 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846368 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846460 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846429 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846424 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846449 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846367 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846446 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846435 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846442 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846461 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846366 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846430 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846425 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846447 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846454 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846365 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846436 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846443 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846462 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846431 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846426 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846450 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846455 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846437 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846463 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846432 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846438 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846464 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846433 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846456 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846439 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846465 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846457 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846451 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846444 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846458 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846452 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846427 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846440 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846448 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846434 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846445 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846459 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846428 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846441 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846453 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846471 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846380 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846381 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846379 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846470 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846382 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846467 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846383 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846356 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:10:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:10:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846466 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846359 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846384 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846357 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:50:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:50:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846468 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846358 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:30:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:30:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846469 of route 12712_702 X65: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:07:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:07:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845989 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:08:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:08:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845953 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845984 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:37:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:37:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845988 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:51:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:51:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845952 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:52:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:52:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845983 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @5:57:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @5:57:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845987 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:18:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:18:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846123 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:31:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:31:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845951 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:32:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:32:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845982 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:38:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:38:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846122 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @6:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @6:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846121 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846120 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:12:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:12:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845976 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:12:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:12:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846031 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846119 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846118 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846117 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846116 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:52:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:52:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845975 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:52:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:52:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846030 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @7:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @7:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846115 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846114 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846113 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846112 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:32:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:32:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845954 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846111 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846110 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @8:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @8:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846109 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846029 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846108 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845974 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846107 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846028 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846106 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846105 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846027 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846104 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845973 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @9:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @9:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846103 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846026 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846102 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846101 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846025 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846100 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:32:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:32:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845972 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846099 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846024 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846098 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @10:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @10:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846097 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846023 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846096 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:12:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:12:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845971 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846095 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846022 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846094 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846093 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846021 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846092 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:52:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:52:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845970 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @11:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @11:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846091 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846020 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846090 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846089 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846019 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846088 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:32:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:32:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845969 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846087 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846018 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846086 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @12:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @12:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846085 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846017 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846084 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:12:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:12:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845968 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846083 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846016 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846082 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846081 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846015 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846080 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:52:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:52:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845967 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @13:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @13:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846079 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846014 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846078 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846077 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846013 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846039 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:29:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:29:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845966 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846076 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846012 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846075 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @14:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @14:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846074 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846011 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846073 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845965 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846072 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846010 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846071 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846070 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846009 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846069 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:49:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:49:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845964 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @15:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @15:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846068 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846008 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846040 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846042 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846007 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846041 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:29:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:29:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845963 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846067 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846006 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846066 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @16:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @16:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846065 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846005 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846064 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845962 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846063 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846004 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846062 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846061 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846003 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846060 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:49:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:49:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845961 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @17:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @17:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846059 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846002 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846058 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846057 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846001 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846056 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:29:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:29:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845960 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846055 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846000 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846054 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @18:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @18:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846053 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845999 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846052 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845959 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846051 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845998 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846050 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:33:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:33:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846049 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845997 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:43:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:43:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846048 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:49:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:49:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845958 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @19:53:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @19:53:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846047 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845996 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:03:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:03:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846034 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:13:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:13:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846032 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845995 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:23:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:23:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846046 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:29:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:29:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845957 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:38:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:38:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846033 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845994 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @20:58:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @20:58:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846035 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845993 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845956 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:18:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:18:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846045 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:20:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:20:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845991 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:38:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:38:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846036 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:40:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:40:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845992 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:49:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:49:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845955 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @21:58:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @21:58:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846038 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:00:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:00:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845990 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:18:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:18:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846037 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:19:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:19:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845981 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:28:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:28:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845950 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:38:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:38:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846044 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @22:39:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @22:39:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845977 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:08:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:08:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43846043 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:08:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:08:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845949 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:09:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:09:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845980 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:47:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:47:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845986 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:48:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:48:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845948 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @23:49:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @23:49:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845979 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @24:27:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @24:27:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845985 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @24:28:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @24:28:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845947 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190825 seq 1 @24:29:00 and stop de:02000:62011:1:620010 seq 2 @24:29:30 (distance 2211.36m), in trip 43845978 of route 12711_702 X61: 73.71 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @11:43:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @11:44:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077141 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @12:48:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @12:49:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077140 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @13:40:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @13:41:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077139 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @14:32:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @14:33:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077138 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @10:43:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @10:44:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077143 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 4 @11:43:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 5 @11:44:00 (distance 3129.99m), in trip 44077142 of route 4743_3 8895: 52.17 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 15 @7:34:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 16 @7:35:00 (distance 3006.34m), in trip 44077144 of route 4743_3 8895: 50.11 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 3 @15:57:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 4 @15:58:00 (distance 3006.34m), in trip 44077136 of route 4743_3 8895: 50.11 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:26070::260701 seq 20 @8:29:00 and stop de:01053:26071::260711 seq 21 @8:30:00 (distance 3006.34m), in trip 44077145 of route 4743_3 8895: 50.11 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03353:62703::6270302 seq 5 @6:18:30 and stop de:03353:62704::6270402 seq 6 @6:19:00 (distance 1385.45m), in trip 44144468 of route 7108_3 4621: 46.18 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03353:62703::6270302 seq 5 @8:25:30 and stop de:03353:62704::6270402 seq 6 @8:26:00 (distance 1385.45m), in trip 44144466 of route 7108_3 4621: 46.18 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 16 @9:00:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 17 @9:01:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993248 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 17 @12:47:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 18 @12:48:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993233 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 17 @12:47:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 18 @12:48:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993234 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 17 @12:47:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 18 @12:48:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993235 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 17 @12:47:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 18 @12:48:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993236 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 17 @12:47:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 18 @12:48:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993237 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 21 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 22 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993238 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 21 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 22 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993239 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 21 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 22 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993240 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 21 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 22 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993241 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 21 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 22 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993242 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 22 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 23 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993243 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 22 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 23 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993244 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 22 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 23 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993245 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 22 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 23 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993246 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75355::753551 seq 22 @11:58:00 and stop de:01060:75397::753971 seq 23 @11:59:00 (distance 2550.13m), in trip 44993247 of route 2222_3 7700: 42.50 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993174 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993175 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993176 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993177 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993178 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993179 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993180 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993181 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993182 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75594::755946 seq 13 @6:35:00 and stop de:01060:75508::755086 seq 14 @6:36:00 (distance 2513.80m), in trip 44993183 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.90 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 13 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 14 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993238 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 13 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 14 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993239 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 13 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 14 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993240 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 13 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 14 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993241 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 13 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 14 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993242 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 14 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 15 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993243 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 14 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 15 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993244 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 14 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 15 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993245 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 14 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 15 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993246 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75508::755081 seq 14 @11:47:00 and stop de:01060:75594::755941 seq 15 @11:48:00 (distance 2480.20m), in trip 44993247 of route 2222_3 7700: 41.34 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @5:01:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @5:01:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832184 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @5:11:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @5:11:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832183 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @5:41:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @5:41:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832186 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @5:44:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @5:44:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832165 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @6:14:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @6:14:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832164 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @6:44:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @6:44:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832176 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @6:42:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @6:42:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832189 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @7:14:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @7:14:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832175 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @7:42:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @7:42:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832188 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @7:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @7:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832174 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @8:42:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @8:42:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832187 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @8:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @8:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832167 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @9:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @9:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832202 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @9:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @9:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832173 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @10:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @10:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832201 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @10:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @10:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832169 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @11:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @11:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832200 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @11:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @11:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832172 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @12:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @12:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832199 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @12:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @12:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832168 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @13:24:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @13:24:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832171 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @13:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @13:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832198 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @13:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @13:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832166 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @14:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @14:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832197 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @14:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @14:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832170 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @15:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @15:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832196 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @15:54:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @15:54:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832182 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @16:24:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @16:24:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832181 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @16:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @16:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832195 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @16:53:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @16:53:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832177 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @17:23:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @17:23:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832180 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @17:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @17:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832194 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @18:23:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @18:23:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832179 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @18:43:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @18:43:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832193 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @19:23:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @19:23:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832178 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @19:33:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @19:33:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832192 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @20:33:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @20:33:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832163 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @20:33:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @20:33:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832191 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @21:33:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @21:33:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832162 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @21:33:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @21:33:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832190 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 16 @22:31:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 17 @22:31:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832185 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520037 seq 12 @22:31:00 and stop de:02000:52004::520009 seq 13 @22:31:30 (distance 1218.00m), in trip 43832204 of route 1337_3 251: 40.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @5:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @5:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845785 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @5:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @5:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845773 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @5:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @5:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845796 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @5:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @5:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845795 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:01:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:01:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845794 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845781 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845800 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845946 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845945 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:41:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:41:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845793 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845780 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845944 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @6:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @6:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845943 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:08:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:08:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845942 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845941 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845792 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845779 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845940 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845939 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845938 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @7:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @7:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845937 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845819 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:03:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:03:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845855 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845936 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845935 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845934 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845933 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845818 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:43:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:43:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845854 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845932 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @8:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @8:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845931 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845930 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:12:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:12:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845853 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845929 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845817 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845928 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845852 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845927 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845926 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:52:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:52:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845851 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @9:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @9:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845925 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:03:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:03:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845816 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845924 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845923 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845850 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845922 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845921 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845849 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:43:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:43:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845801 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845920 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845919 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @10:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @10:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845848 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845918 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845917 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845847 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845815 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845916 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845915 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845846 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845914 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845913 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @11:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @11:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845845 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845814 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845912 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845911 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845844 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845910 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845909 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845843 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845813 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845908 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845907 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @12:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @12:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845842 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845906 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845905 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845841 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845812 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845904 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845903 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845840 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845902 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845901 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @13:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @13:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845839 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845811 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845900 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845899 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845838 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845898 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845897 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845837 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845810 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845896 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845895 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @14:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @14:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845836 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845894 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845893 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845835 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:19:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:19:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845809 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845892 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845891 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845834 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845890 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845889 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845833 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @15:59:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @15:59:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845808 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845888 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845887 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845832 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845886 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845885 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845831 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:39:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:39:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845807 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845884 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845883 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @16:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @16:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845830 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845882 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845881 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845829 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:19:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:19:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845806 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845880 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845879 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845828 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845878 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845877 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845827 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @17:59:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @17:59:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845805 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845876 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845875 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845826 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845874 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845873 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845825 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:39:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:39:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845804 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845872 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845871 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @18:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @18:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845824 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845870 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845869 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845823 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:19:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:19:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845803 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845868 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845867 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845822 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:44:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:44:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845866 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845865 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845821 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @19:59:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @19:59:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845802 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:04:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:04:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845864 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845863 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845820 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:24:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:24:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845862 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845790 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845861 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:39:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:39:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845778 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:52:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:52:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845784 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @20:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @20:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845856 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:12:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:12:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845791 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845860 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:19:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:19:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845777 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845783 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845857 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:52:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:52:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845789 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:54:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:54:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845859 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @21:59:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @21:59:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845772 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @22:12:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @22:12:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845782 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @22:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @22:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845858 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @22:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @22:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845788 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @22:34:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @22:34:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845797 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @22:39:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @22:39:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845776 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:12:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:12:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845787 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:14:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:14:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845799 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:19:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:19:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845775 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845786 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845774 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 12 @23:59:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 13 @23:59:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43845798 of route 12711_702 X61: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @5:52:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @5:52:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846239 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:12:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:12:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846352 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846236 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846351 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846350 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846349 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @6:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @6:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846348 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:01:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:01:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846265 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846347 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846346 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846345 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846344 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:41:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:41:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846264 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846343 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @7:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @7:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846342 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846341 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846340 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846263 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846339 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846338 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846337 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @8:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @8:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846336 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846262 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846335 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846334 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846261 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846333 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846332 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846260 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846331 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @9:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @9:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846330 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846329 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846328 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846246 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846327 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846326 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846325 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @10:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @10:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846324 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:01:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:01:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846247 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846323 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846322 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846321 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846320 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:41:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:41:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846248 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846319 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @11:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @11:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846318 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846317 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846316 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:21:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:21:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846249 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846315 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846314 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846313 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @12:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @12:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846312 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:01:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:01:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846250 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846311 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846310 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846309 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846308 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:41:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:41:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846251 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846307 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @13:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @13:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846306 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846305 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846304 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:18:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:18:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846252 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846303 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846302 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846301 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846300 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @14:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @14:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846253 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846299 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846298 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846297 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846296 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:38:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:38:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846245 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846295 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @15:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @15:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846294 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846293 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846292 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:18:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:18:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846254 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846291 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846290 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846289 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846288 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @16:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @16:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846255 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846287 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846286 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846285 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846284 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:38:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:38:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846256 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846283 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @17:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @17:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846282 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846281 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846280 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:18:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:18:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846257 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846279 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846278 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846277 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846276 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @18:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @18:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846258 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846275 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846274 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:27:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:27:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846273 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:37:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:37:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846272 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:38:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:38:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846259 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:47:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:47:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846271 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @19:57:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @19:57:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846270 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846269 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:07:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:07:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846235 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846268 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:18:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:18:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846229 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846267 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846234 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @20:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @20:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846230 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846353 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846237 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846266 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846238 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:38:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:38:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846231 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846354 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @21:42:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @21:42:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846233 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @22:02:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @22:02:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846241 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @22:18:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @22:18:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846232 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @22:22:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @22:22:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846244 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @22:52:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @22:52:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846242 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @22:58:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @22:58:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846228 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @23:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @23:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846243 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @23:38:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @23:38:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846227 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 6 @24:17:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 7 @24:17:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846240 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 4 @5:32:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 5 @5:32:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846226 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000190826 seq 4 @5:41:00 and stop de:02000:60010::600053 seq 5 @5:41:00 (distance 2342.01m), in trip 43846225 of route 12712_702 X65: 39.03 > 33.33 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 5 @6:51:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 6 @6:51:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995352 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 5 @6:51:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 6 @6:51:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995353 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 5 @6:51:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 6 @6:51:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995354 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 5 @6:51:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 6 @6:51:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995355 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 5 @6:51:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 6 @6:51:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995356 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 7 @7:45:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 8 @7:45:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995338 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 7 @7:45:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 8 @7:45:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995339 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 7 @7:45:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 8 @7:45:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995340 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 7 @7:45:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 8 @7:45:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995341 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 7 @7:45:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 8 @7:45:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995342 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75246::752461 seq 3 @8:32:00 and stop de:01060:75350::753501 seq 4 @8:32:30 (distance 1162.94m), in trip 44995332 of route 2240_3 7973: 38.76 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 12 @6:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 13 @6:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196123 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 12 @10:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 13 @10:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196122 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 12 @18:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 13 @18:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196121 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 21 @7:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 22 @7:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072609 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 21 @9:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 22 @9:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072606 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 21 @19:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 22 @19:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072605 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 21 @21:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 22 @21:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072604 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 21 @23:49:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 22 @23:50:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072611 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 14 @6:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 15 @6:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072587 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 14 @10:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 15 @10:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072586 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 14 @18:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 15 @18:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44072585 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 19 @7:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 20 @7:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196145 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 19 @9:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 20 @9:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196142 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 19 @19:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 20 @19:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 45196141 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 19 @21:48:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 20 @21:49:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44607706 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01062:37196::371961 seq 19 @23:49:30 and stop de:01062:37058::370581 seq 20 @23:50:00 (distance 1155.80m), in trip 44607709 of route 1194_3 378: 38.53 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993174 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993175 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993176 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993177 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993178 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993179 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993180 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993181 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993182 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 and stop de:01060:75249::752496 seq 3 @6:25:00 (distance 1148.13m), in trip 44993183 of route 2222_3 7700: 38.27 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:23009::230164 seq 13 @13:03:30 and stop de:02000:23007::230167 seq 14 @13:04:00 (distance 1021.06m), in trip 44459732 of route 1159_3 222: 34.04 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75169::751691 seq 2 @8:53:30 and stop de:01060:75562::755621 seq 3 @8:54:00 (distance 978.00m), in trip 44995331 of route 2240_3 7973: 32.60 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @7:20:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @7:20:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832309 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @5:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @5:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832347 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @5:51:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @5:51:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832346 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @5:51:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @5:51:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832376 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @6:20:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @6:20:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832353 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @6:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @6:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832382 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @6:50:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @6:50:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832363 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @7:20:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @7:20:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832364 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @7:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @7:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832398 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @7:50:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @7:50:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832362 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @8:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @8:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832397 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @8:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @8:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832361 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @9:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @9:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832375 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @9:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @9:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832396 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @9:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @9:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832356 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @10:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @10:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832369 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @10:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @10:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832395 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @10:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @10:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832360 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @11:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @11:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832374 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @11:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @11:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832394 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @11:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @11:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832354 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @12:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @12:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832368 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @12:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @12:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832393 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @12:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @12:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832359 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @13:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @13:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832373 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @13:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @13:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832392 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @13:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @13:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832355 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @14:15:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @14:15:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832358 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @14:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @14:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832367 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @14:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @14:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832391 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @14:40:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @14:40:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832357 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @15:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @15:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832372 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @15:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @15:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832390 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @15:41:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @15:41:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832349 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @16:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @16:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832366 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @16:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @16:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832389 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @16:41:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @16:41:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832352 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @17:11:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @17:11:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832350 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @17:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @17:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832371 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @17:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @17:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832388 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @18:11:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @18:11:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832351 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @18:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @18:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832365 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @18:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @18:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832387 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @19:11:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @19:11:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832348 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @19:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @19:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832370 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @19:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @19:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832386 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @20:11:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @20:11:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832379 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @20:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @20:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832385 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @21:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @21:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832377 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @21:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @21:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832384 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @22:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @22:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832378 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @22:21:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @22:21:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832383 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @23:30:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @23:30:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832381 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop 000000520038 seq 9 @23:31:00 and stop de:02000:52005::520010 seq 10 @23:31:30 (distance 975.72m), in trip 43832380 of route 1337_3 251: 32.52 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @11:51:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @11:52:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989834 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @12:34:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @12:35:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989838 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @13:05:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @13:06:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989836 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @14:16:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @14:17:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989835 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @15:43:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @15:44:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989837 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @13:24:00 and stop de:03355:50219::5021901 seq 7 @13:25:00 (distance 1896.40m), in trip 43989833 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.61 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50219::5021902 seq 5 @8:06:00 and stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @8:07:00 (distance 1886.10m), in trip 43989830 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03355:50219::5021902 seq 5 @9:51:00 and stop de:03355:50207::5020701 seq 6 @9:52:00 (distance 1886.10m), in trip 43989829 of route 7176_3 5403: 31.43 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 4 @6:42:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 5 @6:43:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44459735 of route 1159_3 222: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @5:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @5:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062962 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @5:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @5:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062992 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @6:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @6:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062954 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @6:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @6:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062976 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @7:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @7:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062960 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @7:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @7:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062991 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @8:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @8:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062946 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @8:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @8:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062956 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @8:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @8:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062963 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @8:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @8:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062990 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @9:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @9:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062959 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @9:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @9:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062989 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @10:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @10:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062958 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @10:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @10:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062945 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @10:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @10:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062988 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @11:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @11:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062944 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @11:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @11:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062987 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @12:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @12:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062942 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @12:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @12:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062986 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @13:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @13:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062941 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @13:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @13:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062980 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @14:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @14:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062940 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @14:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @14:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062982 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @15:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @15:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062939 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @15:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @15:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062981 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @16:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @16:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062938 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @16:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @16:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062983 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @17:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @17:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062937 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @17:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @17:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062984 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @18:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @18:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062936 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @18:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @18:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062979 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @19:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @19:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062943 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @19:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @19:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062964 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @21:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @21:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062957 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @21:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @21:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062947 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @22:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @22:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062955 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @23:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @23:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062953 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @24:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @24:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062952 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @25:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @25:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062951 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @26:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @26:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062950 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @27:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @27:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062949 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 22 @28:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 23 @28:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44062948 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @5:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @5:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599141 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @5:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @5:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599163 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @6:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @6:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599134 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @6:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @6:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599150 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @7:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @7:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599140 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @7:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @7:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599162 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @8:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @8:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599126 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @8:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @8:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599136 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @8:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @8:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599142 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @8:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @8:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599161 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @9:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @9:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599139 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @9:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @9:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599160 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @10:02:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @10:03:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599138 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @10:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @10:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599125 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @10:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @10:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599159 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @11:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @11:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599124 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @11:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @11:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599158 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @12:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @12:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599122 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @12:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @12:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599157 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @13:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @13:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599121 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @13:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @13:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599152 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @14:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @14:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599120 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @14:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @14:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599154 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @15:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @15:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599119 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @15:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @15:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599153 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @16:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @16:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599118 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @16:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @16:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599155 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @17:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @17:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599117 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @17:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @17:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599156 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @18:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @18:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599116 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @18:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @18:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599151 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @19:50:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @19:51:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599123 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @19:55:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @19:56:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599143 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @21:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @21:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599137 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @21:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @21:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599127 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @22:00:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @22:01:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599135 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @23:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @23:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599133 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @24:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @24:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599132 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @25:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @25:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599131 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @26:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @26:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599130 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @27:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @27:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599129 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20014::200050 seq 20 @28:05:30 and stop de:02000:20015::200048 seq 21 @28:06:00 (distance 905.99m), in trip 44599128 of route 1137_3 124: 30.20 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993092 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:23:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:24:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993093 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993096 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993097 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993108 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993109 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993120 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993121 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993132 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993133 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993144 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @18:07:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @18:08:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993145 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993094 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993095 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @17:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @17:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993098 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @16:26:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @16:27:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993099 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @15:34:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @15:35:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993100 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993102 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993106 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993107 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @17:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @17:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993110 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @16:26:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @16:27:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993111 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @15:34:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @15:35:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993112 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993114 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993118 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993119 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @17:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @17:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993122 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @16:26:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @16:27:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993123 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @15:34:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @15:35:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993124 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993126 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993130 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993131 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @17:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @17:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993134 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @16:26:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @16:27:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993135 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @15:34:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @15:35:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993136 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993138 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993142 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @19:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @19:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993143 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @17:04:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @17:05:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993146 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @16:26:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @16:27:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993147 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @15:34:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @15:35:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993148 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993149 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993101 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993113 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993125 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993137 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @14:09:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @14:10:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993150 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @13:15:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @13:16:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993103 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @13:15:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @13:16:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993115 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @13:15:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @13:16:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993127 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @13:15:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @13:16:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993139 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @13:15:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @13:16:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993151 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993105 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993117 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993129 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993140 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993152 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993104 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993116 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993128 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993141 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @12:27:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @12:28:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993153 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993174 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993175 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993176 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993177 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993178 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993179 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993180 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993181 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993182 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75555::755552 seq 8 @6:30:30 and stop de:01060:75703::757036 seq 9 @6:31:00 (distance 893.81m), in trip 44993183 of route 2222_3 7700: 29.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85406::854061 seq 3 @12:11:00 and stop de:01053:85544::855446 seq 4 @12:12:00 (distance 3569.23m), in trip 44200445 of route 4634_3 8832: 29.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85406::854061 seq 3 @13:16:00 and stop de:01053:85544::855446 seq 4 @13:17:00 (distance 3569.23m), in trip 44200444 of route 4634_3 8832: 29.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85406::854061 seq 3 @14:21:00 and stop de:01053:85544::855446 seq 4 @14:22:00 (distance 3569.23m), in trip 44200443 of route 4634_3 8832: 29.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85406::854061 seq 3 @15:06:00 and stop de:01053:85544::855446 seq 4 @15:07:00 (distance 3569.23m), in trip 44200442 of route 4634_3 8832: 29.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85406::854061 seq 3 @16:26:00 and stop de:01053:85544::855446 seq 4 @16:27:00 (distance 3569.23m), in trip 44200441 of route 4634_3 8832: 29.74 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03353:62702::6270202 seq 4 @6:18:00 and stop de:03353:62703::6270302 seq 5 @6:18:30 (distance 891.62m), in trip 44144468 of route 7108_3 4621: 29.72 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:03353:62702::6270202 seq 4 @8:25:00 and stop de:03353:62703::6270302 seq 5 @8:25:30 (distance 891.62m), in trip 44144466 of route 7108_3 4621: 29.72 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @4:50:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @4:51:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062895 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @4:56:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @4:57:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062899 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @5:50:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @5:51:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062885 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @6:04:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @6:05:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062881 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @6:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @6:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062894 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @6:50:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @6:51:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062892 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @7:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @7:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062914 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @7:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @7:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062893 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @8:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @8:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062913 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @8:04:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @8:05:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062883 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @8:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @8:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062891 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @9:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @9:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062933 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @9:04:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @9:05:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062910 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @9:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @9:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062890 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @10:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @10:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062932 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @10:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @10:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062880 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @11:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @11:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062931 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @11:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @11:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062901 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @12:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @12:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062930 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @12:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @12:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062900 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @13:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @13:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062929 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @13:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @13:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062906 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @14:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @14:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062920 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @14:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @14:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062927 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @14:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @14:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062905 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @15:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @15:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062919 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @15:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @15:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062926 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @15:14:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @15:15:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062904 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @16:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @16:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062918 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:02000:20013::200077 seq 47 @16:05:30 and stop de:02000:20012::200078 seq 48 @16:06:00 (distance 884.00m), in trip 44062925 of route 1137_3 124: 29.47 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75045::750451 seq 5 @8:23:00 and stop de:01060:75046::750461 seq 6 @8:24:00 (distance 1727.36m), in trip 44190155 of route 5367_3 7921: 28.79 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993174 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993175 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993176 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993177 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993178 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993179 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993180 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993181 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993182 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01060:75499::754996 seq 1 @6:24:00 and stop de:01060:75160::751606 seq 2 @6:24:30 (distance 853.22m), in trip 44993183 of route 2222_3 7700: 28.44 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @12:45:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @12:45:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201796 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @13:35:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @13:35:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201795 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @14:25:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @14:25:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201794 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @15:23:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @15:23:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201793 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @16:00:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @16:00:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201792 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s
WARNING Too fast travel between stop de:01053:85131::851316 seq 16 @17:40:00 and stop de:01053:85558::855581 seq 17 @17:40:30 (distance 842.73m), in trip 44201791 of route 4645_3 8871: 28.09 > 27.78 m/s

feed_info.txt - 1 INFO

L1 feed_publisher_name feed_publisher_url feed_lang feed_start_date feed_end_date feed_version feed_contact_mail feed_contact_url
INFO feed_contact_mail Unrecognized column

frequencies.txt - 5 INFO

L1 trip_id start_time end_time headway_secs exact_times
INFO trip_id Unrecognized column
INFO start_time Unrecognized column
INFO end_time Unrecognized column
INFO headway_secs Unrecognized column
INFO exact_times Unrecognized column

routes.txt - 18 WARNING

route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L3 13616_3 361 S1-SEV 3
L5 13607_3 361 S1-SEV 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S1-SEV / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L4 13615_3 361 S3-SEV 3
L6 13606_3 361 S3-SEV 3
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value S3-SEV / null: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L44 11668_2 371 A3 Elmshorn > Barmstedt > Ulzburg Süd 2 FFFFFF FF8000
L45 11668_3 371 A3 Elmshorn > Barmstedt > Ulzburg Süd 3 FFFFFF FF8000
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value A3 / Elmshorn > Barmstedt > Ulzburg Süd: The same combination of route short and long name should not be used more than once
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L281 8803_402 76 U3 Barmbek > Schlump > Hauptbahnhof Süd > Wandsbek-Gartenstadt 402 FFFFFF FFDD00
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 19.2%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L283 1466_402 76 U1 Norderstedt Mitte > Hauptbahnhof Süd > Ohlstedt / Großhansdorf 402 007FFF 006AB3
WARNING route_color, route_text_color Route colors not contrasted enough: TEXT, delta is 8.2%
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L472 8211_3 66 380(Shuttle) S Stellingen - Arenen 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value 380(Shuttle), expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L565 11886_3 41 RB82-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RB82-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L566 11710_3 41 RB61-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RB61-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L567 11656_3 41 RB41-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RB41-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L568 11631_3 41 RB31-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RB31-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L569 11335_3 41 RE7-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RE7-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L570 11334_3 41 RB81-SEV 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value RB81-SEV, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L609 11096_3 106 Heide-Shuttle Heide-Shuttle Bf. Lüneburg - Melbeck - Amelinghausen - Döhle - Egestorf - Kirchgellersen 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value Heide-Shuttle, expected: Max 6 chars long
WARNING route_long_name, route_short_name Invalid value Heide-Shuttle: Long name should not start or be equals with short name
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L663 8543_3 106 Heide-Shuttle 4 Heide-Shuttle Soltau - Bispingen - Oberhaverbeck - Schneverdingen - Neuenkrichen 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value Heide-Shuttle 4, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L664 8542_3 106 Heide-Shuttle 2 Heide-Shuttle Tostedt - Handeloh - Undeloh - Egestorf - Behringen - Oberhaverbeck 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value Heide-Shuttle 2, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L665 8541_3 106 Heide-Shuttle 1 Heide-Shuttle Oberhaverbeck - Schneverdingen - Bispingen - Oberhaverbeck 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value Heide-Shuttle 1, expected: Max 6 chars long
route_id agency_id route_short_name route_long_name route_type route_color route_text_color route_desc
L671 8309_3 106 Heide-Shuttle 3 Heide-Shuttle Buchholz - Lüllau/Bendestorf - Jesteburg - Hanstedt - Salzhausen - Egestorf 3
WARNING route_short_name Invalid format for value Heide-Shuttle 3, expected: Max 6 chars long

stops.txt - 349 INFO - 2808 WARNING - 606 ERROR

stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4 de:02000:10003::100011 U S Berliner Tor (Beim Strohhause) 53.553392017810 10.024147086846 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44087876 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1192 (at arc-length 15953.32m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 44088010 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1193 (at arc-length 19082.62m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 44087879 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1194 (at arc-length 18020.31m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 44087832 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1195 (at arc-length 19858.45m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 45140091 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1205 (at arc-length 15956.00m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 45140090 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1206 (at arc-length 19085.29m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 45140096 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1207 (at arc-length 18022.98m): 71.03m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 45140050 is too far from computed projection point (53.553455,10.023077) on shape 1208 (at arc-length 19861.13m): 71.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7 de:02000:10006:2:100021 U Burgstraße 53.555632766459 10.041434040266 0 0
L12432 de:02000:10006:2:100039 U Burgstraße 53.555615325237 10.041373251561 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L24 de:02000:10006:2:100105 U Burgstraße 53.556003104056 10.042242919773 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43831686 is too far from computed projection point (53.555570,10.041448) on shape 3576 (at arc-length 13875.73m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44003966 is too far from computed projection point (53.555570,10.041448) on shape 3587 (at arc-length 14087.96m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44093760 is too far from computed projection point (53.555570,10.041448) on shape 3592 (at arc-length 13909.34m): 71.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L57 de:02000:10033::100184 Billstraße 133 53.538938089239 10.047570491787 0 0
L65 de:02000:10033::100192 Billstraße 133 53.538964510978 10.047631480948 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L76 de:02000:11003:3:110011 Rathausmarkt 53.550403025761 9.993974052885 0 0
L77 de:02000:11003:3:110021 Rathausmarkt 53.550384556617 9.994033972185 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L86 de:02000:11019::110050 Heinrich-Hertz-Turm 53.564709509340 9.976318604986 0 0
L1760 de:02000:11019::840001 Heinrich-Hertz-Turm 53.564682928066 9.976272712904 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L104 de:02000:11029::110081 U Hoheluftbrücke 53.578314229166 9.976209519481 0 0
L1876 de:02000:11029::900003 U Hoheluftbrücke 53.578340810338 9.976255426394 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L170 de:02000:40004::400042 S Harburg Rathaus 53.460796718358 9.979140809741 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43839178 is too far from computed projection point (53.460524,9.981679) on shape 3757 (at arc-length 0.00m): 170.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43815809 is too far from computed projection point (53.460524,9.981679) on shape 3255 (at arc-length 0.00m): 170.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43815703 is too far from computed projection point (53.460524,9.981679) on shape 3249 (at arc-length 0.00m): 170.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43816301 is too far from computed projection point (53.460524,9.981679) on shape 3999 (at arc-length 0.00m): 170.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L259 de:02000:41019::410211 S Neugraben 53.473601335698 9.852579066958 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 43832370 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3616 (at arc-length 14147.73m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43832290 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3617 (at arc-length 5676.14m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43832270 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3618 (at arc-length 5253.36m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43832330 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3620 (at arc-length 6535.42m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43832313 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3622 (at arc-length 6908.20m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43832311 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3623 (at arc-length 4637.31m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141827 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6717 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141842 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6714 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141835 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6716 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141858 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6713 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141841 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6715 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141776 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6720 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45141775 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6721 (at arc-length 865.52m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141853 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6723 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141805 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6718 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141777 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 6719 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43814166 is too far from computed projection point (53.473476,9.853827) on shape 3977 (at arc-length 6772.40m): 83.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L309 de:02000:42035::420098 Zum Fürstenmoor 53.471830707242 9.930856022861 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44746543 is too far from computed projection point (53.471817,9.933100) on shape 3572 (at arc-length 5167.22m): 148.50m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44746541 is too far from computed projection point (53.471817,9.933100) on shape 3573 (at arc-length 8775.53m): 148.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L310 de:02000:42035::420099 Zum Fürstenmoor 53.471735936306 9.931486471928 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44746545 is too far from computed projection point (53.471726,9.933098) on shape 3571 (at arc-length 1077.26m): 106.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L311 de:02000:42036::420100 Am Radeland 53.471846239176 9.925389532141 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44746543 is too far from computed projection point (53.475948,9.926513) on shape 3572 (at arc-length 6108.10m): 462.17m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44746541 is too far from computed projection point (53.475948,9.926513) on shape 3573 (at arc-length 9716.42m): 462.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L312 de:02000:42036::420101 Am Radeland 53.471793618971 9.925222725305 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44746545 is too far from computed projection point (53.475963,9.926365) on shape 3571 (at arc-length 121.66m): 469.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L313 de:02000:42037::420102 Heykenaubrook 53.471880696533 9.920932479019 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44746545 is too far from computed projection point (53.476048,9.924653) on shape 3571 (at arc-length 0.00m): 524.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L314 de:02000:42037::420103 Heykenaubrook 53.471888867541 9.921038077070 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44746543 is too far from computed projection point (53.476081,9.925075) on shape 3572 (at arc-length 6204.43m): 537.29m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44746541 is too far from computed projection point (53.476081,9.925075) on shape 3573 (at arc-length 9812.74m): 537.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L340 de:03353:43055::430076 Meckelfeld, Hillenklint 53.425396684646 10.018508612534 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43814590 is too far from computed projection point (53.425840,10.018158) on shape 3213 (at arc-length 14247.65m): 54.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L363 de:03353:43037::430107 Meckelfeld, Schulzentrum 53.412776135606 10.024312846898 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 43814441 is too far from computed projection point (53.412265,10.024225) on shape 3211 (at arc-length 16682.12m): 57.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 43814573 is too far from computed projection point (53.412265,10.024225) on shape 3215 (at arc-length 11225.54m): 57.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 43814568 is too far from computed projection point (53.412265,10.024225) on shape 3217 (at arc-length 12258.50m): 57.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 43814566 is too far from computed projection point (53.412265,10.024225) on shape 3218 (at arc-length 13828.89m): 57.13m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 43814562 is too far from computed projection point (53.412265,10.024225) on shape 3219 (at arc-length 17790.65m): 57.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L431 de:02000:49001::490000 Bf. Harburg 53.457075769616 9.990150669714 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44142661 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6851 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44142637 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6857 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44142640 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6854 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44142680 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6850 (at arc-length 0.00m): 56.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L435 de:02000:49001::490007 Bf. Harburg 53.457196552528 9.989671720477 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43817313 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 3311 (at arc-length 16294.07m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44142750 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6842 (at arc-length 11973.20m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 44142719 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6844 (at arc-length 25287.59m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 44 on examplar trip 44142696 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6847 (at arc-length 28634.20m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44142695 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6848 (at arc-length 17549.09m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 45 on examplar trip 44142694 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 6849 (at arc-length 31300.04m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43842279 is too far from computed projection point (53.456583,9.989959) on shape 3843 (at arc-length 18190.79m): 70.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L438 de:02000:49007::490013 Kanzlershofer Weg 53.447866361095 10.023095351748 0 0
L448 de:02000:49007::490023 Kanzlershofer Weg 53.447839280963 10.023109752341 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L450 de:02000:49001::490025 Bf. Harburg 53.457002900444 9.989185455540 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43814386 is too far from computed projection point (53.456502,9.989452) on shape 3222 (at arc-length 3432.40m): 58.41m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43814397 is too far from computed projection point (53.456502,9.989452) on shape 3235 (at arc-length 2540.10m): 58.41m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43838961 is too far from computed projection point (53.456502,9.989452) on shape 3762 (at arc-length 9258.64m): 58.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L465 de:02000:50008::500019 Werkcentrum Elbinsel 53.519987265524 9.998297273849 0 0
L16100 de:02000:50008::500015 Werkcentrum Elbinsel 53.519987265524 9.998297273849 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L496 de:02000:51019::510023 Aluminiumwerk 53.517913749009 9.890014336906 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2081.43m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2081.43m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2081.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L497 de:02000:51018::510024 Osterfelddeich 53.520198642752 9.886036640264 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1756.66m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1756.66m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1756.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L498 de:02000:51017::510025 Auedeich 53.526700087141 9.885358132065 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1060.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1060.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 1060.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L499 de:02000:51016::510026 Emder Straße 53.529784759350 9.878907682671 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 622.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 622.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 622.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L500 de:02000:51013::510027 Steendiek 53.532814021945 9.878744232010 0 0
L501 de:02000:51013::510029 Steendiek 53.532786737325 9.878788911783 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L501 de:02000:51013::510029 Steendiek 53.532786737325 9.878788911783 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 288.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 288.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 288.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L502 de:02000:51012::510031 Norderschulweg 53.533478698432 9.876329811307 0 0
L4168 000000510015 510015 53.533479251388 9.876254413028 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L523 de:02000:52002::520027 BAB-Auffahrt Waltershof 53.514043275149 9.911173937515 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 3199.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 3199.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 3199.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L546 de:02000:53016::530037 Steinwerder (Alter Elbtunnel) 53.541798543981 9.966151644119 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44477364 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 3335 (at arc-length 7268.85m): 58.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44084340 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1116 (at arc-length 8905.30m): 58.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44084352 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1118 (at arc-length 8274.05m): 58.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44084408 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1111 (at arc-length 5952.44m): 58.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44084344 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1122 (at arc-length 7491.94m): 58.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L547 de:02000:53016::530038 Steinwerder (Alter Elbtunnel) 53.541612567611 9.965815537599 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44477386 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 3334 (at arc-length 1.98m): 56.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44084462 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1098 (at arc-length 1.98m): 56.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44084427 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1104 (at arc-length 1.98m): 56.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44084490 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1097 (at arc-length 1.98m): 56.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44084429 is too far from computed projection point (53.541319,9.966518) on shape 1105 (at arc-length 1.98m): 56.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L588 de:02000:54018::540050 S Veddel 53.520991788232 10.013458885827 0 0
L589 de:02000:54018::540051 S Veddel 53.520991788232 10.013458885827 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L662 de:02000:55032::550103 Rethehöft 53.503474039629 9.956311883578 0 0
L663 de:02000:55032::550104 Rethehöft 53.503464935172 9.956326749899 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L680 de:02000:60007:3:600021 U Wandsbek Markt 53.572073037552 10.068256077873 0 0
L12440 de:02000:60007:3:600022 U Wandsbek Markt 53.572073307276 10.068225892825 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L752 de:02000:61044::610061 Borsigstraße (Mitte) 53.533393801878 10.073917808080 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43833134 is too far from computed projection point (53.533198,10.074667) on shape 3647 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43833150 is too far from computed projection point (53.533198,10.074667) on shape 3646 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L788 de:02000:61032::610163 Wöhlerstraße 53.535382466787 10.081569935702 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43833154 is too far from computed projection point (53.535497,10.082825) on shape 3645 (at arc-length 4716.58m): 83.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L789 de:02000:61022::610164 Sievekingdamm 53.560553460709 10.052073957938 0 0
L16616 de:02000:61022::610221 Sievekingdamm 53.560553460709 10.052073957938 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L927 de:02000:63034:1:630051 U Farmsen 53.607426292011 10.116921996762 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 43834193 is too far from computed projection point (53.607133,10.117519) on shape 3672 (at arc-length 11097.64m): 51.14m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44005109 is too far from computed projection point (53.607133,10.117519) on shape 3672 (at arc-length 11097.64m): 51.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1089 de:02000:65022::650015 Redderblock 53.615840362469 10.152520566955 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 44093176 is too far from computed projection point (53.614687,10.153819) on shape 3838 (at arc-length 20820.45m): 154.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44093175 is too far from computed projection point (53.614687,10.153819) on shape 3839 (at arc-length 6716.41m): 154.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 44093174 is too far from computed projection point (53.614687,10.153819) on shape 3840 (at arc-length 20820.45m): 154.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1091 de:02000:65023::650020 Sandkule 53.607385037518 10.149721712674 0 0
L16119 de:02000:65023::650231 Sandkule 53.607385037518 10.149721712674 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1154 de:02000:70039:3:700026 U Hamburger Straße 53.574189088480 10.037134855455 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44861994 is too far from computed projection point (53.575121,10.035376) on shape 4023 (at arc-length 3033.14m): 155.64m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44862235 is too far from computed projection point (53.575121,10.035376) on shape 4022 (at arc-length 7891.26m): 155.64m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44860376 is too far from computed projection point (53.575112,10.035376) on shape 3664 (at arc-length 16083.40m): 154.98m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44860310 is too far from computed projection point (53.575112,10.035376) on shape 3665 (at arc-length 14728.74m): 154.98m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44860300 is too far from computed projection point (53.575112,10.035376) on shape 3666 (at arc-length 11378.61m): 154.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1204 de:02000:70011::700118 U Borgweg 53.590260750943 10.015524505065 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43823815 is too far from computed projection point (53.590915,10.015752) on shape 3422 (at arc-length 0.99m): 74.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1237 de:02000:70052::700176 Gründgensstraße (West) 53.611326058931 10.046370874903 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43835620 is too far from computed projection point (53.609905,10.053651) on shape 4120 (at arc-length 5175.81m): 505.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 2219.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1240 de:02000:70053::700179 Fritz-Flinte-Ring 53.610675519343 10.048832765184 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43835620 is too far from computed projection point (53.609905,10.053651) on shape 4120 (at arc-length 5175.81m): 329.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 2161.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1244 de:02000:70049::700187 Schwarzer Weg 53.606170666687 10.055323290167 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 1787.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1246 de:02000:70048::700189 Richeystraße 53.603415753287 10.051855474112 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 1418.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1248 de:02000:70047::700193 Langenfort 53.599742114161 10.050676530601 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 1009.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1250 de:02000:70046::700195 U Habichtstraße (Steilshooper Straße) 53.595398118632 10.050115548127 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 572.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1275 de:02000:70050:3:700260 Alfred-Mahlau-Weg 53.609416011172 10.054119977825 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 2098.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1298 de:02000:71002:3:710021 U Volksdorf 53.650507732135 10.163493648248 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44076045 is too far from computed projection point (53.650063,10.163073) on shape 1732 (at arc-length 26.08m): 56.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1299 de:02000:71003::710024 Uppenhof 53.647042708323 10.160373634148 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 437.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1300 de:02000:71004::710025 Wiesenhöfen 53.647548301343 10.169355475748 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 504.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1302 de:02000:71006::710027 Cornehlsweg 53.646986332042 10.178096039721 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1036.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1303 de:02000:71007::710028 Herkenkrug 53.645444590073 10.183179499227 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1411.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1304 de:02000:71008::710029 Buchenstieg 53.647855918767 10.185576011339 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1482.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1305 de:02000:71009::710030 U Buchenkamp 53.653048338962 10.186599029908 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1546.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1306 de:02000:71010::710031 Moorredder 53.659233376080 10.182658242315 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1590.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1307 de:02000:71011::710032 Gussau 53.658968298012 10.174905725131 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1203.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1308 de:02000:71012::710033 Ahrensburger Platz 53.655813719675 10.175891895474 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1006.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1309 de:02000:71013::710034 Im Allhorn 53.653897086335 10.174341119181 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 806.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1310 de:02000:71014::710035 Lerchenberg 53.653331300220 10.168804723030 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 468.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1311 de:02000:71015::710036 Claus-Ferck-Straße 53.651907308577 10.167404099668 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 299.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1434 de:02000:71117::710206 S Poppenbüttel (Stormarnplatz) 53.651392018282 10.094535886479 0 1
L6742 de:02000:71117::710200 S Poppenbüttel (Stormarnplatz) 53.651418829589 10.094551705654 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1495 de:02000:71076::710292 Foßredder 53.647660068322 10.172625153476 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 677.32m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1497 de:02000:71084::710295 Huusbarg (West) 53.644219195773 10.171652571291 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 879.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1498 de:02000:71102::710296 Huusbarg (Mitte) 53.643489316141 10.176440991997 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43837880 is too far from computed projection point (53.650501,10.163535) on shape 3735 (at arc-length 6860.08m): 1153.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1506 de:02000:71002:1:710313 U Volksdorf 53.650631982964 10.161803169515 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44076035 is too far from computed projection point (53.650084,10.162696) on shape 1733 (at arc-length 11362.96m): 84.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1521 de:02000:72022::720064 Weidende 53.657963837677 10.101982161339 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43835383 is too far from computed projection point (53.657972,10.101060) on shape 3703 (at arc-length 8192.06m): 60.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1558 de:02000:72052::720130 U Ohlstedt 53.695194974861 10.137943587175 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 43835282 is too far from computed projection point (53.695017,10.136834) on shape 3705 (at arc-length 13453.64m): 75.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43835240 is too far from computed projection point (53.695017,10.136834) on shape 3706 (at arc-length 10330.06m): 75.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43835379 is too far from computed projection point (53.695017,10.136834) on shape 3709 (at arc-length 11607.06m): 75.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1584 de:02000:80015::800028 Rathaus Altona 53.547158438055 9.936220699971 0 0
L4198 000000800203 800203 53.547158083540 9.936265952773 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1614 de:02000:80026::800092 Bf. Altona 53.551556207131 9.933420859066 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44312490 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4053 (at arc-length 14539.37m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43811392 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4065 (at arc-length 6004.60m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43811480 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4066 (at arc-length 9473.05m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43811451 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4067 (at arc-length 9473.05m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43811439 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4068 (at arc-length 3255.93m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43811433 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4069 (at arc-length 6004.60m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44871349 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4075 (at arc-length 9473.05m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44871309 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4076 (at arc-length 6004.60m): 57.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44871297 is too far from computed projection point (53.551540,9.934296) on shape 4077 (at arc-length 3255.93m): 57.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1641 de:02000:80031::800199 Bleickenallee (Kinderkrankenhaus) 53.550552299456 9.918024005691 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 45396556 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1332 (at arc-length 14167.04m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 45 on examplar trip 45396559 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1338 (at arc-length 25606.48m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43811590 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4062 (at arc-length 5856.67m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44871408 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4074 (at arc-length 7216.26m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43811550 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4064 (at arc-length 5856.67m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44871468 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4070 (at arc-length 7216.26m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43811572 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4063 (at arc-length 5856.67m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44871417 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 4073 (at arc-length 7216.26m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44179785 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1125 (at arc-length 9173.33m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 44179940 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1126 (at arc-length 18896.13m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44179784 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1127 (at arc-length 16191.69m): 68.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44179740 is too far from computed projection point (53.551162,9.918173) on shape 1128 (at arc-length 15591.64m): 68.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1682 de:02000:81066::810040 S Blankenese 53.563458027684 9.814753355507 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 45087646 is too far from computed projection point (53.563752,9.813869) on shape 1331 (at arc-length 11439.44m): 66.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1692 de:02000:82011:2:820037 S Elbgaustraße 53.603353984289 9.892566280572 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44065529 is too far from computed projection point (53.601389,9.889593) on shape 1181 (at arc-length 2614.67m): 293.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44065648 is too far from computed projection point (53.601389,9.889593) on shape 1175 (at arc-length 2614.67m): 293.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44065372 is too far from computed projection point (53.601389,9.889593) on shape 1182 (at arc-length 2324.41m): 293.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44065493 is too far from computed projection point (53.601389,9.889593) on shape 1183 (at arc-length 8317.16m): 293.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44065455 is too far from computed projection point (53.601389,9.889593) on shape 1186 (at arc-length 5474.35m): 293.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1694 de:02000:82006:3:820097 Rugenbarg (Nord) 53.588594781777 9.876292645972 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44080021 is too far from computed projection point (53.589040,9.876846) on shape 1250 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1749 de:02000:83017::830122 Eidelstedter Platz 53.608744095832 9.904661288297 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43838078 is too far from computed projection point (53.608178,9.904604) on shape 3937 (at arc-length 10884.11m): 63.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43838001 is too far from computed projection point (53.608178,9.904604) on shape 3938 (at arc-length 1177.52m): 63.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1756 de:02000:83018:1:830137 Wiebischenkamp 53.616496250360 9.906126735967 0 0
L1759 de:02000:83018:1:830140 Wiebischenkamp 53.616487609995 9.906081216148 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1786 de:02000:84004:2:840071 U S Sternschanze 53.564128819398 9.965951450977 0 1
L16947 000000012158 U S Sternschanze 53.564101990231 9.965935746310 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1824 de:02000:84015::840142 Mansteinstraße 53.578704637039 9.965755499693 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44807629 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3463 (at arc-length 3869.68m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44807508 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3466 (at arc-length 3039.47m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44807580 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3464 (at arc-length 3869.68m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44807537 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3465 (at arc-length 3039.47m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44807492 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3467 (at arc-length 3869.68m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44807475 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3469 (at arc-length 3039.47m): 154.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44807481 is too far from computed projection point (53.579286,9.963628) on shape 3468 (at arc-length 3869.68m): 154.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1932 de:02000:90025::900093 Lattenkampstieg 53.597451940868 9.997027442850 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44746429 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3813 (at arc-length 7226.54m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44746433 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3810 (at arc-length 7226.54m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44746430 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3812 (at arc-length 7226.54m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44746428 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3814 (at arc-length 642.34m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44746431 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3811 (at arc-length 7226.54m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 45127235 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3974 (at arc-length 7686.40m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 45126981 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3975 (at arc-length 6487.62m): 168.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45126945 is too far from computed projection point (53.597209,9.994500) on shape 3976 (at arc-length 642.34m): 168.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L1986 de:02000:90048::900198 Bebelallee 53.605733733980 9.996270838801 0 0
L1987 de:02000:90048::900199 Bebelallee 53.605697799743 9.996269992484 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2011 de:02000:91010::910043 Warnckesweg 53.610980089043 9.974591142122 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43810920 is too far from computed projection point (53.610352,9.974501) on shape 3167 (at arc-length 4411.68m): 70.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2081 de:02000:92005::920012 U Langenhorn Markt (Krohnstieg) 53.649521959413 10.017281631875 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43842126 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3808 (at arc-length 0.00m): 68.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43842131 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3807 (at arc-length 0.00m): 68.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2082 de:02000:92005::920013 U Langenhorn Markt (Krohnstieg) 53.649277092297 10.017547955383 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 54 on examplar trip 43842137 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3802 (at arc-length 26945.62m): 85.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 43842135 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3803 (at arc-length 11336.15m): 85.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 55 on examplar trip 44746433 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3810 (at arc-length 27418.61m): 85.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43842126 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3808 (at arc-length 0.00m): 85.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43842131 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3807 (at arc-length 0.00m): 85.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2106 de:01060:92021::920067 Glashütte, ZOB 53.688018671823 10.036722918108 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44072564 is too far from computed projection point (53.688659,10.037496) on shape 765 (at arc-length 19956.90m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44072555 is too far from computed projection point (53.688659,10.037496) on shape 766 (at arc-length 13918.18m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 45196079 is too far from computed projection point (53.688659,10.037496) on shape 772 (at arc-length 19087.42m): 87.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44607651 is too far from computed projection point (53.688659,10.037496) on shape 773 (at arc-length 13048.70m): 87.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2139 de:02000:92044::920148 Zeppelinstraße 53.627387071953 10.009281725958 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43842133 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3805 (at arc-length 11927.58m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44746429 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3813 (at arc-length 12400.57m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43842137 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3802 (at arc-length 11927.58m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43842134 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3804 (at arc-length 11927.58m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43842132 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3806 (at arc-length 5343.39m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44746433 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3810 (at arc-length 12400.57m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44746430 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3812 (at arc-length 12400.57m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44746428 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3814 (at arc-length 5816.37m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43842139 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3801 (at arc-length 11927.58m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44746431 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3811 (at arc-length 12400.57m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 47 on examplar trip 43838078 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3937 (at arc-length 23773.62m): 70.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43838001 is too far from computed projection point (53.627432,10.008210) on shape 3938 (at arc-length 14067.04m): 70.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2185 de:02000:11004::110015 U Rödingsmarkt (Großer Burstah) 53.548512210662 9.987940006036 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44085161 is too far from computed projection point (53.548360,9.988917) on shape 1766 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2207 de:02000:20042::200026 Overwerder 53.429943416969 10.114066063833 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44073222 is too far from computed projection point (53.430606,10.113391) on shape 795 (at arc-length 1.46m): 86.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2218 de:02000:20018::200038 Hofschläger Deich 53.486230833143 10.054526337170 0 0
L2249 de:02000:20018::200079 Hofschläger Deich 53.486194898841 10.054525445298 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2235 de:02000:20006::200059 Moorfleet 53.512588074772 10.087305378032 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 50 on examplar trip 44062921 is too far from computed projection point (53.511916,10.088042) on shape 495 (at arc-length 31184.09m): 89.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2278 de:02000:21011::210029 Mittlerer Landweg (Nord) 53.502413966681 10.139628354527 0 0
L2285 de:02000:21011::210039 Mittlerer Landweg (Nord) 53.502386729311 10.139657766053 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2323 de:02000:21022::210090 Allermöher Deich 187 53.476086025649 10.140579144576 0 0
L2327 de:02000:21022::210094 Allermöher Deich 187 53.476086025649 10.140579144576 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2352 de:02000:21057::210146 Adolf-Köster-Damm 53.485421560216 10.147202326579 0 0
L2361 de:02000:21057::210159 Adolf-Köster-Damm 53.485395188963 10.147141353603 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2373 de:02000:21069::210171 S Billwerder-Moorfleet 53.516163206288 10.095296829415 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44073378 is too far from computed projection point (53.516616,10.095927) on shape 1382 (at arc-length 9339.21m): 65.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44067084 is too far from computed projection point (53.516616,10.095927) on shape 928 (at arc-length 5089.48m): 65.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2376 de:02000:21069::210174 S Billwerder-Moorfleet 53.516251934912 10.095419728137 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44066980 is too far from computed projection point (53.516616,10.095927) on shape 935 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2406 de:01062:22042::220045 Havighorst, Krähenberg 53.524415159084 10.167090161565 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44076128 is too far from computed projection point (53.525183,10.168529) on shape 972 (at arc-length 1107.40m): 127.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44076129 is too far from computed projection point (53.525183,10.168529) on shape 973 (at arc-length 1107.40m): 127.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44076130 is too far from computed projection point (53.525183,10.168529) on shape 974 (at arc-length 1107.40m): 127.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44067195 is too far from computed projection point (53.525183,10.168529) on shape 614 (at arc-length 2578.34m): 127.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44067175 is too far from computed projection point (53.525183,10.168529) on shape 616 (at arc-length 2578.34m): 127.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2466 de:02000:22034::220152 Grandkoppel 53.504692956714 10.188839683347 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44478724 is too far from computed projection point (53.503925,10.191064) on shape 1648 (at arc-length 2403.90m): 170.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2479 de:02000:22023::220268 Boberg 53.513974491689 10.167029197800 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44075174 is too far from computed projection point (53.514362,10.167448) on shape 821 (at arc-length 1375.14m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44075175 is too far from computed projection point (53.514362,10.167448) on shape 820 (at arc-length 2422.11m): 51.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44075172 is too far from computed projection point (53.514362,10.167448) on shape 823 (at arc-length 2204.31m): 51.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2496 de:02000:23030::230012 Neuengammer Hinterdeich 53.446914743035 10.177079950399 0 0
L2505 de:02000:23030::230027 Neuengammer Hinterdeich 53.446887199818 10.177139395097 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2569 de:02000:23013::230130 Reitbrooker Mühlenbrücke 53.468277027744 10.175834053071 0 0
L2586 de:02000:23013::230157 Reitbrooker Mühlenbrücke 53.468277324219 10.175803942822 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2613 de:02000:23078::230210 Billwiese 53.491388318791 10.188527590423 0 0
L2614 de:02000:23078::230211 Billwiese 53.491361069555 10.188556962899 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2645 de:02000:24086::240005 Schule Curslack (Kehre) 53.448142940546 10.221201635868 0 0
L11794 de:02000:24086::240864 Schule Curslack (Kehre) 53.448142940546 10.221201635868 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2655 de:02000:24012::240023 Odemanns Heck 53.446551792917 10.220388338255 0 0
L2660 de:02000:24012::240029 Odemanns Heck 53.446525304981 10.220342423776 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2708 de:02000:24043::240108 Neuengammer Hinterdeich 180 53.439057299517 10.202716666629 0 0
L2710 de:02000:24043::240110 Neuengammer Hinterdeich 180 53.439084552217 10.202687338841 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2718 de:02000:24054::240127 Schule Kirchwerder 53.421061823671 10.202419032019 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44062967 is too far from computed projection point (53.420416,10.202265) on shape 485 (at arc-length 7187.75m): 72.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44062977 is too far from computed projection point (53.420416,10.202265) on shape 488 (at arc-length 15188.53m): 72.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2768 de:02000:24034::240214 Krummer Hagen 53.406244704942 10.207715096032 0 0
L2775 de:02000:24034::240223 Krummer Hagen 53.406245009208 10.207685029950 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2805 de:02000:25034::250008 Lohbrügger Weg 53.501576765678 10.205692313655 0 0
L2811 de:02000:25034::250018 Lohbrügger Weg 53.501576157401 10.205752580678 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2825 de:02000:25029::250039 Binnenfeldredder 53.504587994814 10.211806675550 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44085994 is too far from computed projection point (53.503656,10.210635) on shape 510 (at arc-length 5912.64m): 129.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2912 de:02000:26008::260041 Speckenweg 53.472224621506 10.261834359951 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44084322 is too far from computed projection point (53.472440,10.261043) on shape 606 (at arc-length 4802.44m): 57.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L2969 de:01053:26020::260124 Neu Börnsen, Steinredder 53.489030156796 10.284391136781 0 0
L5917 de:01053:26020::851796 Neu Börnsen, Steinredder 53.489030156796 10.284391136781 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3023 de:01053:27012::270087 Geesthacht, Schulzentrum 53.442642729302 10.382007436746 0 0
L3025 de:01053:27012::270111 Geesthacht, Schulzentrum 53.442642206826 10.382052571296 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3026 de:01053:27029::270112 Geesthacht, Helmholtz-Zentrum (Eingang) 53.410893532976 10.422696512290 0 0
L12629 de:01053:27029::270113 Geesthacht, Helmholtz-Zentrum (Eingang) 53.410893532976 10.422696512290 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3040 de:01053:85603::280010 Geesthacht, Norderstraße 53.433478241295 10.371778727829 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44072355 is too far from computed projection point (53.430280,10.373310) on shape 759 (at arc-length 6382.41m): 369.84m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44072333 is too far from computed projection point (53.430280,10.373310) on shape 761 (at arc-length 2894.76m): 369.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3117 de:01053:28049::280220 Geesthacht, Alfred-Nobel-Schule 53.436861501460 10.366680995189 0 0
L6044 de:01053:28049::854021 Geesthacht, Alfred-Nobel-Schule 53.436871000705 10.366636154864 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3123 de:01053:28055::280229 Geesthacht, ZOB 53.435832351561 10.373359395895 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44072355 is too far from computed projection point (53.430280,10.373310) on shape 759 (at arc-length 6382.41m): 617.43m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44072333 is too far from computed projection point (53.430280,10.373310) on shape 761 (at arc-length 2894.76m): 617.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3123 de:01053:28055::280229 Geesthacht, ZOB 53.435832351561 10.373359395895 0 0
L6037 de:01053:28055::99 Geesthacht, ZOB 53.435859126280 10.373375307796 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3137 de:01053:28065::280248 Geesthacht, Eichweg 53.446942766403 10.373808272940 0 0
L5798 de:01053:28065::280652 Geesthacht, Eichweg 53.446942766403 10.373808272940 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3163 de:01053:29009::290023 Lauenburg, Reeperbahn 53.376057309175 10.555667432745 0 0
L3185 de:01053:29009::290052 Lauenburg, Reeperbahn 53.376029971608 10.555696490558 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3171 de:01053:29015::290032 Lauenburg, Spitzort 53.380496350021 10.546000422637 0 0
L3181 de:01053:29015::290043 Lauenburg, Spitzort 53.380468820104 10.546044511480 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3235 de:01062:30007::300038 Glinde, Markt 53.540030562286 10.210601803920 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44068285 is too far from computed projection point (53.540032,10.211371) on shape 652 (at arc-length 7388.33m): 50.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3276 de:01062:30020::300120 Ohe, Am Sportplatz 53.546106377681 10.275256930517 0 0
L3281 de:01062:30020::300129 Ohe, Am Sportplatz 53.546133969705 10.275197412384 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3295 de:01062:30050::300149 Krabbenkamp 53.524589811052 10.297410172058 0 0
L4097 de:01062:30050::300227 Krabbenkamp 53.524553880112 10.297409073387 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3307 de:01053:31044::310011 Ödendorf 53.555164987681 10.412625353968 0 0
L6724 de:01053:31044::310442 Ödendorf 53.555165165947 10.412610269428 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3314 de:01053:31043::310026 Hamfelde (Lauenburg), Kieselstraße 53.599222745715 10.437465047336 0 0
L12861 de:01053:31043::310432 Hamfelde (Lauenburg), Kieselstraße 53.599222745715 10.437465047336 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3320 de:01062:31017::310044 Trittau, Billetal 53.602166954327 10.408272102800 0 0
L3342 de:01062:31017::310070 Trittau, Billetal 53.602167665610 10.408211697561 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3381 de:01053:31070::310222 Hamfelde (Lauenburg), Billstraße 53.598531458323 10.445613907568 0 0
L12939 de:01053:31070::310702 Hamfelde (Lauenburg), Billstraße 53.598531458323 10.445613907568 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3383 de:01062:35037::320001 Siek, Kirche 53.633748221722 10.298158593671 0 0
L3535 de:01062:35037::350096 Siek, Kirche 53.633775169425 10.298159421440 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3414 de:01062:32012::320089 Stellau, Am Dorfplatz 53.589481585283 10.235741460785 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44072219 is too far from computed projection point (53.589484,10.234684) on shape 741 (at arc-length 0.00m): 69.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3458 de:01062:34013::340008 Ahrensburg, Schulzentrum Am Heimgarten 53.679022997179 10.219883453477 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44068619 is too far from computed projection point (53.678979,10.220684) on shape 658 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44068650 is too far from computed projection point (53.678979,10.220684) on shape 657 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853811 is too far from computed projection point (53.678979,10.220684) on shape 443 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43853774 is too far from computed projection point (53.678979,10.220684) on shape 447 (at arc-length 12741.38m): 52.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 43853773 is too far from computed projection point (53.678979,10.220684) on shape 448 (at arc-length 26572.07m): 52.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3461 de:01062:34008::340015 Ahrensburg, Am Neuen Teich 53.667561352781 10.221277021081 0 0
L3463 de:01062:34008::340017 Ahrensburg, Am Neuen Teich 53.667561661487 10.221246769450 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3473 de:01062:34016::340037 Ahrensburg, Freizeitbad 53.681554366368 10.234153568689 0 0
L3478 de:01062:34016::340043 Ahrensburg, Freizeitbad 53.681553898333 10.234198960955 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3479 de:01062:34015::340044 Ahrensburg, Berufsschule 53.678050726271 10.229722741022 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44665681 is too far from computed projection point (53.678692,10.231164) on shape 991 (at arc-length 0.00m): 118.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44665680 is too far from computed projection point (53.678692,10.231164) on shape 989 (at arc-length 0.00m): 118.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44665683 is too far from computed projection point (53.678692,10.231164) on shape 990 (at arc-length 0.00m): 118.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3526 de:01062:35033::350063 U Kiekut 53.653002314588 10.282505927675 0 0
L3532 de:01062:35033::350088 U Kiekut 53.652966708323 10.282474596042 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3600 de:01062:36045::360114 Tangstedt (OD), Rathaus 53.732507583450 10.085050991218 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44072558 is too far from computed projection point (53.733008,10.085337) on shape 767 (at arc-length 12861.70m): 58.74m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44607654 is too far from computed projection point (53.733008,10.085337) on shape 774 (at arc-length 11992.22m): 58.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3634 de:01060:36077::360346 Harksheide, Festsaal am Falkenberg 53.708081689061 10.007366570288 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44072564 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 765 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45196079 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 772 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44072560 is too far from computed projection point (53.708675,10.007366) on shape 768 (at arc-length 1365.81m): 65.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44072531 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 769 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45196064 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 775 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44072558 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 767 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44607654 is too far from computed projection point (53.708593,10.007606) on shape 774 (at arc-length 1384.95m): 58.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44074643 is too far from computed projection point (53.708490,10.007922) on shape 816 (at arc-length 1410.34m): 58.29m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3637 de:01060:36077::360349 Harksheide, Festsaal am Falkenberg 53.708086849522 10.007821028421 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44072620 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 763 (at arc-length 18685.40m): 50.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44072586 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 764 (at arc-length 12617.43m): 50.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44607729 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 770 (at arc-length 17815.52m): 50.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 45196121 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 771 (at arc-length 11747.55m): 50.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3640 de:01062:37000::370000 Wilstedt, Heidestraße 53.730494565572 10.047753953962 0 0
L3730 de:01062:37000::370264 Wilstedt, Heidestraße 53.730494300481 10.047784252573 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3661 de:01060:37032::370080 Harksheide, Am Gehölz 53.743279426291 9.996280150412 0 0
L16329 de:01060:37032::370323 Harksheide, Am Gehölz 53.743279930503 9.996219533824 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3674 de:01060:37045::370106 Henstedt, Schlesienstraße 53.793306175531 10.006222212172 0 0
L3677 de:01060:37045::370112 Henstedt, Schlesienstraße 53.793306430316 10.006191867918 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3706 de:01062:37054::370160 Wilstedt, Dorfplatz 53.746828509572 10.067214805170 0 0
L3712 de:01062:37054::370172 Wilstedt, Dorfplatz 53.746829184704 10.067139029742 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3729 de:01062:37049::370262 Wilstedt, Waldstraße 53.728773843135 10.056453839866 0 0
L3754 de:01062:37049::370405 Wilstedt, Waldstraße 53.728800659108 10.056469664604 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3734 de:01060:37074::370358 Harkshörn (Nord) 53.740748315583 10.018393812324 0 0
L3735 de:01060:37074::370359 Harkshörn (Nord) 53.740748315583 10.018393812324 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3759 de:01056:37121::370411 Quickborn, Rotdornweg (Nord) 53.733276305129 9.916745286887 0 0
L3770 de:01056:37121::370422 Quickborn, Rotdornweg (Nord) 53.733248890442 9.916805303614 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3800 de:01060:37146::370464 Ulzburg, Virchowring 53.790386732368 9.982313770797 0 0
L3845 de:01060:37146::370525 Ulzburg, Virchowring 53.790387229812 9.982253086062 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3822 de:01062:37176::370494 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804667279684 10.381141576696 0 0
L3823 de:01062:37176::370495 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804667979062 10.381080880070 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3824 de:01062:37177::370496 Bad Oldesloe, Stadtschule 53.807079304415 10.372977747528 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 564.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3834 de:01060:37159::370512 Itzstedt, Lindenbergredder 53.809940808929 10.161834467491 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186293 is too far from computed projection point (53.809393,10.160863) on shape 2097 (at arc-length 0.00m): 88.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186777 is too far from computed projection point (53.809393,10.160863) on shape 3000 (at arc-length 0.00m): 88.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3835 de:01060:37158::370513 Itzstedt, Steindamm 53.806057374243 10.155518396410 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44186758 is too far from computed projection point (53.809883,10.161911) on shape 3007 (at arc-length 3687.09m): 597.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3836 de:01060:37157::370514 Nahe, Wakendorfer Straße 53.797853095289 10.143424257396 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186779 is too far from computed projection point (53.797462,10.143019) on shape 3004 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3851 de:02000:61008::610001 U Billstedt 53.542465352221 10.107803129457 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44063546 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1368 (at arc-length 76.44m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44073510 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1375 (at arc-length 5352.24m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44073444 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1376 (at arc-length 2554.01m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44073445 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1378 (at arc-length 76.44m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44480303 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1640 (at arc-length 76.44m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44480466 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1657 (at arc-length 13705.14m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 39 on examplar trip 44480554 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1658 (at arc-length 16301.14m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 44480555 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1659 (at arc-length 16984.90m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44480411 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1660 (at arc-length 4572.73m): 53.80m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44480356 is too far from computed projection point (53.542003,10.107566) on shape 1661 (at arc-length 7346.74m): 53.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3911 de:01056:85027::850051 Wedel, Schauenburgerstraße 53.588444260994 9.690889582791 0 0
L3916 de:01056:85027::850059 Wedel, Schauenburgerstraße 53.588417482659 9.690858943005 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3928 de:01060:36049::920001 Norderstedt, Schulzentrum Süd 53.688733731464 10.026734555949 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44186291 is too far from computed projection point (53.689167,10.029785) on shape 2103 (at arc-length 2760.47m): 206.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186288 is too far from computed projection point (53.689167,10.029785) on shape 2104 (at arc-length 61.49m): 206.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44074643 is too far from computed projection point (53.689167,10.029785) on shape 816 (at arc-length 4809.47m): 206.54m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44075353 is too far from computed projection point (53.689698,10.029574) on shape 843 (at arc-length 15398.61m): 215.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44075354 is too far from computed projection point (53.689698,10.029574) on shape 844 (at arc-length 14611.84m): 215.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44607744 is too far from computed projection point (53.689698,10.029574) on shape 852 (at arc-length 14528.74m): 215.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44607745 is too far from computed projection point (53.689698,10.029574) on shape 853 (at arc-length 13741.96m): 215.53m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44074214 is too far from computed projection point (53.689698,10.029574) on shape 809 (at arc-length 9364.37m): 215.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3946 de:01056:97109::970102 Appen-Etz, Kiesgrube 53.630285042617 9.735078161209 0 0
L3951 de:01056:97109::970107 Appen-Etz, Kiesgrube 53.630249291840 9.735047306732 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L3993 de:01056:98805::988001 Tangstedt (PI), Große Twiete 53.680280533704 9.851272183325 0 0
L16167 de:01056:98805::988052 Tangstedt (PI), Große Twiete 53.680307269869 9.851302991531 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4007 de:01056:99005::990044 Bf. Pinneberg 53.655942305400 9.797448642021 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44065268 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1147 (at arc-length 6179.30m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44065291 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1146 (at arc-length 6179.30m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 44065294 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1148 (at arc-length 23219.09m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44065240 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1151 (at arc-length 22713.32m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 44065218 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1154 (at arc-length 23219.09m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44065219 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1155 (at arc-length 6179.30m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44065170 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1157 (at arc-length 6179.30m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 44065217 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1158 (at arc-length 23219.09m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44065201 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1159 (at arc-length 10065.20m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44065163 is too far from computed projection point (53.659358,9.802389) on shape 1160 (at arc-length 22713.32m): 500.27m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065117 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1163 (at arc-length 14380.83m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44065122 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1165 (at arc-length 7775.56m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065081 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1167 (at arc-length 14380.83m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44065075 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1170 (at arc-length 14380.90m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065070 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1173 (at arc-length 13046.25m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065019 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1174 (at arc-length 13046.25m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065097 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1161 (at arc-length 14380.83m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44065094 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1166 (at arc-length 7775.56m): 500.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44065071 is too far from computed projection point (53.659359,9.802388) on shape 1171 (at arc-length 13046.25m): 500.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4023 de:01056:99013::990065 Borstel, Nedderhulden 53.692274437302 9.807355048079 0 0
L4068 de:01056:99013::990115 Borstel, Nedderhulden 53.692301593193 9.807325290930 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4043 de:01056:99033::990086 Barmstedt, Chemnitzstraße 53.788227831595 9.777046022882 0 0
L4048 de:01056:99033::990095 Barmstedt, Chemnitzstraße 53.788228126766 9.777000509160 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4081 de:01056:99802::998002 Barmstedt, Schulzentrum Heederbrook 53.781495550211 9.773280580872 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075995 is too far from computed projection point (53.781922,9.774062) on shape 1007 (at arc-length 0.00m): 69.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4099 de:02000:10950:1:109100 Hamburg Hbf 53.552828906258 10.007942982989 0 0
L12870 de:02000:10950:1:109101 Hamburg Hbf 53.552828906258 10.007942982989 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4157 de:02000:40004::400017 S Harburg Rathaus 53.460840773308 9.979247218253 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43815580 is too far from computed projection point (53.460524,9.981679) on shape 3262 (at arc-length 4374.13m): 164.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4161 000000430092 430092 53.424417720044 9.995017382444 0 0
L4162 000000430097 430097 53.424417720044 9.995017382444 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4172 000000520035 520035 53.557241169540 9.899803855285 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45197021 is too far from computed projection point (53.520576,9.923994) on shape 3614 (at arc-length 9183.50m): 4378.90m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45197010 is too far from computed projection point (53.520576,9.923994) on shape 3615 (at arc-length 9183.50m): 4378.90m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2801.55m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2801.55m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2801.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4173 000000520036 520036 53.557325658417 9.899322754996 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45197021 is too far from computed projection point (53.520576,9.923994) on shape 3614 (at arc-length 9183.50m): 4399.32m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45197010 is too far from computed projection point (53.520576,9.923994) on shape 3615 (at arc-length 9183.50m): 4399.32m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2794.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2794.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2794.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4181 de:02000:61008::610080 U Billstedt 53.542659173551 10.107250029421 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43846060 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 4113 (at arc-length 8916.83m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44073500 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 1377 (at arc-length 2477.57m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44073435 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 1379 (at arc-length 1941.12m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44073510 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1375 (at arc-length 5295.94m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44073444 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1376 (at arc-length 2497.72m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44073280 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 1714 (at arc-length 10170.00m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 43834470 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3667 (at arc-length 17056.78m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 43834351 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3668 (at arc-length 11096.92m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43834261 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3669 (at arc-length 4242.63m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44005349 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3670 (at arc-length 14129.62m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43834240 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3671 (at arc-length 7917.32m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44067052 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 932 (at arc-length 7227.12m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44067042 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 933 (at arc-length 11314.63m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44067030 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 934 (at arc-length 12577.16m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44066980 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 935 (at arc-length 5087.72m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43828471 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3904 (at arc-length 8859.25m): 57.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44480466 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1657 (at arc-length 13648.85m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 38 on examplar trip 44480554 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1658 (at arc-length 16244.85m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 44480555 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1659 (at arc-length 16928.60m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44480411 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1660 (at arc-length 4516.44m): 53.84m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44480356 is too far from computed projection point (53.542247,10.106823) on shape 1661 (at arc-length 7290.44m): 53.84m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4260 de:02000:22900:1:229000 Merkenstraße 53.538605760496 10.124671898060 0 0
L4261 de:02000:22900:1:229001 Merkenstraße 53.538650676932 10.124673089278 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 5.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4264 de:02000:22902:1:229005 Mümmelmannsberg 53.528713774974 10.150046654920 0 1
L6131 de:02000:22902:1:229004 Mümmelmannsberg 53.528713774974 10.150046654920 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4265 090000349000 349000 53.655091580027 10.194370584385 0 0
L4266 090000349001 349001 53.655091580027 10.194370584385 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4286 de:02000:60951:2:609006 Wandsbeker Chaussee 53.569840532182 10.057602998210 0 1
L4287 de:02000:60951:2:609007 Wandsbeker Chaussee 53.569804197863 10.057647376311 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4321 de:02000:9970950:1:99709025 Barmbek(2) 53.587253757024 10.044371317836 0 1
L12541 de:02000:70950:1:709025 Barmbek 53.587253757024 10.044371317836 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4326 de:02000:71902:1:719004 Klein Borstel 53.627972325101 10.033344948508 0 1
L4327 de:02000:71902:1:719005 Klein Borstel 53.627972325101 10.033344948508 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4338 090000729006 729006 53.675265084214 10.150208488653 0 0
L4339 090000729007 729007 53.675265084214 10.150208488653 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4344 de:02000:80950:1:809002 Landungsbrücken 53.545863271510 9.971283154411 0 0
L4345 de:02000:80950:2:809003 Landungsbrücken 53.545890100070 9.971298855555 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4352 de:02000:84901:1:849002 Emilienstraße 53.571630569433 9.952642147255 0 1
L4353 de:02000:84901:1:849003 Emilienstraße 53.571657400336 9.952657846377 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4371 de:02000:90904:2:909009 Kellinghusenstraße 53.588813519937 9.990964458575 0 1
L4376 de:02000:90904:2:909014 Kellinghusenstraße 53.588777210113 9.991008913806 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4397 de:02000:92902:1:929004 Langenhorn Nord 53.660993537565 10.017588298455 0 0
L4398 de:02000:92902:1:929005 Langenhorn Nord 53.660993537565 10.017588298455 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4404 090000359012 359012 53.655318570116 10.256438584283 0 0
L4405 090000359013 359013 53.655309269888 10.256468559467 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4410 de:02000:72801::728001 Wragekamp 53.711892276440 10.107966069464 0 0
L4411 de:02000:72801::728002 Wragekamp 53.711865046961 10.107995645500 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4425 de:01060:36086::360363 Garstedt, Heuberg 53.672812021543 9.968513291217 0 0
L4428 de:01060:36086::360366 Garstedt, Heuberg 53.672811899105 9.968528420190 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4436 de:01060:36077::360377 Harksheide, Festsaal am Falkenberg 53.707473303091 10.008124385831 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075342 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 848 (at arc-length 39.04m): 119.15m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607733 is too far from computed projection point (53.708536,10.007892) on shape 857 (at arc-length 39.04m): 119.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4456 de:03353:8000056:99:99 Buchholz (Nordheide) 53.324674368537 9.876259549625 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45391950 is too far from computed projection point (53.324674,9.875029) on shape 4269 (at arc-length 0.00m): 81.73m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45391963 is too far from computed projection point (53.324674,9.875029) on shape 4271 (at arc-length 0.00m): 81.73m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45391923 is too far from computed projection point (53.324674,9.875029) on shape 4275 (at arc-length 45009.91m): 81.73m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 45391882 is too far from computed projection point (53.324674,9.875029) on shape 4278 (at arc-length 132917.16m): 81.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4457 de:01053:8000058:99:99 Büchen 53.474966566996 10.623284857283 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45394716 is too far from computed projection point (53.476607,10.620907) on shape 4495 (at arc-length 49210.00m): 240.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394688 is too far from computed projection point (53.476607,10.620907) on shape 4502 (at arc-length 0.00m): 240.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45393412 is too far from computed projection point (53.476607,10.620907) on shape 4340 (at arc-length 47148.63m): 240.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45393335 is too far from computed projection point (53.476607,10.620907) on shape 4347 (at arc-length 0.00m): 240.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4459 de:03359:8000089:99:99 Stade 53.596147150240 9.477007256743 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45393803 is too far from computed projection point (53.596294,9.476239) on shape 4374 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.26m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45393773 is too far from computed projection point (53.596294,9.476239) on shape 4379 (at arc-length 61634.51m): 53.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4460 de:01056:97960:99:99 Elmshorn 53.754017955166 9.659403923619 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394009 is too far from computed projection point (53.754639,9.659292) on shape 4435 (at arc-length 0.00m): 69.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45392479 is too far from computed projection point (53.754639,9.659292) on shape 4297 (at arc-length 34155.86m): 69.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392129 is too far from computed projection point (53.754639,9.659292) on shape 4303 (at arc-length 0.00m): 69.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4462 de:02000:8000147:99:99 Hamburg-Harburg 53.455903742554 9.991704116421 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45393810 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4372 (at arc-length 0.00m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45393830 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4373 (at arc-length 11884.75m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45393841 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4375 (at arc-length 0.00m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45393842 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4376 (at arc-length 11884.75m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45393775 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4377 (at arc-length 103389.36m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45393786 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4378 (at arc-length 103389.36m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45391750 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4265 (at arc-length 0.00m): 72.68m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45391756 is too far from computed projection point (53.456377,9.990947) on shape 4613 (at arc-length 11884.75m): 72.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4466 000008000181 Husum 54.472272931998 9.055032903885 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45394770 is too far from computed projection point (54.472084,9.056112) on shape 4220 (at arc-length 57003.87m): 72.82m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45394209 is too far from computed projection point (54.472084,9.056112) on shape 4406 (at arc-length 157191.62m): 72.82m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45394210 is too far from computed projection point (54.472084,9.056112) on shape 4607 (at arc-length 159686.87m): 72.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4468 000008000237 Lübeck Hbf 53.867550522319 10.669820040468 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394699 is too far from computed projection point (53.868141,10.671273) on shape 4500 (at arc-length 0.00m): 115.70m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394668 is too far from computed projection point (53.868141,10.671273) on shape 4498 (at arc-length 0.00m): 115.70m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45394544 is too far from computed projection point (53.868141,10.671273) on shape 4480 (at arc-length 20239.48m): 115.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4470 000008000271_G Neumünster 54.075756427446 9.979815852249 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45394015 is too far from computed projection point (54.075031,9.979585) on shape 4433 (at arc-length 77884.82m): 82.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4474 de:01062:8000446:99:99 Ahrensburg 53.669160331665 10.236196931192 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45392620 is too far from computed projection point (53.669294,10.237184) on shape 4320 (at arc-length 18477.28m): 66.70m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392586 is too far from computed projection point (53.669294,10.237184) on shape 4326 (at arc-length 0.00m): 66.70m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45394538 is too far from computed projection point (53.669294,10.237184) on shape 4481 (at arc-length 61530.56m): 66.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4506 de:02000:8002553:99:99 Hamburg-Altona 53.552692571607 9.935181103121 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45394234 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4595 (at arc-length 29787.94m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394211 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4606 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394209 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4406 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45394190 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4422 (at arc-length 104699.65m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45394192 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4423 (at arc-length 104699.65m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45394180 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4424 (at arc-length 104699.09m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45394173 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4425 (at arc-length 104630.71m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45394171 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4426 (at arc-length 104698.43m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45394168 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4427 (at arc-length 170856.86m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45394159 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4428 (at arc-length 104699.09m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394098 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4438 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394081 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4439 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394087 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4440 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394072 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4441 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394070 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4442 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394061 is too far from computed projection point (53.553248,9.935405) on shape 4443 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4519 de:01061:46671::1 Itzehoe 53.923873864360 9.510286506350 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392479 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4297 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392158 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4296 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392154 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4299 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45392176 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4295 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45392432 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4300 (at arc-length 48832.17m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 45392136 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4302 (at arc-length 68191.49m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45392129 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4303 (at arc-length 34155.86m): 53.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45392127 is too far from computed projection point (53.923450,9.510662) on shape 4305 (at arc-length 68199.86m): 53.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4551 de:01057:74145 Plön 54.159475964398 10.422560597064 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394667 is too far from computed projection point (54.159039,10.421489) on shape 4497 (at arc-length 2.23m): 85.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4555 de:01055:74911 Puttgarden 54.500369899949 11.226714204701 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45395019 is too far from computed projection point (54.499603,11.225885) on shape 4182 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45394755 is too far from computed projection point (54.499603,11.225885) on shape 4217 (at arc-length 83370.19m): 100.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4563 de:01059:81683 Schleswig 54.499455606480 9.538138422299 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394204 is too far from computed projection point (54.499735,9.537503) on shape 4605 (at arc-length 0.95m): 51.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4570 de:01051:86484 St Michaelisdonn 53.989616653118 9.118007677084 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45394770 is too far from computed projection point (53.990201,9.117415) on shape 4220 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4620 de:01053:85524::310209 Nusse, ZOB 53.654811469367 10.577731553393 0 0
L4621 de:01053:85524::310216 Nusse, ZOB 53.654838413671 10.577732560077 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4620 de:01053:85524::310209 Nusse, ZOB 53.654811469367 10.577731553393 0 0
L4851 de:01053:85524::375482 Nusse, ZOB 53.654838413671 10.577732560077 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4621 de:01053:85524::310216 Nusse, ZOB 53.654838413671 10.577732560077 0 0
L4851 de:01053:85524::375482 Nusse, ZOB 53.654838413671 10.577732560077 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4634 de:01053:37511::375022 Mölln, Grundschule Tanneck 53.604478188400 10.692340570412 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43298464 is too far from computed projection point (53.605122,10.692578) on shape 1922 (at arc-length 1952.88m): 73.28m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43298463 is too far from computed projection point (53.605122,10.692578) on shape 1921 (at arc-length 3703.48m): 73.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4651 de:01053:37528::375040 Mölln, Immenstelle 53.614085670838 10.690337293072 0 0
L4821 de:01053:37528::375418 Mölln, Immenstelle 53.614085243938 10.690367500168 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4659 de:01053:85189::375059 Bf. Ratzeburg 53.698419535893 10.741112183169 0 0
L5932 de:01053:85189::99 Bf. Ratzeburg 53.698446917948 10.741083029136 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4668 de:01053:91421::375079 Ratzeburg, Tannenweg 53.691727839971 10.797459770430 0 0
L4681 de:01053:91421::375106 Ratzeburg, Tannenweg 53.691754781060 10.797460918760 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4672 de:01053:91132::375092 Ratzeburg, Röpersberg 53.687190960767 10.773892595182 0 0
L4771 de:01053:91132::375263 Ratzeburg, Röpersberg 53.687189839747 10.773968240322 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4694 de:01053:85194::375132 Ratzeburg, Markt 53.699555045989 10.773943364658 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43298559 is too far from computed projection point (53.699221,10.774641) on shape 1947 (at arc-length 20066.68m): 59.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4698 de:01053:11561::375151 Ratzeburg, Vorstadtschule 53.700441695835 10.790441371681 0 0
L7046 de:01053:11561::375934 Ratzeburg, Vorstadtschule 53.700477164713 10.790473164613 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4701 de:01053:37604::375163 Ziethen, Sande 53.692507823345 10.838993062303 0 0
L4726 de:01053:37604::375191 Ziethen, Sande 53.692533834045 10.839054758787 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4708 de:01053:93122::375171 Mustin, Goldenseer Straße 53.691974874808 10.882528730054 0 0
L6656 de:01053:93122::376122 Mustin, Goldenseer Straße 53.691947459135 10.882557787040 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4709 de:01053:37613::375172 Goldensee 53.687189711629 10.923507772073 0 0
L6657 de:01053:37613::376132 Goldensee 53.687189711629 10.923507772073 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4712 de:01053:93152::375175 Kittlitz, Birkenweg 53.664720107154 10.915901829172 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43298575 is too far from computed projection point (53.664734,10.915070) on shape 1958 (at arc-length 5062.67m): 54.82m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43298573 is too far from computed projection point (53.664734,10.915070) on shape 1959 (at arc-length 13207.31m): 54.82m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43298559 is too far from computed projection point (53.664722,10.914631) on shape 1947 (at arc-length 0.00m): 83.73m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4736 de:01053:85574::375210 Sterley, Schule 53.620523046317 10.822892181204 0 0
L4737 de:01053:85574::375211 Sterley, Schule 53.620523046317 10.822892181204 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4777 de:01053:95540::375270 Nusse, Scheideweg 53.651784757158 10.596585649100 0 0
L4781 de:01053:95540::375274 Nusse, Scheideweg 53.651758619925 10.596524159631 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4791 de:01053:37669::375294 Borstorf, Burgstraße 53.612975305253 10.563884876158 0 0
L4853 de:01053:37669::375487 Borstorf, Burgstraße 53.612975700224 10.563854667958 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4794 de:01053:66012::375308 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637615987963 10.523382544906 0 0
L4797 de:01053:66012::375322 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637615987963 10.523382544906 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4794 de:01053:66012::375308 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637615987963 10.523382544906 0 0
L6330 de:01053:66012::855231 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637606621395 10.523412447471 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4797 de:01053:66012::375322 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637615987963 10.523382544906 0 0
L6330 de:01053:66012::855231 Koberg, Herrenstraße 53.637606621395 10.523412447471 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4804 de:01053:95671::375371 Lankau, Höhenweg 53.665942920080 10.684681462166 0 0
L4805 de:01053:95671::375384 Lankau, Höhenweg 53.665970501513 10.684637171065 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4808 de:01053:37719::375391 Albsfelde, Möllerweg 53.684359634904 10.700887168413 0 0
L4813 de:01053:37719::375404 Albsfelde, Möllerweg 53.684385717516 10.700948769229 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4872 de:01062:34021::340071 Ahrensburg, Am Haidschlag 53.673416713406 10.206525958985 0 0
L4877 de:01062:34021::340079 Ahrensburg, Am Haidschlag 53.673389764938 10.206525188493 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4893 de:01004:66069::1 Neumünster Fabrik 54.060198609152 10.011918295978 0 0
L4894 de:01004:66069::2 Neumünster Fabrik 54.060198609152 10.011918295978 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4895 de:01004:66131::1 Neumünster Krankenhaus 54.065275492043 9.990276110061 0 0
L4896 de:01004:66131::2 Neumünster Krankenhaus 54.065275492043 9.990276110061 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4898 de:01004:66170::1 Neumünster Rathaus 54.070652409040 9.987593341659 0 0
L4899 de:01004:66170::2 Neumünster Rathaus 54.070652409040 9.987593341659 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4901 de:01004:66211::1 Neumünster Teich Brücke 54.072767318065 9.986070051121 0 0
L4902 de:01004:66211::2 Neumünster Teich Brücke 54.072767318065 9.986070051121 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4906 de:01004:66252::1 Neumünster-Gadeland Kirche 54.048882657684 10.024086706339 0 0
L4907 de:01004:66252::2 Neumünster-Gadeland Kirche 54.048882657684 10.024086706339 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4922 de:01061:46700::1 Bf. Itzehoe (Viktoriastraße) 53.924028118348 9.512038923138 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44011193 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 146 (at arc-length 11118.29m): 238.49m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44011230 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 145 (at arc-length 11562.44m): 238.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4927 de:01056:17031::700311 Langelner Heidkaten 53.807746317732 9.879281336004 0 0
L14038 de:01056:17031::700316 Langelner Heidkaten 53.807746317732 9.879281336004 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4928 de:01060:17504::750046 Alveslohe, Buschweg 53.801152820383 9.916268345425 0 0
L14044 de:01060:17504::750041 Alveslohe, Buschweg 53.801116538399 9.916313087482 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4930 de:01060:75006::750061 Alveslohe, Schule 53.790175639697 9.914769495853 0 0
L4931 de:01060:75006::750066 Alveslohe, Schule 53.790175639697 9.914769495853 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4932 de:01060:75007::750071 Bad Bramstedt, Bleeck 53.917794873335 9.882674325882 0 0
L4933 de:01060:75007::750076 Bad Bramstedt, Bleeck 53.917812952038 9.882659487358 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4942 de:01060:75018::750181 Bahrenhof, Hohelucht 53.878475046156 10.364474779660 0 0
L4944 de:01060:75018::750187 Bahrenhof, Hohelucht 53.878474700352 10.364505181604 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4960 de:01060:75026::750266 Berlin (Seedorf), Unter den Linden 54.036445308811 10.446516951303 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44993248 is too far from computed projection point (54.036091,10.447604) on shape 2209 (at arc-length 20264.15m): 81.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4988 de:01060:75060::750591 Glashütte bei Heidmühlen 53.949204198078 10.141774912422 0 0
L6865 de:01060:75060::750596 Glashütte bei Heidmühlen 53.949204198078 10.141774912422 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L4997 de:01060:75069::750691 Elisenruh 53.858130288221 10.009753706902 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44995291 is too far from computed projection point (53.858450,10.011296) on shape 2360 (at arc-length 5124.87m): 107.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44995608 is too far from computed projection point (53.858450,10.011296) on shape 2467 (at arc-length 26289.51m): 107.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44995604 is too far from computed projection point (53.858450,10.011296) on shape 2469 (at arc-length 32738.17m): 107.21m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44995599 is too far from computed projection point (53.858450,10.011296) on shape 2470 (at arc-length 30747.92m): 107.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5009 de:01060:75075::750751 Fehrenbötel, Kampstraße 53.987711394708 10.175531360316 0 0
L5010 de:01060:75075::750756 Fehrenbötel, Kampstraße 53.987684298175 10.175545842753 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5018 de:01060:75081::750811 Nehms, Am Freudenberg 54.016359825135 10.343918644806 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 1116.83m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 1116.83m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 1116.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5020 de:01060:75082::750821 Fuhlenpott 53.874251801330 10.363698599220 0 0
L5021 de:01060:75082::750826 Fuhlenpott 53.874206891494 10.363697137207 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5059 de:01060:75113::751131 Heidkaten 53.821410742376 9.881951689056 0 0
L5060 de:01060:75113::751136 Heidkaten 53.821419725905 9.881951877857 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5061 de:01060:75116::751161 Heidmühlen, Am Klint 53.954750578241 10.077319539231 0 0
L5062 de:01060:75116::751166 Heidmühlen, Am Klint 53.954750578241 10.077319539231 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5069 de:01060:75120::751201 Heidmühlen, Feuerwehr 53.969885030883 10.082876271207 0 0
L5070 de:01060:75120::751206 Heidmühlen, Feuerwehr 53.969885030883 10.082876271207 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5071 de:01060:75125::751251 Herrenbranden 53.902188152641 10.464253936724 0 0
L5072 de:01060:75125::751256 Herrenbranden 53.902188152641 10.464253936724 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5083 de:01060:75134::751341 Schlamersdorf, Kirchstraße 54.043315774168 10.384222687048 0 0
L5084 de:01060:75134::751346 Schlamersdorf, Kirchstraße 54.043315774168 10.384222687048 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5088 de:01060:75139::99 Itzstedt, Sülfelder Weg 53.807648590703 10.162864047076 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186294 is too far from computed projection point (53.807483,10.164165) on shape 2096 (at arc-length 0.00m): 87.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44186288 is too far from computed projection point (53.807483,10.164165) on shape 2104 (at arc-length 18219.59m): 87.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44186286 is too far from computed projection point (53.807483,10.164165) on shape 2105 (at arc-length 20443.42m): 87.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44186778 is too far from computed projection point (53.807483,10.164165) on shape 2999 (at arc-length 8019.70m): 87.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186772 is too far from computed projection point (53.807483,10.164165) on shape 3001 (at arc-length 0.00m): 87.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5089 de:01060:75141::751411 A Kaltenkirchen 53.833964813528 9.967855529288 0 0
L6534 de:01060:75141::751416 A Kaltenkirchen 53.833964813528 9.967855529288 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5090 de:01060:75144::751441 Kaltenkirchen, Ohland-Park 53.829965021091 9.980202539469 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44193082 is too far from computed projection point (53.829100,9.979012) on shape 2369 (at arc-length 22578.06m): 123.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44193081 is too far from computed projection point (53.829100,9.979012) on shape 2374 (at arc-length 26853.81m): 123.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44193077 is too far from computed projection point (53.829100,9.979012) on shape 2370 (at arc-length 22578.06m): 123.93m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44192319 is too far from computed projection point (53.829100,9.979012) on shape 3033 (at arc-length 4130.83m): 123.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5091 de:01060:75145::751451 Kaltenkirchen, Friedenstraße 53.838783283175 9.958593528960 0 0
L5092 de:01060:75145::751456 Kaltenkirchen, Friedenstraße 53.838809990224 9.958624522510 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5096 de:01060:75153::99 Kaltenkirchen, Flottkamp (SZ) 53.832802659623 9.961540305506 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995501 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2363 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995512 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2362 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995525 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2361 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44995499 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2364 (at arc-length 9866.80m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44995493 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2366 (at arc-length 7639.48m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44995489 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2367 (at arc-length 9866.80m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44995388 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2338 (at arc-length 1993.06m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995369 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2341 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995379 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2340 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995383 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2339 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995392 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2337 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995396 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2336 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995402 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995408 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44995363 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2344 (at arc-length 26856.75m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44995350 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2347 (at arc-length 19242.58m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44995349 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2348 (at arc-length 4967.43m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44995331 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2355 (at arc-length 11149.94m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44995347 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2349 (at arc-length 21417.84m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44995352 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2346 (at arc-length 25917.75m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995303 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2359 (at arc-length 10297.64m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995307 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2359 (at arc-length 10297.64m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44995314 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2358 (at arc-length 13027.24m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44994997 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2309 (at arc-length 1993.28m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995006 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2308 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995028 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2306 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995039 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2304 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995040 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2303 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44994983 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2312 (at arc-length 10562.34m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44994966 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2315 (at arc-length 6251.33m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44994973 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2314 (at arc-length 18924.74m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44994962 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2316 (at arc-length 19733.87m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44994979 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2313 (at arc-length 22367.36m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44994986 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2311 (at arc-length 22727.72m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995594 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2466 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995608 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2467 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995604 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2469 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995599 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2470 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995607 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2468 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995596 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2471 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995149 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2321 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995159 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2320 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995170 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2319 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44995099 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2329 (at arc-length 19509.52m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44995132 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2324 (at arc-length 21850.27m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44995138 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2323 (at arc-length 17554.17m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44995143 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2322 (at arc-length 16783.10m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44995105 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2328 (at arc-length 8835.38m): 100.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44995116 is too far from computed projection point (53.832862,9.963061) on shape 2327 (at arc-length 12860.85m): 100.01m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5097 de:01060:75154::751541 Kaltenkirchen, GS Am Lakweg 53.839304275138 9.976425365031 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995512 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2362 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995525 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2361 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44995498 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2365 (at arc-length 11729.38m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995489 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2367 (at arc-length 11859.85m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995417 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2332 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995388 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2338 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995369 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2341 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995383 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2339 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995396 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2336 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995408 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2334 (at arc-length 1993.70m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995424 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2331 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995350 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2347 (at arc-length 17248.89m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995331 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2355 (at arc-length 9156.24m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44995347 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2349 (at arc-length 23410.90m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44995352 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2346 (at arc-length 23924.05m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44995319 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2357 (at arc-length 9156.56m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44995325 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2356 (at arc-length 17161.66m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44191524 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 3024 (at arc-length 2494.66m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44191522 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 3025 (at arc-length 2494.66m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44191415 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 3027 (at arc-length 6716.25m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44191412 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 3029 (at arc-length 6698.34m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44994997 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2309 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995011 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2307 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995028 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2306 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995031 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2305 (at arc-length 0.00m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44994979 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2313 (at arc-length 20373.66m): 77.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44994986 is too far from computed projection point (53.838808,9.975593) on shape 2311 (at arc-length 20734.02m): 77.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5108 de:01060:75164::751646 Kayhude, Segeberger Straße 53.758634853831 10.129939597629 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44366122 is too far from computed projection point (53.757417,10.129482) on shape 2416 (at arc-length 27147.59m): 138.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44366110 is too far from computed projection point (53.757417,10.129482) on shape 2417 (at arc-length 30141.34m): 138.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5109 de:01060:75165::751651 Kayhude, Schulstraße 53.757639114979 10.131671702100 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44186821 is too far from computed projection point (53.758628,10.129989) on shape 3012 (at arc-length 8530.79m): 155.98m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44186819 is too far from computed projection point (53.758628,10.129989) on shape 3014 (at arc-length 13411.69m): 155.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5117 de:01060:75172::751721 Kisdorferwohld, Segeberger Straße 53.820569134935 10.081282644702 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44995402 is too far from computed projection point (53.819927,10.081298) on shape 2335 (at arc-length 11193.14m): 71.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5118 de:01060:75172::751726 Kisdorferwohld, Segeberger Straße 53.820694349083 10.081346611348 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44995336 is too far from computed projection point (53.819928,10.081365) on shape 2351 (at arc-length 5391.55m): 85.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44995332 is too far from computed projection point (53.819928,10.081365) on shape 2354 (at arc-length 5008.52m): 85.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44995352 is too far from computed projection point (53.819928,10.081365) on shape 2346 (at arc-length 9413.68m): 85.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44995338 is too far from computed projection point (53.819928,10.081365) on shape 2350 (at arc-length 7643.33m): 85.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5121 de:01060:75173::751732 Sievershütten, Abzw. Kisdorferwohld 53.839811138580 10.093613320820 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44995363 is too far from computed projection point (53.840512,10.093683) on shape 2344 (at arc-length 11186.47m): 78.11m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44995333 is too far from computed projection point (53.840512,10.093683) on shape 2353 (at arc-length 2846.45m): 78.11m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44995347 is too far from computed projection point (53.840512,10.093683) on shape 2349 (at arc-length 5747.56m): 78.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5133 de:01060:75179::751791 Bad Bramstedt, Clashorn 53.904217933897 9.941879400061 0 0
L5134 de:01060:75179::751796 Bad Bramstedt, Clashorn 53.904217575627 9.941925037795 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5154 de:01060:75192::751921 Krems II 53.988804549918 10.354938434118 0 0
L5155 de:01060:75192::751926 Krems II 53.988786586262 10.354937850624 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5158 de:01060:75194::751941 Kuhlen 54.007790133796 10.210173663007 0 0
L5159 de:01060:75194::751946 Kuhlen 54.007790133796 10.210173663007 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5162 de:01060:75197::751971 Mözen, Abzweigung Kükels 53.897582163133 10.263137072532 0 0
L5163 de:01060:75197::751976 Mözen, Abzweigung Kükels 53.897581842917 10.263167489580 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5166 de:01060:75199::751991 Latendorf, Alte Landstraße 53.998870277425 10.060708216939 0 0
L5167 de:01060:75199::751996 Latendorf, Alte Landstraße 53.998861294638 10.060707988423 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5193 de:01060:75216::99 Mözen, Twiete 53.910959042073 10.259051577348 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44992529 is too far from computed projection point (53.896548,10.264012) on shape 2113 (at arc-length 9351.16m): 1635.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5205 de:01060:75227::752271 Neuenteich 53.943376340288 10.424727247746 0 0
L5206 de:01060:75227::752276 Neuenteich 53.943376340288 10.424727247746 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5222 de:01060:75246::752461 Oeringer Damm 53.832669010888 10.114965912649 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44995336 is too far from computed projection point (53.832088,10.115649) on shape 2351 (at arc-length 2675.08m): 78.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5230 de:01060:75251::752511 Quaal, Lerchenweg 53.961614524958 10.372431627402 0 0
L5231 de:01060:75251::752516 Quaal, Lerchenweg 53.961614699046 10.372416396250 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5234 de:01060:75253::752531 Radesforde, Fehrenböteler Straße 53.965479365525 10.125229767575 0 0
L5235 de:01060:75253::752536 Radesforde, Fehrenböteler Straße 53.965479365525 10.125229767575 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5243 de:01060:75259::752591 Bf. Rickling (Klinik) 53.999072550520 10.168653545520 0 0
L16941 000000701461 Bahnhof/Klinik, Rickling 53.999072550520 10.168653545520 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5248 de:01060:75262::752621 Rickling, An der Kirche 54.003650661713 10.166311075687 0 0
L5249 de:01060:75262::752626 Rickling, An der Kirche 54.003677757122 10.166296581846 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5250 de:01060:75263::99 Rickling, Schule 54.005080005587 10.167159440837 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44190219 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2615 (at arc-length 17770.01m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44190221 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2618 (at arc-length 690.62m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44190218 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2616 (at arc-length 6899.55m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44190222 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2614 (at arc-length 15508.13m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44190217 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2617 (at arc-length 16732.99m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44190211 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2624 (at arc-length 34.89m): 106.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44190215 is too far from computed projection point (54.005052,10.165466) on shape 2621 (at arc-length 14948.20m): 110.71m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44190213 is too far from computed projection point (54.004733,10.165644) on shape 2623 (at arc-length 6846.94m): 106.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5262 de:01060:75273::752731 Schieren, Kuhlstücken (West) 53.943084939202 10.378889710407 0 0
L5263 de:01060:75273::752736 Schieren, Kuhlstücken (West) 53.943076307126 10.378858965288 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5276 de:01060:75281::752811 Schönmoor, Kirschenweg 53.983776158112 10.141043954760 0 0
L5277 de:01060:75281::752816 Schönmoor, Kirschenweg 53.983776158112 10.141043954760 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5281 de:01060:75285::752856 Bad Segeberg, Fliederweg 53.932623217665 10.309341259467 0 0
L16622 de:01060:75285::752851 Bad Segeberg, Fliederweg 53.932614733672 10.309295315161 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5299 de:01060:75313::753131 Bad Segeberg, Leopardstraße (Nord) 53.938962295615 10.273844345566 0 0
L5300 de:01060:75313::753136 Bad Segeberg, Leopardstraße (Nord) 53.938962295615 10.273844345566 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5331 de:01060:75382::753826 Seedorf, Tensfelderau 54.058501171100 10.331671886282 0 0
L12868 de:01060:75382::753823 Seedorf, Tensfelderau 54.058501171100 10.331671886282 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5344 de:01060:75390::753901 Pronstorf 53.956807765331 10.468849704303 0 0
L14304 de:01060:75390::753902 Pronstorf 53.956798783895 10.468849388415 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5345 de:01060:75391::753911 Trappenkamp, Danziger Straße 54.041125380788 10.207371829653 0 0
L5346 de:01060:75391::753916 Trappenkamp, Danziger Straße 54.041098127347 10.207401570554 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5349 de:01060:75395::99 Trappenkamp, ZOB 54.037635628073 10.220184297602 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44735206 is too far from computed projection point (54.038119,10.220336) on shape 3120 (at arc-length 27254.95m): 54.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5375 de:01060:75417::754171 Waldesruh 53.950039891943 10.171607297321 0 0
L6866 de:01060:75417::754176 Waldesruh 53.950039891943 10.171607297321 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5381 de:01060:75421::754211 Wardersee 53.972300498701 10.387063591128 0 0
L5382 de:01060:75421::754216 Wardersee 53.972300674668 10.387048356173 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5386 de:01060:75431::754311 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494903573 10.101645267032 0 0
L14320 de:01060:75431::754312 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494763701 10.101660522709 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5386 de:01060:75431::754311 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494903573 10.101645267032 0 0
L14321 de:01060:75431::754317 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494623826 10.101675778386 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5401 de:01060:75507::755071 Warder, B 432 53.972976450274 10.382208920304 0 0
L5403 de:01060:75507::755076 Warder, B 432 53.973003570875 10.382194577390 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5415 de:01060:75563::755631 Traventhal, Tegelbek 53.891875577254 10.338641351505 0 0
L5416 de:01060:75563::755636 Traventhal, Tegelbek 53.891875577254 10.338641351505 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5419 de:01060:75599::755991 Reinsbek, Neukoppel (Ost) 53.928353389369 10.515656280774 0 0
L5420 de:01060:75599::755996 Reinsbek, Neukoppel (Ost) 53.928334850294 10.515701283778 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5424 de:01060:75640::756401 Wahlstedt, Skandinavienstraße 53.954451393636 10.201620003478 0 0
L5425 de:01060:75640::756406 Wahlstedt, Skandinavienstraße 53.954424446386 10.201619228189 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5435 de:01060:75659::756591 Alveslohe, Schäferei 53.812448347248 9.882552843860 0 0
L5436 de:01060:75659::756596 Alveslohe, Schäferei 53.812447900133 9.882613562178 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5448 de:01062:39017::800421 Bad Oldesloe, Lübecker Straße 53.810883752475 10.376578859135 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 737.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5454 de:01062:18060::800601 Bad Oldesloe, Am Tegel 53.805346771468 10.400791884539 0 0
L6874 de:01062:18060::800606 Bad Oldesloe, Am Tegel 53.805346771468 10.400791884539 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5458 de:01062:18092::800921 Benstaben (Mitte) 53.816051586941 10.457801003139 0 0
L5459 de:01062:18092::800926 Benstaben (Mitte) 53.816051586941 10.457801003139 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5460 de:01062:89099::890991 Delingsdorf, Lohe 53.701743617029 10.248115452999 0 0
L5461 de:01062:89099::890992 Delingsdorf, Lohe 53.701743617029 10.248115452999 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5466 de:01062:89107::891071 Ehlersberg, Rader Weg 53.752547731190 10.137022923085 0 0
L5467 de:01062:89107::891072 Ehlersberg, Rader Weg 53.752547731190 10.137022923085 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5468 de:01062:80130::801301 Groß Wesenberg, Dorfplatz 53.819276639620 10.539792824172 0 0
L5469 de:01062:80130::801306 Groß Wesenberg, Dorfplatz 53.819276639620 10.539792824172 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5474 de:01062:80133::801331 Hansfelde 53.840488451128 10.595024070783 0 0
L5475 de:01062:80133::801336 Hansfelde 53.840479874038 10.594993357983 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5500 de:01062:80176::801761 Lokfeld 53.810019771972 10.505263189271 0 0
L5501 de:01062:80176::801766 Lokfeld 53.810019771972 10.505263189271 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5516 de:01062:80187::801871 Mönkhagen, An der Bundesstraße 53.899572970469 10.557762450549 0 0
L5517 de:01062:80187::801876 Mönkhagen, An der Bundesstraße 53.899572970469 10.557762450549 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5540 de:01062:39023::802056 Bad Oldesloe, Finanzamt 53.809753016377 10.381141855937 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 565.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5542 de:01062:37174::370497 Bad Oldesloe, Mährischer Berg 53.806461001662 10.368114941976 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 840.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5547 de:01062:80211::802111 Bad Oldesloe, Am Glindhorst 53.807640534870 10.388996851010 0 0
L5548 de:01062:80211::802116 Bad Oldesloe, Am Glindhorst 53.807640534870 10.388996851010 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5565 de:01062:80224::802241 Rade (OD), B 432 53.739352864678 10.118418783084 0 0
L5566 de:01062:80224::802246 Rade (OD), B 432 53.739335181650 10.118388001498 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5583 de:01062:80240::802401 Reinfeld, Pommernweg 53.833266081587 10.467513360435 0 0
L5584 de:01062:80240::802406 Reinfeld, Pommernweg 53.833266081587 10.467513360435 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5588 de:01062:80244::802441 Rethwischdorf, Am Sportplatz 53.782694058005 10.443975074689 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45128745 is too far from computed projection point (53.782635,10.443008) on shape 2848 (at arc-length 15549.31m): 63.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45128744 is too far from computed projection point (53.782635,10.443008) on shape 2849 (at arc-length 4795.61m): 63.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45128742 is too far from computed projection point (53.782635,10.443008) on shape 2851 (at arc-length 15549.31m): 63.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5603 de:01062:80257::802571 Rümpel, Roter Hahn 53.788775664503 10.353260233127 0 0
L13416 de:01062:80257::802576 Rümpel, Roter Hahn 53.788784646637 10.353260522387 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5631 de:01062:80285::802856 Steinfeld, Ortsmitte 53.832655779939 10.425749455824 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44196533 is too far from computed projection point (53.832531,10.426574) on shape 2654 (at arc-length 12829.03m): 55.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44196537 is too far from computed projection point (53.832531,10.426574) on shape 2653 (at arc-length 5398.63m): 55.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44196532 is too far from computed projection point (53.832531,10.426574) on shape 2655 (at arc-length 13654.38m): 55.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44196526 is too far from computed projection point (53.832531,10.426574) on shape 2656 (at arc-length 14387.31m): 55.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44195599 is too far from computed projection point (53.832531,10.426574) on shape 2677 (at arc-length 668.39m): 55.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5636 de:01062:80289::802891 Sühlen 53.860764550251 10.326064960110 0 0
L5637 de:01062:80289::802896 Sühlen 53.860764550251 10.326064960110 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5638 de:01062:37098::370576 Tangstedt (OD), B 432 53.727469413845 10.100527310259 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44186319 is too far from computed projection point (53.727888,10.099917) on shape 2093 (at arc-length 30026.43m): 61.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44186294 is too far from computed projection point (53.727888,10.099917) on shape 2096 (at arc-length 11593.06m): 61.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44186293 is too far from computed projection point (53.727888,10.099917) on shape 2097 (at arc-length 10720.36m): 61.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44186295 is too far from computed projection point (53.727888,10.099917) on shape 2095 (at arc-length 13289.08m): 61.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5653 de:01062:33023::803101 Trittau, Otto-Hahn-Straße (Ost) 53.624726786051 10.402433239775 0 0
L5654 de:01062:33023::803106 Trittau, Otto-Hahn-Straße (Ost) 53.624726431770 10.402463458573 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5664 de:01062:80323::803231 Zarpen, Rehhorster Straße 53.866585392357 10.507264088388 0 0
L5665 de:01062:80323::803236 Zarpen, Rehhorster Straße 53.866549466700 10.507262796091 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5672 de:01062:80327::99 Zarpen, Schule 53.875426375224 10.514455216255 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44196199 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2639 (at arc-length 3122.50m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44196209 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2640 (at arc-length 0.00m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44196205 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2637 (at arc-length 9496.09m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44196191 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2645 (at arc-length 0.00m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44196189 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2646 (at arc-length 15967.51m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44196190 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2647 (at arc-length 17833.97m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44196177 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2643 (at arc-length 0.00m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44196195 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2644 (at arc-length 17833.97m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44196188 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2641 (at arc-length 9590.25m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44195658 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2683 (at arc-length 6271.45m): 51.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44195656 is too far from computed projection point (53.874980,10.514257) on shape 2684 (at arc-length 0.00m): 51.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5680 de:01062:80343::803431 Bad Oldesloe, Heimatmuseum 53.808025372607 10.372750601475 0 0
L6875 de:01062:80343::803436 Bad Oldesloe, Heimatmuseum 53.808025372607 10.372750601475 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5686 de:01062:80354::803541 Wesenberg, Hof Springbek 53.830401203444 10.529932934045 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44196609 is too far from computed projection point (53.830591,10.529150) on shape 2658 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5687 de:01062:80354::803546 Wesenberg, Hof Springbek 53.830223387883 10.530488459978 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44196549 is too far from computed projection point (53.830591,10.529150) on shape 2650 (at arc-length 23559.84m): 96.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44196544 is too far from computed projection point (53.830591,10.529150) on shape 2652 (at arc-length 25534.78m): 96.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44196548 is too far from computed projection point (53.830591,10.529150) on shape 2651 (at arc-length 27017.18m): 96.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5694 de:01062:80372::803721 Bad Oldesloe, Waldstraße 53.816120353458 10.377524956760 0 0
L6876 de:01062:80372::803726 Bad Oldesloe, Waldstraße 53.816120353458 10.377524956760 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5701 de:01062:80383::803831 Reinfeld, Schützenstraße 53.837348979678 10.492707684933 0 0
L6877 de:01062:80383::803836 Reinfeld, Schützenstraße 53.837348979678 10.492707684933 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5714 de:01062:80509::805091 Lokfelder Heckkaten (Süd) 53.812745964693 10.499242151319 0 0
L6822 de:01062:80509::805096 Lokfelder Heckkaten (Süd) 53.812755136029 10.499227295753 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5728 de:01062:80532::805321 Meddewade, Schlossweg 53.811108183584 10.440822479503 0 0
L5729 de:01062:80532::805326 Meddewade, Schlossweg 53.811072074107 10.440836422720 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5731 de:01062:80539::805391 Steinfeld, Siedlung 53.836521188008 10.438398651787 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44195593 is too far from computed projection point (53.834810,10.435712) on shape 2678 (at arc-length 14666.14m): 259.39m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44195590 is too far from computed projection point (53.834810,10.435712) on shape 2679 (at arc-length 13886.69m): 259.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5733 de:01053:37654::850016 Alt Mölln, Am Lausebusch 53.621168048231 10.671696962254 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43996611 is too far from computed projection point (53.621840,10.669202) on shape 1939 (at arc-length 28154.46m): 180.72m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43996614 is too far from computed projection point (53.621516,10.670562) on shape 1940 (at arc-length 23511.70m): 84.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5735 de:01053:83500::870031 Bartelsdorf 53.476025187282 10.542739740266 0 0
L6671 de:01053:83500::850036 Bartelsdorf 53.475989454347 10.542723380740 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5763 de:01053:18531::850311 Dalldorf, Dorfstraße 53.439960064034 10.606402763566 0 0
L5764 de:01053:18531::850316 Dalldorf, Dorfstraße 53.439986806525 10.606418822906 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5769 de:01053:85035::850351 Dassendorf, Am Brink 53.490217368830 10.374710023347 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44200101 is too far from computed projection point (53.490882,10.374716) on shape 2501 (at arc-length 0.00m): 73.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5790 de:01053:85050::99 Elmenhorst (RZ), Denkmal 53.546408210875 10.534708157391 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44200446 is too far from computed projection point (53.547133,10.534252) on shape 2511 (at arc-length 9662.72m): 86.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44200441 is too far from computed projection point (53.547133,10.534252) on shape 2512 (at arc-length 17861.80m): 86.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5837 de:01053:85096::850961 Güster, Dorfplatz 53.539463920333 10.681493196886 0 0
L5838 de:01053:85096::850966 Güster, Dorfplatz 53.539463920333 10.681493196886 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5844 de:01053:27006::851026 Hamwarde, Mühlenstraße 53.448115238291 10.419530368909 0 0
L6507 de:01053:27006::851021 Hamwarde, Mühlenstraße 53.448132487491 10.419591154438 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5846 de:01053:85104::851041 Ratzeburg, Gewerbegebiet Nord 53.701360650414 10.731011822394 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44366781 is too far from computed projection point (53.702320,10.732290) on shape 2559 (at arc-length 21793.93m): 135.90m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44366790 is too far from computed projection point (53.702320,10.732290) on shape 2558 (at arc-length 21793.93m): 135.90m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44366759 is too far from computed projection point (53.702320,10.732290) on shape 2561 (at arc-length 21793.93m): 135.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5850 de:01053:85106::851061 Havekost, Alter Bahnhof 53.533453101473 10.464314928952 0 0
L6677 de:01053:85106::851066 Havekost, Alter Bahnhof 53.533461898827 10.464330315514 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5851 de:01053:85107::851071 Havekost, Schmiedestraße 53.542847365459 10.469844068487 0 0
L5852 de:01053:85107::851076 Havekost, Schmiedestraße 53.542829215897 10.469858525552 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5865 de:01053:85122::851221 Klein Pampau, Grüner Weg 53.509577873649 10.577921755833 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44200611 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2880 (at arc-length 2041.23m): 73.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44200609 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2881 (at arc-length 13237.03m): 73.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44200608 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2882 (at arc-length 10939.66m): 73.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44200536 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2873 (at arc-length 13912.87m): 73.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44200533 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2874 (at arc-length 2041.23m): 73.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44200529 is too far from computed projection point (53.501593,10.560997) on shape 2876 (at arc-length 16189.76m): 1428.71m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44200531 is too far from computed projection point (53.508915,10.577865) on shape 2875 (at arc-length 14256.52m): 73.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5872 de:01053:85128::851281 Kollow, Brückenstraße 53.459002629359 10.461539720208 0 0
L5873 de:01053:85128::851286 Kollow, Brückenstraße 53.459002629359 10.461539720208 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5890 de:01053:85140::851401 Krüzen, Dorfstraße 53.396355227422 10.523076631809 0 0
L5891 de:01053:85140::851406 Krüzen, Dorfstraße 53.396382749004 10.523032511756 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5895 de:01053:85151::851511 Lauenburg, Friedhof 53.374900622860 10.547180120662 0 0
L5896 de:01053:85151::851516 Lauenburg, Friedhof 53.374918781620 10.547165752252 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5897 de:01053:29708::99 Lauenburg, Gemeinschaftsschule 53.378136951511 10.560191584377 0 0
L11754 de:01053:29708::297014 Lauenburg, Gemeinschaftsschule 53.378109809297 10.560205619763 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5906 de:01053:85166::851661 Mölln, Lankauer Weg 53.635943874140 10.692587428337 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44201089 is too far from computed projection point (53.634995,10.691718) on shape 2526 (at arc-length 0.00m): 120.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44201088 is too far from computed projection point (53.634995,10.691718) on shape 2527 (at arc-length 0.00m): 120.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43996541 is too far from computed projection point (53.634995,10.691718) on shape 1906 (at arc-length 1397.07m): 120.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5942 de:01053:85199::851991 Roseburg, Trammer Weg 53.532955793615 10.627780754356 0 0
L5943 de:01053:85199::851996 Roseburg, Trammer Weg 53.532947017558 10.627765334555 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5954 de:01053:85220::852201 Schwarzenbek, Königsberger Allee 53.502286412197 10.474830218359 0 0
L5955 de:01053:85220::852206 Schwarzenbek, Königsberger Allee 53.502268819977 10.474799463775 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5962 de:01053:85237::852371 Schwarzenbek, Kollower Straße 53.497432362060 10.472777900895 0 0
L5963 de:01053:85237::852376 Schwarzenbek, Kollower Straße 53.497423194233 10.472792653074 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L5979 de:01053:85251::852511 Tramm, Dreidorfer Weg 11 53.566278018208 10.607052479700 0 0
L6509 de:01053:85251::852516 Tramm, Dreidorfer Weg 11 53.566259446876 10.607097059727 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6005 de:01053:85277::852776 Klein Pampau, Massower Straße 53.508835763091 10.571502654647 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44200529 is too far from computed projection point (53.501593,10.560997) on shape 2876 (at arc-length 16189.76m): 1063.67m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6009 de:01053:85338::853381 Müssen, Schule 53.494389430393 10.562348568639 0 0
L6510 de:01053:85338::853386 Müssen, Schule 53.494371072913 10.562378031800 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6010 de:01053:85339::853391 Klein Pampau, Quellenweg 53.509094763656 10.572989535376 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44200529 is too far from computed projection point (53.501593,10.560997) on shape 2876 (at arc-length 16189.76m): 1151.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6051 de:01060:75026::750262 Berlin (Seedorf), Unter den Linden 54.036539063486 10.449176217865 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44858822 is too far from computed projection point (54.036055,10.447587) on shape 2703 (at arc-length 1.40m): 116.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6052 de:01060:75054::750541 Seedorf, Bahrenkrug 54.043322773904 10.477228723695 0 0
L6053 de:01060:75054::750546 Seedorf, Bahrenkrug 54.043322773904 10.477228723695 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6065 de:01060:75482::754821 Nehms, Hof Hohlegruft 54.017432413351 10.390991377874 0 0
L6066 de:01060:75482::754826 Nehms, Hof Hohlegruft 54.017441218434 10.391006929111 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6073 de:01060:75486::754861 Nehms, Muggesfelde 54.027818272012 10.336444153811 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 1557.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 1557.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 1557.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6073 de:01060:75486::754861 Nehms, Muggesfelde 54.027818272012 10.336444153811 0 0
L6074 de:01060:75486::754866 Nehms, Muggesfelde 54.027800986993 10.336382555232 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6074 de:01060:75486::754866 Nehms, Muggesfelde 54.027800986993 10.336382555232 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 1560.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 1560.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 1560.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6075 de:01060:75488::754881 Nehms, Kastanienweg 54.020205640321 10.347109594004 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 744.64m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 744.64m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 744.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6075 de:01060:75488::754881 Nehms, Kastanienweg 54.020205640321 10.347109594004 0 0
L6814 de:01060:75488::754886 Nehms, Kastanienweg 54.020205640321 10.347109594004 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6098 de:01060:75566::755661 Seedorf, Weitewelt 54.062827004371 10.442668631115 0 0
L6099 de:01060:75566::755666 Seedorf, Weitewelt 54.062827004371 10.442668631115 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6104 de:01062:80546::805461 Poggensee (Bad Oldesloe), Gärtnerei 53.824162031143 10.377545911980 0 0
L6878 de:01062:80546::805466 Poggensee (Bad Oldesloe), Gärtnerei 53.824162031143 10.377545911980 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6116 de:02000:24074::240258 Neuengammer Heerweg 53.420028249222 10.221027167253 0 0
L15014 de:02000:24074::240743 Neuengammer Heerweg 53.420001761257 10.220981281224 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6127 de:01053:97300::858281 Krummesse, Raiffeisenstraße 53.779362601116 10.643299946687 0 0
L6128 de:01053:97300::858286 Krummesse, Raiffeisenstraße 53.779362809062 10.643284783495 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6129 de:01053:87010::857981 Krummesse, Preußenkoppel 53.775862344620 10.650839180058 0 0
L6130 de:01053:87010::857986 Krummesse, Preußenkoppel 53.775871534439 10.650824370837 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6177 de:02000:62028:1:620102 Bf. Tonndorf 53.586543808091 10.122713437781 0 1
L6178 de:02000:62028:1:620103 Bf. Tonndorf 53.586516716667 10.122727820441 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6184 de:01062:64044::640131 Barsbüttel, Kiebitzhörn 53.573280181924 10.188816547600 0 0
L6185 de:01062:64044::640132 Barsbüttel, Kiebitzhörn 53.573244549944 10.188785354411 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6200 de:02000:83016::820035 Furtweg 53.605946910158 9.899072014420 0 0
L13785 de:02000:83016::830028 Furtweg 53.605910861343 9.899086355958 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6241 de:01062:64046::640136 Barsbüttel, Kiebitzhörn (Ost) 53.572959311446 10.193064734155 0 0
L6242 de:01062:64046::640137 Barsbüttel, Kiebitzhörn (Ost) 53.572986712324 10.193020216672 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6255 de:02000:80024::800082 Goethestraße 53.549923745735 9.939933041145 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44312490 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4053 (at arc-length 14053.80m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 43818304 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4046 (at arc-length 14053.80m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43818248 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4047 (at arc-length 9883.60m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 43818149 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4049 (at arc-length 20047.70m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 43818369 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4045 (at arc-length 14053.80m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 43818205 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4048 (at arc-length 20047.70m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 44312380 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4058 (at arc-length 20047.70m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44312361 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4059 (at arc-length 14053.80m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43811392 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4065 (at arc-length 5519.03m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43811480 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4066 (at arc-length 8987.49m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43811451 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4067 (at arc-length 8987.49m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43811439 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4068 (at arc-length 2770.36m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43811433 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4069 (at arc-length 5519.03m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44871349 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4075 (at arc-length 8987.49m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44871309 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4076 (at arc-length 5519.03m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44871297 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 4077 (at arc-length 2770.36m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44364581 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 3157 (at arc-length 10582.18m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44364570 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 3158 (at arc-length 6251.38m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44364460 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 3159 (at arc-length 10582.18m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44364425 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 3155 (at arc-length 5707.36m): 225.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44364660 is too far from computed projection point (53.551933,9.940385) on shape 3156 (at arc-length 10582.18m): 225.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6260 de:02000:92053::920202 S Hamburg Airport 53.632659660467 10.006293448771 0 1
L12846 de:02000:92053::920159 S Hamburg Airport 53.632686738084 10.006278976078 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6262 de:02000:92005::920014 U Langenhorn Markt (Krohnstieg) 53.649290318249 10.017049201001 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 43842134 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3804 (at arc-length 15609.47m): 53.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43842132 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3806 (at arc-length 9025.27m): 53.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44746430 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3812 (at arc-length 16082.45m): 53.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44746428 is too far from computed projection point (53.649405,10.016266) on shape 3814 (at arc-length 9498.26m): 53.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6273 de:01060:75478::754786 Wakendorf I, Abzw. Lohsack 53.874167366097 10.335262475997 0 0
L6960 de:01060:75478::754781 Wakendorf I, Abzw. Lohsack 53.874167366097 10.335262475997 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6283 de:01053:85512::855121 Schwarzenbek, Lupuspark 53.513918870224 10.493265200263 0 0
L6284 de:01053:85512::855126 Schwarzenbek, Lupuspark 53.513883507220 10.493218728336 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6287 de:02000:41042::410047 Störtebekerweg 53.469577232558 9.863642203478 0 0
L6288 de:02000:41042::410048 Störtebekerweg 53.469612951149 9.863673047698 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6335 de:02000:51025::510068 Am Genter Ufer 53.515804402607 9.895729009928 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2450.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2450.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 2450.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6345 de:02000:11026::110014 Magellan-Terrassen 53.542769427216 9.993493378389 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43849609 is too far from computed projection point (53.543258,9.993380) on shape 3915 (at arc-length 3124.09m): 54.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43849580 is too far from computed projection point (53.543258,9.993380) on shape 3916 (at arc-length 3124.09m): 54.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6368 de:02000:22070::220294 Liebezeitstraße 53.542777717277 10.118642725571 0 0
L6369 de:02000:22070::220295 Liebezeitstraße 53.542804102489 10.118703764010 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6432 de:02000:72040::720097 Lemsahler Dorfstraße 53.685801797147 10.102800157092 0 0
L6441 de:02000:72040::720106 Lemsahler Dorfstraße 53.685828746544 10.102800861707 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6473 de:01056:98816::988161 Halstenbek, Wolfgang-Borchert-Gymnasium 53.620526007215 9.864259505041 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44076229 is too far from computed projection point (53.620643,9.863008) on shape 992 (at arc-length 16149.48m): 83.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44466441 is too far from computed projection point (53.620643,9.863008) on shape 993 (at arc-length 1.45m): 83.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6475 de:02000:70950:2:709022 Barmbek 53.587083730775 10.044291616807 0 1
L12538 de:02000:9970950:2:99709022 Barmbek(2) 53.587083730775 10.044291616807 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6481 de:01053:31038::850081 Basthorst, Feuerwehr 53.574942890842 10.478748093707 0 0
L12920 de:01053:31038::850086 Basthorst, Feuerwehr 53.574942890842 10.478748093707 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6504 de:01053:85035::850356 Dassendorf, Am Brink 53.490128583807 10.374616746603 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44200099 is too far from computed projection point (53.490882,10.374716) on shape 2502 (at arc-length 14156.20m): 84.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6507 de:01053:27006::851021 Hamwarde, Mühlenstraße 53.448132487491 10.419591154438 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44200141 is too far from computed projection point (53.450144,10.420501) on shape 2503 (at arc-length 640.19m): 231.64m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44200140 is too far from computed projection point (53.450144,10.420501) on shape 2504 (at arc-length 11870.73m): 231.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6508 de:01053:85250::852506 Tramm, Kirche 53.563214573124 10.615660475267 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44199706 is too far from computed projection point (53.563127,10.614812) on shape 2498 (at arc-length 23167.35m): 56.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6528 de:01053:85554::855541 Grabau (RZ), Vor den Höfen 53.521282379548 10.502978582269 0 0
L6529 de:01053:85554::855546 Grabau (RZ), Vor den Höfen 53.521309704557 10.502949392816 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6532 de:01053:29069::290691 Lanze 53.386891666532 10.604748741360 0 0
L6533 de:01053:29069::290692 Lanze 53.386891666532 10.604748741360 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6537 de:01062:32038::320381 Stellau, Huuskoppel 53.591084519694 10.231045928950 0 0
L6538 de:01062:32038::320382 Stellau, Huuskoppel 53.591048743672 10.231029785487 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6545 de:02000:61008::610002 U Billstedt 53.542232065154 10.107766863738 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44073290 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 1713 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44005156 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3676 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44005044 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3673 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44012282 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3674 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44005229 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3675 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44005109 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3672 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067137 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 924 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067113 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 929 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067148 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 926 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067084 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 928 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067140 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 925 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44067076 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 927 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43828350 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3905 (at arc-length 0.00m): 80.48m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6555 de:02000:55002::550009 Friedhof Finkenriek (Eingang) 53.475440961907 10.004284416862 0 0
L6556 de:02000:55002::550010 Friedhof Finkenriek (Eingang) 53.475477276746 10.004240090344 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6562 de:01062:35070::350701 Bf. Gartenholz 53.688000200467 10.252007809721 0 0
L7007 de:01062:35070::350702 Bf. Gartenholz 53.688026990131 10.252023742638 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6564 de:01060:38514::383514 A Ulzburg Süd 53.773854589427 9.973463632381 0 0
L6565 de:01060:38514::383533 A Ulzburg Süd 53.773854589427 9.973463632381 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6602 de:01053:85562::855621 Dassendorf, Am Friedhof 53.493742149405 10.361955527865 0 0
L6603 de:01053:85562::855626 Dassendorf, Am Friedhof 53.493742836360 10.361895275637 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6604 de:01061:15136::1 Brokdorf, Kernkraftwerk 53.853971193028 9.350965176301 0 0
L11827 de:01061:15136::2 Brokdorf, Kernkraftwerk 53.853971193028 9.350965176301 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6605 de:01061:15137::1 Brokdorf, Friedhof 53.861649650551 9.330024156746 0 0
L11828 de:01061:15137::2 Brokdorf, Friedhof 53.861649650551 9.330024156746 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6606 de:01061:15143::1 Brokdorf, An der Wettern 53.865611212532 9.316952393156 0 0
L6607 de:01061:15143::2 Brokdorf, An der Wettern 53.865611212532 9.316952393156 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6609 de:01061:99009::1 Wewelsfleth, Großwisch (Mitte) 53.848221649963 9.368709655023 0 0
L11876 de:01061:99009::2 Wewelsfleth, Großwisch (Mitte) 53.848221649963 9.368709655023 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6610 de:01061:99004::1 Wewelsfleth, Großwisch (Ost) 53.846582713529 9.381382077359 0 0
L11911 de:01061:99004::2 Wewelsfleth, Großwisch (Ost) 53.846582713529 9.381382077359 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6611 de:01061:99005::1 Wewelsfleth, Dammducht 53.838014263278 9.388869071567 0 0
L6612 de:01061:99005::2 Wewelsfleth, Dammducht 53.838014263278 9.388869071567 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6613 de:01061:99012::1 Wewelsfleth, Deichreihe 53.843472006834 9.401256213646 0 0
L6614 de:01061:99012::2 Wewelsfleth, Deichreihe 53.843472006834 9.401256213646 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6637 de:02000:63071::630199 Gyula-Trebitsch-Schule 53.596260615929 10.122336819351 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43841369 is too far from computed projection point (53.595378,10.121588) on shape 3930 (at arc-length 0.00m): 109.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43841370 is too far from computed projection point (53.595378,10.121588) on shape 3929 (at arc-length 0.00m): 109.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6675 de:01053:85085::850851 Groß Schretstaken, Fuhlenhagener Weg 53.585470089601 10.544474956817 0 0
L15304 de:01053:85085::850856 Groß Schretstaken, Fuhlenhagener Weg 53.585470284570 10.544459862386 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6686 de:01053:85337::853376 Müssen, Bergstraße 53.501595892623 10.561001006906 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44200531 is too far from computed projection point (53.501479,10.561759) on shape 2875 (at arc-length 9289.49m): 51.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6693 de:01053:85564::855641 Sarnekow, Wasserkrüger Weg 53.541346483530 10.738337182761 0 0
L6694 de:01053:85564::855646 Sarnekow, Wasserkrüger Weg 53.541337941255 10.738306660066 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6733 de:02000:80006::800059 Händelstraße 53.562228031746 9.905750446442 0 0
L6734 de:02000:80006::800061 Händelstraße 53.562192439337 9.905704408950 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6758 de:01060:37034::370342 Rhen, Paracelsus-Klinik 53.748801732384 10.010645313813 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075403 is too far from computed projection point (53.749225,10.009428) on shape 861 (at arc-length 1.00m): 92.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44076238 is too far from computed projection point (53.749225,10.009428) on shape 1814 (at arc-length 1.00m): 92.85m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44076236 is too far from computed projection point (53.749225,10.009428) on shape 1815 (at arc-length 1.00m): 92.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6761 de:02000:60007:3:600017 U Wandsbek Markt 53.571805018730 10.068083263900 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43298257 is too far from computed projection point (53.572258,10.068714) on shape 1962 (at arc-length 0.00m): 65.36m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43996760 is too far from computed projection point (53.572258,10.068714) on shape 1964 (at arc-length 0.00m): 65.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6766 de:01062:80692::806921 Treuholz, Gut 53.768009532356 10.429168536740 0 0
L6767 de:01062:80692::806926 Treuholz, Gut 53.768009532356 10.429168536740 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6771 de:01062:80687::806871 Bad Oldesloe, Teichkoppel 53.793352024265 10.410681178590 0 0
L13187 de:01062:80687::806876 Bad Oldesloe, Teichkoppel 53.793352024265 10.410681178590 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6798 de:01053:37545::857011 Ratzeburg, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 53.695921567469 10.744188750013 0 0
L6799 de:01053:37545::857016 Ratzeburg, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 53.695947627410 10.744250394141 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6816 de:01060:75719::99 A Boostedt 54.017013454598 10.016727716405 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44190156 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2612 (at arc-length 909.55m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44190154 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2613 (at arc-length 909.55m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44994698 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2590 (at arc-length 18011.54m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44994696 is too far from computed projection point (54.015537,10.017088) on shape 2591 (at arc-length 8798.63m): 165.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44994694 is too far from computed projection point (54.015537,10.017088) on shape 2593 (at arc-length 18546.67m): 165.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44994692 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2594 (at arc-length 18614.75m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44994691 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2595 (at arc-length 17833.13m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44994687 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2597 (at arc-length 8085.08m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44994665 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2604 (at arc-length 909.55m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44994678 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2600 (at arc-length 54.78m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44994662 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2605 (at arc-length 909.55m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44994673 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2602 (at arc-length 54.78m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44994667 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2603 (at arc-length 54.78m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44994659 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2607 (at arc-length 909.55m): 124.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44994675 is too far from computed projection point (54.015948,10.017327) on shape 2601 (at arc-length 54.78m): 124.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6818 de:01060:75723::757231 Quaal, Schulstraße 53.962135667115 10.375572355647 0 0
L6819 de:01060:75723::757236 Quaal, Schulstraße 53.962135667115 10.375572355647 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6820 de:01060:75724::757241 Willingrade, Willingrader Straße 54.024883163591 10.103395120202 0 0
L6821 de:01060:75724::757246 Willingrade, Willingrader Straße 54.024883163591 10.103395120202 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6823 de:01062:80539::805396 Steinfeld, Siedlung 53.835833723043 10.437281306102 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44195599 is too far from computed projection point (53.834810,10.435712) on shape 2677 (at arc-length 0.00m): 153.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6836 de:02000:70028:2:700053 U S Barmbek 53.586808951079 10.044888883856 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43820525 is too far from computed projection point (53.586834,10.044074) on shape 3367 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43820624 is too far from computed projection point (53.586834,10.044074) on shape 3365 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44284729 is too far from computed projection point (53.586834,10.044074) on shape 4106 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43819789 is too far from computed projection point (53.586834,10.044074) on shape 3950 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.86m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43819864 is too far from computed projection point (53.586834,10.044074) on shape 3953 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6838 de:02000:70028:2:700073 U S Barmbek 53.586666147422 10.045806525666 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43820349 is too far from computed projection point (53.586748,10.044691) on shape 3371 (at arc-length 7899.94m): 74.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 43820448 is too far from computed projection point (53.586748,10.044691) on shape 3374 (at arc-length 11539.66m): 74.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6857 de:01053:28084::280841 Geesthacht, Vierlander Straße (Kehre) 53.436556670041 10.329216008160 0 0
L6858 de:01053:28084::280842 Geesthacht, Vierlander Straße (Kehre) 53.436556670041 10.329216008160 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6868 de:01060:75725::757251 Geschendorf, Schottenkrog (West) 53.922130888847 10.458741321993 0 0
L6869 de:01060:75725::757256 Geschendorf, Schottenkrog (West) 53.922130888847 10.458741321993 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6869 de:01060:75725::757256 Geschendorf, Schottenkrog (West) 53.922130888847 10.458741321993 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128145 is too far from computed projection point (53.921616,10.459041) on shape 2158 (at arc-length 2378.18m): 60.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6870 de:01060:75727::757271 Braak bei Latendorf, Dorfstraße 54.010111599853 10.088680423385 0 0
L6871 de:01060:75727::757276 Braak bei Latendorf, Dorfstraße 54.010111599853 10.088680423385 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6879 de:01062:80566::805621 Bad Oldesloe, Gartenstraße 53.814345558168 10.385726493911 0 0
L6880 de:01062:80566::805626 Bad Oldesloe, Gartenstraße 53.814345558168 10.385726493911 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6881 de:01062:80812::808121 Bad Oldesloe, Travenhöhe 53.812348576831 10.385918688263 0 0
L6882 de:01062:80812::808126 Bad Oldesloe, Travenhöhe 53.812348576831 10.385918688263 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6884 de:01062:80814::808141 Todendorf, Hauptstraße 53.696144355967 10.350088647520 0 0
L6885 de:01062:80814::808146 Todendorf, Hauptstraße 53.696144697335 10.350058376929 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6888 de:01053:85705::857051 Büchen, Am Waldschwimmbad 53.488182293415 10.608888379687 0 0
L6889 de:01053:85705::857056 Büchen, Am Waldschwimmbad 53.488155348767 10.608887359359 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6923 de:01061:46691::1 Itzehoe, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 53.930691636999 9.529293780353 0 0
L6924 de:01061:46691::2 Itzehoe, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 53.930691636999 9.529293780353 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6930 de:01061:46698::2 Itzehoe, Straßenmeisterei 53.938817779853 9.554247926878 0 0
L6931 de:01061:46698::1 Itzehoe, Straßenmeisterei 53.938817779853 9.554247926878 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6933 de:01061:86139::2 Hohenlockstedt, Springhoe 19 53.976442397415 9.634596372722 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43994767 is too far from computed projection point (53.978933,9.637667) on shape 361 (at arc-length 21734.15m): 342.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 43994763 is too far from computed projection point (53.978933,9.637667) on shape 363 (at arc-length 39760.04m): 342.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6935 de:01061:100337::2 Winseldorf, Hauptstraße 53.955864538357 9.607441737307 0 0
L6936 de:01061:100337::1 Winseldorf, Hauptstraße 53.955864538357 9.607441737307 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6938 de:01061:43004::1 Hohenlockstedt, Helgolandstraße 53.966586216923 9.617395582167 0 0
L6939 de:01061:43004::2 Hohenlockstedt, Helgolandstraße 53.966586216923 9.617395582167 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6942 de:02000:11006::110153 Brandstwiete 53.547480672556 9.998537260350 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 43838950 is too far from computed projection point (53.547341,9.996980) on shape 3742 (at arc-length 14120.49m): 104.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43838793 is too far from computed projection point (53.547341,9.996980) on shape 3743 (at arc-length 7703.02m): 104.05m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 43838775 is too far from computed projection point (53.547341,9.996980) on shape 3744 (at arc-length 11307.42m): 104.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6956 de:02000:98042::980079 Sandkrugweg 53.625336625549 9.891927040046 0 0
L7637 de:02000:98042::980075 Sandkrugweg 53.625336400157 9.891957264680 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6958 de:01056:98116::981161 Rellingen, Büntloh 53.658559858323 9.832636925158 0 0
L6959 de:01056:98116::981162 Rellingen, Büntloh 53.658586388963 9.832697954517 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L6961 de:01060:75730::757301 Strukdorf (Ost) 53.920413841335 10.492428758363 0 0
L6962 de:01060:75730::757306 Strukdorf (Ost) 53.920423201131 10.492398648175 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7008 de:01062:64010::640023 Willinghusen (Kehre) 53.563666187697 10.211141194811 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44072224 is too far from computed projection point (53.564208,10.211791) on shape 736 (at arc-length 0.00m): 73.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44072223 is too far from computed projection point (53.564208,10.211791) on shape 738 (at arc-length 0.00m): 73.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44072206 is too far from computed projection point (53.564208,10.211791) on shape 746 (at arc-length 5039.99m): 73.97m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44072201 is too far from computed projection point (53.564208,10.211791) on shape 750 (at arc-length 28828.91m): 73.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7017 de:01060:75731::757311 Wakendorf I, Bahrenhofer Straße 53.868127993735 10.364122595811 0 0
L12086 de:01060:75731::757316 Wakendorf I, Bahrenhofer Straße 53.868127993735 10.364122595811 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7048 de:01061:40309::3 Heiligenstedten, Wiesengrund 53.928959471868 9.466047345370 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43999832 is too far from computed projection point (53.930345,9.467966) on shape 136 (at arc-length 4299.43m): 198.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7066 de:02000:53811::538111 Worthdamm 53.528914708561 9.981436272248 0 0
L7067 de:02000:53811::538112 Worthdamm 53.528915080081 9.981391039492 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7128 de:02000:80037::800207 Rothestraße 53.547714750177 9.929413630441 0 0
L7132 de:02000:80037::800216 Rothestraße 53.547715336709 9.929338207966 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7141 de:02000:80047::800226 Hochrad 53.553852526012 9.875770257226 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44871349 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4075 (at arc-length 16919.61m): 159.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44871309 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4076 (at arc-length 13451.15m): 159.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44871297 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4077 (at arc-length 10702.48m): 159.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7143 de:02000:80047::800233 Hochrad 53.553574267982 9.876956544861 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44871408 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4074 (at arc-length 1308.01m): 243.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44871468 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4070 (at arc-length 1308.01m): 243.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44871417 is too far from computed projection point (53.554166,9.873408) on shape 4073 (at arc-length 1308.01m): 243.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7169 de:02000:80114::800872 Celsiusweg 53.561002605215 9.921480062928 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44087634 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1201 (at arc-length 9276.69m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44087557 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1203 (at arc-length 9276.69m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44087556 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1204 (at arc-length 1660.51m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44087680 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1199 (at arc-length 9276.69m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44087601 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1200 (at arc-length 1660.51m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44087660 is too far from computed projection point (53.561962,9.922935) on shape 1202 (at arc-length 9276.69m): 143.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45139518 is too far from computed projection point (53.561025,9.919962) on shape 1318 (at arc-length 3399.11m): 100.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7181 de:01056:81003::810004 Wedel, Industriestraße (Nord) 53.581714163093 9.733162429094 0 0
L7212 de:01056:81003::810059 Wedel, Industriestraße (Nord) 53.581713792683 9.733222818485 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7215 de:02000:81020::810062 Reinheimerweg 53.583030657245 9.814344844889 0 0
L7295 de:02000:81020::810202 Reinheimerweg 53.583003705110 9.814344326405 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7251 de:02000:81043::810121 S Sülldorf 53.579631770263 9.797384484925 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45321129 is too far from computed projection point (53.580202,9.797577) on shape 74 (at arc-length 107.64m): 64.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45321128 is too far from computed projection point (53.580202,9.797577) on shape 75 (at arc-length 4405.92m): 64.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7276 de:02000:81060::810153 Wilmans Park 53.563142137314 9.804348605314 0 0
L15021 de:02000:81060::810602 Wilmans Park 53.563142645077 9.804273152902 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7277 de:02000:81061::810154 Kirschtenstraße 53.562475544816 9.807263830609 0 0
L15022 de:02000:81061::810613 Kirschtenstraße 53.562475544816 9.807263830609 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7281 de:02000:81064::810159 Am Hirschpark 53.556575811482 9.821245565473 0 0
L7283 de:02000:81064::810161 Am Hirschpark 53.556548755593 9.821260131177 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7302 de:02000:81066::810662 S Blankenese 53.563307561105 9.814418427014 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44072883 is too far from computed projection point (53.563752,9.813869) on shape 1596 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075359 is too far from computed projection point (53.563752,9.813869) on shape 1606 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.31m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44179611 is too far from computed projection point (53.563752,9.813869) on shape 1130 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7304 de:02000:81071::810711 Suurheid 53.582839694306 9.768544650552 0 0
L7305 de:02000:81071::810712 Suurheid 53.582866646740 9.768545139898 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7306 de:02000:81072::810721 Klövensteenweg (Süd) 53.582472267205 9.764189393987 0 0
L7307 de:02000:81072::810722 Klövensteenweg (Süd) 53.582472267205 9.764189393987 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7309 de:02000:81074::810741 Bahnübergang Sieversstücken 53.581258078869 9.785169950259 0 0
L7310 de:02000:81074::810742 Bahnübergang Sieversstücken 53.581284832878 9.785200644178 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7363 de:02000:82016::820078 Trebelstraße 53.598471652197 9.861165545639 0 0
L7364 de:02000:82016::820079 Trebelstraße 53.598445026766 9.861119688534 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7383 de:01056:82033:4:820108 Schenefeld, Schenefelder Platz 53.598722854499 9.849917322696 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44061444 is too far from computed projection point (53.598567,9.849099) on shape 1608 (at arc-length 14053.17m): 56.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7395 de:01056:82041::820138 Schenefeld, Stadtzentrum 53.601272592841 9.836191834755 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 44087660 is too far from computed projection point (53.600531,9.838141) on shape 1202 (at arc-length 16893.94m): 152.78m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 45139898 is too far from computed projection point (53.600531,9.838141) on shape 1215 (at arc-length 17331.57m): 152.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7418 de:01056:82028::820178 Schenefeld, Busbetriebshof 53.591499199495 9.831966328681 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44072652 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1420 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44064854 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1421 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.77m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44064955 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1419 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7421 de:01056:82053::820181 Schenefeld, Aneken 53.591440047207 9.824942493905 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 44087557 is too far from computed projection point (53.591295,9.823852) on shape 1203 (at arc-length 19194.04m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44087556 is too far from computed projection point (53.591295,9.823852) on shape 1204 (at arc-length 11577.86m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 45139738 is too far from computed projection point (53.591295,9.823852) on shape 1216 (at arc-length 19631.67m): 73.76m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 45139711 is too far from computed projection point (53.591295,9.823852) on shape 1217 (at arc-length 12015.48m): 73.76m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7473 de:01056:85007::850007 Wedel, Ernst-Barlach-Schule 53.575890392922 9.712590228674 0 0
L7497 de:01056:85007::850072 Wedel, Ernst-Barlach-Schule 53.575890392922 9.712590228674 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7525 de:01056:97000::970000 Elmshorn, Waldorfschule 53.740834736408 9.680703510519 0 0
L13429 de:01056:97000::979002 Elmshorn, Waldorfschule 53.740834736408 9.680703510519 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7526 de:01056:97065::970003 Uetersen, Kreuzmoor 53.690832613535 9.653465126207 0 0
L7533 de:01056:97065::970011 Uetersen, Kreuzmoor 53.690805495599 9.653494981633 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7614 de:01056:97210::970179 Heist, Geestberg 53.655339316928 9.655577580985 0 0
L12802 de:01056:97210::972102 Heist, Geestberg 53.655312695689 9.655516666880 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7624 de:01056:97209::972093 Haselau 53.660059325616 9.623097908899 0 0
L7625 de:01056:97209::972094 Haselau 53.660059719535 9.623022280524 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7632 de:01056:98036::980068 Halstenbek, Industriestraße (Wohnmeile) 53.630337119233 9.863114775708 0 0
L7643 de:01056:98036::980089 Halstenbek, Industriestraße (Wohnmeile) 53.630336682963 9.863175232590 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7636 de:01056:98041::980074 Rellingen, Adlerstraße 53.627500309057 9.883689425910 0 0
L7639 de:01056:98041::980080 Rellingen, Adlerstraße 53.627473134289 9.883719088628 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7651 de:01056:98044::980111 S Halstenbek 53.630861883394 9.838606333746 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 44064955 is too far from computed projection point (53.631286,9.838343) on shape 1419 (at arc-length 16142.09m): 50.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7683 de:01056:99065::990138 Kummerfeld, Dorfstraße (Nord) 53.701692848295 9.788168914477 0 0
L7690 de:01056:99065::990145 Kummerfeld, Dorfstraße (Nord) 53.701665896523 9.788168410467 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7741 de:03352:2512::1 Althemmoor Lindenstraße 53.709622095799 9.117748548815 0 0
L7742 de:03352:2512::2 Althemmoor Lindenstraße 53.709649050034 9.117748624483 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7770 de:03357:14525::1 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.482995970370 9.141534643346 0 0
L15288 000000151482 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.483014012186 9.141474449535 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7770 de:03357:14525::1 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.482995970370 9.141534643346 0 0
L15289 000000151481 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.483014012186 9.141474449535 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7832 de:03359:28402::2840201 Drochtersen, Gauensiekersand 53.726490977040 9.393140290419 0 0
L7833 de:03359:28402::2840202 Drochtersen, Gauensiekersand 53.726500110908 9.393094924215 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7943 de:03359:30703::3070301 Oederquart, Dorfmitte 53.804717757705 9.237547876887 0 0
L7944 de:03359:30703::3070302 Oederquart, Dorfmitte 53.804708743018 9.237563004422 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7990 de:03359:31801::3180101 Wethe, Blumenstraße 53.686779232795 9.451331914822 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 579.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7991 de:03359:31801::3180102 Wethe, Blumenstraße 53.686826210168 9.450787510966 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 544.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7994 de:03359:31911::3190101 Barnkrug, Barnkruger Hafenstraße 53.681038066201 9.472231360138 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 2095.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7996 de:03359:31920::3190202 Barnkrug, Barnkruger Straße 80 53.681778315978 9.469061406046 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 1871.57m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7998 de:03359:31903::3190302 Barnkrug, Möhlenstieg 53.683385810509 9.462344182955 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 1394.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L7999 de:03359:31904::3190401 Barnkrug, Am Elbdeich (Ost) 53.684382968782 9.476128369621 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 2224.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8008 de:03359:32103::3210302 Bützfleth, Kirche 53.654433340589 9.481341157821 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43851610 is too far from computed projection point (53.655559,9.478389) on shape 6401 (at arc-length 11664.83m): 231.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8028 de:03359:32401::3240101 Schölisch, Lilienstraße 53.613726577263 9.471282466312 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43851455 is too far from computed projection point (53.613661,9.472055) on shape 4655 (at arc-length 16.01m): 51.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 43851454 is too far from computed projection point (53.613661,9.472055) on shape 4656 (at arc-length 7655.52m): 51.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43851452 is too far from computed projection point (53.613661,9.472055) on shape 4657 (at arc-length 9179.73m): 51.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43851447 is too far from computed projection point (53.613661,9.472055) on shape 4658 (at arc-length 8219.36m): 51.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8051 de:03359:32703::3270301 Aschhorn, Schwarzer Weg 53.704955418212 9.343180087712 0 0
L8052 de:03359:32703::3270302 Aschhorn, Schwarzer Weg 53.704955331298 9.343210372503 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8081 de:03359:33301::3330101 Stadermoor, Abzweig Groß Sterneberg 53.626751825414 9.431630511327 0 0
L8082 de:03359:33301::3330102 Stadermoor, Abzweig Groß Sterneberg 53.626724816934 9.431645350095 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8091 de:03359:33404::3340401 Stade, Vincent-Lübeck-Gymnasium 53.606931412747 9.469635501639 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44281668 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4682 (at arc-length 1917.58m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281660 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4686 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44281636 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4690 (at arc-length 23340.93m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44281633 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4692 (at arc-length 26033.19m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44281631 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4694 (at arc-length 13189.15m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44281648 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4696 (at arc-length 21751.13m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44281632 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4693 (at arc-length 17495.34m): 52.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44281630 is too far from computed projection point (53.607311,9.469156) on shape 4695 (at arc-length 14393.58m): 52.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8188 de:03359:34506::3450601 Hahle, Haddorfer Grenzweg 53.597672471819 9.422678777806 0 0
L8189 de:03359:34506::3450602 Hahle, Haddorfer Grenzweg 53.597663540561 9.422663584124 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8213 de:03359:34802:1:3480201 Bf. Hammah 53.613274226393 9.367154652210 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43852350 is too far from computed projection point (53.612690,9.367210) on shape 4826 (at arc-length 11266.43m): 65.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8312 de:03359:35301::3530101 Brobergen, Neern in Dörp 53.595857843633 9.186559659618 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44281664 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4683 (at arc-length 12849.50m): 95.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44281662 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4684 (at arc-length 11489.44m): 95.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44281661 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4685 (at arc-length 12729.24m): 95.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8313 de:03359:35301::3530102 Brobergen, Neern in Dörp 53.595839637487 9.186710615609 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281639 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4688 (at arc-length 0.00m): 94.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281636 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4690 (at arc-length 0.00m): 94.05m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281637 is too far from computed projection point (53.596657,9.187077) on shape 4689 (at arc-length 0.00m): 94.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8346 de:03359:35910::3590101 Gräpel, Abzweig Hude 53.559710592430 9.198125577396 0 0
L13541 de:03359:35910::3590102 Gräpel, Abzweig Hude 53.559692622558 9.198125493163 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8356 de:03359:13610::3610101 Heinbockel, Kötnerende 53.574680573660 9.328097975380 0 0
L8357 de:03359:13610::3610102 Heinbockel, Kötnerende 53.574662479570 9.328143123471 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8406 de:03359:37220::3720202 Ohrensen, Linah 53.474019701073 9.492909157936 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43852204 is too far from computed projection point (53.474538,9.492457) on shape 6586 (at arc-length 12845.98m): 64.99m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43852203 is too far from computed projection point (53.474538,9.492457) on shape 6587 (at arc-length 19703.20m): 64.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8420 de:03359:37504::3750401 Harsefeld, Schulzentrum 53.443854092601 9.493432353276 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 45124517 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6679 (at arc-length 18287.51m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45124516 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6680 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45124513 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6681 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43851782 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 4755 (at arc-length 19300.96m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43851771 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 4761 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43851766 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 4766 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 43853174 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6826 (at arc-length 28388.05m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43853173 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6827 (at arc-length 1285.88m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43853172 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6828 (at arc-length 1285.88m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43853073 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6771 (at arc-length 25578.38m): 50.89m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43853069 is too far from computed projection point (53.444055,9.492742) on shape 6773 (at arc-length 17155.86m): 50.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8430 de:03359:37801::3780102 Klein Aspe, Grasselweg 53.468777163905 9.348903197712 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45125205 is too far from computed projection point (53.469040,9.348258) on shape 6809 (at arc-length 3691.74m): 51.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8432 de:03359:37901::3790102 Groß Aspe, Brester Straße 53.463561905832 9.373899682773 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45125207 is too far from computed projection point (53.463789,9.373149) on shape 6807 (at arc-length 1.41m): 55.74m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45125205 is too far from computed projection point (53.463789,9.373149) on shape 6809 (at arc-length 1.41m): 55.74m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45125206 is too far from computed projection point (53.463789,9.373149) on shape 6808 (at arc-length 1.41m): 55.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8495 de:03357:39589::1 Heeslingen Mitte 53.315049102245 9.335957580208 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 43852233 is too far from computed projection point (53.315209,9.335147) on shape 6571 (at arc-length 41101.52m): 56.71m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 40 on examplar trip 43852231 is too far from computed projection point (53.315209,9.335147) on shape 6572 (at arc-length 44226.09m): 56.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8503 de:03357:102765::1 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299443917063 9.294287877446 0 0
L14642 000000154471 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299488843381 9.294288186957 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 5.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8503 de:03357:102765::1 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299443917063 9.294287877446 0 0
L14692 000000154472 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299488843381 9.294288186957 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 5.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8717 de:03359:42506::4250601 Hedendorf, Moorstraße 53.484431159598 9.629165478819 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43852818 is too far from computed projection point (53.484050,9.629793) on shape 6453 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8824 de:03359:44101::4410101 Ahrensmoor-West, Ahlerstedter Weg 53.396669973372 9.487443667119 0 0
L8825 de:03359:44101::4410102 Ahrensmoor-West, Ahlerstedter Weg 53.396670034818 9.487428634652 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8859 de:03359:45010::4501002 Bf. Buxtehude (Süd) 53.469897357920 9.690165804754 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43851796 is too far from computed projection point (53.469858,9.689126) on shape 4783 (at arc-length 20866.06m): 68.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8875 de:03359:45022::4502201 Buxtehude, Estetalstraße 53.462812172018 9.689433453686 0 0
L8876 de:03359:45022::4502202 Buxtehude, Estetalstraße 53.462794550832 9.689372941211 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L8960 de:03353:46001::4600102 Rahmstorf, Am Berge 53.401503314492 9.662776267998 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44144879 is too far from computed projection point (53.401107,9.660783) on shape 5770 (at arc-length 13385.99m): 139.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9131 de:03353:48201::4820102 Daerstorf, Holzweg 53.436845442824 9.802832411872 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141968 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4950 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44141979 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4964 (at arc-length 4057.85m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141969 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4949 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141972 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4948 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141977 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4947 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141965 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4952 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141990 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4946 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44141964 is too far from computed projection point (53.436325,9.803215) on shape 4953 (at arc-length 4467.98m): 63.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9136 de:03353:48302::4830202 Elstorf, Kirche 53.424801507734 9.788524715289 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141980 is too far from computed projection point (53.424482,9.789271) on shape 4963 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9145 de:03355:15030::5000301 Lüneburg, Kurt-Höbold-Straße 53.240563335591 10.478619225836 0 0
L9146 de:03355:15030::5000302 Lüneburg, Kurt-Höbold-Straße 53.240580557164 10.478679738466 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9218 de:03355:50070::5007002 Lüneburg, Eintracht-Sportplatz 53.221565952051 10.386749214372 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43990577 is too far from computed projection point (53.221349,10.386068) on shape 6629 (at arc-length 11648.54m): 51.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9237 de:03355:50081::5008101 Lüneburg, Goethestraße 53.235199444935 10.410360481933 0 0
L9238 de:03355:50081::5008102 Lüneburg, Goethestraße 53.235171787645 10.410419482941 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9261 de:03355:50098::5009802 Lüneburg, Bernhard-Riemann-Straße 53.224543121472 10.405682646510 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43988129 is too far from computed projection point (53.224077,10.405607) on shape 5858 (at arc-length 6235.74m): 52.07m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 43988080 is too far from computed projection point (53.224077,10.405607) on shape 5859 (at arc-length 9939.05m): 52.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9291 de:03355:50221::5022101 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
L9292 de:03355:50221::5022201 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292851993325 10.389958146835 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9291 de:03355:50221::5022101 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
L9293 de:03355:50221::5022301 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9291 de:03355:50221::5022101 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
L9294 de:03355:50221::5022401 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292834727107 10.389897594834 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9292 de:03355:50221::5022201 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292851993325 10.389958146835 0 0
L9293 de:03355:50221::5022301 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9292 de:03355:50221::5022201 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292851993325 10.389958146835 0 0
L9294 de:03355:50221::5022401 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292834727107 10.389897594834 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9293 de:03355:50221::5022301 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292861150889 10.389943446488 0 0
L9294 de:03355:50221::5022401 Bardowick, Schulzentrum 53.292834727107 10.389897594834 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9435 de:03355:52304::5230401 Südergellersen, Georg-Cohrs-Weg 53.210548096110 10.294199492267 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43989288 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 5997 (at arc-length 13608.39m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43989290 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 5995 (at arc-length 11766.74m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43989289 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 5996 (at arc-length 11766.74m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43989295 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 5994 (at arc-length 11766.74m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43989285 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6000 (at arc-length 3062.22m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43989278 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6003 (at arc-length 6432.65m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43989276 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6005 (at arc-length 2661.31m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43989281 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6011 (at arc-length 3463.28m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43989280 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6001 (at arc-length 12447.01m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43989283 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6009 (at arc-length 6298.83m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43989277 is too far from computed projection point (53.210252,10.294969) on shape 6004 (at arc-length 317.02m): 60.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43989271 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6008 (at arc-length 3062.22m): 57.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43989282 is too far from computed projection point (53.210416,10.295041) on shape 6010 (at arc-length 2661.31m): 57.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9468 de:03353:52706::5270602 Sieversen, Quellenweg 53.406004425604 9.884577496193 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44144305 is too far from computed projection point (53.406387,9.885127) on shape 6914 (at arc-length 5572.43m): 56.00m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44144304 is too far from computed projection point (53.406387,9.885127) on shape 6915 (at arc-length 12457.45m): 56.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9481 de:03353:15302::5300201 Rosenweide, Sinnenweg 53.422121314572 10.115516144837 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44144783 is too far from computed projection point (53.423249,10.107287) on shape 5720 (at arc-length 23515.81m): 559.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44144793 is too far from computed projection point (53.423249,10.107287) on shape 5723 (at arc-length 30354.01m): 559.52m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44144792 is too far from computed projection point (53.423249,10.107287) on shape 5724 (at arc-length 31590.00m): 559.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9503 de:03355:53704::5370401 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
L16477 de:03355:53704::5370402 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9503 de:03355:53704::5370401 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
L16478 de:03355:53704::5370403 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9505 de:03355:53707::5370702 Hohnstorf, Am Sportzentrum 53.364755531261 10.549922160480 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43990505 is too far from computed projection point (53.364432,10.550586) on shape 6310 (at arc-length 13463.76m): 56.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9574 de:03353:15502::5500202 Drage, Krummer Weg 53.406675098258 10.259952692534 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44494043 is too far from computed projection point (53.407253,10.260511) on shape 5142 (at arc-length 8705.44m): 74.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9638 de:03355:57003::5700301 Barendorf, Schule 53.225448418726 10.536827962324 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43989785 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6095 (at arc-length 10742.60m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989778 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6099 (at arc-length 0.00m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43989779 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6098 (at arc-length 8778.24m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43989784 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6104 (at arc-length 1249.96m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989783 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6096 (at arc-length 0.00m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43989780 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6097 (at arc-length 10742.60m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43989760 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6111 (at arc-length 29044.79m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43989773 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6105 (at arc-length 28740.54m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989769 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6106 (at arc-length 35749.80m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989763 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6108 (at arc-length 33286.86m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989762 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6109 (at arc-length 35055.37m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43989759 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6112 (at arc-length 30509.06m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989758 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6113 (at arc-length 33514.45m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 43989770 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6114 (at arc-length 38503.98m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43989768 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6107 (at arc-length 28891.57m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43989439 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6039 (at arc-length 8780.20m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43989428 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6041 (at arc-length 8780.20m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43989427 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6042 (at arc-length 9584.51m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43989425 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6044 (at arc-length 9584.51m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43989449 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6038 (at arc-length 8780.20m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43989430 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6040 (at arc-length 9584.51m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43989424 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6045 (at arc-length 9584.51m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43989426 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6043 (at arc-length 9584.51m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43989416 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6046 (at arc-length 15106.24m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989404 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6047 (at arc-length 29354.50m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43989385 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6050 (at arc-length 29689.23m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43989384 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6051 (at arc-length 29760.94m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43989387 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6048 (at arc-length 27622.29m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43989386 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6049 (at arc-length 29354.50m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43989382 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6053 (at arc-length 25903.11m): 70.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43989381 is too far from computed projection point (53.225971,10.537416) on shape 6054 (at arc-length 28409.66m): 70.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9640 de:03353:57101::5710101 Maschen, Eichenallee 53.391455435190 10.038606938934 0 0
L9641 de:03353:57101::5710102 Maschen, Eichenallee 53.391455435190 10.038606938934 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9646 de:03353:57105::5710501 Maschen, Kohlhöfen 53.393707091172 10.043156566261 0 0
L9647 de:03353:57105::5710502 Maschen, Kohlhöfen 53.393707091172 10.043156566261 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9679 de:03353:57403::5740301 Ashausen, Grundschule 53.365971983806 10.127673791786 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44144810 is too far from computed projection point (53.366415,10.127415) on shape 5709 (at arc-length 5612.22m): 52.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144787 is too far from computed projection point (53.366415,10.127415) on shape 5716 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9728 de:03355:60605::6060502 Wendisch Evern, Lüneburger Straße 53.219624311796 10.469977167109 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43990031 is too far from computed projection point (53.219097,10.469720) on shape 6232 (at arc-length 2938.05m): 61.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43990028 is too far from computed projection point (53.219097,10.469720) on shape 6235 (at arc-length 2938.05m): 61.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9800 de:03353:62812::6281201 Vaerloh, Ort 53.278373152153 9.611035454021 0 0
L13684 de:03353:62812::6281202 Vaerloh, Ort 53.278345889875 9.611095031595 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9821 de:03353:63103::6310301 Tötensen, Ginsterhof 53.404742354054 9.934622525393 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44144280 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5333 (at arc-length 12251.47m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44144282 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5331 (at arc-length 8997.03m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44144281 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5332 (at arc-length 12251.47m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44144279 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5334 (at arc-length 7467.16m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44144275 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5334 (at arc-length 7467.16m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144278 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5335 (at arc-length 5975.17m): 67.35m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144277 is too far from computed projection point (53.404145,9.934795) on shape 5336 (at arc-length 9449.75m): 67.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L9835 de:03353:63200::6320001 Nenndorf, Oberschule 53.382884333196 9.879754564160 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44144312 is too far from computed projection point (53.383256,9.879326) on shape 7100 (at arc-length 21237.51m): 50.16m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144311 is too far from computed projection point (53.383256,9.879326) on shape 7101 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10011 de:03353:63800::6380001 Buchholz, Schulzentrum II 53.323661336293 9.841000413074 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44607559 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5655 (at arc-length 12709.41m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44607555 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5659 (at arc-length 3199.69m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607554 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5660 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44607550 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5672 (at arc-length 8246.88m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44607545 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5666 (at arc-length 8246.88m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44607546 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5665 (at arc-length 9813.48m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44607553 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5661 (at arc-length 6669.80m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44607547 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5664 (at arc-length 9941.39m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607552 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5670 (at arc-length 6670.26m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44141967 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4951 (at arc-length 8246.18m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44141989 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4955 (at arc-length 7574.54m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44141969 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4949 (at arc-length 39775.41m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44141939 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4971 (at arc-length 4906.63m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44141948 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4983 (at arc-length 4578.68m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44141946 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4985 (at arc-length 4578.68m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44141938 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4972 (at arc-length 4906.63m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44141937 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4973 (at arc-length 4578.68m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44141947 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 4984 (at arc-length 4906.63m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44144468 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5458 (at arc-length 44622.40m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44144465 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5461 (at arc-length 16090.32m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144470 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5456 (at arc-length 11883.54m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44144467 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5459 (at arc-length 12069.67m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44144458 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5466 (at arc-length 4906.64m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44145019 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5804 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44607522 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5492 (at arc-length 21112.30m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44607506 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5494 (at arc-length 28558.81m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44607496 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5499 (at arc-length 13377.68m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44607516 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5505 (at arc-length 3911.17m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44607515 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5506 (at arc-length 15437.13m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44607512 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5509 (at arc-length 20020.14m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44607505 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5512 (at arc-length 35119.30m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44607503 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5514 (at arc-length 15503.75m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607480 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5519 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607492 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5526 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607490 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5528 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607474 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5523 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607491 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5527 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 44607540 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5579 (at arc-length 45202.04m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607529 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5590 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607527 is too far from computed projection point (53.323117,9.841680) on shape 5592 (at arc-length 0.00m): 75.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10024 de:03355:64806::6480602 Radbruch, Schäfer-Ast-Straße 53.311552884869 10.285791162212 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43989848 is too far from computed projection point (53.316822,10.291854) on shape 6161 (at arc-length 14024.40m): 711.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43989842 is too far from computed projection point (53.316822,10.291854) on shape 6165 (at arc-length 21596.92m): 711.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43989841 is too far from computed projection point (53.316822,10.291854) on shape 6166 (at arc-length 18280.15m): 711.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10060 de:03353:70506::7050602 Bendestorf, Freibad 53.339309175616 9.972810620696 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607502 is too far from computed projection point (53.339673,9.972248) on shape 5515 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10088 de:03353:70613::7061301 Jesteburg, Sandbarg 53.307666287862 9.953307735431 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144257 is too far from computed projection point (53.308180,9.953079) on shape 5301 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.11m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144252 is too far from computed projection point (53.308180,9.953079) on shape 5305 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.11m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607504 is too far from computed projection point (53.308180,9.953079) on shape 5513 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10168 de:03353:71401::7140102 Wesel, Am Höllenhoff 53.228862550644 9.918805420751 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44144381 is too far from computed projection point (53.228347,9.919274) on shape 5393 (at arc-length 44430.97m): 65.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10237 de:03353:72201::7220101 Bf. Handeloh (Hauptstraße) 53.244060360887 9.843092793100 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44144665 is too far from computed projection point (53.238374,9.857929) on shape 5622 (at arc-length 20394.74m): 1172.39m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44144664 is too far from computed projection point (53.238374,9.857929) on shape 5623 (at arc-length 22882.19m): 1172.39m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10258 de:03353:75002::7500203 Trelde, Trelder Berg 53.324443871312 9.811059723741 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141936 is too far from computed projection point (53.325525,9.810615) on shape 4974 (at arc-length 0.00m): 123.79m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44141937 is too far from computed projection point (53.325525,9.810615) on shape 4973 (at arc-length 8938.49m): 123.79m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10259 de:03353:75003::7500301 Trelde, Tannengrund 53.320805711746 9.792202220941 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607549 is too far from computed projection point (53.320535,9.791042) on shape 5662 (at arc-length 3089.59m): 82.74m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607546 is too far from computed projection point (53.320535,9.791042) on shape 5665 (at arc-length 3089.59m): 82.74m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607547 is too far from computed projection point (53.320535,9.791042) on shape 5664 (at arc-length 3089.59m): 82.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10296 de:03353:15503::7530401 Bf. Tostedt 53.271918842065 9.731144169350 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44144998 is too far from computed projection point (53.271609,9.730389) on shape 6391 (at arc-length 18459.01m): 60.90m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144987 is too far from computed projection point (53.271609,9.730389) on shape 6395 (at arc-length 0.00m): 60.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10301 de:03353:73580::7530801 Tostedt, Am Brook 53.267963829101 9.731361410627 0 0
L10302 de:03353:73580::7530802 Tostedt, Am Brook 53.267936691005 9.731390923439 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10364 de:03353:79701::7970101 Bahlburg, Ortsmitte 53.303582374196 10.182492682133 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144822 is too far from computed projection point (53.308866,10.174510) on shape 6935 (at arc-length 1872.05m): 791.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10374 de:03353:79708::7970801 Vierhöfen, Lange Heide 53.274019631109 10.218958467943 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44144425 is too far from computed projection point (53.274572,10.219152) on shape 5409 (at arc-length 2050.92m): 62.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10375 de:03353:79708::7970802 Vierhöfen, Lange Heide 53.274022696536 10.218658736938 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144404 is too far from computed projection point (53.274609,10.218864) on shape 5427 (at arc-length 9143.50m): 66.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10378 de:03353:79710::7971001 Bahlburg, Sandhöfen 53.302733419765 10.180204075747 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144822 is too far from computed projection point (53.308866,10.174510) on shape 6935 (at arc-length 1872.05m): 779.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10391 de:03355:80200::8020001 Scharnebeck, Schulzentrum 53.289879764996 10.497359072502 0 0
L16032 de:03355:80200::8020007 Scharnebeck, Schulzentrum 53.289843270755 10.497402786488 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10443 de:03355:81100::8100101 Süttorf 53.247929730828 10.635574232245 0 0
L10444 de:03355:81100::8100102 Süttorf 53.247957498485 10.635515361562 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10464 de:03355:81402::8140202 Karze, Auf dem Weel 53.310703523353 10.668403417250 0 0
L10465 de:03355:81402::8140203 Karze, Auf dem Weel 53.310703523353 10.668403417250 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10478 de:03355:81603::8160301 Bleckeder Moor, Am Papenkamp 53.291846310242 10.701713667092 0 0
L10479 de:03355:81603::8160302 Bleckeder Moor, Am Papenkamp 53.291882663939 10.701685116572 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10486 de:03355:81704::8170401 Bleckede, Schulzentrum 53.285436921985 10.731180631896 0 0
L16365 de:03355:81704::8170407 Bleckede, Schulzentrum 53.285473500218 10.731137123606 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10510 de:03355:81722::8172202 Bleckede, Barskamper Weg 53.281665429975 10.750671026373 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43989116 is too far from computed projection point (53.282124,10.750383) on shape 6644 (at arc-length 3256.13m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43989109 is too far from computed projection point (53.282124,10.750383) on shape 6647 (at arc-length 3336.70m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43989108 is too far from computed projection point (53.282124,10.750383) on shape 6648 (at arc-length 3336.70m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43989093 is too far from computed projection point (53.282124,10.750383) on shape 6657 (at arc-length 1152.74m): 54.50m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 43989098 is too far from computed projection point (53.282124,10.750383) on shape 6668 (at arc-length 1152.74m): 54.50m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10522 de:03355:82300::8200301 Alt Garge, Waldbad 53.258065641301 10.804347057915 0 0
L10523 de:03355:82300::8200302 Alt Garge, Waldbad 53.258029036962 10.804390475788 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10524 de:03355:84200::8200401 Alt Garge, Turnhalle 53.265369150581 10.797984582543 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989086 is too far from computed projection point (53.265465,10.798768) on shape 6664 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.18m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10534 de:03355:82303::8230301 Barskamp, Walmsburger Straße 53.241705729674 10.793905960804 0 0
L10535 de:03355:82303::8230302 Barskamp, Walmsburger Straße 53.241669805439 10.793904457575 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10549 de:03355:83201::8320101 Jürgenstorf, Jürgenstorfer Straße 53.323178514290 10.597402845632 0 0
L10550 de:03355:83201::8320102 Jürgenstorf, Jürgenstorfer Straße 53.323196076039 10.597433519622 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10566 de:03355:83502::8350201 Barförde, Poggenort 53.360467385687 10.643368187756 0 0
L10567 de:03355:83502::8350202 Barförde, Poggenort 53.360422477745 10.643366458849 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10588 de:03355:84301::8430101 Neu Jürgenstorf, Ort 53.307353611739 10.614740680216 0 0
L10589 de:03355:84301::8430102 Neu Jürgenstorf, Ort 53.307362593536 10.614741019323 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10597 de:03355:85060::8500601 Dahlenburg, Grundschule 53.187949627309 10.741672411854 0 0
L10598 de:03355:85060::8500602 Dahlenburg, Grundschule 53.187913701736 10.741670955214 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10618 de:03355:85604::8560401 Süschendorf, Ort 53.167841105653 10.783897805667 0 0
L10619 de:03355:85604::8560402 Süschendorf, Ort 53.167822919242 10.783912005902 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10652 de:03355:87201::8720101 Harmstorf bei Dahlem 53.214343306813 10.759421203474 0 0
L10653 de:03355:87201::8720102 Harmstorf bei Dahlem 53.214325565308 10.759405504997 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10733 de:03355:89146::8914601 Adendorf, Röntgenstraße 53.282167840646 10.448043255581 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44386461 is too far from computed projection point (53.282077,10.448850) on shape 5832 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44386445 is too far from computed projection point (53.282077,10.448850) on shape 5833 (at arc-length 1562.91m): 54.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10734 de:03355:89201::8920101 Brietlingen, Schierenweg 53.314137217639 10.434210359681 0 0
L10735 de:03355:89201::8920102 Brietlingen, Schierenweg 53.314128415530 10.434195059103 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10737 de:03355:89302::8930201 Brietlingen, Grundschule 53.333693324586 10.445930698675 0 0
L10738 de:03355:89302::8930202 Brietlingen, Grundschule 53.333711289516 10.445931306612 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10747 de:03355:89307::8930701 Brietlingen, Denkmal 53.333043013982 10.443236556738 0 0
L10748 de:03355:89307::8930702 Brietlingen, Denkmal 53.333016429772 10.443205634849 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10754 de:03355:89501::8950101 Marienthal, Alte Salzstraße 53.362302929660 10.472557796525 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43990470 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6284 (at arc-length 10256.69m): 89.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43990451 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6285 (at arc-length 7919.43m): 89.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43990443 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6286 (at arc-length 10256.69m): 89.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43990416 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6288 (at arc-length 15627.78m): 89.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43990427 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6287 (at arc-length 15627.78m): 89.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43990407 is too far from computed projection point (53.361907,10.473734) on shape 6289 (at arc-length 16203.40m): 89.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10811 de:03355:91502::9150201 Drögennindorf, Celler Landstraße 53.151578984829 10.295174995528 0 0
L10812 de:03355:91502::9150202 Drögennindorf, Celler Landstraße 53.151605284286 10.295235580842 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10831 de:03355:91920::9190202 Wetzen, Dorfstraße 53.174549915185 10.239257625016 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43990181 is too far from computed projection point (53.174679,10.238110) on shape 6257 (at arc-length 7321.89m): 77.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10852 de:03355:92504::9250401 Amelinghausen, Grundschule 53.125204648463 10.220328215507 0 0
L10853 de:03355:92504::9250402 Amelinghausen, Grundschule 53.125187140750 10.220282902086 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10872 de:03355:93601::9360101 Rolfsen, Alte Rolfsener Straße 53.163131677753 10.157723072300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43990191 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6253 (at arc-length 14061.00m): 68.23m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43990183 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6254 (at arc-length 18541.26m): 68.23m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43990188 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6255 (at arc-length 19599.23m): 68.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10873 de:03355:93601::9360102 Rolfsen, Alte Rolfsener Straße 53.163130659999 10.157827709880 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43990207 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6246 (at arc-length 0.00m): 67.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43990198 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6250 (at arc-length 0.00m): 67.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43990200 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6249 (at arc-length 0.00m): 67.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43990192 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6252 (at arc-length 10050.20m): 67.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43990190 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6254 (at arc-length 18541.26m): 67.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43990180 is too far from computed projection point (53.163742,10.157829) on shape 6255 (at arc-length 19599.23m): 67.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L10979 de:03353:94900::9490001 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363767125869 10.224614774284 0 0
L16354 de:03353:94900::9490008 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363793458827 10.224675619542 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11105 de:03353:19702::9700201 Evendorf, Brocken 53.141992592954 10.056710712541 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44493750 is too far from computed projection point (53.142457,10.057006) on shape 5029 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.27m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44493748 is too far from computed projection point (53.142457,10.057006) on shape 5030 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11106 de:03352:100215::1 Wingst-Höden Moorwege 1 53.759619441702 9.077102444054 0 0
L12580 de:03352:100215::2 Wingst-Höden Moorwege 1 53.759646376075 9.077132818478 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11160 de:03355:15053::15005301 Lüneburg, Osterwiese 53.214812616373 10.374749190695 0 0
L11161 de:03355:15053::15005302 Lüneburg, Osterwiese 53.214794996003 10.374718685262 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11204 de:03355:15087::15008701 Lüneburg, St.-Stephanus-Platz 53.238120889779 10.435860468585 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 43990572 is too far from computed projection point (53.238438,10.434882) on shape 6633 (at arc-length 4712.35m): 74.05m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11216 de:03355:15095::15009501 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L11317 de:03355:15095::25010001 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992123211 10.385576047085 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11216 de:03355:15095::15009501 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L11318 de:03355:15095::25010401 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983314495 10.385560785639 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11216 de:03355:15095::15009501 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L12061 de:03355:15095::25010201 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.233000757785 10.385606279767 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11216 de:03355:15095::15009501 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L12581 de:03355:15095::25010101 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11216 de:03355:15095::15009501 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L12582 de:03355:15095::25010301 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983488629 10.385545814415 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11299 de:03355:62532::25003201 Lüneburg, Teufelsküche 53.238210424981 10.384261780929 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43987069 is too far from computed projection point (53.238354,10.385030) on shape 5818 (at arc-length 3283.18m): 53.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11317 de:03355:15095::25010001 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992123211 10.385576047085 0 0
L11318 de:03355:15095::25010401 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983314495 10.385560785639 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11317 de:03355:15095::25010001 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992123211 10.385576047085 0 0
L12061 de:03355:15095::25010201 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.233000757785 10.385606279767 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11317 de:03355:15095::25010001 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992123211 10.385576047085 0 0
L12581 de:03355:15095::25010101 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11317 de:03355:15095::25010001 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992123211 10.385576047085 0 0
L12582 de:03355:15095::25010301 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983488629 10.385545814415 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11318 de:03355:15095::25010401 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983314495 10.385560785639 0 0
L12061 de:03355:15095::25010201 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.233000757785 10.385606279767 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11318 de:03355:15095::25010401 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983314495 10.385560785639 0 0
L12581 de:03355:15095::25010101 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11318 de:03355:15095::25010401 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983314495 10.385560785639 0 0
L12582 de:03355:15095::25010301 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983488629 10.385545814415 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11343 de:02000:41909::41953401 Hohenwisch (Kehre) 53.502321124622 9.878278796277 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 45141873 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6694 (at arc-length 11410.42m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 45141862 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6697 (at arc-length 5744.84m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 45141924 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6703 (at arc-length 14392.56m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141910 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6709 (at arc-length 85.24m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 45141929 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6700 (at arc-length 10796.83m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 45141923 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6704 (at arc-length 11410.42m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 45141912 is too far from computed projection point (53.502553,9.877334) on shape 6708 (at arc-length 11414.50m): 67.60m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 45141941 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6689 (at arc-length 9233.94m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 45141920 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6690 (at arc-length 14392.56m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 45141896 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6691 (at arc-length 15236.22m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 45141874 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6693 (at arc-length 16799.11m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 45141864 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6695 (at arc-length 13879.66m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 45141863 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6696 (at arc-length 15955.46m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 45141931 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6698 (at arc-length 10796.83m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 45141928 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6701 (at arc-length 11410.42m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 45141927 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6702 (at arc-length 15490.66m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 45141922 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6705 (at arc-length 16499.38m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 45141921 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6706 (at arc-length 14936.49m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141913 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6707 (at arc-length 85.24m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141827 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6717 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141842 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6714 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141835 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6716 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141858 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6713 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141841 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6715 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141776 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6720 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45141775 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6721 (at arc-length 5226.29m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141853 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6723 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141805 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6718 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45141777 is too far from computed projection point (53.502102,9.877491) on shape 6719 (at arc-length 4360.78m): 57.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11356 de:03353:41924::41959301 Vahrendorf, Museumsweg 53.432875813196 9.903146244703 0 0
L11357 de:03353:41924::41959302 Vahrendorf, Museumsweg 53.432902423880 9.903191948303 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11360 de:03353:41927::41959701 Museum Kiekeberg 53.439976710517 9.905208136627 0 0
L14803 de:03353:41927::419597 Museum Kiekeberg 53.439976710517 9.905208136627 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11366 de:03353:43009::430010 Maschen, Gewerbegebiet 53.386395591628 10.024160018097 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44143377 is too far from computed projection point (53.386478,10.025019) on shape 5090 (at arc-length 2943.89m): 57.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11374 de:03353:43003::430053 Maschen, Milchberg 53.403261394594 10.051058809143 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44143370 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5086 (at arc-length 13740.61m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44143368 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5088 (at arc-length 12747.92m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44143376 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5091 (at arc-length 9023.05m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44143311 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 6883 (at arc-length 6729.65m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44607523 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5583 (at arc-length 19023.31m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44607535 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5584 (at arc-length 26070.56m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44607534 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5585 (at arc-length 18210.37m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44607532 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5587 (at arc-length 16943.07m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44607530 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5589 (at arc-length 16999.92m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44607525 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5594 (at arc-length 26251.25m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 37 on examplar trip 44607531 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5588 (at arc-length 30366.94m): 68.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44607529 is too far from computed projection point (53.402718,10.050564) on shape 5590 (at arc-length 26192.75m): 68.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11393 de:03353:43912::439564 Hittfeld, Kirche 53.386774158961 9.983437293260 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144273 is too far from computed projection point (53.387085,9.982813) on shape 5338 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.93m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11394 de:03353:43912::439565 Hittfeld, Kirche 53.386647145231 9.983584665152 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144247 is too far from computed projection point (53.387085,9.982813) on shape 5316 (at arc-length 1583.71m): 70.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11410 de:03353:45951::45951301 Ramelsloh, Horner Straße 53.340612315355 10.024293086087 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44144038 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5266 (at arc-length 6494.83m): 51.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144037 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5267 (at arc-length 1997.60m): 51.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144036 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5268 (at arc-length 3719.04m): 51.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144034 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5270 (at arc-length 3719.04m): 51.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44607538 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5581 (at arc-length 18218.00m): 51.69m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44607540 is too far from computed projection point (53.340287,10.024846) on shape 5579 (at arc-length 24493.20m): 51.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44607539 is too far from computed projection point (53.340287,10.024846) on shape 5580 (at arc-length 4523.77m): 51.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44607537 is too far from computed projection point (53.340287,10.024846) on shape 5582 (at arc-length 7923.83m): 51.54m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44607523 is too far from computed projection point (53.340311,10.024886) on shape 5583 (at arc-length 11103.29m): 51.69m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11411 de:03353:45951::45951302 Ramelsloh, Horner Straße 53.340729234749 10.024280875823 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44144024 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5275 (at arc-length 11810.76m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44144020 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5279 (at arc-length 10646.22m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44144031 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5280 (at arc-length 14595.56m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44144030 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5281 (at arc-length 11810.91m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44144028 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5283 (at arc-length 10289.71m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44144025 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5274 (at arc-length 10646.22m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44144029 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5282 (at arc-length 10292.82m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44144027 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5284 (at arc-length 10333.82m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44144021 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5278 (at arc-length 11810.76m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44607541 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5577 (at arc-length 7862.94m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44607536 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5578 (at arc-length 7919.79m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607532 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5587 (at arc-length 9080.13m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607530 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5589 (at arc-length 9080.13m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44607525 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5594 (at arc-length 18331.46m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44607531 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5588 (at arc-length 22447.15m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44607529 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5590 (at arc-length 18329.81m): 61.45m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44607528 is too far from computed projection point (53.340312,10.024889) on shape 5591 (at arc-length 13270.52m): 61.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11572 de:02000:51001::51000102 Estebogen 53.530615060494 9.771715016101 0 0
L11573 de:02000:51001::51000103 Estebogen 53.530642305336 9.771670269394 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11582 de:02000:51934::51952801 Alter Fährweg (Kehre) 53.531908554447 9.777318623032 0 0
L11583 de:02000:51934::51952802 Alter Fährweg (Kehre) 53.531926620960 9.777303872890 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11608 de:03359:51914::51956502 Jork, Marktplatz 53.533115571072 9.679566393810 0 0
L14534 de:03359:51914::51956504 Jork, Marktplatz 53.533088360526 9.679611202517 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11621 de:02000:51921::51958101 Schule Arp-Schnitger-Stieg 53.516686931359 9.811186634326 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45141862 is too far from computed projection point (53.516219,9.811313) on shape 6697 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.70m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11684 de:03353:43907::82470201 Fleestedt, Grundschule 53.404879627363 9.998651057187 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44143121 is too far from computed projection point (53.404887,9.997749) on shape 5073 (at arc-length 0.00m): 59.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11686 de:02000:82571::82571601 Fischbeker Moor (Schule) 53.473380538640 9.835510996350 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 45141873 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6694 (at arc-length 17109.72m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 45141862 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6697 (at arc-length 11444.14m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 45141924 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6703 (at arc-length 20091.86m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 45141910 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6709 (at arc-length 5784.54m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 45141909 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6710 (at arc-length 20262.91m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 45141906 is too far from computed projection point (53.473167,9.836471) on shape 6711 (at arc-length 19832.68m): 67.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11763 de:02000:90054::900541 UK Eppendorf (Haupteingang) 53.589134369548 9.974888459929 0 0
L11764 de:02000:90054::900542 UK Eppendorf (Haupteingang) 53.589134369548 9.974888459929 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11773 de:01053:85709::857091 Müssen, Louisenhof 6 53.492606634777 10.535596642337 0 0
L11774 de:01053:85709::857096 Müssen, Louisenhof 6 53.492606634777 10.535596642337 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11775 de:01060:75488::754882 Nehms, Kastanienweg 54.020287419026 10.347829376673 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 696.88m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 696.88m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 696.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11795 de:01060:75767::757671 Leezen, Seestraße 53.870390706159 10.255657987244 0 0
L11796 de:01060:75767::757676 Leezen, Seestraße 53.870390706159 10.255657987244 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11801 de:01061:103150::1 Aebtissinwisch 53.967558418624 9.288424743131 0 0
L11802 de:01061:103150::2 Aebtissinwisch 53.967558418624 9.288424743131 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11803 de:01061:65398::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Achterhörn 1 53.955274557338 9.296672377248 0 0
L11804 de:01061:65398::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Achterhörn 1 53.955274557338 9.296672377248 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11805 de:01061:65399::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 33 53.953707590178 9.298154036049 0 0
L11806 de:01061:65399::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 33 53.953707590178 9.298154036049 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11807 de:01061:65400::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Achterhörn (Nord) 53.966347785334 9.302099479159 0 0
L11808 de:01061:65400::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Achterhörn (Nord) 53.966347785334 9.302099479159 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11809 de:01061:15132::1 Brokdorf, Arentsee 20 53.870912106381 9.303066953376 0 0
L11810 de:01061:15132::2 Brokdorf, Arentsee 20 53.870912106381 9.303066953376 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11811 de:01061:65401::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 6 53.943354731062 9.330076063531 0 0
L11812 de:01061:65401::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 6 53.943354731062 9.330076063531 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11813 de:01061:65402::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 11 53.941806703592 9.317774510535 0 0
L11814 de:01061:65402::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 11 53.941806703592 9.317774510535 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11815 de:01061:65404::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 1 53.941159055747 9.340946829576 0 0
L11816 de:01061:65404::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 1 53.941150071490 9.340946756181 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11817 de:01061:65405::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 18 53.937371933105 9.316431241137 0 0
L11818 de:01061:65405::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Averfleth 18 53.937371933105 9.316431241137 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11819 de:01061:65406::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Alte Schmiede 53.949935142469 9.301340881874 0 0
L11820 de:01061:65406::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Alte Schmiede 53.949935142469 9.301340881874 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11829 de:01061:15147::1 Brokdorf, Landscheide 53.873921828806 9.346206494616 0 0
L11830 de:01061:15147::2 Brokdorf, Landscheide 53.873921828806 9.346206494616 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11831 de:01061:68830::1 Nortorf, Kanalstrich 53.929135272762 9.287047836951 0 0
L11832 de:01061:68830::2 Nortorf, Kanalstrich 53.929135272762 9.287047836951 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11835 de:01061:17294::1 Büttel, Schmiedestraße 53.899865802012 9.232246889683 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44184095 is too far from computed projection point (53.899029,9.231551) on shape 2921 (at arc-length 9102.20m): 103.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44184093 is too far from computed projection point (53.899029,9.231551) on shape 2923 (at arc-length 12786.16m): 103.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11836 de:01061:99003::1 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 5 53.835286819889 9.373532499036 0 0
L11837 de:01061:99003::2 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 5 53.835286819889 9.373532499036 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11839 de:01061:100050::1 Nortorf, Diekdorf 53.927466564020 9.359452967748 0 0
L11840 de:01061:100050::2 Nortorf, Diekdorf 53.927466564020 9.359452967748 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11841 de:01061:7978::1 Beidenfleth, Dodenkopp (Mitte) 53.869067341303 9.374046747326 0 0
L11842 de:01061:7978::2 Beidenfleth, Dodenkopp (Mitte) 53.869067341303 9.374046747326 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11844 de:01061:65409::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 36 53.946779823159 9.354547642190 0 0
L11845 de:01061:65409::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 36 53.946779823159 9.354547642190 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11846 de:01061:65413::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Dückerstieg 53.947484189702 9.353335189179 0 0
L11847 de:01061:65413::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Dückerstieg 53.947484189702 9.353335189179 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11848 de:01061:68831::1 Nortorf, Duckunder 53.935272044000 9.308589155545 0 0
L11849 de:01061:68831::2 Nortorf, Duckunder 53.935272044000 9.308589155545 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11850 de:01061:22778::1 Ecklak, Seedorf 53.947759196264 9.255679244818 0 0
L11851 de:01061:22778::2 Ecklak, Seedorf 53.947759196264 9.255679244818 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11852 de:01061:22783::1 Ecklak, Hauptstraße 2 53.941493931403 9.257133204943 0 0
L11853 de:01061:22783::2 Ecklak, Hauptstraße 2 53.941493931403 9.257133204943 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11854 de:01061:22784::2 Ecklak, Am Schötenweg 53.961833774585 9.277674461544 0 0
L11855 de:01061:22784::1 Ecklak, Am Schötenweg 53.961833774585 9.277674461544 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11856 de:01061:22780::1 Ecklak, Alte Schule 53.954212911569 9.262649784133 0 0
L11857 de:01061:22780::2 Ecklak, Alte Schule 53.954212911569 9.262649784133 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11858 de:01061:22779::1 Ecklak, Ackenboer Straße (Nord) 53.943246809261 9.288317550576 0 0
L11859 de:01061:22779::2 Ecklak, Ackenboer Straße (Nord) 53.943246809261 9.288317550576 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11860 de:01061:22781::1 Ecklak, Hörner Weg 53.937836645472 9.265652960720 0 0
L11861 de:01061:22781::2 Ecklak, Hörner Weg 53.937836645472 9.265652960720 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11862 de:01061:22782::2 Ecklak, Eschenweg 53.937295198431 9.274678959171 0 0
L11863 de:01061:22782::1 Ecklak, Eschenweg 53.937295198431 9.274678959171 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11866 de:01061:65410::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Goldbogen 53.937806216742 9.347771565497 0 0
L11867 de:01061:65410::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Goldbogen 53.937806216742 9.347771565497 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11868 de:01061:15134::2 Brokdorf, Arentsee 28 53.875714479889 9.286589823293 0 0
L11869 de:01061:15134::1 Brokdorf, Arentsee 28 53.875714479889 9.286589823293 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11870 de:01061:7982::1 Beidenfleth, Groß Kampen (Nord) 53.903697104490 9.421780352542 0 0
L11871 de:01061:7982::2 Beidenfleth, Groß Kampen (Nord) 53.903697104490 9.421780352542 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11872 de:01061:7981::1 Beidenfleth, Groß Kampen (Süd) 53.883726098215 9.413564737973 0 0
L11873 de:01061:7981::2 Beidenfleth, Groß Kampen (Süd) 53.883726098215 9.413564737973 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11877 de:01061:68829::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 22 53.944224296033 9.361881676036 0 0
L11878 de:01061:68829::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 22 53.944224296033 9.361881676036 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11879 de:01061:68832::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 18 53.941736946458 9.364403249832 0 0
L11880 de:01061:68832::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hackeboe 18 53.941736946458 9.364403249832 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11881 de:01061:86478::1 St. Margarethen, Heideducht 28 53.880622874716 9.261807069042 0 0
L11882 de:01061:86478::2 St. Margarethen, Heideducht 28 53.880622874716 9.261807069042 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11883 de:01061:65412::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hinter-Neuendorf 53.956343830898 9.337399614981 0 0
L11884 de:01061:65412::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Hinter-Neuendorf 53.956343830898 9.337399614981 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11885 de:01061:65407::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Bauernmoorweg 53.964250478431 9.314121163850 0 0
L11886 de:01061:65407::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Bauernmoorweg 53.964250478431 9.314121163850 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11887 de:01061:65411::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Schulweg 53.960789404837 9.328309629313 0 0
L11888 de:01061:65411::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Schulweg 53.960789404837 9.328309629313 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11889 de:01061:18909::2 Dammfleth, Feuerwehr 53.892636659601 9.376021961494 0 0
L11890 de:01061:18909::1 Dammfleth, Feuerwehr 53.892636659601 9.376021961494 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11891 de:01061:99010::1 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 7 53.838531849468 9.361302360650 0 0
L11892 de:01061:99010::2 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 7 53.838531849468 9.361302360650 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11893 de:01061:99011::1 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 30a 53.844137377766 9.349485024830 0 0
L11894 de:01061:99011::2 Wewelsfleth, Hollerwettern 30a 53.844137377766 9.349485024830 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11895 de:01061:88865::1 Stördorf, Honigflether Weg 53.925500140527 9.409518009356 0 0
L11896 de:01061:88865::2 Stördorf, Honigflether Weg 53.925500140527 9.409518009356 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11897 de:01061:68828::1 Nortorf, Nortorf 2 53.927494743634 9.292973588786 0 0
L11898 de:01061:68828::2 Nortorf, Nortorf 2 53.927494743634 9.292973588786 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11900 de:01061:100056::2 Stördorf, Kasenort 6 53.910736251281 9.407562497685 0 0
L11901 de:01061:100056::1 Stördorf, Kasenort 6 53.910736251281 9.407562497685 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11902 de:01061:100060::1 Stördorf, Kathener Weg (Nord) 53.914885658349 9.389066675689 0 0
L11903 de:01061:100060::2 Stördorf, Kathener Weg (Nord) 53.914885658349 9.389066675689 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11904 de:01061:18911::1 Beidenfleth, Klein Kampen 53.897618217464 9.399737175600 0 0
L11905 de:01061:18911::2 Beidenfleth, Klein Kampen 53.897618217464 9.399737175600 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11909 de:01061:7983::1 Beidenfleth, Riep (Süd) 53.869286762625 9.400667524564 0 0
L11910 de:01061:7983::2 Beidenfleth, Riep (Süd) 53.869286762625 9.400667524564 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11912 de:01061:7979::2 Wewelsfleth, Fielweg (West) 53.855241748758 9.390411952300 0 0
L11913 de:01061:7979::1 Wewelsfleth, Fielweg (West) 53.855241748758 9.390411952300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11914 de:01061:51846::1 Büttel, Alter Bahnhof Kudensee 53.922438002931 9.225888228534 0 0
L11915 de:01061:51846::2 Büttel, Alter Bahnhof Kudensee 53.922438002931 9.225888228534 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11917 de:01061:53051::1 Büttel, Kuhlen 23 53.920658716289 9.235406725578 0 0
L11918 de:01061:53051::2 Büttel, Kuhlen 23 53.920658716289 9.235406725578 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11919 de:01061:53049::1 Landscheide, Am Bahnhof 53.920029973954 9.252952334232 0 0
L11920 de:01061:53049::2 Landscheide, Am Bahnhof 53.920029973954 9.252952334232 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11921 de:01061:53048::1 Landscheide, Flethseer Straße 23a 53.923942586607 9.250875431617 0 0
L11922 de:01061:53048::2 Landscheide, Flethseer Straße 23a 53.923942586607 9.250875431617 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11924 de:01061:53052::2 Landscheide, Birkenallee 53.933436176822 9.247994031998 0 0
L11925 de:01061:53052::1 Landscheide, Birkenallee 53.933436176822 9.247994031998 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11927 de:01061:18912::1 Dammfleth, Neufeld (Nord) 53.903796677959 9.336305801968 0 0
L11929 de:01061:18912::3 Dammfleth, Neufeld (Nord) 53.903796677959 9.336305801968 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11930 de:01061:18913::1 Dammfleth, Neufeld (Mitte) 53.895946925349 9.347940459105 0 0
L11931 de:01061:18913::2 Dammfleth, Neufeld (Mitte) 53.895946925349 9.347940459105 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11932 de:01061:18914::1 Dammfleth, Neumühlen 11 53.878723744940 9.377554306510 0 0
L11933 de:01061:18914::2 Dammfleth, Neumühlen 11 53.878723744940 9.377554306510 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11935 de:01061:73555::1 Brokdorf, Siethwende (Süd) 53.871508405246 9.338721927881 0 0
L15837 de:01061:73555::2 Brokdorf, Siethwende (Süd) 53.871508405246 9.338721927881 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11936 de:01061:18915::1 Dammfleth, Poßfeld 53.899108904534 9.325771210469 0 0
L11937 de:01061:18915::2 Dammfleth, Poßfeld 53.899108904534 9.325771210469 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11938 de:01061:68833::1 Dammfleth, Rehweg 2 53.908394204970 9.346659414382 0 0
L11939 de:01061:68833::2 Dammfleth, Rehweg 2 53.908394204970 9.346659414382 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11940 de:01061:18916::1 Dammfleth, Rotenmeer 13 53.883125728849 9.354159934099 0 0
L11941 de:01061:18916::2 Dammfleth, Rotenmeer 13 53.883125728849 9.354159934099 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11942 de:01061:18907::1 Dammfleth, Rotenmeer 1 53.888688731558 9.350572073115 0 0
L11943 de:01061:18907::2 Dammfleth, Rotenmeer 1 53.888688731558 9.350572073115 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11946 de:01061:65408::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Dorfstraße 6 53.963045833442 9.340714370881 0 0
L11947 de:01061:65408::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Dorfstraße 6 53.963045833442 9.340714370881 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11948 de:01061:65414::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Abzw. Sachsenbande 53.957313613494 9.359237853033 0 0
L11949 de:01061:65414::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Abzw. Sachsenbande 53.957313613494 9.359237853033 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11950 de:01061:65415::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Burger Straße 53.962040463503 9.327496747655 0 0
L11951 de:01061:65415::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Burger Straße 53.962040463503 9.327496747655 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11952 de:01061:68834::1 Nortorf, Sandhorstweg 53.921560848319 9.301881902001 0 0
L11953 de:01061:68834::2 Nortorf, Sandhorstweg 53.921560848319 9.301881902001 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11954 de:01061:86390::1 St. Margarethen, Heideducht 32 53.878337318680 9.267449125012 0 0
L11955 de:01061:86390::2 St. Margarethen, Heideducht 32 53.878337318680 9.267449125012 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11956 de:01061:68812::1 Nortorf, Schotten (Ost) 53.916973696420 9.324449470452 0 0
L11957 de:01061:68812::2 Nortorf, Schotten (Ost) 53.916973696420 9.324449470452 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11958 de:01061:68814::1 Nortorf, Schotten (Mitte) 53.916029681687 9.314580222653 0 0
L11959 de:01061:68814::2 Nortorf, Schotten (Mitte) 53.916029681687 9.314580222653 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11960 de:01061:68815::1 Nortorf, Dwerfeld 1 53.918092704754 9.338901715834 0 0
L11961 de:01061:68815::2 Nortorf, Dwerfeld 1 53.918092704754 9.338901715834 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11962 de:01061:68813::1 Nortorf, Dwerfeld 5 53.914192118560 9.329708629655 0 0
L11963 de:01061:68813::2 Nortorf, Dwerfeld 5 53.914192118560 9.329708629655 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11964 de:01061:84590::1 Brokdorf, Siethwende (Nord) 53.893641028111 9.296675846908 0 0
L11965 de:01061:84590::2 Brokdorf, Siethwende (Nord) 53.893641028111 9.296675846908 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11966 de:01061:86479::1 St. Margarethen, Kirchducht 23 53.894837486054 9.244281469107 0 0
L11967 de:01061:86479::2 St. Margarethen, Kirchducht 23 53.894837486054 9.244281469107 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11968 de:01061:86480::1 St. Margarethen, Poststraße 53.890601156096 9.255116452967 0 0
L11969 de:01061:86480::2 St. Margarethen, Poststraße 53.890601156096 9.255116452967 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11970 de:01061:86481::1 St. Margarethen, Schule 53.891603996234 9.256719636507 0 0
L11971 de:01061:86481::2 St. Margarethen, Schule 53.891603996234 9.256719636507 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11972 de:01061:86482::1 St. Margarethen, Bahnhofstraße 21 53.894368076804 9.253983409123 0 0
L15949 de:01061:86482::2 St. Margarethen, Bahnhofstraße 21 53.894368076804 9.253983409123 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11978 de:01061:86392::1 St. Margarethen, Holstendamm (Ost) 53.907031917157 9.256008032112 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44184094 is too far from computed projection point (53.908053,9.257399) on shape 2922 (at arc-length 12321.54m): 145.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44184093 is too far from computed projection point (53.908053,9.257399) on shape 2923 (at arc-length 16385.04m): 145.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44184023 is too far from computed projection point (53.908053,9.257399) on shape 2908 (at arc-length 2068.36m): 145.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44184027 is too far from computed projection point (53.908053,9.257399) on shape 2905 (at arc-length 2068.36m): 145.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44184024 is too far from computed projection point (53.908053,9.257399) on shape 2907 (at arc-length 2068.36m): 145.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11978 de:01061:86392::1 St. Margarethen, Holstendamm (Ost) 53.907031917157 9.256008032112 0 0
L11979 de:01061:86392::2 St. Margarethen, Holstendamm (Ost) 53.907031917157 9.256008032112 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11982 de:01061:98913::1 Landscheide, Wetterndorf 53.913026077571 9.259484026404 0 0
L11983 de:01061:98913::2 Landscheide, Wetterndorf 53.913026077571 9.259484026404 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11984 de:01061:99007::1 Wewelsfleth, Fielweg (Ost) 53.846697536076 9.403915650643 0 0
L11985 de:01061:99007::2 Wewelsfleth, Fielweg (Ost) 53.846697536076 9.403915650643 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11986 de:01061:100057::1 Wilster, Haackstraße 53.922775968887 9.365622962826 0 0
L11987 de:01061:100057::2 Wilster, Haackstraße 53.922775968887 9.365622962826 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11988 de:01061:100064::1 Wilster, Johann-Meyer-Straße 53.924117510988 9.381998327764 0 0
L11989 de:01061:100064::2 Wilster, Johann-Meyer-Straße 53.924117510988 9.381998327764 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11991 de:01061:100061::1 Wilster, Hans-Prox-Straße 53.919980167598 9.371991087504 0 0
L11992 de:01061:100061::2 Wilster, Hans-Prox-Straße 53.919980167598 9.371991087504 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11993 de:01061:100062::1 Wilster, Allee 53.917416850685 9.378603981610 0 0
L11994 de:01061:100062::2 Wilster, Allee 53.917416850685 9.378603981610 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11996 de:01061:100065::2 Landrecht, Vereinsstraße 53.932340151742 9.369954471400 0 0
L11997 de:01061:100065::1 Landrecht, Vereinsstraße 53.932340151742 9.369954471400 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L11999 de:01061:68816::1 Nortorf, Kuskoppermoor 53.923396461808 9.350391469907 0 0
L12000 de:01061:68816::2 Nortorf, Kuskoppermoor 53.923405312606 9.350437209269 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12001 de:01061:65403::1 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Krützfleth 53.943991080356 9.320715148932 0 0
L12002 de:01061:65403::2 Neuendorf-Sachsenbande, Krützfleth 53.943991080356 9.320715148932 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12003 de:01060:75716::757161 Borstel (Sülfeld), Prehnshorst 53.817210977722 10.210746248434 0 0
L12004 de:01060:75716::757166 Borstel (Sülfeld), Prehnshorst 53.817210671089 10.210776607854 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12032 de:01056:99075::990751 Hemdingen, Schule 53.763444867446 9.836137635058 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44075994 is too far from computed projection point (53.763179,9.836906) on shape 1006 (at arc-length 16289.35m): 58.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44075995 is too far from computed projection point (53.763179,9.836906) on shape 1007 (at arc-length 19989.75m): 58.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44075993 is too far from computed projection point (53.763179,9.836906) on shape 1008 (at arc-length 18676.45m): 58.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075988 is too far from computed projection point (53.763179,9.836906) on shape 1011 (at arc-length 0.00m): 58.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12041 de:02000:55004::550013 Kornweide 53.481646330035 9.993976856073 0 0
L12848 de:02000:55004::550011 Kornweide 53.481691248797 9.993977906773 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 5.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12044 de:01060:75088::750881 Geschendorf, Wohldredder 53.921326261270 10.437554192235 0 0
L12045 de:01060:75088::750886 Geschendorf, Wohldredder 53.921326261270 10.437554192235 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12046 de:01053:26067::856971 Kröppelshagen, Finkenweg 53.486775526429 10.315690357527 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44200117 is too far from computed projection point (53.487243,10.315630) on shape 2667 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12050 de:01053:85898::858981 Geesthacht, Gutenbergstraße 53.455325605716 10.368418318151 0 0
L12051 de:01053:85898::858986 Geesthacht, Gutenbergstraße 53.455325605716 10.368418318151 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12054 de:03359:38403::3840301 Ahlerstedt, Grundschule 53.400129068688 9.448589318200 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 43852230 is too far from computed projection point (53.400588,9.448519) on shape 6573 (at arc-length 25624.04m): 51.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43852224 is too far from computed projection point (53.400588,9.448519) on shape 6576 (at arc-length 28748.60m): 51.24m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43852219 is too far from computed projection point (53.400588,9.448519) on shape 6579 (at arc-length 26489.59m): 51.24m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12061 de:03355:15095::25010201 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.233000757785 10.385606279767 0 0
L12581 de:03355:15095::25010101 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12061 de:03355:15095::25010201 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.233000757785 10.385606279767 0 0
L12582 de:03355:15095::25010301 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983488629 10.385545814415 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12062 de:01060:75768::757681 Heidmühlen, Wahlstedter Straße 70 53.964502915918 10.120114130536 0 0
L12063 de:01060:75768::757686 Heidmühlen, Wahlstedter Straße 70 53.964502915918 10.120114130536 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12065 de:01056:37202::372022 Langeln, Butterberg 53.798057199180 9.876058315702 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44075990 is too far from computed projection point (53.797945,9.877408) on shape 1010 (at arc-length 79.86m): 89.53m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44075988 is too far from computed projection point (53.797945,9.877408) on shape 1011 (at arc-length 6353.01m): 89.53m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12068 de:02000:10060::100029 S Hammerbrook (Nord) 53.547832411538 10.022820874672 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44364857 is too far from computed projection point (53.548673,10.022238) on shape 3151 (at arc-length 13323.01m): 101.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44364835 is too far from computed projection point (53.548673,10.022238) on shape 3152 (at arc-length 7573.02m): 101.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44364736 is too far from computed projection point (53.548673,10.022238) on shape 3154 (at arc-length 17230.23m): 101.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12090 de:01062:80667::806671 Fliegenfelde 53.850467214331 10.541059674049 0 0
L12091 de:01062:80667::806676 Fliegenfelde 53.850467409522 10.541044484415 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12092 de:01062:80848::808481 Heilshoop, Altenschleuse 53.890363710712 10.528350988590 0 0
L12093 de:01062:80848::808486 Heilshoop, Altenschleuse 53.890363710712 10.528350988590 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12094 de:01062:80849::808491 Langniendorf, Steinkoppel 53.908837704129 10.526240901033 0 0
L12095 de:01062:80849::808496 Langniendorf, Steinkoppel 53.908864841401 10.526226673051 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12098 de:01062:80852::808521 Trenthorst, Scharberg 53.794139363283 10.539448095048 0 0
L12099 de:01062:80852::808526 Trenthorst, Scharberg 53.794122179889 10.539386759738 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12104 de:01062:80855::808551 Wulmenau, Gut 53.768766476243 10.515282883073 0 0
L12105 de:01062:80855::808556 Wulmenau, Gut 53.768766476243 10.515282883073 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12106 de:01062:80856::808561 Rehhorst, Hamannsöhlen 53.867558472181 10.470128017183 0 0
L12107 de:01062:80856::808566 Rehhorst, Hamannsöhlen 53.867558472181 10.470128017183 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12108 de:01062:80857::808571 Voßkaten, Teicher Weg 53.856485819980 10.468873314157 0 0
L12109 de:01062:80857::808576 Voßkaten, Teicher Weg 53.856485819980 10.468873314157 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12110 de:01062:80858::808581 Ratzbek 53.840352458610 10.554057986008 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44195656 is too far from computed projection point (53.840832,10.553817) on shape 2684 (at arc-length 16552.16m): 55.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44195651 is too far from computed projection point (53.840832,10.553817) on shape 2686 (at arc-length 5259.32m): 55.62m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44195652 is too far from computed projection point (53.840832,10.553817) on shape 2685 (at arc-length 5259.32m): 55.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12110 de:01062:80858::808581 Ratzbek 53.840352458610 10.554057986008 0 0
L12111 de:01062:80858::808586 Ratzbek 53.840361636678 10.554043132903 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12112 de:01062:80903::809031 Klein Wesenberg, Hauptstraße 27 53.806675480490 10.548424138065 0 0
L12113 de:01062:80903::809036 Klein Wesenberg, Hauptstraße 27 53.806675480490 10.548424138065 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12119 de:02000:20054::200541 Hein-Baxmann-Stieg 53.512997697252 10.083758184550 0 0
L12120 de:02000:20054::200542 Hein-Baxmann-Stieg 53.512971020332 10.083727353567 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12164 de:13076:4055:1:1 Boizenburg, Bahlen 53.365498251151 10.763663333838 0 0
L12165 de:13076:4055:1:2 Boizenburg, Bahlen 53.365498251151 10.763663333838 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12167 de:13076:4058:1:1 Düssin 53.361020217000 10.984072706583 0 0
L12168 de:13076:4058:1:2 Düssin 53.361020217000 10.984072706583 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12170 de:13076:4108:1:1 Gößlow 53.336607882234 11.142709891287 0 0
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID de:13076:4108:1:1
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12171 de:13076:4110:1:1 Lübbendorf 53.320584768511 11.148150440696 0 0
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID de:13076:4110:1:1
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12172 de:13076:4111:1:1 Teldau, Abzweig Bandekow 53.321466584549 11.104757188060 0 0
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID de:13076:4111:1:1
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12174 de:13076:4145:1:1 Jessenitz Dorf 53.269739866395 11.087207710155 0 0
L12175 de:13076:4145:1:2 Jessenitz Dorf 53.269739866395 11.087207710155 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12177 de:13076:4188:1:1 Quassel 53.333831949428 11.076614934123 0 0
L12178 de:13076:4188:1:2 Quassel 53.333831949428 11.076614934123 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12179 de:13076:4190:1:1 Jessenitz Werk Abzweig 53.280467507826 11.096592807759 0 0
L12180 de:13076:4190:1:2 Jessenitz Werk Abzweig 53.280467507826 11.096592807759 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12182 de:13076:4211:1:1 Melkof Dorf 53.362574557975 11.022620526519 0 0
L12183 de:13076:4211:1:2 Melkof Dorf 53.362574557975 11.022620526519 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12184 de:13076:4212:1:1 Jesow 53.382421285133 11.016031261918 0 0
L12185 de:13076:4212:1:2 Jesow 53.382421285133 11.016031261918 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12187 de:13076:4250:1:1 Pätow 53.399575922221 11.139453406708 0 0
WARNING stop_id Unused stop ID de:13076:4250:1:1
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12188 de:13076:4258:1:1 Pritzier Dorf 53.380208656974 11.081036554298 0 0
L12189 de:13076:4258:1:2 Pritzier Dorf 53.380208656974 11.081036554298 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12191 de:13076:4261:1:1 Schwechow Abzweig 53.391488336161 11.055052062488 0 0
L12192 de:13076:4261:1:2 Schwechow Abzweig 53.391488336161 11.055052062488 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12193 de:13076:4262:1:1 Setzin Abzweig 53.392470593807 11.092129069935 0 0
L12194 de:13076:4262:1:2 Setzin Abzweig 53.392470593807 11.092129069935 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12196 de:13076:4272:1:1 Rüterberg Abzweig 53.158930669941 11.199338533258 0 1
L12197 de:13076:4272:1:2 Rüterberg Abzweig 53.158930669941 11.199338533258 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12198 de:13076:4287:1:1 Gülze bei Boizenburg 53.351535016258 10.807363201624 0 0
L12199 de:13076:4287:1:2 Gülze bei Boizenburg 53.351535016258 10.807363201624 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12200 de:13076:4288:1:1 Rietut 53.358622936413 10.788450471935 0 0
L12201 de:13076:4288:1:2 Rietut 53.358622936413 10.788450471935 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12202 de:13076:4289:1:1 Teldau, Bandekow 53.342819177911 10.799561356450 0 0
L12203 de:13076:4289:1:2 Teldau, Bandekow 53.342819177911 10.799561356450 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12207 de:13076:4407:1:1 Groß Timkenberg 53.328263356517 10.847584423062 0 0
L12208 de:13076:4407:1:2 Groß Timkenberg 53.328263356517 10.847584423062 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12210 de:13076:4303:1:1 Toddin Dorfmitte 53.418938289314 11.137206520037 0 0
L12211 de:13076:4303:1:2 Toddin Dorfmitte 53.418938289314 11.137206520037 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12212 de:13076:4304:1:1 Gramnitz 53.405711678124 11.117924546873 0 0
L12213 de:13076:4304:1:2 Gramnitz 53.405711678124 11.117924546873 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12215 de:03355:60920::609201 Neu Wendischthun 53.305490329119 10.773070323577 0 0
L12216 de:03355:60920::609206 Neu Wendischthun 53.305490329119 10.773070323577 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12225 de:03355:64700::647001 Viehle 53.258808713702 10.834546728369 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43975753 is too far from computed projection point (53.258812,10.836105) on shape 7157 (at arc-length 18710.29m): 103.65m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43975744 is too far from computed projection point (53.258812,10.836105) on shape 7158 (at arc-length 17717.37m): 103.65m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43975741 is too far from computed projection point (53.258812,10.836105) on shape 7159 (at arc-length 13143.18m): 103.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12228 de:03355:64730::647301 Rosien I 53.300292714443 10.969088596557 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43975869 is too far from computed projection point (53.300560,10.968385) on shape 7171 (at arc-length 34145.48m): 55.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12239 de:03355:64790::647901 Laave, Siedlung 53.241095247291 11.042247477696 0 0
L12240 de:03355:64790::647906 Laave, Siedlung 53.241095247291 11.042247477696 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12243 de:03355:64820::648201 Pinnau 53.181155082295 11.078368617919 0 0
L12244 de:03355:64820::648206 Pinnau 53.181155082295 11.078368617919 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12256 de:03355:64880::648806 Strachau 53.148670911902 11.090925529280 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44807040 is too far from computed projection point (53.150352,11.093085) on shape 7103 (at arc-length 18146.40m): 235.97m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44807039 is too far from computed projection point (53.150352,11.093085) on shape 7104 (at arc-length 8288.09m): 235.97m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12259 de:03355:90114::649001 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
L12260 de:03355:90114::649002 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12259 de:03355:90114::649001 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
L12261 de:03355:90114::649003 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12260 de:03355:90114::649002 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
L12261 de:03355:90114::649003 Neuhaus, ZOB 53.285869261920 10.928939004772 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12276 de:13076:4719:1:1 Boizenburg Weg d. Jugend 53.374998106871 10.744640620419 0 1
L12277 de:13076:4719:1:2 Boizenburg Weg d. Jugend 53.374998106871 10.744640620419 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12280 de:13076:4458:1:1 Boizenburg, Bahlendorf 53.368655751408 10.750631773125 0 0
L12281 de:13076:4458:1:2 Boizenburg, Bahlendorf 53.368655751408 10.750631773125 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12282 de:13076:4459:1:1 Gothmann 53.361126248972 10.737028036727 0 0
L12283 de:13076:4459:1:2 Gothmann 53.361126248972 10.737028036727 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12284 de:13076:4460:1:1 Brahlstorf Dorf 53.360800152030 10.953851356928 0 0
L12285 de:13076:4460:1:2 Brahlstorf Dorf 53.360800152030 10.953851356928 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12288 de:13076:4474:1:1 Dömitz Ludwigsluster Str. 53.145374732915 11.245687598957 0 0
L12289 de:13076:4474:1:2 Dömitz Ludwigsluster Str. 53.145374732915 11.245687598957 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12291 de:13076:4516:1:2 Hagenow OBI 53.426609295697 11.198771394642 0 0
L13804 de:13076:4516:1:1 Hagenow OBI 53.426609295697 11.198771394642 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12293 de:13076:4533:1:1 Jessenitz Ausbau 53.263678101815 11.067876123587 0 0
L12294 de:13076:4533:1:2 Jessenitz Ausbau 53.263678101815 11.067876123587 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12295 de:13076:4562:1:2 Lübtheen R.-Breitscheid-Str. 53.309561628891 11.078467179336 0 0
L12296 de:13076:4562:1:2_G Lübtheen R.-Breitscheid-Str. 53.309561628891 11.078467179336 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12299 de:13076:4564:1:1 Chausseehaus bei Lübtheen 53.322275581257 11.075528089900 0 0
L12300 de:13076:4564:1:2 Chausseehaus bei Lübtheen 53.322275581257 11.075528089900 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12302 de:13076:4621:1:1 Pritzier B5 53.377946315802 11.080385125081 0 1
L12303 de:13076:4621:1:2 Pritzier B5 53.377946315802 11.080385125081 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12305 de:13076:4631:1:1 Vorderhagen Deich 53.336697230757 10.798507731448 0 0
L12306 de:13076:4631:1:2 Vorderhagen Deich 53.336697230757 10.798507731448 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12307 de:13076:4632:1:1 Teldau, Am Mittelholz 53.325900326399 10.813603981871 0 0
L12308 de:13076:4632:1:2 Teldau, Am Mittelholz 53.325900326399 10.813603981871 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12309 de:13076:4633:1:1 Groß Timkenberg Schloß 53.332417652494 10.842779852770 0 0
L12310 de:13076:4633:1:2 Groß Timkenberg Schloß 53.332417652494 10.842779852770 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12312 de:13076:4635:1:2 Groß Timkenberg Abzwg. 53.314555622470 10.850098353858 0 0
L12313 de:13076:4635:1:1 Groß Timkenberg Abzwg. 53.314555622470 10.850098353858 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12314 de:13076:4642:1:1 Toddin 53.423807417612 11.144823246071 0 0
L12315 de:13076:4642:1:2 Toddin 53.423807417612 11.144823246071 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12316 de:13076:4643:1:1 Hagenow Sieben Eichen 53.435050095318 11.163253629858 0 0
L12317 de:13076:4643:1:2 Hagenow Sieben Eichen 53.435050095318 11.163253629858 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12318 de:03355:90225::6092101 Neu Wendischthun, Abzweig 53.303770626337 10.785931131763 0 0
L12319 de:03355:90225::6092107 Neu Wendischthun, Abzweig 53.303770626337 10.785931131763 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12322 de:03355:64661::6466101 Gülstorf, Abzweigung 53.264545280395 10.845989064100 0 0
L12323 de:03355:64661::6466106 Gülstorf, Abzweigung 53.264545280395 10.845989064100 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12324 de:03355:64681::6468101 Stiepelse, Ausbau 53.296265827648 10.800332687627 0 0
L12325 de:03355:64681::6468106 Stiepelse, Ausbau 53.296265827648 10.800332687627 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12336 de:03355:90146::6481101 Kaarßen, Ausbau 53.211688626262 11.057435557719 0 0
L12337 de:03355:90146::6481106 Kaarßen, Ausbau 53.211688626262 11.057435557719 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12346 de:03355:64881::6488106 Gosewerder 53.150043697058 11.079256896417 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44807040 is too far from computed projection point (53.153916,11.081545) on shape 7103 (at arc-length 17272.16m): 456.81m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44807039 is too far from computed projection point (53.153916,11.081545) on shape 7104 (at arc-length 7413.85m): 456.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12349 de:03355:64901::6490101 Gülze bei Neuhaus 53.286023992473 10.918238437245 0 0
L12350 de:03355:64901::6490106 Gülze bei Neuhaus 53.286023992473 10.918238437245 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12352 de:03355:90270::6490206 Neuhaus, OT Carrenzien 53.281338562250 10.932903433939 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975273 is too far from computed projection point (53.278485,10.934874) on shape 7133 (at arc-length 0.00m): 343.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12353 de:03355:90189::6490301 Neuhaus, Schule 53.285776779871 10.941276954875 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975753 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7157 (at arc-length 0.00m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43975741 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7159 (at arc-length 31855.48m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43975108 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7116 (at arc-length 14939.86m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975101 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7122 (at arc-length 0.00m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975313 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7136 (at arc-length 0.00m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43975310 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7137 (at arc-length 13070.56m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43975862 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7163 (at arc-length 994.82m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43975865 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7161 (at arc-length 12074.70m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43975861 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7164 (at arc-length 994.82m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43975854 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7165 (at arc-length 994.82m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975274 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7130 (at arc-length 0.00m): 125.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43975263 is too far from computed projection point (53.286875,10.941687) on shape 7134 (at arc-length 7592.31m): 125.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12364 de:03355:90268::6496101 Neuhaus, Mühle 53.279810236758 10.930165425277 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43975314 is too far from computed projection point (53.273040,10.925378) on shape 7135 (at arc-length 0.00m): 817.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12369 de:13076:4736:1:1 Hagenow Krankenhaus 53.435565092846 11.181866395209 0 0
L12370 de:13076:4736:1:2 Hagenow Krankenhaus 53.435565092846 11.181866395209 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12379 de:01062:80942::809421 Reinfeld, Famila 53.822345605258 10.501149260572 0 0
L12380 de:01062:80942::809426 Reinfeld, Famila 53.822345605258 10.501149260572 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12381 de:01062:80943::809431 Mönkhagen, An der Au 53.901224550050 10.561353871522 0 0
L12382 de:01062:80943::809436 Mönkhagen, An der Au 53.901224550050 10.561353871522 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12413 de:03359:42123::4212301 Stade, Airbus/CFK Nord 53.574171388575 9.507147922890 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43851352 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6370 (at arc-length 2104.61m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43851423 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6378 (at arc-length 2104.61m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43851386 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6367 (at arc-length 2104.61m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43851364 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6369 (at arc-length 0.99m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43851409 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6366 (at arc-length 0.99m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43851342 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6371 (at arc-length 2104.61m): 59.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43851422 is too far from computed projection point (53.573711,9.507610) on shape 6379 (at arc-length 2104.61m): 59.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12465 de:03353:51206::5120501 Mienenbüttel, Schlepelsberg 53.369687369893 9.802920234549 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141935 is too far from computed projection point (53.369549,9.802106) on shape 4975 (at arc-length 1.41m): 56.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141961 is too far from computed projection point (53.369549,9.802106) on shape 4977 (at arc-length 1.41m): 56.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141954 is too far from computed projection point (53.369549,9.802106) on shape 4979 (at arc-length 1.41m): 56.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141952 is too far from computed projection point (53.369549,9.802106) on shape 4980 (at arc-length 1.41m): 56.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44141949 is too far from computed projection point (53.369549,9.802106) on shape 4982 (at arc-length 1.41m): 56.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12476 de:01056:99826::998261 Lutzhorn, Im Dorf/Reihe 53.827300050305 9.783024299819 0 0
L12477 de:01056:99826::998262 Lutzhorn, Im Dorf/Reihe 53.827272702259 9.783084538082 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12483 de:01056:99830::998302 Lutzhorn, Überstör 53.841221549164 9.774108146443 0 0
L14494 de:01056:99830::998301 Lutzhorn, Überstör 53.841221156801 9.774168908048 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12488 de:01056:99834::998342 Hörnerkirchen, Bahnhofstraße 53.854309015270 9.703197899802 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011037 is too far from computed projection point (53.854547,9.703916) on shape 302 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.02m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12490 de:01056:99836::998362 Hörnerkirchen, Schule 53.849750017318 9.708409352015 0 0
L13445 de:01056:99836::704251 Hörnerkirchen, Schule 53.849750017318 9.708409352015 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12512 de:01056:99858::998582 Groß Offenseth, Dorfstraße (West) 53.817388144242 9.718749526930 0 0
L13448 de:01056:99858::700221 Groß Offenseth, Dorfstraße (West) 53.817388053190 9.718764708902 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12513 de:01056:99860::998601 Hörnerkirchen, Lohe 53.857249733176 9.710359887902 0 0
L12514 de:01056:99860::998602 Hörnerkirchen, Lohe 53.857222601553 9.710389823844 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12521 de:02000:84008::1101 Arenen 53.588585278244 9.899352548586 0 0
L12523 de:02000:84008::2101 Arenen 53.588585278244 9.899352548586 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12526 000008007800 Bremervörde 53.482952561230 9.140254099733 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 45391830 is too far from computed projection point (53.483358,9.138885) on shape 4508 (at arc-length 39118.97m): 101.19m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45391796 is too far from computed projection point (53.483358,9.138885) on shape 4510 (at arc-length 0.00m): 101.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12533 de:02000:51933::76519606 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541652897734 9.836554144097 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 44281819 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7062 (at arc-length 57982.80m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44281816 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7064 (at arc-length 58171.26m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 43853320 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7079 (at arc-length 40457.77m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 43853319 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7080 (at arc-length 37290.00m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 43853318 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7081 (at arc-length 34709.65m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43853317 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7082 (at arc-length 23014.43m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43853316 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7083 (at arc-length 40457.77m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 43853315 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7084 (at arc-length 37290.00m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43853314 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7085 (at arc-length 34709.65m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43853313 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7086 (at arc-length 23014.43m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853311 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7088 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853305 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7092 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853312 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7087 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853307 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7091 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853309 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7089 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853308 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7090 (at arc-length 617.73m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 45 on examplar trip 43853273 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7050 (at arc-length 42503.68m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 44 on examplar trip 43853271 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7051 (at arc-length 44292.15m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 31 on examplar trip 43853269 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7052 (at arc-length 35384.93m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 43 on examplar trip 43853268 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7053 (at arc-length 44193.16m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 44 on examplar trip 43853266 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7054 (at arc-length 44258.36m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43853264 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7055 (at arc-length 37139.61m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 43853287 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7069 (at arc-length 61942.00m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 43853286 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7070 (at arc-length 61841.74m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44144941 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 5783 (at arc-length 37209.47m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45142109 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7000 (at arc-length 13367.18m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 45142108 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7001 (at arc-length 37344.00m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45142107 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7002 (at arc-length 37348.39m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45142106 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7003 (at arc-length 13371.57m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43853301 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7076 (at arc-length 20899.26m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 43853300 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7074 (at arc-length 25903.29m): 281.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 43853303 is too far from computed projection point (53.543693,9.839068) on shape 7075 (at arc-length 26730.83m): 281.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12553 de:01056:98992::989921 Hasloh, Bahnhofstraße 53.691035835427 9.918112575728 0 0
L12554 de:01056:98992::989922 Hasloh, Bahnhofstraße 53.691036299799 9.918052032826 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12565 de:02000:51933::1101166 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541298801717 9.839639515947 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45142104 is too far from computed projection point (53.542026,9.842339) on shape 7005 (at arc-length 915.33m): 195.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45142103 is too far from computed projection point (53.542026,9.842339) on shape 7006 (at arc-length 915.33m): 195.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45142105 is too far from computed projection point (53.542026,9.842339) on shape 7004 (at arc-length 915.33m): 195.85m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45142102 is too far from computed projection point (53.542026,9.842339) on shape 7007 (at arc-length 915.33m): 195.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12566 de:02000:51933::110121 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541221123792 9.839185438105 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281814 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,9.832326) on shape 7065 (at arc-length 97.06m): 470.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281812 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,9.832326) on shape 7067 (at arc-length 97.59m): 470.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281813 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,9.832326) on shape 7066 (at arc-length 97.06m): 470.09m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281811 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,9.832326) on shape 7068 (at arc-length 97.59m): 470.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12566 de:02000:51933::110121 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541221123792 9.839185438105 0 0
L12570 de:02000:51933::110126 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541248393706 9.839140723888 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12567 de:02000:51933::110123 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541240680519 9.838959555345 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853285 is too far from computed projection point (53.542325,9.832318) on shape 7071 (at arc-length 98.92m): 455.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853283 is too far from computed projection point (53.542325,9.832318) on shape 7073 (at arc-length 98.92m): 455.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12568 de:02000:51933::110127 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541400288533 9.837982207346 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853297 is too far from computed projection point (53.543620,9.839275) on shape 7077 (at arc-length 633.71m): 261.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853293 is too far from computed projection point (53.543620,9.839275) on shape 7078 (at arc-length 633.71m): 261.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12570 de:02000:51933::110126 AIRBUS (Werkgelände - nur für Betriebsangehörige) 53.541248393706 9.839140723888 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853263 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7056 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853259 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7057 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853256 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7059 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853253 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7060 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853257 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7058 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853251 is too far from computed projection point (53.542087,9.842293) on shape 7061 (at arc-length 907.94m): 228.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12581 de:03355:15095::25010101 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232992297346 10.385561075859 0 0
L12582 de:03355:15095::25010301 Lüneburg, Schulzentrum Oedeme 53.232983488629 10.385545814415 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12587 de:01053:85718::857171 Bf. Büchen 53.475846116257 10.624026395291 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44200363 is too far from computed projection point (53.475811,10.623272) on shape 2505 (at arc-length 33649.26m): 50.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 44200356 is too far from computed projection point (53.475811,10.623272) on shape 2506 (at arc-length 36459.40m): 50.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44724096 is too far from computed projection point (53.475811,10.623272) on shape 2529 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12587 de:01053:85718::857171 Bf. Büchen 53.475846116257 10.624026395291 0 0
L14904 de:01053:85718::3923101 Bf. Büchen 53.475846116257 10.624026395291 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12590 de:02000:70038::700167 Harzensweg 53.591625128009 10.047967942816 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 219.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12591 de:01053:37814::378141 Sirksfelde, Altes Forsthaus 53.656533487419 10.513279472208 0 0
L12592 de:01053:37814::378142 Sirksfelde, Altes Forsthaus 53.656533869828 10.513249232157 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12597 de:03359:51978:99:99 Harsefeld 53.450050190529 9.498652047030 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45391810 is too far from computed projection point (53.449692,9.500484) on shape 4509 (at arc-length 14743.62m): 127.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12669 de:01056:97790::970028 Elmshorn, Blücherstraße 53.745673501475 9.647419891963 0 0
L12839 de:01056:97790::970038 Elmshorn, Blücherstraße 53.745673173662 9.647480517299 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12671 de:01056:97050::970030 Elmshorn, Reichenstraße 53.749251574327 9.656934103890 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44092649 is too far from computed projection point (53.749643,9.655796) on shape 1499 (at arc-length 6676.90m): 86.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44092670 is too far from computed projection point (53.749643,9.655796) on shape 1497 (at arc-length 4224.92m): 86.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44092647 is too far from computed projection point (53.749643,9.655796) on shape 1500 (at arc-length 6676.90m): 86.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44092637 is too far from computed projection point (53.749643,9.655796) on shape 1501 (at arc-length 6676.90m): 86.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44092639 is too far from computed projection point (53.749643,9.655796) on shape 1502 (at arc-length 6676.90m): 86.58m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12672 de:01056:97048::970481 Elmshorn, Fröbelstraße (KGSE) 53.743083809275 9.670645538465 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44010814 is too far from computed projection point (53.742440,9.670120) on shape 222 (at arc-length 30704.47m): 79.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12674 de:01056:97056::970561 Seester, Groß Sonnendeich 53.707914414749 9.589156034904 0 0
L12983 de:01056:97056::970562 Seester, Groß Sonnendeich 53.707914414749 9.589156034904 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12683 de:01056:97098::970981 Tornesch, Eschenweg 53.694869842684 9.724728197882 0 0
L12684 de:01056:97098::970982 Tornesch, Eschenweg 53.694896794881 9.724728661244 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12698 de:01056:97118::971181 Appen, Ziegeleiweg 53.659919923609 9.704871464495 0 0
L12699 de:01056:97118::971182 Appen, Ziegeleiweg 53.659946876080 9.704871914599 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12706 de:01056:97123::971231 Appen, Pinnaubogen 53.659307285927 9.753780875751 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44092328 is too far from computed projection point (53.659288,9.752631) on shape 1752 (at arc-length 7306.47m): 75.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12706 de:01056:97123::971231 Appen, Pinnaubogen 53.659307285927 9.753780875751 0 0
L12707 de:01056:97123::971232 Appen, Pinnaubogen 53.659307476512 9.753750625770 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12718 de:01056:97132::971321 Uetersen, Heinrich-Heine-Straße 53.681421897365 9.689309221613 0 0
L12719 de:01056:97132::971322 Uetersen, Heinrich-Heine-Straße 53.681448762652 9.689324795272 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12726 de:01056:97136::971361 Uetersen, Fourniermühlenweg 53.686695409470 9.681585024799 0 0
L12727 de:01056:97136::971362 Uetersen, Fourniermühlenweg 53.686668629393 9.681554319060 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12770 de:01056:97167::971671 Heidgraben, Liether Damm 53.709722392521 9.692801113169 0 0
L12771 de:01056:97167::971672 Heidgraben, Liether Damm 53.709722217221 9.692831399708 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12789 de:01056:97182::971821 Tornesch, Willy-Meyer-Straße 53.696423972219 9.709781496745 0 0
L12790 de:01056:97182::971822 Tornesch, Willy-Meyer-Straße 53.696450565365 9.709842504390 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12813 de:01056:97224::972261 Haseldorf, Altenfeldsdeich 55 53.636748939445 9.621998067279 0 0
L12814 de:01056:97224::972262 Haseldorf, Altenfeldsdeich 55 53.636775656585 9.622043816221 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12821 de:01056:97780::977801 Klein Nordende, Voßbarg 53.720893785678 9.660460599923 0 0
L13093 de:01056:97780::977802 Klein Nordende, Voßbarg 53.720893618529 9.660490894691 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12822 de:01056:97781::977811 Klein Nordende, Heidgrabener Weg 53.719671979198 9.657169415424 0 0
L13094 de:01056:97781::977812 Klein Nordende, Heidgrabener Weg 53.719671979198 9.657169415424 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12853 de:02000:61029::610101 Washingtonallee 53.543151934288 10.095707266989 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43846060 is too far from computed projection point (53.542946,10.096601) on shape 4113 (at arc-length 7826.72m): 63.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12859 de:01062:18017::809501 Mönkhagen, Abzw. Krumbeck 53.905065559856 10.548547819448 0 0
L12860 de:01062:18017::809506 Mönkhagen, Abzw. Krumbeck 53.905092503406 10.548548816604 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12897 de:02000:50010::500034 Stübenplatz 53.516824732479 9.987443417657 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44997029 is too far from computed projection point (53.517302,9.987820) on shape 3187 (at arc-length 2322.68m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44996139 is too far from computed projection point (53.517302,9.987820) on shape 3191 (at arc-length 16.92m): 58.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12937 de:01060:36103::361031 Garstedt, Buschweg 53.693365499193 9.981217778566 0 0
L12938 de:01060:36103::361032 Garstedt, Buschweg 53.693365499193 9.981217778566 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12940 de:01056:99826::998263 Lutzhorn, Im Dorf/Reihe 53.827554867716 9.782527875764 0 0
L14620 de:01056:99826::998264 Lutzhorn, Im Dorf/Reihe 53.827554867716 9.782527875764 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12946 de:03359:34713::3471301 Grefenmoor, Mühle 53.592508896531 9.378995913282 0 0
L12947 de:03359:34713::3471302 Grefenmoor, Mühle 53.592508896531 9.378995913282 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12948 de:03359:34907::3490703 Bf. Himmelpforten 53.623613142518 9.311157904045 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44281661 is too far from computed projection point (53.623104,9.310172) on shape 4685 (at arc-length 0.00m): 86.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44281669 is too far from computed projection point (53.623076,9.310323) on shape 4681 (at arc-length 16344.83m): 81.23m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44281668 is too far from computed projection point (53.623076,9.310323) on shape 4682 (at arc-length 17829.88m): 81.23m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44281660 is too far from computed projection point (53.623076,9.310323) on shape 4686 (at arc-length 15912.30m): 81.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12962 de:01062:30557::305571 Lütjensee, Am Sportplatz 53.638638229785 10.361057302525 0 0
L12963 de:01062:30557::305572 Lütjensee, Am Sportplatz 53.638638229785 10.361057302525 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12965 de:02000:42006::81430703 Ehestorfer Weg (Mitte) 53.455014863098 9.937111811194 0 0
L12966 de:02000:42006::81430704 Ehestorfer Weg (Mitte) 53.455014863098 9.937111811194 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12973 de:03355:56104::5610401 Wendhausen, Wendenstraße 53.249444149175 10.560177588488 0 0
L12974 de:03355:56104::5610402 Wendhausen, Wendenstraße 53.249453131297 10.560177915454 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12980 de:01056:97049::970491 Bf. Elmshorn (ZOB) 53.756361492975 9.658045813532 0 0
L13420 de:01056:97049::970493 Bf. Elmshorn (ZOB) 53.756361492975 9.658045813532 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12994 de:01056:70150::970671 Kurzenmoor 12-14 53.725782071357 9.630372754798 0 0
L12995 de:01056:70150::970672 Kurzenmoor 12-14 53.725781911806 9.630403053259 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L12998 de:01056:70152::970691 Kurzenmoor, Schulsteig 53.715993066635 9.622637634128 0 0
L12999 de:01056:70152::970692 Kurzenmoor, Schulsteig 53.715992909058 9.622667925599 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13011 de:01056:70630::977051 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420252405 9.678250239105 0 0
L13421 de:01056:70630::977053 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420080697 9.678280554281 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13011 de:01056:70630::977051 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420252405 9.678250239105 0 0
L13422 de:01056:70630::977054 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420080697 9.678280554281 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13013 de:01056:70480::977061 Elmshorn, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 53.773087448145 9.655471333097 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44092649 is too far from computed projection point (53.773200,9.654624) on shape 1499 (at arc-length 12597.28m): 57.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13013 de:01056:70480::977061 Elmshorn, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 53.773087448145 9.655471333097 0 0
L13411 de:01056:70480::977062 Elmshorn, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 53.773060495908 9.655470912774 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13020 de:01056:70285::977141 Seeth-Ekholt, Schulstraße 53.741588627641 9.731140316651 0 0
L13021 de:01056:70285::977142 Seeth-Ekholt, Schulstraße 53.741615579589 9.731140784908 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13022 de:01056:70740::977161 Elmshorn, Elsa-Brändström-Schule 53.757081191528 9.674037527183 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44091806 is too far from computed projection point (53.756480,9.673831) on shape 1514 (at arc-length 14579.98m): 68.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44091804 is too far from computed projection point (53.756480,9.673831) on shape 1515 (at arc-length 2074.84m): 68.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44091800 is too far from computed projection point (53.756480,9.673831) on shape 1519 (at arc-length 15166.22m): 68.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44091805 is too far from computed projection point (53.756480,9.673831) on shape 1516 (at arc-length 2329.26m): 68.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44091802 is too far from computed projection point (53.756480,9.673831) on shape 1517 (at arc-length 2329.26m): 68.21m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13024 de:01056:79001::977172 Elmshorn, Koppeldamm 53.766610040089 9.666744198192 0 0
L13025 de:01056:79001::977173 Elmshorn, Koppeldamm 53.766646145189 9.666714440461 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13036 de:01056:70760::977291 Elmshorn, Amselstraße 53.759444473609 9.644614542847 0 0
L13037 de:01056:70760::977292 Elmshorn, Amselstraße 53.759444310387 9.644644865448 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13043 de:01056:97734::977341 Elmshorn, Plinkstraße 53.738161223888 9.678417339626 0 0
L13425 de:01056:97734::977342 Elmshorn, Plinkstraße 53.738161223888 9.678417339626 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13047 de:01056:70140::977362 Elmshorn, Moltkestraße 53.758471096379 9.669723407597 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011026 is too far from computed projection point (53.758098,9.668975) on shape 314 (at arc-length 0.00m): 64.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13062 de:01056:70083::977521 Elmshorn, Ollnsstraße (Mitte) 53.741502434603 9.656055315022 0 0
L13063 de:01056:70083::977522 Elmshorn, Ollnsstraße (Mitte) 53.741502434603 9.656055315022 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13080 de:01056:70270::977711 Raa-Besenbek, Dorfstraße 7 53.755000557753 9.609615634556 0 0
L13762 de:01056:70270::700276 Raa-Besenbek, Dorfstraße 7 53.754973759549 9.609584924283 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13098 de:01056:70286::977841 Seeth-Ekholt, Gartenstraße 53.744478803221 9.736025696246 0 0
L13099 de:01056:70286::977842 Seeth-Ekholt, Gartenstraße 53.744478803221 9.736025696246 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13104 de:01056:70107::977882 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
L13105 de:01056:70107::977884 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13104 de:01056:70107::977882 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
L13717 de:01056:70107::701071 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13105 de:01056:70107::977884 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
L13717 de:01056:70107::701071 Elmshorn, Zeppelinplatz 53.769389767552 9.661267806805 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13110 de:01056:70146::977951 Raa-Besenbek, Dorfstraße 24 53.748361621082 9.593345275449 0 0
L13111 de:01056:70146::977952 Raa-Besenbek, Dorfstraße 24 53.748361621082 9.593345275449 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13117 de:01056:70380::978061 Elmshorn, Otto-Hahn-Straße 53.746890901751 9.688501789796 0 0
L13118 de:01056:70380::978062 Elmshorn, Otto-Hahn-Straße 53.746917853924 9.688502230856 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13125 de:01056:97810::978101 Elmshorn, Ernst-Abbe-Straße 53.740922666051 9.699740774810 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44091741 is too far from computed projection point (53.741171,9.698699) on shape 1483 (at arc-length 4004.83m): 73.87m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13126 de:01056:70381::978121 Elmshorn, Ramskamp (West) 53.742169291557 9.687727340814 0 0
L16688 de:01056:70381::978122 Elmshorn, Ramskamp (West) 53.742169291557 9.687727340814 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13131 de:01056:70382::978181 Elmshorn, Ramskamp (Mitte) 53.741588095648 9.691916099796 0 0
L16635 de:01056:70382::978182 Elmshorn, Ramskamp (Mitte) 53.741588095648 9.691916099796 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13145 de:03355:81903::8190301 Breetze, Görgenweg 53.266951896209 10.716867999813 0 0
L13146 de:03355:81903::8190302 Breetze, Görgenweg 53.266970074827 10.716853739090 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13147 de:03355:15000::15001601 Lüneburg, Lüner Weg 53.261809373831 10.426073470016 0 0
L13148 de:03355:15000::15001602 Lüneburg, Lüner Weg 53.261773801799 10.426042311932 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13153 de:01053:30072::300722 Wohltorf, Alte Wiese 53.520412922097 10.299755248173 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44076137 is too far from computed projection point (53.521364,10.301533) on shape 1428 (at arc-length 0.00m): 158.10m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13181 de:01062:80399::803991 Hammoor, Alte Dorfstraße 53.714087099094 10.312219956069 0 0
L13182 de:01062:80399::803996 Hammoor, Alte Dorfstraße 53.714087099094 10.312219956069 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13183 de:01062:80400::804001 Hammoor, Bachstraße 53.712992822049 10.321031581541 0 0
L13184 de:01062:80400::804006 Hammoor, Bachstraße 53.712992822049 10.321031581541 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13188 de:01062:25210::809511 Bargteheide, Langenhorst 53.716714846848 10.288685971744 0 0
L13189 de:01062:25210::809516 Bargteheide, Langenhorst 53.716679242877 10.288654586696 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13192 de:01062:80481::809531 Todendorf, Höltenklink 53.713638529709 10.342151609480 0 0
L13193 de:01062:80481::809536 Todendorf, Höltenklink 53.713629377700 10.342166465000 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13194 de:01062:80494::809541 Sprenge, Mittelweg 53.691431482442 10.389738474850 0 0
L13195 de:01062:80494::809546 Sprenge, Mittelweg 53.691449271043 10.389754200207 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13196 de:01062:87311::809551 Sprenge, Zum Buchenwald 53.691244181843 10.370914452914 0 0
L13197 de:01062:87311::809556 Sprenge, Zum Buchenwald 53.691252470819 10.370975278542 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13198 de:01062:80439::809561 Todendorf, Rönnbaum 53.690235798281 10.359270315742 0 0
L13199 de:01062:80439::809566 Todendorf, Rönnbaum 53.690226644187 10.359285159357 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13200 de:01062:80402::809571 Hammoor, Hauptstraße 53.712659597685 10.321914786872 0 0
L13201 de:01062:80402::809576 Hammoor, Hauptstraße 53.712632984911 10.321883658760 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13202 de:01062:99512::809581 Ahrensburg, Kurt-Fischer-Straße (Süd) 53.681441813077 10.262180856965 0 0
L13203 de:01062:99512::809586 Ahrensburg, Kurt-Fischer-Straße (Süd) 53.681450636149 10.262196256270 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13204 de:01062:60500::809891 Grönwohld, Linauer Berg 53.641969818565 10.409356562591 0 0
L13681 de:01062:60500::809892 Grönwohld, Linauer Berg 53.641969818565 10.409356562591 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13205 de:01062:90651::809901 Grönwohld, Steinern 11 53.642633403284 10.427660847986 0 0
L13619 de:01062:90651::809902 Grönwohld, Steinern 11 53.642652088865 10.427600992480 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13206 de:01053:85174::851741 Linau, Busch (Nord) 53.660335591323 10.447078711538 0 0
L13207 de:01053:85174::851746 Linau, Busch (Nord) 53.660335591323 10.447078711538 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13208 de:01053:33082::851771 Linau, Dröge Möhl 53.643535701672 10.450510549825 0 0
L13209 de:01053:33082::851776 Linau, Dröge Möhl 53.643535701672 10.450510549825 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13212 de:01053:10110::852091 Linau, Dorfstraße 53.645404629650 10.471126588836 0 0
L13213 de:01053:10110::852096 Linau, Dorfstraße 53.645404629650 10.471126588836 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13216 de:01053:85309::853091 Berkenthin, Ratzeburger Straße 53.733844193624 10.651525201147 0 0
L13217 de:01053:85309::853096 Berkenthin, Ratzeburger Straße 53.733826231646 10.651524496626 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13218 de:01053:85312::853121 Bliestorf, Lübecker Straße 53.768845605017 10.602437267903 0 0
L13219 de:01053:85312::853126 Bliestorf, Lübecker Straße 53.768845605017 10.602437267903 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13220 de:01053:85313::853131 Bliestorf, Neuer Weg 53.766444419010 10.595854486830 0 0
L13221 de:01053:85313::853136 Bliestorf, Neuer Weg 53.766444419010 10.595854486830 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13223 de:01053:32011::855851 Harmsdorf, B208 53.704011579595 10.723533346646 0 0
L13224 de:01053:32011::855856 Harmsdorf, B208 53.704002163121 10.723563250366 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13231 de:01053:85589::855891 Sierksrade, Dorfstraße 53.736966711965 10.599556510985 0 0
L13232 de:01053:85589::855896 Sierksrade, Dorfstraße 53.736957528442 10.599571318016 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13235 de:01053:85298::857251 Schönberg, Lürberg 53.668691069556 10.420174625551 0 0
L13236 de:01053:85298::857252 Schönberg, Lürberg 53.668691069556 10.420174625551 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13240 de:01053:85304::857281 Sirksfelde, Kalkkuhle 53.661475736198 10.472942207799 0 0
L13241 de:01053:85304::857286 Sirksfelde, Kalkkuhle 53.661475736198 10.472942207799 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13242 de:01053:85306::857291 Wentorf A/S, Schüttenmoor 53.667342276287 10.471573329865 0 0
L13243 de:01053:85306::857296 Wentorf A/S, Schüttenmoor 53.667342276287 10.471573329865 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13246 de:01053:80452::857321 Berkenthin, Schule 53.731198695746 10.640677279490 0 0
L13247 de:01053:80452::857326 Berkenthin, Schule 53.731198695746 10.640677279490 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13248 de:01053:85307::857331 Berkenthin, Bahnhofstraße 53.734846188111 10.638106613672 0 0
L13249 de:01053:85307::857336 Berkenthin, Bahnhofstraße 53.734846188111 10.638106613672 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13250 de:01053:30510::857341 Berkenthin, Buchenweg 53.738077634143 10.637701872381 0 0
L13251 de:01053:30510::857346 Berkenthin, Buchenweg 53.738077634143 10.637701872381 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13254 de:01053:85321::857361 Rondeshagen, Auf dem Sandberg 53.752228380398 10.630596014802 0 0
L13255 de:01053:85321::857366 Rondeshagen, Auf dem Sandberg 53.752227967856 10.630626321832 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13258 de:01053:80457::857381 Groß Weeden 53.746768729232 10.602354544342 0 0
L13259 de:01053:80457::857386 Groß Weeden 53.746759748044 10.602354202401 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13260 de:01053:80476::857391 Sierksrade, Lindenweg 53.739929172363 10.600442081000 0 0
L13261 de:01053:80476::857396 Sierksrade, Lindenweg 53.739929172363 10.600442081000 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13262 de:01053:60800::857401 Düchelsdorf 53.737333309123 10.587536526355 0 0
L13263 de:01053:60800::857406 Düchelsdorf 53.737333309123 10.587536526355 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13264 de:01053:85152::857411 Kastorf, Alte Schule 53.744377300708 10.563002796279 0 0
L13265 de:01053:85152::857416 Kastorf, Alte Schule 53.744377498412 10.562987645090 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13266 de:01053:85157::857421 Kastorf, Christianshöhe 53.738330249993 10.557458404212 0 0
L13267 de:01053:85157::857426 Kastorf, Christianshöhe 53.738321268597 10.557458071948 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13268 de:01053:85162::857431 Schäferkaten 53.728164346588 10.547990831407 0 0
L13269 de:01053:85162::857436 Schäferkaten 53.728164542354 10.547975685940 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13270 de:01053:85158::857441 Klein Klinkrade 53.721384452135 10.538590950634 0 0
L13271 de:01053:85158::857446 Klein Klinkrade 53.721384452135 10.538590950634 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13272 de:01053:45100::857451 Klinkrade, Feuerwehrhaus 53.715956974881 10.551829264014 0 0
L13273 de:01053:45100::857456 Klinkrade, Feuerwehrhaus 53.715956974881 10.551829264014 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13279 de:01053:85211::857486 Sandesneben, Abzweigung Lüchow 53.698747950755 10.511190463962 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44197887 is too far from computed projection point (53.699091,10.510325) on shape 2721 (at arc-length 2508.11m): 68.56m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13287 de:01053:85302::857541 Wentorf A/S, Bullenhorst 53.682594485671 10.465430289783 0 0
L13288 de:01053:85302::857546 Wentorf A/S, Bullenhorst 53.682594670896 10.465415160096 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13291 de:01053:37678::857561 Sirksfelde, Schulstraße 53.662834601638 10.509556628259 0 0
L13292 de:01053:37678::857566 Sirksfelde, Schulstraße 53.662861165263 10.509587836385 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13293 de:01053:80415::857571 Linau, Bollweg 10 53.643280071075 10.442668578236 0 0
L13294 de:01053:80415::857576 Linau, Bollweg 10 53.643280617846 10.442623230938 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13295 de:01053:80437::857591 Steinhorst, Försterei 53.727564807270 10.499056862260 0 0
L13296 de:01053:80437::857596 Steinhorst, Försterei 53.727564807270 10.499056862260 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13299 de:01053:85329::857611 Steinhorst, Von Wedderkopstraße 53.719887074511 10.484952093643 0 0
L13300 de:01053:85329::857616 Steinhorst, Von Wedderkopstraße 53.719922813632 10.484968502962 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13301 de:01053:85328::857621 Steinhorst, Am Ziegelteich 53.720126299263 10.482324489106 0 0
L13302 de:01053:85328::857626 Steinhorst, Am Ziegelteich 53.720117317527 10.482324173071 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13303 de:01053:85325::857631 Schiphorst, Neue Siedlung 53.714797985984 10.465520005944 0 0
L13304 de:01053:85325::857636 Schiphorst, Neue Siedlung 53.714806782482 10.465535459581 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13305 de:01053:85324::857641 Schiphorst, Eichedeer Weg 53.711114576970 10.461787075481 0 0
L13306 de:01053:85324::857646 Schiphorst, Eichedeer Weg 53.711087631472 10.461786140811 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13307 de:01053:85326::857651 Schiphorst, Teich 53.707525723297 10.461344554460 0 0
L13308 de:01053:85326::857656 Schiphorst, Teich 53.707534520367 10.461360004542 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13309 de:01053:80472::857661 Schiphorst, Schloßweg 53.702529104140 10.455492612496 0 0
L13310 de:01053:80472::857666 Schiphorst, Schloßweg 53.702555681714 10.455523816678 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13311 de:01053:85119::857671 Franzdorf 53.696475226295 10.438189364399 0 0
L13312 de:01053:85119::857676 Franzdorf 53.696475044477 10.438204499246 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13313 de:01053:85299::857681 Schönberg, Pöhlen 53.682868690827 10.427871810737 0 0
L13314 de:01053:85299::857686 Schönberg, Pöhlen 53.682850726808 10.427871202699 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13315 de:01053:85295::857691 Schönberg, Feuerwehr 53.678473984003 10.432445067130 0 0
L13316 de:01053:85295::857696 Schönberg, Feuerwehr 53.678474165052 10.432429938699 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13317 de:01053:85296::857701 Schönberg, Jägerstraße 53.675604923798 10.432665474057 0 0
L13318 de:01053:85296::857706 Schönberg, Jägerstraße 53.675604923798 10.432665474057 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13319 de:01053:85316::857721 Steinhorst, Mühlenbrook 53.728195041946 10.465561883966 0 0
L13320 de:01053:85316::857726 Steinhorst, Mühlenbrook 53.728194856596 10.465577030018 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13321 de:01053:85331::857731 Bliestorf, Weedener Weg 53.755107371548 10.586160177860 0 0
L13322 de:01053:85331::857736 Bliestorf, Weedener Weg 53.755107371548 10.586160177860 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13323 de:01053:85300::857741 Siebenbäumen, Am Hasenkrug 53.753583620375 10.529200367166 0 0
L13324 de:01053:85300::857746 Siebenbäumen, Am Hasenkrug 53.753583620375 10.529200367166 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13325 de:01053:85146::857751 Grinau, Kropsöhler Weg 53.772813404855 10.547358861480 0 0
L13326 de:01053:85146::857756 Grinau, Kropsöhler Weg 53.772813404855 10.547358861480 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13327 de:01053:85147::857761 Grinau, Trenthorster Weg 53.776572296120 10.547830951770 0 0
L13328 de:01053:85147::857766 Grinau, Trenthorster Weg 53.776581081632 10.547846445338 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13329 de:01053:85322::857771 Groß Schenkenberg, Grinauer Straße 53.793208949413 10.564803647888 0 0
L13330 de:01053:85322::857776 Groß Schenkenberg, Grinauer Straße 53.793208949413 10.564803647888 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13331 de:01053:85323::857781 Groß Schenkenberg, Bliestorfer Weg 53.797993255315 10.589767372743 0 0
L13332 de:01053:85323::857786 Groß Schenkenberg, Bliestorfer Weg 53.797993255315 10.589767372743 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13333 de:01053:85332::857791 Rothenhausen, Dieksredder 53.798248352655 10.594239366341 0 0
L13334 de:01053:85332::857796 Rothenhausen, Dieksredder 53.798248352655 10.594239366341 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13335 de:01053:85245::857801 Rothenhausen, Hauptstraße (Ost) 53.799929989265 10.598188923216 0 0
L13336 de:01053:85245::857806 Rothenhausen, Hauptstraße (Ost) 53.799912431595 10.598157897897 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13356 de:01053:85317::857971 Krummesse, Schule 53.778929811006 10.642752037155 0 0
L13357 de:01053:85317::857976 Krummesse, Schule 53.778921037920 10.642736523149 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13358 de:01053:85280::857991 Klempau, Siedlung 53.770541168826 10.687716511464 0 0
L15290 de:01053:85280::857996 Klempau, Siedlung 53.770541168826 10.687716511464 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13359 de:01053:85279::858011 Klempau, Bismarcksiedlung 53.765842054856 10.667144125025 0 0
L13360 de:01053:85279::858016 Klempau, Bismarcksiedlung 53.765832441200 10.667189243421 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13361 de:01053:85290::858021 Klempau, Drosselweg 53.762799711488 10.660396258955 0 0
L13362 de:01053:85290::858026 Klempau, Drosselweg 53.762790730583 10.660395904429 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13363 de:01053:94102::858031 Klempau, Birkenweg 53.760752727115 10.656372650659 0 0
L13364 de:01053:94102::858036 Klempau, Birkenweg 53.760734765262 10.656371943376 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13365 de:01053:85314::858041 Kählstorf 53.747496234519 10.655896339114 0 0
L13366 de:01053:85314::858046 Kählstorf 53.747477853707 10.655925935604 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13367 de:01053:85289::858051 Klempau, Klosterredder 53.764893567291 10.664270456878 0 0
L13368 de:01053:85289::858056 Klempau, Klosterredder 53.764893146167 10.664300772514 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13369 de:01053:69000::858061 Hollenbek bei Berkenthin 53.714611596486 10.647166053661 0 0
L13370 de:01053:69000::858066 Hollenbek bei Berkenthin 53.714620785788 10.647151264875 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13371 de:01053:37712::858071 Behlendorf, Am Brink 53.699006409173 10.669633364249 0 0
L13372 de:01053:37712::858076 Behlendorf, Am Brink 53.699033985229 10.669589028941 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13373 de:01053:37723::858091 Anker, Hauptstraße 53.686387629915 10.636632783162 0 0
L13374 de:01053:37723::858096 Anker, Hauptstraße 53.686360272808 10.636661997340 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13377 de:01053:67300::858111 Niendorf bei Berkenthin 53.703274698228 10.626551336890 0 0
L13378 de:01053:67300::858116 Niendorf bei Berkenthin 53.703274492596 10.626566472843 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13379 de:01053:13001::858121 Göldenitz 53.722516314151 10.630960729509 0 0
L13380 de:01053:13001::858126 Göldenitz 53.722507333053 10.630960381776 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13398 de:01053:65651::858301 Behlendorf, Abzweigung Anker 53.685306299487 10.668742868184 0 0
L13399 de:01053:65651::858306 Behlendorf, Abzweigung Anker 53.685332820607 10.668774192481 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13402 de:01053:11052::858341 Linau, Busch (Süd) 53.650152442868 10.453944165992 0 0
L13403 de:01053:11052::858346 Linau, Busch (Süd) 53.650152442868 10.453944165992 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13404 de:01053:37822::858491 Lankau, Kalkkuhle (Nord) 53.669325410604 10.683136840649 0 0
L13405 de:01053:37822::858496 Lankau, Kalkkuhle (Nord) 53.669333753473 10.683182568867 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13409 de:02000:25046::250011 Korachstraße 53.510692212313 10.197253320164 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44067362 is too far from computed projection point (53.510671,10.198489) on shape 625 (at arc-length 2917.97m): 81.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13411 de:01056:70480::977062 Elmshorn, Carl-Zeiss-Straße 53.773060495908 9.655470912774 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44092670 is too far from computed projection point (53.773200,9.654624) on shape 1497 (at arc-length 9373.46m): 57.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44092647 is too far from computed projection point (53.773200,9.654624) on shape 1500 (at arc-length 12597.28m): 57.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44092637 is too far from computed projection point (53.773200,9.654624) on shape 1501 (at arc-length 11825.45m): 57.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13414 de:01062:80254::802541 Rümpel, Hedwig-Riedel-Weg 53.774539566670 10.345566373453 0 0
L13415 de:01062:80254::802546 Rümpel, Hedwig-Riedel-Weg 53.774539396386 10.345581536965 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13421 de:01056:70630::977053 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420080697 9.678280554281 0 0
L13422 de:01056:70630::977054 Elmshorn, Hamburger Straße 53.749420080697 9.678280554281 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13432 de:01053:37823::378232 Sterley, Sterleyer Heide 53.631580226014 10.840816013044 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 43298562 is too far from computed projection point (53.629434,10.843066) on shape 1956 (at arc-length 35547.47m): 281.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 43298460 is too far from computed projection point (53.629434,10.843066) on shape 1914 (at arc-length 38113.34m): 281.00m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 43996550 is too far from computed projection point (53.629434,10.843066) on shape 1916 (at arc-length 36098.76m): 281.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13511 de:02000:10043::100179 Wendenstraße (Mitte) 53.549662399300 10.036730804059 0 0
L13512 de:02000:10043::100202 Wendenstraße (Mitte) 53.549662399300 10.036730804059 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13546 de:01062:18045::810451 Bad Oldesloe, Bei der Mennokate 53.816519979727 10.374804917709 0 0
L13547 de:01062:18045::800456 Bad Oldesloe, Bei der Mennokate 53.816519979727 10.374804917709 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13548 de:01062:18049::800491 Bad Oldesloe, Poggenbreeden 53.816934296143 10.385644920573 0 0
L13549 de:01062:18049::800496 Bad Oldesloe, Poggenbreeden 53.816934120697 10.385660099131 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13552 de:01062:18051::800511 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 2 53.809077576740 10.399094556341 0 0
L13553 de:01062:18051::800516 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 2 53.809077576740 10.399094556341 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13554 de:01062:18052::800526 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 20 53.808239773817 10.401586726886 0 0
L13555 de:01062:18052::800527 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 20 53.808239773817 10.401586726886 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13556 de:01062:18053::800531 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 33 53.807686328692 10.400505581886 0 0
L13557 de:01062:18053::800536 Bad Oldesloe, Schanzenbarg 33 53.807686328692 10.400505581886 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13559 de:01062:18057::800571 Bad Oldesloe, Stettiner Straße 53.817289368171 10.380569842666 0 0
L13560 de:01062:18057::800576 Bad Oldesloe, Stettiner Straße 53.817289368171 10.380569842666 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13579 de:01062:18108::801081 Elmenhorst, Schulstraße 53.762617206876 10.261203470858 0 0
L13580 de:01062:18108::801086 Elmenhorst, Schulstraße 53.762635012292 10.261219169266 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13583 de:01062:39021::830156 Bad Oldesloe, Berufsschule 53.806846509510 10.396242150527 0 0
L13584 de:01062:39021::800151 Bad Oldesloe, Berufsschule 53.806864826924 10.396212398099 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13589 de:01061:42949::1 Hohenfelde (IZ), Feuerwehrhaus 53.843999535508 9.626132646089 0 0
L16229 de:01061:42949::2 Hohenfelde (IZ), Feuerwehrhaus 53.843981805519 9.626086802066 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13620 de:02000:80078::800049 EEZ (Julius-Brecht-Straße) 53.570047021255 9.860512009092 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 46 on examplar trip 43818304 is too far from computed projection point (53.569978,9.861431) on shape 4046 (at arc-length 20758.89m): 61.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 43818248 is too far from computed projection point (53.569978,9.861431) on shape 4047 (at arc-length 16588.69m): 61.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 57 on examplar trip 43818149 is too far from computed projection point (53.569978,9.861431) on shape 4049 (at arc-length 26752.78m): 61.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43818137 is too far from computed projection point (53.569978,9.861431) on shape 4050 (at arc-length 6219.52m): 61.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13632 de:03353:63668::6366802 Buchholz, Aschenputtelweg 53.338490875917 9.887652622964 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45124560 is too far from computed projection point (53.338042,9.887583) on shape 5002 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13642 de:01053:26061::99 Escheburg, Schule 53.472423233317 10.314237045800 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44199599 is too far from computed projection point (53.471309,10.310980) on shape 2481 (at arc-length 0.00m): 248.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13645 de:01003:57874::1 Kronsforde, Kronsforder Koppel 53.804401866036 10.623816441901 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44199526 is too far from computed projection point (53.802595,10.622517) on shape 2791 (at arc-length 7251.72m): 218.28m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44198774 is too far from computed projection point (53.802687,10.619697) on shape 2757 (at arc-length 26196.15m): 330.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44368385 is too far from computed projection point (53.803424,10.623065) on shape 2785 (at arc-length 20081.78m): 119.41m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44368392 is too far from computed projection point (53.803424,10.623065) on shape 2786 (at arc-length 10405.50m): 119.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13645 de:01003:57874::1 Kronsforde, Kronsforder Koppel 53.804401866036 10.623816441901 0 0
L13646 de:01003:57874::2 Kronsforde, Kronsforder Koppel 53.804410641494 10.623831961526 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13646 de:01003:57874::2 Kronsforde, Kronsforder Koppel 53.804410641494 10.623831961526 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44199522 is too far from computed projection point (53.802595,10.622517) on shape 2792 (at arc-length 8970.10m): 219.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44198777 is too far from computed projection point (53.802687,10.619697) on shape 2755 (at arc-length 0.00m): 332.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44198776 is too far from computed projection point (53.802687,10.619697) on shape 2756 (at arc-length 0.00m): 332.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44368363 is too far from computed projection point (53.802619,10.622532) on shape 2788 (at arc-length 96.07m): 216.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44368360 is too far from computed projection point (53.802619,10.622532) on shape 2789 (at arc-length 10113.58m): 216.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44368359 is too far from computed projection point (53.802619,10.622532) on shape 2790 (at arc-length 8840.19m): 216.68m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13673 de:01062:80602::310001 Köthel (Stormarn), Mitteltor 53.610685849129 10.505609599655 0 0
L15325 de:01062:80602::18102 Köthel (Stormarn), Mitteltor 53.610695211186 10.505579711975 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13715 de:01062:80120::801201 Eichede, Kirche 53.717855978996 10.407606752296 0 0
L13716 de:01062:80120::801206 Eichede, Kirche 53.717820406852 10.407575266516 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13771 de:03359:35080::35071 Bf. Stade 53.596473849369 9.476195325566 0 0
L13773 de:03359:35080::35074 Bf. Stade 53.596464684185 9.476240534363 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13776 de:01056:70412::704126 Raa-Besenbek, Achtern Knick 53.766237877050 9.627536767156 0 0
L13777 de:01056:70412::99 Raa-Besenbek, Achtern Knick 53.766237877050 9.627536767156 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13790 de:02000:70009::700127 Semperstraße 53.587003451086 10.017122589878 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43819910 is too far from computed projection point (53.586532,10.017564) on shape 3947 (at arc-length 8735.06m): 59.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43819998 is too far from computed projection point (53.586532,10.017564) on shape 3945 (at arc-length 8735.06m): 59.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43819866 is too far from computed projection point (53.586532,10.017564) on shape 3948 (at arc-length 8735.06m): 59.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13791 de:02000:70085::700283 Lämmersieth (Nord) 53.588901005582 10.061386497214 0 0
L13805 de:02000:70085::700284 Lämmersieth (Nord) 53.588883306828 10.061355849603 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13859 de:01053:85902::859021 Büchen, Pötrauer Straße 53.476454477679 10.606953202485 0 0
L13861 de:01053:85902::859026 Büchen, Pötrauer Straße 53.476454275108 10.606968257748 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13862 de:02000:81039::810393 Schenefelder Holt 53.582891417485 9.830664688701 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44179479 is too far from computed projection point (53.582744,9.829907) on shape 1135 (at arc-length 9936.34m): 52.63m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44179476 is too far from computed projection point (53.582744,9.829907) on shape 1136 (at arc-length 10565.28m): 52.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13875 de:01003:57862::2 Kronsforde, Kirche 53.802612709071 10.622563253819 0 0
L13876 de:01003:57862::1 Kronsforde, Kirche 53.802612709071 10.622563253819 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13876 de:01003:57862::1 Kronsforde, Kirche 53.802612709071 10.622563253819 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44368381 is too far from computed projection point (53.804403,10.623813) on shape 2787 (at arc-length 20400.28m): 215.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13877 de:03353:15503::11550301 Bf. Tostedt 53.271608974431 9.730389405039 0 0
L13878 de:03353:15503::11550302 Bf. Tostedt 53.271608974431 9.730389405039 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13881 de:01060:75338::34753381 Bf. Bad Segeberg (ZOB) 53.934498313077 10.309597947889 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993248 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2209 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44993227 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2213 (at arc-length 1403.58m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44993226 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2214 (at arc-length 1403.58m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993190 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2216 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993201 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2215 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44993234 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2212 (at arc-length 1403.58m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993238 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2211 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44993245 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2210 (at arc-length 1403.58m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993249 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2208 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44993256 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2207 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44993161 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2220 (at arc-length 18805.05m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44993154 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2223 (at arc-length 29742.13m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44993168 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2218 (at arc-length 28299.11m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44993162 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2219 (at arc-length 24014.37m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44993102 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2224 (at arc-length 15879.70m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44993090 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2225 (at arc-length 29742.13m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44993179 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2217 (at arc-length 20165.74m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186292 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2098 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186319 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2093 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186296 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2094 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44186297 is too far from computed projection point (53.934043,10.308838) on shape 2099 (at arc-length 95.98m): 70.94m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44186284 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2100 (at arc-length 22119.71m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44186239 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2101 (at arc-length 38971.77m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44186291 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2103 (at arc-length 39603.44m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44186226 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2102 (at arc-length 12748.91m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44860233 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 3043 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44860178 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 3044 (at arc-length 1681.41m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992987 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2186 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44992987 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2186 (at arc-length 25910.89m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992980 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2188 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44992980 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2188 (at arc-length 34857.57m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992970 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2191 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44992970 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2191 (at arc-length 25910.89m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992969 is too far from computed projection point (53.934159,10.310779) on shape 2192 (at arc-length 1385.61m): 86.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44992969 is too far from computed projection point (53.933668,10.309953) on shape 2192 (at arc-length 24556.16m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992981 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2187 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992971 is too far from computed projection point (53.934159,10.310779) on shape 2190 (at arc-length 1385.61m): 86.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992964 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2193 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992956 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2195 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44992963 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2194 (at arc-length 2727.45m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44186762 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 3010 (at arc-length 22212.40m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45197781 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 3018 (at arc-length 2020.22m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 45128206 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2151 (at arc-length 14793.52m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 45128169 is too far from computed projection point (53.934159,10.310779) on shape 2155 (at arc-length 20742.56m): 86.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45128145 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2158 (at arc-length 20058.71m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 45128203 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2153 (at arc-length 21029.63m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 45128204 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2152 (at arc-length 24215.39m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45128159 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2156 (at arc-length 20894.29m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 45128148 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2157 (at arc-length 9942.50m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 45128143 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2159 (at arc-length 12663.66m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 45128142 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2160 (at arc-length 31445.21m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 45128141 is too far from computed projection point (53.934159,10.310779) on shape 2161 (at arc-length 20905.00m): 86.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 45128140 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2162 (at arc-length 20017.33m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 45128214 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2150 (at arc-length 22900.52m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128067 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2175 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45128067 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2175 (at arc-length 8338.14m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128088 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2168 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128092 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2165 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128091 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2166 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128104 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2164 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128086 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2170 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128126 is too far from computed projection point (53.934159,10.310779) on shape 2163 (at arc-length 80.39m): 86.02m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128089 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2167 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128087 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2169 (at arc-length 899.55m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128084 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2171 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 45128078 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2173 (at arc-length 1304.76m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128065 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2176 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128069 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2174 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128079 is too far from computed projection point (53.933667,10.309946) on shape 2172 (at arc-length 0.46m): 95.21m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44992332 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2443 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44992330 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2444 (at arc-length 98.36m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44992325 is too far from computed projection point (53.934055,10.308812) on shape 2445 (at arc-length 23827.94m): 71.25m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44992299 is too far from computed projection point (53.934059,10.308821) on shape 2446 (at arc-length 18331.97m): 70.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44992278 is too far from computed projection point (53.934059,10.308821) on shape 2447 (at arc-length 19080.47m): 70.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13881 de:01060:75338::34753381 Bf. Bad Segeberg (ZOB) 53.934498313077 10.309597947889 0 0
L13882 de:01060:75338::34753382 Bf. Bad Segeberg (ZOB) 53.934499143392 10.309521839551 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13923 de:01062:80352::916 Bargfelder Rögen, Steinklinken 53.768096340385 10.238997250850 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44194881 is too far from computed projection point (53.768096,10.238148) on shape 2835 (at arc-length 0.96m): 55.81m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13924 de:01062:92200::922 Bargteheide, Holsteiner Straße 53.737601391639 10.264667174814 0 0
L14855 de:01062:92200::800761 Bargteheide, Holsteiner Straße 53.737610694118 10.264637143235 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13936 de:01062:80361::941 Elmenhorst, Scheidekate 53.780585204536 10.242536076797 0 0
L14888 de:01062:80361::803616 Elmenhorst, Scheidekate 53.780594344340 10.242521176014 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13961 de:01003:57776::1 Kronsforde, Forstamt Stadtwald 53.790044946213 10.619665070125 0 0
L13962 de:01003:57776::2 Kronsforde, Forstamt Stadtwald 53.790045356180 10.619634735679 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13982 de:01056:99960:1:99 Barmstedt 53.792968502999 9.772004644324 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45021222 is too far from computed projection point (53.792903,9.773779) on shape 427 (at arc-length 19231.10m): 116.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45021134 is too far from computed projection point (53.792903,9.773779) on shape 430 (at arc-length 17027.75m): 116.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45021057 is too far from computed projection point (53.792903,9.773779) on shape 433 (at arc-length 0.00m): 116.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13996 de:01056:17006::700062 Brande, Barmstedter Straße 30 53.835467210538 9.727413881300 0 0
L13997 de:01056:17006::730066 Brande, Barmstedter Straße 30 53.835467210538 9.727413881300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L13998 de:01056:17013::700132 Raa-Besenbek, Altendeich (Ost) 53.752079572446 9.627189073202 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44010864 is too far from computed projection point (53.751744,9.627817) on shape 232 (at arc-length 11072.78m): 55.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44010867 is too far from computed projection point (53.751744,9.627817) on shape 231 (at arc-length 23948.40m): 55.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 27 on examplar trip 44010856 is too far from computed projection point (53.751744,9.627817) on shape 233 (at arc-length 26746.61m): 55.61m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14000 de:01056:70280::710286 Klein Offenseth, Austraße 53.805535927566 9.693030309171 0 0
L14001 de:01056:70280::700281 Klein Offenseth, Austraße 53.805535927566 9.693030309171 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14002 de:01062:87000::810076 Ahrensfelde, Schmiedeweg 53.764145706744 10.499025773979 0 0
L14003 de:01062:87000::820071 Ahrensfelde, Schmiedeweg 53.764145517078 10.499040932736 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14012 de:01062:18004::810141 Bad Oldesloe, Am Stadion 53.814162186619 10.376686354806 0 0
L14013 de:01062:18004::820146 Bad Oldesloe, Am Stadion 53.814162186619 10.376686354806 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14014 de:01062:18016::830161 Mönkhagen, Alte Schule 53.906425335613 10.546924260498 0 0
L14015 de:01062:18016::810166 Mönkhagen, Alte Schule 53.906425335613 10.546924260498 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14016 de:01062:91827::820271 Bad Oldesloe, Hagenstraße 53.810362318160 10.374254106970 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 755.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14019 de:02000:80989::819891 Dockland (Fischereihafen) 53.543160750983 9.934970839798 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44282084 is too far from computed projection point (53.542868,9.935575) on shape 4128 (at arc-length 2471.16m): 51.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44282085 is too far from computed projection point (53.542868,9.935575) on shape 4129 (at arc-length 2471.16m): 51.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44282095 is too far from computed projection point (53.542868,9.935575) on shape 4130 (at arc-length 2625.03m): 51.52m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44282099 is too far from computed projection point (53.542868,9.935575) on shape 4131 (at arc-length 2625.03m): 51.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14028 de:02000:70033:2:700139 Mozartstraße 53.577804089174 10.021144117370 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44688851 is too far from computed projection point (53.578559,10.023105) on shape 3381 (at arc-length 11019.06m): 154.34m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44688970 is too far from computed projection point (53.578559,10.023105) on shape 3382 (at arc-length 2461.15m): 154.34m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44688972 is too far from computed projection point (53.578559,10.023105) on shape 3383 (at arc-length 7557.78m): 154.34m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14030 de:01062:37176::800662 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.805268899208 10.381176542412 0 0 Bussteig B2
L14034 de:01062:37176::800666 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.805268899208 10.381176542412 0 0 Bussteig C2
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14031 de:01062:37176::800663 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804949393295 10.380832074367 0 0 Bussteig B3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44193781 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2662 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.93m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44193779 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381255) on shape 2663 (at arc-length 8494.04m): 52.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14031 de:01062:37176::800663 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804949393295 10.380832074367 0 0 Bussteig B3
L14035 de:01062:37176::800667 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804940411288 10.380831779043 0 0 Bussteig C3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14032 de:01062:37176::800664 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804674097307 10.380549784479 0 0 Bussteig B4
L16402 de:01062:37176::800668 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804674097307 10.380549784479 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14035 de:01062:37176::800667 Bf. Bad Oldesloe (ZOB) 53.804940411288 10.380831779043 0 0 Bussteig C3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128764 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2841 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45128752 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2844 (at arc-length 1482.40m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128747 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2846 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45128748 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2843 (at arc-length 1482.40m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45128750 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2845 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 45128746 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2847 (at arc-length 33070.37m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 45128742 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2851 (at arc-length 22336.78m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 45128741 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2852 (at arc-length 11392.38m): 53.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 45128731 is too far from computed projection point (53.805349,10.381270) on shape 2853 (at arc-length 33070.37m): 53.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14036 de:01056:17029::700291 Klein Offenseth, Schlottweg 53.799315799039 9.680953018981 0 0
L14037 de:01056:17029::700296 Klein Offenseth, Schlottweg 53.799315799039 9.680953018981 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14039 de:01060:17501::750011 Altengörs, Dorfplatz 53.897783653251 10.362959064765 0 0
L14040 de:01060:17501::750016 Altengörs, Dorfplatz 53.897783653251 10.362959064765 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14049 de:01060:17536::34756611 Bad Segeberg, Gustav-Böhm-Siedlung 53.933184636223 10.289016411646 0 0
L14050 de:01060:17536::34756612 Bad Segeberg, Gustav-Böhm-Siedlung 53.933202763979 10.289001744321 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14071 de:03355:25080::25009301 Bf. Lüneburg (ZOB) 53.249306786055 10.419529549853 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989288 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5997 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989286 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5999 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989290 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5995 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989289 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5996 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989295 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5994 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989287 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 5998 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43989285 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6000 (at arc-length 14830.17m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43989279 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6002 (at arc-length 17503.68m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43989278 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6003 (at arc-length 18069.02m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43989276 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6005 (at arc-length 14429.27m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 43989281 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6011 (at arc-length 15231.24m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43989901 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6180 (at arc-length 2360.90m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43989320 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6034 (at arc-length 13764.63m): 74.75m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43989316 is too far from computed projection point (53.248692,10.419075) on shape 6036 (at arc-length 13206.01m): 74.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14081 de:01062:33006::806151 Hoisdorf, Fuhrwegen 53.640397267416 10.334123379972 0 0
L14082 de:01062:33006::806156 Hoisdorf, Fuhrwegen 53.640415232272 10.334123947234 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14087 de:01062:33016::805931 Lütjensee, Dornredder 53.654795125082 10.366509058027 0 0
L14088 de:01062:33016::805936 Lütjensee, Dornredder 53.654813262323 10.366494518972 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14135 de:02000:41904::41951201 Erlenbruch 53.481975153492 9.867629964809 0 0
L14136 de:02000:41904::41951202 Erlenbruch 53.481975153492 9.867629964809 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14139 de:02000:41906::41952201 Jägerhof 53.471227137452 9.888599790837 0 0
L14140 de:02000:41906::41952202 Jägerhof 53.471227137452 9.888599790837 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14141 de:02000:41907::41952401 Schanzengrund 53.465624593917 9.890425160310 0 0
L14142 de:02000:41907::41952402 Schanzengrund 53.465642225168 9.890470703257 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14149 de:03353:41915::41958401 Ehestorf, Rehwechsel 53.455013901178 9.895080551922 0 0
L14150 de:03353:41915::41958402 Ehestorf, Rehwechsel 53.455049611673 9.895111411738 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14151 de:03353:41921::41959001 Wildpark Schwarze Berge 53.441481499461 9.890311179330 0 0
L14152 de:03353:41921::41959002 Wildpark Schwarze Berge 53.441481499461 9.890311179330 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14153 de:02000:41929::41007601 Weidenbruch 53.483913226773 9.864295129385 0 0
L14154 de:02000:41929::41007602 Weidenbruch 53.483913226773 9.864295129385 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14155 de:02000:42015::42950701 Denickestraße 53.458993350619 9.956636273858 0 0
L14156 de:02000:42015::42950702 Denickestraße 53.458993350619 9.956636273858 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14166 de:02000:43951::81464701 Neue Bullerrinne 53.530906653783 9.847999775223 0 0
L14797 de:02000:43951::130477 Neue Bullerrinne 53.530915637830 9.847999954846 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14184 de:02000:60023::600110 Olivaer Straße 53.583702364972 10.057903948670 0 0
L14185 de:02000:60023::600111 Olivaer Straße 53.583702364972 10.057903948670 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14201 de:01060:70202::75577 Gönnebek, Neen Kamp 54.043865630767 10.182078171242 0 0
L15270 900000755772 Gönnebek, Neen Kamp 54.043883145111 10.182124468418 0 0 2
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14208 de:01060:70333::75729 Bornhöved, Schulen 54.071017739379 10.224279976346 0 0
L15277 de:01060:70333::757293 Bornhöved, Schulen 54.071017894899 10.224264704284 0 0 3
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14210 de:01056:70390::703901 A Sparrieshoop 53.781578211087 9.685944889605 0 0
L16330 de:01056:70390::703902 A Sparrieshoop 53.781596526534 9.685884506298 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.46m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14223 de:01060:75077::750776 Föhrden-Barl, Schulstraße 53.928118358564 9.784363717030 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44858572 is too far from computed projection point (53.927871,9.785059) on shape 2958 (at arc-length 8047.34m): 53.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44858582 is too far from computed projection point (53.927871,9.785059) on shape 2962 (at arc-length 13525.16m): 53.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44858581 is too far from computed projection point (53.927871,9.785059) on shape 2963 (at arc-length 8099.19m): 53.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14224 de:01060:75084::750846 Weddelbrook, Lohnkamp 53.889264638001 9.827713070798 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44858564 is too far from computed projection point (53.887669,9.827256) on shape 2966 (at arc-length 3337.62m): 179.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14233 de:01060:75289::34756331 Bad Segeberg, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 53.951426331121 10.291346300247 0 0
L14234 de:01060:75289::34756332 Bad Segeberg, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 53.951416857629 10.291391706378 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14275 de:01060:75350::753501 Sievershütten, Heide 53.827341356654 10.102279359226 0 0
L14276 de:01060:75350::753506 Sievershütten, Heide 53.827359043279 10.102310199102 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14286 de:01060:75368::753681 Strukdorf, Waldstraße 53.920373047457 10.485577364477 0 0
L14287 de:01060:75368::753686 Strukdorf, Waldstraße 53.920391386967 10.485547571803 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14288 de:01060:75369::753691 Struvenhütten, Im Wiesengrund 53.866040337991 10.051201279783 0 0
L14289 de:01060:75369::753696 Struvenhütten, Im Wiesengrund 53.866040337991 10.051201279783 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14295 de:01060:75373::753731 Seedorf, Heidmoor 54.034144256823 10.490701432335 0 0
L14296 de:01060:75373::753736 Seedorf, Heidmoor 54.034144256823 10.490701432335 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14312 de:01060:75422::754221 Weede, Weeder Dorfstraße 53.922701043096 10.371519459583 0 0
L14313 de:01060:75422::754226 Weede, Weeder Dorfstraße 53.922691887341 10.371534381968 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14320 de:01060:75431::754312 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494763701 10.101660522709 0 0
L14321 de:01060:75431::754317 Willingrade, Petersburger Straße 54.024494623826 10.101675778386 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14322 de:01060:75433::754331 Winsen bei Kaltenkirchen 53.830981282974 10.015707283313 0 0
L14323 de:01060:75433::754336 Winsen bei Kaltenkirchen 53.830981282974 10.015707283313 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14329 de:01060:75437::754371 Groß Kummerfeld, Marienhof 54.042247833976 10.119258608154 0 0
L14330 de:01060:75437::754376 Groß Kummerfeld, Marienhof 54.042247691837 10.119273870241 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14337 de:01060:75444::754441 Reinsbek, Neukoppel (West) 53.930983575052 10.512295340957 0 0
L14338 de:01060:75444::754446 Reinsbek, Neukoppel (West) 53.930956247669 10.512324804307 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14348 de:01060:75524::755241 Hagen bei Bad Bramstedt, Akate 53.942688713761 9.864559673998 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44992137 is too far from computed projection point (53.944493,9.866044) on shape 2976 (at arc-length 4134.00m): 222.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14358 de:01060:75537::755371 Großenaspe, Freiweide 53.984419799498 9.986191024943 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44992213 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2988 (at arc-length 18360.12m): 80.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44992211 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2990 (at arc-length 12872.71m): 80.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44992212 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2989 (at arc-length 17950.54m): 80.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44992214 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2991 (at arc-length 16200.49m): 80.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44992200 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2994 (at arc-length 7148.70m): 80.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14358 de:01060:75537::755371 Großenaspe, Freiweide 53.984419799498 9.986191024943 0 0
L14359 de:01060:75537::755376 Großenaspe, Freiweide 53.984410691319 9.986206054168 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14359 de:01060:75537::755376 Großenaspe, Freiweide 53.984410691319 9.986206054168 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992208 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2995 (at arc-length 3565.36m): 79.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992201 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2993 (at arc-length 3565.36m): 79.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992204 is too far from computed projection point (53.983924,9.987096) on shape 2997 (at arc-length 3565.36m): 79.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14364 de:01060:75541::755411 Hasenkrug, Kampstraße 53.985825281838 9.858151215269 0 0
L14365 de:01060:75541::755416 Hasenkrug, Kampstraße 53.985825281838 9.858151215269 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14387 de:01060:75604::756041 Wiemersdorf, Fuhlendorfer Weg 53.951016561481 9.898943626232 0 0
L14388 de:01060:75604::756046 Wiemersdorf, Fuhlendorfer Weg 53.950989155396 9.899003965297 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14398 de:01060:75650::34756501 Bad Segeberg, Möbel Kraft 53.938082973041 10.297223181159 0 0
L14399 de:01060:75650::34756502 Bad Segeberg, Möbel Kraft 53.938100937269 10.297223738778 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14409 de:01060:75701::757011 Schmalfeld, Schule 53.876934343118 9.981788050978 0 0
L14410 de:01060:75701::757016 Schmalfeld, Schule 53.876934343118 9.981788050978 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14442 de:01062:80092::800352 Bad Oldesloe, Königstraße 53.808371204069 10.369224681573 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 45128428 is too far from computed projection point (53.804676,10.380546) on shape 2405 (at arc-length 3238.69m): 849.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14447 de:01062:80127::801271 Groß Barnitz, Abzweigung Lokfeld 53.806038648902 10.504589164036 0 0
L14448 de:01062:80127::801276 Groß Barnitz, Abzweigung Lokfeld 53.806039029836 10.504558816382 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14502 de:02000:25001::99 Bf. Bergedorf 53.488743593985 10.206744345462 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44368907 is too far from computed projection point (53.489116,10.206236) on shape 2475 (at arc-length 189.94m): 53.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44368961 is too far from computed projection point (53.489116,10.206236) on shape 2472 (at arc-length 189.94m): 53.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 41 on examplar trip 44368884 is too far from computed projection point (53.489116,10.206236) on shape 2476 (at arc-length 42053.26m): 53.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44368855 is too far from computed projection point (53.489116,10.206236) on shape 2477 (at arc-length 20149.57m): 53.40m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14504 de:02000:65005::99 Bf. Rahlstedt (Amtsstraße) 53.604227656118 10.152884020325 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 43853633 is too far from computed projection point (53.603651,10.153971) on shape 435 (at arc-length 13080.54m): 96.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 28 on examplar trip 43853631 is too far from computed projection point (53.603651,10.153971) on shape 436 (at arc-length 22393.14m): 96.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853622 is too far from computed projection point (53.603651,10.153971) on shape 437 (at arc-length 0.00m): 96.20m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43853620 is too far from computed projection point (53.603651,10.153971) on shape 438 (at arc-length 0.00m): 96.20m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14508 de:01060:75526::347552601 Armstedt, Dorfstraße 53.970611793658 9.850919707076 0 0
L14509 de:01060:75526::347552606 Armstedt, Dorfstraße 53.970638743794 9.850920256558 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14517 de:01060:75536::347553601 Großenaspe, Diekstücken 53.978405926109 9.973352009665 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44992214 is too far from computed projection point (53.978933,9.973302) on shape 2991 (at arc-length 17982.31m): 58.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44992205 is too far from computed projection point (53.978546,9.970429) on shape 2996 (at arc-length 225.77m): 191.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44992200 is too far from computed projection point (53.978933,9.973302) on shape 2994 (at arc-length 8930.52m): 58.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14518 de:01060:75538::347553801 Großenaspe, Schule 53.973775694792 9.973731713968 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44992212 is too far from computed projection point (53.973823,9.974495) on shape 2989 (at arc-length 20421.86m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44992208 is too far from computed projection point (53.973823,9.974495) on shape 2995 (at arc-length 5356.52m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44992201 is too far from computed projection point (53.973823,9.974495) on shape 2993 (at arc-length 5356.52m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44992200 is too far from computed projection point (53.973823,9.974495) on shape 2994 (at arc-length 5357.47m): 50.19m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44992204 is too far from computed projection point (53.973823,9.974495) on shape 2997 (at arc-length 5356.52m): 50.19m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14527 de:01061:75040::2 Quarnstedt, Börn 53.955055604313 9.785555138557 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43994776 is too far from computed projection point (53.955437,9.783628) on shape 369 (at arc-length 47533.48m): 133.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14595 de:01060:75527::99 Bad Bramstedt, Gymnasium 53.926504751132 9.895524013131 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995611 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2941 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44995613 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2942 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44858579 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2955 (at arc-length 21863.53m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44858570 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2960 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44858583 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2961 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44858582 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2962 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44858569 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2965 (at arc-length 33107.57m): 54.88m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44858561 is too far from computed projection point (53.926896,9.896035) on shape 2968 (at arc-length 12445.69m): 54.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14605 de:01062:37058::370581 Wilstedt, Harksheider Straße (West) 53.728022611599 10.029222527810 0 0
L14606 de:01062:37058::370582 Wilstedt, Harksheider Straße (West) 53.727995922137 10.029191572167 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14624 000000323342 Elm Glüsing 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
L14703 000000332832 Elm Hohe Heide 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14624 000000323342 Elm Glüsing 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
L14704 000000332831 Elm Hohe Heide 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14625 000000323352 Elm Ortsmitte 53.517119836022 9.204438869095 0 0
L14629 000000323351 Elm Ortsmitte 53.517119836022 9.204438869095 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14626 000000323362 Elm Post 53.521988482599 9.210327479639 0 0
L14628 000000323361 Elm Post 53.521988482599 9.210327479639 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14630 000000323371 Elm Schiffgraben 53.495656261953 9.181115466689 0 0
L14636 000000323372 Elm Schiffgraben 53.495656261953 9.181115466689 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14631 000000323281 Bremervörde Stader Straße 53.490663004579 9.167142769579 0 0
L14635 000000323282 Bremervörde Stader Straße 53.490663004579 9.167142769579 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14632 000000323271 Bremervörde Ostebrücke 53.484320274560 9.160052724765 0 0
L16636 000000323272 Bremervörde Ostebrücke 53.484320274560 9.160052724765 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14633 000000320001 Bremervörde Schulzentrum 53.478548463636 9.133657436943 0 0
L14634 000000320002 Bremervörde Schulzentrum 53.478548463636 9.133657436943 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14638 000000153851 Zeven Bahnhof Süd 53.283693154405 9.279081076488 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974833 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3127 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974835 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3125 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974855 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3129 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974854 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3130 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974841 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3131 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43974836 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3132 (at arc-length 10.88m): 146.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14638 000000153851 Zeven Bahnhof Süd 53.283693154405 9.279081076488 0 0
L14696 000000153852 Zeven Bahnhof Süd 53.283693154405 9.279081076488 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14639 000000975821 Zeven, Bahnhofstraße 53.289752750881 9.277621104271 0 0
L14695 000000975822 Zeven, Bahnhofstraße 53.289752750881 9.277621104271 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14640 000000975811 Zeven Busbahnhof 53.295939224661 9.279536018378 0 0
L14694 000000975812 Zeven Busbahnhof 53.295939224661 9.279536018378 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14641 000000109051 Zeven, Veranstaltungsgelände 53.298338919325 9.290545634152 0 0
L14693 000000109052 Zeven, Veranstaltungsgelände 53.298338919325 9.290545634152 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14642 000000154471 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299488843381 9.294288186957 0 0
L14692 000000154472 Zeven Bäckerstraße 53.299488843381 9.294288186957 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14643 000000320051 Heeslingen Heimathaus 53.312974764711 9.332295371544 0 0
L14691 000000320052 Heeslingen Heimathaus 53.312974764711 9.332295371544 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14644 000000151931 Heeslingen Mitte 53.314908086547 9.334981188517 0 0
L14690 000000151932 Heeslingen Mitte 53.314908086547 9.334981188517 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14645 000000154491 Heeslingen, Schule 53.316074430746 9.341922534098 0 0
L14688 000000154492 Heeslingen, Schule 53.316074430746 9.341922534098 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14646 000000154771 Heeslingen, Mühlenberg 53.315729972342 9.346076059992 0 0
L14689 000000154772 Heeslingen, Mühlenberg 53.315729972342 9.346076059992 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14647 000000154781 Osterheeslingen 53.316405095974 9.363757276161 0 0
L14687 000000154782 Osterheeslingen 53.316405095974 9.363757276161 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14648 000000154791 Weertzen, Nord 53.304406054499 9.376450690014 0 0
L14686 000000154792 Weertzen, Nord 53.304406054499 9.376450690014 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14649 000000154801 Weertzen, Gerätehaus 53.298827475256 9.387230631330 0 0
L14685 000000154802 Weertzen, Gerätehaus 53.298827475256 9.387230631330 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14650 000000154811 Weertzen, Alte Schule 53.298590814922 9.379804157397 0 0
L14684 000000154812 Weertzen, Alte Schule 53.298590814922 9.379804157397 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14651 000000154761 Heeslingen, Abzw. L 142 Adiek 53.296844611982 9.363500781444 0 0
L14683 000000154762 Heeslingen, Abzw. L 142 Adiek 53.296844611982 9.363500781444 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14652 000000154751 Wiersdorf 53.294819521942 9.327505019397 0 0
L14682 000000154752 Wiersdorf 53.294819521942 9.327505019397 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14653 000000154821 Weertzen, Hanrade 53.298733867417 9.409832829772 0 0
L14681 000000154822 Weertzen, Hanrade 53.298733867417 9.409832829772 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14654 000000154831 Kuhmühlen, Kuhbachbrücke 53.290118029009 9.437282344601 0 0
L14680 000000154832 Kuhmühlen, Kuhbachbrücke 53.290118029009 9.437282344601 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14657 000000112811 Groß Meckelsen, Mitte 53.286434293541 9.467938268200 0 0
L14679 000000112812 Groß Meckelsen, Mitte 53.286434293541 9.467938268200 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14658 000000154861 Groß Meckelsen, L 142 Autobahnbrücke 53.283476743348 9.472823749260 0 0
L14678 000000154862 Groß Meckelsen, L 142 Autobahnbrücke 53.283476743348 9.472823749260 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14659 000000166611 Sittensen, Industriestraße 53.280371287479 9.496252411973 0 0
L14677 000000166612 Sittensen, Industriestraße 53.280362177476 9.496282290960 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14661 000000154871 Sittensen Busbahnhof 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
L14662 000000154881 Sittensen Bahnhofstraße 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14661 000000154871 Sittensen Busbahnhof 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
L14675 000000154882 Sittensen Bahnhofstraße 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14662 000000154881 Sittensen Bahnhofstraße 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
L14675 000000154882 Sittensen Bahnhofstraße 53.281518035267 9.505606187624 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14663 000000154901 Sittensen, Johannesruh 53.285657557271 9.514651628698 0 0
L14674 000000154902 Sittensen, Johannesruh 53.285657557271 9.514651628698 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14664 000000211001 Tiste, Heidornweg 53.288481161094 9.516230106166 0 0
L14673 000000211002 Tiste, Heidornweg 53.288481161094 9.516230106166 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14665 000000154911 Tiste, Ort 53.286810661639 9.530364850559 0 0
L14672 000000154912 Tiste, Ort 53.286810661639 9.530364850559 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14666 000000320671 Tiste, Voges 53.285464564276 9.536000951792 0 0
L14671 000000320672 Tiste, Voges 53.285464564276 9.536000951792 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14667 000000154921 Tiste, Bahnhof 53.286710006387 9.552510597146 0 0
L14670 000000154922 Tiste, Bahnhof 53.286710006387 9.552510597146 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14668 000000154931 Tiste, Abzw.Burgsittensen 53.282177862048 9.562842222573 0 0
L14669 000000154932 Tiste, Abzw.Burgsittensen 53.282177862048 9.562842222573 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14696 000000153852 Zeven Bahnhof Süd 53.283693154405 9.279081076488 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43974830 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3133 (at arc-length 15891.53m): 146.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 34 on examplar trip 43974820 is too far from computed projection point (53.282898,9.277322) on shape 3135 (at arc-length 38563.84m): 146.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14698 de:02000:47500::475000 S Neugraben (Am Johannisland) 53.475054554665 9.854174582253 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43814105 is too far from computed projection point (53.475532,9.853958) on shape 3980 (at arc-length 0.00m): 54.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14703 000000332832 Elm Hohe Heide 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
L14704 000000332831 Elm Hohe Heide 53.512482539696 9.199728467119 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14705 000000332681 Bremervörde Hafen 53.484948855518 9.153517227989 0 0
L14706 000000332682 Bremervörde Hafen 53.484948855518 9.153517227989 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14708 de:02000:10064::100611 Jakobikirchhof 53.549950193773 9.999787382707 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44869190 is too far from computed projection point (53.550068,10.000726) on shape 3988 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.38m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44085137 is too far from computed projection point (53.550068,10.000726) on shape 1767 (at arc-length 0.00m): 63.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14709 de:02000:10064::100612 Jakobikirchhof 53.549995238131 9.999773357186 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 29 on examplar trip 44085088 is too far from computed projection point (53.550068,10.000726) on shape 1770 (at arc-length 47127.40m): 63.45m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14711 000000190292 190292 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14713 000000190490 190490 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14711 000000190292 190292 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14717 000000540120 540120 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14711 000000190292 190292 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14719 000000550122 550122 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14712 000000190293 190293 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14714 000000190491 190491 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14712 000000190293 190293 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14716 000000490037 490037 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14712 000000190293 190293 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14718 000000540127 540127 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14713 000000190490 190490 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14717 000000540120 540120 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14713 000000190490 190490 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14719 000000550122 550122 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14714 000000190491 190491 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14716 000000490037 490037 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14714 000000190491 190491 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14718 000000540127 540127 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14716 000000490037 490037 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
L14718 000000540127 540127 53.543247947458 10.023042159300 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14717 000000540120 540120 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
L14719 000000550122 550122 53.457401058621 9.989932415961 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14738 de:02000:11031::110039 U Meßberg 53.547557539649 10.003306595825 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44061444 is too far from computed projection point (53.547347,10.001672) on shape 1608 (at arc-length 0.00m): 110.51m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14742 de:02000:20057::200571 Moorfleeter Brückenstraße 53.500471782222 10.082775387791 0 0
L14743 de:02000:20057::200572 Moorfleeter Brückenstraße 53.500471235923 10.082835655833 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14744 de:02000:20058::200581 Moorfleeter Deich 344 53.495856986330 10.091246990029 0 0
L14745 de:02000:20058::200582 Moorfleeter Deich 344 53.495865419245 10.091307482178 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14753 de:02000:21085::210851 Eichbaumsee 53.487587592280 10.104247415814 0 0
L14754 de:02000:21085::210852 Eichbaumsee 53.487587174508 10.104292602823 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14758 de:02000:23098::230981 Gersonweg 53.475161450342 10.182064213233 0 0
L14759 de:02000:23098::230982 Gersonweg 53.475188399946 10.182064962676 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14778 de:01062:35241::352411 Ahrensburg, Kurt-Fischer-Straße (Mitte) 53.686610117797 10.261169947275 0 0
L14779 de:01062:35241::352412 Ahrensburg, Kurt-Fischer-Straße (Mitte) 53.686610117797 10.261169947275 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14793 de:02000:81111::811111 Wülpensand 53.579221926148 9.749636557743 0 0
L14794 de:02000:81111::811112 Wülpensand 53.579195257594 9.749590791307 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14795 000000190825 190825 53.566160953724 10.074235083714 0 0
L14796 000000190826 190826 53.566152105933 10.074219765532 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14802 de:02000:41908::419524 Rudolf Steiner Schule Harburg 53.460699646774 9.891752366219 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 43836987 is too far from computed projection point (53.461534,9.891890) on shape 4006 (at arc-length 2196.96m): 93.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43836916 is too far from computed projection point (53.461534,9.891890) on shape 4011 (at arc-length 0.00m): 93.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14804 000000440060 440060 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14805 000000440061 440061 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14804 000000440060 440060 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14905 000000190827 190827 53.433242813930 9.920969048826 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14804 000000440060 440060 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14906 000000190828 190828 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14804 000000440060 440060 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14907 000000190829 190829 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14804 000000440060 440060 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14908 000000190830 190830 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14805 000000440061 440061 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
L14905 000000190827 190827 53.433242813930 9.920969048826 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14805 000000440061 440061 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
L14906 000000190828 190828 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14805 000000440061 440061 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
L14907 000000190829 190829 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14805 000000440061 440061 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
L14908 000000190830 190830 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14813 de:03353:94019::9401902 Winsen, Altstadtring 53.365637988907 10.210351479733 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44494042 is too far from computed projection point (53.365349,10.209577) on shape 5150 (at arc-length 16489.25m): 60.61m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44142698 is too far from computed projection point (53.362325,10.209191) on shape 6846 (at arc-length 4369.84m): 376.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44142696 is too far from computed projection point (53.362325,10.209191) on shape 6847 (at arc-length 4369.84m): 376.35m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44142694 is too far from computed projection point (53.362325,10.209191) on shape 6849 (at arc-length 7035.68m): 376.35m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14853 de:01056:97103::971033 Esingen, Riedweg 53.683330397669 9.728132075692 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44092791 is too far from computed projection point (53.684004,9.728219) on shape 1575 (at arc-length 1854.33m): 75.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14898 de:03353:94019::9401903 Winsen, Altstadtring 53.365608143383 10.210636071056 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44494057 is too far from computed projection point (53.365349,10.209577) on shape 5135 (at arc-length 1467.10m): 75.95m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44494050 is too far from computed projection point (53.365349,10.209577) on shape 5138 (at arc-length 4132.94m): 75.95m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14904 de:01053:85718::3923101 Bf. Büchen 53.475846116257 10.624026395291 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44200353 is too far from computed projection point (53.475811,10.623272) on shape 2507 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.08m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44200330 is too far from computed projection point (53.475811,10.623272) on shape 2508 (at arc-length 0.00m): 50.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14905 000000190827 190827 53.433242813930 9.920969048826 0 0
L14906 000000190828 190828 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14905 000000190827 190827 53.433242813930 9.920969048826 0 0
L14907 000000190829 190829 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14905 000000190827 190827 53.433242813930 9.920969048826 0 0
L14908 000000190830 190830 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14906 000000190828 190828 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14907 000000190829 190829 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14906 000000190828 190828 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
L14908 000000190830 190830 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14907 000000190829 190829 53.433260665887 9.920984481546 0 0
L14908 000000190830 190830 53.433251565790 9.920999331139 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14913 de:01062:80627::806271 Hoisdorf, Oetjendorfer Kirchenweg 53.655063859838 10.311988482846 0 0
L14914 de:01062:80627::806276 Hoisdorf, Oetjendorfer Kirchenweg 53.655081990595 10.311973920184 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14917 de:01062:80113::801131 Bargteheide, Theodor-Storm-Straße 53.725892552303 10.267300377232 0 0
L14918 de:01062:80113::801136 Bargteheide, Theodor-Storm-Straße 53.725910036512 10.267346357234 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14973 de:03359:960107::96010701 Barnkrug, Am Elbdeich (West) 53.686422340062 9.462438036075 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 1295.80m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14974 de:03359:960108::96010801 Wethe, Am Elbdeich (Süd) 53.686105682247 9.455986604489 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 43852410 is too far from computed projection point (53.688663,9.443127) on shape 4852 (at arc-length 5039.07m): 893.27m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L14988 de:01062:33048::806281 Hoisdorf, An der Buschkoppel 53.659914534748 10.311307187535 0 0
L14989 de:01062:33048::806286 Hoisdorf, An der Buschkoppel 53.659959447155 10.311308582448 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15036 de:01056:97229::972291 Uetersen, Tantaus Allee 53.687244756206 9.670226297482 0 0
L15037 de:01056:97229::972292 Uetersen, Tantaus Allee 53.687244756206 9.670226297482 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15061 de:02000:81472::814721 Jeverländer Weg 53.527920070587 9.880769122875 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45197298 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3281 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 841.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45196761 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3282 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 841.07m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 45196651 is too far from computed projection point (53.535384,9.878707) on shape 3280 (at arc-length 15423.90m): 841.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15077 de:01053:26061::260611 Escheburg, Schule 53.470942707161 10.310772568117 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44077134 is too far from computed projection point (53.466888,10.309406) on shape 1046 (at arc-length 6774.38m): 459.89m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44077129 is too far from computed projection point (53.466888,10.309406) on shape 1047 (at arc-length 10650.04m): 459.89m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15137 720000432011 Kalübbe Alte Schule 54.119626713764 10.284490147340 0 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44282838 is too far from computed projection point (54.120161,10.285776) on shape 3099 (at arc-length 18574.37m): 102.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15168 720000442111 Husberg Moor Klinkenberg 54.059873159424 10.121489058649 0 0 1
L15169 720000442112 Husberg Moor Klinkenberg 54.059873159424 10.121489058649 0 0 2
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15279 de:01060:90403::904032 Groß Rönnau, Stückenkoppel 53.972377669054 10.306473054502 0 0
L15337 de:01060:90403::904031 Groß Rönnau, Stückenkoppel 53.972377669054 10.306473054502 0 0 2
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15288 000000151482 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.483014012186 9.141474449535 0 0
L15289 000000151481 Bremervörde Bahnhof 53.483014012186 9.141474449535 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15292 de:01056:82028::820283 Schenefeld, Busbetriebshof 53.591554784476 9.831725780407 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44064744 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1422 (at arc-length 8555.87m): 91.71m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 44064839 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1423 (at arc-length 16291.56m): 91.71m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44064812 is too far from computed projection point (53.591518,9.833114) on shape 1424 (at arc-length 7378.35m): 91.71m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15297 de:01053:85911::859111 Möhnsen, Lankener Weg 53.559698440451 10.468904179706 0 0
L15299 de:01053:85911::859112 Möhnsen, Lankener Weg 53.559698440451 10.468904179706 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15315 de:01058:43068::2 Hohenwestedt, Bahnhof 54.086985589045 9.653322761600 0 0 6
L16931 000000143068 Bahnhof, Hohenwestedt 54.086976854578 9.653276779074 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15327 de:02000:82022::820113 Kressenweg 53.585336814016 9.872102791615 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44065529 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1181 (at arc-length 4950.92m): 129.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44079659 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1255 (at arc-length 9889.37m): 129.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44287333 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1275 (at arc-length 8962.62m): 129.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 44287300 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1276 (at arc-length 13882.51m): 129.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 33 on examplar trip 45194947 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1276 (at arc-length 13882.51m): 129.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44287331 is too far from computed projection point (53.586410,9.872850) on shape 1280 (at arc-length 9311.76m): 129.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15353 de:01061:964::2 Agethorst, Dorfstraße 17 54.019510524303 9.435829609361 0 0
L15363 de:01061:964::1 Agethorst, Dorfstraße 17 54.019483793711 9.435768302304 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15356 de:01061:84645::2 Siezbüttel, Dorfstraße 54.051132975985 9.441428569949 0 0
L15412 de:01061:84645::1 Siezbüttel, Dorfstraße 54.051132975985 9.441428569949 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15376 de:01061:74961::1 Pöschendorf, Hohenesch 1 54.051517250733 9.516309709693 0 0
L15627 de:01061:74961::2 Pöschendorf, Hohenesch 1 54.051517250733 9.516309709693 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15377 de:01061:43013::1 Hohenlockstedt, Hebbelstraße 53.971426833974 9.628180498328 0 0
L15570 de:01061:43013::2 Hohenlockstedt, Hebbelstraße 53.971426833974 9.628180498328 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15389 de:01061:51629::1 Westermoor, An Eck 53.911482862818 9.610555548731 0 0
L15598 de:01061:51629::2 Westermoor, An Eck 53.911482785367 9.610570765143 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15392 de:01061:51632::1 Kronsmoor, Alte Landstraße 10 53.907185305239 9.589586060357 0 0
L15601 de:01061:51632::2 Kronsmoor, Alte Landstraße 10 53.907185454812 9.589555630539 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15406 de:01061:74897::1 Puls, Pulserdamm 54.074659327930 9.508255902111 0 0
L15624 de:01061:74897::2 Puls, Pulserdamm 54.074659327930 9.508255902111 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15411 de:01061:70690::1 Pöschendorf, Abzw. Oldenborstel 54.049321088382 9.506694279263 0 0
L15617 de:01061:70690::2 Pöschendorf, Abzw. Oldenborstel 54.049321088382 9.506694279263 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15415 de:01061:76205::1 Reher, Viehorn 17 54.071573741290 9.544040295514 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43999762 is too far from computed projection point (54.070766,9.547757) on shape 117 (at arc-length 16105.00m): 258.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15415 de:01061:76205::1 Reher, Viehorn 17 54.071573741290 9.544040295514 0 0
L15629 de:01061:76205::2 Reher, Viehorn 17 54.071573741290 9.544040295514 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15416 de:01061:94973::1 Wacken, Wasberger Weg 54.020878093697 9.373990840533 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43999799 is too far from computed projection point (54.020371,9.375176) on shape 132 (at arc-length 0.00m): 95.78m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43999797 is too far from computed projection point (54.020371,9.375176) on shape 133 (at arc-length 0.00m): 95.78m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15423 de:01061:100716::1 Wittenbergen, Alte Schule 53.933471557688 9.680092292343 0 0
L15648 de:01061:100716::2 Wittenbergen, Alte Schule 53.933462660179 9.680076921924 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15430 de:01061:98560::1 Westermoor, Rechstieg 53.913909533968 9.626083348657 0 0
L15643 de:01061:98560::2 Westermoor, Rechstieg 53.913900708885 9.626052779640 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15438 de:01061:46682::1 Itzehoe, Dwerweg 53.954697074057 9.493754415878 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 243.95m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 552.15m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15458 de:01061:50528::1 Kleve, Hauptstraße (Süd) 53.959403358968 9.413369972823 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44183777 is too far from computed projection point (53.958741,9.413603) on shape 2693 (at arc-length 8763.31m): 75.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44183782 is too far from computed projection point (53.958741,9.413603) on shape 2697 (at arc-length 25526.75m): 75.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15463 de:01061:100336::1 Winseldorf, Oberstraße 53.944358555134 9.606802259420 0 0
L15645 de:01061:100336::2 Winseldorf, Oberstraße 53.944358555134 9.606802259420 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15464 de:01061:56483::1 Lohbarbek 53.946166917481 9.635826790376 0 0
L15603 de:01061:56483::2 Lohbarbek 53.946166917481 9.635826790376 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15465 de:01061:43007::1 Hohenlockstedt, Bahnhofstraße 53.957905749138 9.612407400433 0 0
L15567 de:01061:43007::2 Hohenlockstedt, Bahnhofstraße 53.957905749138 9.612407400433 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15466 de:01061:43001::1 Hohenlockstedt, Birkenallee 53.965666522705 9.621511279419 0 0
L15566 de:01061:43001::2 Hohenlockstedt, Birkenallee 53.965666522705 9.621511279419 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15467 de:01061:43012::1 Hohenlockstedt, Fehrsstraße 53.969898918951 9.631708144302 0 0
L15569 de:01061:43012::2 Hohenlockstedt, Fehrsstraße 53.969898918951 9.631708144302 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15468 de:01061:43011::1 Hohenlockstedt, Alter Bahnhof 53.960011085028 9.627490687404 0 0
L15568 de:01061:43011::2 Hohenlockstedt, Alter Bahnhof 53.960011085028 9.627490687404 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15476 de:01061:48732::1 Kellinghusen, Preußerstraße 53.955597377698 9.720684823646 0 0
L15590 de:01061:48732::2 Kellinghusen, Preußerstraße 53.955597377698 9.720684823646 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15491 de:01061:99025::2 Looft, Schulstraße 54.028362315296 9.525102242893 0 0
L15502 de:01061:99025::1 Looft, Schulstraße 54.028362315296 9.525102242893 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15503 de:01061:106301::1 Heiligenstedten, Fischdiek 53.938620465628 9.469977211197 0 0
L15525 de:01061:106301::2 Heiligenstedten, Fischdiek 53.938620465628 9.469977211197 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15504 de:01061:106362::1 Itzehoe, Emmy-Noether-Straße 53.957824308145 9.497950384430 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 116.13m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15505 de:01061:106374::1 Itzehoe, Innovationszentrum 53.956963416827 9.486606010747 0 0
L16279 de:01061:106374::2 Itzehoe, Innovationszentrum 53.956936526403 9.486590463219 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15512 de:01061:106399::1 Itzehoe, Rathaus 53.919129200255 9.516773281334 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44011193 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 146 (at arc-length 11118.29m): 427.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44011230 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 145 (at arc-length 11562.44m): 427.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15552 de:01061:17879::3 Christinenthal, Dorfstraße 54.053135635657 9.532499877926 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 43999762 is too far from computed projection point (54.052742,9.532083) on shape 117 (at arc-length 4153.00m): 51.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15579 de:01061:46689::2 Itzehoe, Kirchweg (Nord) 53.950795042439 9.494424154078 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44011454 is too far from computed projection point (53.954787,9.493649) on shape 171 (at arc-length 6365.63m): 446.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 678.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 931.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15658 de:01061:50977::1 Kollmar, Bielenberg 9 53.751781450563 9.435171851987 0 0
L15797 de:01061:50977::2 Kollmar, Bielenberg 9 53.751781450563 9.435171851987 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15659 de:01061:50978::1 Kollmar, Bielenberg 18 53.746364235051 9.439920777037 0 0
L15798 de:01061:50978::2 Kollmar, Bielenberg 18 53.746364235051 9.439920777037 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15660 de:01061:50979::1 Kollmar, Bielenberg 67 53.743485446305 9.443346380960 0 0
L15799 de:01061:50979::2 Kollmar, Bielenberg 67 53.743485446305 9.443346380960 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15661 de:01061:10910::1 Blomesche Wildnis, An der Chaussee 63 53.804161319456 9.447675546964 0 0
L15751 de:01061:10910::2 Blomesche Wildnis, An der Chaussee 63 53.804161319456 9.447675546964 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15662 de:01061:12272::1 Borsfleth, Dorfstraße 53.826445320910 9.427457108759 0 0
L15759 de:01061:12272::2 Borsfleth, Dorfstraße 53.826445320910 9.427457108759 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15663 de:01061:12270::1 Borsfleth, Grüner Weg 53.820242381555 9.435912291525 0 0
L15756 de:01061:12270::2 Borsfleth, Grüner Weg 53.820242381555 9.435912291525 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15664 de:01061:85487::1 Sommerland, Brunsholt 53.779146198125 9.553398455884 0 0
L15822 de:01061:85487::2 Sommerland, Brunsholt 53.779146198125 9.553398455884 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15666 de:01061:2415::1 Altenmoor, Bullendorf 11 53.767354992334 9.620061743846 0 0
L15834 de:01061:2415::2 Altenmoor, Bullendorf 11 53.767354992334 9.620061743846 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15667 de:01061:2416::1 Altenmoor, Bullendorf 25 53.765274676139 9.612266771457 0 0
L15750 de:01061:2416::2 Altenmoor, Bullendorf 25 53.765274676139 9.612266771457 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15668 de:01061:21914::1 Dägeling, Dorfstraße 53.878497508703 9.527858099758 0 0
L15762 de:01061:21914::2 Dägeling, Dorfstraße 53.878497508703 9.527858099758 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15669 de:01061:21915::1 Dägeling, Heideweg 53.887569561033 9.522254029642 0 0
L15763 de:01061:21915::2 Dägeling, Heideweg 53.887569561033 9.522254029642 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15670 de:01061:65392::1 Neuendorf, Datenhörn 53.751356154560 9.561127929350 0 0
L15815 de:01061:65392::2 Neuendorf, Datenhörn 53.751356154560 9.561127929350 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15671 de:01061:65393::1 Neuendorf, Fleien 53.736976774762 9.550297783903 0 0
L15816 de:01061:65393::2 Neuendorf, Fleien 53.736976774762 9.550297783903 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15672 de:01061:65394::1 Neuendorf, Dünnenreihe 53.735861045849 9.558405730272 0 0
L15817 de:01061:65394::2 Neuendorf, Dünnenreihe 53.735861045849 9.558405730272 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15673 de:01061:41770::1 Gehlensiel, Brunsholt 53.773018480847 9.539636797893 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 6753.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15674 de:01061:31070::1 Glückstadt, Flensburger Straße 53.801317777502 9.416516172468 0 0
L15766 de:01061:31070::2 Glückstadt, Flensburger Straße 53.801317777502 9.416516172468 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15677 de:01061:32128::1 Grevenkop, Am Rundhof 53.836002071609 9.498006035951 0 0
L15767 de:01061:32128::2 Grevenkop, Am Rundhof 53.836002071609 9.498006035951 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15678 de:01061:50981::1 Kollmar, Kehrweg 53.736770539457 9.498952344959 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 2349.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15678 de:01061:50981::1 Kollmar, Kehrweg 53.736770539457 9.498952344959 0 0
L15801 de:01061:50981::2 Kollmar, Kehrweg 53.736770539457 9.498952344959 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15679 de:01061:85491::1 Sommerland, Grönland 53.821358834970 9.583231535694 0 0
L16326 de:01061:85491::2 Sommerland, Grönland 53.821349998644 9.583201043165 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15680 de:01061:50982::1 Kollmar, Schulstraße 53.731154476673 9.472520850490 0 0
L15802 de:01061:50982::2 Kollmar, Schulstraße 53.731154476673 9.472520850490 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15681 de:01061:44304::1 Horst (Holst.), Glashofkamp 8 53.785172600631 9.631961478815 0 0
L15782 de:01061:44304::2 Horst (Holst.), Glashofkamp 8 53.785172600631 9.631961478815 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15682 de:01061:44303::1 Horst (Holst.), An der Bundesstraße 28 53.785928061519 9.635219670580 0 0
L15781 de:01061:44303::2 Horst (Holst.), An der Bundesstraße 28 53.785928061519 9.635219670580 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15683 de:01061:44307::1 Horst (Holst.), Grönländer Chaussee 53.825181022435 9.598880941070 0 0
L15785 de:01061:44307::2 Horst (Holst.), Grönländer Chaussee 53.825181022435 9.598880941070 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15684 de:01061:41768::1 Herzhorn, Am Altendeich 53.790612891216 9.486694269701 0 0
L15772 de:01061:41768::2 Herzhorn, Am Altendeich 53.790612891216 9.486694269701 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15685 de:01061:41771::1 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Grillchaussee 89 53.788393659690 9.470964639683 0 0
L15773 de:01061:41771::2 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Grillchaussee 89 53.788393659690 9.470964639683 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15687 de:01061:42950::1 Hohenfelde (IZ), Niederreihe 12 53.843926397606 9.594621204211 0 0
L15774 de:01061:42950::2 Hohenfelde (IZ), Niederreihe 12 53.843926397606 9.594621204211 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15688 de:01061:42952::1 Hohenfelde (IZ), Niederreihe 29 53.844429605555 9.608925150712 0 0
L15775 de:01061:42952::2 Hohenfelde (IZ), Niederreihe 29 53.844429605555 9.608925150712 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15689 de:01061:42953::1 Hohenfelde (IZ), Glindesmoor 53.845860190630 9.657854623960 0 0
L15776 de:01061:42953::2 Hohenfelde (IZ), Glindesmoor 53.845860190630 9.657854623960 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15690 de:01061:44300::1 Horst (Holst.), Stellbusch 53.810329635112 9.632036584434 0 0
L15779 de:01061:44300::2 Horst (Holst.), Stellbusch 53.810329635112 9.632036584434 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15691 de:01061:44298::1 Horst (Holst.), Amtsverwaltung 53.806518105628 9.623842972881 0 0
L15778 de:01061:44298::2 Horst (Holst.), Amtsverwaltung 53.806518105628 9.623842972881 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15692 de:01061:44301::1 Horst (Holst.), Ernst-Barlach-Straße 53.811945419166 9.627187661773 0 0
L15780 de:01061:44301::2 Horst (Holst.), Ernst-Barlach-Straße 53.811945419166 9.627187661773 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15694 de:01061:44311::1 Horst (Holst.), Am Markt 53.811865026294 9.616711263315 0 0
L15788 de:01061:44311::2 Horst (Holst.), Am Markt 53.811865026294 9.616711263315 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15696 de:01061:44313::1 Horst (Holst.), Wiesengrund 53.807466098047 9.640008437509 0 0
L15790 de:01061:44313::2 Horst (Holst.), Wiesengrund 53.807466098047 9.640008437509 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15697 de:01061:44308::1 Horst (Holst.), Horstheide 53.802607957932 9.654490197452 0 0
L15786 de:01061:44308::2 Horst (Holst.), Horstheide 53.802607957932 9.654490197452 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15698 de:01061:44309::1 Horst (Holst.), Horstmühle 53.790206269787 9.633251102055 0 0
L15787 de:01061:44309::2 Horst (Holst.), Horstmühle 53.790206269787 9.633251102055 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15699 de:01061:12273::1 Borsfleth, Jachthafen 53.824612175437 9.409534238498 0 0
L15760 de:01061:12273::2 Borsfleth, Jachthafen 53.824612175437 9.409534238498 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15700 de:01061:10911::1 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 190 53.821230727775 9.402531447229 0 0
L15752 de:01061:10911::2 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 190 53.821230727775 9.402531447229 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15701 de:01061:85493::1 Sommerland, Kamerlander Au 53.783615658688 9.562180769863 0 0
L15824 de:01061:85493::2 Sommerland, Kamerlander Au 53.783615658688 9.562180769863 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15702 de:01061:85492::1 Sommerland, Kamerland 53.798455702230 9.547263618985 0 0
L15823 de:01061:85492::2 Sommerland, Kamerland 53.798455702230 9.547263618985 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15703 de:01061:48933::1 Kiebitzreihe, Koppeldamm 53.781643113930 9.607347300104 0 0
L15793 de:01061:48933::2 Kiebitzreihe, Koppeldamm 53.781643113930 9.607347300104 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15704 de:01061:48931::1 Kiebitzreihe, Hauptstraße 53.781611327548 9.620560359338 0 0
L15792 de:01061:48931::2 Kiebitzreihe, Hauptstraße 53.781611327548 9.620560359338 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15705 de:01061:48937::1 Kiebitzreihe, Wiesengrund 53.779642529770 9.617300112824 0 0
L15796 de:01061:48937::2 Kiebitzreihe, Wiesengrund 53.779642529770 9.617300112824 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15707 de:01061:44305::1 Horst (Holst.), Horster Landstraße 1 53.780602740666 9.639781232877 0 0
L15783 de:01061:44305::2 Horst (Holst.), Horster Landstraße 1 53.780602740666 9.639781232877 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15708 de:01061:48934::1 Kiebitzreihe, Heidkamp 53.781874400560 9.621808235456 0 0
L15794 de:01061:48934::2 Kiebitzreihe, Heidkamp 53.781874400560 9.621808235456 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15709 de:01061:48936::1 Kiebitzreihe, Weidendamm 53.782229788881 9.612119391736 0 0
L15795 de:01061:48936::2 Kiebitzreihe, Weidendamm 53.782229788881 9.612119391736 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15711 de:01061:44306::1 Horst (Holst.), Kiebitzreiher Chaussee 89 53.780246272521 9.629050586540 0 0
L15784 de:01061:44306::2 Horst (Holst.), Kiebitzreiher Chaussee 89 53.780246272521 9.629050586540 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15712 de:01061:50983::1 Kollmar, Haarsmühle 53.743749306343 9.503824666480 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 2924.30m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15712 de:01061:50983::1 Kollmar, Haarsmühle 53.743749306343 9.503824666480 0 0
L15803 de:01061:50983::2 Kollmar, Haarsmühle 53.743749306343 9.503824666480 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15714 de:01061:50991::1 Kollmar, Wendeplatz 53.727237599787 9.490263951787 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44010849 is too far from computed projection point (53.732745,9.494192) on shape 238 (at arc-length 9723.59m): 664.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44010841 is too far from computed projection point (53.732745,9.494192) on shape 240 (at arc-length 14040.31m): 664.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44010827 is too far from computed projection point (53.732745,9.494192) on shape 243 (at arc-length 6154.93m): 664.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44010830 is too far from computed projection point (53.732745,9.494192) on shape 241 (at arc-length 14040.31m): 664.63m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15715 de:01061:51380::1 Krempdorf, Austraße 53.830322708577 9.473895954344 0 0
L15812 de:01061:51380::2 Krempdorf, Austraße 53.830322708577 9.473895954344 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15717 de:01061:51383::1 Krempe, Neuenbrooker Straße (Süd) 53.836465143846 9.488092309892 0 0
L15813 de:01061:51383::2 Krempe, Neuenbrooker Straße (Süd) 53.836465143846 9.488092309892 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15718 de:01061:50985::1 Kollmar, Langenbrooker Straße 53.757001201262 9.514551063901 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 4337.52m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15720 de:01061:50986::1 Kollmar, Moorhusen 45 53.756857746666 9.536988362624 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 5537.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15720 de:01061:50986::1 Kollmar, Moorhusen 45 53.756857746666 9.536988362624 0 0
L15806 de:01061:50986::2 Kollmar, Moorhusen 45 53.756857746666 9.536988362624 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15721 de:01061:65322::1 Neuenbrook, Hauptstraße 53.860469283796 9.533056909525 0 0
L15814 de:01061:65322::2 Neuenbrook, Hauptstraße 53.860469283796 9.533056909525 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15722 de:01061:10912::1 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 177 53.814432151069 9.399004651592 0 0
L15753 de:01061:10912::2 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 177 53.814432151069 9.399004651592 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15723 de:01061:10913::1 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 170 53.809038435045 9.405222797802 0 0
L15754 de:01061:10913::2 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 170 53.809038435045 9.405222797802 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15724 de:01061:10914::1 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 156 53.804385280517 9.410232327298 0 0
L15755 de:01061:10914::2 Blomesche Wildnis, Am Neuendeich 156 53.804385280517 9.410232327298 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15725 de:01061:65397::1 Neuendorf, Moorhusen (Süd) 53.737662994471 9.563097271968 0 0
L15819 de:01061:65397::2 Neuendorf, Moorhusen (Süd) 53.737662994471 9.563097271968 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15726 de:01061:13591::1 Breitenburg, Birkenweg 53.901052044618 9.510525275738 0 0
L15761 de:01061:13591::2 Breitenburg, Birkenweg 53.901052044618 9.510525275738 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15727 de:01061:69156::1 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Obendeich 53.770004895920 9.463281566533 0 0
L15820 de:01061:69156::2 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Obendeich 53.770004895920 9.463281566533 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15728 de:01061:50987::1 Kollmar, Schleuerweg 53.765302947834 9.457027443840 0 0
L15807 de:01061:50987::2 Kollmar, Schleuerweg 53.765302947834 9.457027443840 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15729 de:01061:42955::1 Hohenfelde (IZ), Fegefeuer 53.832302095470 9.590598407795 0 0
L15777 de:01061:42955::2 Hohenfelde (IZ), Fegefeuer 53.832302095470 9.590598407795 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15730 de:01061:81771::1 Kollmar, Schleuerdeich 53.761269741630 9.439985797879 0 0
L15821 de:01061:81771::2 Kollmar, Schleuerdeich 53.761269741630 9.439985797879 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15731 de:01061:44312::1 Horst (Holst.), Schloburger Weg 53.800541193316 9.629384962967 0 0
L15789 de:01061:44312::2 Horst (Holst.), Schloburger Weg 53.800541193316 9.629384962967 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15733 de:01061:89594::1 Steinburg, Doratwiete 53.844043047888 9.578123201717 0 0
L15825 de:01061:89594::2 Steinburg, Doratwiete 53.844043047888 9.578123201717 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15735 de:01061:89596::1 Steinburg, Lübscher Landweg 53.843776144250 9.573835108772 0 0
L15826 de:01061:89596::2 Steinburg, Lübscher Landweg 53.843776144250 9.573835108772 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15736 de:01061:50988::1 Kollmar, Deichreihe 53.731772487560 9.463830280754 0 0
L15808 de:01061:50988::2 Kollmar, Deichreihe 53.731772487560 9.463830280754 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15737 de:01061:50989::1 Kollmar, Steindeich 73 53.734372662310 9.455888264036 0 0
L15809 de:01061:50989::2 Kollmar, Steindeich 73 53.734372662310 9.455888264036 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15738 de:01061:100607::1 Kiebitzreihe, Wischreihe 9 53.778301957235 9.585455204476 0 0
L15831 de:01061:100607::2 Kiebitzreihe, Wischreihe 9 53.778301957235 9.585455204476 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15739 de:01061:51379::1 Krempdorf, Borsflether Wisch 53.826412403096 9.460578685898 0 0
L15811 de:01061:51379::2 Krempdorf, Borsflether Wisch 53.826412403096 9.460578685898 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15740 de:01061:21916::1 Dägeling, Wellenberg 53.874678377284 9.530044948944 0 0
L15764 de:01061:21916::2 Dägeling, Wellenberg 53.874678377284 9.530044948944 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15743 de:01061:65395::1 Neuendorf, Bauerweg 53.736695434674 9.573859030566 0 0
L15818 de:01061:65395::2 Neuendorf, Bauerweg 53.736695434674 9.573859030566 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15744 de:01061:50990::1 Kollmar, Strohdeich 53.760328562545 9.476942675035 0 0
L15810 de:01061:50990::2 Kollmar, Strohdeich 53.760301609418 9.476942369222 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15747 de:01061:24111::1 Elskop, Doppelreihe 53.819464680828 9.512113100065 0 0
L15765 de:01061:24111::2 Elskop, Doppelreihe 53.819464680828 9.512113100065 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15769 de:01061:32129::3 Grevenkop, Feuerwehr 53.841970476803 9.542924481708 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44010797 is too far from computed projection point (53.842610,9.538679) on shape 213 (at arc-length 10611.89m): 287.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44010805 is too far from computed projection point (53.842610,9.538679) on shape 211 (at arc-length 10611.89m): 287.47m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44010783 is too far from computed projection point (53.842610,9.538679) on shape 215 (at arc-length 10611.89m): 287.47m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15800 de:01061:50980::2 Kollmar, Moorhusen 53.760649535745 9.518598718566 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 4804.72m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15804 de:01061:50984::3 Kollmar, Kirchreihe 53.732747116383 9.494192109367 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44010864 is too far from computed projection point (53.732528,9.495039) on shape 232 (at arc-length 669.22m): 60.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44010867 is too far from computed projection point (53.732779,9.495162) on shape 231 (at arc-length 13575.27m): 63.90m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44010856 is too far from computed projection point (53.732779,9.495162) on shape 233 (at arc-length 16373.47m): 63.90m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44010852 is too far from computed projection point (53.732779,9.495162) on shape 234 (at arc-length 16737.68m): 63.90m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44010853 is too far from computed projection point (53.732779,9.495162) on shape 235 (at arc-length 14963.85m): 63.90m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44010829 is too far from computed projection point (53.732528,9.495039) on shape 242 (at arc-length 18923.70m): 60.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44010826 is too far from computed projection point (53.732528,9.495039) on shape 244 (at arc-length 14088.95m): 60.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44010824 is too far from computed projection point (53.732528,9.495039) on shape 245 (at arc-length 12600.08m): 60.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15810 de:01061:50990::2 Kollmar, Strohdeich 53.760301609418 9.476942369222 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44010852 is too far from computed projection point (53.760923,9.476631) on shape 234 (at arc-length 29416.09m): 72.06m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44010849 is too far from computed projection point (53.760932,9.476601) on shape 238 (at arc-length 19456.63m): 73.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15815 de:01061:65392::2 Neuendorf, Datenhörn 53.751356154560 9.561127929350 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44010851 is too far from computed projection point (53.731777,9.464236) on shape 236 (at arc-length 35866.70m): 6733.62m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15838 de:01061:106555::1 Oldendorf (IZ), Schöne Aussicht 53.949748835745 9.463933792180 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43999799 is too far from computed projection point (53.949692,9.462836) on shape 132 (at arc-length 14990.92m): 72.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43999797 is too far from computed projection point (53.949692,9.462836) on shape 133 (at arc-length 14990.92m): 72.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43999788 is too far from computed projection point (53.949692,9.462836) on shape 134 (at arc-length 20376.18m): 72.09m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 43999778 is too far from computed projection point (53.949692,9.462836) on shape 135 (at arc-length 20376.18m): 72.09m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15840 de:01061:106554::1 Oldendorf (IZ), Dorfstraße 53.953218785846 9.456401748861 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43999799 is too far from computed projection point (53.953998,9.457035) on shape 132 (at arc-length 14235.36m): 96.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43999797 is too far from computed projection point (53.953998,9.457035) on shape 133 (at arc-length 14235.36m): 96.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43999788 is too far from computed projection point (53.953998,9.457035) on shape 134 (at arc-length 19620.62m): 96.04m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 43999778 is too far from computed projection point (53.953998,9.457035) on shape 135 (at arc-length 19620.62m): 96.04m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15862 de:01061:106365::1 Itzehoe, Albert-Schweitzer-Ring (Nord) 53.959368789729 9.500314986398 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44011575 is too far from computed projection point (53.949553,9.505787) on shape 188 (at arc-length 4177.74m): 1148.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44011586 is too far from computed projection point (53.949553,9.505787) on shape 184 (at arc-length 10924.15m): 1148.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44011560 is too far from computed projection point (53.949553,9.505787) on shape 186 (at arc-length 11244.52m): 1148.68m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44011454 is too far from computed projection point (53.954787,9.493649) on shape 171 (at arc-length 6365.63m): 670.63m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 566.30m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 7258.65m): 136.86m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15868 de:01061:106368::1 Breitenburg, Elmshorner Straße 53.906088047388 9.507315426428 0 0
L16210 de:01061:106368::2 Breitenburg, Elmshorner Straße 53.906069886059 9.507360852568 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15869 de:01061:106367::1 Itzehoe, Graf-Rantzau-Straße 53.904827287886 9.499449170329 0 0
L16272 de:01061:106367::2 Itzehoe, Graf-Rantzau-Straße 53.904818177023 9.499479491575 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15873 de:01061:12269::1 Borsfleth, Büttel 1 53.828080622494 9.417237634652 0 0
L15874 de:01061:12269::2 Borsfleth, Büttel 1 53.828080622494 9.417237634652 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15875 de:01061:106458::1 Krempermoor, Wiesengrund 53.877015612108 9.480734502690 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44011709 is too far from computed projection point (53.879473,9.477709) on shape 194 (at arc-length 13131.75m): 337.65m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44011751 is too far from computed projection point (53.879473,9.477709) on shape 197 (at arc-length 9065.73m): 337.65m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44011744 is too far from computed projection point (53.879473,9.477709) on shape 196 (at arc-length 9065.73m): 337.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15876 de:01061:15139::1 Brokdorf, Am Teich 53.862223936472 9.323705703725 0 0
L15877 de:01061:15139::2 Brokdorf, Am Teich 53.862223936472 9.323705703725 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15878 de:01061:15140::1 Brokdorf, Osterende 12 53.856638834827 9.335562118161 0 0
L15879 de:01061:15140::2 Brokdorf, Osterende 12 53.856602854698 9.335577027204 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15880 de:01061:15141::2 Brokdorf, Osterende 33 53.848681260169 9.344083283809 0 0
L15881 de:01061:15141::1 Brokdorf, Osterende 33 53.848681260169 9.344083283809 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15882 de:01061:51388::1 Bf. Kremperheide 53.881405803955 9.479309899953 0 0
L15883 de:01061:51388::2 Bf. Kremperheide 53.881405803955 9.479309899953 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15912 de:01061:106373::1 Itzehoe, Holzkamp 53.923827110505 9.523224599705 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44011193 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 146 (at arc-length 11118.29m): 545.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44011230 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 145 (at arc-length 11562.44m): 545.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15914 de:01061:106305::1 Heiligenstedtenerkamp, Mittelstraße 53.899462705930 9.466174960422 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011310 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 150 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011355 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 153 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011327 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 151 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011373 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 147 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011322 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 148 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011329 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 149 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44011358 is too far from computed projection point (53.899059,9.466860) on shape 152 (at arc-length 12.79m): 63.49m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15919 de:01061:106378::1 Itzehoe, Goldbergweg (Nord) 53.951658890295 9.502751101128 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44011454 is too far from computed projection point (53.954787,9.493649) on shape 171 (at arc-length 6365.63m): 689.70m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 867.01m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 845.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15920 de:01061:106379::1 Itzehoe, Karnberg 53.951801498613 9.507291995156 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44011454 is too far from computed projection point (53.954787,9.493649) on shape 171 (at arc-length 6365.63m): 952.42m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 1099.16m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 972.85m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15924 de:01061:106397::1 Itzehoe, Oldendorfer Weg 53.943895401205 9.494311992844 0 0
L16288 de:01061:106397::2 Itzehoe, Oldendorfer Weg 53.943904636248 9.494251185168 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15925 de:01061:106396::1 Itzehoe, Ochsenmarktskamp 53.927380598241 9.526283301565 0 0
L16287 de:01061:106396::2 Itzehoe, Ochsenmarktskamp 53.927371881307 9.526222298752 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.11m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15933 de:01061:106383::1 Itzehoe, Bachstraße (Ost) 53.923150431188 9.540081796327 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44011502 is too far from computed projection point (53.923074,9.536214) on shape 168 (at arc-length 592.56m): 253.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15939 de:01061:106128::1 Neuenkirchen (IZ), Fritz-Höger-Straße 53.863710656369 9.430786276444 0 0
L16318 de:01061:106128::2 Neuenkirchen (IZ), Fritz-Höger-Straße 53.863683703536 9.430785999140 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15945 de:01061:86389::1 St. Margarethen, Osterbünge Nord 53.893515656400 9.292857043029 0 0
L15946 de:01061:86389::2 St. Margarethen, Osterbünge Nord 53.893515656400 9.292857043029 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15947 de:01061:86388::1 St. Margarethen, Osterbünge-Mitte 53.892996112780 9.277095200366 0 0
L15948 de:01061:86388::2 St. Margarethen, Osterbünge-Mitte 53.892996112780 9.277095200366 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15952 de:01061:106300::1 Heiligenstedten, Alte Landstraße 53.945373371897 9.468560707492 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43999799 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 132 (at arc-length 15622.50m): 164.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 43999797 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 133 (at arc-length 15622.50m): 164.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43999788 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 134 (at arc-length 21007.76m): 164.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 43999778 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 135 (at arc-length 21007.76m): 164.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43999831 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 137 (at arc-length 15585.09m): 164.12m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 43999830 is too far from computed projection point (53.944720,9.466312) on shape 138 (at arc-length 15585.09m): 164.12m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15953 de:01061:106302::1 Heiligenstedten, Sportzentrum 53.934149115571 9.469226515535 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44011809 is too far from computed projection point (53.932082,9.469295) on shape 210 (at arc-length 4793.34m): 229.90m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15957 de:01061:31057::1 Glückstadt, Fritz-Lau-Platz 53.793042764063 9.419119946482 0 0
L15958 de:01061:31057::2 Glückstadt, Fritz-Lau-Platz 53.793069770367 9.419105041613 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.16m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15962 de:01061:15142::2 Brokdorf, Peuser (Mitte) 53.868203552537 9.347618545301 0 0
L15963 de:01061:15142::1 Brokdorf, Peuser (Mitte) 53.868203552537 9.347618545301 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15965 de:01061:70322::1 Rosdorf, Hauptstraße (Nord) 53.987503158654 9.727883049447 0 0
L15966 de:01061:70322::2 Rosdorf, Hauptstraße (Nord) 53.987503158654 9.727883049447 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15974 de:01061:31067::1 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Herzhorner Rhin 53.788527741666 9.447721268429 0 0
L15975 de:01061:31067::2 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Herzhorner Rhin 53.788527741666 9.447721268429 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15978 de:01061:31064::1 Glückstadt, Grillchaussee 40 53.789142580864 9.439397788841 0 0
L15979 de:01061:31064::2 Glückstadt, Grillchaussee 40 53.789142580864 9.439397788841 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15980 de:01061:31060::2 Glückstadt, Detlefsengymnasium 53.792252302510 9.434195228036 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44010856 is too far from computed projection point (53.791908,9.434950) on shape 233 (at arc-length 1409.62m): 62.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010850 is too far from computed projection point (53.791908,9.434950) on shape 237 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010853 is too far from computed projection point (53.791908,9.434950) on shape 235 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15987 de:01061:31071::1 Glückstadt, Krankenhaus 53.790798758532 9.431160629371 0 0
L15988 de:01061:31071::2 Glückstadt, Krankenhaus 53.790798758532 9.431160629371 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15992 de:01061:31065::1 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Seniorenzentrum 53.788953333003 9.451625278411 0 0
L15993 de:01061:31065::2 Engelbrechtsche Wildnis, Seniorenzentrum 53.788953333003 9.451625278411 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L15995 de:01061:31075::1 Glückstadt, Nordmarkstraße (West) 53.783776708279 9.427538477086 0 0
L15996 de:01061:31075::2 Glückstadt, Nordmarkstraße (West) 53.783776708279 9.427538477086 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16008 de:01061:41579::1 Glückstadt, Herrenfeld 53.773310316444 9.437260419768 0 0
L16009 de:01061:41579::2 Glückstadt, Herrenfeld 53.773310316444 9.437260419768 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16010 de:01061:31076::1 Glückstadt, Temmingstraße 53.778206587293 9.432426920689 0 0
L16011 de:01061:31076::2 Glückstadt, Temmingstraße 53.778206587293 9.432426920689 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16041 de:03355:81704::8170402 Bleckede, Schulzentrum 53.284856343647 10.730317391993 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43988896 is too far from computed projection point (53.284886,10.731334) on shape 5920 (at arc-length 10658.72m): 67.65m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 43988895 is too far from computed projection point (53.285093,10.731317) on shape 5921 (at arc-length 15174.32m): 71.47m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 43988894 is too far from computed projection point (53.284884,10.731333) on shape 5922 (at arc-length 16627.33m): 67.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 43988893 is too far from computed projection point (53.284884,10.731333) on shape 5923 (at arc-length 17145.37m): 67.59m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 43988892 is too far from computed projection point (53.284886,10.731334) on shape 5924 (at arc-length 18995.56m): 67.65m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16043 de:03355:81704::8170404 Bleckede, Schulzentrum 53.285159314384 10.730494593262 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43989045 is too far from computed projection point (53.285454,10.731271) on shape 5976 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.14m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16053 de:03355:92501::9250103 Amelinghausen, Bahnhof 53.130452332904 10.215964833652 0 0
L16056 de:03355:92501::9250106 Amelinghausen, Bahnhof 53.130443654552 10.215934706750 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16129 de:02000:65003::650004 Bf. Rahlstedt (Doberaner Weg) 53.603945146133 10.152362669432 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 53 on examplar trip 43818425 is too far from computed projection point (53.604466,10.153283) on shape 4038 (at arc-length 25418.11m): 83.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 63 on examplar trip 43818546 is too far from computed projection point (53.604466,10.153283) on shape 4043 (at arc-length 30442.06m): 83.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 43818523 is too far from computed projection point (53.604466,10.153283) on shape 4044 (at arc-length 8800.78m): 83.91m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 61 on examplar trip 44312611 is too far from computed projection point (53.604466,10.153283) on shape 4056 (at arc-length 29937.16m): 83.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16131 de:02000:64037::640125 Immenseeweg 53.594325329125 10.175073902090 0 0
L16818 000000191153 Immenseeweg 53.594351833105 10.175119950078 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16194 de:01060:75551::755511 Boostedt, Kieswerk 54.006854163923 10.047809174628 0 0
L16195 de:01060:75551::755516 Boostedt, Kieswerk 54.006854163923 10.047809174628 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16202 de:01053:85910::859103 Hamwarde, Bogenstraße 53.452480027422 10.421241626421 0 0
L16203 de:01053:85910::859106 Hamwarde, Bogenstraße 53.452480027422 10.421241626421 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16248 de:01061:46701::6 Itzehoe, ZOB 53.923031960352 9.515969128810 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010814 is too far from computed projection point (53.922847,9.515069) on shape 222 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010812 is too far from computed projection point (53.922847,9.515069) on shape 223 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010818 is too far from computed projection point (53.922847,9.515069) on shape 220 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010815 is too far from computed projection point (53.922847,9.515069) on shape 221 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.43m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010795 is too far from computed projection point (53.922847,9.515069) on shape 214 (at arc-length 0.00m): 62.43m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16273 de:01061:46683::3 Itzehoe, Grundschule Edendorf 53.952089318398 9.498643580963 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44011454 is too far from computed projection point (53.954787,9.493649) on shape 171 (at arc-length 6365.63m): 443.60m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44011465 is too far from computed projection point (53.956821,9.492820) on shape 170 (at arc-length 6600.36m): 649.62m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 15 on examplar trip 44011490 is too far from computed projection point (53.958829,9.498435) on shape 169 (at arc-length 8154.22m): 749.54m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16278 de:01061:106372::2 Itzehoe, Hohe Straße 53.922008583512 9.521999348954 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44011193 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 146 (at arc-length 11118.29m): 463.08m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44011230 is too far from computed projection point (53.922838,9.515069) on shape 145 (at arc-length 11562.44m): 463.08m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16339 de:01061:76964::2 Rethwisch (IZ), Schule 53.865723424538 9.576187889764 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44010823 is too far from computed projection point (53.865058,9.576240) on shape 228 (at arc-length 9929.55m): 74.07m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44010820 is too far from computed projection point (53.865058,9.576240) on shape 229 (at arc-length 13956.49m): 74.07m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010821 is too far from computed projection point (53.865058,9.576240) on shape 230 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.07m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44010996 is too far from computed projection point (53.865058,9.576240) on shape 276 (at arc-length 6860.22m): 74.07m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44010995 is too far from computed projection point (53.865058,9.576240) on shape 277 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.07m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16345 de:03353:94039::9403902 Roydorf, Schulzentrum 53.342921112349 10.199737662103 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144803 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5702 (at arc-length 10932.32m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44144798 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5706 (at arc-length 11988.24m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44144813 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5698 (at arc-length 18396.89m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44144804 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5701 (at arc-length 15850.94m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144802 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5703 (at arc-length 11236.14m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44144800 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5705 (at arc-length 14006.95m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44144812 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5707 (at arc-length 18661.76m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44144808 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5711 (at arc-length 16597.40m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144783 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5720 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144793 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5723 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144792 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5724 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144785 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5718 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144784 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5719 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144795 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200374) on shape 5721 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.96m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144796 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5712 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144791 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200374) on shape 5713 (at arc-length 0.00m): 55.96m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144786 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5717 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144789 is too far from computed projection point (53.342591,10.200359) on shape 5715 (at arc-length 1.00m): 55.22m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16349 de:03353:94900::9490002 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363524688607 10.223721500785 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44142698 is too far from computed projection point (53.363907,10.223314) on shape 6846 (at arc-length 3411.12m): 50.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44142696 is too far from computed projection point (53.363907,10.223314) on shape 6847 (at arc-length 3411.12m): 50.40m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44142694 is too far from computed projection point (53.363907,10.223314) on shape 6849 (at arc-length 6076.97m): 50.40m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 48 on examplar trip 44142638 is too far from computed projection point (53.365698,10.210556) on shape 6856 (at arc-length 29041.50m): 906.37m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 43 on examplar trip 44142637 is too far from computed projection point (53.365698,10.210556) on shape 6857 (at arc-length 27082.56m): 906.37m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16350 de:03353:94900::9490003 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363406057668 10.223898366908 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144782 is too far from computed projection point (53.363921,10.223351) on shape 5685 (at arc-length 6817.15m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44144780 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5687 (at arc-length 10952.22m): 74.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44144779 is too far from computed projection point (53.363921,10.223351) on shape 5688 (at arc-length 11074.60m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144776 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5691 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144774 is too far from computed projection point (53.363921,10.223351) on shape 5693 (at arc-length 32.34m): 67.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144772 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5695 (at arc-length 0.00m): 74.56m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144770 is too far from computed projection point (53.363921,10.223351) on shape 5697 (at arc-length 32.34m): 67.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16351 de:03353:94900::9490004 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363287888791 10.224030178574 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44494057 is too far from computed projection point (53.363923,10.223355) on shape 5135 (at arc-length 2797.47m): 83.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44494050 is too far from computed projection point (53.363923,10.223355) on shape 5138 (at arc-length 5463.32m): 83.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44494067 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5141 (at arc-length 0.00m): 88.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44494053 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5136 (at arc-length 0.00m): 88.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44494068 is too far from computed projection point (53.363923,10.223355) on shape 5140 (at arc-length 3998.97m): 83.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44494042 is too far from computed projection point (53.363923,10.223355) on shape 5150 (at arc-length 15158.88m): 83.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44494013 is too far from computed projection point (53.363923,10.223355) on shape 5144 (at arc-length 15158.88m): 83.61m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44494009 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5146 (at arc-length 15126.89m): 88.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44494006 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5148 (at arc-length 15126.89m): 88.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 45244051 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5151 (at arc-length 20287.54m): 88.92m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44494004 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5149 (at arc-length 15061.52m): 88.92m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16352 de:03353:94900::9490006 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363530323771 10.224923448814 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44143787 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5238 (at arc-length 4062.92m): 92.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44143784 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5240 (at arc-length 4062.92m): 92.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44143786 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5239 (at arc-length 31.96m): 92.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44143783 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5241 (at arc-length 4062.92m): 92.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44143780 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5243 (at arc-length 31.96m): 92.17m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 16 on examplar trip 44143777 is too far from computed projection point (53.364072,10.223767) on shape 5246 (at arc-length 27524.95m): 97.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44143779 is too far from computed projection point (53.364227,10.224172) on shape 5244 (at arc-length 25280.74m): 92.17m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16354 de:03353:94900::9490008 Winsen, Schulzentrum Bürgerweide 53.363793458827 10.224675619542 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44144804 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5701 (at arc-length 11086.49m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 21 on examplar trip 44144811 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5708 (at arc-length 17835.56m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44144809 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5710 (at arc-length 19727.29m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144793 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5723 (at arc-length 4064.91m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144792 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5724 (at arc-length 4064.91m): 58.66m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144784 is too far from computed projection point (53.364237,10.224197) on shape 5719 (at arc-length 4064.91m): 58.66m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16367 de:03355:81704::8170409 Bleckede, Schulzentrum 53.285906126145 10.731049648788 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43988913 is too far from computed projection point (53.285454,10.731271) on shape 5916 (at arc-length 0.00m): 52.38m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16371 de:01060:75584::755841 Tarbek, Rosenhof 54.058935144614 10.251994764607 0 0
L16372 de:01060:75584::755842 Tarbek, Rosenhof 54.058935621652 10.251948962196 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16420 de:02000:8002562:1:80025621 Ottensen 53.559535308073 9.927635571592 0 0
L16421 de:02000:8002562:1:80025622 Ottensen 53.559517340453 9.927635178228 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16422 de:02000:84051::840186 A S Eidelstedt 53.595656134904 9.905378324259 0 1
L16617 de:02000:84051::849023 A S Eidelstedt 53.595656134904 9.905378324259 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16460 de:01056:99300::993002 Bf. Prisdorf (SEV) 53.678289019902 9.761459779410 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45394243 is too far from computed projection point (53.675989,9.758567) on shape 4598 (at arc-length 11335.92m): 318.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 45394236 is too far from computed projection point (53.675989,9.758567) on shape 4602 (at arc-length 32447.31m): 318.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45394239 is too far from computed projection point (53.675989,9.758567) on shape 4600 (at arc-length 11335.92m): 318.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45394221 is too far from computed projection point (53.675989,9.758567) on shape 4609 (at arc-length 18094.55m): 318.91m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 45394216 is too far from computed projection point (53.675989,9.758567) on shape 4611 (at arc-length 18094.55m): 318.91m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16472 de:01061:25067::2 Itzehoe, Schenefelder Chaussee 53.950061798044 9.493577737499 0 0
L16473 de:01061:25067::1 Itzehoe, Schenefelder Chaussee 53.950070844769 9.493562612966 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.41m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16477 de:03355:53704::5370402 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
L16478 de:03355:53704::5370403 Hohnstorf, Schule 53.361163206209 10.564212940319 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16479 de:01060:75554::755541 Nehms, Am Mühlenberg 54.031401297112 10.330957857951 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 2060.94m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 2060.94m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 2060.94m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16479 de:01060:75554::755541 Nehms, Am Mühlenberg 54.031401297112 10.330957857951 0 0
L16480 de:01060:75554::755542 Nehms, Am Mühlenberg 54.031401297112 10.330957857951 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16484 de:01060:75556::755561 Nehms, Am Vorholz 54.035595482578 10.331122437203 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 11 on examplar trip 44860243 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2580 (at arc-length 11216.28m): 2325.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44858795 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2582 (at arc-length 28511.56m): 2325.06m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44858733 is too far from computed projection point (54.021960,10.358110) on shape 2577 (at arc-length 27879.17m): 2325.06m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16489 de:02000:80061::809191 Kaltenkircher Platz 53.564297039976 9.941489534952 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44871224 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3428 (at arc-length 1026.45m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 12 on examplar trip 44870438 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3429 (at arc-length 7154.57m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44870418 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3430 (at arc-length 8737.53m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44870379 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3431 (at arc-length 5579.54m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44871129 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3437 (at arc-length 7153.75m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 10 on examplar trip 44871109 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3438 (at arc-length 5577.68m): 70.83m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44870948 is too far from computed projection point (53.563669,9.941310) on shape 3439 (at arc-length 8736.71m): 70.83m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16515 de:01053:85388::853881 Schwarzenbek, Heuweg 53.512356611112 10.489561993103 0 0
L16516 de:01053:85388::853882 Schwarzenbek, Heuweg 53.512382805686 10.489623213957 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 4.99m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16537 de:01056:70144::701442 Seeth-Ekholt, Seether Straße 53.732092457881 9.730990532651 0 0
L16538 de:01056:70144::701443 Seeth-Ekholt, Seether Straße 53.732092457881 9.730990532651 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16597 de:03355:815475::7670201 Moislingen 53.192712588674 10.882793525273 0 0
L16598 de:03355:815475::7670202 Moislingen 53.192712588674 10.882793525273 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16605 de:01056:97030::970121 Uetersen, Ostbahnhof 53.679804474895 9.675147663305 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44090977 is too far from computed projection point (53.679919,9.677087) on shape 1813 (at arc-length 11977.68m): 128.36m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16606 de:01056:97030::970122 Uetersen, Ostbahnhof 53.680305095633 9.678772736814 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44090999 is too far from computed projection point (53.679919,9.677087) on shape 1810 (at arc-length 10820.89m): 119.03m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44092359 is too far from computed projection point (53.679919,9.677087) on shape 1833 (at arc-length 12709.77m): 119.03m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16674 de:01056:99834::590316 Hörnerkirchen, Bahnhofstraße 53.854477000730 9.705191517755 0 0
L16675 de:01056:99834::590317 Hörnerkirchen, Bahnhofstraße 53.854503773563 9.705222362171 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 3.60m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16677 de:01053:85121::851216 Klein Pampau, Wotersener Weg 53.512395520854 10.587041710153 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44200529 is too far from computed projection point (53.501593,10.560997) on shape 2876 (at arc-length 16189.76m): 2099.88m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16678 de:01053:85123::851236 Klein Pampau, Eichhörnchenweg 53.514086347857 10.570611552728 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 7 on examplar trip 44200529 is too far from computed projection point (53.501593,10.560997) on shape 2876 (at arc-length 16189.76m): 1527.82m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16682 de:02000:61008::610084 U Billstedt 53.541896707837 10.107109436977 0 1
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44002911 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3905 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.28m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44002755 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3908 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.28m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16684 de:02000:61008::610087 U Billstedt 53.541414614565 10.108710952391 0 1
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 17 on examplar trip 44003449 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3904 (at arc-length 8859.25m): 175.44m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 44003207 is too far from computed projection point (53.542342,10.106563) on shape 3907 (at arc-length 5115.46m): 175.44m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16687 de:03353:63701::637023 Buchholz, Schulzentrum I 53.337893390674 9.893059847430 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 13 on examplar trip 44144453 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5433 (at arc-length 8830.71m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44144448 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5436 (at arc-length 7316.29m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 4 on examplar trip 44144447 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5437 (at arc-length 7316.29m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44144444 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5440 (at arc-length 21749.61m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 14 on examplar trip 44144452 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5442 (at arc-length 10718.34m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 8 on examplar trip 44144442 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5441 (at arc-length 6626.88m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144436 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5444 (at arc-length 2220.77m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144429 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5450 (at arc-length 2220.77m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144437 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891244) on shape 5453 (at arc-length 7252.72m): 120.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144434 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891244) on shape 5446 (at arc-length 7252.72m): 120.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144439 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891244) on shape 5452 (at arc-length 1.00m): 120.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144431 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5448 (at arc-length 320.29m): 121.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44144430 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891244) on shape 5449 (at arc-length 7252.72m): 120.59m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144441 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5443 (at arc-length 0.00m): 121.59m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16690 de:01061:9026249::1 St. Margarethen, Stuven 13 53.908053168591 9.257398955940 0 0
L16691 de:01061:9026249::2 St. Margarethen, Stuven 13 53.908053201288 9.257383740062 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16691 de:01061:9026249::2 St. Margarethen, Stuven 13 53.908053201288 9.257383740062 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 6 on examplar trip 44184095 is too far from computed projection point (53.907049,9.255966) on shape 2921 (at arc-length 5033.00m): 145.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 5 on examplar trip 44184033 is too far from computed projection point (53.907049,9.255966) on shape 2901 (at arc-length 3240.39m): 145.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 23 on examplar trip 44184030 is too far from computed projection point (53.907049,9.255966) on shape 2902 (at arc-length 21390.54m): 145.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44184029 is too far from computed projection point (53.907049,9.255966) on shape 2903 (at arc-length 15326.40m): 145.25m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 19 on examplar trip 44184040 is too far from computed projection point (53.907049,9.255966) on shape 2904 (at arc-length 15645.16m): 145.25m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16716 de:02000:70080::700120 Ruwoldtweg 53.609194997920 10.047572212274 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43835620 is too far from computed projection point (53.609905,10.053651) on shape 4120 (at arc-length 5175.81m): 408.72m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 9 on examplar trip 43835680 is too far from computed projection point (53.591393,10.044670) on shape 4119 (at arc-length 7973.38m): 1988.74m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16718 de:02000:71118::711182 Saseler Damm (Mitte) 53.656314816686 10.092697104285 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 61 on examplar trip 43842168 is too far from computed projection point (53.656318,10.094417) on shape 3815 (at arc-length 34505.45m): 113.31m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16746 de:03353:63701::637021 Buchholz, Schulzentrum I 53.337774578093 9.892126568835 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607479 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5529 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607472 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5525 (at arc-length 320.29m): 61.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607487 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5531 (at arc-length 320.29m): 61.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44607485 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5518 (at arc-length 320.29m): 61.64m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44607531 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5588 (at arc-length 0.00m): 61.64m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16747 de:03353:63701::637022 Buchholz, Schulzentrum I 53.338226481713 9.892976733619 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144481 is too far from computed projection point (53.338179,9.891196) on shape 5478 (at arc-length 29.38m): 118.33m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144476 is too far from computed projection point (53.338160,9.891203) on shape 5483 (at arc-length 27.22m): 117.97m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144475 is too far from computed projection point (53.338123,9.891218) on shape 5484 (at arc-length 23.06m): 117.33m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144479 is too far from computed projection point (53.338179,9.891196) on shape 5480 (at arc-length 29.38m): 118.33m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144482 is too far from computed projection point (53.338146,9.891200) on shape 5477 (at arc-length 25.64m): 118.32m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144477 is too far from computed projection point (53.338123,9.891218) on shape 5482 (at arc-length 23.06m): 117.33m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144478 is too far from computed projection point (53.338179,9.891196) on shape 5481 (at arc-length 29.38m): 118.33m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16748 de:03353:63701::637024 Buchholz, Schulzentrum I 53.338127430348 9.893004688796 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44144496 is too far from computed projection point (53.338080,9.891204) on shape 5486 (at arc-length 338.74m): 119.67m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 22 on examplar trip 44144495 is too far from computed projection point (53.338080,9.891204) on shape 5487 (at arc-length 24174.94m): 119.67m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 3 on examplar trip 44144491 is too far from computed projection point (53.338033,9.891231) on shape 5489 (at arc-length 5144.08m): 118.23m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144490 is too far from computed projection point (53.338079,9.891204) on shape 5490 (at arc-length 18.29m): 119.69m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44144489 is too far from computed projection point (53.338033,9.891231) on shape 5491 (at arc-length 5073.47m): 118.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16750 de:03353:63701::637026 Buchholz, Schulzentrum I 53.337806021238 9.892727738595 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144587 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5565 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144590 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5562 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.26m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44144574 is too far from computed projection point (53.337916,9.891229) on shape 5555 (at arc-length 0.00m): 100.26m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16754 de:03353:96409::9640905 Salzhausen, Schulzentrum 53.218724086466 10.169208533787 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 43990266 is too far from computed projection point (53.218680,10.170016) on shape 6282 (at arc-length 604.99m): 53.98m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 43990265 is too far from computed projection point (53.218680,10.170016) on shape 6283 (at arc-length 0.00m): 53.98m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16779 de:02000:70027:4:700144 Hellbrookstraße 53.591421559473 10.045561558545 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44148761 is too far from computed projection point (53.591233,10.044509) on shape 3650 (at arc-length 622.35m): 72.55m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44148684 is too far from computed projection point (53.591233,10.044509) on shape 3651 (at arc-length 622.35m): 72.55m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16854 de:01055:12386::1 Bosau-Wöbs Abzw. Hörsten 54.064924605995 10.463148574195 0 0
L16855 de:01055:12386::2 Bosau-Wöbs Abzw. Hörsten 54.064924605995 10.463148574195 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16860 de:01003:57706::1 Lübeck Bauernweg 53.870197381627 10.622305982136 0 0
L16861 de:01003:57706::3 Lübeck Bauernweg 53.870197381627 10.622305982136 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16866 de:01003:58085::2 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
L16868 de:01003:58085::15 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16866 de:01003:58085::2 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
L16869 de:01003:58085::16 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16867 de:01003:58085::14 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865936206170 10.670242195328 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 44196207 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2635 (at arc-length 25731.59m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 18 on examplar trip 44196206 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2636 (at arc-length 19621.78m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44196203 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2638 (at arc-length 31256.49m): 126.96m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 1 on examplar trip 44196189 is too far from computed projection point (53.865463,10.670914) on shape 2646 (at arc-length 1534.31m): 68.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44196190 is too far from computed projection point (53.865463,10.670914) on shape 2647 (at arc-length 3400.77m): 68.58m away
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 2 on examplar trip 44196195 is too far from computed projection point (53.865463,10.670914) on shape 2644 (at arc-length 3400.77m): 68.58m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44366781 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2559 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44366790 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2558 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44366759 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2561 (at arc-length 0.00m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 30 on examplar trip 44366750 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2562 (at arc-length 36232.88m): 126.96m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 32 on examplar trip 44366717 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2564 (at arc-length 38545.03m): 126.96m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16868 de:01003:58085::15 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 45127895 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2146 (at arc-length 0.00m): 130.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 20 on examplar trip 45127873 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2147 (at arc-length 28409.16m): 130.77m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 36 on examplar trip 45127892 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2148 (at arc-length 34158.11m): 130.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16868 de:01003:58085::15 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
L16869 de:01003:58085::16 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16869 de:01003:58085::16 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.865846822277 10.670208227099 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44195557 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2673 (at arc-length 0.00m): 130.77m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16870 de:01003:58085::18 Lübeck ZOB/Hauptbahnhof 53.866049781345 10.670474763765 0 0
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 35 on examplar trip 44368145 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2769 (at arc-length 47859.14m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 24 on examplar trip 44368127 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2773 (at arc-length 29586.92m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44367247 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2711 (at arc-length 0.00m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44367251 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2710 (at arc-length 0.00m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44369231 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2709 (at arc-length 0.00m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 42 on examplar trip 44367230 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2713 (at arc-length 43296.36m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 26 on examplar trip 44367205 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2714 (at arc-length 28954.24m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 25 on examplar trip 44368381 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2787 (at arc-length 30144.61m): 110.75m away
ERROR stop_lat, stop_lon Stop at sequence 0 on examplar trip 44368360 is too far from computed projection point (53.866080,10.672163) on shape 2789 (at arc-length 0.00m): 110.75m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16883 de:01003:58059::1 Lübeck Verwaltungszentrum Mühlentor 53.856054534811 10.689303333801 0 0
L16884 de:01003:58059::2 Lübeck Verwaltungszentrum Mühlentor 53.856054534811 10.689303333801 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16885 de:01003:57872::1 Lübeck Sana Kliniken 53.848865943256 10.686111147717 0 0
L16886 de:01003:57872::2 Lübeck Sana Kliniken 53.848865943256 10.686111147717 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 0.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16905 de:01003:58052::1 Lübeck Universitätsstraße 53.839226398303 10.709440032284 0 0
L16906 de:01003:58052::2 Lübeck Universitätsstraße 53.839244575904 10.709425580006 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16907 de:01003:58062::1 Lübeck Vorrader Straße 53.841792009458 10.678579206682 0 0
L16908 de:01003:58062::2 Lübeck Vorrader Straße 53.841791796881 10.678594392150 0 0
WARNING stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 1.00m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16909 de:01003:57901::1 Lübeck Malmöstraße 53.836972506879 10.669149470147 0 0
L16910 de:01003:57901::2 Lübeck Malmöstraße 53.836954334001 10.669163939214 0 0
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.23m away
stop_id stop_code stop_name stop_desc stop_lat stop_lon location_type parent_station wheelchair_boarding platform_code
L16929 000000080026 Bf. Altona 53.551307536800 9.936493406431 0 1
L16948 000000080953 Bf. Altona 53.551307182163 9.936538663657 0 1
INFO stop_lat, stop_lon Stops too close, they are 2.99m away

transfers.txt - 18 WARNING

from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L273 de:03357:23918::1 000000323342 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4042.25 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:03357:23918::1 and stop 000000323342 (distance 4042.25m): 11.23 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L276 de:03357:23918::2 000000323342 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4018.20 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:03357:23918::2 and stop 000000323342 (distance 4018.20m): 11.16 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L25500 de:01060:75257::752571 de:01060:75257::752576 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75257::752571 and stop de:01060:75257::752576 (distance 528.59m): 2.94 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L25501 de:01060:75257::752576 de:01060:75257::752571 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75257::752576 and stop de:01060:75257::752571 (distance 528.59m): 2.94 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L26137 de:01060:75649::34756491 de:01060:75649::34756341 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75649::34756491 and stop de:01060:75649::34756341 (distance 1872.77m): 10.40 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L26139 de:01060:75649::34756492 de:01060:75649::34756341 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75649::34756492 and stop de:01060:75649::34756341 (distance 1879.94m): 10.44 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L29861 000000323342 de:03357:23918::1 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4042.25 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000323342 and stop de:03357:23918::1 (distance 4042.25m): 11.23 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L29862 000000323342 de:03357:23918::2 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4018.20 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000323342 and stop de:03357:23918::2 (distance 4018.20m): 11.16 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L29863 000000323342 000000323341 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4055.84 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000323342 and stop 000000323341 (distance 4055.84m): 11.27 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L29876 000000323341 000000323342 2 240
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Invalid value 4055.84 meters: Suspiciously large transfer distance between stops
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop 000000323341 and stop 000000323342 (distance 4055.84m): 11.27 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L34698 de:01060:75649::34756341 de:01060:75649::34756491 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75649::34756341 and stop de:01060:75649::34756491 (distance 1872.77m): 10.40 > 2.00 m/s
from_stop_id to_stop_id transfer_type min_transfer_time from_route_id to_route_id from_trip_id to_trip_id
L34699 de:01060:75649::34756341 de:01060:75649::34756492 2 60
WARNING from_stop_id, to_stop_id Too fast transfer walking speed between stop de:01060:75649::34756341 and stop de:01060:75649::34756492 (distance 1879.94m): 10.44 > 2.00 m/s

trips.txt - 3 WARNING

route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L39039 9204_3 151 44194931 Bargteheide, Schulzentrum 0 2838 0 0
L39041 9204_3 151 44194930 Bargteheide, Schulzentrum 0 2838 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 164 overlapping days, from 2024/02/01 to 2024/12/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L40807 2249_3 151 44365934 Bf. Ahrensburg 0 2390 0 0
L40824 2249_3 151 44365933 Bf. Ahrensburg 0 2390 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 164 overlapping days, from 2024/02/01 to 2024/12/13
route_id service_id trip_id trip_headsign trip_short_name direction_id block_id shape_id wheelchair_accessible bikes_allowed
L42970 2211_3 151 44186288 Itzstedt, Sülfelder Weg 1 2104 0 0
L43008 2211_3 151 44186287 Itzstedt, Sülfelder Weg 1 2104 1 0
WARNING trip_id Duplicated trips on 164 overlapping days, from 2024/02/01 to 2024/12/13

Validation done at Fri Jul 26 17:29:54 UTC 2024 by GTFSVTOR - Copyright (c) 2024 Mecatran